The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 12, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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Once in bed, there was some heavy passion Bob began dishing out. Flipping me face down, he kissed and nibbled down my neck and spine, tugged at my trench and slowly lapped my muscle ring, then slow finger-fucked me. I gripped his first finger, then his second and by the third I was writhing on the mattress and arching my ass up to his fingers. The hint of his beard stubble at the small of my back only added to the sensations he delivered. "Fuck me Bob, come on don't make me wait" I moaned out, louder and louder as he relentlessly worked me up and down the sensation scale. While one hand worked my ring, his other slipped under me and worked my nips. The combination of nip and ring work was pushing me ever increasingly to orgasm and we hadn't even gotten to HIS DICK. This up and down scene as he worked over my senses and hot spots, continued for more than an hour. I was swollen and my dick was flooding pre-cum everywhere, then he repositioned to his knees, began spanking his hardon in my trench and on my glutes. I buried my face in a pillow as he sank that thick cock head to my ring, teased entry again and then took the plunge, burying to his dick base. My walls gripped his dick and relaxed then gripped again, repeatedly until his fuck rhythm took control of my senses. The feeling of that massive head punching my walls and continued G-spot assault was more than any bottom can stand. I slowly raised to my hands, increasing the arch of my spine, then gradually worked to a low knee stance, partial doggy position and the fuck really began then. Again my screams for him to fuck me, fuck me harder, grew ever louder. The bead of sweat on my back and that slap Slap SLAPPING sound as Bob fucked me harder, ampped our session. His big hands grabbed my hips and he really began to hammer me. I struggled to stave off my orgasm but knew I couldn't hold off much longer. "You want that cum, boy" Bob spit out through his clenched teeth. I moaned "yes" and added "SIR" "Good work for it" came his reply. I began fucking his dick faster, gripping him firmer and felt my wall muscles turn into a human fleshjack. Further into a doggy position, I took the upper hand and fucked back and forth on his steel hard cock. "Yeah that's it boy, show me how much you need this" Bob directed. His grip on my hips hardened and he resumed the fuck dominance and hammered me until I exploded hands-free, screaming "BOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB". In that same instant he flooded me and continued to fuck his load out. When done, he shoved me flat out on the mattress and down on my own huge cumload puddle. I loved the feel of his weight atop me and we settled into a slow nap-zone together. At about 2, we stirred back to reality and settled into a more routine spoon position, before drifting back into sleep.

That damned cell phone of his went off about 7 Saturday morning. He answered groggily as I got up to start coffee, then feed and water the dogs. I left him, hearing just "oh damn" as I disappeared down the hall. In a few, Bob joined me in the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes, administered a welcomed kiss on my neck and hugged me from behind as we listened to the Bunn coffee maker brew our wake up elixir. "Damn you already did the dogs" he posed? I nodded yes and began, I'm guessing that was Jarvis and NOT Jared"? "Well see there's this young pup and the owner died suddenly and they don't know ", I put an index finger to his mouth to shush him then added "I know I know and Jarvis wants you to be a foster dad". He grinned, "do you mind"? "So does this mean I need to get scarce and disappear until the BIG J arrives, yall get your whatevers done and he leaves"? "Nope I told him that Jared was over for supper last night and several of us had a bit too many cocktails and you had stayed the night, not really comfortable with you driving home in the fog". He remembered meeting you and was cool since you're a dog guy too, albeit not Yellow Labs. I was cleaned up and dressed by the time Jarvis showed up with this really cute 6 month old puppy. I had to agree it was affectionate and Bob's two were used to foster dogs appearing and then being gone after a period of time. My two found the new puppy something of a challenge and couldn't get why he didn't want to run and play, but stayed hunkered down and shy. I did my best to appear sober and NOT sore, but after the night's activities, I was aching deep!!! After an hour or so, Jarvis announced he had errands to run, shook my hand, bid the puppy good-bye and was gone. Bob was a doting dad for sure. He went out to play with the new puppy, Henry, what a name for a dog, I thought. It had been the deceased guy's brother's name; odd I thought?

