The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 6, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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The week was a busy one. Bob and I spoke a couple of times about the upcoming weekend plans and think we both were excited about the time and activities in store. Thursday afternoon rolled up and my boss calls me to tell me there's an emergency shutdown by one of our major clients at a rig in South TX and he's sending me and my crew down there for the week. The office was making motel arrangements for the 7 of us right then and for me to line up the crew and supplies then head out Friday morning. `There go my fucking plans' I'm thinking. I need to leave Friday morning, so no real downtime or time to plan much with the dogs or Bob. I called him, it went to VM and I explained the sudden callout, apologized for the spoiled weekend and asked for his dog sitting services, if he can fit me in? After lining up my crew, I wrapped up the equipment and trailer arrangements, got the motel info from the office and appropriate paperwork, then sped home to throw clothes together for the week. I was almost home when my cell rang. It was Bob. "Mark, I made no plans other than being together" he began, then "and the dogs are good and I'll come get them at your place to save you time and stress", I really thanked him then ended the call. Bob actually beat me home and was parked in the driveway as I pulled in towing one of the job trailers. It was awesome seeing him and I beamed as he greeted me, and I apologized again for the fucked up schedule and my filthy clothes/uniform. Bob again said he understood and for me not to worry about the dogs or the weekend that we'd have others ahead as we walked through the garage and inside. I stripped inside the laundry room as usual and he headed through to the dogs and began playing with them, telling them they were coming home with him and giving them treats while I started the clothes washing then hit my shower for a quick clean up. Embarrassed that this new man in my life saw me in my work grunge. "That's a bang up job trailer you got" Bob remarked as I emerged from the bedroom, "your truck ok hauling it"? "I replied "yep the big trailer is hauled out by an F-350, one of the crew will be bringing". "How many on your crew" he asked and I replied "7". We'll be down in Del Rio at a Motel 6 somewhere I explained but will have my cell fi anything goes wrong and gave him a card for my vet, whom he knew of so no worries there. Bob followed me back in the bedroom and helped assemble a travel bag and toiletry bag, then went to answer the front doorbell, there were voices and as I was slipping on shorts, he hollered "pizza's here". I was floored, stopped in my tracks that he made the effort to order pizza delivery well, I just shook my head then met him in the kitchen, as he set out the pizza and plates. "You are an amazing man Bob, and one I could get really used to being around" I shared. "I'm really a dick, but figured you could use the help packing, with the dogs and with chow on short notice, so hope a chicken pizza works ok" he offered? "Yeah you're a dick alright" as I grinned and grabbed his crotch. It dawned on me that I'd missed lunch so was more than a little hungry and we easily polished of the large pizza. I stretched, headed to the bedroom and was recapping the plans with my new bud, double checked my gear and luggage, stretched again as Bob came up behind me, wrapped his arms about me and gave me one of his signature bear hugs. "Think you'll need this" I turned and he squatted below me, tugged my shorts down, then swallowed my dick and gave me one of the best blowjobs ever. He deep throated me, worked my nips and balls, gripped my glutes and pumped my hips against his face, all the time working his magic tongue from base to head like a madman. My knees locked, hands gripped his head and I rose up on the balls of my feet and shot long thick ropes down his throat; at which point my knees began to quiver and I almost fell back on the bed. Finished, he stood up, gave me a deep cummy kiss and we stood swapping my slick between our mouths as he cupped my glutes.

Bob had to leave to take care of his guys and I hated seeing him leave, but knew that fact and that my guys would be safe with this new man in my life. After treats and hugs goodbye, they jumped up in his truck cab as if telling me they were ok with this guy and for me not to worry. I double checked my list and luggage again, then set the alarm and crashed. I tossed and turned and the last memory was of Bob's blow job. The next instant it seemed, the alarm was screaming at me and I got up, poured my coffee got dressed and headed out for the shop; met the crew and got our three truck convoy underway. It would be a long drive with these trailers and I figured an 8 hour day just to get down there anyway; before checking in at the Motel 6 and settling in for the night. I knew Shelly had set up a single room for me and the crew would share 3 rooms for the 6 guys. At least I'd get some privacy for the week ahead. We stopped a couple times for fuel and food and arrived at 4pm. Once settled into the motel, Joe the F-350 driver and I made a trip out to the rig site, to see what we were facing and get a clear idea of the trip and any trailer problems we might face. We got back at 7 and the guys were ready for supper so we hit a local steak place as the company always treats the crew to a 1st night meal as a little token of appreciation. There were plenty of other eateries nearby; pizza, Whataburger, IHOP, to name a few, so we were set. We'd get a 6a.m start Saturday and the drive out would take an hour, so I urged the guys to get a good night's rest. When I got back to the room I called Bob and recapped the day, thanked him again, asked about the boys, then we had hot Hot HOT phone sex before I turned in.

