The Phase

Published on Apr 23, 2022


The Phase Chapter 3

Phase 3

The April Fools party was great.  People coming out.  Elias having his moment.  The truth is the party thing was never really Elias's thing.  His family got into it and he was really good at throwing them but he never really didn't show up until the end of these things.  He's literally one of the last people there helping me clean up.

"Hey you ever find out what happened with Olivia?"

I pause, "Um..."

"She's cheating isn't she?"

I didn't want to lie to Elias.  I wasn't a liar.  But at the same time I had my own issues to deal with.  I'd just found out that I had betrayed my best friend by sleeping with Nina.  Whether I remembered or not I had still done it.  And Gato was actually trying to make it work with Nina.  For once, he hadn't just fucked her and left her like he did with everyone else.   I wasn't going to betray Gato again.

"Listen I don't want to be in the middle of this," I state.

I expect Elias to push me.  I expect him to get angry and even a little emotional.  He doesn't do that though.  Elias was mature.  He was a grown ass man and he acted like it.  I mean everything about him was well put together.  I don't know why I expected anything different than a nod.

"I understand.  I'm sorry to get you involved in this kind of petty stuff," he states.

"If you don't trust her maybe you shouldn't be marrying her," I suggest off the top of head.

I'm actually surprised that I made sense because I'm really just looking for a way to get out of this conversation without snitching on Gato.  Luckily enough Elias seems not to care too much about it.

"Maybe you're right.  She's gone anyway.  You're not though.  You stayed late," he states.

"Yeah, figured the more we got done tonight the less we'd have to do in the morning," I state.

He just starts at me at that moment. At this point the only other people there were Juanita, some guy she was flirting with who was moments away from taking her home and Raisin Bran who was knocked out behind the bar probably waiting for Olivia to come take him home.  He'd probably be waiting a long time because I think Olivia was gone for the night.

Elias looks at me for I swear what seems like 2 minutes straight.  It's the weirdest thing.

"What is it?" I ask.

He's staring HARD at my face.

Elias shrugs, "Nothing.  Just that you're special is all.   You're always there.  My fucking fiancée is gone and you're still around."

He is smiling.  It's awkward.  It gets even more awkward when Juanita finally grabs the random guy by the dick and leads him out of the bar screaming out a "G'NIGHT!" as loud as she can and turning the lights off probably because she was drunk.  We're standing there in the dark.  The only thing that breaks the silence is Raisin Bran's loud snoring.

"That's what I'm paid for," I state.

I start walking away.  Maybe it was best that I went home.  Things were getting really, really awkward between me and Elias and it was happening more often.  I wasn't really liking it.

As I walk away he stops me.  He doesn't touch me.  He runs in front of me and puts his hands out.  I stop.

"Can I ask you a question?"

He has his hand on his head.  He seems confused.

I'm nervous.


I say it not because I want him to but because it would have made it even more awkward to say no.  So I say sure like he's about to ask me if I can work an extra shift.  I know it's not that.  I know it's something deeper.  Elias has a look in his eyes.

"Have you been feeling a little different lately?" Elias asks.

"Different how?"

"You know this thing is going around. This bug.  Uh...what do they call it?"

"The Phase..."

"Oh yeah, that," he states, "You ever wonder..."


I say it too loud. I say it too aggressively.  I protest way too much.  I am so aggressive that he jerks a little bit surprised that I'm so loud and he laughs a little bit.  I wish I could rewind time and sound a little less nervous about it.  I'm literally telling him that I'm lying.  I'm a horrible liar and this is just proving that.

He pauses.  Smiles.

"Hey, we don't hang out a lot.  I rented this boat.  Maybe we can ... you know...take it out sometime soon.  Next Tuesday."


"Sure," I state, "Gato loves the water too.  We can all go."

"Gato might have to work that day..."

"I'm sure we can find a day where we all can go."

I don't give him a chance to rebut.  I shout out a "G'NIGHT!" similar to the one Juanita gave as I walk away.  I'm desperate to get away from Elias at that moment.  It's to the point that I'm almost running.  I might be losing it but Elias was definitely acting more and more weird.   I wasn't going to say anything out loud but I was definitely feeling awkward about him.


