The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 25, 2021


Frost was driving them back home after the tennis match. He could see from brad's face that he wasn't happy about the shellacking he had just taken. "You think I cheated brad?" "No Sir. You beat the crap outta me, and I know it." Frost smiled "Well, you know the old expression: to the victor goes the spoils" brad started getting clever again "You think I'm spoiled Sir." Frost started laughing . Hard. "THINK you're spoiled? Brad, a better name for you would be BRAT than brad, but that's ok. Brats are fun to fuck. And I think the appropriate spoils of today: are your ass cheeks." "I figured you would. Would it be ok if I just sucked you Sir?" "AFTER I fuck you." Frost took a quick look from to the side to see brad's face. "Afraid of your own flavor brad?" He didn't get an answer, and laughed some more. "You're like a bratty teenager. Now you're pouting. GOD that's hot." "What can I say Sir? I love sucking cock." "I know you do. And I love fucking ass. And we know who's in charge, don't we?" "We do.... SIR. " Frost began to laugh. "I wonder how long it would take for 'bratty brad" to become a slogan around the office." "You wouldn't do that, would you... SIR?" "I might. I just might. " "Please don't Sir. Please. I'll stop asking to suck your cock." "I'll think about it. When we get back though, you're gonna OFFER your ass to me, since you're still sweaty and I can slide in so much easier." "You don't seem to have too much trouble getting inside me. SIR" Frost took a deep breath. "You know, I had a sub who was as lippy as you. My solution was to just keep him gagged as often as possible. Broke him in two weeks." "Cock in my mouth would keep me gagged. Sir." Frost pulled into his parking space. When they got out, he spoke to brad. "You start walking with your hands behind your back when you're in public with me, bratty brad." "Excuse me... SIR?" "You heard me. " "Not even the G-1s have to do that." "Well, you do. " Brad sighed, said "yes sir," and put his arms behind him. "I oughtta make you push your hands up so I can see your ass better. It looks good. " Brad didn't answer. The truth was, the talk about his ass, and how good it looked, was making him eager for what was going to follow. When they got in the apartment, he saw the boxes that had arrived when they were gone, but didn't say anything. "On my back or on my belly, Sir" "Belly. That way you don't know what I'm doing." "yes sir." brad went into the bedroom, and laid down. He heard Frost come in, and then he felt the tug at his tennis short waist band. "MMMM. Like unwrapping a Christmas present." Then he peeled off the black jockstrap he had made Brad wear. Brad felt Frost's strong hands spreading his legs. Then he felt Frost on top of him, whispering "you're three times sexier than any of the kids. What a FINE ass you have. And it's MINE" brad felt Frost easing his cock into his bottom. He was moving very slowly. "He's thinking about doing something else," brad thought. "What? Is he gonna make me suck him?" Then he felt the jolt as Frost rammed all the way in. "OH GEEZ TAKE IT EASY SIR." "I'll take it the way I want... CUNT" Frost pushed in hard again. "OOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. " brad liked it rough and he was getting it just that way today. Frost was right: the sweat down his ass was making it much easier for Frost to get in deep, and he got in deeper than he ever had. "Ever been dildo fucked brad?" He grunted as he took his bottom. "No Sir. I've never had anything fake up my ass." "Well... first time for everything. Just not today. Now tell me. Who's your TOP?" "You are Sir. You own my ass." He grunted as Frost fucked him harder. "You like being my bitch?" "Yes sir." "YOU DIDN'T SAY IT FAST ENOUGH FUCKTOI." "I'm sorry Sir. Yes, Yes. No one's ever fucked me as well as you do." "And no one ever will." brad was sweating even more than he had been on the tennis court, as Frost pumped him. Faster and faster and then... the release. "I'm a cum dump" brad thought. "I love it." When Frost was finished, he flipped brad onto his back. "Now, you said you weren't ticklish, didn't you brad?" "Uh, yes Sir. I did because it's true." "Welllll... I bet I can find a ticklish spot on you." brad's tennis shoes were off, and he felt Frost grabbing his ankles. "NO NO NO. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR. " Frost had begun running his fingers up and down brad's soles, faster and faster, with his feet stuffed under his arm. "SIR SIR. PLEASE STOP STOP. I MAY WET MYSELF." "GOOD. The more humiliated you are, the better. I bet you let someone pee on you before." brad didn't answer. He did, because he liked the guy, until he smelled the piss. He kept on trying to sit up and every time he did, Frost tickled his feet harder. "OK OK OK. My feet are ticklish. STOP. Just STOP. PLEASE SIR. I'll try not to act up anymore. PLEASE." "I kinda like you acting up, bradford. Gives me an excuse to punish you." brad was trying to catch his breath. "Punish me all you want Sir. Punish me every day. I need it. I deserve it."

