The Perfume Girl

Published on Aug 24, 2020


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Perfume Girl

Chapter Eight

By Chris

Layla was standing about five feet away with her hands on her hips like she was waiting impatiently on her to move. Layla as wearing a black nylon push-up bra, a pair of matching panty briefs, thigh high black sheer stockings, and a pair of black heels. The bra and panties looked about a size too small so that her panties fit snuggly and she could make out a cameltoe from her pussy lips. Theresa had never seen any woman that looked sexier than Layla did at that moment. Theresa was so caught up in what Layla was wearing and how erotic she was that Theresa couldn't form any words not that any was coming to her head at that moment. She could only sit there and stare at Layla.

"Your Mistress commands you to come to the bedroom and if I was you, I'd be naked when you get there!" Layla said using that same authoritative voice.

Theresa just sat there as she watched Layla turn and head toward the bedroom. If looking at Layla from the front was erotic, seeing her walk away was even more so. Theresa's eyes were glued to Layla's ass with the panties forming around her ass and Layla, in her heels, was swaying her ass like she'd never seen before. Theresa just sat there staring at Layla's back and swaying ass until Layla disappeared into the bedroom.

She did manage to hit the save button on her laptop before she scrambled to get onto her feet. Her mind then heard the words, "Your Mistress" that Layla had uttered. In all their games, she had always played the part of being the Mistress and not Layla. Whatever Layla was up, it was a complete reversal of their established roles. Theresa got her feet to move but her mind was only on the Mistress part and how fucking sexy that Layla looked in her outfit. The being naked part completely left her until she turned and entered the bedroom.

"I see that you forgot to obey your Mistress, that wasn't very smart of you. I do believe that your Mistress needs to remind you what happens when you fail to obey her commands." Layla said again with her hands on her hips and looking so sexy that it took a moment for Theresa to remember, the being naked part.

"Sorry Mistress," Theresa said without thinking not that she was capable of doing much thinking at this point.

"You do remember what happens when you fail to obey your Mistress, don't you?" Layla asked.

"No Mistress, I'm sorry but I don't," Theresa replied as she pulled her hoodie over her head leaving her topless since she hadn't put on a bra that morning. She really didn't know what happens when she disobeyed her Mistress since they had never played this game before but her pussy was already getting moist at the thought of whatever Layla was going to do.

"I see..." Layla said walking toward her stopping a couple of feet away. "You get a spanking remember... And since you failed to obey me and then forgot what happens when you do, the spanking just got longer and harder."

Theresa had just gotten her sweat pants off when she saw Layla reaching out and tapping her panty clad pussy. "Oh fuck..." Theresa moaned feeling her pussy tingle at the thought of Layla spanking it.

"Oh so now you remember," Layla said with a smile.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa moaned.

"Get those panties off and go stand at the foot of the bed and wait for me," Layla commanded as she stepped to the side.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa stated in a moan.

Theresa shucked her panties off knowing that Layla could see that her pussy was already moist. "Oh god!" Theresa moaned as she stepped toward the bed seeing that Layla already had ropes tied to the top corners of the canopy and at the bottom bed posts.

Theresa put her back to the end of the bed and raised her arms up and out wide and then she spread her feet out. The step stool was already placed to Theresa's left side and Layla came to that side. Theresa saw Layla start to step up but then she stopped as she looked down at her feet obviously having second thoughts about stepping up on the stool in heels. Layla started to lift her right foot up but then she stopped. Theresa was curious as to why she stopped, that is until Layla reached out and grasp her left breast to steady herself. Theresa had to smile knowing full well that Layla didn't need to hold onto anything to slip off her heels.

"You smiling at your Mistress?" Layla questioned her in a serious tone as she gave a squeeze to Theresa's left breast that she was grasping.

"No Mistress," Theresa said immediately wiping the smile off her lips. However now that she was trying not to smile it only made her want to smile all the more.

Layla slipped off the heel on her right foot and as she switched legs, she also switched which of Theresa's breasts she was gasping. Theresa finally had to smile, she couldn't hold it in any longer and while Layla didn't say anything, she did give her breast an extra squeeze making Theresa let out a soft moan.

Layla stepped up on the stool and preceded to tie the rope to her left wrist. She stepped down and moved to Theresa's right side and tied her right wrist to the bed so that her arms were stretched up and out wide. Layla then tied her right ankle to the rope attached to the bottom bed post. Layla moved to her left side and she pulled that ankle out wider before tying the rope to her ankle. Theresa felt her pussy lips opening a little and she knew that her pussy was even more exposed than when Layla had spanked her pussy before. She was already wanting to close her legs to protect her pussy but Layla had her legs too firmly secured.

Layla stood up and stepped back to admire her work and Theresa could see her eyes go from her face down to her breasts and finally to her pussy. Theresa was so aroused and wet by this time she was about half afraid that she would begin to drip her juices. Layla gave her a wicked grin like she was so going to enjoy spanking her slave's pussy which made Theresa even more aroused. Theresa then saw Layla start to reach back to undo her bra.

"No leave them on, you look so fucking sexy in that outfit that you're driving me crazy," Theresa told her. Then Theresa saw Layla's cheeks turn a reddish hue as she blushed at the compliment.

"You ready for your Mistress to correct your failure to obey," Layla asked as she took a step toward her.

For the life of her, Theresa didn't know why she said what she said next but she did, "Aren't you forgetting the nipple clamps, you always use them when you have to spank my pussy."

Theresa saw that this caught Layla by surprise as it did herself but Layla quickly recovered. "well I see that you're not completely forgetful, I was wondering if you'd remember that. Now which ones shall I use?" Layla asked and Theresa knew that since she was adding this, then Layla wanted her to choose.

"The ones with the weights," Theresa stated feeling her nipple tighten.

"Very good, but don't think remembering that small detail will lessen the long pussy spanking you're about to get." Layla told her.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied noticing that her own voice was becoming lust filled.

Layla walked over to the toy table and returned with the flat rubber tipped clamps with the weights attached. Layla pinched and pulled a little on her right nipple before placing the clamp onto it.

"Ohhhh..." Theresa moaned feeling the clamp pinch her right nipple and pull it downward. Layla had set the clamp to pinch just hard enough to keep it in place but all the same, it was a firm pinch. Layla pinched and pulled on her left nipple as she had done with the right one before placing the clamp onto it. Again, Theresa let out an "Ohhhh..."

