The Perfect Son

By Richard McQueen

Published on Nov 7, 2021


Story: The Perfect Son

Chapter 7 The Truth

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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The reason why is revealed.

The Truth

When the van arrived with Bobby, Amanda, Heather, Jason, and Duchess, I felt better. And Brad had a black eye. Duchess was commenting about how it was lovely here and in the house and saw her grandson's black eye.

"What happened?" Duchess asked calmly.

"We got into a bar fight," Brad grumbled.

Bobby didn't know if he should be alarmed or pleased. "Yeah? Who won?"

Brad grinned and pointed at me. "He did." Then he smiled at his brother. "He was kicking that guy's ass."

Bobby nodded. "I've seen him do it once. He's pretty tough. So, don't piss him off now that you're married to him."

Brad chuckled.

The kids were having a good time with Barney, who was thrilled to have two other kids to play with. We showed them the house and I let Tyler show them all about the strings overhead and we played three songs. We visited with the adult members.

"What'd you tell Mother?" Brad asked.

Bobby sipped on his drink with a shrug. "I just said I was spending Thanksgiving with my brother and Eric."

"And I said I was going with Bobby," Duchess commented. She looked a little smug. "She's going to realize that some on that committee she's a part of have gay children as well. She won't get much sympathy from them."

Then Amanda looked at Brad and me. "I am sorry how I reacted to your news...about being gay, Brad." She said, trying to find words. "It's just...well, we were taught in school and church it was punishable by Hell. I have no right to judge."

Brad nodded. "I was taught the same thing, but you did judge. Condemned me to Hell." He smiled. "I understand, but I don't agree now."

She nodded. "I'm sorry."

Brad took her hand. "Accepted." Which got her to kiss him on the cheek and hugged me and did the same.

We had a great Thanksgiving and an understanding we would meet again but in Manhattan. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade as the turkey was cooking. Cakes, pies, and cookies were offered. I felt like I was with family. Brad and I told Bobby about what happened with my sister, he told us he was sending a contract to us Friday. Friday she signed the contract and a bank card handed to her. I was not totally heartless. I put a clause in the contract that said if she wanted to come back, she had to be tested by a doctor of our choice to make sure she was off the drugs first before Brad or I would even speak to her.

Christmas in Manhattan was beautiful. Skating in Rockefeller Centre, the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. I may be of Jewish descent, but I loved the holidays. The advantage was I had Chanukah as well as Christmas. And it was cold.

The year began and things became a routine. I took more cooking instruction and made dinner now more than I ordered up from the kitchen. It was almost Valentine's Day. I had dinner in the oven and waited for Brad to come home. It was as the phone rang; my blood went cold.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Eric Thomas?" A voice asked.


"Brad Thomas has been in an accident. He's being taken to Ceders as we speak. He's alive, but his next of kin will have to be there to consent for any treatment needed."

I nearly dropped the phone. "I'll be there." Taking the dinner out, I left it to be dealt with later. I quickly dialed Bobby.

"'ello!" He greeted in his usual friendly way. He knew it was me.

"Brad's on his way to Ceders. They told me he was in an accident."

"Oh, my god! He was walking!!" He said in shock. Then hurriedly said. "Okay, I'll meet you there," Bobby said and hung up. As I didn't really have any more than a clue where I was going. I had a car take me. On the way, my phone was ringing, and I saw it was Elisi.

"What's happened?" Elisi demanded. "What's happened to Brad? Tyler just suddenly burst into tears and yelled for Brad. He won't stop."

"I don't know. He's going to the hospital. I'm on the way. I'll call when I know something." I shut my phone connection. Racing inside I demanded to know where Brad was.

"And you are?" The nurse asked calmly. She may have dealt with this before, but I was nearly ready to burst through the counter.

"I'm Eric Thomas." I dug out my license. "He's my husband! I'm surprised you don't know that. It's been in the news."

