The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 15, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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The guys were busy with the dogs again and didn't know we'd returned. Pete and I quickly stashed our shirts, pants and even the funny white and red visors we'd found as well as the candy treats. We were putting away the groceries when Jarv came inside, greeted us with a big hug each and another grope of my butt. I flexed it for him, teasing but knowing that without Bob's ok, I'd withhold giving up my tail to this big bull and not cross the line or risk what Bob and I seemed to be building. I sent Jarv out to heave the dog food bags from my truck to the storage room and it was about that time Bob and Jared joined us in the kitchen. J & P hugged, did some kissin and mock humping and then turned to us who remained locked in a serious but sweet hug. Jarv came in and claimed the loser since he was left out, at which point Jared opened one arm to his bro and welcomed him to join in a group hug. It was disgustingly amorous!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

I nodded to Pete who set about laying out the plans for a late afternoon meal, followed by a surprise movie and more. The guys let out hoops and hollers when Pete mentioned "more".!!!!! and then added "None o that nonsense ya hear, we're goin strictly by the book, no hanky panky" at which point Jared announces, "Bob you still got that membership in Boys For Hire"? We all broke up laughing and then I peered at Bob, "you better have cancelled that fuckin membership, ya hear Me Bob Carrens"? Bob saluted me and grinned and again we all laughed.

I suggested Bob get the grill ready in a bit as we were gonna have grilled chicken breasts and showed him the thick slabs of breasts we found at the grocer. "What else" he queried and then showed him the sweet potatoes for oven roasting and huge bags of romaine mixed with other greens and tomatoes, then opened the freezer to show half gallons over several different ice cream flavors for dessert to flesh out our menu. I got a pair of thumbs up and another slow bearish hug. "Pete and I have a treat planned for tonight after the meal, and no, it's not a strip tease". "OK OK" Bob said walking away. I asked Pete if he was up for a swim after the long drive and hot discussion and he was all in for it. The dogs were happy to see me and Spike was all over Pete. Jared asked Bob if he was expecting any of those Lab Rescue types, saying it with mocking and deliberate condescension, and both Bob and Jarv shook their heads no, then Jarv added "most have gone to a group picnic in Clear Lake for that fund raiser". "Great" Jared added, "skinny dippin allowed" and dropped his shorts and dove in, followed by the dogs, Pete, Bob and then me. Pete popped up, nodded for Jarv to walk around to the stairs and stripped off his shorts and underwear as the hulk stepped slowly in the water. I was astounded when his dick swung free of his boxer briefs! Bob swam up to me "put your eyes back in their sockets boy" and swam away. I grinned and splashed water at him. Pete remained close to Jarv just in case he needed some help as his balance was still off and he wasn't able to swim with his broken arm yet so he sort of floated about. Jared was a dick and swam up behind Pete underwater then tugged him under as a mock drowning. Pete surfaced gasping and choking water, when Pete used his good arm as something for Pete to grasp and hold onto. Hold on he did, as well.

We had a great swim, relaxed and after about two hours I announced we needed to get the grub cookin so Pete and I headed inside while Bob and Jared got the grill loaded fired up. Jarv needed help from the pool and getting dressed and Jared was there for his bro. Bob broke out 3 beers for them and they sat under the large shade umbrella adjacent to the covered patio with the ceiling fan on high. "Our tired gladiators" Pete whispered to me in the kitchen. "We need to plan our movie night set up dude", I announced to Pete, "we've got to get those Cokes and Barqs root beer bottles in the garage fridge and make sure we've got plenty of cracked ice for drinks as well in the outside freezer". I began outlining the night to Pete; "Here's what I've been thinking. After we eat, we'll send them outside and claim we're cleaning up the kitchen and they need to spend more time with the dogs. Then we'll quickly set up DVD player in the den; and the candy array, cups and ice, Coke and Barq's bottles, ice cream options, scoops, spoons and bowls and hang a small Concession Stand all on the bar, then we'll go get changed into our visors, red/white striped shirts and black pants and have tickets ready to hand them as we call them in". Pete added "so that means we got to get on the signage now and cut off tags and open the bags of stuff so it's all ready, but how are we gonna keep the ice cream cold, unless we move it to the inside freezer here in the kitchen"? we both nodded agreement and took turns cutting off tags, opening bags of candy etc and then getting everything staged. About an hour later we figured the guys were done with the dogs and we couldn't stall any longer so we called them in for the movie. As they came in the patio doors, attired in our best movie staffer gear, we handed them tickets, directed them to the concession Stand for their choices, served up their beverages and took their tickets in exchange for seating. Pete had the big flashlight from the garage with the high beam, to use as an usher and led them to their seats. We had a lot of fun with this charade and the guys laughed their asses off and squeezed ours in the process. Once all were seated, we hit play and our Director's Cut, with none of the Coming Attractions ads, went straight to the "Star Wars" opening. Our cut was from the first release, so after the 20th Century Fox highlight and blue lead-in text the BOLD STAR WARS appears on the screen and the guys broke into applause. After a couple of brief bio breaks/intermissions, the move ended and we got BIG HUGS and SQUEEZES from our guys.

