The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 1, 2021


Broken. That's how brad felt: broken. He felt Frost's arm around his middle as he tried to sleep. The way Frost held him said it all: it wasn't tight, and it didn't feel constricting, but there was no question that Frost was in control. If brad needed to get up to use the bathroom, or for water, or anything else, it would be at Frost's discretion. "That's my life now," he thought to himself. Part of brad didn't think that was all that bad: he was desperate to be dominated, and there was no question about it: Frost had shown more of his steely dominant nature when he had punished him before bed. On the other hand, he had never wanted to give in, to surrender, 100%. For all of his attitude, he had really liked being Frost's "taken:" brad would give him sass, and Frost would ignore it. Or, he'd just take control in a way that brad found, well, hot. A good example was how, after Frost had moved brad into the apartment, he had tossed every last pair of brad's underwear, and replaced them with jock straps and thongs. brad had always worn a jock on weekends, but he was too intimidated to go to thongs, or to wear jocks during the week. Now, he had no choice. And he remembered how Frost had done it, and even as he went in and out of sleep, he found it arousing: Frost had tied him up, naked, sitting on a chair. Then he dumped every single item out of brad's underwear drawer. "My taken wears what I tell him to wear. These won't do. I want to know your ass is available without any real trouble. Understood?" brad had wanted to just say "yes sir," but he had gave a smart remark about how much he had spent on that clothing and asked if he was gonna get reimbursed. Frost DID reimburse him, in Frost's words: with a thorough fucking during which brad was rigid.

Clearly, that kind of smart remark, that kind of attitude, was not going to cut it with Frost anymore. brad had crossed the line. He knew it. And for the first time in his life, he had said the words "I surrender." He knew what they meant. He also knew that if he showed any sign that he didn't mean it, Frost was going to call him out on it. His balls still ached from the paddling. As he thought about that aching, he became even more aroused and his hand slipped down to his cock. He felt Frost's hand on his wrist. "That's a no no brad" he whispered. "Not without my permission. If I have to get up and tie your wrists to the bed, I will, but you will NOT be jerking off unless I say you can." "yes sir," brad answered meekly. "Sorry. I just began thinking of how you fucked me tonight, and.. " Frost now moved his hand up and covered brad's mouth. He whispered into his ear. "I don't care WHAT the reason is, brad. This is a yes or no thing. You want to cum, you ask for permission. If I say no, that's the answer. Understand. "mmmmph." brad shook his head yes. "Now go back to sleep. It's hell month at the office and you don't want to make mistakes." Frost had moved his hand away from brad's mouth and he answered again "yes sir," and felt Frost's hardening cock against his ass.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hell month. Hell week. The expression never changes. The amount of work increases, the number of hours worked does too, and everyone is stressed. For Lemma Corporation, hell month had started. They were such a big corporation that it took about a month for everything to get put together. Data summaries, reports, checking on subordinates, etc. brad was part of a group of five G-4s, who supervised three groups of G-3s. Those three groups, in turn, supervised 7 groups of G-2s and 10 small "cells" of G-1s. Productivity was going to be measured. Bonuses would be handed out. Individuals would be selected to be given time to study for level improvements. At the top of all of this, were the G-5s. All 25 of them, including Dr. Priest. Each group of G-4s ultimately reported to a committee of G-5s, which would eventually summarize findings to Dr. Priest, who would in turn present information to share holders. The week before, the committee that would supervise brad's group had been announced: Drs Jones, Wilson, Fleming, Connor, and Frost. Jones was married but had a G-1 lover, and Fleming was partnered with a G-1. It was Frost's position on the committee that concerned Jackson Priest and had been the impetus for his meeting with Frost. "So you decided to keep on keeping him, Martin?" he asked Frost. "Oh, of course. This is where things begin to get interesting. No, he's not going anywhere." Jackson smiled. "The report when we were recruiting you, was that you weren't afraid of challenges. " "Ha ha. Did your reporting go as far as to consider bratty executives?" Priest laughed at that. "Yeah, he's had the nickname bratty brad for a long time." Frost paused. "Jackson, you have kids do you not?" "Oh, yes, three beautiful ones. Two boys, one girl. All in their 20s now and on their own, but, yeah..." "I suppose at some point or another they acted like brats?" Priest began to smile. "I think I see where you're going with this, Frost. Bratty kids need to be punished. And if an adult acts like a bratty child..." "You see EXACTLY where I'm going, Jackson." Priest mulled the answer. "You know, if it weren't a corporate matter, I would say that you need to run your own house. Where I get concerned is if that approach will spill over to brad's work here." Frost shook his head. "Let me assure you Sir, I have considered this very, VERY carefully, and if I felt I could not be a fair judge of the work, I would have asked you to recuse me." Jackson shook his head. "I know. I know about your sense of propriety. But you won't mind if I sit on the committee, at least for the first day?" "I'd be honored if you did, Sir. I think that the numbers you're going to see are impressive. " Priest stood up indicating the meeting was over. "You've managed to get a sluggish division to produce beyond what anyone expected, and they like you. I hope it continues." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrradford, guess who's sitting on your review committe? YOUR HUSBAND! HA HA HA HA HA." Farley was gloating as he handed brad the list of committee assignments. "WHAT? OH SHIT. He didn't recuse himself? I'm fucked. Really fucked." "Night and day." brad's colleague Nick added, and brad began to blush. "You know, you guys COULD go to Priest and tell him you think that he'll be unfairly biased in my favor" "Oh no, no one thinks that brad," Peter commented. "Given how you fucking roasted him in the interview, we all think you're gonna get the shit kicked out of you at presentation." "He wouldn't do that? Would he? " brad asked himself, realizing that he had created this situation, and it was out of his control.