She nodded. "I knew who you were. I had to ask." Then she gave me a small smile, but not one because she was happy about what she had to say. "They're getting him prepped for surgery. I need the next of kin signature." The nurse told me.

"I'm his husband," I said in a hurry. "That's me as the next of kin."

She didn't blink but handed me the clipboard with the form. "Someone will be coming out to tell you what's going on." I quickly signed the form and was told where to wait. Wait!? I was shaking.

We had not even been married that long. I couldn't lose him. A man in scrubs came out looking for someone, and I went over to him.

"This is about Brad Thomas?"

The man nodded. "He's in pretty bad shape. Apparently, a car lost control and plowed into the crowd on the sidewalk. A woman has died, and Brad was pinned under the wreckage. He's got head injuries, I don't know how bad, but he bleeding internally which we need to stop. You'll be updated as we go. I need to get started."

I nodded. "Please." I waved to him to go. "Save him."

"That's my intention." The doctor nodded and left.

A half an hour later Bobby arrived, and I told him what I was told. We sat together waiting. I hate waiting. I hate waiting rooms! It was all just sick to me right now.

Coffee drunk, a call to Amanda to let her know what we did and didn't know. Pacing started, given up on and started the whole process again. It was two hours into it when I heard. "Where's Brad Thomas, he's my son."

I looked up and saw Cynthia and Duchess. They'd made good time.

"Mr. Thomas is in surgery," The nurse reported.

"My other son signed him in?" Cynthia asked. "They didn't tell me anything on the phone."

"His husband did," the nurse said pointing at me across the floor.

Cynthia looked stunned turning toward me. "His husband?"

Bobby nodded standing by me. "Yes, Mother. His husband. Witnessed by myself just before Thanksgiving. Eric is Brad's next of kin."

"As it should be," Duchess commented bitterly coming over and hugging me. "Do they have a chance at saving him?"

The tension was causing me to shed tears I had no knowledge about. "They said he has a brain injury, and he was bleeding internally. Other than being in a serious condition, I don't know."

Duchess sighed. "All we can do is pray." She sat with me. Cynthia sat suddenly tired.

I had no idea what amount of time had passed when the door opened. The same doctor that told me about it came out, his scrubs changed. I imagine when family sees their family member's blood on it would cause a panic.

"He's being moved to recovery." The man smiled cautiously. "If you like, you can go in for a couple of minutes." He told me. "The other of you will have to wait till he gets to intensive care."

"I have to," I said softly.

"Of course," The doctor nodded.

Cynthia stood. "But I'm his mother."

The doctor frowned at her. "But he's the husband. He has priority." On the way, the doctor briefed me on what I'd see. "He has a lot of tubes. IV's and well as a monitor for his heart and brain. It may be a bit much."

I nodded. "I understand." And I did. In my head.

"He's bandaged up. Especially around his head. There is a lot of bruising."

Hearing that and seeing that was totally different. Here was a man I adored but I would have passed right by. What I saw was a lump, the tubes I was told about seemed to be everywhere. I heard the beep of his heart monitor. I heard the hiss when he breathed, the thing going up and down as he did. But the bandages, wrapped around his head, down one side of his face and I could only see one eye.

"Do you think he'll recover?" I asked weakly.

The doctor didn't assure me. "If he makes it twenty-four hours his chances will be much better, but right now it's iffy," Then he smiled. "I have a husband, too. I can only imagine what I'd feel like that were him." He patted me on the shoulder. "Talk to him. Let him know you're here. He may hear you. That will help." The doctor left me with Brad.

That's why the doctor was so sympathetic toward what I was going through. I was quickly back to Brad's side. Only one hand seemed to be not bandaged, but IV tubes were up higher, so I moved around them and took his hand.

"Brad," I said, hating that my voice was so weak. Then I cleared my throat. "Brad. Hear me, Baby. You fight this. Come back to me. I love you. Come back." It may have been my imagination, but I swear his hand tightened a little. I stayed ten minutes, telling him again and again how much I loved him. I was going to remain by his side. Then the nurse came in telling me he was being monitored closely until he got to intensive care. I went back out into the waiting room.