I head home and thoughts of Elias are overshadowed by the thoughts of Nina.  I had sex with her.  I hadn't been able to tell my friend and it was killing me.  As I'm walking home I realize that I was going to have to tell Gato soon.  I hated lying period but I could get away with white lies with people I didn't know.  With Gato that wasn't the case.  If it was possibly going to hurt him I needed to let him know sooner rather than later.


The scream comes out of no where.  I jerk my head up alert at that moment.  This neighborhood wasn't the best neighborhood but I knew it well.  So when I hear someone screaming for help I immediately grab my phone and start running towards the person.  I'm ready to call the cops when I realize that someone is being jumped.

Then I realize who it is.

It's my coworker Devin.


I lunge at the group of guys.  They were clearly young.  Definitely teenagers just by the way they looked and carried themselves.  I pin one of them to the ground and realize exactly who it is I'm pinning down.

"Juan Martin?"

My little brother was the one of the guys hitting Devin.   Just when the other guys are going to jump in to try and possibly attack me I see my brother waive them away.

"Ya'll stop."

"What the fuck are you doing out here jumping on people?" I ask my little brother.

My brother looks mad.  He turns towards Devin.  He points at Devin and says, "That FAG tried to hit on me in the store..."

"He's not a fag.  He's my friend.  So shut the FUCK up and go home," I scream at him, "NOW------"

Juan Martin gives me a look.  He gives Devin a look.  That's when him and his friends decide to cut their losses and walk away.  None of them really have a scratch on them.  I wish I could say the same for Devin.  I grab him and pull him up.  His skin is usually really pale white complexion but today it is really red. He looks like a tomato honestly.  His nose is bloodied but thankfully I don't see anything broken.

"I'm so sorry about this..." I state, "If you want to press charges."

"That your brother?"


Devin nods, "Not pressing charges then.  They're kids.  They don't know better..."

He's better than a lot of people I know.  Devin and I always had good rapport though.

"It's this whole Phase thing.  Got everyone out here thinking good people are gay."

"What does that mean?" Devin asks, "Good people ARE gay."

I sigh.

"You know what I mean.  Like he probably thinks you were flirting with him cause he thinks you're gay.  Just because of the Phase going around."

Devin shrugs at that moment, "I am gay."

My mouth drops.  I didn't think I'd ever really met a gay person before.  I'd been around Devin before.  Hell, I'd been around him a lot.  I'd never really thought he was gay.  I had figured he even did something with Juanita.  I guess I was wrong.

"Like GAY gay?" I ask.

"That's the only gay to be," he laughs.

"So wait, when were you infected?" I ask.

"I wasn't infected by the Phase," he explains to me, "I was born gay.  Like from birth.  I've always been gay."

I sigh, "With the phase going around I kind of forgot people could really be----you know----like you..."

I am moving around.  Antsy.  Everything feels a little weird.

"Don't worry," he assures me, "I won't turn you gay if you're around me.  It's not contagious.  At least I don't think.   None of those white coats who study the Phase have said it is passed down from us Original Gays."

Original gays.  I laugh at the idea.  I stand in place.  Devin was right.  I'd always been OK with Devin.  Why get nervous now.  He wasn't a regular gay.  He was a GOOD gay.

"Wait ----so I have a question----" I start.

"What is it?"

All of a sudden the feelings that I had about Gato start coming into play.  I'm wondering now what is natural.  What is unnatural.  What could be the phase and what could be real.   I don't know at this point but I realize maybe I shouldn't be talking about it.


"Listen if you're curious----"

"I'm not FUCKING curious----" I argue back.

"Whoa," Devin states, "I didn't mean it that way...unless you did..."

I shake my head.  Right now wasn't the best time to be talking to him anyway after he'd just been assaulted.

"Listen I'll call you an uber home..."


I end up calling myself an uber home too.  I just need to get back.  I'm beyond pissed.  When I get home I literally grab up Juan Martin and slam him into the nearest wall as quickly as possible.

"YOU SOME SORT OF FUCKING BULLY NOW?" I am screaming at my little brother, "THAT WHAT YOU ARE?  YOU A GANGSTA!"

