The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 11, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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Monday, the alarm went off early, giving us an extra bit of time to "wake up". It was JUST what my doctor ordered to jump start the week. After heading out, leaving the dogs in place at Bob's and getting to work, our boss gave each of the crew members from last week, a $25 gift card and thanks. The client and their rig manager were very impressed again, and he informed us that their next swabbing/shutdown was set for end of month and we were their requested crew. I was so proud and happy that we'd made this client happy again and were getting callbacks for their work. While perhaps not perfect timing, I explained the matter with my cousins being in town and asked for ½ day off Tuesday to get cleaned up and have a good meal and visit. He surprised me by giving me a full comp day and I eagerly accepted with appreciation. Monday was a full day of paperwork and the crew was busy cleaning up our gear and supplies. When I headed out for Bob's I called him and let him know about me being off all day Tuesday, but that I'd like to spend the night Monday then be at home Tuesday with the dogs and get my place cleaned up for the cousins. He reluctantly agreed and added we'd just do leftovers for supper I that was ok, which of course was AOK for me. No sooner had I hit the door than the dogs were barking like mad. Bob wasn't in yet but I took care of the Animals, then hit the shower and began warming our supper leftovers. Once I got the new salad ready, the garage door raised and in pulled my guy's heavy truck. He came through the door and was blistered badly from being in the sun all day. I sent him packing for a cool shower and stalled supper to put an aloe mixture on his face, ears, neck, arms and legs. The gel was soothing and healing. I knew sex was off the table tonight and really wanted him to just ease down and later we'd reapply another coating of the aloe mixture before bed. He explained how tough his day had been and asked about the plans with my cousins. Once supper was over and I had him settled watching some TV and I'd wrapped up the kitchen clean up; I brought him a tall iced tea with crushed ice to chill his core temp down further. He downed three of those large teas before we applied the sunburn mix before bed. He was uncomfortable and suggested he'd sleep in the guest room, but I intervened and told him to stay in his bed and I'd relo. Bob slept some but was up and down a lot and that meant I was too, just checking on him. The next morning he was worn out and got around slowly. He had a low grade temp and had already told me his Tuesday was mapped out for doing office work, so he'd not be out in the sun again. I was glad to hear it and figured he'd have the day to force fluids and I'd call often to check on his status. I gathered the dogs and we three headed back home. On the way home, I called to remind him there were some other leftovers in the freezer from an earlier meal that previous weekend to make it easy for him to prepare. Once home, the stack of mail would choke a horse but I knew I needed to bathe the dogs first, then hit the house cleaning.

The dogs done, I checked in with Bob and he told me of a headache that was building. I suggested some buffered aspirin I'd seen in his medicine chest. That's when he told me it wasn't the head on his shoulders that was aching!!! "PIG" I remarked and we both chuckled. I phoned again after the house was cleaned and I was getting ready to clean up myself and be ready for the cousins at 6 p.m. He was good and getting ready for supper himself so I was feeling better for him. He reminded me again about Friday night with Jared and his new "boy" and I agreed. Secretly, I wondered about this new "boy" and then my dick stirred, recalling Jared's build and Bob's remarks about his reputation as a topstud. Images of Jared pounding his "boy" flooded my mind as I showered and I had to really focus to resist the temptation to a J/O session. Before I knew it, the doorbell as ringing and the cousins greeted, we all sat down for a cold frozen margarita before heading out for supper. They filled me in on their lives, recent travels to California and the railroad trip on the Coast Starlight from L A to Seattle, departing about 10 a.m. and arrived about 3:30 the next day. They detailed the 34+ hour trip and it did sound appealing. They had a large sleeper with toilet and shower so no communal action for them or ME if I ever make that run. They raved about the food as well, another plus column entry I made. I wondered if Bob had ever been on a train? I had not. Our meal at Lupe Tortillas was great and their frozen margaritas washed everything down, wonderfully well. We wrapped the meal up with Tres Leches cake and then came home for coffee, before they bid me a good night and I made a mad call to Bob. All was better at Bob's and he had never been on a train though a trip to California sounded appealing. He reminded me again about Friday and I closed, telling him how much "I miss you". His response, "yeah yeah yeah" then giggled and added, "yeah you too buddy BOY".

Again I slept sporadically and I woke Weds., with a minor hangover headache that was cured with a handful of Tylenol and volumes of ice water. I welcomed my dark aviator sunglasses on my drive to a job site and throughout the day. Each day was routine and each night I visited with Bob by phone and our calls ended in the routine phone sex J/O session. He really wanted me there each night, but I needed to be closer to the jobsite and reduce some of my daily commute if possible and it would soon be Friday anyway. Another vendor's foreman at the site was a blonde and built 20-something stud named Pete. I welcomed Pete's eye candy during the three days we worked together and shook his hand Friday, expressing "good workin together and maybe we do it again" and then we parted ways. Often on Fridays we get to call an end to the workday an hour or half hour early and I used that early quittin time to scramble home, grab the bag I'd packed the night before, load up the dogs and head to Bob's. I wasn't sure when Jared and his "boy" were to arrive, but I hoped to be there to greet them and not come straggling in late.

