The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 13, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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The many fucks had me aching from the hardon Bob sports when he really turns it on. He let me sleep some and got the coffee going and dogs watered and fed. I knew I was out for the count since when I woke up, I wasn't really sure where I was and needed to get my bearings. No dope, just the leftover deep sleep. Then that throbbing pain, nope not in my butt, rather my piss hard. I heard the news on coming from the kitchen as I made my way from the bathroom and down the hall, still bleary-eyed but gradually waking up. The dogs must have sensed I was awake and were barking like mad as I crossed the den into the kitchen and gave Bob a quick hug and kiss before seating my worn out bod on a bar stool "gingerly". "Sore there boy" came his query. I looked up over the rim of the coffee mug uttering, `what do YOU think"? Then resumed another sip of wake up java. He beamed proudly, refreshed his own mug and settled on the stool next to me. I was surprised when he actually took hold of my hand. Stymied, I thought, how does this tender stud get so fucking aggressive when he fucks? Then sipped more java. I wondered more now about Jared's B/F Sam and how he died while hunting? Though I realize accidents can happen, they are a rarity. I began, "Bob what happened with Sam's accident"? "I know they can happen and are tragedies, but how did something go THAT wrong"? "Why was Jared so torqued at Jarvis"? I posed in rapid succession.

Bob finished his mug, brought the carafe over to refill both our mugs and began. "Well I told you about the rivalry and bad blood that existed between them before, during and after Jared's injury which ended his college and Pro football career you recall; they had almost reconciled things after both parents had eventually passed away. Their dad had a major alcohol problem and died from cirrhosis of the liver. Their mom wasn't able to live alone any longer and Jarvis stepped up to the plate to have her move in with him after his own divorce, since Jared and Sam were living together and she wasn't quite able to accept that but didn't make a fuss, well not too much anyway. Jared contributed to her care and living costs since Jarvis was housing her, etc and felt that was equitable. While not a religious zealot, she expected to go to church weekly and Jarvis did his best to attend or at least take her to and from the church service and activities with her church friends, pretty much putting his post-divorce life, on hold. By the time she passed away, Jarvis had a sense of freedom but had also built a modest resentment toward Jared since he hadn't known the extent of or seeming regard for Jarvis' role with their mom. As I said, they had slowly recovered that bond and the three (Jarvis, Jared and Sam) plus another bud of Jarvis (Keith) had made plans to go hunting in Central Texas. They agreed to alternate pairings Jared and Sam as one pair and Jarvis and Keith on day one. The second day of the hunt they split up as Jared and Keith and Jarvis and Sam. That alternate set-up would be the rotation the four days of the hunt and hopefully get the guys days to meet their goals. It was day 2 and Jarvis and Sam were wide apart making their way eventually to a small stream. Jarvis spotted a buck as it approached the stream, paused then stepped into a clearing giving Jarvis a clear shot. What he didn't know until later was that Sam had already crossed stream, had left the opposite side of the same clearing, but the buck had emerged from Jarvis' side of the clearing and stream and when Jarvis got the buck in his sights, saw no other issues and fired. The bullet took out the buck BUT went straight through his neck and hit Sam in the chest. It was only when Jarvis got to the buck that he saw Sam's orange vest covered in blood about 5 yards further in the thicket. He was still alive but not for long and screaming Jared's name in the woods once, died in his brother-in-laws arms. Jarvis went beserk and fired shots in the air hoping to get Jared or Keith's attention. When they finally arrived, Jarvis was hitting his head on a tree and was bloodied himself from self-punishment. Jared sent Keith to the trucks and get help, took Sam's pulse but felt none and was inconsolable. When Keith returned with a sheriff and Game Warden, Jared could not leave his lover and remained until an ambulance arrived and then all wrestled Sam onto a stretcher and made their way to the road, their trucks and ambulance. Jared rode with Sam to the hospital and evidently had to be sedated from rage and loss. When Jarvis and Keith arrived they were met with a real horror story at the small town's hospital ER. It was hell on earth" Bob closed, refilled our mugs again and as I sat in silence trying to imagine the scene and the emotions, I realized that I barely knew either of these brothers and had no clue of Sam and yet was softly sobbing at the loss and nightmare, that Bob had just described. Bob began again, "it was years before the two could tolerate being around each other and only the past year did they even have any social interaction, usually here at the house where I could referee or at a Lab Rescue fund raiser. Jared's periodic jabs at me and Jarvis' roles with dogs is his attempt to poke fun at, yet somewhat re-establish a bond with his brother". Shaking my head, I gripped Bob's hand and this time squeezed it and just held on. "You can never mention a word of this to either of them and DEF NOT TO PETE' if Jared wants Pete to know anything leave it to Jared to tell the story" Bob stopped, stood and asked "so now what do you want to have for breakfast"? Still shaking my head from this recap, I shrugged to indicate no particular things in mind, dried my eyes, walked to the patio doors and watched the dogs at play in the yard, when Bob edged up behind me and wrapping his arms to comfort me, sat his chin on my shoulder and whispered, "you ok babe"? Silently, I nodded yes.