It was at dinner that night that brad tried to raise the subject: "Sir, I saw that you're on my review committee for quarterly review?" Frost looked at brad. He was already wondering exactly what he was going to make brad do that night besides wearing the incredibly sexy, tight outfit Frost had chosen for him at home: the brown button down barely closed around brad, his nipples pointed out, and the sleeves were too short, so he had to push them back. The tan pants were no better, cupping his ass as if he were one of the "corner boys." "I am, and the discussion of this issue is over." Frost's tone left no room for discussion. "Yes sir. Sorry I brought it up." "I think a blowjob with you tied up is in order after dinner. Get me good and wet, and then I'm going to fuck you. HARD." "yes sir. " brad winced because his cock had just gotten erect and the pants had no give. He felt himself leaking. That always turned on Frost. "Shall I go and get the chair and the ropes, Sir?" "They're already in the room. Get in there. I will be in, in a second. "Yes sir." brad settled himself in the chair, putting his wrists behind his back and spreading his legs. "Please Lord, no paddle tonight," he thought, as he heard Frost come in. He felt his wrists grabbed, and then rope twisted around them. Tight. Too tight. Tighter than Frost usually bound him. A slight yelp came out of him and he wanted to yell "take it easy SIR" but knew better. No, he didn't want to piss off Frost more, and that paddle. "NNNNNNNNG" escaped his mouth. Frost had opened up brad's shirt enough to get his nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He was twisting it. Again, harder than he always had, but.... it felt good. "You like that, don't you BITCH?" a harsh whisper from Frost into brad's right ear. "OH YES SIR. YES. " Frost stopped. "You don't fucking deserve it, worthless cum dump" brad got even harder at the words "cum dump." "I don't Sir. You're right. I don't deserve any of this." Fingers went back on both of brads nipples, more gently this time. "But you want it. You want what a submissive bitch gets, you just don't know how to be submissive. FUCKHEAD. You probably won't even admit you're gay." That one cut brad to the quick. Frost was right: for all the cocks he had sucked, and all the cock he had taken up his ass, brad insisted he wasn't gay, he just "liked cock." "Why the FUCK am I wasting my time on someone who isn't gay, or who thinks so little of me, when I could take any of a hundred boys and make them my bitch right now? Why don't I just take another one and turn you into the house bitch?" "I... I don't know Sir... I don't know." "Understand something brad. You don't get a house like this, cock like mine, or anything else, if you don't admit you want it. If you won't do that, I WILL release you. I'll get another boy." Frost was working very, very carefully here, even if it seemed to be over the top: one of the reasons he wanted brad was his feisty, bratty attitude. It was rare to find that with a sub. He wanted the old brad back, but that was going to take building up. Which meant tearing him down. And that's what he was doing here. "No Sir. Please, please I... I want YOU. I want you Sir. It's an honor to be chosen. NO ONE wants older guys and NO ONE wants me . All those cocks I sucked. They don't know me. They know my mouth. Please Sir. Please don't release me. Please...." Now Frost moved around to the front of brad. It was working. He saw the spotting on brad's slacks. He unzipped his. "SUCK IT BITCH. SUCK IT LIKE I'M ONE OF YOUR 'CLIENT' AT THAT DIVE." "I'll. I'll do better Sir. I'll give you the bj you deserve. "SHUT UP AND SUCK ." brad closed his lips around Frost's cock head. He moved his tongue back and forth, but kept his lips tight so that Frost couldn't get the rest of his cock in his mouth. He saw the smile on his DOM's face. He liked it. GOOD. He knew what Frost wanted, and he wasn't letting his cock in unless.... Frost smashed his knee into brad's erect cock. His mouth popped open and all of Frost's cock went down his throat. No gagging, no nothing: brad took it all. And he began sucking. He loosened his lips, he tightened them, he slurped