The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 10, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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I roused slowly to the barking dogs. Bob was still sound asleep. I eased from bed, pulled on boxers, sneaked to the den patio doors and found all four dogs lined up and barking at the door. I shhshed them and they stopped, then walked in circles, pacing and I realized it was later than usual and they were likely hungry. I knew the bin and scoop exercise was in the utility room and I filled the large scoop and emptied some in each of the four bowls and returned for another big scoop, sharing some in each bowl to get them fed and hopefully shut up for a few hours anyway. Their water bowls were still filled so I returned inside, started the coffee, then headed back to bed; stopping first to pee and do a quick teeth brushing. Bob was still zonked as I slipped in beside him. My head hit the pillow and I felt a real need to yawn, stretch and snuggle. Bob's left arm encircled me, then he kissed my forehead, nodded thanks and drifted back to sleep. I watched his chest slowly heave and relax with each breath. In no time his snores lulled me asleep and the near-silence was almost hypnotic. We'd sleep for another hour before waking again.

This time it was Bob who woke, found the coffee brewed, the dogs asleep, a few remnants of dog food in two bowls and surmised I'd woken earlier and taken care of those things. When he returned with the pair of coffee mugs, steaming and urged me awake, he also brought along his morning hardon. I was all too happy he'd brought that wake up prod and eased onto my side and swallowed him down. He stood beside the bed slow-fucking my mouth, his left hand behind my head, guiding me for his pleasure. My eyes were closed, lost in the mouth fuck when I heard the night table drawer slid open, then close, heard the pump, then felt Bob's warm hands and slicked fingers probe me, easily at first, then deeper and with greater urgency. I arched my back a bit, still sucking his cock, and as he rolled me he also spun me 180 degrees to now be face up, looking at the man with his scruff and sexy chest, broad biceps and sensual eyes. My feet planted firmly on his pecs as he leaned forward and rubbed the head of his hardon against my ring, easing and teasing me at the same time. My knees flexed and Bob leaned farther into me and kissed me deeply. The thick cock opened me and filled me. I gasped a bit and he slowed entry then resumed and withdrew, then pressed in again, repeating the slow fuck but increasing the depth and speed. My own little muscle knot stretched to eagerly take Bob in each thrust. As his dick base reached my ring, I gaped open and felt his swollen head deep in me. He drove through each ring and seated his dick head deeply before withdrawing and returning. His tongue probed deeper and deeper in my mouth as each thrust of his hardon pushed me closer and closer to hands-free orgasm. Now Bob was chest to chest over me, my legs seated above his shoulders, when he gripped my knees, splayed them wide and began a relentless pounding fuck. I grabbed his pecs, cranked his nips and his piston fuck only intensified. My cock was achingly hard against my lower torso, my balls sagging between the gap of Bob's crotch and my taint, feeling that dull pain of being crushed with each of his thrusts. His fuck now grew stronger and the radio kicked on with Fleetwood Mac's tune "Tusk" blaring strongly in the room. It was surreal to feel him pounding me as the tom tom drums of the tune's rhythm drove home the intensity of Bob's fuck. My eyes began to roll back as the nerve endings in my body convulsed and merged then exploded in pleasure. I saw stars at one point, felt Bob hardon even more then took his massive cum volume deeper than any man before. His fuck continued as he drove cum deep inside and felt the pleasure of his hardon against the soft muscled slickness of my walls. At that very instant I felt my own cock explode and the head of the man, My Man hit my gland with an assault I'D NEVER REALIZED BEFORE. We were both panting from the passion and slowly Bob settled back on top of me, my arms and legs relaxed around him and he kissed my neck softly. His sudden tenderness a dichotomy. We rested a few minutes before he reached for his coffee mug and the remote to kill the radio noise. One more slight kiss then he was up and called me to the shower. There, the big man again took charge, soaped me and my 2000 body parts, before turning over the soap bar to my control. Rinsed free and towel-dryed, we gathered our coffee mugs, threw on shorts and made our way to the kitchen. "At last I get this promised breakfast" I chided; then got a towel snap from Bob and a grin. Fresh coffee poured, I served two glasses of juice and mock sucked a banana then sat at the bar watching my guy prepare his world famous, so he advised, huevos rancheros. I offered to help but got shut down and told to "sit", then "stay" as though giving dogs commands. I did as told; watching the man and enthralled.

