The Perfect Wedding

By Stacey Fields

Published on Nov 18, 2000



You must be at least 18 years old to read this, and I hope you enjoy my fantasies as much as I do.

The Perfect Wedding

I was getting married in two weeks. I was very excited, but I was unable to tell my fiancee about my feminine persona. I have been cross-dressing for as long as I can remember. As a child I would raid my mother's closets and drawers. Everyone in my family thought it was cute and endearing until I was around 5 or 6 years old. Ever since then I have hidden my desire to dress and become myself, Stacey.

My fiancee was a gorgeous brunette, 5'9", 140 pounds, with a 28 inch waist and "DD" breasts. She was a bit taller than I, but we weighed about the same. We had never had much of a sex life, but we cared for each other deeply. I loved her and still do, and I am sure she still loves me.

We both recently graduated from college and thought this was the perfect time to get married. She was able to find a job right off the mark. She was going to be a research assistant at a large pharmaceutical company. I was only able to find a job as a waiter during the first few months out of college. We agreed that money should not be a concern, and that we would help our new marriage succeed however we could.

Even though I loved this woman and wanted her to be my wife, I was never able to stop crossdressing or share this part of my life with her. I could never rid myself of my desire to be Stacey. I had dressed up and practiced my fantasies alone, never sharing my secret with anyone...not even my fiancee.

With just twelve days before the wedding I had to, I guess. I was alone in my apartment, and nobody was expected to come for a visit. I turned on the water for a nice hot bubble bath. I debated whether or not to shave, and decided that with 12 days left before our honeymoon I shouldn't. But, I had to. Stacey couldn't be denied. I had to shave my legs, chest, arms, everything. I decided I could come up with some excuse about my missing hair when the time came. I gently slid into the perfumed water and began to relax. Shaving my body while being caressed in a nice warm beautiful! After getting out and toweling myself off, I proceeded to pick out my clothes for the evening. I decided on a pink, satin panty and bra set, pink thigh highs and garter belt, a black dress, and my 3 1/2" high heels. Slipping on the garter belt and thigh highs made my skin prickle...not to mention my member stand to attention. I had to calm down and twist my little dick so that it was tucked in between my legs.

I say little because toclaim I had a 4 inch penis when erect would be stretching it quite a bit (literally). Next came the satin panties and bra.

I put these on last so I could get to my lovehole by just taking off my panties. After putting on my black dress (which barely covered the tops of my thigh highs) I began to put on make-up. I wanted to look attractive and desirable. Sexy, that would be the best way to describe the look I was going for, to match how I felt. I put on my base, black mascara, blue eyeshadow, blush, candy-apple red lipstick, and nail polish to match. After putting on my wig and shoes, I glanced in the mirror. I had done a pretty good job. I looked and felt like a saucy little temptress.

I decided to sit down and read a Glamour magazine that I purchased (for my fiancee, wink). I had just settled into my feminine persona when I recognized the voice of my fiancee's father.

"So, this is what you do in your spare time, eh Steve?"

I was stunned, I hadn't locked the door. I had been so caught up in becoming a butterfly, that I hadn't heard him enter. How long had he been there? I couldn't think, my mind was going a mile a minute. Sitting there in a dress with the tops of my thigh highs showing, and my lips all glossed up. What could I say?

"Does Sharyn know about your...umm....extracurricular activities?"

I just shook my head, I still couldn't speak. I had nowhere to run or hide. After 20 years of crossdressing I had never been caught, what a stupid mistake.

"Well, I don't want to break my little girl's heart. If you go and get yourself out of those clothes and promise me that you will never do this again, I won't tell her."

I could only nod.

"Well get your ass to the bathroom and clean up you little sissy," he raised his voice commandingly.

I just jumped up and began undressing in the bathroom, and got into the shower. By the time I got out, he was gone. I still didn't know what to think. Would he hold up his end of the bargain? I could only hope so, and try to keep Stacey under wraps indefinitely.

