The Perfume Girl

Published on Jul 26, 2020


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Perfume Girl

Chapter Five

By Chris

It was a little after three when Theresa got the notification that her garage door was being opened. She opened the app on her phone for the camera in the kitchen and she watched Layla entering the kitchen. Layla had the paper in her left hand and Theresa watched as she entered the number. Layla then just stood there and Theresa knew that Layla was just praying that she had done it right and the alarm wasn't going to go off. She stood there for a couple of minutes before she finally decided that it was safe to move and she went back out the door only to return a moment later carrying a bag of groceries. Theresa couldn't help but to be amused by Layla's actions and she wanted to watch her a little longer but she had work to do so she put her phone down and went back to work.

Theresa wanted to leave a little early but just when she was packing up to leave, one of her student assistants came in to talk so she was stuck. She ended up leaving right at five and thus she didn't make it home until five-thirty but she did think to let Layla know that she was running late.

"It smells delicious," Theresa said coming in the door.

"Thank you, it's just about ready, go change while I set the table," Layla told her.

"Okay," Theresa said giving Layla a quick kiss before leaving to put on something more comfortable.

"Anything I can do?" Theresa asked when she returned.

"There's a bottle of wine in the fridge, pour us a glass," Layla told her.

"And just how did you manage to buy a bottle of wine?" Theresa asked.

"I stole it from Ashley," Layla said with a laugh.

"Ripping off your roommate, I'd better lock up all my valuables," Theresa said with a smile.

"I told her I was taking it," Layla said.

"I figured you did." Theresa said. "I was teasing you."

"I know," Layla replied with a grin.

They talked for a little while Layla put the finishing touches on their dinner and they sat down to eat.

Theresa was just about to put the first bite into her mouth when Layla said, "I did figure out why you gave me a key to your house."

"Why's that?" Theresa asked not sure where Layla was coming from since she really couldn't read her facial expression to see if she was being serious or trying to be funny.

"So you'd have some cute coed here to have your dinner ready when you come home from a hard day of teaching." Layla said still with a that natural facial expression.

"It took you long enough to figure that one out, why else would I give you a key," Theresa said just as seriously.

"Maybe because my perfume fucked with your mind," Layla replied and then she did grin.

"Okay, you got me on that one," Theresa said and then she finally took a bite of her food. "this is good."

"Thank you," Layla replied.

"Okay, tell me about the damn perfume. You have two bottles in the bathroom and both are close to what you wear but neither match it," Theresa said asking the question that had been bugging her since Layla had become such a part of her life.

"If I tell you, then you'll know my secret," Layla replied. "Then maybe I'll stop being a such a mystery to you."

"You'll always be a mystery to me," Theresa replied. "Just tell me, it's driving me crazy."

"It's actually a funny story," Layla said taking a sip of her wine before continuing. "My mom and I were going to my one of my cousins wedding and as always she was rushing me. If she didn't show up a half hour early then she thought she was late. So anyway, she came up to my bedroom to light a fire under my ass as she always said and I couldn't remember if I put any perfume on so I went back to the bathroom and put more on. As soon as I did, I then remembered that I had put the other brand that I liked on just before going back to my bedroom. My mother was tapping her foot by this time so I left them both on. When we got to the car, my mother noticed my perfume and asked if it was something new as it smelled nice on me. Then at the wedding, I kept getting compliments on my perfume. After that, I began to use both when I wanted to make a good impression..."

"So when you came up after class that first time, you were wearing it for a reason?" Theresa asked.

"Yes... and that night when I showed up at the club where I was hoping you would be." Layla stated.

"I never stood a chance, did I?" Theresa replied with a smile but then she wasn't completely sure she liked the way Layla had zeroed in on her and she fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Layla didn't say anything for a moment, she just took a sip of her wine. "And you didn't try to scare me away?" Layla asked.

Theresa smile, "Yeah I did and I thought I would but you surprised me."

"I almost ran," Layla confessed and she paused for a moment. "but then I remembered the woman who was so passionate about what she taught and then the way you looked at me when we danced and I knew that you were someone I could trust to never do anything to hurt me."

"Even when I used my grandfather's belt?" Theresa asked.

"Even when you used your grandfather's belt, you can do anything you want to me. I trust you." Layla said in a way that Theresa had nowhere else to take that line so she changed the subject to her student assistant that caused her to be late getting home instead of being early as she intended.

"So, what special way do you intend to tie me up tonight?" Layla asked as she came into the bedroom naked after freshening up in the bathroom.

Theresa was at the toy table thinking of that very thing when Layla entered and she had just come up with an interesting idea. "I've come up with something very devious for my little sex minx tonight," Theresa said turning around with ropes in her hands.

"Goodie," Layla said with a giggle.

"Come here and give me a kiss first," Theresa told her.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said giggling again walking toward her.

Theresa put her left hand to the back of Layla's neck bringing her in for the kiss with her right hand slipping between Layla's legs to her pussy finding it already moist.

"Are you? Mistress?" Layla asked when the kiss ended and she reached out to the front of Theresa's jogging shorts.

However, Theresa was ready for that move and slapped her hand away, "I got a better way for you to check that a little later," Theresa told her.

"I bet you do," Layla said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Lay down on your back on the bed with your hands above your head," Theresa told her.

Theresa could see the excitement in Layla's eyes as she crawled onto the bed making sure to show her ass and thus her pussy and asshole to her before turning onto her back. Theresa had Layla hold her arms up so that she could tie her wrists together and then she tied the rope to the lowest bar going across the head of the bed, placing a small pillow under her head to make her comfortable and also help her to see what was to come next. She then moved to the right side of the bed and wrapped one end of a rope around Layla left ankle and she raised it up tying it to the canopy just a little way down from where Layla hips were positioned. She then went to the other side and did the same to Layla's right ankle. She adjusted both sides so that Layla had some movement in her legs and hips but what she couldn't do was to close her legs.