Bob suggested the three stay the night and surrendered our king bed to the guests. They accepted and after bowls of ice cream, they made excuses to grab showers and hit the sack. I paraded in with fresh tubes of lube "just in case" and grinning shut the bedroom door behind me and joined Bob in the front guest room. We took a quick shower in the bath with some tender and teasing kisses, toweled off and made for the sack. The queen bed in the front room was fair sized for us and we settled into a warm hug and thank you kiss for each other. "That was a really great surprise you two threw for us" as Bob whispered and nuzzled into my ear. "My uh OUR pleasure Mr. Carrens" I replied, then added laughingly "and what's this Rent Boy for Hire membership"? The kiss resumed and deeper this time while that roving right arm and hand tugged my left glute and fingers probed my tight knot. Bob's touch is like magic and that furry chest only amps up his appeal. Soon he rolled me onto my back, lapped and nibbled my nips, eased his thick fingers to my ring and pressed THAT BUTTON, as he gnawed my nips more aggressively. In one fluid motion, he raised to his knees, shoved my legs back and spread my trench, diving down in the boy-hole. His expert fingers splayed me wide, that tongue lapped and wet me really fast. Back on his knees, as he continued spreading my legs, I grabbed chest hair and tugged it away from his pecs, then cranked his nips as he slow stroked his hardening dick. That full flow of pre-cum covered his head, I stroked it, gave a taste "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" then guided his head to my wet ring. Bob leaned into me and his head pried me apart as he began a slow kiss and fuck. Knees bent, my heels spurred his glutes urging him deeper and faster "dad". He bit my lower lip, slid deeper then pulled back a bit before plunging ever farther in my slot. I love the way he fucks me and that thick dick base really gives my hole muscles a workout, another reason I love doing my squats to keep those muscles in shape for my guy and his pleasure. I was getting lost in the fuck and Bob controlled our pace, taking me up the sensory charts and then slowly back down, before repeating the drive of ecstasy back up the scale. His bites to my neck and shoulders like a male cat always drive me crazy and increase my fuck needs and responses. I was getting close and we both knew it, when Bob slowed, then withdrew, slapped my glutes and flipped me to a doggy position right at the bed's edge. Looking back at Bob standing beside the bed, his thick cock wet and extended from that dense crotch and his furry body, that soft grin as he gripped me open and eased forward, I closed my eyes and eagerly awaited that drive I know was coming. At the first touch of his dickhead, my ring flared to his touch and then he pressed home and drove about half way, before pausing, pulling back and repeating the rhythm. His pace was slow and teasing and we both knew his pace would ramp up in no time as he knew I was at the edge already and I felt he wanted my orgasm as much as I needed his. The feel of his pulsing cock in me as he shoots is awesome and I can never get enough of that sensation, nor the fuck work that leads to it. I love the way Bob rubs my back as he screws me, then grips both my shoulders and holds me in place when we're doggy and he long dicks me intensely. Reaching under my own crotch, I rubbed my fingertips under Bob's balls and scratched his sack, teasing his taint and feeling the heavy weight of his balls as his fuck intensified. "Wanna feel you come baby while I fuck you, need that hot hole of yours in spasm on my dick as you bust your boy nut" he urged through clenched teeth and picked up the pace. I could only moan deeply as he plowed harder, deeper and faster. Then that ultimate position as his hands moved from my shoulders and under my throat, tugging my head back, arching my spine and lower back, giving him deepest access and length to screw me passionately. I gurgled softly `'cumming'' and clamped my rings tightly on his thick cock and began my own ritual orgasm. "That's it boy, work your hole, give it up, get your nut cuz you're about to get bred boy" he responded and then felt that fantastic hot flow and thick pulsing dick fill me full of cum. Bob's pants and his cumshots were always a real boost to my ego, that this guy wants me and takes me just as I am. His grip on my head relaxed and his cum completed, he leans forward onto my back, kisses my neck and spine and settles onto me for rest. I love the feel of his body weight pressing me into the mattress. His kisses continue to my neck and ears and I wiggle my butt back against his crotch as further proof of being his guy. His wandering right hand slides under me and scoops up my cum off the sheets and he tastes it then shares some as we kiss, before he scoops up more and feeds it to me off his fingers. Well fucked and now fed my own cum, is this porn or what?????

We snuggled softly after a quick clean up. My glutes and quads were still throbbing from the hard doggy fuck, even now as I lay on my back. I was surprised as Bob rested his head on my chest; something I'm the one usually doing after we fuck. I stroked his head and he murmured approvingly, turned and sucked my right nip, reached my crotch, squeezed my balls easily then murmured again and we feel asleep.

Still soundly asleep, when there was a pounding "get up you fucks" on the bedroom door as Jared bellowed in the hall, followed by "yeah rise and shine boys" from Jarvis. It was Sunday morning, I yawned, Bob rose, took a piss, tossed me a towel and tugged on his shorts and headed out to our guests, leaving me with a major hard-on. Another Sunday morning breakfast to prepare. Groggy-eyed I came into the kitchen and found the 4 guys huddled over their mugs of coffee peering at me like a lone salmon in a tank of sharks. What would the day bring?

Next: Chapter 15

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