"How is he?" Bobby asked in a rush. Duchess right behind him and Cynthia sitting up, but not coming over.

I shook my head. "The doctors said his chances are iffy if he makes it twenty-four hours, his chances improve." Then emotion and stress were hitting me hard, and I began crying. "He looks so terrible."

Bobby has some tears in his eyes as he hugged me tightly. "He's a strong man. He'll fight. I know he will."

I was sobbing now. "I can't lose him."

Duchess put a hand on my back. "Bobby's right. He's young and strong. He'll fight like hell to stay here with us. With you. He loves you."

"We'll hire the best," Cynthia claimed.

"And who is that, Mother?" Bobby asked angrily. "Where would we get them from? He's getting the best care. These doctors are the best. Let them do their job."

"I want to see him," Cynthia said.

Now, I was short-tempered and had a blowout. "You didn't when he told you he was gay. He's still gay!!" I turned on her. "He was right there. You saw he was in the room and left! Why do you want to see him now?"

"He's my son," Cynthia said in a pathetic voice.

"He needs encouragement. Not stress." I said. "You are stress." I shook my head. "I asked him if you were always like this? He said as long as he can remember." I looked at Duchess and Bobby. "Was she?"

"No," Duchess said. "She was a sweet girl and Robert loved her."

"I'm sure there's a story there." I shook my head. "He's in critical condition. He needs rest and support. That won't be with his mother. There's been too much emotional pain."

Bobby nodded. "I agree." Then he grinned. "But you're his husband. Your decision is final." Then he looked at me concerned. "You should go home and rest."

I looked at him as if he were crazy. "I'm not leaving here!" I stated. "How can I leave? If he wakes up while I'm gone....and dies." My tears were coming again. "I will be here. I'm not leaving him."

Bobby nodded hugging me again. "Yeah, you're right. Can I get you something? Maybe something to eat?"

Duchess came so I could see her. "You must remain healthy. Brad's going to need the strength coming from you." She encouraged.

"I'm not hungry."

She shook her head. "That's beside the point. It's for Brad. If you don't eat, you'll grow weaker. You must be here for him to wake up to. Eat." She shook her cane at me. Yep, she meant it and I was expected to comply.

"Okay," I held up my hands. "Easy with that, Duchess. I'm sure there's a vending machine or sandwiches in this hospital."

Her eyes narrowed. "And you'll forget to get one." She swatted Bobby on the rump. "Get one for him."

He saluted her. "Right away, Sarg."

In other circumstances, I'd have found it all amusing. I just sat. I wasn't trying to be mean to Cynthia, but I was scared volatile as the relationship was with Brad and his mother, hearing her voice could kill him. I couldn't risk it, not for her.

A nurse came with a small bag of items. "These are some things Mr. Thomas was wearing at the time. The clothes I'm afraid are destroyed, but his wallet and jewelry are here." She smiled sadly, handing the bag. I didn't need to see it, but I opened it anyway. Just his wallet, his watch, a St. Christopher medallion, and his promissory ring. "Being winter, his extra clothing may have helped. The padding gave him some protection."

I nodded.

Cynthia came toward me. "I don't know what to say. If there's a way to make things right..."

I looked at her. There were no feelings at all from me. No anger, no hurt, and no pity. "There is no right, Mrs. Thomas. You gave birth to an amazing human being. Funny, smart...but you didn't like who he loved, so you were embarrassed. You shut him out. You wanted nothing to do with him. Well, that may happen. Nice going." I shook my head. "I hold no feelings right now for you. Go. Stay. Whatever. Brad is my concern now and my only concern. I don't have time for you."

It took an hour before they took him from recovery to Intensive Care. At first, they were only letting me in the standard ten minutes every hour, but I convinced Dr. Rogen, his attending to let me stay. Promising if anything were to happen, I would quickly step away. I promised not to get hysterical and would never get in the way.

