The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 28, 2021


It was Saturday morning, and brad felt Frost's hand, firmly planted on brad's left nipple, begin playing with it. brad couldn't help it: if a man played with his nipples, he was helpless. Frost figured that out very early after he had taken brad, and he was good at this. brad couldn't remember anyone who had ever played with his nipples so expertly. He squirmed, he tried to get away, but Frost said nothing and slowly but surely drained his resistance and made him horny at the same time. Frost kept his hand on brad's nipple every single night. Usually, he didn't play with it: just having it there was enough because if brad moved, or turned, he'd run into the fingers and be aroused. If Frost were still awake, brad would hear a slight chuckle. During the week, the result of this ritual was to make brad even hornier when he woke up than he had been before Frost came into his life. Unlike then, however, now he couldn't just go and jerk off. He needed Frost's permission, which never came without some concession from brad. Some mornings, brad decided to fight the urges, and didn't ask. It meant that his day was going to be really, REALLY bad. The concessions weren't onerous: Frost would make him wear a red jockstrap, or an especially tight shirt, things like that. brad regarded all of them as signs of his movement toward submission, as did Frost. That's what motivated brad to try to fight, and encouraged Frost to continue. Weekends? THAT was different. On weekends, the nipple torment was stronger, and Frost held him tighter. brad's moans seemed to encourage him to find new ways of getting more sensation out of brad, louder moans, complaints, all of which led to a harder cock pushing against brad's ass, and the eventual command "Roll onto your back brad" That was all Frost needed to say. brad would sigh and answer "yes sir," and roll over. "Good boy. Now spread your legs. Nice and wide. You wanna get fucked, bradley?

brad didn't have to pretend. He was always hard as a rock, and wanted Frost desperately. "Yes sir. PLEASE... fuck me.." The Saturday morning one would be the first of what could be up to five in a weekend - excluding blow jobs, and bondage games. Every Monday, when he returned to work, brad hoped no one saw the grimaces as he sat down at his desk. If you were to think "poor brad," you would generally be wrong. For the first time in his life, brad was getting all the sex he wanted. When he was at the clubs, blowing guys, he was always unsatisfied. He never went home with anyone, or took anyone home, but he'd just hit the clubs the next night. However else he felt about his situation, brad was sexually satisfied. There was another aspect of this relationship that caused brad to puff out his chest, especially if Frost weren't around to torment his tits. He'd walk through the various levels of the company and he'd hear the gossip, especially among the G-1s when they didn't see him. "Frost is HOT. What a fucking Fox. " "He doesn't dye his hair and I love it! Those sideburns, that salt in the pepper, WOOF" "Never mind the hair. I wish he'd NEVER wear a jacket. Those GUNS! " Thinking about Frost's body always made brad happy. Whatever else he thought about this "relationship" he had a hunk pounding him. Frost didn't use a gym: he had a room of the apartment set out as a private one. brad didn't know that the first night Frost stripped before taking him, and he saw the musculature, the firm torso. "Like what you see, brad?" Frost had smiled, and brad had squeaked out "yes sir." brad used a gym: he was a bit intimidated by using Frost's private one, even though Frost had invited him. He felt intimidated since the time he went looking for Frost, to let him know that their dinner had been delivered, and he saw his Keeper bench pressing. "I can't come NEAR that weight," brad thought. His next thought was "He could kick my ass." Frost could. He only showed it a little: when he pinned brad down and kept him helpless.