Bob made breakfast. It was good and filling, but we both ate quietly. I knew I suddenly felt a new regard for and bond with Jared and perhaps even with Jarvis. I held onto Bob as we cleaned up the kitchen and urged him back to bed for security. This pet sitter, this gay man had touched my soul with his passion and compassion. I think there is love here, but what was his own story; as we drifted off to a nap in each other's arms?

As usual, Bob's cell roused us from our nap. In the backyard the dogs were barking up a storm so I headed to them and left him to his call. I had just turned the water hose off as Bob called me to get dressed we had to get to the hospital. He was screaming for me to hurry as I slipped on my topsiders and we jumped in his truck. Racing to the hospital he went on to tell me that Jarvis was in a head-on collision and that he was unconscious. Jared had told me to get there pronto, they weren't sure about him. As we slammed to a stop in the ER parking area, Jared and Pete greeted us. Bob hugged Jared big time and for what seemed like an unending grasp. Pete stood next to me for some sense of safety I guessed as we weren't really part of this `union'. Jared was sucking it up and relayed the story that some drunk crossed the median and slammed head-on into Jarvis on the left front fender, somehow jerking his head into the A pillar of the truck at his left temple. The other driver was killed on impact, the DPS Trooper had advised. Pete and I were visibly shaken but didn't know what to do other than be there for any errand and support. "It's happening all over again, I can't go through this again, not Jarvis not now like before just when we were getting close again, not another time OMG this can't be happening again..." Jared was crying to Bob. The two big men stood bracing each other in a love that defines the word. Bob's face as was Jared's was red, streaked and caked with salt from tears and both angry and grimaced with fear. Jared went on to explain they had induced a medical coma and were icing him down to reduce the effect of trauma and swelling, had multiple IVs running full out and just had to wait and see. The plan was to stabilize him there and then transport him to the nearest Trauma Center in Galveston by helicopter. Bob came to us, told me to get plenty of cash together from the ATM around the corner and get back here and be prepared to drive flat out to Galveston if that time came and told Pete to go with me. We did as directed and were back in under 15 minutes. Bob said Jared had been OK'd to fly with his brother but no one else, so we were just waiting for the helo's arrival and then would make the 45 mile drive to the island Trauma Center. I handed cash to Bob for Jared to have and we sat for 5 minutes before the duty nurse came out and said they were about to take off and that Jarvis was still unconscious and vitals were stable. We three hit the truck and the highway and as we pulled onto the freeway saw the helo lift off and lights blinking, turn east and vanish into the sky.

