The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 11, 2022


It's difficult to describe how nervous brad was when he entered the board room where the "Council of 9" was sitting. This "Council" was a sub group of G-5s, who addressed "personnel issues of extreme complexity" according to the Lemma employee handbook. Both Dr. Fleming and Dr. Priest sat on the committee. So did Frost; however, given the nature of the topic under discussion, he had been recused at Dr. Priest's orders, and a new G-5, one whom brad did not know, was sitting.

This meeting was actually more formal than anything else. They wanted to discuss brad's decision to resign from Lemma Corporation. Resignations were not unheard of, not even at the G-4 level; however, generally they involved some sort of substance abuse problem or a legal issue that would embarrass the corporation severely, and not one like this. brad had done his research and it all pointed to the same conclusion: either he accepted the G-5 position and left Frost, or he rejected it, and in so doing damage his position at the corporation so much that he would have no future there. He had elected the second.

"brad, you've been with Lemma for a long time." Dr. Priest began "And you surprised us. Our feeling - and we had discussed it before when considering new G-5s - was that your expertise in your area is superb, but... let's just say you've had lapses in your character which, while not sufficient for severance, disqualified you from promotion. The time you've spent with Dr. Frost seems to have changed that and.. now you're giving it up."

brad smiled internally. The word that had NOT been used was "discipline." Frost had brought a level of discipline and subservience to brad's social life that had carried over into other areas. On a simple level, if he wasn't out until 3 or 4 in the morning giving anonymous head, he wasn't exhausted when he went to work in the morning. He wasn't late: Frost was ALWAYS on time, which meant brad was always on time. Frost insisted on an impeccable appearance, so brad never showed up to work unshaven or in wrinkled clothes. And he left when Frost left. Since Frost worked long hours, so did brad. All of it had been noticed.

"I am grateful to Dr. Frost for much, gentlemen. I was fortunate to have been chosen by him. But now, my understanding is that upon promotion, I would have to leave." "That is correct, brad," was the response from Dr. Marshall, the G-5 who handled legal matters. "We investigated whether there was any, well, 'stomach' for clarifying the rules and, unfortunately, it resulted in an outright ban of that type of relationship. You see, brad, the philosophy behind the G-5 position is that he - and it's always been a he - is dominant in all areas. Having two 'dominants' in a household simply does not fit the mold envisioned." "I understand Dr. Marshall. And without going into any details, I have to respect that decision. " He smiled. "I would prefer to remain with Dr. Frost as a 'home-kept" (we will define that term): when senior members of Lemma "kept" other employees, they had the right, at any time, to force severance of the kept from Lemma, such that the kept could remain at home, not unlike the "stay at home wife" or "house husband" of past times. Issues usually did not come up around this aspect of the "keeper contract," because it was unusual for a G-5 to select a "kept" beyond the G-2 level. Had Frost decided to move in that direction, there MAY have been some issues, and the contract may have been voided. Now, however, it was, from a legal standpoint, an employee deciding to resign. It was much simpler.

Simpler to the company. brad hadn't discussed this with Frost. He was confident, almost to the point of being cocky, as he usually was. Still, Frost had not agreed to it. Dr. Fleming spoke. "To be honest, brad, we thought that Frost had chosen badly when he chose you. We didn't not think you could be... ahem... domesticated." brad smiled: "What makes you think I have been, Dr. Fleming?" There was laughter and then Fleming spoke "My knowing Frost a lot longer than you do, brad. We've received no reports of you... shall we say, 'catting around' for some time." brad blushed. "And I have heard you address him. You use Sir a lot. Shall I go on?" brad saw the attempts to hide smiles among the group. Of course, he had to have the last word. "No Dr. Fleming. I'll just say that domestication is an ongoing process."

Priest spoke. "brad it does seem that you have made up your mind, and we will respect that decision. Do keep in mind that Dr. Frost is very important to Lemma, and if word gets back to us that you are abusing the relationship, we WILL intervene." "I understand, Dr. Priest." Priest stood. "Best of luck to you brad. I'm sure we'll continue to see you at company functions." After he had finished shaking hands and saying farewell to the remaining G-5s, brad went back to his section to pack. First half done. Now, for the hardest part.

