The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 5, 2022


Hey readers. I hope you're keeping safe. Please do that. Stay safe. A very pleasant reader named Ian wrote and reminded me that I left this story unfinished. He's right. If I get no response, I move away from the stories, figuring there's no interest. But if there is, we go back. And so it is here. Hope you enjoy this follow up. Maybe take a look at installment 8 to refresh.

brad remained angry after he had gone to Frost's office: "FUCK. HE'S THROWING ME OUT." Well, he figured, if that's what's gonna happen, fine. FUCK IT ALL. Time to get started on getting started! he thought. brad had authorization to use Frost's car and driver, but he used credits to hire a driver to take him to their apartment. He was going to get himself "dolled up" as his mother would have said, and then.... brad smiled. As a G-5, the kind of thing he had in mind would be totally unacceptable, but he wasn't a G-5... yet. Time to go to that dive, and get covered with as much jizz as he could: swallow it, get it in his hair, and if Frost came home and found him looking like a whore well, good. He had fucking treated him like one, so....

"Good afternoon, brad. Is something wrong?" "No Louis, everything is fine. Just home a little early for an... event." "Have a pleasant one Sir," brad smiled as he went to the elevator: every time staff at the building called him Sir, he thought of his relationship with Frost: HIS "Sir." And as he thought about how many times he had said "Yes sir," to Martin Frost, his cock stirred. He would have jerked off before he headed off, but... DAMN THAT CAGE! He hated the cage. He knew why he had to wear it: submission to Frost. Well, he didn't like it. But... he could use it tonight if he needed to show his submissiveness.

He changed. First, a pair of the tightest most worn jeans he knew. Then, brad laughed a little bitterly as he pulled out a shirt. Blue with a white collar. When he had first started working for Lemma, these "banker shirts" were what the G-5s wore. brad had come in as a G-2, and he had gotten the shirt as an inspiration: maybe one day he'd be wearing one of these - with a red tie - to work every day as a G-5. Now, though... The shirt was also one of Frost's favorites. He had brad wear it a lot, and it always brought out an animal side of him. brad had "filled out" since he bought it and it was now extremely snug. He wore it untucked so that he didn't look like he was in too much of a girdle. "Good. Maybe some of the guys'll fantasize they're face fucking a G-5 from the past." brad was still very angry. He made some final adjustments, and then put on his sneakers to get out. The door wouldn't open. He pulled. He pulled again. "FUCK. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" He began to sweat as he pulled harder. Finally, he gave up and called the front desk. "Yes, Mr. Brad? How can I help you?" "Louis, there seems to be something wrong with the door. I can't open it. Can someone come up to fix it?" "I'm afraid that won't be possible Mr. Brad. Dr. Frost called and he asked us to apply the security features. I cannot open the door unless Dr. Frost authorizes it. I am sorry Mr. brad. " brad slammed down the door. "FUCK! WHAT THE..." Yes, Frost COULD do what he had just done, because under the rules, brad was his property. He was only protecting what was his. brad steamed. What could he do? He buzzed the door again. "Yes, Mr. brad?" "Louis, can you at least let me know when Dr. Frost has arrived?" "I can do that Sir. I will use the intercom." "Thanks Louis. I really appreciate it." brad thought he'd figure out something to do, but in fact, he was drawing a blank. He had probably gotten Frost angry and that... well... punishment sex. brad realized what was happening to his body and cursed. "WHAT THE FUCK HAS HE DONE TO ME?"

brad waited about two hours before Louis buzzed him that Dr. Frost was home. Over that time, he thought about his life since Frost had chosen him. He hadn't wanted it, but then again, the thought of being "taken" like a slave from a slave market had appealed to him. It fed into tendencies he didn't know he had. brad knew he was a bottom, that was clear. He would have denied being submissive until he became Frost's "taken one." None of brad's attitude seemed to bother Frost much: he ALWAYS got his way, and almost always without force. And as he thought about their time together, brad was getting more and more aroused. He couldn't remember ALL of them, but he remembered a lot of the times Frost had found a hot spot on his body, and how he used it. How often had Frost worked him over when he refused to do something until he was begging "yes sir. Yes sir. Please. Let me do it. Whatever you like." brad realized that the shirt he was wearing was one of Frost's favorites. Yet he left it on. He really had no idea what he was going to do, but... he heard the door opening and he stood up.