Theresa got onto the bottom of the bed just below Layla's ass. "Oh god, you look so cute," Theresa said.

"And vulnerable," Layla added.

"Very vulnerable... I can do anything I want to you now..." Theresa said with more than a little lust coming out of her voice.

"Oh god..." Layla moaned and she wiggled her hips.

Theresa reached down and pulled her tee shirt off throwing it to the floor. She unhooked her bra and pulled it off throwing it to the floor. She saw that Layla's eyes were watching her every move and she was unconsciously licking her lips. Theresa got up on her knees so that she could push her shorts and panties down with Layla's eyes following them down, at least until her pussy came into view and that is where Layla's eyes stayed.

Theresa got on her hands and knees and slipped between Layla's legs and once past them she got back on just her knees moving forward until her pussy was directly over Layla's head.

"Am I wet?" Theresa asked.

"Ooo... yyy..." Layla was saying but she stopped herself. "I'm not sure Mistress, maybe I need to check with my tongue to make sure."

"Is that so?" Theresa asked knowing full well that Layla could see that she was wet, she was practically dripping or felt like she was.

"Yes," Layla said and she was already trying to raise her head up so Theresa lowered her pussy down and she felt Layla's warm tongue on her pussy and she let out a moan.

Theresa settled down a little more and she felt Layla's tongue part her lips and then it went to her clit. It was when she heard herself moan that she realized that she was letting things get out of her control and it wasn't time for that yet.

"Okay, enough of that, you can see that I'm wet," Theresa proclaimed raising up though she so wanted to sit right back down on Layla's face and let her eat her pussy to her heart's content.

"No... just a little more," Layla begged.

"Nope, you've been a bad girl, trying to have your way with me. You should know better than that," Theresa said getting off the bed and giving Layla a stern look that had absolutely no effect on her. "I was going to go easy on you but you leave me no choice..."

That too had no effect, well other than to arouse Layla further which was actually was the effect Theresa was after all along. Making sure that Layla could see what she was doing, she first set out the jar of coconut oil. She picked up the anal dildo that she had used on her before and she saw Layla smile at that but then she put it down and picked up another one that had the same shape. The flares on this one got slightly larger toward the base however the first flare was about the size as the first anal dildo she used was at the middle. Layla frowned for a second but then smiled knowing that she wouldn't use it on her unless she knew she could handle it and Layla could. It really wasn't all that large but when you are new to anal play, it looked very large. She got a dildo which they hadn't used before plus the strap-on which, of course, they had. She brought the toys to the bed, placing them at the foot of the bed where Layla couldn't see them and thus not know what she would be using or when.

Theresa got onto the bed positioning herself so that she was sitting just in front of Layla's opened legs with her knees to each side of Layla's hips. "Oh god you are beautiful" Theresa said placing her hands just on the sides of Layla's knees. Layla could only smile at this point and that was all the acknowledgment that Theresa needed for her compliment.

Theresa slowly moved her hands down Layla's inner thighs stopping just at the juncture of her legs thus stopping short of Layla's very wet pussy. She brought her hands back up to her knees and then back down doing this several times, caressing Layla and seeing more moisture seep from her pussy. This time when she stopped, she moved her hands around Layla's pussy up to her abdomen and to her stomach going to her breasts. She cupped them in her hands caressing and pinching Layla's hard nipples. Layla's was moaning and her body was moving from her arousal. Theresa was leaning forward to reach Layla's breasts, so she lowered her face down and she kissed Layla's stomach. She slowly kissed her way down her body while keeping her hands on Layla's breasts, caressing and teasing her nipples.

When her lips got to the top edge of Layla's pussy, she heard Layla moan, "Please don't stop... I need you..."

Theresa had no intention of going around Layla's pussy this time, she needed to taste her as much as Layla needed her to. Theresa kissed Layla's clit getting a loud moan and then she went on down to her pussy where she began to lick up all the juices flowing from her. She licked the outer lips clean before parting them with her tongue to go inside of her finding Layla so rich in sweet juices. She licked and sucked for a few minutes before going to her clit sucking on it and then licking it bringing Layla to a quick orgasm.

Theresa immediately stopped not wanting to make Layla's clit too sensitive to soon. She wanted her to have the release she needed and thus be ready for much more.

While Layla recovered, Theresa laid down so that she could get to the cute pink rosebud that she loved so much. "Oh god I needed that," Theresa heard Layla breathe out a moment or two later.

"I've just started baby," Theresa said and she immediately touched Layla's rosebud with the tip of her tongue.

"Oh shit," Layla moaned raising her ass up for her to lick more.

Theresa did just that, she bathed Layla's rosebud with her tongue before pushing the tip of her tongue into her ass getting a louder moan. She tongue fucked Layla's ass for a few moments and then she gave it a kiss before getting back up on her knees. She opened the jar of coconut oil and she coated Layla's asshole with it and then she eased a finger inside of her. she slowly moved her finger in and out getting more and more of the coconut oil inside of her asshole. She put more oil on her fingers and she used a second finger to open Layla's ass a little more. Layla moaned more obviously enjoying having her ass played with and her pussy was seeping juices that was leaking down to her ass. She pulled her fingers out and she picked up the anal dildo. She held it up so that Layla could see her putting lots of the coconut oil on the glass dildo. She saw Layla biting her lower lip but she could see that she was excited too.

Theresa placed her left hand on Layla's mons and her thumb against Layla's clit where she began to lightly caress the little bud. Layla gave out a low moan clearly becoming aroused by the stimulation. Theresa then placed the dildo against Layla's pink rosebud. Layla tensed for just a second but then she relaxed. Theresa began to put just a hair more pressure on Layla's clit and then she began to push the anal dildo against Layla's rosebud. Layla relaxed even more and her asshole opened and accepted the first flare of the dildo. Theresa pushed the next and the next flare inside of Layla's ass before pausing allowing Layla to get used to having her ass stretched a little more than before.