Any thoughts that Frost was not going to work out at the company had been eliminated in the recent past. Unlike his predecessor, Frost made it his business to walk around the company, talk to people, look at the working of the departments that were ultimately under his supervision. It was on one of those walks that he saw something that led to a small change in the operation. He noticed how the G-1s would process information before it worked its way up to the higher levels. He suggested a very small change. Productivity went up 12%. The result, at all levels but Frost's, was a cash bonus. And the company prospered even more than it had. One of the comments brad heard when he was walking around , was someone saying "I hope Frost comes by again. Maybe my cock will go up 12%" . People were jealous of him: the young ones, who had originally thought Frost was just an old man, now wanted to get assigned to a department that reported to him. Sometimes, Frost would bring home the anonymous letters where the workers told him about their crushes on him. "SO TAKE ONE OF THEM" was all brad could say. Frost would just smile and signal that he wanted brad in front of him, on his knees. "Why would I do that. I have what I want. Almost completely." "Almost completely." "Bratty brad" was what they called him at the G-5 level. Brad had been reading, surreptitiously, articles on "how to control from the bottom," and he had begun looking at schedules to see if there were a time when Frost weren't around and he might sneak out to.... the old haunts. Frost didn't know about the reading material. He DID have a feeling that brad was... restive. Sometimes, if traffic were bad, the driver would take an alternate route home, which took them right past the "street of sin" as it was nicknamed, where most of brad's all haunts were located. Frost would see the longing look brad would give them. "That needs to stop," he thought. "brad has to submit all the time, not just when he's horny. One hundred percent." Frost knew how to bring a man to that point. He had done it before, but he needed a reason to so do. Brad sneaking to the bars would be one, but so far, that opportunity hadn't come up. brad was smart, and clever, in addition to being very handsome. There were many handsome guys at the company: it was the reports on his intelligence that drew Frost to brad. He needed a man who kept his game sharp. brad did. So far. Frost realized he needed to step up his game. brad slipped, and gave him the chance. And that was why - and we'll trace the steps to this - brad was sitting bound and gagged, with a weighted ball stretcher hanging down from his scrotum and a small dildo positioned at the tip of his hole. His white shirt was soaked through from his sweat. A paddle lay on the table next to him, along with a dildo MUCH bigger than Frost's cock, and a much meaner pair of nipple clamps than he had ever seen. The taste of cum - not Frost's - was still in his mouth.

It had started with the G-3/G-4 softball game. It wasn't anything official, but it had achieved "semi-official" status. The divisions tried to meet once a month to have a friendly game - and it was friendly - all that it decided was bragging rights until the next game. When brad had asked for permission to continue with the games, Frost was completely enthusiastic. "Oh, of course! And I'm coming to watch: a chance to see your ass sticking out for a couple of hours (brad played short stop for the G-4s). How could I pass that up?" The teams had "sort of" unforms: baseball t shirts, and sweat pants or shorts. The G-4s had a navy blue them, the G-3s, green. Frost was visibly pleased when brad had his uniform on. "My my, bradford. I thought you were sexy in work clothes, or business casual but this... " He began to run his thumbs on brad's nipples and brad began to harden. "We all know about sex on the beach, but how about sex in the locker room." "Please Sir. I have to concentrate on the game." Frost smiled and squeezed brad's nipples enough to make him moan. "Indeed you do. Remember I could keep you home without much trouble." "Yes sir. I understand. Thank you for letting me continue to play." brad was MUCH less bratty when his nipples were under control. He couldn't help it. Frost laughed. "Let me drive us to the game." Off they went.

