The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 4, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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After disengaging from that long, throated kiss, Bob urged me down, like there was a real need for him to show me who's boss.. I took his bag in my mouth, felt the weighty balls on my tongue and the still chlorine crotch brush my face and nose, then licked under his bag slowly, drawing my tongue along his thick scrotal seam. I used the tip of my tongue to stroke up and down on that long bag, then to the dick base, probe the spot where the dick rises out of the scrotum and then up along the now-throbbing erection to his head. The slick was pulsing precum AGAIN and I tongue-swiped it a few times to prod more flow. Bob stroked the sides of my head before guiding my mouth down deeper and urging me to swallow his DAD DICK fully. In one very slow swallow, his dick settled in my throat and I used my expert throat muscles to swing on the fine ALPHA cock!!! I wasn't sure how long I'd have to enjoy this dick, but wasn't about to pass up any opportunity I was given. Bob held my head steady, then began a steady face fuck, slowly at first then gradually increasing speed; control of my saliva flow to keep his cock lubed in my throat; drawing his cock almost all the way from my mouth, then driving in again. The full weight of his hard dick now pressed my tongue flat and my throat hole wider with each plunge. The bull headed dick took control of my brain and those mouth, tongue and throat muscles, designed to deliver maximum pleasure to a dick. Repeatedly Bob would gain speed then slow almost to a stop before ramping back up in speed and/or intensity. I loved surrendering to him. And while no slut bottom for any dick, I knew when I WAS A MAN'S...........................

Suddenly Bob slowed and pulled back, the stream of precum hung between his dickhead and my tongue like a silver strand. At once closed and lost in the throat fuck, I cut my eyes back up to his as though asking if I'd done anything wrong. His grin reassured me and his cantilevered hardon held the promise of more to follow......"Not again,,,,,, yet" his sole expression. I blinked, slowly stood and this time wrapped my firm arms around this man and slowly tightened like a boa. Bob wrestled my arms open and splayed my arms back against the wall, resuming his control of the scene and assuring me that if I didn't already realize it, this was his house, his dick, his show and I was for his pleasure and enjoyment. I blinked agreement, silently as he kissed me again with that expert tongue, that probed and stroked me and to which I could only surrender.

Bob led me to his bedroom, settled me on my back, then climbed atop me; engulfing me with his torso, arms and legs. At first, my instinct was to surrender to him, then my own machismo roused up and I grabbed hold in an ever gripping bear hug. He responded to that strength with his own and locked me tighter in his embrace. I was pinned beneath him and both our dicks raged hard against each other. My squirm to maneuver him in my grip was met with his equal force to keep me in place. Again his reinforcing moves were calculated as a chess game. My desire to please, to give in was countered by my own desire to challenge and prevail. The turmoil within only increased the tension and my own desire for this man. The dogs set up a real ruckus outside which stalled Bob's plan of action and he stood, crossed the hall to the front bedroom and cussed, "damnit why now", retuning to grab on some shorts and telling me to "dress PRONTO and hit the hall bath then come out in a few" and he headed off down the hall, before I heard another set of voices begin a good ol' boy conversation in the distant kitchen. My hardon raged, then after assessing the situation, threw on my shorts and T, hit the hall head as my dick relaxed from the excitement. Damnit I recalled, my shoes were in the den. I waited a bit then made some half-assed excuse to have been in Bob's bathroom and returned to the den, claiming it was time to head home. Standing with Bob in the kitchen was this hulking BULL. Bob introduced me to Jarvis Adkins, one of Bob's vendors who was also a Yellow Lab rescue guy, as was Bob. They were engaged in an upcoming fund raiser discussion, as I emerged from the hallway, and Bob made a quick intro and explanation and I went off on thanking Bob for the great meal, swim and visit and would claim my two rowdy guys from the yard and look forward to him kenneling them when I was away at work in the near future. Jarvis made no indication he planned to leave anytime soon and I felt it best for everyone, if I just moseyed back to my place and settle down anyway. As I was gathering Max and Baron into the truck, Bob stepped out to send me off and apologized for the busted wake up breakfast plans, but that he'd completely forgotten the fund raiser meeting that he was supposed to host that afternoon; since I showed up. We shook and I climbed in the truck, backed away and made my way out to the highway, paused and saw a few more trucks arriving that had Yellow Lab Rescue stickers like the one I noticed on both Bob and Jarvis' trucks, wondered if all these other guys looked alike and what an orgy with them would be like, then merged into the highway traffic heading home.

It was about 8pm when the cell rang. Bob's name flashed boldly. I answered and he began his apology at which point I stopped him and reminded him that I was all good and "you aren't getting out of that breakfast offer THAT EASILY". We both laughed and I continued "and by the way I do a decent set of bacon and eggs too"; he replied, "yeah you sure know how to handle meat". Again we laughed and made plans for Sunday, after breakfast though, as I was already planning to mow the rest of my place, after tackling part of it earlier today when I got back home from Bob's. We agreed on a late breakfast and then I suggested he bring his guys and come to my place instead, and that while I didn't have a pool, I did have porn. He jumped at the idea except he wasn't bringing the dogs, they were used to him being gone for the day and he "didn't want to have their routine get spoiled". I guess I understood and after telling him I had everything we needed and no reason for him to stop at a store, we agreed he'd show up about 10, giving me time to finish mowing and clean up. I spent the next 2 hours cleaning house, bathrooms, kitchen, figured I'd wash the sheets in the morning and remake the bed, so it was fresh. I had plenty of towels and just swapped them out for fresh ones after cleaning the baths. Fuck dusting and vacuuming, after all I didn't want him to think I'd really gone out on a limb to clean up around the place. LOL

The dogs woke me as usual. Got them fed, got morning coffee down and through on some shorts, wrapped up the mowing and stowed the mower in the shed; came in, showered and "cleaned up" and remade the bed when I heard that hefty F-250 pull in the drive. I headed for the garage through the kitchen and laundry room, when I damn near knocked him out as I opened the door to welcome Mr. Bob. He wasted no time gripping my waist and plantin a big kiss on me, right there in my laundry room. I responded and gripped his arms, removing them from my waist and reversing his arms behind his back, but ever so gently. The kiss turned into a long crotch grinding production.