"Ah, bradford. Are you feeling ok? I understand you left early today." Frost handed brad his jacket for hanging up and brad folded his arms. "I'm doing fine . SIR. I believe we have things to talk about." Frost looked at him and smiled. "I believe we do, but you can't dress like that and not expect me to need to.. have you..." He started walking toward brad. "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME. NOT TONIGHT." Foolishly, brad put out his arms to try to push Frost away. Now, Frost had brad's wrists in his hands, and he was smiling as he brought them behind brad's back. "Playing hard to get, huh bradford. I can use that. You have no idea how hard I am right now." "AND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. JUST LET ME THE FUCK GO. OH SHIT." Frost had lightly scraped his knee across brad's crotch. "I want your nipples. I'm gonna have them. Who needs the bed? Right on the floor." "NO! FUCK NO!" Frost let go of brad's wrists so that he could grab him around the middle. brad tried to run away but Frost grabbed him so quickly he couldn't. "DAMN WHY ARE YOU STILL SO MUCH STRONGER THAN ME?" brad was furious and frustrated as he felt Frost lift him up and deposit him on the floor, underneath him. He grabbed brad's wrists again and pushed them over his head. He could hold both wrists with one hand. "My favorite position in the world. You underneath me. Me on top of you." "YEAH AND I BET I'M GONNA BE IN THIS A LOT FOR THE NEXT 3 MONTHS." "You have a problem with that, bradford?" Frost started teasing brad's left nipple with his free hand. "DAMN," thought brad. "He's... he's... " he began to whimper. "You're not answering me brad. " He hadn't answered, but brad was breathing hard. Frost on top of him, his knee pressing his crotch and.. the nipple work. He knew that his ear was next. Frost wasn't squeezing brad's nipple but he had a little bit of a "tuning fork" on it. He whispered. "I wanna fuck you brad. You have a problem with that." His tongue moved to brad's ear, and his moan got louder. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. No Sir. No Sir. None..." "I wanna kiss my sweet sexy bitch first. Gimme your mouth. " "Yes sir. It's YOUR MOUTH Sir." brad couldn't believe he said that. Frost had that effect on him, and the tongue that shot down his throat... so goddamn good. " "I think you need a reminder of a few things tonight, so... get those come fuck me jeans off, then get on all fours. " Frost began pulling off his belt. "GET IN POSITION. NOW." "Yes sir." brad gulped. He had never been belt spanked before. Was that... Nope. Frost looped the belt around brad's neck. He didn't pull it hard, but brad knew... he was in charge. Then he felt the cock he had felt enter him so many times, do it again. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD SIR. " Every now and then Frost pulled back on the belt around brad's neck. Sometimes, he grabbed his hair and pulled. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH YOU? YOU FORGETTING YOUR PLACE. ?" "You reminded me Sir. You did. I'm your BITCH. FUCK YOUR BITCH SIR. " Maybe because his emotions were so heightened by how angry he was - he still was - or maybe it was how aroused Frost was , or maybe it was the belt leash, something brad had never experienced before, but he wanted more of Frost's cock. He wanted tit clamps, he wanted vibrators and a hitachi but mostly.... he wanted to back up on Frost's cock and not let go . Frost was truly "banging" brad. You could hear the noises, and there were bruises forming on brad's ass cheeks. He loved every second of it. He pushed back when he could. He tightened his glutes until Frost pulled the belt and yelled "LOOSEN UP MAN CUNT. I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO DO THAT." "Sorry Sir. I thought..." "DON'T THINK YOU FUCKING CUNT. JUST TAKE MY COCK." brad was getting more and more horny: Frost had never been this demanding, this "abusive," and he was loving it. "GET SET I'M FLOODING YOU YOU COCKSUCKING BITCH." Frost let out a stream of cum that filled brad, spilled on the floor, and made a mess. "You have two choices, bradford. You can lick it up, or you can clean it up with your shirt, and then wear it the rest of the night. What's it gonna be because, yeah, we're gonna talk, but we're gonna talk MY WAY." brad reached up to take the leash off, and got a SMACK from Frost. "DID I TELL YOU YOU COULD DO THAT?" "No Sir. Sorry Sir." Frost sneered. "Better domination than those fucking pig dives you go to, huh pretty boy? WHAT'S IT GONNA BE?" "Can I... can I lick up some of it Sir? And use my shirt for the rest?" Frost smiled. "You got this Marty," he told himself. "