The night was a bit rocky. The motel is an operations base for railroad crews doing track repairs and upgrades nearby. Their heavy duty dual track vehicles line up like popsicles on a freezer shelf at night and Friday night they were coming in full force. Some evidently travel from farther away and get in later than others. With my room being at the end of the one leg of the motel nearest the street, I heard every gear shift and conversation it seemed. At least the summary orgasm from Bob's phone sex, helped settle me down. I had a fleeting image of crews of horny guys dropping by my room for head, before calling Bob and those rowdy horned up railroad guy images disappeared. Saturday morning I met my crew in the lobby to load up ice and get water and more coffee. We headed out to the rig site, got set up and staged before getting organized with the rig manager's efforts. The heat built steadily and the dry winds caked our body sweat as even T-shirts seemed to crackle from movement. The 12:30 whistle blew, well not exactly but it was lunch time and we dug into our Igloo "Playmates" for chow and cold drinks. I'd packed mine with turkey sandwiches for the added protein and limited myself to one bag of chips, after downing my 3 turkey sandwiches, the chips and 16 oz of iced water it was time to get back at it. The first day was always the worst, since you lose time getting staged, orientated and underway, then lunch and then before you know it, sunset and time to head back to the motel. I was looking forward to that damned pool and just hoped there weren't many families and all their kids taking up valuable pool space!!! And if there were, hoped the dads were at least prime J/O material? What was I thinking, I had a hot as fuck guy in my life, then my other "dick self" jumped back in my conscious brain to remind me that I was a gay man always on the prowl for dick. I squirmed in the bucket seat, tugged my crotch and reflected on Bob's good bye blow job. As soon as I hit the room and got stripped for a shower, I called my guy to catch up on his Saturday, check on my boys, remind him how hot the phone sex had been, then discuss the rig and the day. My crew had already decided to cook sausages and potatoes on the grills underneath the trees by the picnic tables, if they were free and had invited me to join in. I wanted to just spend time with Bob but also needed to bond with my crew. They were critical to this job and I knew not to jeopardize that bonding time. After ending the call and hitting the shower for a long, warm dick session and orgasm, I emerged, tugged on swim trunks, grabbed a towel and rounded the corner for the pool and picnic area. I passed a couple of rooms of the railroad crews, evident by their trucks parked outside each room. A few chest shots flashed as I passed each room, as they were ending their workdays as well. I reached my crew, welcomed the offered iced Lone Star brew and when done, made a beeline for that pool. Three of my guys wore trunks and filled out their crotches well. There were 4 families around the pool, but only one dad that caught my eye. I reflected on Bob and stemmed the hardon that threated being labeled a perv, if I emerged from the pool at the moment. Joe, my F-350 driver, called me to eat and I waved, felt my dick safe for the pool exit, climbed out of the relaxing water and made my way to a picnic table of food, chips, salsa and more icy Lone Stars. I returned to get an easy float in before heading back to my room. Several of the railroad crews were heading out to eat and I got to enjoy more than a few crotch shots in the process. Damn I thought, who does their recruiting; then rounded the end of the building and disappeared into the cool darkness of my room? I grabbed the cell and called my guy back. I learned that Bob had eaten, given his charges their treats and gotten them settled down for the night and that it was time for some bonding and treat time of our own. The phone sex began again and played out a similar routine, leaving my dick hard at once and deflated post-orgasm, later. "How can you do that" I asked? "What" came Bob's innocent reply? "Don't play Mr. Innocent with me" I accused. We both laughed and agreed the phone action was exceptional!!! I'd begun to drift off during the call when Bob woke me and suggested I shut it down and that Sunday would be waking me soon enough. I thanked him for reminding me and asked for yet ANOTHER raincheck for a Sunday breakfast? He laughed again and extended his offer. My dreams flashed between railroad crews, Bob and the couple of guys in my crew and that pool dad. I jacked off three times before the 5:30 alarm forced me to drag my horndawg self, up.

Sunday morning came way too early it seemed; but once up and about, the day was a carbon copy of Saturday, aside from being more productive, since we didn't lose set-up and orientation hours. That evening again was punctuated with a recap call with Bob, update on the boys, he relayed the fact he'd sneaked one of my dirty Ts out before he left, to give them my scent as a bit of comfort, and I admitted to needing his scent, which of course led to another bout of sizzling phone sex. After a quick shower, I made my way to the pool area to catch some fading sun and fresh air. I dozed off by the pool, and when I woke, found only a vermillion haze of remnant sunshine. I had begged off supper with the crew and after waking, now ached and made my way back to the room. One room of railroad guys had their door open, were playing cards, and waved as I walked by. I returned the wave, quickly scoping out the four hunks in the game. Again I asked myself about their recruiter???? Smiled and escaped to my room to shield my developing hardon. I was just about to strip for another shower when the knock on the door startled me. I opened the door and found Joe standing there, invited him in and learned that one of the injectors on the 350 was misfiring. He needed to get to an Auto Zone or a dealer and that might fuck the schedule. While we had positioned the big job trailer the F-350 hauled to and from the sites, it was also the vehicle for getting part of the crews and heavy gear around. It was still early enough and we located an Auto Zone, but they had no injector in stock. They indicated it could get ordered and delivered by Tuesday morning, if we could wait until then. We agreed, they ordered the part and reconfirmed the delivery for Tuesday by 10 a.m. That meant Joe would spend the day on the truck repair and off the job site. I phoned our boss, gave him the news, the update and plan and he agreed; then I called our rig manager to give him the update. I thought there might be some pushback but he surprised me by offering an extra utility truck of theirs for Joe to use and help ferry our crew and heavy tools about and that he'd get me the keys 1st thing Monday morning. The problem solved, Joe left and I watched that butch-assed Latino head down the walk then vanish around the corner of the building. WTF was I thinking, he's a crew member; my motto, my motto, `never get your meat where you get your potatoes' then returned to get my shower and a J/O session about Joe!!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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