The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 15, 2021


"SO. How did it go Brad? You gonna be able to sit at your desk?" Brad turned red as Farley teased him. Three other G-4s were with him and laughing. "You can stop anytime you want," Brad looked up at him. Farley began to laugh again. "Did you tell Frost that? Did he listen?" More laughter. It was NOT gonna be a good day for Brad. He had already endured the jealous stares of a group of G-1s as he left Frost's car and came into the building (G-5s had a separate entrance only they could use. Martin would be driving his porsche to that side of the building and entering that way). Brad hadn't gotten a chance to say much to Frost the night before, and once he was gagged, he couldn't say anything. Frost had edged him at the end of the night, and he THOUGHT he'd be okay for the day but... thinking about his first night with his new Dom was getting him horned. He had to focus on his work: that was the ONLY way he was going to be able to not dwell on....

Brad had gotten lippy as soon as he got in Martin's car. "Three hundred plus boys dying for your dick and you pick me. SWEET" he had said sarcastically. Frost had put his hand on Brad's thigh and squeezed. "What can I say, Brad? Most people prefer lamb, I prefer mutton." "Well, I don't BAAAAAA during sex..........SIR" "Ha ha ha. You're not gonna be making much of a sound at all during sex, Brad. You're quite used to having your mouth stuffed, aren't you? Paris and now here? Did you break your record at the sex club the other night?" THAT shut Brad up. How the fuck... "I dunno what you're talking about.. SIR" "Well, it's not safe to pull out photos when you're driving. I'll show you them when we get home. Kinda snarky of you to dress as a G-1 in order to get action though, don't ya think?" "GEEZ. " Brad thought. "This guy knows stuff." His voice dropped when he asked: "How did you know about Paris... sir?" Frost smiled. "I was working for a rival when you were there, Brad. I was in the bar the night you took the third cock but couldn't take the fourth. I understand that this week: you took four. All at once. You must not have a gag reflex." "Well, I'm sure you're planning to test your theory... SIR." Everytime he said "SIR", Brad used a thick sarcastic voice. Frost just smiled. "HEY. Why are we stopping in front of MY house?" Brad forgot the "SIR" that time. "We're gonna need to pick up a few things for your first couple of nights. You don't wanna go back to the office tomorrow looking like a slob." "What difference does it make, SIR? I'm a kept man now." "You're not just ANY kept man Brad. You're MY kept. And MY kept has certain standards to uphold, which you will." "HAH. I'm not real good at following orders" Brad declined Frost's hand and got out of the car. "That'll change. Open the door." Brad looked at him. He was going to say something but saw the look in Frost's eyes. "Yes sir," he answered, and complied. "OH SHIT WHAT A FUCKING MESS. THIS PLACE STINKS WORSE THAN A G-1 DORM. You LIVE like this?" "I'm a single guy. What can I tell ya?" "Am I actually gonna find anything that you can wear tomorrow?" "Closet's that way. SIR" Brad pointed it out to Frost. "Hmmm. Remarkable. The ultimate company man." There was a row of at least 24 white shirts, all starched and hanging on wooden hangars. At least ten pair of blue dress pants were next to them, and a rack of about a dozen ties. That was the right side of the closet. The left side held Brad's "casual" clothes. "There was a word that was used years ago, Brad. 'Teenile' I think it was." "What does it mean, SIR? A Dom with a small cock?" "Ha ha. There SHOULD be a word for that, but you won't have to worry about that. Teenile meant you dressed too young for your age. I'll fix that." "I LIKE MY WARDROBE." Frost looked at him sternly and now, a combination of fear and lust began to take over Brad. "I apologize Sir. I wear what you tell me to." "That's right stud. Now, pick out three work shirts, three work pants, three ties, and get them to the car. I'll pick some casual stuff. Won't need much. Plan on being naked a lot." Brad gulped and he felt his cock get harder. Being naked around this man... DAMN.