"That FAG was flirting with me!"


"Let him go," a voice states from the kitchen.

I see my mother walking in.  My mother has her arms crossed.  I'm pissed at that moment that I let him go but I do it by tossing him across the wooden floors towards her.   Juan Martin is pathetic he crawls up and runs to his room.  He's nowhere near as tough as he liked to portray himself in front of his fucking friends.

"Let me tell you what your son did this evening----"

"He told me."

My mother is real calm about it.  Real calm.  Every parent had their favorite child.  It was clear that Juan Martin was my mother's.  They were so self-reliant on one another.  He was needy and she was giving.  Perfect match.


"And what?"

"What do you think about it?" I ask, "What if I didn't know Devin?  Juan Martin could be in jail right now.  He's out of control."

"The Phase is making everyone nervous," my mother states, "No one wants to of those...things..."

I knew she was talking about gay people.  I'm pissed because she was defending her son's actions though.

"So youre saying it's OK?"

"I'm saying people are nervous.  Listen you should talk to your Dad.  He's out working on some Gonzalez properties but when you get home he can tell you that maybe it's not a bad thing if Juan Martin hits one of those people.  Maybe it can help cure them."

"You're joking me..."

My mother wasn't joking.

"You don't watch the news," she repeats in this weird way, "Everyone's nervous about the Phase.  Everyone is nervous."


I leave the house.  I can't be around her. My mother was always real religious.  She felt like homosexuality was against her religion.  She made that very clear, but for her to be more in favor of violence than homosexuality was definitely something I didn't expect.  I need to get away and I end up at the only place I know I can be at a time like this.

I end up at Gatto's house.

Well it really is Mr. Gonzalez's house.  One of them.  The house is quite nice and I have a key.  Not really sure who gave me the key.  I've just always had one.  Maybe that's why when I knock on Gato's door he's not surprised.

"Everything OK?" he asks.

"I need you."

"Come in."

I walk in at that moment and see that there is a girl there.  She is in her underwear and panties looking like she just walked straight off of a Victoria Secret runway.  She is slim.  The kind of skinny model girls that Gatto loved.  And the main thing that I knew was that she was definitely NOT Nina.   It made me feel better seeing him with another girl.  Maybe he wasn't actually serious about Nina.  Maybe I didn't have to tell him what happened between us.

"I can come back," I state, "Let you do your thing."

It's clear they were about to have sex.  Very clear.  I feel awkward at that moment but I'm also pushing it.  The more I can get him away from Nina the easier it would be for me to get over the fact that I slept with her.

"What?  Hell nawl,"  Gato groans turning to the company he had,  "You're my best friend.  Hey girl----you gotta go----"

"Are you joking?"

"Dead serious," he states, "This guy comes before everyone. Period."

When he said period, Gato meant it.  I'm actually not surprised Gato would kick a girl out because I needed some attention.  It hadn't been the first time.   Truthfully it was kind of embarrassing.  Truthfully I wished that he didn't feel like he had to kick everyone else out of his life so that he could have room for me.  Was I THAT one needy friend.  I knew the girl was resenting even coming here in the first place as she gathers her clothes.

She does a walk of shame out of the door and Gato doesn't even walk her to her car.  He was a savage in that way.

But the thing is he was my savage, so I find myself sitting on the bed.

"No juices on here right?" I ask him.

Gato walks over, "No juices.  Promise.  Either way you're my best friend.  If you can't lay in my juices than who can?"

Gato doesn't have a shirt on.  That's usual for him.  I mean I had a decent body but he had an amazing body.  He has on some boxers that cling loosely to him.  I watch as he rolls up the rest of his blunt, lights it up and start smoking before joining me on the bed slowly and passing me the blunt.

"It's not your juices ---it's hers..."

I puff the blunt a few times and pass it back to him.  He leans back, probably not even realizing how his abs cascade when he leans back like that.  His eyes pierce out at the television hanging on the wall. Nothing is on but maybe he's high because he keeps looking at it and then all of a sudden he laughs at though noticing something.