Layla moved to Theresa's left and Theresa knew her pussy spanking was about to begin and she felt herself trying to close her legs though she really didn't want to close them, she wanted her pussy spanked. Layla stepped closer to her and Theresa saw Layla's head moving toward hers so she closed her eyes and a second later, she felt Layla's lips touch hers. The kiss was light at first and then Layla began to open her lips making the kiss become more passionate. She felt Layla's tongue touch her tongue and at the same time, she felt Layla's hand being placed just above her pussy. Theresa tried to concentrate on returning Layla's kiss however Layla's hand moving onto her pussy was quickly drawing her attention there. Theresa moaned into the kiss when she felt Layla's hand pressing down harder and moving up and down her pussy. Layla's lips son left her lips leaving Theresa panting with Layla keeping her hand on her pussy.

"Mmmm... it looks like my slave is very wet." Layla commented before adding, "Maybe spanking my slave's pussy isn't the best punishment for her not following her Mistress's commands. I think I need to find another punishment..."

"Oh no My Mistress, spanking my pussy is the proper punishment," Theresa said quickly knowing that Layla wasn't serious. However, Layla just stared at her with her facial expression telling her that Layla just might be seriously thinking of doing something else to her.

"I don't know..." Layla said after a moment's pause.

Theresa was now beginning to think that Layla was seriously considering doing something else to her. "Maybe my Mistress needs to spank her slave's pussy several times, each harder than the last," Theresa said, "that I'm sure will correct her behavior."

"You think so?" Layla asked and now Theresa could see that Layla was trying hard to suppress a smile.

"Yes Mistress, at least four times..." Theresa replied feeling her pussy get even wetter.

"Okay but if that doesn't work..." Layla was saying.

"It'll work, I promise," Theresa said and she saw Layla give her a wicked grin just before giving her a quick kiss.

"You ready?" Layla asked.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa said as her legs tried to close to protect her pussy but her legs weren't going anywhere, they were too firmly secured.

She felt Layla's hand rub her pussy and then she felt Layla's fingers against her clit rubbing it but for a second but still long enough to draw a moan from her. When Layla's fingers left her clit, Theresa again felt herself trying to close her legs but they still wouldn't budge.

A couple of seconds later, she felt the first spank against her pussy. "fuck!" Theresa moaned feeling the sting of the spank. It was a light spank but still it stung as did the next spank against her pussy. The slaps against her pussy, while light, were having their effect and getting her more aroused as well as wetter. Her pussy was just beginning to ache when Layla stopped with her hand pressed against her pussy.

"Oh fuck!" Theresa heard herself moan feeling Layla's hand work her pussy. She moaned even louder as Layla's fingers began to rub against her clit. She felt herself getting closer to an orgasm only to feel Layla's fingers leave her clit and a second later feel Layla's hand slapping her pussy again.

"Fuck!" Theresa cried out pulling against the ropes tying her arms and legs.

Layla was still using those light slaps but they stung all the same to her sensitive pussy. Layla spanked her pussy only for a short time before she went back to rubbing her pussy getting Theresa close to an orgasm. This time when Layla's fingers went to her clit, they stayed there and Theresa felt her orgasm rapidly approach. In only a few seconds, it hit her and hit her hard. Theresa let out a long moan feeling the orgasm ride through her body.

It took her a minute or so to begin to recover from her orgasm and when she opened her eyes, she saw Layla smiling at her. She could also feel Layla's hand pressed against her pussy that was still tingling from the light spanking it had received.

"God, that felt good," Theresa said as she began to control her breathing again.

"We've just started my slave," Layla replied as she leaned into her to give her a kiss. However, when Layla's breasts pressed into hers, Theresa involuntary winced with the nipple clamps being pressed into her and being pulled down upon. She saw Layla pull back with a frown on her face.

"These things have got to go," Layla stated reaching out for the clamps and releasing them from her breasts causing Theresa to wince again feeling the blood come back to her nipples.

Layla threw them upon the bed and then she said, "Poor baby, I believe your nipples need a kiss."

Theresa looked on as Layla placed her lips upon her right nipple kissing it and sucking a little making Theresa moan. She moaned again when Layla kissed her left nipple sucking on it too. Only then did she bring her lips up to give her the kiss that she had wanted to give to her to begin with.

The kiss was light and Theresa wanted more but being restrained as she was, she was at Layla's mercy and Layla seemed to be content to keep the kiss light for several moments. Finally, Layla began to open her lips and Theresa felt Layla's tongue seeking her tongue which she gladly gave to her. Now this was the kiss that Theresa wanted and needed and Layla was giving it to her.

When Layla pulled back after the long passionate kiss, she said, "I do believe that it's time for my slave's second pussy spanking, a little harder I believe we agreed upon."

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied with her legs again wanting to close to protect her pussy only to be prevented from doing so by the ropes that tied her ankles to the corner bedposts.

Theresa felt Layla's hand leave her pussy and this time there was no hesitation before Theresa felt Layla's hand slapping her pussy.

"Fuck," Theresa cried out feeling the slap sting her pussy as Layla had used just a little more force as promised.

The hand left her pussy only to instantly hit her pussy again stinging just as much as the first one. Theresa moaned and moaned at each slap feeling her pussy stinging more and more. However, the slaps were having the desired effect, getting her more aroused with each slap. Theresa could feel her juices hitting her thighs with each slap.

"Oh fuck," Theresa cried out again and when she did, Layla stopped with her hand pressed against her pussy.

Layla began to rub her pussy and then her clit getting her close to an orgasm only to stop and go back to slapping her pussy that was getting sorer with each slap. Layla didn't go as long this time before her hand was again rubbing her pussy and then her clit.

"God I'm close Mistress!" Theresa cried out feeling an orgasm rising up in her body. Layla seemed to press and rub her clit a little harder, quickly bringing her to a second orgasm, just as intense as the first one.

It took her a little bit longer to recover this time and she felt a little weak in the knees and if she wasn't restrained as she was, she wasn't sure that her legs would support her. She felt Layla's hand against her sore pussy and she could feel just how wet she was. She opened her eyes to see that Layla was about to kiss her, she closed her eyes feeling Layla's lips touch hers. She let out a moan feeling Layla's soft lips kissing her so lovingly.

Layla pulled back just as the kiss was becoming passionate making Theresa groan. She felt Layla's hand leave her pussy and she expected another slap but instead she saw Layla's hand come up to her face. She could see that her juices coated Layla's hands and fingers. Layla put those fingers to her lips and Theresa could just taste her juices. She opened her lips to suck on Layla's fingers but they were gone by then disappointing her.

