The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 8, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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Thursday morning came with a bang. The sun rose even earlier and we all knew the Summer reality in South Texas would make this one a scorcher!! By the time we loaded u and got to the rig it was already 82 at 6:30 a.m.

My balls still ached from the phone sex workout that Bob administered. For a fleeting moment I imagined being in his bed Sunday morning as he made us the promised breakfast. I'd climb up, hit the shower and show up just in time for chow and coffee. The dream was interrupted by the rig manager introducing me to his nephew, who'd be on-site today, getting in some OJT with their firm. Chris was a college senior who'd graduate in December, then work full time at his uncle's employer. The tall sunburned stud was an eyeful; at about 6'2", black hair and those deep blue eyes, revealed as he shed his aviators when we were in the job trailer later that day, soft but very masculine voice and line of fur along his throat were the tip of the iceberg. When I got a chance to scope out his crotch, the bulge set off to the left, was heavy and pronounced and made my mouth water and hole throb. His uncle, Jack made it clear that we all would use that gift card tonight for margaritas, no ifs ands or buts about it. "OK OK OK you're the boss" I said laughingly and holding my arms up in self-defense. "Sounds a winner to me Unc" came Chris' rejoinder. Now I knew I'd really enjoy those ritas... I let Joe know the guys were on their own again tonight for chow as I was meeting with the rig manager and would likely be late, "and socked up too amigo" came Joe's response and a wink. I punched his arm and shook my head in agreement. The day broke for lunch and at 101 it was a real scorcher. Jack called me to remind me about heat stroke safety for me and the crew, as the actual temp this afternoon would hit 105 at least and made the heat index of 115. I shared those precautions again with the guys and pointed to the large coolers of iced bottled water and iced bottled `Gatorade'. "Don't fuck around stay safe guys" I made it loud and clear. The sun shade overhead screen and huge shop fan running on the generator made all the difference in the world out here on the south Texas coastal prairie in this heat!! The workday ended, I begged off to grab a shower then join Jack and Chris. We agreed on a time to toss back a few ritas and then left for the motel and a welcomed shower..

The steak place was busy but the bar off to the side of the entry doors was not. Chris and Jack waved me in and was clear they'd downed about ½ a pitcher of the frozen gold and a third of the nacho appetizers on the table. I was hungry and thirsty and as they already had a glass plate waiting for me, poured a cold sip and nabbed some nachos for my plate then enjoyed the time away from rig talk. Another pitcher arrived and more nachos, this time rib eye nachos that were incredible; or was it the several glasses of margaritas numbing my tastebuds!!! Jack excused himself to pee and I got a better look at his crotch in jeans vs the baggy workpants he wore on-site. Heavy crotch duly noted I filed away for future J/O fodder. Chirs and I downed a couple of shots and ordered another round before Jack returned, not wanting to leave him out of the drinking game. After the 4th pitcher of frozen gold, we all were feeling no pain, the nachos had long since vanished and this time it was Chris' turn to pee. When he stood, I found him wearing baggy cargo shorts and was clearly freeballin, and his crotch bulge to the left was really showing off. I so wanted to grab a handful of Chris meat, but controlled the urge. I knew I was passed my limit and when Chris returned, begged off "that tomorrow was a workday and this cowpoke had to mosey on back to the bunkhouse". We laughed, shook hands, thanked Jack again, offered cash for the night, but got declined and lef the uncle and nephew working on another pitcher. Wow they got monster nads to put away the juice like they had I thought as I climbed int eh truck and headed to the motel.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw the hunk Jared knocking at my door and gave a quick honk as I pulled into a spot, one away from my room. He turned, raised a six pack, minus the one he was swigging down, and motioned for me to hurry up. Clearly more than soused I staggered to the door, he braced me as I fumbled with the card key and we went in and I made a passive effort to appear sober. He shoved me aside claiming he had to piss. The bathroom door open, his major stud stream echoed loudly in my ears. I kept reminding myself Bob, Bob, BOB and tried to control my urge. Having seen Joe's crotch earlier today, then Chris and Jack, and the ritas and the heat and now Jared, could I, would I restrain myself? Jared returned, insisted I join him for a cold Lone Star and I thought I might hurl so begged to hold off a bit and related my after work drinking party with a rig manager and his nephew. Jared winked and urged more info and oh by the way, said he'd heard from Bob, as he grinned big time. I was stunned!!! "I respect yall got to connect and am golden with that bro" Jared added. "No reason for me to horn it, though I'd like to tap that fine ass of yours" he continued. Again, I was stunned. "Bob says you're a good guy, he wants to know a WHOLE lot better, and if that works for yall, you just might not find a better guy to have a life with" Jared closed; downed another brew and encouraged me to catch up with him, again holding up the now dwindling 6-pack. "But if you ever end it with him, you keep my cell brother and give me a shout and we'll take a damned fine ride, no strings attached" he closed, gave me a huge hug, turned and left me standing, dazed AND drunk. I phoned Bob, related my day, admitted to being drunk, missing him, Jared's visit and again being drunk and can't recall much else, even now. I know our call ended on a good note, hearing his great laugh, no doubt at my expense. When I woke about 1 a.m. needing to piss like a race horse, I was still fully dressed and sore as hell. I gulped down a handful of Aspirin and mega glass of water, then fell asleep again after ensuring my alarm was set.

Friday morning came too early AND WITH a huge hangover headache. Joe was on my cell as I tried to focus and get his plan that he'd head out with the guys and for me to nurse my sore head if I needed to. I thanked him but said I was about to head out the door and needed to hit McDonald's on the way if they beat me there. I did, gobbled down the pair of egg mcmuffins and the large cup of coffee and arrived about 15 minutes late. Jack and Chris met me with a tall coffee and all three of us bemoaned our sore heads but admitted to enjoying the hell out of the night before. After thanking Jack again I joined the crew, reminded them of tis being D-Day BUT not to forget heat safety. Joe came up and said his best guess was that they'd wrap up by 6 or 7 that night and wanted to know how I thought the rig manager might be with that timing? I told him that it'd be fine and knew that Jack wasn't a hard ass about this time schedule, but that I'd cover it with him to be safe. As I suspected, Jack was good and asked if I wanted to repeat last night at the steak place; but I crossed my arms again in self-defense and begged off. I did say I'd take a rain check and if we ever worked together again, the drinks were on me. We shook in agreement and went our ways. The day wrapped, the rig shut down and scrubbing done, we headed back to the motel for a good night's shut eye. I thanked the guys again, they all wanted to hit the bars to celebrate and did so. I decided to invite Jared to supper and he accepted. "You sure brother, no strings here, unless you want `em" he grinned and tilted his head. "Nope just supper, rib eye ok" I posed? "Hell yeah" he responded and we agreed to meet at 8:30. At the steak place I hauled out my cell and called Bob as we were eating. Handed the cell to Jared about mid-meal and they laughed back and forth. I pretended to be coy; but couldn't pull it off. After coffee, we chatted a bit and at 10 left to head back to the motel. I fell asleep so soundly, I didn't even wake to pee during the night. Saturday came along with the wake-up alarm and a much improved awareness than the foggy Friday morning. Packed and truck loaded, I settled the rooms and thanked the desk clerk for the stay, added a tip and we all got on the road. After a quick drive through at Shipley's Donuts, our convoy was en route home. I phoned Bob and gave him my eta. He encouraged me to come there vs going home and we could have that Sunday morning breakfast, albeit a bit delayed. I agreed eagerly!!!

Next: Chapter 8

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