The Council remained in session and waited for half an hour before calling in Frost. He was surprised: he didn't know the council was meeting and began apologizing. "Gentlemen, I... I'll have to have a word with my assistant. I was unaware..." Priest smiled. "Marty, relax. You didn't know about the meeting because no one told you. You'll understand why in a minute. Please have a seat." No cameras were allowed in the Council chamber. Had they been, they would have recorded the stunned look on Frost's face as he was told about what had happened to brad. When the members had finished speaking, Priest looked at Frost. "Marty, from your expression, you weren't aware?" "No, Sir. I was not. It IS true that brad and I discussed this, for sure. And yes, I'm not telling any state secrets when I say that he was FURIOUS that I hadn't exercised the right to severe him from Lemma, such that he was in this position now, but he never, EVER gave me any suggestion of how he was going to decide." "And you didn't pressure him?" Dr. Marshall asked. "With all due respect, if you had seen the letter I wrote recommending him FOR the G-5 level." "I mean BEFORE the letter Frost. You're a very clever man, and.." "He's a clever man, but not a manipulator on that level" Fleming interrupted. He asked "You will continue to keep brad? You're not going to dispense with him?" "If he follows my rules, he can stay as long as he likes. " Fleming smiled. "If he follows my rules. That is the Marty I know." "I have much work to do, gents. You of course are all aware of his history: you were more aware of it than I was when I chose him, and I DO think I've managed to suppress much of his wildness." "You've domesticated him," Priest smiled. "I'm DOMESTICATING him Sir. It's an ongoing process." There was laughter that Frost didn't understand, and Fleming explained. "This is almost a repeat, word for word, of the discussion we had with brad about domestication." He stood and offered his hand to Frost. "You seem to be very fond of him, Marty. Should you need any other tools to assist in the domestication, by all means let the Council know. And we assume we'll see the two of you at company functions." Frost smiled. He was thinking about that and getting aroused. brad in a tuxedo. Hmmmm. "Indeed, Sir, you shall."

When he had gathered up what he had at his station, brad called Frost on his private line, rather than the company line. "Yes, brad?" Frost tried to not get any emotion into the call, and he succeeded. All brad heard was the voice which could make him shiver with one word. Sometimes, Frost would tease him by prolonging the r: "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad," or he'd call him "bradford" (even though his name was bradley), to let him know that he could call him anything he wanted. Just calling him "brad" put a darkness in Frost's pronunciation that brad found, well, complelling. "I'm sorry to bother you Sir, but... could I use the car? I'll send it back as soon as I get home." brad realized that he didn't know how he was going to explain the use of the car to Frost, especially after he had used it for that ill thought out attempt to be a slut. "Do you promise to STAY at home, and not go out trying to be a whore this time, bradford?" GOD was Frost's voice making him hot. "No Sir. I'll stay in. For sure. " Then he paused. "Sir, do you want me to dress in any particular way while I wait for you?" "Hmmmm," thought Frost. "He's realizing what his decision means." "The tight, dusty rose shirt. And tan pants. The ones that show the outline of your cage. And when I text you, you stop whatever you're doing, and you get in the bondage chair and you sit there until I get home. I have a full day today." "yes sir. I understand." Normally, brad would have given Frost sass. Not today. He thought about the sequence in which he had done things, and hoped that Sir wasn't angry about him not checking before he resigned. As he got off the phone, Frost realized that one of the things he had always fantasized about was having a kept boy. Now he had a kept man. That would do just fine.

brad heard the buzz on his phone and read the text: "I'm on my way. Before you get in the chair, get the handcuffs, the individual ankle cuffs, a ball gag, and the penis paddle and put them on the table next to the chair. Make sure your shirt has three buttons opened at the top, and I expect your hands behind your back and your legs spread when I come in the house. Understand, bradford?"

"yes sir," was what brad answered, thinking "that's the second time he's called me bradford. He's pissed."

brad positioned the chair so that Frost could see it right away as he entered the apartment. He sat there, hands behind his back, dressed as instructed, all of the toys on the table to his right. "GOD he's so cute. SO HOT" Frost thought as he came in. "Control yourself boy," he also told himself. "There's more here than a quick fuck."