She watched as Layla's hand went back to her pussy, lightly rubbing her there. When she brought her hand up, she didn't bring it to her lips but instead she placed it on Theresa's right breast, smearing her juices all around her breast and nipple. Layla dropped her hand back to her pussy and Theresa felt her getting more of her juices, spreading them all around her left breast. Layla then leaned in licking and sucking those juices off her right then left breast. Theresa moaned from the loving tongue licking on her breasts, it was all so erotic to her and made her aroused all over again.

"I believe that it's time for my slave's third spanking, again a little harder than the last one..." Layla was saying and hesitating as if she was waiting for a reply that would tell her to go on, that she wanted more.

"Yes Mistress, a little harder," Theresa replied giving Layla her answer. Theresa wasn't ready for her pussy spankings to end just yet though her pussy might not have agreed as it was becoming very sore.

"You ready?" Layla asked just to make sure.

"Yes Mistress, I'm ready," Theresa replied again feeling her feet pulling against the ropes tying them to prevent her pussy from being spanked.

She looked down to see Layla's hand move down to her pussy and then move back. Theresa pulled harder on the ropes tying her legs open and she cried out feeling Layla's hand slap her sore pussy and it was even harder than the last slap.

"Fuck!" Theresa cried out and "Fuck!" again when Layla's hand slapped her pussy a second time.

Each slap to her pussy seemed to hurt more than the last one and she was pulling on the ropes that bound her to try and protect her sore pussy. Yet each slap also made her a little more aroused and she could feel her juices splashing against her thighs. She moaned with each slap feeling the pain go from her pussy to her head and exploding. Layla only spanked her for a couple of minutes but that was more than enough to get her close to an orgasm.

Layla rested her hand on her pussy which hurt more than a little and more when she began to rub it but it also got her to the edge and it only took a few rubs against her clit to bring her to a very intense orgasm. Theresa blanked out for a moment with the intensity of her orgasm and she felt weak when she began to come out of it.

She felt Layla holding her and kissing her and it took a second or two for her to be able to return those kisses. Her whole body seemed to be shaking and she felt Layla holding her even tighter.

"I believe that you'll remember to obey your Mistress now won't you slave," Layla said to her.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied though her voice sounded horse and she could barely hear herself speaking.

"I think we can take you down now," Layla said releasing her and stepping back.

Theresa saw Layla start to move to untie her ankles and Theresa said without thinking, "Mistress, I think one more pussy spanking will ensure that I remember to do what my Mistress tells me to do."

She saw the shock on Layla's face and she had to admit that she surprised herself that she said it but even as sore as her pussy was, she wanted one more spanking. Layla's expression turned from shock to concern.

"Honey, you've had enough, I can't spank you again," Layla said changing from Mistress to her lover.

"One more Mistress, I was very bad and you need to make sure that I obey you from now on." Theresa said now sounding more like herself and she looked into Layla's eyes to convey that she was serious.

She saw that Layla was thinking this over and she wasn't so sure which way Layla would go. She kept eye contact with her so that Layla would know that this was what she truly wanted. Layla stared back at her for seemed to be forever but was probably only a few seconds but then Theresa saw Layla's face turn serious.

"You know, I'm not so sure that you've learned your lesson, I think one more pussy spanking will ensure that you obey your Mistress," Layla said becoming her Mistress again.

"Please Mistress no more, my pussy is hurting so bad. I'll obey you, I promise," Theresa replied and her pussy was hurting but she could also feel her juices running even more.

"I've heard those promises before from you and you always end up here getting your pussy spanked. You're getting another pussy spanking." Layla said giving her a stern look.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied knowing if she argued any more, Layla would stop here whether she liked it or not.

"Besides I think you're enjoying this too much," Layla said placing her hand on her pussy and Theresa groaned despite not wanting to.

"Just look at this," Layla said bringing her hand up to Theresa's face and she saw that Layla's hand was coated with her juices.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I don't mean to get wet," Theresa replied knowing that was the biggest lie she had ever told.

"Yeah right, another lie. Your spanking just got a little harder and longer," Layla said.

"Yes Mistress, I'm sorry," Theresa said.

"You will be," Layla told her. "Open your mouth slave."

Theresa did so and she saw Layla moving her wet fingers toward her mouth. "Suck my fingers clean."

Theresa closed her lips over Layla's fingers, sucking her juices from them. This excited her even more and she tried to keep Layla's fingers when Layla was pulling them out.

"You like that I see," Layla said. "Maybe I should take a taste."

"Mmmm... you do taste nice, don't you," Layla said with a smile.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied smiling too.

Layla reached back down pressing her fingers against Theresa's sore pussy making her groan but that turned into a moan when she slipped a finger inside of her.

However, she pulled her finger out just as Theresa felt herself becoming aroused. Theresa watched as Layla brought her fingers up to her right breast smearing her juices around her nipple. She then smeared the rest of the juices on her fingers on her left breast. She then put her fingers to Theresa's mouth for her to lick clean and she did.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your last hard pussy spanking," Layla said becoming her Mistress again.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied with her legs trying to close but yet again the ropes tying her ankles to the bed post did not give.

Theresa was staring straight into Layla's eyes which were locked on hers. Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw the muscles in Layla's shoulder twitch. A split second later, Layla's hand made contact with her pussy.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Theresa cried out as Layla made good on her promise. The spank was harder than any the previous spanks. The sting on her pussy was intense and she felt her pussy spasm whether from excitement or pain, Theresa wasn't sure but she was feeling both in equal amounts.

An instant later, she felt Layla's hand make contact again and it felt even harder but it wasn't, she was still feeling the sting from the previous hard slap. Again, an instant later, she felt another hard slap and then another and another. The slaps came one after another until it felt like her pussy was on fire; she could feel her juices splashing on her thighs as she became more and more excited. What seemed like forever but was only a minute or so, the slaps kept coming and she felt herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm with each hard slap. On the next painful slap, her orgasm hit without Layla stopping to rub her clit. She also felt something else happen in that same instant, her bladder released making her orgasm so intense, that she passed out from it.

Theresa wasn't sure how long she was out of it but when her eyes began to flutter open, she thought she saw Layla on the floor, wiping something up with a towel. She must have let out a moan as she saw Layla look up and then jump up to her feet.

She felt Layla's arms going around her holding her up taking the pressure off her shoulders that she didn't until know were starting to hurt. "Oh fuck," Theresa moaned.

She felt Layla kissing her sweaty face and her hands caressing her back. "Oh god that was intense," Theresa moaned.

"Yes, it was baby," Layla whispered into her ear.