We all remained quiet as Bob drove hell-bent for fury onto the island, knowing the helo had already landed and Jared was alone. We sped along the 2 lane highway and then widened into a four lane divided one, slowing to run through stop lights and then gunning back up to speed until arriving at the ER center waiting room where we found Jared sobbing. I thought the worst had happened already before we arrived, but was relieved to learn he was just having another understandable break down, waiting for any news. As before, Jared and Bob hugged like huge brothers. Pete and I knew we weren't being ignored, but made sure Jared knew we cared and were there to do anything he needed of us. He just nodded and continued the hug with Bob. It was another 2 hours before a physician came out with an update. He told us that Jarvis remained stable it might be another 8 hours before they knew anything more, that they had run both EKG and EEGs and were in the process of scheduling a CAT Scan and MRI and if any news changed, that he'd be out with updates. We sat in silence, waiting. Bob and Jarvis sat adjacent to each other while Pete and I were faced opposite them. Time just seemed to crawl by. It had now been almost 5 hours since getting the call from Jared and we all faced the fact that another 8 or so hours would seem an eternity. Pete and I did turns getting soda, coffee, snacks, iced water, anything we could or that was needed. I knew Pete wanted to hug Jared as much as I did Bob, but decorum didn't really afford us that tenderness. Pete and I now faced the fact that we were part of this ut also had our own jobs to confront and now that it was well approaching 2 a.m., knew we needed to make arrangements to phone our firms and someone would need to cover Jared's; most likely Bob. Pete and I left VMs with our firm's explaining the situation and that we'd both give an update later in the morning. Bob would wait for Jared's boss to be in, before making that call, as he wanted to speak to him personally. I was relieved Bob and I had gotten a good nap, as we were both relying on that rest to get us through. You could tell that Pete was exhausted, but as he gulped cups of coffee, you also knew he wasn't about to grab any ZZZZZZs. About 3:15, the same doctor came out. His appearance was stressed and again I feared a turn for the worst. He reassured us that Jarvis remained stable, though still in his induced-coma state. The skull was fractured though somehow, based on the accident's description and impact zone, he couldn't believe more damage hadn't resulted. There was definite brain swelling, but that the "icing", meds and induced coma were minimizing the swelling at present. He said it might be another 8-10 hours before they knew more and for us to try and get some rest. We nodded agreement but said we weren't going anywhere and he was understanding, though urged us to look out for our own well-being too as we'd need strength and lots of it. He offered no recovery percentages. You could see relief painted on all our faces, mixed with salty tears, huge red eyes and start of morning beard stubble. I offered to go find breakfast if anyone wanted any. No takers. A bit later, Pete disappeared and returned with cans of sweet tea he'd found at some vending machine. It was cold and a welcomed change from vending coffee. At 6, Bob made the call to Jared's boss and the call went well, the BOSS TOLD BOB IF JARED NEEDED ANYTHING, TO CALL HIM DIRECTLY. Relieved, Bob returned to us three and relayed Jared's boss' support and offer. Jared just nodded understanding and resumed his tense vigil. By 8a.m. we were all bleery-eyed and Pete was struggling to stay awake. The ER waiting room had emptied and refilled and was again now empty since we had been there. A new physician came out to meet with us and said they were moving Jarvis to a special ICU set-up for brain injuries, but that his condition remained stable, he was physically fit and there'd been no increased swelling but that they were keeping him in his medically-induced coma. Bob sent me on a journey and I dragged Pete along for support and to give him a change of pace. We were to get a nearby motel room and hit a WalMart or such to get sundry items and changes of clothes. He was going to call another lab Rescue team member to go feed our bunch and then go to Jared's place and tend to `Spike'. He also asked them to be available for tonight as well as care giver to both households of dogs. I went about my set of tasks and we returned in about an hour and half with the update and card keys for a motel that was just two blocks away. Pete and I had phoned our employers again and begged off for the day and likely Tuesday, since our buddy had no other family and friends were far away as well. Both firms were understanding. We took turns, with Pete and Jared going to the motel room and getting cleaned up and changing first, since we learned of Jarvis' transfer to the new unit. Bob and I remained in the waiting room and I offered as much support as I could. Within 30 minutes Jared and Pete were back, looked a bit refreshed and urged us to go clean up and change. Jared thanked all of us again for the support; then Bob and I headed out to clean up and change, then stopped at a Waffle House and brought back some ToGo orders of scrambled eggs, toast and hash browns. Jared picked at his eggs and had a piece of toast, until Bob urged him to finish the plate, which he reluctantly did. The rest of us chowed down to the Styrofoam. Bob used the waiting time at Waffle House to phone Jared's boss with a report on Jarvis' relo to the new brain injury unit and again the boss restated his support.