"Hi Sir" brad said from his chair. Frost just smirked, hung his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. His tie was already loosened. "IF I let you stay, you'll be hanging up my coat when I come home from now on. Understand that?" Frost stepped behind brad and locked the cuffs on his wrists. brad felt a drop of pre-cum form when he heard the clink of the cuffs. Then Frost locked the ankle chains so that brad's legs were separated widely. Finally, h e pulled up a chair and sat opposite brad. He picked up the paddle. "yes sir. I do," brad answered very meekly. "Why isn't your chest pointed out?" Frost asked as he began slowly stroking brad's crotch with the paddle. brad hadn't been out of the cage in two weeks, and he began to drip, right away. "Sir, you didn't tell me to do that." A SMACK came down on brad's cock and he moaned. "Those are STANDARD instructions, bitch. I've told you that well more than a few times. " Another one came down on his crotch and brad moaned again. "I'm sorry Sir. I forgot. I... just forgot. OWWWWWWWWWW" This time it came down harder. Then Frost put the paddle back on the table. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, the way he always did before an assault on brad's nipples. brad had told him once it looked like a praying mantis before she ate. Frost did not appreciate the comparison. brad thought it again, but kept quiet.

"So, you resigned today? " "Yes sir. I did." "Any plans on telling me?" Frost picked up the paddle again. This time, he smacked it against his hand. "Sir, please. Please. I know. I should've told you first but..." "BUT WHAT FUCKTOI?" That's when brad lost it "But I was AFRAID Sir. I was AFRAID. I thought you'd throw me out once you heard." Frost put the paddle under brad's chin and pushed his head up. "And what is to prevent me from beating the crap out of you, followed by fucking you as hard as I can, and THEN throwing you out? HUH CUM WHORE?" "Nnnnnnothing Sir. Nnnnnnothing. But I hope... I hope.." "YOU HOPE WHAT?" "I hope... I HOPE I'VE BEEN MAKING YOU HAPPY AND YOU KEEP ME." In the time that brad had been his sub, Frost had learned how to read his face. He looked closely, and hoped that his lust wasn't getting the better of him. It seemed that brad was telling the truth. He sneered. "You know something bradford? You're awfully full of yourself. For ALL the shit you did to me, you just decided that I'd go along with what you wanted - that I'D be the passive partner. You're wrong. I'm gonna fuck you one more time and then... you pack up and get the hell out. I don't care where. JUST FUCKING GO." "ALL THE SHIT I DID TO YOU? WHAT? YOU JUST FUCKING TURNED ME INTO THE LAUGHING STOCK OF LEMMA: DIDN'T YOU HEAR: COMPANY'S OLDEST KEPT MAN. G-4 MAN WHORE. FUCKTOI TO THE STARS. " He began to cry. "Yeah, I cheated on you - or I TRIED to - you made sure I didn't. I'm sorry. I'M FUCKING SORRY. " He started crying more. "YOU'RE THE BEST GODDAMN THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME AND I DIDN'T THINK THAT WOULD HAPPEN. " The crying was now sobs. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO NOW? " brad didn't see Frost's face as he turned away. If he had, he would have seen him smiling because this was EXACTLY what Frost wanted. He needed to stop now because, on a scale of 0-100, brad was 99% broken. He wanted that 1%: it made it interesting. He got his composure and turned back to brad. "I bet. I would bet... based on what I'm seeing." He pointed to brad's wet crotch. "That you are DYING for cock." brad didn't answer. "Well, you'll get some. And you'll get to stay. ON MY TERMS. " Frost continued. "Most important thing: if you EVER, and I mean EVER go out whoring again. If you EVER let another man's cock in you at any point, or on you, or go NEAR another cock - I swear on everything I hold holy, I will fist you with two hands, and then I'll send you to the goddamn blow job bar . You can make your living there. You understand me?" brad was shaking his head yes. "yes sir. Yes. I do. I understand completely. I belong to you. No other man. NONE. " "You'll behave when I take you out. And you'll do EVERY SINGLE THING I TELL YOU. " He sneered. "And we're gonna keep a demerits list because, at the end of the week, you're gonna get a paddle and five minutes in the humbler, for every demerit you have. " brad knew about the humbler. Frost had explained it to him when he bought it, but he had never used it on brad. It was there as a warning." "Yes sir. Yes. I