The Pet Sitter

By Mike Austin

Published on May 1, 2020


THE PET SITTER by Mike Austin

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I caught the ad on the bulletin board at work. I usually scan it every couple of weeks or so, just to keep an eye out for any services in the small burb outside Houston. This far south of town, sometimes it's great finding local resources to have for emergencies. I'm Mark, work at a well-services firm and often run late night or long-term callouts. I've got a pair of rescue Greyhounds that are siblings, Max and Baron. If it's an overnighter, the guys are usually ok with me being away, but anyone who knows Sight Hounds, knows they are prone to loneliness and when that happens there can be trouble. To say they have abandonment issues is an understatement; but that's another story......

Bob Carrens offered a pet sitting service. I was blown away. The ad date was less than a week old. I snapped it off the board, made a copy and reposted it for others. Folded and tucked away, I called him as soon as I got away from work. We talked on my commute down Hwy 288 and he seemed friendly as hell. Great sounding voice too!!! We agreed to meet Saturday. He lived about 4 miles from me and had only three neighbors. His section had five homes built before the downturn and the builder lost his shirt. Many of the promised services never got delivered but Bob said he got a good deal on the place and had a bit over an acre total, with a 1/3 acre back yard with some runs. He had another 1/3 acre side yard for his own use w/the pool; and his house and front lawn sat across the remaining 1/3 acre. The house next door was unsold and empty, but fenced in. He suggested I bring along a swimsuit and we could hang out and grab some beers if I wanted. My crotch throbbed as I drove homeward!

Friday was hell-bent for fury. I got sent out to Victoria to help wrap up a well swabbing job, nasty dirty greasy work. I HATE THAT and it turns every part of you sore and into sludge. Our crew trailer has a small shower to help get off the grundge afterwards and it's a health and safety matter too. Still, you never get it all off it seems. After the shower, I tossed on fresh jeans and threw my dirty rags, overalls and jeans in a bag and in the bed of the truck and high-tailed it for home. The a/c in my truck was out and if you know anything about SE Texas in August, the only words that come to mind are heat and humidity. As I drove home, the heat was still intense, even at this time and I tugged open the jeans and let the wind blowin through the truck, ease some stress and cool me off some. Still the pits were wet and sweat showered from them and down my chest and sides. I squirmed and felt the hot seat leather damp from my shower n sweaty butt. Seems that all the shower did was get off the grime and get me horned up. I don't remember much of the rest of the drive. The road noise droned on and my fingers wandered between nips and crotch. I'm no bear here and my pegs get real sensitive after hard work, uh I mean, hard day's work and a hot shower. They get turned on by other means, but hadn't had that sort of guy work in a LONG TIME. Long Work takes its toll in many ways. I drove through the Whataburger just before they closed down, ordered a #1 combo and Coke and sat in the parkin lot chowin down. I didn't know I was that hungry!

I woke the next morning, jeans and boots on, spread across my sofa. The soft drink container had made a ring on the table damnit. Had a major piss need and afterwards, some serious scratchin and tuggin, got the coffee on, got my boots off, dropped the jeans and climbed in the shower. The hot shower nozzles, I made a few plumbing changes to the oversized shower I'd remodeled, sent rockets of steamy hot water at my various body parts, all 2000 of em! The lower nozzle was just my right height, I could face it and it shot water at my dick and nads or turn `round and lean forward for that great nozzle stream at my hole---------------------ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. DAMN there's my cell. I remembered I was on call and dreaded answering it. I drained water across the floor as I scrambled for the cell. Glanced at the #, didn't know it but saw it was local. "Yeah" I panted out? The voice asked if this was Mark, and then I recognized the sound; it was Bob Carrens. He asked about the visit, some beers and might I have any lunch plans? I okayed all the above and offered to bring the beer and meat, he said he was all set and for me to come by to check out his grounds and all and see if I thought Max and Baron might enjoy it and if I wanted I could bring them along too. The shower roared in the background as I hung up. What the fuck was I thinking? This guy had already told me he was divorced and all, he probably wasn't thinking anything near what I was at that VERY MOMENT. The coffee pot dinged, my dick throbbed, oh fuck the dilemma of the ages, do I get my cup of coffee or jack off ???????????? I opted for the coffee. WHAT the fuck was I thinking? His voice echoed in my head.

I brought the boys out back, gave them a good soap and shower, dried em off. They love the hose and sunshine. After running their fool assess off, they were ready for chow. Slicked and chamoised dry, they gobbled down some food. I spoke and they tail-wagged. Was it my voice or the dogfood??? But, when I said the "go" word, it was clear; it was my voice as they beat a line for the back door to the garage. Tailgate down, they sprang up in the truck bed, tails still beatin. I secured their leads and we backed away headed for Bob's.

The sun was already steamin the road, and the haze already stirred the wavy images off the macadam road surface. Little breeze this morning promised brutal heat and humidity this afternoon. I ran down the highway to the small subdivision entry subdivision that would "never be"; guess the owners took turns mowing the divided entry into the small collection of homes. Seemed straw was all that needed mowing and a good weed-eater. Bob's place was pretty damned nice. He'd already told me he was an ADA inspector as a profession. I pulled into the driveway, the tailend of a RED F250 4x4 stared at me; jacked high. He must have about $1500 worth of wheels on that beast I thought. Then the real beast stepped from the side gate. Bob Carrens was more than a beast, he was AWESOME and my dropped jaw probably revealed more than it should.

The rest involved him meeting Max and Baron, them meeting Bob's pair, Beau and Bud both yellow lab brothers, a show around, fee discussion for on-site or at home rates; but they were all a blur..... The next thing I really recall, is me in the side yard, prepping to grill steaks on the pit, wiggin down an icy cold Lone Star, then turning at the sound of the sliding glass door; Bob stepping out, towels in hand and a greeting that said, "brought these towels, figure we're gonna need them to dry off afterwards"......I knew why his dogs looked up in admiration; I did too and now You know why as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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