The softball games were "human interest" to the authors of the company newsletter, so they were always there. In the middle of an ordinary game, one of the reporters noted Frost in the stand. He talked to his colleague and they agreed: a story on the new G-5 and his kept would be great copy. At a break in the game, the reporter, named Smith, came over and asked if he'd mind. Frost smiled. "Oh, I think that will be fun. We'll go down on the field at the end. " brad knew nothing about this. He just saw Frost and the two reporters and a photographer coming toward the him at the end of the game. "Here brad," Frost said. brad didn't want to act up in front of all these people so he just answered "yes sir," and came over. "Can we have some pictures?" "Sure," said Frost. "Hold on just one minute. I'm old school." By "old school," he meant using the old coded systems. He moved brad's cap backwards "the rim shouldn't get in the way of sucking cock" was how he had learned it. He put his hand on brad's shoulder. "Put your hands behind you brad." He whispered. brad sighed and said "yes sir." "Now push out your chest. " The resulting picture had Frost smiling, brad with a poker face, and anyone who knew anything about power dynamics knew precisely what was going on. They interviewed Frost first. He told them how "I knew about brad when we were both in Paris. I was interested then, but the opportunity just didn't present itself. Then, I came here, and they offered me the perk of a kept man. How could I turn that down? " He laughed and he squeezed brad's shoulder. "And then when I saw brad was here, well... I knew we'd be breaking new ground, but... that's progress for ya. " He squeezed brad's shoulder again. "Maybe one day it'll be two G-5s living together. Who knows? " The reporters wanted to ask brad some questions, and Frost smiled. "I'm gonna pull the car around bradford, so I'll catch you after the interview. " It was that interview that got brad in the trouble he was in now. They started with easy ones " brad kunin, and yeah, I know, Dr Frost called me bradford. He calls me bradley too. Both nicknames. My full name really IS just brad. " A little more general talk and then.. the question. The reporter asked brad how he liked being the kept of a man where much of the G-1 corps would take his place at the drop of a hat. brad's answer was "well, when I joined the company I signed a contract. It DOES say that the possibility of being taken as a kept by a senior officer is always a possibility, and I signed that contract. The company has been good to me and I'm happier being here than I would be not here." He wouldn't answer more personal questions. Frost, of course, didn't hear the interview. He took brad home, knowing nothing about it. All he knew was that brad in the uniform was driving him crazy. When they got into the apartment, he ordered "BEND OVER. HOLD ONTO THE TABLE. " brad was usually hornier after games than usual, so he didn't mind. "Yes sir," he got into position and felt Frost kick his legs apart. Then he felt like a battering ram had just pushed into his ass. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT SIR. YOU'RE SO BIG. " He felt one of Frost's big hands cover his mouth. "QUIET. LEARN TO TAKE IT WITHOUT COMPLAINING, CUNT." This one was going to be difficult. The game had stimulated Frost too: nearly 20 men on the field, all in good shape, all ... and then there was his chosen.

Closing his eyes, and thinking about the game.... He pushed even harder, and his jizz started pouring into brad and then down his leg. "CLEAN UP. AND NO, YOU MAY NOT. " "yes sir," brad heaved out an answer. "He's gonna need a shave. SOON" Frost thought to himself. He relished the thought. brad tied down, trying to keep his cock still while he was wearing nipple clamps, the razor going back and forth.... "MMMMMMMMMMMMM" Frost could barely control himself.

brad's office was on a lower floor than Frost's , so he got the news first. Farley and Ken, his colleagues, were already there, and they were looking at the company newsletter, and laughing. "What's the matter brad? Big Daddy Frost isn't fucking you hard enough?" "Huh? What do you mean?" "Your interview stud. You've been non-committal before, but this one? OH BOY. And if you haven't brushed off Frost, I'm not sure what you did." Farley showed brad the article in the newsletter. He saw the photo and Frost's smile and his own expression, which looked like he had taken sour milk. Then he read the comments. "FUCK. I didn't know they were gonna use that in the interview. OH SHIT. I gotta talk to Martin.." Ken started laughing "Martin? I think you better be ready to start calling him something like Sir or Master. He is NOT gonna be happy with this." "He" was not. Frost was reading the interview as Ken was laughing. He had been getting the car when brad made the remarks, and he did NOT know what brad said. He thought it would have been something more positive. "That FUCK." He thought to himself. Then he thought some more. "This is MY fault. I haven't let him know who's boss. THAT has got to change." There was a buzz from the receptionist for Frost's section of the G-5's. "Dr. Frost, Mr Kunin is here to see you." "Please tell him that I'm in meetings and cannot be disturbed. If he insists... call security." Jacob, the receptionist, of course had read the article too. "I understand Dr. Frost. I'll see to it." He turned to Brad. "Dr. Frost is not available Mr Kunin." "Oh. Okay... " brad was beginning to get scared. "Can you please ask him to give me a call or a text when he is." "I'll make sure he gets the message Sir." Jacob was a G-1, but the position of receptionist to the "5s" as they were sometimes called, was a competitive one. Jacob was going to sit for G-2 exams soon, and he did not want to risk any blots on his record. brad stewed for the call all day, and he didn't get it. Regular closing hours came and went. Frost would usually give him a text when he was ready to leave and they'd leave together. All brad could do was sit: he couldn't concentrate. The text came at 7:15pm. "I'm at my car. I'll wait ten minutes. How you get home after that is up to you." "yes sir. I'll be right there." brad gathered himself and prayed for the elevator to get there quickly. Frost's car was there, waiting for him. brad was out of the office so he loosened his tie even more, but he was around Frost, so he sucked in his gut and pointed out his chest. "Busy day, bradford?" Frost tried to keep an even tone. "Confusing one, Sir. Sir, can we talk about the article in the newsletter?" "Yes, we will. But not until we get home." Frost patted brad on the thigh. "Stop worrying. We're all gonna get what we want." Frost didn't say anything else as they drove, but brad noticed they were not taking a regular route. "Sir, are we going somewhere before we head home?" "We are indeed. " brad saw that Frost was pulling up in front of one of his old hangouts: one of the sleaziest gay bars in the city. "It's a little early, but we should be able to find some of what you like brad." "Sir, the article. I didn't mean..." "SHUT UP. GET USED TO NOT SPEAKING BECAUSE YOUR MOUTH IS GONNA BE FULL FOR A WHILE." "yes sir," brad said very meekly. Frost got out of the car. He opened brad's door. "GET OUT. GET YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." "yes sir." brad did what he was told. He dropped his head, as Frost opened the bar, and called out in a loud voice. "HEY. ANYONE WANT TO USE MY BOY'S MOUTH? HE'S TRYING TO BREAK HIS RECORD OF EIGHT COCKS IN TWO HOURS." "oh shit," brad said under his breath. "brad, on your knees. Don't make these men work hard for what you both want." In the past, the idea of sucking cock for 2 hours straight might have gotten brad really, REALLY hot. Now, though... with Frost looking on, he took one cock after the other. "Is it alright if we... finish in him?" "You may do whatever you want." brad heard the steel in Frost's voice. THIS was the G-5 in him. And that tone was, well, it was getting brad hotter than the cocks in front of him.