Theresa felt so weak but slowly she began to feel that her legs weren't feeling as rubbery as they did before and they were able to hold up her weight.

"I think it is time to take you down from here," Layla whispered.

This time Theresa didn't argue, she just said, "Yes Mistress."

Layla gave her a slow lingering kiss before she stepped back. Layla leaned over and reached down to her right ankle and Theresa felt the rope around that ankle loosen. Theresa smiled seeing that Layla had obviously been watching when she tied her up and she used the same trick so that she just had to pull on one of the ends of the rope to untie it. She stood back up and sliding slightly to the right, she released that wrist and then moved to release the left wrist.

Theresa began to feel her legs give out but then Layla was there to hold her up again. "Come on baby, I think you need to lie down," Layla said softly.

"I do, just for a minute, just until I can regain my strength," Theresa replied.

Layla hooked her right arm around her guiding her around the end of the bed and to the side. By that time, Theresa had enough strength to get onto the bed and lay down on her side facing Layla who laid down beside her and when Theresa opened her legs a little, she felt Layla softly laying her hand onto her very sore pussy.

Theresa just laid there a moment, feeling the pain in her pussy. Even though her pussy hurt like hell, the pain and Layla's soft hand lightly pressing against it aroused her.

After a couple of minutes, Theresa was able to talk again. "I peed a little, didn't I?" Theresa asked.

She saw Layla smiling, "No baby, you didn't pee a little, you peed a lot."

"I'm sorry," Theresa replied feeling her cheeks getting warmer than they already were.

"Don't be, I loved it. I've never seen you cum that hard before," Layla told her giving her a kiss.

"I've never cum that hard before. It fucking blew my mind," Theresa said to her.

"I didn't even have to touch your clit for you to cum," Layla told her.

"Oh you were touching my clit," Theresa replied with a wink.

"Well... you know what I meant," Layla said.

"I do," Theresa said. "You know I wasn't sure if you were going to spank me that last time."

"I almost didn't but then I figured that you wouldn't have told me to unless that was what you really wanted," Layla told her.

"Thank you for doing that for me," Theresa told her.

"You don't need to thank me baby, you give me what I want all the time, I want to give you what you want too," Layla told her giving her another kiss.

This kiss lingered and lingered. It wasn't a passionate kiss but more of a loving kiss that Theresa needed. When the kiss ended, they both fell silent just holding onto each other. Well Layla was holding her with her left arm as her right hand was busy holding onto her pussy that Theresa needed her to do. Theresa closed her eyes and rested for a few minutes with her shoulders and hips beginning to stop hurting though her pussy was still on fire.

Just as she began to fall asleep, Theresa felt one of Layla's fingers slip between her sore pussy lips and slip inside of her. Theresa let out a moan and another moan as she felt Layla's finger go deeper inside of her and then begin to move around.

Theresa was back awake though she kept her eyes closed. She felt Layla's finger begin to move in and out of her pussy and she felt her pussy get wet again and she became aroused though Layla's fingers moving did cause her pussy to hurt more.

Theresa then realized what Layla was doing to her and she moaned, "No baby, I can't cum again..."

"Yes you can, it's what your Mistress wants," Layla said and she moved her fingers to Theresa's clit.

"Fuck!" Theresa moaned. Layla's finger felt so damn good but it also made her pussy hurt that much more.

"Cum baby, cum for your mistress," Layla whispered to her.

"Godddd... Fuckkkk..." Theresa cried out and yet another orgasm crashed down upon her.

Theresa felt herself squirting again and then she was lost in that world of pain and pleasure. The orgasm seemed to last forever but she eventually began to come out of it. But just as she was doing so, she felt Layla laying her hand softly against her pussy and it gave her comfort. She wanted to say something to Layla but she wasn't sure what that was. Her mind and body were spent and it had no more to give. She fell asleep feeling Layla close beside of her and feeling the love that Layla's hands conveyed to her.

When she woke, she found herself alone in the bed which disappointed her but the soreness of her pussy reminded her of the fun she just had and what Layla had done for her. She lay there for a couple of minutes reliving the pussy spanking that Layla had given to her but then she felt the need to relieve her bladder. She slipped out of bed and stood up immediately feeling the pain in her pussy with her legs closed together. Her pussy wanted her open her legs and walk bow legged to the bathroom however her brain was telling her to walk normally and that is what she did. Each step sent a stab of pain from her pussy to her brain but it also made her start to get moist again. The moisture actually helped the pain giving her a little lubrication to her pussy lips rubbing against her skin. She got to the toilet and sat down to pee. As she sat there, she began to get a whiff of her body that smelled of sweat and sex. She went from the toilet to the shower, stepping in once the water was warm. When she got to her pussy, she washed it very gently and still that hurt a little but again got her a little wet.

Once she finished, she was also careful drying herself around her pussy, gently patting. She went from there to her bedroom to put something on, she started for her panty drawer but stopped short deciding that maybe she would forgo those. She grabbed a robe putting it on before stripping the sheets off the bed. She put them into the washer on her way to the kitchen. As she got closer to the kitchen two scents came to her nose, coffee and food, both of which smelt great to her.

Layla was just turning away from the stove when she entered the kitchen. "How you feeling?" Layla asked her.

"Rested," Theresa replied knowing that wasn't what Layla was asking her and she got the expected frown.

"That wasn't what I was asking and you know it," Layla told her.

"Ahh..." Theresa said hesitating since she wasn't sure how to answer Layla's question. She was half afraid that if she said her pussy was hurting and hurting a lot that Layla wouldn't spank her pussy again and definitely not as hard as she had earlier.

"Don't worry, I'll be spanking your pussy lots more," Layla told her as she came over to where she was standing, giving her a kiss to finish making her point.

"Quit reading my mind," Theresa said with a smile and giving Layla a return kiss.

"Never, now answer my question," Layla told her.

"It hurts but it's a good hurt," Theresa told her heading toward the fresh pot of coffee.

"Let me see," Layla said turning her around.

Theresa started to untie her robe when she stopped, "Oh no you don't, I don't trust you to just look." Theresa said starting to turn back around but Layla stopped her.

"I promise I'll just look," Layla said looking sincere enough for Theresa to trust her.

"Okay," Theresa replied not that she had much choice since Layla was already untying her robe.

Layla squatted down to get a look and Theresa naturally opened her legs which was her first mistake. "Oh it does look a little swollen, maybe a kiss will make it all better." Layla said leaning in and giving the top of her pussy a kiss that did feel nice.