Bobby stayed a while. Coming in a few times. Duchess also came in, then she and Cynthia went to the penthouse to stay until word was given how Brad was doing.

I spoke with Brad as much as I could. Keeping it light and just talking. The whole time, I sat in a chair by the bed and kept the two of us in contact. Never letting his hand go. Nurses came, checked on Brad, accessed his condition. When the doctor came to examine him. He looked up with a sigh. I was happy Brad had lived the twenty-four hours, but that happy event soured a bit when the doctor looked up sympathetically.

"He's slipped into a coma." The doctor cocked his head. "His neoromantic readings show activity. I can't tell if there's long term damage."

I nodded. "His brain just needs time to recover more extensively. Right?"

The doctor nodded. "Exactly. He survived the night. His vital signs are stabilizing, but the impact of his head did some damage. He could wake up any minute. A day, a week..."

"Or not at all," I added glumly.

He nodded. "We'll just have to wait." He cocked his head at me. "Have you slept?"

"I can't leave."

"I know," He smiled. "But you look a little pale. I'll have one of those chairs brought in. It reclines and you can get rest there."

"Thanks, doctor." I smiled but never really looking at anyone but Brad.

I called Elisi and told her what was happening. Bobby came again and then Duchess. Until Brad was awake I wasn't willing to let Cynthia visit. Not yet. Bobby came with some clothes for me and my toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, and razor. Shampoo! Except for Baby Shampoo, most hospitals did carry it. I know, unknown chemical reactions and changes in body chemistry...shampoo for babies was the safest. I used it but got Bobby to bring my shampoo from the penthouse. Something labeled in French, but the box it came in showed a rough lumberjack hard at work and the next he had beautiful hair winning the attention from the many ladies. Good advertising!

Bobby smiled at me. "We want him to wake up to that gorgeous mug of yours. Not repulsed." Bobby sat with Brad while I took a shower. Time passed, but I was only aware of Brad. There were no windows, so I didn't see if the sun was up, or if it was night. Bobby and Amanda brought me food and asked if I'd slept. Bandages were removed as Brad healed. I cringed at what I saw beneath the bandages that covered his face and head. I would see the injuries to his body, his chest and sides were bruised and cut. His face went from red to blue then back to red as he healed. I read to him, talked and just was there. Elisi had wanted to come up and although I could have used her strength, I told her to stay and keep Tyler calm.

Then one day, as I toyed with his hand, a finger twitched!

"Brad?" I asked quietly.

Then his head turned slightly.

"Brad!" I know, boys weren't supposed to cry. (Who came up with that bullshit?) I haven't been that happy about anything in a while! That happiness and relief came out in tears. "Baby." I pressed the call button for the nurse. Not that I needed to, the monitors had told them ahead of my calling. "I'm not leaving. I need to give the nurses access to you." I told Brad kissing him quickly as the nurses rushed in. One nurse was clearly telling others what needed to be done. A call to Dr. Rogen. It was a well-choreographed dance. Then they stepped back. Brad blinked, looking over. I swear, he never looked better. He had a beard and bruises, but he gave the most beautiful smile to me. Dr. Rosen nodded, telling me it was okay to approach him. I did. Taking the hand of my husband leaning down kissing him gently.

"Hi, Baby," Brad said softly. His throat was a little dry.'

Well, that started the tears again to flow more. "Hi, yourself."

Dr. Rosen grinned. "It looks like he's recovering well." Then I saw the streak of humor. "I'd say we need to get him another room. Make room for someone who needs it."

I laughed at his comment. I liked him. "So, he's getting better. I expect him in his usual form."

Dr. Rosen saluted. "I'm doing my best."

Brad did sleep. I was told that was normal, but I never left him. Bobby, Amanda, and Duchess came to see him. Of course, Brad had to tell everyone what happened.

