The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 14, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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It was finally time for Jarvis to go home. His at-home Physical Therapy would continue for a month, other than that, he limped, had some stability issues and his truck was totaled, but he was almost back to his original status. During the hospital stay and subsequent rehab, Jared and Pete had really been there to help out with Bob's home chores, bills and of course, regular visits as well. Several of the Lab Rescue members had come to visit; which really helped diversify the people, their energy and stories that prompt his recovery. Their visits especially increased when Jarvis was back at home.

Soon after Jarvis got home, he asked Bob to pick up some steaks, etc and invited all of us over for a grill session, sort of Thank You. While he'd repeatedly thanked us, this was his personal gesture of appreciation and we all agreed to join in. Bob and I picked up the groceries on the list and showed up about a half hour before Jared and Pete. The cleaning lady had been there and made the place ship-shape. We all took time getting the food together, while Jarvis and Bob got the steaks on; mine first of course so it grills well-done. We ate, then Pete and I cleaned up the kitchen and before too long, Bob joined us and went on "the guys needed some time together so I broke to come help you two in here". "What's up I there" Pete asked? "Unsure but they were both in tears so I bowed out for a bit" Bob replied. At that moment, Jared called Pete into the den. Bob gave me a hug as Pete headed off to the J&J guys. There was a long quiet, followed by a burst of laughter and then quiet again. I was dying to know what was going on and as I began to ask Bob a question, came Jared's call for us to join them. When we arrived in the den, we found Jared and Jarvis flanking Pete, their arms wrapped across his shoulders. When Jarvis began, he again thanked everyone for their care and that "he had apologized to Jared and then to Pete for his past narrow-mindedness and for his past hostility toward gay guys". He continued welcoming them and "you two guys in my home at any time day or night". We five then did a group hug. As it was Friday night, no one had work and Bob and I bid everyone good night and made our way home. I was exhausted by the time we got home and begged off sex. Bob agreed and we slept like new puppies.

As usual, Bob's cell woke us and as usual I made my way to the dogs and got coffee ready. Standing nude in the kitchen after my morning piss, I had a sense to slow jack, sorta milk my dick easy. "Better stop that and throw on some shorts, the guys are headed this way, all 3 of them" Bob announced. "OMG are we a boarding house now" I chattered back as I grabbed some shorts from the dryer? "Don't know but Jared says big news BIG BIG NEWS" he hand mouthed. I turned on the second Bunn carafe plate to warm up and as the first one finished dripping and I was beginning the second, the guys came in the garage entry door. Spike' scampered inside and was led immediately though the kitchen and out to the patio with the other 4 who greeted him with barks and playtime. We sat about downing our first mugs of coffee as Bob asked, "so ok what's this news all about that you had to wake us from our morning plans'", then added "just jokin"? Jared began to tell what happened after we left last night. With this I noticed that Pete had now edged closer to Jarvis a bit, knees touched and all the lights in my head exploded to the ON POSITION and I couldn't contain myself, "yall had a 3 way"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jared stopped in mid sentence, his mouth fell open, Pete and Jarvis' eyes bulged wide and the silence in the room was deafening.

I thought OMG had I fucked up the guess and it was something totally different like Spike learned how to sit or something mundane but cute? I looked at Bob, he grinned slowly and added, "that's it isn't it, Jarvis you old dog you finally decided to join Our Ranks" and stood, walked to Jarvis and gave him the biggest hug imaginable. He then moved to Pete and lastly, Jared where there was another monumental hug. Bob spoke softly to Jared, "I am so happy this has happened and yall have closed that gap, it's just the happiest time for the best folks I know". Pete and I hugged before I turned to hug Jarvis. He took the liberty of squeezing my butt, and I was ok with it, especially after the recent months he's suffered. Noone shared more details but at my insistence, Pete would later recap the night's events.

"This calls for a MAJOR SATURDAY MORNING BREAKFAST" Bob declared! It would give me time to get to Pete and tell him "I want details and not sparing or summary ones either". He grinned shyly and nodded yes but added, "later". "Huevos rancheros and bacon good all round" Bob posed? With resounding agreement, Bob then advised me to "get the salsa underway boys, to me and Pete". He pulled the egg carton out of the fridge, 16 left that would do it at 3+ per person and began his planning; pulled the peppered slab bacon out and began thick slicing it, allowing 4 per person would use up the slab. Jared and Jarvis sat at the bar watching the kitchen furry. Pete and I chopped tomatoes, onions, peppers, parsley and cilantro while Bob whisked eggs, Mexican white cheese and crema heated the griddle, layed out the slab bacon slices, then hauled out his huge cast iron skillet for the eggs. He deftly added all the fresh salsa mixture to the eggs he was scrambling and folded them easily. Pete got dishes and such out to stack for self service while I poured OJ and brewed fresh coffee. None of us in the kitchen mentioned margaritas or tequila sunrises, etc and neither did Jared or Jarvis. No need to tempt fate and turn anyone into an angry drunk. Last things out, I opened the pack of 20 flour tortillas and threw them in the heated oven as Pete poured some salsa in a bowl and grated cheese for toppings. In no time, breakfast was ready. I couldn't help but wonder about Jarvis' dick and Jared's both pounding Pete!!! The meal ready, we served up our plates, took seats at the bar while I poured coffee all around and began mine at last. Bob began by raising a glass of OJ, "guys, this really is a great day and I salute all of you for making a real bond of love happen". Cheers filled the room, as well as smiles. I sat between Bob and Jarvis and felt his knee pressure to mine. At first I moved away, but after it happened again, I kept my knee in position and finished my meal.