We had all Saturday to help the new puppy Henry', get adjusted and settled into his yard and his new dogs. The labs were supportive but my two continued to want to play with this new yellow bundle. Finally they settled down and left him alone to get used to his surroundings. Bob and I watched like adoptive parents to make sure no one got too rowdy or out of hand. I asked about breakfast and Bob gave an I don't care expression so I decided on scrambled eggs, English Muffins and that thick-cut peppered bacon I knew he kept well stocked. Bob made a shopping list as I got breakfast together and I added a couple of items to the growing list. I asked about settling up with him for the week I was gone and he shoved me aside, so I decided to buy extra bags of dog food to cover that week I was away and going forward. Henry' had all his shots and was used to the same vet that Bob and I both use, so there was no concern about his health and well-being. We ate and watched the new charge play more and open up with his yard-mates. When Bob began, "you were incredible last night", I smiled and added, "uh not too shabby yourself there mister Mister". "I think I could get used to those sessions" Bob replied. I just tossed in "me too" and grinned. After breakfast Bob did K-P duty and I gathered up the shopping list and was about to head out when Bob intervened and asked if he wasn't invited along too? I suggested he might want to stay with the dogs and not abandon `Henry', but he insisted but I made it clear, that I'd drive and he bowed and made a gracious gesture of acceptance. Heading to the store to shop together was a warm and exciting event for me. I'm pretty self-confident but this doing things together was special. "What" came his inquiry, noting my slight smile? "I was just thinkin how nice it is to do shopping and stuff together is all" I replied. He grinned and nodded yes.

"So do you think Pete and Jared will make it work out" I posed? "I've seen Jared taken by guys before, but there was something really settled and calm about Jared and your friend, work mate, Pete" he closed as we pulled into the grocery store parking lot. "Maybe so, maybe so" Bob closed as we made our way to the store and shopping carts. It suddenly dawned on me that different people shop differently and I asked in passing, "so do you hit produce first or last"? He gestured again to take the lead. "I think we need another cart for dog food" I motioned. "Naw we'll hit the feed store it's cheaper" he replied. We made our way together, like an older couple. It was nice and so very different from the man who was pounding the fuck out of me last night. He was a real find I reflected, and I needed to know more of this guy who is now so much a part of my life. After checking out, he gave me directions to the feed store and asked, "so do you think Jared thinks we're a good fit"? I turned to him, "not a real concern of mine, it's whether YOU think we're a good fit that matters to me", I closed, as we backed into one of the loading bays. There was a mock argument he put up when I made the dog food purchase, but he relented. The hot teenager that was loading the 50# bags of food could have come home to help unload the bags I suggested which of course elicited Bob's remark, "so ready to trade me in for a newer model eh"? I rolled my eyes as we climbed back in the truck and headed home. He spent most of it on the cell talking to another Lab Rescue member about Henry and any future home.

