The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 6, 2021


"WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? YOU KNOW WHAT IT DOES TO ME." brad almost screamed it out. Frost was straddling his chest, and very, very gently massaging his nipples. They were at one of the "pleasure rooms" that dotted the city. This one was Frost's favorite. He had been there with different "dates," but never with brad. He smiled at the question

"I do it to you because I KNOW what it does to you." brad continued to moan. Anything Frost did to his nipples would turn him into, as one person had put it "a boy puddle," but when he worked them at this low level intensity, with brad unable to move... it was bliss, and it was torture.

"PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. " "Please what, brad? I asked YOU for something, and I haven't gotten an answer yet." Frost's fingers kept working "Please tie me down. Then fuck me. FUCK ME HARD SIR." "Oh? Didn't you say you didn't want to be tied down, bradford?" brad was trying to squirm, trying to get Frost off him, but also... he didn't want this to end. It felt so good . "I... I was teasing Sir. I DO. Please, please tie me down. Tie my wrists. Tie anything you want. Just please.. PLEASE FUCK ME." Frost stopped working brad's nipples, but he didn't get up. "Lock down one of your wrists yourself. I'll do the other one." Making brad tie himself up was one of the ways Frost manipulated him, and humiliated him. He knew that every time brad realized that he was helping to enable his domination, he felt.. beaten. And it was good to do this now because, well, brad had scored a major victory in his presentation to the G-5 panel. Yes, Frost had had a LOT to do with it, but the panel was impressed. "Locked Sir. LOCKED." "Good. I'll get the other one." brad winced as Frost tied his second wrist down tighter than the first one. "Now... just a little fun before I move lower..." He moved his head to brad's neck and ear, and that's when brad realized: Frost hadn't shaved that morning. Frost put his fingers back on brad's left nipple, as his tongue probed in and out of his right ear. "FUCKTOI" Frost whispered, and brad moaned. "YES SIR. YOUR fucktoi. " He began to pant as Frost moved his beard to brad's neck. "OH, do I want to send you back to work with a mark.. Let EVERYONE know how you celebrated the end of quarterlies." As Frost ran his beard back and forth on brad's neck, brad felt the strokes get deeper, and harder. His mouth opened to protest, but he just made a series of guttural sounds. Frost had worked more than one man's neck in his sexual life, and he knew just how deep he could push before he left a mark. He thought about it... THAT would be a very high level of humiliation for brad: it would put him in his place for a while. He thought not: breaking him every night was hot. Letting brad think, at least on a basal level, that he had something to say about what Frost did, and then showing him he didn't, was the best aphrodisiac Frost could imagine. He stopped working brad's neck. "Those nipples bradster. Those nipples. OH GOD." He reached over and he took up one of the pleasure room's newest additions: a pair of nipple clamps that vibrated at a very, very low frequency. He didn't have a set: after today, he'd get one. "Why don't YOU put them on yourself, SIR. AGGGGGGG". The bite of the clamps made brad scream, but then, as his body adjusted, the low level vibration made him feel the way he did when Frost used the prostate massager on him. "Because YOU'RE the bottom and the sub brad. You need reminding?" He pulled the chain on the clamps. "NNNNN. No Sir. You're the boss. " "Besides... " Frost began sliding down. He put his hand around brad's rod hard cock. "Seems you like it. " Frost had stripped brad's shoes and pants. His shirt was opened, but still on. It was a tight, thin, peach colored number, one of Frost's favorites. He had made brad dress a little better since the presentation. The night out to celebrate with just one, then Lemma Corporation's party to celebrate the end of a successful quarter, and then today. Frost's own cock was exhausted: he had fucked brad more this weekend than any weekend since he chose him. So today, and the reason they had gone to the pleasure room, he was introducing brad to the fuck gun: sometimes called the "fuck machine." In principal, it was very simple: Frost used to joke that they should have one in the G-1 gym. brad's response was that it would get worn out every week. A penis at the end of mechanically operated rod, attached to a small motor with a set of switches. The operator could use it to fuck his boy fast, or slow, pushing in far, or not so far. Frost pointed it at brad's ass. "You ready, studbottom?" brad's focus was on the clamps that bit into