Theresa then saw Layla's head moving back toward her pussy, "Oh no you don't!" Theresa told her reaching to push Layla's head back.

However, Layla was too quick for her, she felt Layla's tongue against her pussy lips and Layla's hands gripping her ass. "Oh fuck! You promised...." Then Theresa let out a groan and then a moan. The groan as Layla's tongue against her sore pussy lips hurt just a little and then the moan because the pain added to the pleasure.

"I had my fingers crossed," Layla quickly replied before going back to licking.

"That doesn't work, now quit," Theresa said but her hands that were meant to push Layla's head away were on the back of Layla's head holding it to her sore but very wet pussy.

"Damn you girl!" Theresa said leaning back against the counter and pushing her hips out pushing her pussy to Layla's mouth and the tongue now licking between her sore lips.

"Fuck girl, make me cum!" Theresa moaned out feeling Layla's tongue push inside of her.

Layla's tongue moved to her clit, licking hard against it and when she got close to cumming, it went back to her entrance licking and sucking up the juices that she was producing. Layla's tongue did hurt when she licked her outer lips but that just added to the pleasure that she was feeling making her even wetter and getting her back close to an orgasm. When Layla's tongue found her clit again, she licked it hard and then sucked it into her mouth.

"Fuck!" Theresa moaned when her orgasm hit and it hit her hard.

When she recovered, Layla was helping to hold her up and Theresa reached down pulling her up. "You're going to kill me," Theresa told her before giving her a kiss tasting her own juices on Layla's lips.

"Oh I won't kill you, you're too much fun alive," Layla told her with a shit eating grin.

"I hope that isn't the only reason," Theresa stated.

"Nope, that's pretty much it," Layla replied still grinning at her.

"That figures," Theresa said.

"Oh you know I love you," Layla told her giving her a kiss. "Now go sit down and I'll get your coffee."

"Thanks," Theresa said going to the kitchen table and sitting down. "So what you cooking?"

"Breakfast," Layla replied placing her cup of coffee in front of her.

"Isn't it a little late for breakfast," Theresa asked.

"I love breakfast for supper, mom would do that from time to time and we all loved it," Layla told her.

"It does smell good," Theresa conceded.

"Just you wait, you'll be pigging out soon," Layla said confidently.

"So is it still snowing?" Theresa asked.

"No, it's stopped, looks like we got about eight inches. I don't think we'll go anywhere until Monday. By then they should have to roads cleared," Layla said with a frown.

"You know what I haven't done since I was a child," Theresa asked.

"Wet the bed?" Layla asked giggling. "No wait, you did that today..."

"Funny," Theresa said with a frown.

"What is it, that you haven't done?" Layla asked after she realized that Theresa wasn't saying anything else.

"Nevermind..." Theresa said still frowning.

"No, tell me," Layla said turning from the stove to face her.

Theresa hesitated for another moment to tease Layla a bit, "build a snowman," Theresa finally said.

"Cool, I've never done that," Layla sad now grinning.

"You've never built a snowman?" Theresa said surprised by that.

"No, I grew up in the city remember, no place to build one," Layla said.

"Oh yeah, well tomorrow, you're going to build your first snowman." Theresa told her.

"Hey, let's build a snowwoman instead," Layla replied.

Theresa thought that over for a second, "lets stick with a snowman, knowing you, you'll make it naughty."

Layla laughed, "You're no fun... you know I can make the snowman realistic too."

"I bet you could," Theresa said grinning as she imagined a snowman with an erect cock.

"We'll stick to a regular snowman, that will be fun enough," Layla said turning back to the stove.

Layla then got off on how they would build the snowman getting excited like a young girl would. She even checked to make sure that they had a carrot big enough to make a nose which luckily, they did. Otherwise, Theresa could see her having to go out on the snow packed roads just to get a carrot for their snowman.

When Layla finished cooking, she placed a bowl of gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and sausage on the table. She then made Theresa a plate with a little of it all setting it in front of her.

"Eat up," Layla told her.

Theresa was way past hungry by this time and she had to admit that it looked good and smelled even better. Theresa took a bite of the biscuit covered by gravy and it almost melted in her mouth and exploded with flavor.

"This is good, I haven't tasted gravy this good and I'm not a gravy person," Theresa told her.

"It's how my grandmother taught my mother and she taught me to make it. I never could get enough," Layla said with a big smile.

"It's great," Theresa said taking another bite.

"So, what do you think of having breakfast for supper now?" Layla asked.

"I might be open to it again," Theresa told her and that made Layla's smile grow even bigger.

"I thought so," Layla said starting to eat.

Theresa cleaned her plate and even went back for another biscuit smothered with gravy with Layla smiling at her as she did so. Theresa was stuffed by the time they both finished and she insisted on cleaning the kitchen since Layla had cooked for her. Soon after Layla left the kitchen, Theresa heard the washer going and she knew that Layla was washing the sheets and putting clean linin on the bed.

After cleaning the kitchen, she joined Layla on the couch to watch a movie that Layla had found for them to watch. It was a sequel of an old zombie movie that Theresa loved. She wasn't into zombie movies but this one she liked. It was funny though gross at times so she hid her head in Layla's shoulders during those parts which made Layla laugh and call her a chicken. Layla was more into the horror flicks which wasn't something that Theresa enjoyed watching but then this was more of a comedy than a horror film.

Just as the movie ended, Theresa placed her hand on Layla's forehead, "You know, I think you're beginning to run a fever."

"No I'm not, I'm just fine," Layla said pushing Theresa's hand away.

"I don't know, your face is beginning to turn awfully red..." Theresa told her acting so concerned over Layla's wellbeing.

"I think it's best if I tie you up before you turn into a zombie and try to eat me," Theresa went on to say and she saw Layla begin to smile.

Layla reached for the remote to turn the TV off and she began to cough and act like she was going to throw up like a couple of the characters in the movie did after they were bitten by a zombie.

Theresa jumped up from the couch grabbing Layla's hand, "Come on girl, I got to tie you up now but don't worry, I got just the cure to turn a zombie back into a human being."

"What's that?" Layla asked still pretending to cough and retch.

"Several orgasms, one right after another," Theresa said all serious sounding.

"I do believe I will enjoy this cure," Layla said.

"So will I, zombie," Theresa said with a laugh.