Before he had left the office that day, Frost had had a chat with Priest and Fleming. They saw him walking around shaking his head after brad had yelled at him over the phone, and they had both noticed that he spent a large part of the day staring into space, and not working. "Relationship problems. The Doctor is in." Priest had said, walking past Frost. "Oh, ha ha. No. Maybe just a cold." "That wasn't a suggestion. Get in my office Martin. We need to talk."

When they got there, Fleming was waiting. He stood and smiled. As they settled in, and Priest's assistant brought coffee, Fleming spoke first. "Frosty, I think no one has said this but it needs to be said. You are to be commended for turning Brad around. We always knew he had potential to be a 5, but his personal life was, well, a mess. " Frost smiled. "Well, thank you. I should say that I had absolutely no intention of doing that. I knew some of his background of course, from the Paris days but... I actually thought he had grown out of it. I only chose him because...." He shifted a little "What can I say? The heart wants what the heart wants." Priest shook his head. "And now the heart is losing what it wants." "That's the normal order of things Sir. We all have to accept it," was Frost's reply. "Still." Fleming spoke. "To be honest, some thought you would write a negative review so that you could keep him. I didn't think you would and neither did Dr. Priest." Priest shook his head in acknowlegement. "I wrote an honest and fair review. I should feel good about that. Instead, frankly guys, I feel like shit." Fleming sighed. "Just so you know, we did some research on this. Your choosing a G4 led to a revision of the code of conduct. Now, NO matches that aren't at least two levels apart are permitted, and..." he paused. "Now the code expressly says that coupling between G5s is forbidden." Frost felt like an icepick had gone through his heart. "It's nothing that I didn't expect gents. I knew I was pushing the envelope the first time. I didn't expect to get any leeway the second time." There was silence. "What are you going to do?" Fleming asked him. Frost shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I just enjoy my time with him until the promotion comes through and... then I'll help move him out." Priest patted his shoulder. "I wish there were something I could suggest."