Breakfast done, kitchen cleaned up, it was now very sunny and the heat was building. Jared and Jarvis went out back, turned the water on all the dogs while Bob, Pete and I watched chuckling, when Bob added, "they're playing like kids". Pete added "I guess like they used to, but not for a long time". Bob resumed, "that sight has been a long time coming and just glad as fuck it's happened on my watch". Bob then joined the guys in the yard, playing with the dogs. "Look at `em playing like they were grade schoolers, having just found the fun of hoses", Pete and I broke out laughing as I then pressed, "you know you have to tell me ALL dude, when the right time permits, but just tell me this one did they both fuck you"? Pete nodded yes and rubbed ass, gently. "OMG dude you are ONE LUCKY FUCK" I punctuated with my index finger to his chest. "I'm guessing it is going to be a full day here and we need to plan for a movie and lunch or supper, ya think" I suggested to Pete? "Sounds great to me, both my Js like sci-fi and especially that original Star Wars flick from the 70s" Pete replied. "I think we can pull it in online and watch it on the den's big screen and do popcorn sorta like a movie night, so maybe we plan on a late lunch so we're not cramming a meal and popcorn together" I added and then, "I've got some other ideas for movie night as well, let's plan on a WalMart trip for some things, then hit the grocery store on the way home"? Boldly Pete and I ventured into the arena to do battle with the gladiators. "OK you hulks, Pete and I have come up with an idea that includes a late lunch and movie night if that sounds of interest" I posed? With nods of approval, Pete and I disappeared for the morning errands.

"We have to hit the feed store for dog food, but we'll do it last, just remind me, so let's hit WalMart first, then the grocery and lastly the feed store" I outlined. "I know you want details and we'll have some drive time to get em out" Pete shared. "Once yall left, we three sat in Jarvis' den and he began by telling Jared how much he appreciated him being there through all this and then turned to me and reiterated how much it had meant that I was there supporting Jared and how much it meant for me to help out around the place when I wasn't `blood'. Jared sorta bristled as he made that remark, when Jarvis jumped back in and said I don't mean that in a negative way, understand me, attempting to calm Jared back down. It made me realize how wrong I'd been about being gay all these years and what a good thing you and Sam had and now have with Pete". Well the room was almost like a vacuum as Jarvis went on, "it made me realize a couple of things, I'm a fucked up divorced single redneck with no prospects for remarrying and maybe it's time I recognized that there IS another way to live and IT ISN'T all bad and evil and what you two share IS something that is real and valuable and loving. I admit to being hypocritical but want to change and this ordeal has made me realize I can't change alone and want to reach out to ask for help from the two of you. Will you help me with this change"? "Jared stared at Jarvis for a few minutes in silence, my throat was dry, Jarvis blinked, leaned forward and took Jared's hand to shake it I thought, but nope, he kissed it instead. I sat stunned, not knowing what to do or would happen. Jared tilted Jarvis' head to his and holding Jarvis' head, moved in and kissed his bro softly at first, then with more energy. I stayed put, when Jarvis reached his long arm and big hand around my back and pulled me into the now 3-way kiss. "Mark, it was so fuckin romantic I couldn't believe I was part of this and thought any second I was gonna wake from a dream or a director was gonna yell "CUT" to stop the action.