The following week and a half I was trying to avoid my fiancee's father, but not raise any suspicion either. The few times I saw him, he never addressed me. Sharyn never said anything about it, so I assumed that he was holding up his end of the bargain.

Our wedding day finally came. We were scheduled for a 6 pm wedding, so we had the morning and early afternoon to iron out the last minute details. At 10 am I got a call from my prospective mother-in-law. She told me she needed a favor and asked me to come to the church. Not wanting to further inflame my future in-laws, I was there in 15 minutes.

"Hello, Janice. You needed help with something?"

"Yes, could you come into the back room?"

"Certainly," I said as I followed her into the back room of the church. I figured she may have needed help moving something, or wanted my opinion on something. I walked in and she closed the door behind me. I saw Sharyn sitting at a mirror fixing her hair.

"Woah, isn't it against tradition to see the bride on the day of the wedding. Isn't it bad luck or something?" I asked sarcastically.

"Hey sweetie," Sharyn squealed, "we wanted your help with something."

She was obviously excited. She was dressed quite nicely, in a dress that wasn't a wedding dress. She bent down to hug me. She had heels on, and she was probably three inches taller than I was now.

"My mother and I needed to make some last minute changes to the dress, and wanted you to help."

"No problem," I replied, "what do ya need me to do?"

"Take off all your clothes and help us see how the wedding dress looks."

"Wait a minute, you want me to put your dress on?", I was bewildered.

"Yes, silly," my mother will wait outside until your dressed if you feel uncomfortable. We just need to see you in it because I wanted to see how it looked on someone my height. My mother is too short, and I can't get a good view of all the seams in the back when I have it on," Sharyn explained.

"What about one of your bridesmaids?" I asked trying to get my way out of this. I would have loved to try on her dress, but if her father found out, I was afraid our deal would be off.

"They're not here yet and we need to get this done. Could you just help out, it's not a big deal."

"Okay, okay, if it will help out, but lets do this quickly. I still have to get ready too." I had to at least try to pretend I was annoyed to wear that gorgeous, flowing white dress. This would be the first time I was ever able to wear such a beautiful dress, but I had to hide my elation.

"Okay, Mom, could you leave us for a sec?" Sharyn asked. Her mother just smiled and nodded as she left out the door.

"Okay, take off all your clothes, you're gonna have to wear all the under garments I am to where so that I can get a good look."

"Is that necessary?" I protested, but not sincerely.

"Yes, it is. Now stop whining and put these on."

She handed me white thigh highs and garter belt, and a white corset.

"No panties?" I asked, surprised.

"Gee wiz, Steve. You complain cause you don't want to help me out, but now that you can't where panties your upset? I wasn't going to where panties on my wedding night," she said with a wry smile.

"Oh, well, I can't wait until tonight then," I responded insincerely again.

I really would have liked putting on some nice silky panties with them.

"Wow, your legs are so smooth, did you shave them or something?"

"Umm...well, err...," I couldn't put anything coherent together quickly.

"That will help get a more realistic look for me anyway. Hurry up, get dressed pretty lady!"

I was glad she hadn't pushed the issue, I hadn't yet thought about what excuse I was going to use. She helped me tighten the corset down, and it made it hard to breathe. She just told me to stop whining, and proceeded to help me into her gorgeous wedding gown. It was beautiful. Shimmering satin and lace flowing all around me. The nylon thigh highs and corset molding my figure. Wow, it was magnificent. After she was done getting the dress done she called her mother in and motioned us over to the make-up table. She had to drag me a bit because I was just standing in front of the mirror gazing at the figure the corset molded inside of this pretty gown.

"Hurry up Steve, and sit down. We have to get this done. Stop admiring yourself, sweetie."

I sat down at the make-up table and let Sharyn and Janice do their work. I was just relaxing while they "made me up" when I noticed that there seemed to be people moving around in the church. I wondered what time it was.

"There, what do you think Mom?"