as best he could. He saw Frost almost swooning as he pulled out his cock. "Please let me have my Master's cock Sir. Please let me have it in my ass. But let me kiss it first. PLEASE SIR PLEASE.. " Frost snorted. "Pond scum brad wants to kiss my cock? Yeah, I'll let you kiss it. Before it rips your ass apart. "YES SIR YES SIR. TEAR ME INTO BITS. PLEASE." Frost held his cock out in front of brad, inches in front of his face. brad had to lean forward, and the ropes cut into his body more. He was hurting but he didn't care. He wanted ... he didn't want "cock." He wanted THIS cock. THIS MAN's cock. He wanted cock from the man who had showed him what he really was: a worthless cock whore. brad leaned forward far enough to kiss Frost's cock. After he did, Frost grabbed him by the hair and yanked him out of the chair. "WHO TAKES YOUR ASS, BITCH?" "You do. You do Sir. " "And you want it, don't you?" "YES SIR. YES I DO I DO" brad wasn't faking or playing. He was harder than he had ever been, and he wanted it. He wanted Frost's cock. FROST'S cock. Frost threw him on the bed, facedown. Then he felt the fabric on his pants rip. Frost wasn't fooling around. He pushed the silver thong to the side, and RAMMED his dick into brad so hard, that brad screamed. "MOTHERFUCKER." He gasped. "Sorry Sir. Sorry. " Frost smiled. He was coming back. This was good. He dug his chin into brad's neck as he pushed in further. "How about I send you to work with a hickey? How about we let everyone know what I do to my TROPHY BITCH" "OH GOD SIR NO NO PLEASE." (SHIT! I said NO to him" brad thought. On his belly, he didn't see the smile that played across Frost's lips. He eased up on the scruffing. There wouldn't be a mark but brad would be feeling it for the next few days, just like his ass wouldn't quite recover for a few. "GOD SIR GOD. TAKE ME. CUM IN ME CUM IN ME." Then brad took a risk. He tightened his glutes. Without permission. He heard the animalistic yell come out of Frost, and he felt the jizz pouring into him. "OH YES SIR YES SIR. I BELONG TO YOU. MY MASTER. NOT JUST MY KEEPER. " "Damn right brad. Your Master. Your Topman. Your DOM" He kissed brad's ear. "And that was a great fuck." "Glad you paid for the pants. SIR" snuck out of brad. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." Frost wasn't. Instead he grabbed brad's feet, and held them under his arm. "haven't worked these for a while. " He began tickle torturing brad's soles. "I know JUST how to make you remember your place." The next day, he put the fiber glass inserts into brad's shoes. brad knew well enough not to take them out. Or to take off the too tight thong he had to wear. He knew enough not to go off to the bathroom to cum, even though his balls were aching. Frost's orders that morning were that he could cum that night IF Frost were in the mood. As it happened, Frost WAS in the mood. He edged brad for about an hour after he had stretched him on the bed and tied him down tight. "Someone may need a shave tonight, and I think it might be G-4 brad." "yes sir. I need to be... OH.... OH.... he began shooting. When was the last time he had jizzed? It was before Frost had dragged him to the sleazy bar. "Thank you Sir, THANK YOU. " "Heh heh. Don't thank me yet, pig." brad was still sore from yesterday night when Frost took him again, nearly as hard, and nearly as long. After he shot into him, Frost looked at brad. "If you want this to be our last fuck, it will be. It's up to you." brad looked at him. "Really? I get to decide something?" Frost smiled. THIS was the brad he wanted. "Well, SIR... you couldn't get rid of me unless you threw me out. " And THAT was what Frost wanted to hear. Broken but feisty. This is why he chose brad. Now, he just had to navigate him through the committee. He had read the report. brad's group had recommended dismantling the group Fleming's G-1 was in. They'd have to find another position for him. Not easy, at Lemma Corporation. Frost was sure that Fleming had read the report too. He'd be gunning for brad. Frost had to figure out a way to protect his lover, without making it obvious he was.

Next: Chapter 7

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