understand. " "And now, brad, the most important thing. You are going to say "I submit." brad looked at the tall, strong man in front of him. He could have his cock for... who knows how long. He thought about the life he had since Frost took him. Every single accusation he had spat at Frost was true, but... Frost had treated him well. VERY well. It didn't take much thought. "i submit Sir" brad looked Frost directly in the eye when he said it. Frost smiled, sat down, and moved his fingers to brad's nips. He pushed his knee into brad's crotch and brad moaned louder. "What did I say about these being pointed?" "Sorry Sir. Sorry." "That's your first demerit for the week." Then he stopped speaking. He just circled, squeezed, teased brad's nipples for ten minutes. That's when he got up and said "I'm gonna RIP your ass open bradford." "yes sir. Please. Tear me in half," brad whimpered, as Frost opened the ankle chains, then the cuffs. He hauled brad by the back of his neck into the bedroom. He threw him on his stomach and then, he RIPPED the pants opened at the ass, pulled down the thong brad was wearing and RAMMED his cock into brad, all at once, as hard as he could. "YES SIR. YES SIR. TAKE YOUR BITCH'S ASS. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD . I DON'T DESERVE YOUR COCK, BUT... FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" It hurt, but it hurt so good. Frost was pounding brad with a fury he had never used before . At some point, he put his elbow around brad's neck and pulled his head back. "I should leave MARKS on you bradford. So everyone knows I FUCK YOU LIKE THE PIG YOU ARE." The pounding continued, and brad bit down on his lip. Was this going to be his life from now on? If it was... he was staying. Frost yelled out CONQUEST! as he let his jizz fill brad's ass. FUCKING CONQUEST OF THE HOT STUD MUFFIN. MINE." He rolled brad onto his side and pulled him closer and he whispered. "cum whore" brad just took a breath and answered "yes sir. YOUR cum whore."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It's six months since that night. Frost is hosting a G-5 party. The hired staff are hurrying to get the apartment ready. brad is finishing up getting dressed: Frost told him to pretend he was a G-2, so he put on a bright pastel colored shirt that fit tightly and a cheap looking pair of blue pants. The shirt aggravated his nipples: Frost played with them every morning before he got up and went to work, and this morning, after the squeezing, he had put brad on his back, scruffed them and chewed them for fifteen minutes. brad wanted to make sure he looked EXACTLY the way Frost wanted him to look: it was Friday and he already had 15 demerits for the week. That weekend he was supposed to be edged, and shaved too. He looked forward to those, but an hour in the humbler? No, MORE than an hour . He HATED the humbler. "Sir, do I look alright?" Frost looked him over. "Turn around. I wanna see that ass." "yes sir," brad turned, and he felt the caress of Frost's hand. "MMM. I'm glad these aren't too expensive. I may have to tear them off you." "Please Sir. Wait until the end of the party." Frost smiled. There was the 1% coming up. The bell rang. First guests.

"Hey, I think I recognize you. You're brad aren't you?" There was a guy, about brad's age, good looking, smiling. "Uh yeah, I'm brad. Listen, I really shouldn't be talking to you because... my Master is at the other side of the room." The guy laughed. "I'm Henry. Ten inch Henry you used to call me." brad blushed. OH SHIT. His past was catching up with him. "Maybe we can go out sometime." "Uh, I really can't. I promised." Henry smiled. "Promises. PHEH. I know where to find you. I see you when you go to the gym. I'll get you to the bar. Just give me time." He smiled and walked off. brad felt Frost's hand on his shoulder. "I should give you another demerit for that." "For...." brad was about to argue. "You're right Sir. I should've found you instead of talking to a single man." "I think I'm safe from him. " He laughed. "You know, Henry thinks he's hot stuff. If you think he's better looking than me, we'll have eye surgery done." "You're not ten inches," brad thought. "I don't Sir. Can I go back to where you were with you? He was bothering me. "

Thanks for sticking around folks. What do you think happens next, if anything? If you wanna pick up the story and run with it, be my guest. Be well, and stay safe.

Next: Chapter 11

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