Theresa was going to give her a little longer to get used to the larger anal dildo but Layla moaned out, "Go for it, it feels good."

Theresa smiled down at her sweet girl and she pushed the next flare into her ass. Still going slowly, she paused before the next two flares but Layla moaned at each and she seemed to like having her ass filled like it was once the dildo was all the way in. Theresa paused there and then she pulled it out until just the last flare was inside of Layla's ass and this time, she pushed it in a little faster all the while she was still rubbing her clit.

Once she knew that Layla was getting into the anal fucking, she stopped rubbing her clit and just used the anal dildo on her. Layla was moaning louder and she was doing her best to push back against the dildo. Once again, Theresa changed tactics on her. Theresa pushed the dildo all the way in and left it there. She picked up the other dildo and quickly coated it with the oil. She placed the head at Layla's pussy entrance and she pushed it in deep getting a loud moan from Layla.

Theresa first just fucked Layla with the vaginal dildo but then she used her left hand to play with the anal dildo so that Layla was getting both holes fucked at the same time. This proved to be too much for Layla to handle and in no time, she let out a long moan and her body stiffened as a very intense orgasm racked her body. Theresa fucked her pussy a few more strokes before pulling the dildo from her pussy however she pushed the anal dildo back in deep into her ass leaving it in place.

While she wasn't done with Layla just yet, she knew that Layla needed a break and besides she needed a little relief herself. As Layla slowly recovered, Theresa moved up over her so that when Layla's eyes fluttered open, she was looking up at Theresa's wet pussy.

"Mmmm... looks yummy..." Layla said licking her lips.

"Only one way to find out," Theresa replied and she started to lower her pussy down.

"Wait, untie my hands first," Layla said.

Theresa noticed that Layla just wanted her hands untied and not to be untied completely. "anything you want," Theresa told her leaning forward to start untying Layla's hands.

"I think you forgot to take something out," Layla said.

"No... I didn't," Theresa replied as she finished releasing Layla's hands.

"Okay," Layla said with a giggle. "Now sit on my face."

"My pleasure," Theresa said.

"It's about to be," Layla said.

Theresa was going to come back with something about Layla being pretty sure about her abilities but all she could do was moan as she felt Layla's tongue on her pussy and Layla's hands on her ass. Besides, Layla's ability to pleasure her was vast and she never failed to give her some intense orgasms. Theresa had only one problem, she was so aroused from playing with Layla that she was already on the edge and Layla's talented tongue didn't take long to bring her to orgasm. Her tongue had barely touched her clit when she felt her orgasm hit and she could do nothing to hold it off.

"Damn you, you made me cum to quick," Theresa told Layla once she could talk again.

"Sorry," Layla replied grinning up at her. "let me try again."

"How about a little sixty-nine?" Theresa suggested. "You don't mind if I get on top, do you?"

"Like I got a choice," Layla said as she pointed to her legs that were still tied to the top canopy bars.

"I guess you don't," Theresa said giving Layla a wink.

"Turn around and let me at your pussy," Layla said.

Theresa started to say "My pleasure," but she caught herself as she knew what the reply would be. Instead, she moved down giving Layla a kiss before turning around and getting into position with her pussy over Layla's head and her head between Layla's suspended legs. She felt Layla's hands on her hips pulling them down until she felt Layla's tongue touch her pussy. She then lowered her head down and began to lick Layla's wet pussy.

This time she had a bit of an advantage, she had just cum so she could hold out longer and Layla still had the anal dildo in her ass that she could play with. She began to lick Layla's pussy getting her to moan feeling the vibrations of that moan on her pussy causing her to moan. Theresa licked her a minute or two before she slipped her arm around Layla's leg and she pulled on the anal dildo. That got a loud moan from Layla and she felt Layla's finger against her ass. Theresa knew that Layla had figured out that two could play this game. Soon Theresa felt Layla's finger fucking her ass while she was licking her pussy and clit. Theresa was licking Layla's pussy and fucking her with the anal dildo. When they latched onto each other's clits and began to suck, they were both lost and their orgasms hit one right after the other with Theresa not sure who came first not that it mattered.

It took them both a bit to recover and Theresa did so before Layla. Theresa decided that Layla had the anal dildo in long enough and she slowly pulled it out getting a groan from Layla and what appeared to be mini orgasm that she was pleased to see.

This gave Theresa time to get up off of Layla and put on the strap-on. She had just finished putting it on when Layla opened her eyes. "Oh god..." Layla moaned upon seeing it on Theresa body.

Theresa put a little of the oil on the fake cock and she got between Layla's suspended legs. She held the head at Layla's entrance and slowly pushed the head inside of her getting a moan. She leaned forward letting her knees slip back and as she pushed the cock inside of Layla's pussy, she laid down on top of her.

Theresa put her hands to Layla's cheeks, giving her a kiss and as she kissed her, she raised her hips. She pushed them back down, feeling Layla's moan while returning her kiss. Theresa began to fuck her and while Layla tried to keep kissing her, her concentration was on the cock that was going in and out of her pussy. Theresa just kept on kissing her lips and cheeks, smoothing her with loving kisses as she fucked her with her fake cock. Layla had her hands on her shoulders gripping them with her fingernails digging into her skin. That just spurred Theresa on, wanting to make Layla cum that much harder and moan louder. Theresa picked up her pace and she pounded her fake cock into Layla's pussy getting her closer and closer to an orgasm.

"Oh fuck, I'm cummingggg...." Layla cried out and Theresa felt Layla's nails dig into her skin that much deeper. She thrust her cock into Layla's pussy a few more times before stopping allowing Layla to ride out her orgasm.

"You know I may just leave you tied up like this all night, that way I can fuck you all night," Theresa told Layla when her eyelids fluttered open.

"I wouldn't mind that," Layla said with a smile.