I sipped my coffee and reflected on the night and morning. Then the dull throbbing pain in my butt took center stage and I squirmed a good bit, trying to find a comfortable position, before leaving the barstool for a cushioned chair at the small bistro table by one set of patio doors. "Sore" came Bob's query? I nodded yes and grimaced then added, "ya know I like it like rough, but maybe needed more foreplay to prime my pump-housing" and grinned. "Well I'll see if I can adjust the setting next time" Bob replied. "No no, just leave that setting alone and let me get used to it with repeated practice" I remarked. I admired this man on so many levels. He was sexy as all get out; had a hot body, killer smile, hugs that made you melt, a dick that Hercules would have envied, loved animals, was adept in the kitchen or outside grill, had a great sense of design, varied interests and was a business success. How and Why was he solo I wondered? After dismissing my question, I sat watching him finish our breakfast which also included smoked peppered bacon, biscuits, not flour tortillas and both hot salsa and sweet orange marmalade. He was right, world class huevos rancheros!! I cleaned my plate. After breakfast I started my laundry, knowing it would be easier there than hauling it home and such and besides, perhaps I'd have an invitation to stay the night and then I'd have clean clothes for work as well as another bout of fucking and sucking............

By noon Bob raised the question about our day's main meal. I groped him and suggested I already had plans for a main meal. He grinned. I was serious. He suggested a swim and dog play, but also suggested we better wear trunks in case anyone showed up out of the blue. I had my trunks form the week in South Texas so I was legit and didn't need to borrow a pair of his. The dogs were delighted we were playing with them and all 6 of us were in the pool when my cell went off. Another set of cousins were in town for the week and wondered if I had Sunday lunch or dinner plans? I was excited to see them but indicated I had both meals covered for the day and wondered if we might connect Monday or Tuesday night as I'd been out of town all the past week and knew that Monday and Tuesday would be light at work and maybe even get off early Tuesday. We agreed on a Tuesday supper and closed the call with a smile. I explained the family linkage and that I'd had the hots for my cousin for years. Bob said he understood familial lust but stopped short there. I wondered again about this man's history and current status? The dogs tired and we floated around the pool a bit, before climbing out and stretching on the chaises and catching some all too-intense sun. Damn did his wet fur look lush!!! I wanted to blow him there and then but knew better. We agreed on grilled chicken for our main meal. I offered to do potatoes au gratin, which I suddenly learned was one of his favorite dishes, and a large leafy salad. He reminded me of the extra ReddiWhip and strawberries and I suggested a classic ice cream sundae for dessert which went over like a rocket!! We took our time enjoying the sun, prepping for our late lunch, getting in some make-out sessions and dog play; not the dog play I was hoping for, but the 4 mutts enjoyed the attention for sure!!! By 2pm the grill was hot, the au gratin potatoes were in the oven and I was prepping the salad fixins. Bob took the chicken out to the grill and got them going and I wrapped up the inside stuff and set the table. The oven timer went off, I checked the potatoes and Bob stuck his sunburned head in the door announcing, "10 minutes". I scrambled to pull the salad together and serve the potatoes as he brought in the meat, I mean chicken....................................... The meal was filling and so very good and the extra chicken and potatoes meant we'd have at least 2 more meals to enjoy later in the week. I admitted to being stuffed and wanted to hold off on dessert and Bob concurred. After clean-up, we kicked back and both suggested a nap as the late afternoon and carbs ushered on fatigue. We slept silently, cradled together in the dark cool bedroom and got in an hour and half restful nap.

This time it was Bob who woke first, tended to the barking dogs, who aped being starved for affection, then returned to wake me up with a deep throat blow job. Exhausted and drained, Bob led me up and demanded I fix our dessert. I was only too happy to comply, given the recent incredible blow job. While he fed the dogs and refreshed their water, I made our strawberry sundaes. They were ready when he returned and I shot a few squirts of ReddiWhip down my upturned wide opened mouth, which he play-acted mock embarrassment. The desserts done, we settled into the heavy leather sofa and watched a Masterpiece Theater, disturbed by a call to his cell, nodding smiles, agreement, thumb and finger circles in mock J/O motions before suggesting a meeting the following Friday night and agreement that he'd do the grilling. Raising my hands in a "what gives" motion, Bob walked passed me to the kitchen and announced that Jared was bringing a new beau du jour over to meet US next Friday night and for me to clear up my schedule.

Next: Chapter 10

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