"You can take off your tie if you like Brad. Work is over for you for today. " "You're sure I won't be disciplined, SIR?" "Oh, you're gonna be disciplined, but not for that. Leave it on if you want. I was just thinking if it were off, I might be able to get in and get a nipple on the way to my place. But that can wait." Brad couldn't remember the last time a man had played with his nipples. The guys he sucked when he got out to the bars weren't really all that interested in doing anything HE liked - although Brad did LOVE sucking cock. He was thinking though, that this Frost guy was probably more of an ass man. He took off his tie, and opened a second button. He saw Frost crack a smile. "Sir, if I can ask, what will you be expecting me to do?" "You'll find out Brad. It won't be much during the week, given the work we do, but on the weekends.... " Frost's free hand moved over and down Brad's shirt. He found the left nipple and squeezed. Brad couldn't help letting out a moan. "Your chest feels smooth. You been shaving?" Brad was squirming a little. "Yes sir. I shave once a week." "Well, that'll be my job from now on. Everything or just your chest." When Brad didn't answer, Frost squeezed his nipple hard enough for it to hurt. "Just my chest Sir. Just my... oooooooooooh" There was a drop of pre-cum at Brad's crotch. "Well, GOOD. Then I have a weekend project . Kept men are usually completely smooth. You know that, don't ya Brad?" The hard squeeze had turned to a gentle massage over Brad's nipple, and it was driving Brad crazier than the hard squeezing had. "Yes sir. I do. But... I've never heard of a kept G-4." "Well, now, SEE? As you said, over 300 G-1s for me to choose from, and I picked this studly, hot G-4. What should that tell you?" "That you've got good taste, Sir." Frost just smiled an enigmatic smile and kept driving. Brad could see that the neighborhood was getting better. He should have expected that. "When was the last time you got butt fucked, Brad?" Brad felt his mouth go dry. "Uh... I'm more into oral Sir. " "Are you a VIRGIN, Brad? Did I choose myself an ASS VIRGIN?" Brad began to blush. "No Sir. I'm not. I've just not... taken too much cock up my ass." "Since Paris?" "Maybe 2 or 3 times Sir" "EXCELLENT. Even better than a virgin. Tight, but experienced. AH, this is gonna be great." Frost moved his hand from inside Brad's shirt to the back of his neck. "AND you have sensitive nipples. What more could a DOM want in a sub?" "Indeed... SIR." Brad muttered. Frost was slowing down the car in front of a very tall building: there were maybe 70 floors to it. "Your ears will pop the first few times, Brad, but you'll get used to it." A uniformed attendant came up "Evening Dr. Frost" "Hello Samuel. This is Brad. He'll be living with me from now on." Samuel sized him up. "Hmmm. A G-4. I think 2 or 3 of them live in this building, Doc. Just not as keepers." "Keepers" Like "stripers" it was part of the corporate lingo. Brad never thought he'd be a "keeper" "Samuel, can you make sure that someone brings the stuff in the trunk up to my apartment in the next couple of hours? " "Absolutely Sir." He smiled at Brad. "Welcome Brad. I hope you treat Dr. Frost well. He's very much liked around here." "I'm sure he is," Brad muttered again. This time, he didn't have a choice: Frost grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the car. He put his hand on Brad's neck and he didn't need to say anything: Brad knew the rituals: when a keeper gets taken to his new home, he goes in as if he were captured. Brad put his hands behind his back in supplicant position. He could see Frost smile. There was no one else in the elevator, and they were going to the 68th floor. "Plenty of time to try... this..." Frost grabbed both of Brad's nipples at the same time that he pushed his knee into Brad's crotch. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH GOD. OH GOD. MMMMMMMPH." Brad felt Frost's tongue in his mouth. He was torn: he wanted to embrace this man, who was getting him so fucking hot, and he wanted to go running, just anywhere but here. His cock won out: Brad was so stiff, he could barely walk. He expected they'd need to walk down a hallway to Frost's place. He was wrong. The elevator opened into Frost's apartment: he had the entire 68th floor. "Bedroom's that way, Brad." Frost pointed. "Get in there, get naked and get on the bed. Face down." "yes sir." Brad almost whispered. It was about to happen, and it was about to happen in his LEAST favorite way. When Brad had gotten fucked on his back, he could whimper and beg for nipple play. Not doggie style though. Frost came into the room, still in his suit and tie. "I just put in the order for food from the comissary. We've got about two hours. I'm gonna need every minute of it." He stood in front of Brad as he undressed. Brad saw the beautifully formed, dark pink dick. He could handle it in his mouth, but it would have been a bit of a challenge. In his ass...? Then he saw the collar. "I'll put it on this time, Brad. After that, when you get home, it goes on as soon as you get naked. " "Yes sir." Brad had heard these referred to by different names. One of his "regulars" at the bar in Paris had wanted him to wear one when Brad sucked him, but Brad had refused. It scared him. Now, as Frost tightened it on his neck, he felt a bolt of energy flow through his balls. "THERE we go. Makes you much easier to control. Get your hands behind your back please." Frost began to laugh. "I just said 'please" to a kept. GOD I could lose my DOM license for that." He noticed that Brad had already put his hands behind him. "GOOD BOY. If you WERE a dog, you'd get kibble now. Instead.... maybe you'll get a bit of head." Frost tied Brad's wrists together and then he moved back up to Brad's mouth and put his cock in front of his lips. "Suck it brad. No more than one inch. Get a taste." "I could... I could lube you sir. " "I'll decide how I fuck. One inch. Get on it." "Yes sir." Brad moved his lips around Frost's head. It tasted clean. No spunk like he was used to. He moved his tongue expertly around the rim at the head, and the tip. "OH YES. Seniority brings expertise. Remember that line in academy, Brad?" "mmmmph" brad nodded his head. It was something that got drummed into them at all levels. "Maybe I'll have it inscribed on your butt, sweet cakes. Speaking of... Let's play with that for a while. