The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 2, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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Please forgive my oversight, name's Mark Daniels and you already know I work for an oil rig swabbing company. Just turned 30, stand 6', weigh in about 180 on a good day and 185 if I chug too many beers on hot Summer days, had a couple of relationships, but they went south, sometimes due to wanderin eyes on both our parts and sometimes, just ran out of road....Oh yeah, like most blondes, pretty smooth with decent squared pecs and popped out nips, a little treasure trail, leadin to my pride and joy, 8"x6" big ole headed dick and pair of soft hangers that always seem to need drainin. Back door's damn good too, did rodeoing some, calf roping at first, then some bronc bustin til one busted me good and knew my bronc days were done. Those long days of rodeoin though, put a fine little cowboy butt on me that got me some attention and not only at Gay Rodeo events, but bars, on the street, shoppin malls, grocery stores, WalMart, well you get the `picture'.

That Bob man was a DADDDDDDY!!! Knowin he was divorced, I wasn't about to presume anything, but sure was wishin it..Max and Baron sure were getting along with Bob's Beau and Bud. Bob Carrens was a fit, well-muscled but not gym bodied, middle-aged man. The salt and pepper closely cropped haircut, capped off his rugged, sun and wind worn face. Creases at the edges of his eyes, showed great years of smiling or years of glare. The hairy salt and pepper chest, abs and arm hair made my dick throb and when he pivoted to close the door, that butch ass was a big time tease this early morning hour. His offer of towels to dry off, afterwards, well that made my legs tense and relax more than a few times. I guessed him to be about 6'2", maybe 220#, showed a nice bulge in his khaki cargo/swim trunks with a USMC T-shirt that stretched across those flat pecs and showed off his thick nips. Those dark tanned legs were butch and covered in that same salt and pepper fur.