Bob wasn't even home when I pulled in, got my dogs settled in the back yard, Bob's two petted and hugged, then all four fed and watered. Lots of tail sniffing and play among the four dogs as they rekindled their friendships. I wondered if there'd be similar rekindling happening with Bob and Jared as they re-lived past times being rowdy studs on the prowl or relating the Galveston bottoms they shared? I had time to shower and change now and was surprised when Bob stepped into the shower to join me and we spent some quality time making out and lathering up our many body parts, before rinsing off, and getting dressed for company. Bob recapped the meal and I got my portions underway. The GrillMaster was busy prepping the 2" thick rib-eyes he'd ordered from the butcher, as I set the table and got my "magic potatoes au gratin" as Bob had named them, and the salad ready. "I hope you....." as my witty remark was interrupted by a literal and figurative "knock Knock KNOCK" at the garage door entry. In walks Jared beaming broadly, followed by his "boy" PETE the foreman from the jobsite. I KNOW MY JAW DROPPED OPEN about as far as did Pete's as we stared at each other. About that time, Bob came in from the patio and greeted his buddy and realizing the stare-down between me and Pete, asked "uh do you guys know each other"? I shook back to the present and we both uttered" well not before Wednesday of this week, we didn't" then broke out laughing. Jared remained a bit confused until Pete filled him and Bob in on the jobsite we both had been working at this week. "So two rig swabbies eh" came Jared's query? "Well I'm the swabbie, Pete's a welding crew foreman" I explained. My mind raced as I thought of Jared pounding Pete doggy style; before blinking back to the kitchen and the present. I wondered if Pete was thinking the same about me and Bob? Bob reported the planned meal, I offered cold beers or the preferred beverages and Jared led Pete about, showing him Bob's awards and then outside to show the pool, Jacuzzi and of course introduce the dogs; as my two joined in the new game in the yard, meeting new people and getting petted and hugged. Bob announced the timeline and asked Pete how he liked his steak; he knew mine was well-done, but Pete was the other extreme, RARE. Bob and Jared were both Medium sorts, at least steak-wise. We enjoyed beers and got to know a bit about Pete and Jared's meeting. The potatoes were in the oven and needed about 20 more minutes, the salad was ready and Bob headed out to get my steak on the grill in advance of the others. Jared had answered a Recon ad that Pete had posted. They met at a Houston club about two weeks after and agreed to reconnect over dinner one weekend to get to know each other better. Pete was eager, but Jared paced things, in what I learned was his usual controlling tendency. They met at the Red Snapper Inn down in Surfside and had a good time together, but as Pete announced "he wasn't letting me get what I wanted just yet". Pete continued, "I was about ready to write him off when he sent me a text to meet him on a particular Friday night at 7 and gave me an address". "Well I'll be damned" said Pete and was all "set" for that Friday night. Bob and I soaked up the intrigue; Jared sat amused as Pete acted out the scenario of dating and finally getting together. Bob rose, added two more steaks to the fire, flipped mine and edged it aside, knowing that Pete's would only take a few minutes on each side. After drink refills and checking the potatoes, I began hauling out the warmed French bread and room temp butter. We were waiting on Bob as he summoned all to the table. We ate in earnest. My steak was perfect. Bob's grill skills and my potatoes got rave reviews. Food disappeared as if in a vacuum. The dogs remained outside of course, begging for theirs. At the end of our meal, Bob fed the dogs the steak he'd prepped for them and each was reserved and ate only from their own bowls. Jared remarked to Bob, "maybe our boys will only eat out of their own bowls or share? We four laughed aloud.

We all begged off dessert, settled in the den and Pete continued his story of their first time together. The address was a motel off Hwy 288, decent enough but no 5Star spot. As advised, I sent Jared a text when I arrived and room #301, came back by reply. I knocked at the door, no answer. I knocked again and checked my text, still no answer. I was thinking "this dickwad is just jerkin me around for amusement and isn't probably even in #301 or here at all, fuck him and his game" when Jared opened the door, stepped back and nodded entry. The door closed and this big hulk grabbed me in a bear hug, nailing my arms to my sides and begins kissing me, hefts me off the floor and tosses me on the bed like a rag doll. Not like a killer, like a guy who's used to having things his way. "OK OK boy, enough show and tell" came Jared's comment. I was spellbound and wanted more, but knew I'd better not press things just yet. Jared then began a long visit with Bob, excluding me and Pete. I thought it rude, Pete urged me to the kitchen to get coffee, adding "see how he is, I love it" we both chuckled.

We returned with a tray of coffee, etc. Pete fixed Jared's and handed it to him. Jared cupped and squeezed Pete's glutes. I handed Bob his, but no butt cupping evolved. Still, I thought that bit of affection was `nice'. Our meal and coffee done, visits over, the pair begged to leave and we four walked to Jared's Super Duty, stood as they backed out and headed down the street into the night. "So what did you think" Bob asked? I replied, "well since I'd already met Pete professionally and while it was a surprise to find him gay AND with Jared, I'm good with them and you"? Bob nodded agreement and offered that Jared had told him "he thinks it may be the real deal this time". "And what did Jared have to say further about us, if that even came up" I asked? Bob just grinned his impish beam and winked. NOW there was some butt cupping and kissing too that would lead to some bedtime story telling or creating of our own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 11

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