Frost checked his watch. "Well well well. I thought you'd never be able to do 8 in two hours, but you did... ELEVEN!!!! WOW! I should call the company newsletter." brad was near tears. "Please sir, can we go home now. " "Sure we can. We have much to talk about. I have to presume you won't be ready to put anything in your stomach. " "No Sir, but..." Frost laughed. "Oh, rest assured. I'll be enjoying dinner. You'll be doing something else. " "Sir, I'm.. I'm sorry. I...." "SHUT UP OR I'LL SHOVE SOMETHING ELSE IN YOUR MOUTH. SAVE IT FOR LATER." When they got to the apartment, Frost dropped his jacket. "Get out of your pants. NOW." "Yes sir." brad was soaking wet from the sleaze bar, and he wanted to take off his shirt. Frost wasn't having it. "My own little Tom Cruise. Since you think you have so much in common with him, might as well look the part. Now stand still." That's when Frost attached the ball stretcher. "NOW SIT. GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS BEHIND YOU." "Yes sir." Frost whipped off his own necktie and bound brad's wrists. Then he took the vibrator and placed it. "You'll sit like this until I've finished my dinner. Then, we will talk." "yes sir. " The vibrator was just strong enough to stimulate brad, and the ball stretcher was something brad had never experienced. He thought about Frost in the next room. He remembered how warm, and how he felt when Frost put his hand on his shoulder for that photo: secure, wanted, safe. All of that was gone now.