After getting the dog food stowed and groceries put away, Bob suggested a swim and I was all good with that idea. The heat was on the climb though and just as we were climbing in, came "hello, hello, yall here OR busy" from Jared's booming voice. Bob's wave as Jared and Pete came out through the rear garage door, welcomed the guys and invited them to join in. Without delay, Jared dropped his shorts and dove in leaving Pete a bit perplexed at his guy's easy skinny dipping solution but after a moment or two figured WTF, stripped off his shorts and was immersed at Jared's crotch, presumably mouthing the ample dickmeat that Jared sported. Pete surfaced after a few minutes gasping for air. We all laughed. Henry came running, all excited about new play mates, while my two and Bob's took up some snooze time in the shade of some nearby trees. Henry was suddenly dog paddling around like the young pup he is. I looked at Bob and grinned, then nodded and Bob suggested they take Henry home for a trial run. "I'm no foster dog dad" claimed Jared, but when Pete interjected, "come on man, he's great look at those eyes and that happy tail". Jared of course snapped back, "I've already got one pup at the house with a happy tail", then more laughter filled the backyard. "OK I'll think about it Petey", Jared acquiesced. "PETEY" Bob howled in mock derision? Pete blushed even in the intense afternoon sun. As though Henry understood his acceptance, he swam to Jared and tongue lapped his face. "You can tell a dog guy a mile away" I said. "And a stud dog at that" added Pete.....We both nodded agreement. "Let's make sure this will work out before we spring it on Jarvis though; that dog do gooder mocks me and I'll crack him" Jared commented. Bob laughed at the obvious thought of the little bro, regardless of how much a bull he is, cracking that older bro Jarvis. I read Bob's mind and chuckled myself. "How about margaritas guys", I asked? Three thumbs up approvals came out of the water, as Pete joined me prepping the ritas and fixins. I was so turned on by the dick hanging from that crotch as he stood next to me and started to bone myself, but then thought better about it. "So did you and Bob fuck last night after we split or just crash" came Pete's nonchalant query? Like the start of a great story, I related the night's assault and orgasms with both us boys laughing out loud until interrupted by Jared's booming voice, asking if we were in here jacking off or getting drinks prepped? "I'm coming I'm coming" Pete started, then was broken by, "no we did plenty of that last night" added Jared. Pete blushed in silence and handed his guy a tall frozen rita. Bob entered and I handed off his as well and we four sucked down the first of several frozen delights; while discussing the possibility of supper later? If I thought Pete was hung, Jared's enormous cock looked more akin to a bull elephant in musth. I made my way to the linen closet, returning with 4 large beach towels to dry off and ease my tension seeing those big dicks. To break the high sex wired room, I offered to run to the store and get some chickens or fish or both for supper. The other three paused then broke out laughing; "ok ok I get it, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen". We settled on fish and I knew they had ready-made veggie kebabs and picked up some rice pilaf as well. We could throw the meal together in a jiffy. I found a small tres leches cake, remembered the one from Lupe Tortillas and scarfed it up into the basket. I cruised the cashier and he smiled. Tall, dark hair, blue eyes. I almost invited him for supper and a swim, but... By the time I returned, all were re-dressed and Pete had begun some prep work in the kitchen. As he and I unloaded the groceries, I turned to Bob and Jared, seated at the bar, downing 2 beers and advised, "if I so much as hear a whisper about kitchen bitches, there'll be no play time tonight for you two thugs" then Pete and I bumped hips and high-fived each other, laughed and finished getting groceries out and ready. Bob remarked to Jared, "guess we've been told"!!! As I got the kebob marinade together and loaded the dish in the refrigerator to soak the skewered beggies, I was eyeing the skewer and recalling Bob and Jared's dicks. Pete and I were both real lucky guys............... Not that I'm a slouch dick-wise at 8, but Pete had to be over 9 I figured, when hard and a big head, but damn what a hot bottom he made....The guys moved in for beer refills and took time to share some attention with us boys. It was welcome relief after this hard work. Just as Bob gripped my butt I got boned and my baggy shorts held nothing back. Jared remarked to Bob, "bro I feel a need for a `nap' what about you" then winked and grinned. Bob replied as we kissed, "mmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhh sounds like a great idea" as he led me down the hall to our room. Jared hollered at us, "bro that front room still set up for company"? "Always" Bob replied and he closed the door behind us.