Once in the bedroom, Theresa pulled Layla's old tee shirt off and pulled her shorts off of her leaving her zombie naked. She put her on the bed on her hand and knees before going to the toy table grabbing a long rope and returning to the bed. When she got to the side of the bed, she pushed Layla's head down onto the bed and bringing Layla's hands back to her knees. She took one end of the rope and wrapped it around Layla's right leg, just below the knee. She then wrapped it around Layla's right wrist before securing it against her leg. She then tied that end of the rope to the bottom rung of the side of the bed. She took the other end of the rope and pulled it over to Layla's left leg leaving her leaving her knees separated about a foot and half. She wrapped the rope about Layla's lower left leg and secured her left wrist to her leg. And like the other end of the rope, she tied this end to the other bottom rail on the left side of the bed.

Theresa stepped back saying, "Now I got my zombie tied down so she can't eat me," Theresa said and then hearing Layla growl at her. She laughed at Layla's growl as she returned to the toy table to decide what she was going to use on Layla to cure her of being a zombie. She studied her toys for a second with Layla still growling at her but also watching for what toys she would choose. With the position that Layla was in, she was just perfect to fuck however she knew that there was no way that she was going to put the strap on harness on with it pressing against her tender pussy. Her eyes went to the selection of dildos that she had and she picked two out, one slightly smaller than the other. They both had a head like a penis and smooth ridges along the length. This just added to the sensation as did the vibrations they each could produce when turned on. She got the jar of coconut oil and carried all three to the bed, getting in behind of Layla. With Layla's knees separated as they were and Layla's ass high I the air, Theresa had a perfect view of Layla's cute pink rosebud and her pussy that was showing signs of wetness between the slightly parted lips.

Layla was still growling and now wiggling her ass, that is until Theresa placed her hands onto Layla's ass cheeks. The growling continued though she now kept her ass still. Theresa dropped her head down to Layla's ass, lightly blowing on that cute pink rosebud. That turned the growl into a coo.

"I see my cure is starting to work, let's see what this does," Theresa said kissing Layla's asshole.

"Fuck!" Layla cried out.

"Oh my zombie speaks, she's beginning to become human again," Theresa said.

"Shut up and lick my ass," Layla commanded.

"Oh no, now I've turned her into a Mistress," Theresa commented.

"Theresa... please..." Layla moaned.

"Yes my lady," Theresa said softly lowering her mouth back to Layla's ass where she started to lick Layla's asshole getting a loud moan.

She licked across Layla's asshole and then she used the tip of her tongue to rim that cute little pink rosebud. She went around the little hole before placing the tip of her tongue at the center pushing it inside the tight little hole.

"Fuck!" Layla moaned.

Theresa pushed her tongue in as far as she could and then she started use her tongue to fuck her there. She did that for a minute or so and she went back to licking it. She began to smell the sweet scent of Layla's juices and she had to have a taste. She gave a kiss to Layla's ass and then she moved lower to Layla's wet pussy. That got her another long moan from Layla and also she got to taste those juices flowing from Layla's pussy. She placed her lips over Layla's entrance sucking some of those juices from her drinking them down with a moan of her own. She moved to Layla's clit getting her more excited but stopping before she neared a climax.

Her mouth left Layla's pussy hearing Layla groan from the loss of contact to her clit. She opened the jar of coconut oil coating her index and middle finger of her right hand. She coated Layla's asshole with the oil and getting her fingers coated in the oil again, she placed both at Layla's asshole. She immediately felt Layla relaxing the tight little hole and she put gentle pressure on it with her fingers. The slowly penetrated Layla's tight ass and she pushed them in up to her knuckles. She twisted them around loosening Layla's ass and then she pulled back until only the tips of her fingers were inside of her.

This time she pushed them in quicker and withdrew them just as quickly to begin finger fucking Layla's ass. She felt her own pussy getting wet as she so loved to play with Layla's ass. She brought her left hand up to Layla's pussy feeling the wetness there. She started to rub against it while the two fingers of her right hand fucked Layla's tight asshole. She picked up her speed and force of her fingers fucking Layla's ass while she increased the pressure of her left hand rubbing her pussy.

"Fuck you're going to make me cum..." Layla moaned and a few seconds later, Theresa felt Layla's asshole tighten around her fingers as Layla's orgasm hit.

Theresa rubbed Layla's pussy and she fucked her asshole for another moment and then she pulled her fingers out of Layla's ass and her left hand left her wet pussy.

While Layla recovered, she picked up the smaller of the two dildos coating it with the lubricating oil. She gave Layla another minute or so to regain her senses; she then placed the head of the small dildo against Layla's asshole. She put a little pressure on the end of the dildo, seeing Layla's asshole slowly open until the head popped inside.

"Oh fuck, that feels nice," Layla moaned.

"Just you wait girl..." Theresa replied with a smile

She slowly pushed the dildo further inside seeing Layla's anal muscles relax allowing the dildo to go inside. This dildo was just a hair wider than the anal dildos she had used before. She kept pushing until it was almost all the way in and she pulled back until just the head was inside of her. She pushed it back in a bit faster and she pulled it back out as she began to fuck her ass. Layla was letting out soft moans and trying to push her ass back when she was pushing it in. She fucked her for a couple of minutes and then when she had it most of the way inside of her, she stopped getting a groan from Layla for stopping.

Theresa turned the top and the dildo began to vibrate. "Oh fuck!" Layla cried and Theresa saw Layla tense for a second as a small orgasm passed through her.

Theresa grabbed the other dildo and put a little of the oil on it though Layla was more than wet enough to handle the dildo without any lube. She had to stop to push the dildo back in Layla's ass since she was so tight, it kept wanting to ease out. She turned the base of the second dildo turning it on before placing the head against Layla's clit.

"Oh shit! Shit!" Layla cried out and her body shook for a second.

Theresa teased Layla's clit with the dildo as her right hand went back to the dildo in Layla's ass to start fucking her ass with it again. When she sensed that Layla was close to cumming, she moved the head of the dildo away from Layla's clit to her entrance. This time she didn't ease it in but instead she pushed it in hard and fast.

"Godddddd... damnnnn..." Layla cried out.

Theresa hadn't heard her use that cuss word before but she more than understood it. She left it there for a second and when she was pushing the anal dildo inside of Layla's ass, she pulled the one in her pussy outward. She then pushed the dildo in Layla's pussy while pulling the one in her ass out. It wasn't easy to manage but she was able to fuck both of Layla's holes with one going in when the other was being pulled out. Layla was moaning and crying out words she couldn't understand but that just told her how much Layla was loving being fucked in her ass and pussy at the same time. She quickly worked up a sweat fucking Layla this way and Layla's body was already coated in sweat. She kept fucking Layla until Layla cried out and her body went stiff, well as much as it could being tied up as she was. Theresa kept on fucking Layla through this orgasm and into another before stopping.