"But I got one problem with that," Theresa said.

"What's that?" Layla asked.

"I'm dying for you to put this cock on and fuck the shit out of me," Theresa told her and she gave her a kiss.

"Then I would suggest that you get your fat ass off of me and untie my legs so that I can fuck that pussy of yours," Layla told her.

"Fat ass?" Theresa questioned.

"Cute ass..." Layla said with a grin.

"Much better," Theresa replied with a little laugh.

Theresa gave her another kiss before she began to get up thus pulling the cock from Layla's pussy getting a groan from Layla who obviously liked having the cock inside of her. She took off the harness and was just starting to untie Layla's left ankle when Layla propped herself up on her elbows.

"I kind of liked being tied up like this..." Layla stated.

Theresa stopped and looked down at Layla, "You kind of liked or you really liked it and want to try it again sometime?" Theresa asked.

Theresa saw Layla's face that was already a red hue from the lovemaking that they had been having got even a darker hue, "I loved being so exposed and helpless, at your mercy..."

"I loved having you that way too sweetie," Theresa told her. "Don't worry, you will be back in this position again and maybe even some even more exposed and at my mercy." Theresa then gave her a sexy wink that made Layla's face turn so red she feared that all her blood was going to her face and she would pass out.

Theresa couldn't help but to grin at Layla who laid back and put the pillow over her face making Theresa want to laugh but she didn't. She finished releasing Lyla's legs and came up and she pulled the pillow from Layla's face.

"Fuck me baby," Theresa told her with the desire thick in her voice.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said with a smile as she sat up giving Theresa a kiss first.

"How do you want to take me?" Theresa asked deciding to let Layla decide what position to fuck her since she didn't care as long as she fucked her.

"Mmmm... on your knees with your head on the bed," Layla stated.

"You want my fat ass, I see," Theresa said with a grin.

"Nope your cute ass," Layla said giving her a kiss before making her turn around and pushing her shoulders downward.

Theresa put her ass up in the air and her head on her bed. She closed her eyes and listened to Layla putting the harness onto her body. She then felt her hand on her ass cheeks and a second later her warm breath on her asshole. She let out a moan just anticipating Layla's tongue on her asshole however all she felt was her warm breath.

"Baby... Please, lick me... lick my ass..." Theresa pleaded when she realized that Layla wasn't going to move until she said something.

A split second later, she let out a loud moan when she felt Layla's warm tongue against her ass, licking and teasing her. She felt the tip of her tongue rimming her ass hole before pressing against the center. Theresa relaxed letting it penetrate her and she moaned her approval. She wanted Layla to touch her pussy while she licked her ass but Layla just kept her hands on her ass cheeks squeezing them and pulling them apart.

When she was about to tell Layla to fuck her, she felt Layla's tongue leave her ass and the head of her fake cock pressing against her pussy. In one hard thrust, the cock filled her pussy and she gripped the sheets. Layla's hands gripped her hips and she felt the cock being pulled back only to be thrust back inside of her. Layla began to fuck her hard, just as she needed to be fucked. She was so aroused and needed to cum so badly that it only took Layla a few minutes to bring her to orgasm.

When she had recovered, she felt Layla's hands caressing her back and the cock that Layla was wearing still filling her pussy. This time, Layla withdrew the cock slowly and pushed it back in just as slowly all the while caressing her back. As she slowly fucked her, those hands moved around to her breasts, cupping them and caressing them. When Theresa started to push back, Layla moved her hands back to her hips and she began to fuck her harder. It took her a little longer to bring her to orgasm but she got her there and the orgasm was just as intense.

When Theresa recovered this time, she was disappointed to find her pussy empty. She was just about to slide her knees out and lay down when she heard Layla say, "don't you dare move and keep your eyes close."

Theresa could tell that Layla was at the toy table but what she was getting into was another matter. But it wouldn't be long before she found out as she felt Layla getting back on the bed behind her. The first thing she felt was something cold on her asshole and she quickly realized that it was Layla's fingers applying coconut oil to her anus. She then felt first one finger then two pushing inside of her ass slowly fucking her but more importantly lubing up her asshole for whatever Layla had in mind for her. It had to be one of two things that Layla had in mind, either she was going to use one of the anal toys or she was going to fuck her ass. While she loved the anal toys, she wasn't into being fucked in the ass. She didn't think Layla would go in that direction without being sure first but you never knew. She would just have to wait and see and that wouldn't be a long wait.

When she felt Layla's fingers leave her ass, she felt something cool and smooth at her ass. It started to be pressed against her when suddenly it was withdrawn.

"Oh shit! You do like anal toys like you use on me; don't you? I didn't think to ask first," Layla asked and her voice showed that she was about to panic fearing that she had overstepped her bounds.

Theresa raised her head up and turned it to face Layla and she smiled. "Yes baby, I love all the anal toys, I don't like to be fucked in the ass but fingers and toys are just fine."

"Oh good, I was about to panic there," Layla said. "Now get back down there and let me have at your ass and pussy."

"Quickly babe, my ass needs something inside it," Theresa told her giving her a wink before putting her head back on the bed.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said lustfully.

A second later, Theresa felt Layla's fingers back at her asshole, tenderly caressing her there. Theresa kept waiting for Layla to push those fingers inside of her but she didn't however the teasing was getting her very aroused again and she let out a moan. Immediately those fingers left her ass and a second later, she felt that cool smooth anal toy at her asshole. She felt Layla slowly push the toy against her asshole and she let herself relax. She felt the toy open her ass and slip inside of her. It was there for a moment before she felt Layla pushing on the toy and she felt the next flare entering her ass opening it a little more. Theresa then knew that Layla was using the same type of anal toy that she had used on her however this one was the larger one. The second flare was followed by the third. She could feel her ass hole stretching to accept it. Layla paused for a moment before she pushed the last flare into her ass, stretching her further open.