The boxes that had come in included some of Frost's stuff that had just taken a while to get there. But there was also a box that had brad's name on it. "Sir, what's this?" "I did a little shopping. I didn't much care for your casual clothes, so I replaced them." "YOU DID WHAT?" brad went looking in his drawers, and his closet. Empty. "WHAT THE...." "Who makes these decisions?" "You do Sir. " "Damn right I do. Don't forget it. Now, did you forget the social this weekend?" "No Sir." Organizing schedules always took some time, so the company was getting around to the "welcome" party for Frost. He had already been working for a couple of weeks, but this was the soonest they could do it. Frost had made it clear that brad was going, but he was NOT going as a G-4: he was going as Frost's boy. "I can't wait to dress you tomorrow. EVERYONE who has a boy will have him there. I bet you'll be the hottest one." "I'm never gonna live down this party," brad thought.

"WOULD YOU GET THAT LOOK THAT YOU DRANK SOUR MILK OFF YOUR FACE?" Frost had his hand firmly on brad's left bicep. "Hmmmm. Nice. You have a great body for a G-4 bradford." "My looks got me everything.... SIR" brad answered. He was miserable because his shirt was so tight: a dark blue, untucked, over jeans. "I get to wear jeans to a company party, Sir?" brad seemed incredulous. "As a senior guy's boy you do. And if anyone grabs your ass, I wanna know about it." "Unless you tell them to... SIR" "Yeah, that's right brad. I might very well swap you for some sweet thing. NOW GET MOVING" He pushed brad into Dr. Priest's home. As they went in brad realized: not many people got to see this house, and he wished, OH GOD he wished he weren't seeing it in this role. "Martin! Welcome. I hope you'll enjoy yourself tonight. Some of these gents have been on the road, and this was the first chance I could get everyone together... " He laughed. "And probably the last time for the next six months." brad looked around: it was strange seeing the G-5s he knew from the office every day in casual clothes, or seeing the mix of men and women: there were no women at the company, but the execs who were coupled to women - most of them - had brought them. He puffed out his chest a little as he thought "my guy is the best dressed one here," which was true. Frost had on a dark blue, almost black blazer, and a shirt that was silk and colored a combination of helio yellow and dark red. He coupled it with black silk trousers "Yeah, I'd put out for him dressed like that" brad thought. He looked around and he realized that Frost's taste extended to what he was wearing . He looked better than the four or five younger guys who were there as "kept boys." "And Brad! It's so good to see you out of the office. We don't get a chance to do that much," Priest was smiling as he shook Brad's hand." "It's an honor to be here, Sir." "Are you enjoying being with Martin?" Frost was standing right there. Brad blushed. "Very much Sir. It was an honor to be chosen." "AW. I like hearing that. Susie..." He called over to a striking blond woman. "Susie, come meet our new recruit, Martin Frost. And this is his chosen, brad." "So nice to meet you brad. I think I may have seen you at a company party or something." brad remembered her: she had winked at him once at the company's holiday party. "Nice to meet you too Mrs. Priest." "Oh, just call me Susie. You know, people don't realize it, but when you partner with a G-5, you sort of become one too. You'll learn that." brad gulped. THAT was a loaded statement. He'd have to think about it. Did his association with Frost bring him more prestige, or anything like that? "Let's go get some food, brad. I bet you're still hungry from tennis yesterday "I'd really like some sausage" was what brad wanted to say, but he saw the buffet and realized that there were things here he hadn't eaten since Paris. "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrradford G-4" a very young, very blond man said to him. "I'm Perry, I'm coupled to Dr. Murray over there. " "How do you do? I don't recall seeing you at..." He laughed. "Oh, no, I don't work at the company. I'm in a legal firm. I met Dr. Murray at, well... " he dropped his voice "one of the sleazier places. I was getting fisted by two guys, and when they were done, Doc Murray looked at me and said "you're coming home with me, and you're not doing that again." "Do you miss it?" Perry laughed. "Hell no. HELL NO. You know, giving up