"Gorgeous, she looks splendid." I just blushed and lowered my head demurely.

"Take a look in the mirror," Sharyn directed. I couldn't believe it. There sitting in front of me was a gorgeous bride to be. The wig they put on me was my natural chestnut color, my lips were ruby red, I had bright pink cheeks, and flawless skin. I stood up and looked in the full mirror. No mistaking it. There stood the image of a virgin bride staring back at me. My waist so small, and the corset also helped to give the impression of breasts. I stood there speechless, staring. Just then the door burst open and in came three of Sharyn's bridesmaids. I was shocked, but luckily they closed the door behind them.

"Wow," said her maid of honor, Rachel. "She's stunning!", she squealed smiling.

I was again at a loss for words. Just then, to make matters even harder for my poor mind to comprehend, Sharyn's father walked through the door. I felt like the whole world had stopped, just to pick me off before it began to spin again.

He just smiled at me saying, "It's twelve o'clock, it's time, Stacey."

I was mortified. Time for what? How did he know that name? What was going on? Sharyn must have seen the hysteria in my eyes, because she hugged me.

"Steve, when my father told me about what you did last week, I decided to look through your computer files. I found that your files regarding your crossdressing were from years before we even started dating. I knew you wouldn't be able to quit, and decided that if WE got married it would be terrible for us both. We've never had much of a sex life, your penis was just too small to stimulate me. Did you notice I never had an orgasm when we had sex? Probably not, huh? I had to go and get my sexual appetites filled elsewhere. I was always discrete, but I had to have a real man in me. Someone who could fuck my brains out like you would if you were a real man. But, you're not. You're Stacey. I've always loved you, but in a more sibling...well, sisterly way I guess. So, I decided to do this for you, and my parents wanted to help out. We discussed this with your parents before the rehearsal dinner. My father was extremely persuasive, and everyone agreed that this was best for us both. Anyway, be a good bride. Richard is really a sweet guy. Just between you and me, he has and nine inch cock too.

See, that's a real man. So, I am your bridesmaid, and we must go."

With that she tugged at my arm and pulled me out into the church. I was on auto-pilot. What was I to do? She led me up to the alter where a man I had never met before stood, waiting to marry me! I was a man, did he know that?

My family and friends stood staring at me and smiling. What must they think? Sharyn led me up to his side, and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Just be a good girl, Stacey. You're lucky to have an understanding man like Richard. After tonight, you'll most likely want to kiss the ground I walk on for hooking you up." With that she went and stood at my side, and the preacher began the ceremony.

Richard stood about 6'2" tall and had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He looked rather muscular, and I guessed his weight to be about 200 pounds. My thoughts were broken by the preacher.

"Do you, Stacey, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health?"

"I do," I stated in the demure feminine voice I had practiced for 20 years.

Sharyn was beaming.

Afterwards Richard took me by the arm and lead me to the front of the church where a limousine waited. He lifted me up in his arms in one quick motion and put me in the car. He climbed in and closed the door. I was terrified. Did he even know I wasn't a real girl? Would he beat the crap out of me when he found out I wasn't? I just looked at the beautiful flowing material that covered my nylon clad legs.

"Stacey, I really think we can make this work. Sharyn really cares about you, and thought we would make a great match. I know about your situation, and you can either have surgery or not. That is entirely your decision. I am bisexual and have always wanted to have the best of both worlds in a lifetime mate. I think I have found that in you." Richard seemed so matter of fact, so level-headed. I smiled at him. He took me in his arms and held me. I have never felt so relieved and safe at the same time. After a few minutes he lifted my head and gave me a kiss. I just let him take over. Probing my mouth, caressing my lips with his own, our tongues intermingling.

It was my first kiss with a man. He pulled away, parting our caressing lips. I looked up at him, hopeful he wasn't done.

"You have to be a good bride now, Stacey," he said as he pulled my hand to his crotch. "We have a two hour drive to the airport, and we should get our wedding night started here, Princess."