his nipples. The feeling was a mix of pain and pleasure. "Yes sir. " Frost smiled and began to insert the rod. brad sucked in air, and exhaled. "Deep breaths" he thought to himself. "Deep breaths." He saw the look on Frost's face: it was the look he had when he drove the porsche at the speed limit. There was sweat on his forehead, and he was licking his lips. "Look at how HARD you are boy. SO FUCKING HARD. I bet if I ran a feather on your balls, you'd shoot all over the place. "YES SIR YES SIR. I NEED TO PLEASE." He did. For all the screwing they had done since the meeting, Frost had not allowed brad to cum. When brad complained that he may as well be wearing a cage, Frost smiled. "That could be arranged, stud. You want one?" "no sir" had been brad's response. Frost intended fully to milk brad using this machine. He inched it in very, very slowly until... YES! That was what he was waiting for: a sign that he had hit brad's "spot." That sound was a long, low wail, not unlike you'd hear when a wolf was crying. Frost shut off the machine, and left the rod in brad's ass. He moved up and began twisting the nipple clamps. Now, brad was getting sensation from the low level vibrations, the teeth of the clamps, and Frost's twisting. He had tried to slide down a little on the rod, but he couldn't: he was impaled. He was going to shoot. He knew it. He couldn't help it. The rod kept him from bucking his hips, but with the last twist of the clamps, brad couldn't hold it anymore. He saw the splooch come flying out of his cock. "OH MY GOD SIR OH MY GOD. " Frost was grinning. He had no more "juice" to add, but he would the next day. He planned to save it. He knew, from prior experience with other boys, that brad would be sore from the machine: VERY sore. And he'd learn that, sore or not, he took his Master's cock. He had to learn that: it was part of the final breakdown of his "kept." It was part of the plan he had since the meetings ... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The day before the meeting, Frost had been sitting with Priest to discuss the up and coming presentations. "I have to say, Martin, Brad's team did a superb job. ABSOLUTELY SUPERB." He looked at Frost: "Any input from you, Martin?" Frost shook his head. "I don't permit working at home, Jackson. Not at all. And I swear to you, not a bit. To be honest, I think if I made any suggestions, he'd immediately reject them. Or at least his team would. brad is trying to hold onto his sense of self worth. It took a hit when I claimed him. And his team? Frankly, I think they're jealous and they'd like to see him fail." "Because he's yours?" "Yes Jackson. I think that's it." Jackson shook his head. "Jealousy is jealousy, but business is business. " He paused. "Let me be as up front with you as possible Martin. This presentation is so good, I don't feel like I have any choice but to recommend that whoever took the lead, be recommended for G-5 levels." He looked at Frost with an unwavering eye. He and Martin both knew that, while people were willing to turn their heads for a G-5/g-4 match, a G-5/g-5 was not going to cut it. "So...." Frost spoke. "So, you're saying that you're going to make a recommendation that will split us up. " Jackson sighed. "Business is business," he smiled. "Enjoy him, use him while you can. Relax Martin. Recommending someone for G-5 doesn't mean he'll get it, or he'll get it tomorrow. You came in laterally so you don't know.. for me, it was an 8 month process, and mine moved quickly. Fleming, I think, was 13 months. "Ah, Fleming," Frost answered, thinking once again about the presentation and not about he and brad. "I do believe I have an idea to perhaps assuage Doc Fleming from what I KNOW is gonna be upsetting news." "Tell me. I'm going to have to make the decision." Frost checked to see that the door was closed. Once he did, he began to outline his plan. "The reason for the suggestion to cut the division is because my modifications increased productivity. It essentially cut that division out of the process. No one in that group is underperforming. To the contrary, they were ALL overperforming... especially Gordon." "Fleming's G-1?" "The very same. They started underperforming when, bluntly, I eliminated the need for their jobs." "Hmmm . So what do you suggest we do?" "I suggest we sign a joint recommendation that the members of that group all be recommended to G-2, and that as a result of their work, they can skip the substantive exams." "So, all they would need to do is pass the character interview, and the practical?" "Correct Sir. " Jackson smiled. "I like the suggestion. Let me run it by a few more to make sure we have a majority. Now get the hell out of here. Take the rest of the day off, grab brad and, well, do more of whatever you do at night."