"Oh shit.  I just realized something.  That sounded really, er---a----"

"Right nevermind!"  I laugh making sure to change the subject, "Speaking of gay though.  How about Devin's gay."

"You didn't know that."

"Was that common knowledge?" I ask.

Gato nods, "Ehhh yeah."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I ask, "Why the hell didn't I know?"

"First off it's not your business," Gato explains, "Secondly, you ----and your family, can come off kind of eh----what's the word...homophobic, sometimes."

"Me too?"

"You throw around the F word---"


"Exactly.  You do realize people are offended by that right?" Gato asks, "You shouldn't use that word.  Please tell me you didn't fuck up my nut just so you can break the news about Devin being gay..."

"He got jumped.  By Juan Martin and his friends.  Juan said he was flirting with him----or whatever."

Gato sits up, "He got gay bashed!"

"He was jumped."

"That's a hate crime," Gato explains.

"I know that," I respond, "It's fucking mom man.  She was acting all weird.  Talking about how he deserves it I guess.  I guess---I dunno.  I don't know for sure what she meant."

Gato shrugs, "She meant what she said.  Listen.  I know why you came here.  You're nervous about how Juan Martin is acting.   This Phase thing is getting everyone real weird.  It's not that serious.  I know I'm going to have a talk with Juan Martin when I see him though."



"For being you.   She sent me here to talk to my dad, but I know there is one person who he'll really listen to.  That's you."

Juan Martin literally thought Gato was the coolest man living.   I wish he liked me 10 percent as much as he liked Gato.  I knew that if Gato told Juan Martin the sky was red he's be fascinated by the strange change in hue and go tell all his friends about what Gato said.  It wasn't just Juan Martin.  A lot of young kids looked up to Gato around here.

"He has good taste," he laughs, "Speaking of your dad, he's here by the way.  Upstairs."



"I should go talk to him," I state.

"Wait, I was going to put something on," he states.

I stop and watch as he puts the television on.  I notice what's playing.  It's porn.  Some long dick guy was fucking this girl on the couch.   I'd seen Gato watch porn before.  But then I realize he slowly starts fondling in his boxer hole at that moment.

My mouth drops as I look over and see it.

"What are you doing?"

Sexy wasn't the word to describe what I was looking at.  Gato, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, grabs his dick out of his underwear.  It's only semi-hard when he pulls it out.  The long thick shaft slaps the side of his thigh.  He grabs it and holds it for a minute.

"What's it look like?" he asks, "You interrupted me about to get some.  I'm horny as fuck."

He was very horny.  I can see from the veins almost throbbing to his huge dick.  When it was hard it grew almost to 11 inches.  It was bigger than the water bottle he had on the table.  This is why the girls went crazy.  It was because Gato had the biggest, thickest dick most of them had ever seen before.  The head was humongous too.  A huge beautiful head.  He had the kind of dick people crafted into dildo molds.

"You want me to leave?"

"Why would you do that?  You don't like jacking off..."

"Yeah but---"

He laughs, "Oh don't tell me you're shy around me.  We've done this before bro.  It's us..."

We did it before.  He was right about that.  But we'd done it back in middle school.  In high school things started changing.  He started getting more attention from girls.  He'd never had to jack off.  I didn't have to steal my dad's porn and bring them over anymore.   He was getting his own attention.

But fuck it.  He was right.  We'd done this a million times.

It wouldn't be weird to do it with him.  It'd be weird NOT to do it.   What was the big deal right?

I unfasten my pants.  I grab my dick and pull it out.

"This one is good."

I start jerking off.  A little bit of precum comes out.  It dribbles on his bed but he doesn't seem to mind.  I slap my dick a few times getting it started and getting the blood flowing.  I then spit in my hands but he stops me.

"Here use this, it's so much better."

Gato reaches over and grabs me a bottle of Vaseline.  I put the Vaseline on my dick.  He was definitely right.  Much better.  We are arm to arm.   The only thing separating us is the bottle of Vaseline he's left in between us.

"You're dick is so much bigger than mine," I find myself announcing like a envious little kid.