We arrived at WalMArt and gathering our list said to Pete, "you have to continue but we need to get this shopping done". Once inside, we bought a pair of red-white striped button shirts and tight black pants, like movie staffers wear, several bags of pre-popped popcorn, a set of different big bars of candy, several bottles of Coke and Barq's root beer (Jared's favorite), disposable cups and straws, wandered to the office supply area and found a roll of tickets, then on an off chance, hit the video section and found a Director's Cut BluRay version of the original "Star Wars" movie in case we couldn't pull it down on the net. We giggled as we loaded our buys in my tuck and headed to the grocery store as Pete continued. "Well Jarvis and Jared broke apart and both began kissing either sides of my neck, worked off my shirt, Jarvis asked if I was good and was he doin ok, I nodded yes Yes YES, moaning as they explored me and turned me on big time. I was so horny by then and my dick was leakin like a faucet. Jared guided my head to Jarvis' crotch to ensure I knew he was ok with me doing his bro first. As I bent over, Jared eased me off the sofa onto my knees on the floor and worked my shorts off as I was opening Jarv's fly. I gently rubbed my face in the beefy crotch and felt the cock throb in response. Jared told Jarv to stand up and as he did, I tugged his jeans down and got face smacked by that heavy uncut cock. He was even thicker than Jared and I was amazed, stared at first then helped him shed the jeans so he was free of getting entangled by them. Once done, I swallowed slowly at first and heard Jarv suck in air like it was the first blow job he'd ever had. Jared began teasing my ass, nibbling it, fingering me, then ate me slowly and deeply, prying me apart and finger fucking me at the same time I was deep throating or trying to, his brother. Mark I tell you dude, it was a slow motion porn scene if EVER there was one. Jared spoke to me, telling me what a good boy I was and Jarv echoed that observation and began to slow face-fuck me, holding my head just like Jared does. I was swollen and wet by this time and only Jared remained dressed as we broke off and headed to the bedroom and Jarv's Cali King Bed. Jared stripped down as Jarv lay back on the bed, legs spread and in an instant I was doggy going down on him again; Jared rimmed me until I thought I would climax then and there. I was so hard I hurt. Jared mounted me and that flash of two brothers in me almost caused me to nut. Jared slow dicked my ass, opening me as he always does slow at first, then picks up speed for that great long dickin. We stayed that way locked as they loaded me with bro dicks until Jared announced he was cumming and as he blew in me hard, Jarv shot his wad down my throat in silence. I glanced up to see his eyes closed as wave after wave of his cum flooded my well-stretched throat. Jared collapsed on my back forcing me down on Jarv's torso, my face turned against his furry abs. We lay there in silence for a long assed time and I wasn't sure about moving anyway as again that sensation of trapped between two brothers filled my mind's eye". By now we were at the grocery store and I was so fuckin hard not only did I ache, but had to use a cart as a shield to hide my boner. Pete grabbed a cart for similar shield duty. In record time we bought groceries, loaded them in the truck and headed to the feed store for dog food. Pete and I both agreed that the hot teen who loaded the dog food in the truck was a hunky dude and wanted him hot and sweaty and right in of his jeans. Pete then continued the saga as "so after a long break, Jared gets up, takes a leak and gave me and Jarv a chance to make sure we're still good; which we were. Jared returns showin off that awesome dick that had just pounded me beyond passion and I rolled sideways and there was my boy dick still hard and needy. That piss sounds like a winner Jarv announced, rolled outta bed and in a flash was pourin a gold stream in the bowl. Jared gave me a hug and assured me that we were still good and asked how was I handling all this? I nodded all good, waited for Jarv to return, then took my spin at pissin, albeit trying like hell to ease my hardon down so I could pee. When I returned to the bedroom, both guys were kicked back, arms behind their heads, knees rubbing together, talking softly about what had happened and I felt sort of out of place, when Jarv patted the mattress and called me to his side of the bed and asked if I was ok? Again I nodded agreement to this brother, climbed in between then and snuggled down between these two bulls. We went to sleep until well early this morning when Jared woke to piss and announced we had to tell you guys about this huge assed news and breakthrough. We settled down to begin another nap when Jared tells Jarv that if he wants to fuck me, he's good with it. Jarv was a bit reluctant and Jared assured him it was good and that he knew I had no objections, almost as if I was a fly on the wall, LOL. I loved that image and imagined the other brother fucking me as Jared shared me, a fantasy I've always had. I'll help get him there Jared offered as he repositioned me to get doggy again, rimming me and building my heat and getting me really wet, and having found some KY in the bathroom when he was pissing, proceeded to lube me amply well as Jarv rose to his knees then slid off the edge of the bed and standing on the floor, both guys turned me to be fucked. Jared took my head in his huge hands was kissing me and whispering I was a good boy and then felt Jarv's big hands on my waist, then that swelling pressure as his head pushed at my ring, Jared told me to arch my back to his brother and give him your ass. Mesmerized as I wanted both brothers to enjoy this time together and secretly wanted to feel Jarv pound me and flood my ass with his cum. The fuck was tentative and unlike Jared didn't start slow then speed up to climax. Jarv was just a steady fuck like I was a woman he was being tender with. He even was rubbing my back and leaned forward kissing my neck and spine as he screwed me. Then with a tenderness he urged gonna cum baby and I knew he was imagining his last fuck with a woman but said nothing as he blew his nut deep inside me. I squeezed his thick cock repeatedly milking every last drop from his balls. It wasn't until he pulled out and I tried to sit up that we all found my load shot across the covers. I'd been so lost in the action that hadn't even realized my own cum. The two brothers high-fived each other over my back and I sort of got embarrassed at my own unrealized orgasm. DAMN incredible, Jarv admitted.

After that we took a group shower in that big area out back in the open, came in and made plans to phone yall". At that point we were pulling into the driveway knowing I couldn't let on and also didn't want to tip our hands about the extent of movie night we'd been planning.

Next: Chapter 14

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