I began on my knees, tugging at his crotch and rubbing my face across him to show my affection and building lust. His hands gently guided my face across his crotch, thighs, crotch again and then worked my face slowly down his legs, calves and then worked me back up. I lapped the backs of his knees, nibbled the backs of his calf muscles and he was busy unhooking his belt and dropping his shorts by the time I returned attention on his throbbing dick. I mouthed the shaft thought his white boxers until the shape and veins were evident. He began to slow hump my face and my moans grew louder and louder. His barefoot stroked under my balls and rubbed the ball of his right foot under my bag and my trench. His cock bowed out under the tension of his now soaked boxers. Slipping my hands and fingers into the waistband, in one slow motion I slid them down those hairy muscled legs and helped him step from them. As I lifted my head back up, his heavy dick thumped my face, I licked it, slow sucked the head and felt his ample pre-cum flow over my tongue and tease me with what was to come. I cork-screwed my mouth down to his base then back out to the tip of his head, before repeating the routine. The cork screwing led to Bob taking charge as he held my head squarely and began his awesome skull-fuck. At an instant, he pulled out, my mouth gaped wide for more then "get naked" he directed. In no time my shirt and shorts were history and my aching hard-on really defined my lust and need. My bag was hanging so low and my nuts swung forward and backward as Bob resumed his skull-fuck. My moans grew even louder now!!! His steady stream of pre-cum coated my tongue and throat and my own lust-slime slickened my throat even more. In one massive move, Bob hoisted me off the floor, flipped me onto my back with my head hung off the edge of the bed. He stepped forward, plugged my gaping mouth and held my throat tightly as he deep dicked my throat hole. The heft of his balls on my face and across the bridge of my nose had me locked tight in position. Jaws relaxed his onslaught took charge and my throat was his hole and we both knew it. Relentlessly he deep fucked my throat. My throat slimed poured out and lubed Bob's hardon. I loved the feel of his rough hands on my neck and throat when suddenly his attention moved to my nips. He cranked them, tugged them and then veered sideways a bit and out came the nip clamps from the nightstand drawer. As my arms wrapped behind his butt and my hands grabbed his glutes, the nip clamps gnawed into my swollen nips. My moans vibrated along his hardon and turned him on even more. As his throat fuck intensified I felt a need to open even wider if possible and tilted my head backwards further toward the floor giving Bob even deeper access. He took full advantage of the new position and in only another few pumps unloaded his balls and forced cum down my throat and out my nose. I was ready to gag but held off. I wanted, I needed that face fuck from MY MAN..........I was only too happy to submit. Unknown to me at the time, at some point in the passion, I'd blown my own load all over my upper torso and onto Bob's lower torso. He now took pleasure in scooping my own load off us both and feeding it to me. As Bob dislodged his dick from my throat, I wondered only briefly about the "nap" going on in the front bedroom? It was far enough from ours that we'd heard nothing since Jared's inquiry. I suddenly had to piss like a stallion and made my way to the bath, was peeing when Bob wrapped his arms around me from behind and began kissing my neck and tweaking my nips. Instinctively, I edged my butt back against him. His neck kisses grew warmer and wetter and suddenly my dick was boned out again. He chuckled then remarked something to the effect of `once is not enough' and I of course responded by slipping back onto my knees again. "Not now boy, later you can get fed and fucked, but right now we need to refocus on supper. I'm getting really hungry and can bet that Jared is too and the last thing this house needs is two hungry and testy grizzly bears" Bob mock slapped my face, turned and began tugging his shorts on. Kneeling in the bath still, I aped crying as he stuck his head back through the door, then threw a towel at me and announced "heal"..................... then headed for the bedroom door. I so wanted to bark at him or bay like my hounds but didn't. As he strolled passed the front bedroom door he deliberately banged loudly on the door, yelling "are you two sluts done yet"? Jared's echoing voice replied, "who us, done, whatever do you mean" and both laughed loudly. As I made my way passed their door, Pete emerged and Jared was just rolling out of the bed, saw me and gave two thumbs up gestures.

Pete joined me in the kitchen and we got the veggie kebobs going, he made the salad, Jared and Bob headed out to feed and water the dogs and get the grill fired up for the fish. "Henry" Jared began, "who the fuck names a dog Henry"? As he played with the puppy, he announced his new name was now Spike'. We were instructed to ditch Henry in lieu of Spike going forward. Bob suggested it may take awhile for him to learn his new name. Jared was confident that it hadn't taken Pete long to get accustomed to boy'. Pete blushed and the three of us sort of laughed. Seeing Pete's spot, I announced "yeah Jughead Jared, well I got used to becoming boy too, so what of it"? Bob grinned my way, Pete beamed, Jared shrugged it off and smiled at the same time; before walking next to Pete and giving him an endearing hug. In no time we had eaten and the guys cleaned up the kitchen for their boys. We gave each other thumbs up as winners, before diving into the tres leaches dessert. We were all very full when Pete and Jared bid us thanks and good night, led Spike to the truck and the three of them made their way down the street into the night. "They're a good match I think" I remarked to Bob. In turn he agreed and hoped the best, that Jared's ex had died in a hunting accident several years ago and he'd gone on a fuck binge for a few years afterwards trying to forget Sam. That had led to Jared getting really drowned in alcohol, losing a job, then another, a major falling out with Jarvis in the process until he landed this job. He's been on it for about 4 years and seems to have found a nitch for himself. "I hope he and Pete can build something together" I continued, wanting to ask and yet not wanting to ask about Bob's own solo life. We watched some tv then both agreed on a slow shower and bedtime. We landed in bed to the sounds of Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk", clearly one of my favorite fuck songs EVER!!! And that's just what we did; 4 times that night and I got nailed doggy, on my back twice and once riding Bob's amazing cock. I was one tired `boy' come Sunday morning and I assure you, his breakfast was the last thing on my mind!!!

Next: Chapter 12

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