While the brain injury was the critical matter, he'd also broken his nose, left arm in two places, broken his collar bone, left ankle and 4 ribs. He was in tough shape but he was also a tough guy and we all hoped his toughness would benefit him right now. The attending came back about noon and reported they were doing another series of scans and workups and that he remained stable. The guy said "he had no realistic percentages but that Jarvis was very stable and that if the scans and such showed no deterioration, they may begin reducing some of the meds to maintain his coma status and see how he responded". He urged us to try and get some rest and that he may allow Jared to visit Jarvis for a short period at 2pm, providing all remained stable. He reminded us that Jarvis was in a coma and would not be alert and stressed "ONLY a short visit and be prepared for the worst picture with the extent of his injuries and medical equipment". We nodded understanding and Pete moved to Jared's side and gave him a supportive hug. At 2:30 a nurse came out, said she would lead Jared to the Special Unit and that he'd need to gown up, etc. We assured him we'd be there waiting for him and the two headed off to a staff elevator. Not even 20 minutes later both returned. Jared was ashen, the nurse told us we could come up to the designated waiting area at the Special Unit to get out of the open ER area and we followed her to that same staff elevator then rode up in silence. "He looks God Awful" Jared admitted as we settled into a set of chairs; "just fuckin terrible". It was 6pm when the admitting physician from the previous day came out to give us an update. The scans were typical and showed no further deterioration and they were beginning to reduce some of the meds and would know more about his response in 6-8 hours. We were all relieved and Bob admitted to getting hungry. Bob suggested Jared get a nap at the room if he thought he'd be able to, but was declined. I'd made some food offers. We agreed Whataburgers sounded best and there was one nearby, so it got the nod of approval. When Pete and I returned, the doctor was visiting with Bob and Jared. Pete and I froze after stepping out of the elevator. When we saw Jared's face break into a huge smile, grab the doc's hand with both of his and shake vigorously, we knew the news wasn't the worst. Bob grinned some as well and then Bob and Jared hugged while we stayed back. The doctor disappeared back into the unit and they filled us in on the recent progress. The basics were that within an hour of reducing some of the meds, Jarvis had eased his right hand and wiggled his fingers, then moaned in pain. All very good signs. This was the first relief we'd had and the sense was palpable in the room; a collective sigh of relief. The progress continued that evening and the next two days, as they gradually continued to reduce the meds and restore Jarvis' status and consciousness. On day four in the hospital they felt him stable enough to risk anesthesia and surgery on the various fractures to get his physical self in order. Bob remained with Jared at the motel room while Pete and I resumed our routine work schedules, making the drive to visit the hospital each night after work. By day 10, Jarvis was hostile and wanted "out of this damned place". He and Jared had reconnected during this ordeal, which could have been so much worse. Jared had returned to work coming to visit Jarvis each night. Jarvis was relocated to a rehab facility and remained there for 4 weeks. The brain swelling again normal and with no cognitive or physical impairments, Jarvis was declared recovered and was released for his normal routine with some limitations. It was great that he'd been able to retire previously and didn't have to face a job or risk loss of one as a result of this accident and long recovery. In fact the recovery had been brief considering all the injuries he sustained.

Next: Chapter 13

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