"ohhhh.... Baby, that feels good in my ass," Theresa moaned.

Layla left it there for a second or two before she began to pull it back out until only the first flare was inside of her. This time she didn't pause before pushing it all the way back inside of her with Theresa feeling her ass open to accept each flare. Layla began to fuck her ass with the anal toy causing Theresa to moan louder. Layla seemed to be content to just use the anal toy on her and she enjoyed it immensely but she was needing some stimulation on her pussy so she reached back between her legs to touch her clit.

"Now get your hand off your pussy, I got plans for it," Layla told her and Theresa did so.

She felt the anal toy being pushed all the way inside of her and there it stayed. She then felt the head of the fake cock that Layla was still wearing being pressed against her pussy.

"Oh yes baby!" Theresa moaned.

Layla pushed the cock all the way inside her pussy and she began to fuck her again, this time with the anal toy still deep in her ass. She felt Layla's hands on her hips and she began to drive the fake cock in and out of her pussy. Theresa could only moan as she pushed back against the cock that was fucking her. Just when she was getting close to an orgasm, she felt Layla stop fucking her with only the head of the cock still in her pussy. She felt Layla's fingers at the anal toy and she began to fuck her ass with it.

"Oh god, you're driving me crazy!" Theresa moaned.

Layla fucked her ass for a minute or two before the toy was pressed back deep in her ass and she began to fuck her pussy, harder and deeper this time. It was only a matter of moments before she was at the edge of her orgasm only this time Layla kept fucking her and thus the orgasm hit her and it hit her hard, a very intense orgasm. It was so powerful that she slipped down onto the bed thus pulling the cock from her pussy. While she was in the euphoria of the orgasm, she felt Layla's fingers on her ass cheeks opening them and the anal toy was pulled from her ass causing her another mini orgasm.

"Oh god girl, that was intense," Theresa moaned when she came around to find Layla lying beside of her.

"Good," Layla said giving her a light kiss.

As much as Theresa wanted to play a little more, she was in no condition to do so. It was then she realized that Layla was obviously in the same condition, since Layla was already sound asleep. Theresa gave her a light kiss that made Layla smile ever so slightly in her sleep. Theresa closed her eyes and she was soon asleep as well.

Theresa woke up as soon as she heard the alarm going off. She heard Layla let out a groan and then she rolled over in the bed. Theresa gave her a light kiss to the cheek and she slipped out of the bed trying not to disturb Layla's sleep. She went to the bathroom to pee and she came back to gather up the toys from the bed to wash them and put them back in their place without disturbing sleeping beauty. Today was the first day of classes, and she had an early morning class. She always tried to schedule her classes in the morning much to her student's displeasure. Layla also had her first class but it wasn't until ten.

"Time to get up sweetheart, it's the first day of classes," Theresa said as she gently shook Layla's shoulder as she slept on her stomach.

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school today," Layla said sleepily.

Theresa wasn't sure if Layla was being cute or if she was more asleep than awake and thought she was back home and it was her mother that was waking her. Knowing Layla, she was pretty sure that Layla was awake and being silly. So, Theresa decided to play along but not the way Layla thought she would.

"Too bad, you're going," Theresa said pulling the covers down to reveal Layla cute and very naked butt. She then raised her hand and gave Layla a good pop on her bottom.

"Ouch!" Lala said putting her hand back to her bottom rubbing it as she rolled over showing that she was wide awake.

"That hurt!" She further complained.

"If you're going to call me Mommy then I will treat you like a lazy daughter who needs to get up and go to school," Theresa told her.

"You're a mean mommy," Layla complained pouting.

"If you keep calling me mommy, I'll give you a real spanking," Theresa threatened her.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy," Layla said with a grin.

"Well I'm going to be a real mean mommy and not give you what you want," Theresa told her sternly though she wanted to laugh at Layla antics. She then started to get up but Layla grabbed her arm pulling her back down.

"You aren't going to give me a morning kiss," Layla asked holding up her arms to Theresa.

"You going to call me mommy anymore?" Theresa asked.

"No," Layla said with a grin.

"Then you get a kiss," Theresa said leaning down to give Layla her morning kiss.

It was a light morning kiss as Theresa knew if she let the kiss linger, she would end up being late for her first class of the semester. She had just gotten to the door when she heard Layla say, "Have a good day... mommy."

"Oh god," Theresa said as she went on out the door and she heard Layla laughing. She could only smile knowing that Layla just wouldn't be Layla without calling her mommy just one more time.

Theresa first class was an intro class so was filled with mostly freshmen just starting their college career. She always got there long before the class was to start just so she could watch the students come into the classroom. Since it was one of the few classes that started at eight, she saw some of the students come in still trying to wake up but what she loved to see the most was the students that came in with excitement in their eyes but also more than a little fear. It was these students that she knew would do well. They wanted to be here and wanted to learn; these kids reminded her of herself not so many years before. She also knew that a couple of these students she would be teaching economics to for the next four or more years. When the bell rang, she got their attention and began another semester of teaching.

Theresa only had two classes that day and was done by noon. She had a couple of students coming in that afternoon as she was their advisor. They both were economics majors and she had been advising them for a couple of years. She spent about an hour with each and she spent more time talking about the world economy than advising. By three she was done for the day and normally she would hang around her office until five or six but she saw that Layla had just gotten to her home and she decided that today was a good day to head home early.

The first thing she saw upon entering the kitchen was Layla at the table with her tablet propped up to her right side and her laptop in front of her. "Homework already?" she asked coming over to give Layla a kiss.

"Nope, just getting ahead. I got Dr. Samuels tomorrow and she always starts the semester with a quiz on the first chapter of the text. She caught me off guard last semester but not this year." Layla told her.

"Mmmm... maybe I should start doing that..." Theresa said grinning at Layla.

Layla looked up at her, "That isn't your style, you get your students attention in your own way. You make your students want to learn all about economics even if it isn't something, they are majoring in."