She kept the dildos inside of Layla buzzing for a minute or so before pulling them out so that Layla could enjoy the orgasms rushing through her body. She quickly untied Layla and helping her to stretch out on her belly. She was like a limp rag, her body was spent and needed a few minutes to recover. She lay down beside of Layla kissing her sweat covered face and caressing her back until Layla's eyelids begun to flutter open.

"Oh god that was intense," Layla breathed out.

"That was what I was going for," Theresa said giving her a kiss.

"Now it's your turn," Layla said turning onto her side and pushing Theresa onto her back.

"No, you've given me twenty orgasms already today," Theresa protested.

"Then one more won't hurt," Layla told her giving her a kiss as she got up over her.

"My pussy is still so sore," Theresa said though she did nothing to stop Layla as she scooted down in the bed.

"Then I'll be gentle," Layla said kissing her right above her pussy.

Theresa brought her knees up and opened her legs further as she watched Layla's mouth heading for her pussy. She felt Layla kissing her pussy and she let out a moan. The fact that her pussy was still a little sore just seemed to make Layla's kisses feel nicer.

"Spank my pussy," Theresa heard herself saying, not believing that she even uttered those words.

"What?" Layla asked.

"Spank my pussy a little," Theresa said opening her eyes and looking down at Layla seeing the concern in her eyes and more than a little doubt.

"I want you too, spank it and then make me cum..." Theresa told her giving her a smile before laying her head back down.

She waited for what seemed forever but was only a few seconds and then she felt Layla's hand covering her pussy. She moaned as she felt Layla's hand move against her pussy reminding her of how sore it was. A moment later, Layla's hand left her pussy and she had to force herself not to bring her knees together to protect her pussy.

"Fuck!" Theresa cried out feeling Layla's hand slap her pussy. She was sure it wasn't a very hard slap but it hurt like Layla was hitting her hard. "Fuck... Fuck!... Fuck..." She cried out when Layla's hand began to slap her sore pussy that was now hurting more than before. Layla kept slapping her pussy until she wasn't sure she could take anymore.

The pussy spanking stopped just then and she felt Layla's fingers pulling her pussy open which hurt even more but a second later, she felt Layla's tongue licking inside of her.

"Lick me baby, lick me..." Theresa moaned. She was feeling equal amounts of pain and pleasure that was sending her mind to a whole new world.

She then went out of her mind when she felt a couple of Layla's fingers pushing inside of her and Layla's mouth on her clit sucking hard. She lost it and her mind exploded with a massive orgasm. Before her mind went mad with pleasure, she felt a warm liquid splashing against her pussy and thighs.

When she began to regain her senses, she felt Layla kissing her face and lips and Layla's hand resting on her pussy that was still on fire. She also felt one more thing, her ass was resting in a very wet spot.

"I think someone wet the bed," Theresa said.

"No someone soaked the bed," Layla said giving her a kiss.

When Layla raised her head, ending the kiss, Theresa opened her eyes to see a very serious expression on Layla's face. "I'm not spanking your pussy any more this weekend, no matter what you say."

"Good, I think it's had enough for a little while," Theresa said with a soft smile.

"Yes it has," Layla told her. "but don't worry, when you're needing it again, I will spank you."

"I know you will, now scoot over so I can get off this wet spot," Theresa said with a grin.

Layla laughed but she did move over and Theresa moved with her. "Let me rest a minute and I'll change the sheets," Theresa told her.

"It can wait until the morning, rest now," Layla told her.

Theresa really did intend to change the sheets after she rested, however when Layla put her head down on her shoulder and she felt Layla's hand go back to her pussy, she closed her eyes and was asleep before she knew it.

The next morning, she did change the sheets but not before she showered with Layla and Layla had gone to the kitchen to fix them something to eat. Later that morning, they did go out and build a snow woman though Theresa wouldn't let Layla use a couple of cherries for her nipples. Once she was completed, a snowball fight ensured which started when Theresa felt a snowball hit the back of her head while she was admiring their work of art.

By Monday, the roads had been cleared enough for them to get to the university and their lives began to return to normal though it was a new normal for they both had changed with what they had been through. Theresa tied up Layla at night when they made love, though it did take Theresa another day before she could put the strap-on on and give Layla a good fucking that was returned in kind.

When they got home on Saturday evening after dinner and a movie, Theresa headed for the bathroom when Layla asked innocently, "Can you hold it for a while?"

"Sure," Theresa said grinning as she knew that Layla wanted to play their pee game again.

"Thanks," Layla said and then she headed for the kitchen.

Theresa slipped off her shoes and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. When Layla returned, she had two bottled waters giving one to her. "Thanks," Theresa said taking the water even though she wasn't thirsty but that wasn't the reason Layla gave her the water and she knew it. She knew Layla was up to something, she just didn't know what it was other than it involved peeing. Just looking at the water made her need to pee worse. Layla was biting her lower lip as Theresa brought the water to her lips. Theresa knew if she sipped it, she'd never make it long before she just had to go. She turned to Layla and she began to drink. It had been years since she had chugged a beer and that was only because Jennifer had put them all up to it. She got halfway through the bottle of water before it began to leak from her lips as she was having trouble keeping up with the water flowing into her mouth. She felt it dripping onto her chest which seemed to turn on Layla so she let more drip as she finished off the bottle.

"Damn, I was thirstier than I thought," Theresa said putting the bottle down and that got a laugh from Layla.

"If you can do it, I can," Layla said putting the bottle to her lips. She had a bit more trouble and had to stop a time or two but she too got it down.

"Now, let's watch some TV," Layla said turning her attention to the movie on the TV.

Theresa tried her best to concentrate on the TV but her need to pee was growing by the minute. She made it a little over an hour before she turned to Layla, "Okay, whatever you have in mind, we need to do it now before I pee my panties."

"Don't you dare," Layla said jumping and reaching for Theresa's hand to help her up. Layla was practically pulling her into the bathroom and once there, Theresa went toward the toilet.

"So... do you want me to sit on the toilet or you?" Theresa asked.

"Neither one," Layla said with a grin and then she went to the shower, pulling back the shower curtain.

"Oh, I see," Theresa replied smiling now she knew just what Layla was up to, she was upping their pee game.

"Now get undressed before you pee your panties," Layla told her as she began to pull her sweater off.

"Don't remind me," Theresa said with a laugh but she was also serious since Layla reminded her just how badly she needed to pee. Theresa quickly caught up with Layla, pulling her clothes off as fast as she could.