my ass to my man is a small price to give up that life. You miss being single brad?" "Honestly, sorta kinda." Perry laughed. "It's new to you isn't it? Frost is new to us and, well, it's a shame about the boy he had." "HAD?" "Oh yeah. You don't know the story? He was in Paris with his boy: I think his name was Terry. Terry had a thing for disobedience, and he went to one of the rougher neighborhoods once, even those Martin told him not to. He didn't get INTO a fight, but he got caught in the middle of one. He took a knife meant for someone else. Martin was inconsolable. That's why he left France." brad cocked his head. "You have any idea how old Terry was?" "Oh, not more than 30. They say that Frost started looking at older men after that because they were more stable." Just then, brad felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Frost. "I don't want to break this up, but Perry, brad needs to meet some people. Most of them don't know him." "Well, that will change. He's cute Dr. Frost. Best of success." Martin led brad away. "Perry is a bit of a chatterbox, and he doesn't always tell the truth." Frost leaned into brad's ear. "And as soon as we can get away from this party, we're leaving because damn it to hell, you are just so fucking hot, I need you underneath me as soon as I can get you there." He couldn't explain it, but when brad heard Frost say things like that, he just turned to mush. Unfortunately, it took rather long before they could extricate themselves from the party. Frost had drunk more than he thought he should have, so they borrowed one of Priest's drivers to take them home. "the other driver will follow . He'll get them both back, Martin. Lovely evening. See you tomorrow." Frost and brad were in the back seat. "I gotta see if we can somehow get permission for non G-5s to wear jeans to work occasionally. You look so goddamn sexy in them." "And you want other people to see it? SIR?" "Yeah, I do. So they know what a sexy boy I have." "I. AM. NOT. A . BOY" brad repeated to himself. He HATED when Frost referred to him that way. When they got into the apartment, Frost came up behind brad. He began rubbing his chin against brad's neck and ear, something he knew got brad worked up. "I need a blow job. Desperately. But not.... not before I've got you so hot you can't control yourself." Frost had one of brad's arms pulled behind his back. He held it there gently. His other hand found one of brad's nipples and worked it, as he nibbled brad's ear and neck. He whispered: "you gonna suck me?" "YES SIR. OH GOD YESSIR." "Are you gonna give me the BEST blow job you've ever given a man?" "I'm gonna try Sir. I'm gonna show you what I've got." "Then get to it sexy boy." brad ignored it. He had called him sexy. He got to his knees. "I bet I can get you opened without my hands Sir. Tie them. Please sir. Tie them." Frost didn't need much encouragement. brad began to work on Frost's zipper. It took a while, because Frost kept on grabbing brad's head, and shoving it into his crotch. But finally, his cock was out in the air, and brad was able to start licking it, sucking it, and finally, deep throating it. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH YES. OOOH LA LA. Better than anything in France." brad looked up. "That's because you never had me, Sir." Frost smiled. "Stop talking and go back to sucking." "Yes sir. OH GOD YES SIR." Frost was squeezing brad's nipples, and he was going crazy. He wanted to choke on Frost's cock. Everything changed that night: he saw Frost as a conduit, not a dead end. He could advance: even if he didn't move to a G-5 level, he could become the Dominant G-4. He sucked and teased. And when Frost wanted to push in further, he pulled back, smiling. "This is MY field Sir, not yours. Let me do my job. " The blow job went on for at least 30 minutes before Frost said. "ENOUGH. I want your ass. YOU DID THAT BRAD." On your back." Brad was smiling. His mouth was tired and yes, he LOVED the way Frost fucked. His ass was a small price to pay for what he was thinking of." "YES SIR. YES STUDMAN. FUCK YOUR BOY. FUCK HIM HARD. " Frost was NUTS. brad was thinking he'd never be able to sit on Monday. Just before Frost came, he asked "Who are you brad?" Brad knew what to say. "Your BOY. Your boy Sir." He felt the warm jizz filling his ass. "I'm gonna wind up the topman in this relationship. Wait and see" He thought.

Next: Chapter 5

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