In addition to bringin out towels, he hauled some plates, knives, forks and two big assed potatoes and small Igloo container of butter, sour cream, etc so we wouldn't have to go back and forth inside. My iced cooler of Lone Stars would keep us hydrated in the heat. I was gonna count on Bob to keep me well,..........hydrated...................................!!! We threw on the steaks and potatoes, played Frisbee with the 4 dogs and next thing you know his two jump in the pool, mine went in right after, not really knowing what they'd just done. WE laughed our butts off watching the hounds dog-paddle, looking for the steps to climb out. We both were sweatin after that Frisbee play, yanked off our shirts and I think I caught him give me a once-over, and know he caught me checkin him out. We tended the meat and potatoes and got the dogs fresh water, then we sat at this huge-assed picnic table under a big sunshade and Bob ramped up this shop fan on wheels and the wind was blowing. Sweat was still outlining both crotches but the wind the fan stirred up, was a welcome relief. The meal and conversation was great. I learned, he was 47, had been an inspector for 15 years, prior to which he was a construction manager and also taught construction management at a local community college for ten years while he was married. He didn't offer anything about his divorce and I didn't pry. I did make it clear I'd never been married, had done some rodeoin, that I went to the same community college at which he taught, though years apart. I sure was feelin no pain by the time we finished chowin down and needed a nap before headin home. Bob suggested we either get a swim in or go inside to cool down and let the meal digest, then grab a swim, givin me ample time to sober up. When I stood, BANG, felt the Lone Stars both kick my head and my bladder and I asked about a head; Bob pointed to the garage door, so figured there was a ½ bath there handy and made a beeline for relief. As my stream was pouring out, Bob passed the bathroom door and told me to come through the kitchen and meet him in the den, that the dogs were ok outside playing. When done, I steadied my rocky head and managed a few steps to the kitchen door, then made my way with a few swerves into the high-ceilinged den. "Pick your poison" Bob directed, then went on "Sports, Mystery, dogs, cars, trucks, boats, porn"? Not wanting to jump the gun, I opted for cars which I thought might be safe and he pulled up some car auctions which captured both our attention. An hour into it, Bob kicked back and suggested we switch hit and watched a mystery; which we enjoyed. Fortunately, the seating was leather since we were still in swim trunks, though the heat had begun drying them some. Damn he looked hot shirtless and my jock didn't control the hardon in my trunks too well, so I sat mostly and accepted his offers of chips, dips, soft drinks or more beers. After one mystery ended, I leaned my head back while Bob called for bio break and left the room. He woke me clearing his throat. I stirred to see him standing and nodding down at my crotch, where my dick was tented out big time. I went beet red and apologized and made some lame assed excuse that beer prods my kick-stand and we both laughed. Again he cleared his throat, and suggested we catch some bi porn which brought it all into focus for me!!! Bob announced this was one of his regular favorites, and proceeded to call up "Neighbors Swing" from his saved media. A set of neighbors get to know each other really well and after dinner one night, and a late night swim, agree to "explore" each other's spouses. From "switching" the video progresses to creampie lust and the hubbies lap out the fresh-fucked spouses. Bob was groping himself and suggested I get comfortable if I needed to and offered lube or anything unless the video was turning me off. With that, I openly displayed my swim trunk crotch and hardon. "I'm getting ready to shed these if you need to do the same bro" came Bob's advice and yanked off his cargo shorts/trunks. His thick veiny cock swung out from his torso and dense salt and pepper crotch and that heavy fucking bag of nuts seemed pasted to his right thigh. He slowly worked the bag off his thigh and lightly thumbed his dickhead. About the time I realized my jaw was hanging open, was also the time I jammed down my trunks and jock, freeing my boner and the rush of cooler room air stirred me up even more. I tugged my sack with my left hand and slow stroked my dick, with my right. "Lefty here" came Bob's reply and noticed his hand actions were just reversed. The wives in the video were both getting dick from the opposite husband about this time and I caught Bob tug his bag away from his body and stretch it long. His bag tightened and his balls glowed deep purple in the late afternoon sun and video light. My tan line clearly defined my work gear and my bag and blonde crotch were no match for Bob's GEAR... I gulped and excused myself to hit the head again and this time Bob steered me to the hall bath versus the previous one in the garage. The hot stream was pouring out my dick when my new sidekick Bob stepped in beside me and asked to join in. I shifted a bit to the tub and continued the long drain as his heavy bull dick began a major piss. I'm not typically pee shy, but knew I'd met and succumbed to my match with Bob. "My brother and I used to have piss matches as kids and teens" admitted Bob, "and often can't resist a good pissin match". Our beer piss filled the commode with brilliant gold, then we returned to the "Neighbor" video that was on pause. "Oh fuck yeah, watch this badboy hubby next" he directed me. I watched as the one hub worked from the other's wife, out of her pussy and up onto her hub's dick and began to slow suck it clean. "Damn that turns me on" he said. "Dude if I need to split, I'm good to drive now bro" I admitted. "Hell no way bud, stay and watch the finish, it's fuckin hot", came Bob's reply. The video went on to have one hub maneuver the wives into a fem 69, one hub started butt bangin his wife who was up on all fours, when the other hub takes a long hit of poppers and steps up into the back of the butt bangin hub and begins dickin the other hub's ass. When the top hub gets his hardon past the other hubs butt ring, the two guys kick it good. The pair of 69ing wives both start cumming and sorta roll aside, giving the 2 hubs ample room to get it on. The bottom hub ends up on all 4s as the top hub is long dickin the hell out of his neighbor's ass........................One wife starts deep throatin the hub getting fucked and he can't hold off much longer, turns to the neighbor bangin his ass and utters "close bro, VERY.............................................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", grabs the wife's head and hammers cum down her throat as his bud gets ready to bust his nut up the neighbor's ass. With that both Bob and I are blowin our own nuts and firin cum geysers up in the air coating both sets of our abs and chests with super sperm. Bob slowed down and was panting hard. I dropped my head back against the chair, still fistin my dick for every last pearl drop. "FUCK ME RUNNIN" I exclaimed. Bob added, "told ya that was one of my faves bro". "So now we swim or shower off this mess" I asked? "Need those towels for damned sure now I guess" Bob posed? I just nodded yeah, unable to move. Suddenly I had the urge to piss again, made my way to the hall bath and posed to Bob, "You up for another pissin match bro"? "Always came the reply" but this time he capped my butt cheek with a hard hand slap and I instinctively tightened both glutes. "Nice" his reply and we stood side to side fillin the bowl again. I swear that pissin echo from that bathroom reminded me of those tiled restroom echos when a bunch of guys would be pissin in those trough urinals. As I finished I began to step back and Bob's arm came out and around me, pulled me closer and grabbed my glutes, this time he kissed me deep as he finished a couple of hard last piss shots, then wrapped the other arm around me chest to chest. With the pissin and kssin done, Bob suggested we grab a quick swim, asked if I had any overnight plans, which I did not, asked if the dogs would be ok eating his dogfood, which I was sure they'd chow down and then what did I want for breakfast? I gripped his hangin cock and responded "this for starters".

We separated, and Bob set out to get a couple of clean dogfood bowls for my two as we prepped feeding the four canines. Seems all four were hungry and chowed down in their respective and widely separated feed bowls. No need to tempt fate at this stage. I had such a feeling of ease and comfort standing naked beside this man as we watched our guys devour their dry food. Still, we stood alert waiting for the dogs to finish eating before relaxing our guard. That done, they ran off and played, sniffed each other again and did their business out in the back yard then all came running back to us for approval and "treats". "Here's what mine get, are you ok giving it to yours" Bob asked? I grinned and nodded approval as Bob reached in the box to dole out treats to his and mine. I'd watched Max and Baron warm up to Bob over the day, and the treats just cemented their acceptance of this new man. I was certainly eager to accept this new man in my life as well.

Dogs and treat tasks completed, Bob again turned his focus on US. His big hands gripped my waist and turned me to face him. I scratched his chest some, he tweaked both my hard nips and our dicks responded equally. Then there was that kissing he did so fuckin well...................

Next: Chapter 3

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