"Sir, you just fucked me. Now... oooooooooooooooh." Frost was inserting his index finger into brad's lubricated, and fucked, ass. "Is there a law that says I can't fuck you two times in a row?" "No Sir. Nooooooooooooooooooo." Frost had found the spot the fucking machine would find a few days later. "I bet this is making you want to shoot even more." "Yes sir. PLEASE." "Nope. Not until after presentation. You need to have that sexual energy so you can channel it into persuading a very well prepared panel. " "But.. But Sir... you've been fucking me regularly and..." He didn't get to finish. "Who's the keeper bradford?" "You are Sir." "And who's the kept?" He sighed. "I am Sir." "Keeper makes rules, doesn't he?" "yes sir." "And I made one. And if you violate it... I have the cage." "I understand Sir." brad felt Frost's kiss on the back of his neck. "You're going to do very well, bradford. Not because of me, but because you're damn good at what you do." "Thank you Sir. Did you read the report?" Frost smiled. "Of course I did. I'll be examining your team tomorrow. Don't ask me for my thoughts. You won't get them." He handed brad a valerian drop. "Just enough to put you out. You'll be fine tomorrow. You gotta sleep now." Instead of putting his hand on brad's nipple, he pulled him in to sleep with his head on his chest. The valerian worked. brad was asleep in five minutes. Frost wasn't.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx brad's team did the group handshake before they went up to the G-5 level and the small conference room where they would assemble. "You'll be great brad. " Farley said as they rode up. "Seriously, whatever you and Frost do, it's a damn good report. "Thanks. It was a group effort." "What're you gonna do when Fleming asks about eliminating Gordon's job," Ken asked. brad reddened. "I have no idea. I wish I did." It was about ten minutes after their thirty minute presentation, during which the G-5s took copious notes, that Fleming raised the question. "brad, I note that you suggest eliminating a complete division." "I do Dr. Fleming." "Not one person, not a few people, BUT A WHOLE DIVISION?" "It wasn't an easy decision to make Sir." "TWELVE PEOPLE OUT OF JOBS?" "Dr. Fleming, the productivity numbers are there. I can't.. I can't ignore them." "brad," Dr. Priest interjected. "Can you be a bit more detailed about why you think the productivity fell?" brad felt his temperature rise. He didn't want to throw Frost under the bus, but... "Dr. Priest, when we implemented Dr. Frost's innovations, that division simply became obsolete. You'll see we break down the numbers month by month, and that division functioned at 125% of quota until the changes were made." "So this was Dr. Frost's suggestion?" Fleming asked, snottily "Dr Frost had nothing to do with the report, Sir. We looked at the numbers, and we made our decision." Fleming threw down his pen in disgust. "Putting aside the obvious questions some people wish to ask, which I believe are irrelevant, I think the numbers support you brad. " "Thank you Dr. Priest." "Your report doesn't make suggestions as to what we do with the displaced G-1s?" "No Sir. With all due respect, that's above our pay grade." He saw Frost smile. "bratty brad" He was thinking. Priest laughed out loud. "No, no it's not. It's ours. And we're not going to let good employees go." When Fleming heard that, his head nearly split. On the one hand, he wanted to protect his kept. On the other hand, he REALLY wanted a house bitch, and that's what he planned to do with Gordon after he was dismissed. "Here's what I propose, gents. There are six G-1s whose numbers are so good, I think they would pass the G-2 exams without any trouble. So I'd like to waive them. The others will be reassigned to other groups." "ALL OF THEM?" Fleming reached up to adjust his glasses. "The substantive ones, yes. Not the interview and not the practical. " He dropped his voice. "Yes, Dr. Fleming, Gordon is in that group." He saw Fleming blush and point at Frost. "THIS IS YOUR DOING ISN'T IT?" Martin looked up. The increase in productivity IS my doing, that is correct. I did not think through individual divisions, also true. Nothing else is, Fleming." Priest looked up. "Dr. Fleming, I don't see why you seem so displeased. Productivity is rising, we're not going to follow brad's group's recommendations and sack them, and in fact, we're promoting about half of them. Where is the downside." "The downside is..." and then Fleming realized that he really couldn't play the houseboy card. "There is no downside Sir. The plan seems solid. "EXCELLENT. Then we'll proceed with the recommendations in the report, as modified." He stood up and the rest of the G-5s rose as well. "Thank you gentlemen for an excellent report. You may all breathe again, and of course, please feel free to visit the Corporate Bar. You DO deserve some refreshment."