Honestly I always felt that way.  It just wasn't fair.  Even back in the day before he grew into his looks, he always had this huge monster dick.  Back then we used to tease him.  Elias called him a satyr.  Of course it was his educated, preppy way of teasing him but I guess it was just a smart way to say he had a horse dick.

"I wish mine was actually like yours."


"Yeah look at it," he states, "It's all cute."

"No man ever wants to hear his dick being called `cute'..."

"Listen if your best friend can't say it then who can.  Besides these girls can't take my big dick anyway.  If I had a dick like yours I'd probably enjoy sex a lot more."

"Maybe they can't handle it because they don't know how."

"I gotta find someone who knows how then.  Take this long big, hard dick.  Fuck I'm horny..."

He gets up at that moment.  He is jerking off standing up.  He isn't looking at the porn anymore.  He has his eyes closed.  I'm taking full advantage of this checking out his body.  It's making this jack off session go so much better.

I keep looking at his firm, tight ass tightening as he pulls hard at his dick.

He fondles with his balls making sure they aren't forgotten about.

He bites down on that sexy lower lip of his.

It drives me nuts.

It drives me TO a nut.

"FUCK I'm about to cum!"

"Me too!"

We both cum at the same time but this time it's different.  It's unlike anything I've ever felt before.  The cum is like a firehose.  It's shooting everywhere.  LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.  I try to stop it.  But I can't.  Literally the feeling has paralyed me.  My toes curl up.  I might as well be going into a ecstasy seizure.  My eyes roll in the back of my head.

"Fuck I've never cum like that before," I realize out loud.


I open my eyes.  My body relaxes.  It's Gato.  He's covered in my cum.  Literally it's all over his butt.  He was standing in front of me and it just happened.  He looks back there at that moment and I swear I want to kill myself.  I can't believe.

I get up at that moment and am desperate to clean him up.

"Oh my god----" I state, "I'm so sorry."

"YOU KNOW WHAT----" he starts.

I think I'm in for it.  I wouldn't be surprised if someone hit another guy for actually cumming on them.  We'd jacked off together a million times but I've never drowned him in my cum before.

That's when Gato laughs.  He fucking laughs.  His perfect white teeth spread wide, "If I'm pregnant we are just going to have to get married.  I'm not being nobody's baby mama."

He had a sense of humor about it.

"Sorry Gato, I really am."

"Stop apologizing.  And stop fondling me with that nut rag.  I can do it.  You've already violated me enough," he says jokingly with a smile before adding, "You're stuck with me after this.  You know that.  Because I need to make sure you take this to the grave."

"Wasn't I stuck with you before?" I ask.

He laughs.

He gives me a look and then he does the unthinkable, "Yeah.  Yeah you have a point."

And the fucker hugs me.  He hugs me and I'm so disgusted to have the cum on me that I'm screaming as loud as I can.  It's one of those screams that you do right before you laugh but it doesn't sound that way.  It sounds like I'm screaming for help.  I'm screaming so loud that I hear footsteps run over.  Someone thinks I'm in trouble.

The door busts open and the door busts open.  That's when I realize it's my dad.

He's shirtless.

"What the hell is going on here?" my dad asks looking over at us.

That's when Mr. Gonzalez walks in as well.

"Boys being boys," Gato states, "What's your excuse?"

"What do you mean?"  Mr. Gonzalez says, "We thought you were in trouble.  Your dad recognized your voice and came running."

I look at my dead.  He is quiet.  Real quiet.  Why was he here in the middle of the night?  Gato was my best friend. We had an excuse.  My dad and Mr. Gonzalez just had a business relationship.  Right?

"Those are my stepdad's underwear," Gato states, "I know because of the initials.   He has his initials on everything."

Gato is telling this to me but he says it so his stepfather and my father could hear.  The awkward moment afterwards is intense.  I think my dad wants to moonwalk out of here at this moment but he doesn't.

"Dad...please don't tell me..."

That's when my dad does something that horrifies me.  He grabs Mr. Gonzalez by the hand.  It was worse than we could imagine.

"I was going to tell you.  I was going to tell you soon but now's a better time than ever," my father states, "I'm leaving your mother.  I'm in love with a man..."

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Next: Chapter 4

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