Layla stepped into the shower with Theresa following close behind with Layla standing in the middle of the shower facing her. "I want you to pee on me," Layla stated biting her lower lip showing that she wasn't so sure that Theresa would do it.

"Does that excite you?" Theresa asked reaching down to Layla's pussy and feeling it moist. "I believe it does..."

"The question is, does my Mistress get wet thinking about peeing on her servant?" Layla asked and she too placed her hand on Theresa's pussy. "I believe that she does..."

Theresa felt herself blushing as the idea of peeing on Layla was getting to her and now Layla knew it. At first it was her leading Layla to do things that she had never thought of doing but it seemed that their roles had started to reverse with Layla opening her eyes to new things. Or maybe they had gotten to the point that they were opening each other eyes to new and fun games.

"Get down on your knees slave, your Mistress has lots of pee for you," Theresa said.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said going to her knees.

Theresa stepped closer to her and she reached down and pulling her lips open... she had never actually tried to pee this way, standing up... well except when she peed as she started to shower. Not that she would admit that to anyone but she figured more than a few women did that. This was going to be very different since she was going to try and direct her stream.

She pushed her hips out and she had to relax before the pee began to flow. The stream came out fast and her aim was a little off as it hit Layla square in the face.

"Oops... sorry about that," Theresa said stopping her flow.

"That's okay," Layla stated with a smile and then she licked her lips giving her a wink as she did so.

"Oh shit," Theresa thought to herself and she felt herself getting aroused by Layla licking the pee off her lips.

Theresa began to pee again trying to do so slowly with her pee hitting Layla on the chest. Layla moved her upper body over so that the pee was hitting her right breast and then she moved so that it was hitting her left breast. This just aroused Theresa but when Layla leaned back so that her pee went down her belly to her pussy, Theresa heard herself moan as did Layla.

Layla then did something that really shocked her but then it didn't. Layla came forward and she opened her mouth just as the pee was hitting her face. "Oh goddddd..." Theresa moaned seeing her pee go into Layla's mouth and she added a "fuck" when Layla began to swallow.

"Fuck girl," Theresa said feeling her pee begin to run out and she found herself trying to keep it going for as long as she could. However, she only had so much pee in her and her pee slowed to a dribble. Layla swallowed the last of the pee in her mouth and Theresa watched as Layla reached out to her hips pulling her in closer and she stuck out her tongue.

"Shit!" Theresa moaned feeling Layla's tongue on her wet lips. "Fuck that feels good," Theresa cried out.

She pulled her lips open further feeling Layla's tongue lick up the rest of her pee and the juices that she was producing. "Oh god, you're going to make me cum" Theresa cried out.

Layla kept licking her pussy but when she moved her tongue to her clit, Theresa let out a loud moan feeling her orgasm explode. She felt her knees go weak and Layla's hand on her ass helping to hold her up.

"Fuck girl, you're kinky," Theresa said once she got her senses back. She reached down to Layla's head to get Layla to stand up.

She saw Layla's cheeks turning an even redder as she blushed.

"Maybe a little," Layla replied leaning in to kiss her.

Theresa didn't hesitate to return the kiss, tasting both her juices and pee on Layla's lips. Layla slipped her tongue into her mouth and Theresa pressed her tongue against it again tasting more of her own pee there.

When Layla finally pulled back ending the passionate kiss, Theresa looked directly into Layla eyes saying, "Would you pee on me Mistress?"

Theresa saw Layla's facial expression turn serious, "You don't have to, you know."

"I'm not letting you have all the fun," Theresa replied giving Layla a quick kiss and then dropping down to her knees in front of her.

"I see my training is finally beginning to pay off," Layla said with a grin.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa replied.

She watched Layla reach down opening her lips and pushing her hips out like she had done. Theresa felt more than a little nervous and yes a little excited about letting Layla pee on her. She wasn't so sure about letting Layla pee in her mouth but the rest of her was fine.

Layla's aim was better than hers was as she felt Layla's pee hitting her chest. It felt warm and it did arouse her. The act of being peed upon was more arousing that she would have ever imagined. She quickly got into it moving around so that Layla's pee was hitting one then the other breast and then on down to her pussy which so excited her feeling the warm pee hitting and flowing over her wet pussy. She let it hit her there but just for a moment before she did what she never dreamed she would. She just had to taste it before Layla ran dry.

She looked up at Layla as she opened her mouth grabbing ahold of Layla's hips pulling her in closer as she moved her head toward Layla's pussy. She let the pee hit her face and then the top of her head. Then she moved her open mouth up letting Layla's pee go into her mouth. It was warm and slightly salty as the pee filled her mouth and then she swallowed.

"Oh fuck!" Layla moaned and Theresa felt Layla peeing harder. Theresa then knew that this was exciting Layla to no end and she kept swallowing making sure that Layla saw what she was doing.

When Layla's pee began to slow, Theresa followed it so that it kept running into her mouth getting the last few drops. She had to lick up the last of the pee and she kept licking tasting Layla's juices as well as her pee. When she moved her tongue to Layla's clit, she only had to lick it a few times before Layla let out a loud moan and her body stiffened as her orgasm hit her hard.

She too had to hold Layla up with her hands gripping Layla's ass cheeks. She licked her a few more times and sucked on her clit making her orgasm go on stopping just before she thought that Layla would become too sensitive.

When Layla began to get her legs back under her, Theresa stood up and gave Layla a kiss that Layla hungerly returned. They kissed and kissed with their tongues kissing and swapping the taste of pee. She felt Layla's hand go from her back to her ass and then one of them found her pussy. She quickly placed her right hand on Layla's pussy as they masturbated each other to another orgasm with the pee on their bodies mixing together.

"We just might have to play this game again," Theresa whispered into Layla's ear.

"Definitely," Layla whispered back.

"But first, I think we both need to take a shower and then to bed," Theresa said stepping away from Layla.

"What, don't you want to go to bed smelling like pee?" Layla asked acting shocked that Theresa would even suggest a shower.

"Not really," Theresa told her.

"Spoils sport," Layla said with a laugh.

"Well you can go to bed smelling like pee but it won't be with me," Theresa said turning on the shower.

"On second thought, I think a shower is in order," Layla said laughing again and then slipping around Theresa to get under the shower first. They laughed and played while they washed each other and once they got out, Layla did admit that Theresa smelled a lot better now.

They settled in bed and talked for a little while before Theresa began to get sleepy but that is when Layla said, "You know it has been a while since you used your grandfather's belt..."

End of Chapter Eight.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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