I began to fondle his cock through his pants. I must have the right touch because it began to come to life. Just like the monster that it is. His cock was pressing against his pants now and I just had to look at it. It felt so huge, like 4 or 5 of my little cocks in my hand at once.

"Go ahead, baby, take a look at it," he said as though he was giving me permission.

I unzipped his pants, and saw a beautiful blood engorged cock pressing Richard's boxers about 10 inches away from his body. I gasped audibly, I had no business thinking of myself as a man. Not even in a remote sense.

"Yeah, Princess, that's yours from this day forward. Go ahead and kiss it.

Let me know you like my cock, and fondle it with your tongue."

How was I ever going to fit that thing in my mouth? I gently slid down his boxers, and kissed the head of Richard's cock. I couldn't help but begin licking it and wrapping my lips around the head of his gorgeous tool. I could barely fit it into my mouth. I flicked my tongue over the head of his cock, and began masturbating my new husband while I sucked and licked the head of his majestic manhood. I felt him begin to tense up.

"Okay, baby, stop for a second and come here," he commanded. I did as he said, and he buried his tongue into my mouth and kissed me passionately. His hands rubbing my poor excuse for a cock, and then my love-hole. In one motion he spun me around so that I was on my hands and knees in the back seat. I could feel his magnificent tool begin to probe my virgin love-hole.

It may have been penetrated by many dildos, but never a real man. His cock was just too big, it wouldn't fit. He pulled away, and began licking my asshole. I moaned and reared back to meet his probing tongue. I was in heaven. After getting me sufficiently moist, and extremely turned on, he proceeded to mount me again. His cock was huge! His head probing my lovehole, but he couldn't get it in.

"Oh, please!! Please Richard, fuck me!!", I moaned over and over, begging him to bury his man meat inside me.

Finally, with a powerful thrust he penetrated me. I screamed in pain, and pleasure.

"That's right, bitch, scream," Richard commanded. "Scream out my name, and how much you love me."

I didn't need to be told. "Yes!! Richard, I love you! Oh, yes!!! Fuck me!!", I repeated over and over as his methodical pumping loosened up my virgin lovehole. I could feel the head of his magnificent manhood put extra pressure on my prostrate with every thrust. I was in ecstasy.

"Do you like that? Do you want some more?", he grunted as he began to pick up the pace.

"Oh yes, I love your cock in me! Please don't stop, I love you, I love you, I love you! Fuck me harder, make me your bitch, please!!", I screamed.

I thrusted backwards every time he thrusted forward to get all of him inside me. His balls began slapping against my buttocks, and we were in perfect rhythm.

"Oh God, yes!! I love you," I squealed. "Never stop, NEVER!! I love you!!"

"That's a good girl," he praised. "You doing great," he said between his teeth. I could feel him growing inside me, and his thrusts became more deliberate. I knew that he would send is love seed splashing through my bowels soon. The first waves were tremendous. I felt one, two, three, and many more splashes of his warm fluid in my love hole. With this, I began thrusting back onto him. I was too turned on, my body was way too stimulated. I began bucking back onto Richard's 10 inch tool as I ejaculated all over my pretty white dress. I collapsed on the cum soaked seat from exhaustion, and he collapsed on me.

"Baby, that was awesome. Have you ever had sex with another man before," Richard asked breathlessly.

"No, this is my first time, and it's the best sex I've ever had," I managed to say in between gasps.

"We are going to have a great marriage, Princess. I have no doubt."

I just smiled, and wiggled my bottom to feel his softening cock still enshrined in my now de-virginized lovehole. This elicited a moan from my husband, and I couldn't help but squeal.

I felt fresh, comfortable, and relaxed. I was finally me, a real woman, Stacey. I giggled about how my pretty, virgin-white dress was now stained. It signified the loss of my virginity, the beginning of my marriage, and most of all it declared the beginning of my long awaited womanhood.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed thinking it up! As usual, if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail them to me at

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