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK" Brad felt Frost's strong hands pull his cheeks apart, and then felt a finger running back and forth around his hole. OH GEEZ. If he.. If he... He did. Frost's tongue followed his finger, and Brad began to moan, as the expression went "like a 2 dollar hooker. He tried to push his ass up, and Frost shoved it right back down on the bed. "You get what I decide to give you." Then he whispered the words that Brad hadn't heard in nearly 20 years. "FUCK TOI." Brad kept that part of his past VERY well hidden: the two years he had been in slavery to Master Hal. How he tried, almost once a month to escape, and failed every time. He remembered the chastity, the clamps, and how Frost had discovered his ONE ticklish spot. "Nice and wet, studbitch. Now, I expect you're gonna be very, VERY loud, so... open that sweet mouth." Brad felt a gag being shoved in. Then he felt Frost shove his legs apart roughly and that cock that had tasted so good, began to enter him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" Frost had been right to gag him. Brad screamed. And he kept screaming as Frost pushed his entire cock into his ass. At first, Brad tried desperately to push it out, but Frost knew what he was doing, and he almost purred as he spoke to Brad. "You're doing great, handsome. Just great. SUPERB. OOOH. We got past a gate there, didn't we.... Now let's take the castle." He pulled back on Brad's collar and got in even further. Now it felt good to Brad. He felt Frost's tongue caressing his left ear. How did he know how much he loved that? Was it instinct, was it? Did he know Hal? Hal had found so many of Brad's hotspots: spots Brad didn't even know he had. Now, as Frost was fucking him, he seemed to be finding more. Frost slid back and shoved forward. When he heard a change in the pitch of Brad's moans, he would hold his cock there and whisper "You like that, breeder bitch? You like when my cock hits your nerve, cunt?" Brad LOVED dirty talk and he just shook his head "YES" vigorously. After about fifteen minutes, Frost flipped him on his back. "My my my. Someone is hard and wet. Hard and wet. Two VERY good things indeed. " Frost paused and shut his eyes . "Gonna fill you sweet heart. And then... let's see how much juice you can get out of a G-4 fruit." Brad winced as he felt the final, HARD push from Frost, and then he felt the wave of jizz filling his ass. He saw the smile on Frost's face. "EVERY bit as good as I expected. In fact, BETTER." He smiled. "We'll teach you about glute tightening later tonight. "LATER TONIGHT? " brad thought. "He's gonna fuck me AGAIN?" Then he felt Frost's strong, warm hand around his cock. "I have been told, that I edge better than any Dom alive today. Let's see if you agree." "mmmmmmmmmmmph" Brad wouldn't know. It was the first time anyone had ever edged him - Hal included . This felt QUITE fine though. His hands were tied behind him and he thrust up as best as he could. He tried to yell "I'M GONNA CUM I'M GONNA CUM," except he didn't. Frost took his hand off Brad's cock and had a very annoyed Brad on the bed. He laughed. "Dinner won't be here for another 45 minutes. We got PLENTY of time. Unless you'd rather have me fuck you with a toy, Brad" Brad shook his head no. "I'm not gonna edge you for 45 minutes, muffin. You need to get cleaned up and dressed. Twenty will be fine " And in 19 minutes, Brad was heaving: cum shooting out from him, everywhere, as Frost smiled. "Best orgasm you ever had, keeper?" Brad was exhausted and he couldn't lie. He shook his head yes. "Let me get these off. Hard to eat with your mouth gagged and your hands tied, although I'm SURE you could handle sausage " As soon as he caught his breath, Brad confessed. "SIR. That was... that was... OH GOD I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS." Frost smiled. "It's the start of your new life. Now, let's see what we got here. Go get yourself cleaned up and out . I'll pick something for you to wear. " Brad found a HUGE shower with the softest towels he had ever used. Years ago, he had occasion to stay at a Parisian luxury hotel. He remembered the towels: they weren't as good as these. While he was finishing up, Frost came into the bathroom, in casual clothes: a blue polo, dark jeans. He put his arm around Brad's middle. "You're so fucking hot naked, I shouldn't let you dress for dinner, but... c'est la vie." Brad found a pair of gym shorts that Frost had grabbed, together with an old company t shirt he had gotten when he started at the company in his first year. It was frayed, faded, and too small. Frost clearly loved the way he looked in it. "C'mere you sexy fucking bitch." Frost grabbed Brad and shoved his tongue down his mouth. "You just have to accept it: you belong to me now. All of you. Especially this." His hands moved to Brad's ass. "You'll do what I say. And if you don't, there WILL be discipline." He smirked. "The reports on you say: he has a fresh mouth, and he defies authority." A pause. "My kind of sub." "I need to be broken Sir. That's the truth." "And you WILL be broken. But now, you'll get fed. " The table was set with a spread that included lamb chops, a rice pilaf, salad, and fresh fruit. "No sweets until I get you in a proper exercise program." Brad looked up. "SIR. I have a body fat content of 16%." "Yes, I saw that too. " Brad looked dumbfounded. "You have no idea how much information we G-5s have access to, brad. Your body fat content doesn't concern me. I want your pecs, your biceps, and your glutes better developed. And they will be. "

In bed that night, pulled into Frost's body, feeling his hard on against his ass, Brad dreamed of what would happen: he had always wanted a Dominant man who could rub out the stubborn, arrogant streak he had in him. Was Frost the man? "Geez I hope so" he muttered. "Me too," Frost answered. "Good night, sexy bitch."


Next: Chapter 3

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