"Thank you," Theresa replied.

"So how were your classes?" Layla asked.

"Pretty good, there's lot of cute coeds in my intro class," Theresa told her and she saw that got Layla's attention.

"Anyone I should start worrying about?" Layla asked.

"I don't know, there was one girl that was real cute in her tights and snug tee shirt," Theresa told her.

"Maybe I need to have a talk with her," Layla replied.

Theresa laughed, "No, dating one cute coed is more than I can handle at a time."

"Good," Layla said with a grin.

"Think of what you want to eat for supper while I change out of these clothes." Theresa said. Theresa had her back to the bedroom door and was just reaching back to unhook her bra when she heard Layla entering the bedroom.

"Let me help you," Layla said.

"Thanks," Theresa said dropping her arms to her sides. She felt Layla's fingers at the clasp of her bra. Once it was undone, she felt Layla's fingers at the shoulder straps and then she felt Layla's breath on her right ear.

"I know what I want to eat," she heard her whisper.

"What's that honey?" Theresa asked.

"You," Layla replied as she pushed her straps down her arms.

"Oh my," Theresa said in almost a moan and then she did moan when Layla's hands came around her body and tenderly grasped her breasts. Her arms were trapped my Layla's arms and also her bra that had only made it down to her elbows. She did manage to get her bra down her arms, letting it drop to the floor.

"You want me to eat your pussy?" Layla whispered into her ear.

Theresa was about to answer when Layla's fingers pinch and pulled on her nipples causing her to moan instead.

"Is that a yes?" Layla asked pulling a little harder.

"Ohhhh... fuck yes," Theresa moaned.

"You getting nice and wet for me, you know how I like how your pussy tastes," Layla whispered.

Layla switched to caressing and teasing her nipples allowing Theresa to get control of herself. "I guess you'll have to check that out for yourself," Theresa told her.

"I guess I will," Layla replied releasing her breasts. Theresa felt Layla's hands at the side of her slacks unbuttoning her slacks and pulling the zipper down. She felt Layla pulling back from her and her hands going to her hips. She then felt Layla's hands pulling down her slacks leaving her blue panty briefs in place.

"Sit on the edge of the bed for me," Layla told her.

Theresa stepped out of her slacks and went to the side of the bed, sitting down. She could see the lust on Layla's eyes as she moved in front of her and went down on her knees. Layla put her hands on her knees and she spread them open as she moved between them. Layla leaned in to kiss her right nipple and then she sucked her nipple into her mouth. Theresa let out another moan with her hands going to the back of Layla's head holding her to her breast. Layla released her nipple giving it a bite before going to her left nipple. Theresa felt her pussy getting very moist and she was letting out soft moans. Layla sucked and bit this nipple getting another moan from her. She then pulled back and Theresa released her head knowing where Layla was going next.

"Lay back," Layla told her and Theresa did so, wondering and hoping that Layla would remove her panties and get to pussy.

However, Layla didn't do that instead Theresa felt Layla's hand on her panty covered pussy gently caressing and teasing her. She felt her fingers go up to the top of her panties and she thought that Layla was going to finally remove her panties but again she was disappointed. Layla brought her fingers back down, rubbing her pussy through her panties that were getting very damp from her juices.

Theresa lay there enjoying the teasing but after a minute or two, she couldn't take the teasing anymore. "take off my damn panties and eat me!" Theresa demanded.

"Yes Mistress," Layla replied with her fingers going to her hips and she felt her pulling her panties down. Theresa raised her ass off the bed allowing Layla to get her damn panties off.

As soon as her panties were off her feet, Theresa opened her legs and she felt Layla hungry mouth on her pussy. Layla licked and sucked on her lips getting all the juices off and making her produce lots more. She then felt Layla fingers on her lips pulling them open. She felt Layla's tongue back on her pussy pushing inside of her and sucking up her juices. Layla's tongue would go up to her clit licking and sucking on it until she was close to an orgasm and then she felt her mouth leave her clit only to go back to her pussy licking and sucking her. When Layla's mouth went back to her clit, Theresa reached down and grasped her head keeping Layla mouth on her clit.

"Make me cum, I need to cum," Theresa moaned.

Layla first licked her clit before drawing it onto her mouth and sucking hard. That was all that Theresa needed and she felt her orgasm rise up and it hit her hard. Layla kept sucking on her clit making the orgasm that much more intense and when she couldn't take anymore, she pushed Layla's head away from her sensitive clit.

It took her a minute or so to recover and when she came back to reality, Layla was tenderly licking her pussy cleaning up her girlcum. Theresa eased Layla's head away from her pussy and she sat up on the edge of the bed as Layla got up off her knees and stood in front of her. While Theresa had seen that Layla was wearing a long tee shirt that went down to her thighs, she really hadn't really paid that much attention since Layla had gotten her so worked up that she didn't really notice that she didn't have shorts on, just the long tee shirt.

"Take off that tee shirt and panties and get up on the bed, I want a taste of your pussy now," Theresa told her.

"I can't," Came Layla reply which surprised Theresa.

"Why not?" Theresa asked wondering if maybe Layla's period had started.

"Cause I'm not wearing any panties," Layla said reaching down to pull off her long tee shirt revealing that she indeed wasn't wearing any panties and Theresa saw that Layla was very aroused and very wet.

"I see that," Theresa replied admiring Layla very sexy body.

"I'd rather you feel it," Layla said giving her a wicked grin.

"Oh... I plan on it," Theresa said getting up off the bed and coming toward Layla who was opening her legs for her.

Just as Theresa got close to Layla and Layla started to reach out for her, Theresa slipped around her going behind her. "You naughty little minx, you had this all planned, didn't you," Theresa whisper into Layla left ear.

"Yep," Layla replied feeling full of herself.

"Well maybe I will have a little surprise for you," Theresa whispered and she paused for a moment with her mouth still an inch from Layla's ear. "Well for your cute little ass that is." She then padded Layla's ass with her hand.