Frost had thought about it for most of the afternoon. When brad made his angry call, he thought about it deeper. He had some ideas, but brad's behavior had forced him to change all of that. He DID plan to screw brad when he got home, but not the way he did. He also planned to talk to brad, also not the way he was about to begin talking to him: brad tied up in chair, wearing the cum stained shirt, buttons opened, ankles tied so his crotch pointed out. "I BET YOU'RE FUCKING PROUD OF YOURSELF." brad spat out, trying to get a good position on the chair (he was sore from the fucking). Frost smiled. "Actually, I am. But I'm curious what you think I should be proud about." "MAKING SURE I KNOW MY PLACE ONE MORE TIME. SIR." Frost smiled more. "I think we both enjoyed that, didn't we bradford?" "WHEN DID YOU EVER CARE WHAT I ENJOY?" THAT pissed off Frost. He got up out of his chair, to compose himself, and stepped behind brad. First he pressed his fingers into his shoulders, then he reached inside brad's spoiled shirt and squeezed a nipple. "Like that, brad? " brad tried to keep quiet, but he did: and he was SO hard from what had just happened. He moaned. "Yes sir. Yes. I DO. OOOOOOH" "And keep in mind I could have just SMACKED you in your crotch so hard, you'd black out, you ungrateful cunt." brad didn't answer. "I DON'T LET YOU GO FUCK AROUND IN THOSE SWAMP BARS. THAT'S THE ONLY THING YOU ENJOY THAT I DIDN'T LET YOU DO." "I... don't enjoy those Sir. " "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE THAT'S WHERE YOU WERE GOING TONIGHT." "I.. I was angry, sir. Very angry. I still am." "About WHAT? What did I do to make you angry?" "You wrote that letter about my application to be G5." "A very POSITIVE one." "Yes sir." "HOW COULD YOU BE ANGRY AT THAT?" brad held up his head. He was serious. He was pouting, but he said "If you wanted me out of your life, all you had to do was say something." That took Frost by surprise. "WHAT? What the... WHO TOLD YOU I WANTED YOU OUT OF MY LIFE?" "They approved me. I have to leave Sir. Two G5s can't be a couple." "So, you think... you think I engineered your promotion so that...." he began to laugh. Frost laughed so hard he began to cry. "OH MY GOD. I should report THAT to the committee. They may revoke the promotion because you're so fucking stupid." brad pulled at the ropes. He did NOT like being called stupid, and it was the first time Frost had used that word. "You think I'm stupid? Then I WAS right: you didn't give a shit about anything than my ass. You saw me as a cum whore." "NO, YOU see you as a cum whore. I DID think of you a little that way but... " Frost walked around the apartment, shaking his head. "This. is. CRAZY. IT IS BATSHIT CRAZY. How many men work at Lemma?" "About 3600 Sir." "You think I couldn't have my pick? Even AFTER I picked you?" That was something brad hadn't thought about . He ran it through his head. He THOUGHT the rules said one kept man/woman to each G5, but in fact, as he remembered the rules, it didn't. Frost could have had any he wanted." "And I could've asked for a change anytime I wanted," Frost seemed to be reading his thoughts. "You know, I thought you'd be happy to be leaving. You've hated being here since day 1." Now brad began to laugh. "You think YOU'RE so smart. Well you know what, DOCTOR Frost SIR. I fooled YOU." Frost began to think. He had an idea. "Tell me. Or I'll force it out of you." "Go ahead and try" was the answer. "Very well..." Frost stepped behind brad, and grabbed his chin. He turned his head to the side. "In ten seconds, I go after your ear, and your neck. How humiliating to be go to work with hickeys." His tongue ran around brad's ear. Then he licked his neck and whispered "Tell me, or the beard starts. " His fingers went right back to brad's nipples. Moaning, and gasping, brad got it out. "See? This is it. I bet you got hard right there." "You're right. I may have to fuck you again. Or at least get blown." "I piss you off. I LIKE pissing you off. It makes you a better lover. You didn't know that Frost? You like me because I inspire you. You LOVE making me give in. You LOVE making me surrender. " "Like you're going to now.." He began nibbling on brad's ear. "YES. YES. I SURRENDER. I SURRENDER TO THE MAN WHO BROKE ME. TO THE ONE WHO LEFT NO DOUBT WHAT I AM. " He began to cry. "Now I have to fucking start all over. Who's gonna want a submissive G5? You're all supposed to be dominant tops. Am I gonna get some hot G2 who wants to fuck me? I don't think so. I HATE THIS." "You hate being a G5?" "YES SIR I DO. I HATE HAVING TO BE AWAY FROM YOU AND I HATE HAVING TO BE THE ONE IN CHARGE." He paused. "If you ever tell someone I said that first thing." Frost sighed. He sat on his haunches, next to brad. "I hate having to be away from you too. " He paused. "I have an idea. You may not like it but... it's happened before. " "What's that Sir?" brad asked, as Frost smiled and began opening his pants buttons. His cock WAS hard, and he clearly expected brad to blow him. "It's a big ask, but here it is. It's not at all uncommon for one member of a couple at Lemma, to leave when he or she finds someone who can take care of them." He moved forward toward brad's mouth. "I think I proved I can take care of you." He held his cock a half inch away from brad's mouth, so brad couldn't get it. And he wanted it. He wanted Frost's cock badly. "Leave the company. Become my live in kept man. You wouldn't be the first." brad was snaking out his tongue, trying to get Frost's cock. His own dick was going to burst. "Are you ordering me to do that, Sir?" Frost smiled. "No, but ... I could very easily just jerk off all over your shirt, and you'll never taste it. " He didn't wait for brad to answer. He shoved his cock into brad's mouth . When he had a small orgasm, brad thought it tasted sweet.

That night, after they had gone to bed, Frost's fingers began to work on brad's nipple. He whispered "I can't wait to have you here 24/7. Come home for lunch, have a quick fuck, get back to work. " "I thought I'd hate that but it sounds like the greatest thing ever," brad was thinking. Instead he whispered "If you didn't know about my tits, you'd never get my ass." "But I do. And I do." brad sighed. "Yes sir."

Folks, the next time around for these guys will be the finale of this story. Thanks again Ian. Enjoy

Next: Chapter 10

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