Other groups had their presentations that day, and the next day. There was a party to celebrate the end of the quarter that second night, again at Dr. Priest's home. "I really want to dress you the way I did last time, bradford. You made me so horny." "Uh, it doesn't seem to take much Sir" Frost laughed. "Oh, if you only knew. Now let's see what we have that will make you the sexiest one there." "Does what I wear matter, Sir?" Frost laughed again. "You're right. Maybe you'll make a statement and go in a jock strap and a harness." He saw brad's face and started to laugh. "That's for AFTER the party. " brad thought he was joking, until he saw Frost pull out both items and lay them on the bed. In the end, he put brad in a snug french blue shirt, jeans, and a blazer. "Don't tell me, let me guess, Sir. You could fuck me right now." "I could. But I'm not wasting this outfit."

At the party, brad found himself standing next to Gordon. "Hey," Gordon said to brad. "Thanks for recommending me to G-2. I appreciate it." brad was going to say he had nothing to do with it, but he approached it in a roundabout fashion. "Uh, I just presented everyone's case with the best possible numbers. Frost made the suggestions that cut your band's productivity. He DID own it at the meeting." Gordon laughed. "At least he owns something. He sure as shit doesn't own YOU." brad was puzzled. "What do you mean?" Gordon laughed. "You know, for a kept G-4, you're pretty dense. " "Well, yeah, I am, but what do you mean." "Jeans that tight: I can see you're hard. So can everyone else. " "FUCK" brad thought. He looked down and.. yeah, the outline was there. "Well, so what? " "Means he's training you for chastity. The way Fleming trained me." "HUH? You mean...." "Not for 3 months, brad. I'm caged. Most of the G-5s eventually cage their kept. Keeps them in line and from playing with... other guys." He smiled. "Listen, thanks for everything but.. be careful. If you can get out of that relationship, do it. Wish I had when I had a chance." When Frost approached brad put his hands behind his back the way Frost liked. "You did REAL well today, sugar. Everyone is talking about you." "Probably because they can tell my religion from my jeans. SIR." "Ha ha. You need to be reminded from time to time that your autonomy is gone, pretty boy." "Well, what if I want it back?" "Do you?" Frost looked at him. His stare was unbreaking. brad looked away. He was trying to collect his thoughts. "No Sir. I like serving you." "Then, let's get home and do what you like."

When they got home, Frost did have brad change into the harness and jockstrap. Then he pulled out new restraints, and tied brad's wrists to the sides of their table. He pushed brad's legs apart. "What are you doing Sir?" "Giving you the spanking that's AT LEAST 30 years too late." WHACK. The paddle came down on brad's ass. WHACK. Again. brad stopped counting after fifteen. "NO MORE. NO MORE SIR." WHACK. "No more? HAH. You'll get as many as I want to give you, bitchboy. This is for ... " Then he stopped. brad felt Frost's arm around his middle, Frost's cock up against his sore ass, and his mouth over his ear. "Forget that thought. This for saying what you did." "thank you Sir," brad whispered, as Frost's cock found his ass. He was getting fucked AGAIN. That morning, notwithstanding the presentation, Frost had demanded a blowjob. It was the third morning in a row he had. It was the fifth night in a row brad had gotten fucked. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE TAKING?" brad wondered to himself. He wondered it again when Frost woke up in the middle of the night, put brad on his belly, and fucked him again. "FUCK I need to cum so badly." brad thought the next day. Until he got the call from Dr. Priest's office summoning him for a meeting. Now brad bolted from his desk, making sure to tighten his red tie as much as he could in the tight shirt. The G-5 assistant let him in. Priest was standing, looking out his window. "Dr. Priest, you wanted to see me?" He was smiling. "Yes, brad, please sit. " He buzzed the assistant. "You drink your coffee black, brad, yes?" "Yes sir, I do." How did Priest know that?" Priest smiled. "I asked Martin. He knows I'm meeting with you." "Have I erred Sir? I'm confused." The assistant brought in the coffee." "No brad, far from it. I wanted to talk to you." He was sitting now "about sitting for G-5 exams. I believe you're ready." brad nearly spat out his coffee. "But.. but Sir. I've already tried them twice and..." "And you failed on character. From what I can tell... " he paused. "Dr. Frost has done a superb job of breaking you of the issues t hat led to the character failure." "He broke me of a LOT of things," brad wanted to say. "Well, I'm flattered Sir. Thank you." Then Priest took a deep breath. "Let me make something clear, brad. It cost a good deal of capital to permit Frost to keep you because of your level. To use one of the phrases you used, permitting Frost to keep another G-5 'is way above my pay grade.'" "So, we'd have to separate." "He would have to give you up, correct. You would get all the benefits that Dr. Frost now has, but of course, given the situation, your housing would be some distance from his." He paused again. "I will NOT go so far as to say that G-5s have not, ahem, cohabited; however, Lemma does not condone those actions. " "So, " brad asked "we could, but not officially." Priest didn't answer. He just smiled. "Think about it brad. You'll have to fill out paperwork, and ... that will be due in three weeks."

Next: Chapter 8

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