Frost came into the room where brad was tied. He was still in work clothes, and he had a spatula in his hand. He smacked it against his other hand. "So... you want to talk about the interview?" Frost took off the gag. "Yes sir. I.. I didn't mean for that to get published." "You said it?" "I... I..." "DID YOU SAY IT?" "Yes sir." WHACK. The spatula came down on his balls. "OH FUCK." brad sputtered out. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH YOU EMBARRASSED ME?" WHACK. "I.. I guess not Sir. I'm... I'm sorry." WHACK. "YOU'RE SORRY? YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY. IS THAT GETTING THE ARTICLE PULLED BACK?" "No Sir. It won't. " WHACK. WHACK WHACK WHACK." "It hurts doesn't it? GOOD. Because by the time I'm through with you, you may not need your balls anymore. And you may not want them because as of today, the only thing they're good for is punishment." "I.. I deserve that Sir. " WHACK WHACK. "YOU DESERVE SHIT. YOU DESERVE NOTHING. NOTHING YOU FUCKING CUNT SHIT. " Frost put the spatula against brad's balls. "Do you understand what you are?" "Yes sir." "What's that, cause I'm not sure you do" "Your.. your property Sir. I belong to you." "DAMN RIGHT YOU DO BITCH. AND KNOW WHAT? I DON'T CARE WHETHER YOU'RE HAPPY WITH IT OR NOT BUT YOU WILL NOT EMBARRASS ME." "I understand Sir. I was out of line." Frost smiled. "Oh, children are out of line. You're more than out of line. You just fucking may have destroyed your career. You thought about becoming a G-5 one day?" brad had started to cry. "yes sir. I did." "Kiss THAT thought goodbye." brad began to cry harder. "GOOD. You're crying. In my old position, it was said that I drank the tears of subordinates. And I'm thirsty. " "Sir, I was wrong. VERY wrong. I said the wrong things. I didn't want this at first but... Sir... when I heard your voice tonight, I got excited. I heard you giving orders, and... I wanted you to give me orders. " Frost pulled the tit clamps. "Is that right. You trying to bullshit me again, bradford?" "NO SIR. NO. I ... I need a firmer hand Sir. You treat me too well." "Heh heh. Well, that is about to change. For now, though.. you better get set for the most thorough fucking you have gotten in your life." Frost untied brad and motioned to the bed. "Start on your belly." "Yes sir." The vibrator was gone, but now, there was a dildo. brad felt it penetrating him. It was cold. Hard. It didn't feel at all like Frost, but Frost could control it, turn it, and he was watching how brad winced. "Think you're sore on Mondays, cuntboy? WAIT until tomorrow. " He yanked the dildo out and before brad could get a breath, shoved in his cock: all the way and hard. "OH YES. OH YES. THANK YOU SIR THANK YOU. I LOVE YOUR COCK. I LOVE IT. MORE SIR PLEASE. MORE." The pounding continued. brad was so focused on the cock in him that he didn't realize when Frost took off His necktie , draped it around his neck and pulled his head back to get in further. brad gagged when he pulled it back hard as he jerked into him. He felt exhausted. Then he felt something even bigger go into his ass. "This is number 3. Two more, bigger, going into brad the bitch. And you may just sleep with the biggest one in you." "Sir, please. PLEASE. If I have to sleep with something in my ass, let it be your cock. PLEASE!!!!!" Frost continued the assault on his kept. He was going to finish, but he thought... he thought the pleas from brad were sincere. "I'll give you that. But you're gonna have to pay every single night for the next two weeks Punishment every night. Something different. " "Yes sir. I understand. Thank you Sir. " "Get your filthy ass into the bathroom. Get cleaned up. Brush your teeth. Use some mouthwash. We'll decide what we're doing with you after that. And...." Frost's evil glance sent a chill down brad. "Jerk off and enjoy it. You won't be doing that again for a while."

Frost laughed when he heard brad's scream of release. He thought about a chastity cage, but ... brad was gonna have to learn to take orders. "Do I look okay, Sir?" brad came out of the bedroom to the living suite. Frost had put out white shorts, and a tight blue polo shirt for him. "You look mighty fine. Sit over here, brad." He patted a seat next to him. "You cum?" "Yes sir. Thank you for permission." "You clean your mouth out?" "Yes sir." Frost kissed him. brad began to moan. He was rarely kissed and this felt... so good. "If you want out, I'll see about nullifying the contract. I'll take someone else. If you decide to stay, you'll start being more obedient, and I will make sure you do. Your choice. NOW." "I want to stay with you Sir. Really. Really. Your terms. Absolutely. No negotiation. No nothing. I surrender. i belong to you." brad began to cry again and Frost smiled. He knew there was going to be more training, because a stud like brad didn't change overnight. He was ready. He felt he had carte blanche to treat brad any way he wanted to. Humiliation was on the menu. Quarterly presentations were coming up. brad probably hadn't put together that his group would be presenting to a panel that included Frost. Martin knew, though, and he was already preparing.

Next: Chapter 6

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