The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 7, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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We pooled truck resources Monday morning and got to the rig. Joe and I met the rig manager, got the set of keys to their utility truck and headed back to their service yard to drop off Joe, then went to Auto Zone and paid for the injector and overnight delivery; before returning to the rig. That round trip shot almost 3 hours of the day but at last we were back on track. Joe suggested he and the guys work an extra hour or two over Monday night, to help cover his absence Tuesday and maintain the schedule. I agreed and offered to stay as well and had already decided on pizza delivery for the crew when they got back to the motel. Joe would tear down the F-350 Tuesday morning while waiting for the injector, then get on rebuilding it after the injector was received. With any luck, he might be at the rig by 2:00 or so. I'd ordered 4 pizzas en route back and they arrived within 10 minutes of the crew hitting the motel. Damn were they ready to eat BIG TIME!! No pool time, just pizza and beer. We were all beat and had little to say sitting around the picnic tables with pool and motel lighting brighter than the faint hint of sunset that remained. I ate fairly little and made my way to the room, again passing the railroad crew that I was on waving and smiling terms with at this point. There was one big bull in particular who somehow looked familiar but knew I didn't know him or had met him, but still, something there. I needed ice and after getting my bucket from the room, returned to the ice machine next to the bull's room to fill it before settling in for the call to Bob and a shower. Facing away from me was the big hulk of a guy with the name Adkins on the back of a bright yellow tight T-shirt. The name stretched across his shoulder blades led me to think it was some team sort of shirt and not a work shirt. Hearing me, he pivoted and there face to face I read the Tshirt front- Yellow Lab Rescue Club. I could have dropped to my knees; flashing back to the Jarvis Adkins I'd met at Bob's a week ago. We shook hands, introduced each other, he suggested I get the little ice left as they'd be scarfing it up early before they headed out in the morning. I nodded agreement, then paused and put the question; "do you have labs", nodding to the Tshirt front? "Naw shirt is my bro's back home" came Jared's reply. "Well I'll be damned if I don't think I met your bro, is it Jarvis, just last weekend" I added. "Yeah, you met that peckerhead old bro of mine; you musta been dickin around with them dogs he rescues, eh" came Jared's response? "Well I met him at another member of the rescue club's house, a guy I got pet sittin my greyhounds" I closed. "That Bob Carrens you mean" Jared posed? I grinned, then looked astonished, "yep it is, small world eh"? "Yeah that Bob's a good guy, not like the dick of a bro I got" Jared added. We laughed again, shook hands and I begged off to my room. I had Bob on the cell, soon as I closed the room door with this report.

I was stripping down while talking to Bob and relaying the meeting here. Bob went on to explain that Jarvis and Jared were in fact older/younger brothers and that it was Jared who had introduced Jarvis to Bob several years ago. Bob added that Jared was a senior at Tech, played football and was star QB when he took a major hit that damaged his spleen and ended his college and any chance at a Pro career. Bob went on to add, Jared's a stellar top guy, and that he and Jared used to tag team a pair of bottoms in Galveston!!! I was speechless. Laughter took over the conversation at Bob's end as he posed the question, "so have you two hooked up yet there boy"? I admitted, "Bob, Jared is a fucking bull, but my loyalty and connection thus far is to you; but uh you know we don't yet have any commitment and have to admit being hot for him; especially now with this new info". Bob offered, "I'll be happy to call Jared if you want and give the green light his way, if you'd like me to; we still touch base and brow beat Jarvis now and then and like I said, he's a great guy and spectacular top"? Bob went on to add, "he only lives about 10 miles down toward Freeport from me and has been over for swims and steaks when he's home". The silence was like a vacuum and my heart was pounding, but got out that not here, not now and that we'd talk about our future when I got back home. He agreed then urged me to get a shower. It occurred to me that Jared's shower and mine were back to back. An odd fantasy played out in the shower that night!!!

I heard the convoy of railroad crew trucks powering up, then heading out before dawn. My dick stirred as I was dressing. Our Tuesday routine began as planned. I and the crew were at the rig, Joe was tearing down the F350 and waiting to hear from Auto Zone. The boss called to get an update on the injector repair, the rig progress and crew disposition? I assured him all was on track in spite of the truck problem, laid out the rig manager's good will gesture, loaning us a utility truck and that the guys had worked a couple hours over Monday night to cover Joe's absence today. Boss suggested I get a $25 gift card for the rig manager as a Thank You and I told him I'd cover that later today at a local steak place we'd heard good things about, from the rig guy himself. All covered, the boss ended the call and I got back at it. About 1:30 heard from Joe that he was done and was just going to test drive it, then head to the rig. I explained the truck dance we needed to do that night and the gift card idea. We'd hand off the gift card Wednesday morning when I returned their keys, after getting their truck back tonight. When Joe pulled into the rig lot, he was shirtless and those big pecs and biceps were taut as all get out. That furry treasure trail was more than gay bait and when he turned that patch of soft fur in the small of his back sure set of a rumble in my crotch. He looked tired and you could tell the heat had taken its toll on the hot Latino. "All good boss" Joe smiled. I gave him a thumb's up and he got to working his rig chores without missing a step. End of day came, we headed back to the motel. The guys set off to their own meals, Joe took the utility truck keys and I followed him to the rig manager's service yard. On our way back I thanked him for stepping up to the plate, offered steak supper since I wanted to get the gift card and he accepted eagerly, only then admitting to having skipped lunch while working on the truck. It would give me a few more minutes with the hot stud and fuel for a major J/O session after talking to Bob when I got back to the room. We had rib eyes and baked potatoes, got the gift card and returned to the motel. The guys were downing a few last minute Lone Stars at the picnic tables and I waved a good night and escaped to the quiet of my room. It wasn't long while in the shower, that my cell phone went off. Drying off I saw it was Bob and answered to give him the day's report and find out about his day. He was impressed we'd been so lucky about the repair and agreed the gift card was a cool idea. He went on to ask about Jared and if we'd made any "contact"; which I negated? We had a great visit, the dogs were, he was horny and even though tired, I made the call well worth his while!!! It wasn't long after saying good night, that I was sound asleep.

Wednesday's key and gift card hand-off to the rig manager was a real surprise for him. He suggested we maybe grab a meal there before we wrapped up and I encouraged him to use it on his own time, since he would be there long after we left. He insisted that we grab a margarita at least before the job ended and I agreed. He was a nice enough guy but not a turn-on for me. We'd planned an update meeting that afternoon and I really felt the job would run through Friday, but wanted to get a better idea as the day wore on. At 5pm, we held out meeting, confirmed my Friday end of day target completion and he reminded me that our target turn around was 7 days. I agreed but reminded him that our 1st work day was Saturday, since last Friday had been a travel day, at which point he agreed to the seeming extra project day. On my way to my room, I saw a crowd in Jared's room; `another card game I thought' and as soon as I stepped in my room, Bob was calling to report that Jared had called him, asking about my story? They had a good call and he filled Jared in on my interests. Bob again encouraged me, "he's interested if you are buddy". "I'm good Bob, let's keep US on track for now" I replied. Our phone sex was outrageous and he denied my orgasm for almost an hour, until I thought I'd torque my cords if I didn't cum. The final release was dizzying and I saw stars when I shot off!!!

Next: Chapter 7

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