It was Layla's turn to breath out, "Oh my..."

"Now get up on the bed with your ass high in the air while I get my grandfather's belt..." Theresa whispered.

"Oh fuck..." Lala said and she didn't move for a second and when she did, Theresa thought that she was going to have to steady her as Layla's knees seem to buckle for a second. But Layla steadied herself and went to the bed getting up on it.

She went to the middle of the bed on her knees putting her head down on the bed with her arms lying back toward her knees. Theresa saw that Layla was watching her as she went to the toy table reaching up for her grandfather's belt. When the turned toward the bed, she saw Layla wiggling her ass indicating how aroused that she was. Theresa got up on the bed and she lay her grandfather's belt across Layla lower back. she then moved behind of Layla seeing how wet her pussy was and also her cute ass with her cheeks parted just enough for her to get a glimpse of her cute little rosebud.

Theresa placed her hands upon those cute cheeks giving them a squeeze and then she leaned down to give each cheek a kiss. She parted Layla's cheeks exposing that cute pink rosebud. She leaned down blowing upon Layla's rosebud causing Layla to let out a soft moan. She placed the tip of her tongue at the top of Layla's ass crack and she slowly brought it down and then across that cute rosebud and she felt Layla flex it against her tongue. She continued on down running her tongue tip to Layla's perineum stopping just short of Layla's pussy causing Layla to groan. She moved her tongue tip to Layla's rosebud rimming it several times and then she began to use the flat of her tongue to lick it several times hearing Layla moan and feel her flex it against her tongue. The licked the cute pink rosebud for a couple of minutes then she placed the tip of her tongue against the center pressing against it. She felt Layla relaxing her asshole allowing her tongue to penetrate it. She tongue fucked Layla's asshole for another minute before withdrawing it causing Layla to once again groan. Theresa moved around to the left side of Layla's hips, adjusting herself to be at the perfect position to spank Layla's cute ass.

As she picked up her grandfather's belt from Layla's back, she heard Layla say, "My ass is yours to do as you please Mistress."

"That is my intention my mischievous girl," Theresa replied knowing that Layla was wanting her to whip her for real this time. She leaned over giving Layla's left ass cheek a kiss.

Theresa doubled the belt so that she had the buckle and the end of the belt in her right hand. Theresa paused for a moment just thinking about how she finally found a girl that would allow her to live out all her fantasies. It was when she saw Layla wiggling her ass that she realized that Layla was waiting for her to begin.

Theresa brought her right arm back and she brought it forward with a little more force than she had the first time she had whipped Layla with her grandfather's belt. It struck at the center of Layla's ass cheeks with a loud slapping sound.

"Oh fuck!" Layla cried out wiggling her ass as a pink mark the width of the belt appeared across her ass cheeks.

Theresa gave Layla a second or two to allow her to tell her that it hurt too much but she didn't take the opportunity to do so. She just wiggled her ass again indication to Theresa that she was ready for more. Theresa swung the belt again striking Layla's ass just above where she had struck her the first time. She immediately swung the belt striking her just below the first strike. The saw that Layla's ass was beginning to become pink. Layla had let out a "Ohhh and a "ouch" after the strikes.

Theresa moved the belt up and down Layla's ass cheeks getting moans and groans from Layla but not once did her move her hands up to stop her. She just wiggled her ass presenting it for more. Theresa whipped her ass for another minute before she lay the belt down beside of her and she placed her hand on Layla's warm ass caressing her. She heard Layla moaning from the caresses and she got a much louder moan when she slipped her hand between Layla's legs to her very wet pussy.

"I believe someone is getting aroused and wet..." Theresa said moving her hand up and down Layla's pussy coating her hand with Layla's juices.

"Very aroused, my Mistress," Layla moaned pushing her hips back trying to get her to rub her pussy harder.

Theresa rubbed Layla's pussy for another minute or so and then she moved her hand to Layla's ass covering it with Layla's own pussy juice thus making the strike of the belt sting a bit more. She also heard Layla groan who obviously wanted her to keep rubbing her wet pussy.

"I think my mischievous girl needs a bit more spanking," Theresa said picking the belt up.

"Yes Mistress, I do since I've been a very mischievous girl." Layla told her and Theresa knew that Layla was wanting a lot more spanking as she was getting into it even more than Theresa had dreamed that she would ever be.

"Yes, yes you have been very mischievous," Theresa said with a smile.

Theresa brought the belt back and began to move the belt up and down Layla's ass making Layla's ass turn from a nice pink to a reddish color. Theresa stopped and she caressed Layla's warm ass for just a moment before bringing her hand down to Layla's pussy that was even wetter than before. This time she let her middle finger part Layla's lips letting it go deeper between them until her middle finger began to slip inside. Layla was moaning up a storm now and pushing her ass back wanting the finger to go deeper.

Theresa withdrew her hand getting another groan from Layla and she coated Layla's ass with her juices once again. "You know I believe that my mischievous girl's thighs need a little color too," Theresa told her.

"Oh fuck," Layla moaned and she brought her knees together almost as a sign that she was wanting that too since it made whipping them easier.

Theresa picked up the belt ad she began to spank Layla's ass with it slowly working her way down to Layla's thighs. Theresa swung the belt a little easier as she knew that the belt would hurt more when it hit Layla's thighs. Layla let out an Ohhh..." with each strike with her thighs turning a nice pink color. Theresa brought the belt back up to Layla's ass cheeks striking them a little harder than before keeping Layla moaning out "Ohhhh's" with each strike. When she got Layla's ass a deep reddish color, she stopped not wanting to go so long that she would begin to bruise Layla, that she would never do.