We finally separated and I poured him a cup of coffee, then gave him the nickel tour, ending in my room. "Fresh sheets I see" he grinned at me. I pretended to ignore it, but grinned back. "bet there're fresh towels in a bathroom too" again he grinned mischievously at me. I just rolled my eyes and head and we both chuckled then returned to the kitchen. "Hope the bar's ok to eat at for you" I asked, then continued, "or could do the little breakfast table if you prefer"? He shrugged no preference, so I set out the plates, glasses, silverware, condiments and was about ready to pour some juice and get the flour tortillas, eggs and bacon out, when Bob opened the back door and in rushed the boys to see their new friend. The pair of Frisbees hung beside the back door, he looked at me "you mind" nodding to the Frisbees and I shook my head nope and went about getting breakfast underway. I figured on huevos rancheros, so got the eggs mixed and veggies diced to add and loaded a pound of bacon on the rack in the oven, then tossed the tortillas over the stove grates to begin their searing. I stalled the eggs until I got the bacon flipped and about the time they were crispy, poured the eggs in the cast iron skillet and we were off to the races. Bob returned to get a swig of juice down, poured another cup of coffee and watched me quick step the rest of the breakfast together. When I had everything ready he stepped behind me, gripped my waist again and kissed the back of my neck and whispered, "this looks great, you do a real good spread". I turned and kissed his cheek and nodded "outta my way comin through" as I began transferring everything to the bar. The boys stared at us through the glass door for a bit then decided to go chase something like a blade of grass in the back yard and left us to our meal. "Hope this isn't too spicy for you" as I pushed the salsa jar his way. "Just fine" his reply as he spooned hefty amounts of salsa on his eggs. We began in silence and then slowly opened up the discussion about why I was solo? I explained my rig work didn't exactly lend itself to a relationship since I was on the road a lot and often away on jobs for several days sometimes. That segued to the dog sitter need on occasions. "So how long a time has it been since" he went on; "you mean since I got fucked or sucked dick" I interjected; he shook his head no, and continued, "since you had a partner"? I replied point of fact, "4 years". "And in between, do you have some regular fuck buds or just one nighters as I can't believe you just have been fistin your dick for 4 years", he questioned? "Actually" I went on, "used to get lucky on Craigslist until it went away and met some good guys there and set up some off and on hook-ups for a good while, and not a social media freak so no Growler, Grindr, Facebook, Tumblr sort, so yeah mostly", and I made the mid-air J/O sign. "How bout you" I posed? "Today's about getting to know you Mark and maybe next weekend we can talk more about my history, if that works for you bud" and he squeezed my knee. I grinned, nodded yes, realizing there might be a next weekend, and finished my plate and juice, asked if he was ready for seconds, which he accepted eagerly. As we ate seconds, we batted ideas about the day back and forth and I suggested we could take a drive or just watch vids, etc and that I wasn't hosting any fund raiser event or other similar plans, grinning as I said it, at which point Bob punched my shoulder then pulled me close and just peered in my eyes, before giving me THE MOST sensual kiss ever!!! My dick throbbed, balls ached and well, beyond my nips popping against my Tshirt, my ass was stirring big time on the bar stool.

He helped get the dishes rinsed and loaded in the dishwasher, then remarked, "you know I didn't expect your house to be, uh this, uh; style". "You mean you didn't think I'd be this far in to mid-century modern" I replied? "Yeah, you really go for that look and I'm guessing have got big bucks invested in this stuff " came his response. "I've bought pieces over the years and yeah, some has cost me big time" I closed and led him to the Barcelona Couch, sat him down, leaned him down onto the rolled pillow and snuggled in close. His arms wrapped around me as I nuzzled his chest. Our down time was brief. My dick strained at my cargo shorts and seemed Bob's was equally at attention or trying to get there beneath those clothes constraints. I squirmed down his torso, unbuttoned his jeans, worked my fingers in his shorts to find his meat forced downward against it's curve and leaking. Sliding farther down to the side of the couch I freed the beast and slowly sucked the head, twirling first just my tongue and then my entire mouth round and round the swelling cock and swollen head. Working his jeans and shorts below his glutes, I was able now to give him the full mouth attention he deserved and pressed forward deep throating Bob and staying buried in his crotch with his dick lodged in my throat. I loved the stretch his cock gave my throat muscles and the rhythmic up and down cock worship had him moaning and shifting against the leather couch in no time. I worked at getting his orgasm with a vengeance until he suddenly stopped me; holding my head firmly in his hands and uttered "not yet baby", then eased me away, spun and sat up on the edge of the couch, before standing and tugging up his jeans and shorts to lead me down the hall to the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 4

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