She dropped the belt and placed her right hand on Layla's ass caressing her hot skin and she also used her left hand to masturbate her own pussy as she was so aroused herself. Layla opened up her knees and Theresa's hand went right to Layla's pussy. She pushed her middle and index finger into Layla's pussy fucking her hard getting her close to an orgasm as well as herself with her left hand working her own pussy and clit.

This wasn't an easy task to masturbate herself while getting Layla off too but she was determined to do so. When she was close to cumming, Theresa moved her fingers from Layla's pussy to her clit pressing it hard and bringing Layla to a very intense orgasm. Theresa's orgasm hit a second later and she was moaning as loud as Layla had when her orgasm hit.

Theresa recovered before Layla did and she got up to get her strap-on putting it on quickly and getting behind of Layla. Just as Layla was coming out of her orgasm, Theresa pushed her fake cock into her pussy.

"Oh godddd... fuck me!" Layla cried out pushing her ass against Theresa as she moved her cock back into Layla's pussy.

Theresa gripped Layla's hips and began to really fuck her. Layla moaned and kept pushing back as Theresa thrust her hips forward. Theresa was intent to make Layla cum hard again so she fucked her hard driving her fake cock deep into Layla's pussy. When she had her close, she leaned forward so that she could reach around Layla's hip to her clit rubbing it harder than she was able to fuck her. This sent Layla into another intense orgasm and she fell forward on the bed thus leaving her pussy empty but still spasming as the orgasm coursed through her body. Theresa quickly took off the harness and she lay beside of Layla. She moved the hair away from Layla's sweaty face and began to kiss her cheeks and forehead tasting the salty sweat.

It took Layla a couple of minutes to recover and when she did, she smiled and turned to her side to face Theresa who kissed her lips softly and lovingly. Theresa kissed her using light sweet kisses as they cuddle together enjoying the aftermath of their love making.

Theresa pulled her head back and she used her fingers to push Layla's hair back. "You know you have made all of my fantasies come true but I don't think I have ever asked you if you had any fantasies you would like to explore. I want you to let me help them come true, any of them." Theresa told her.

Layla seemed to think this over and then a very mischievous grin appeared and that made Theresa wonder what she had committed herself to. "Anything?" Layla asked.

"Anything," Theresa replied a little fearful as to what Layla might have going on in her head but she was committed to doing what Layla had done for her.

"You know how my devious mind works, you might be regretting that offer real soon," Layla said still grinning at her.

"I won't regret it, I promise. So, what is one of your fantasies?" Theresa asked wanting to know.

Layla stopped smiling and she began to think again and then she frowned. "You know, I really don't have any fantasies. I never really thought about it before and besides you are doing everything or will be doing anything I could think of...,"

Theresa smiled at her and she gave her a kiss, "well if you think of anything please tell me." Theresa told her.

"I will," Layla said then gave her a kiss.

They kissed and cuddled for a while before their stomachs told them that it was now past time to eat. They got up and took a shower together with lots of kissing and an orgasm or two before drying off and getting something to eat since they both were starving by this time.

Later that night as they lay in bed talking with Layla's head resting on Theresa's shoulder, Layla grew silent for a second. Theresa didn't say anything letting whatever was going through Layla's head come out.

"You know there is one fantasy that has been going through my head but I'm not sure that I really want it to come true." Layla told her.

Theresa shifted over and she turned over so that she could look down into Layla's eyes. "You know whatever it is, I will help you live it," Theresa told her.

"I know you would and I appreciate the offer but this..." Layla was saying and she stopped like she didn't want say what was on her mind or couldn't yet.

"You can tell me honey and we'll talk about it. It can't be any wilder than what you've help me to live out," Theresa told her giving her a kiss to reassure her, at least she hoped it would.

Layla frowned and Theresa could see that she wanted to tell her but was fearful of doing so. Theresa wasn't sure of what to say or do so she just gave Layla a little more time. After a minute or so, Theresa leaned down giving Layla a soft kiss, "Just tell me baby."

That seemed to be the right thing to say and do as Layla smiled back at her. "You know when you told me about Jennifer and how she brought all of you together..." Layla said stopping her sentence again.

It took a second for Theresa to figure out what Layla was wanting to say but couldn't. "You'd like to make love to several women at one time, like Jennifer and all of us did."

Layla bit her lower lip and it took a second to say anything and when she did it was "Well yes... and no."

"Yes I get but why no?" Theresa asked.

"No because I like just it being you and I. Really it is just something to think about and yes fantasize about but I don't really want it to come true," Layla told her.

"You know I can make it come true, if I asked Melinda, Haley and Ginny, they would do it for me and you. It would be a one-time thing but they would do it. They understand fantasies and sometimes the need to make them come to life." Theresa told her.

"I know they would and I appreciate it but I really don't want to be with anyone but you. You are all I need to make my fantasies come true." Layla said and then she grinned. "besides getting to spank your pussy everyonce in a while is all the fantasy I need. I did love tying you up like that."

"You'll get your chance to tie me up and spank my pussy again real soon, I promise," Theresa told her giving her a kiss.

As the weeks passed, Theresa and Layla relationship deepened with Layla spending almost every night at Theresa's home. The only evening that she wasn't there was when Theresa and her friends got together. Theresa tried to get Layla to go with her but Layla always said that was Theresa's time to be with her friends and Layla would spend the evening with Ashley her roommate though in reality, Ashley wasn't really her roommate anymore; she was more of a friend since Layla spent all her time at Theresa's home. Layla still kept some of her things at the apartment and paid her part of the rent as Ashley couldn't afford the apartment without having a roommate.

Layla did keep Theresa thinking of new ways to tie her up and to play their games. While Theresa hadn't found the right time to give Layla her one fantasy, she didn't forget about it either. She did bring it up with her friends and they were willing but they also cautioned Theresa to make sure the time was right to do it. Theresa took that advice and waited until her relationship with Layla was certain to continue and she was sure of that by the time Christmas break came. However, that break would lead to the first crisis of this relationship.

End of Chapter Five.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 6

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