" was like one of those police TV shows!" Brad said a little excited. "There were sirens and screeching of tires and this car weaving in and out of traffic, then boom it hit a curb, flipped and crashed into us."

"Can we leave those scenarios to TV?" I asked squeezing his hand. "I won't live through another one."

Brad smiled squeezing the hand back, "I know you never left me."

I shook my head. "I couldn't. This whole thing scared the shit out of me."

Brad smiled more, but the look softened in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Well, you need a shave," Bobby said pointing to his brother.

"Bobby grew a beard once in college," Amanda smiled, then scrunched her nose. "It just looked...scruffy." She got a kiss as a reply from her husband.

"Now," I looked at Brad. "Love of my life. Your mother."

Brad frowned. "What about her?"

"Brad," I growled softly. "I knew things were hard between you two and I kept her away, but she wants to see you."

"She didn't before," Brad shot back bitterly folding his arms over his chest. A very immature, childish, and stubborn sign.

"I know," I took his hand to my chest. "But she was worried. She may never give her approval, but she is your mother."

Brad almost pouted. "Fine." Bobby left the room to get his mother.

"We have a wedding to plan," Amanda said changing the subject. "Have you guys thought of a theme?"

"Theme?" Brad asked.

"No gay man would ever plan an event without a theme," I said watching his eyes roll.

"There is a place for the ceremony and the reception..." Amanda said.

"We can have it in Connecticut," A voice said from the door. "We have a beautiful ballroom."

I had told Cynthia to come and there she was, uncertain whether she should come in or not.

"I'm fine," Brad said, but he was still angry.

Bobby took Amanda's hand. "Let's give them some space."

"I'll go with you," I said standing to give mother and son some private space.

Cynthia raised her hand. "No, please. Stay." She said to me. "I need to say something. To you and Brad."

I nodded. "Okay." I sat again, taking Brad's hand again.

After Bobby and Amanda stepped out, Cynthia sat down by her son's bed. She looked very uncomfortable. "This is hard," Then she looked up into both our eyes. "First. I didn't understand how you could love a man, Brad. I was thinking it was all about sex, but I watched as I saw the devotion between you. You were both unwilling to let each other go. Yet I didn't understand. I'm sorry to say, this incident with you Brad, I saw Eric remain at your side. Only leaving to shower. Duchess was right, you can see that you love each other the way you treated each other, but I refused to believe it. I just couldn't see how a man can love another man, but Eric does love you. And your very much in love with him, Brad."

"I'm glad you see that," Brad said softly.

"Well, that's only part of the explanation." Cynthia had tears coming down. "No one knows what I'm going to tell you. Not even your father." She sniffed. "When you were about five years old, your father was on an extensive business trip. I took a trip to Italy, to do some shopping in Italy." She sniffed. "I was kidnapped."

Brad sat up. "What!? Mom!"

She laughed. "Well, I'm here and alive," She shrugged, "but the man that kidnapped me raped me repeatedly over several days."

Brad was alarmed, the anger gone. "My God! Mother!!"

"I was liberated, and I was so embarrassed."

"You didn't do it. That man did it." I said, but I knew I was hearing the truth.

She nodded. "I know that now." She smiled. "I loved Robert. Very much. I never wanted to hurt Robert in any way. The thought that Robert would know another man ever touched me, I just couldn't tell him. So, I became determined that Robert never find out. And it first. But two months later, I found out I was pregnant."

"Was it Dad's or that other guy?" Brad asked.

She shook her head. "I don't know, but the idea that I was having that man's child...I couldn't take the chance. I couldn't." Now her tears were falling unchecked. "I had an abortion."

I felt her pain. As in you could see it and I heard the truth. "Oh, Mrs. Thomas."

She looked up, her face was still covered in tears, but she had a determined look. "From that day on, I was going to make Robert the perfect wife. He'd have the perfect home and the perfect children."

Brad chuckled. "Perfect!? Not Bobby."

Even his mother chuckled on that one. "No, not Bobby. He was too old, but you..." she touched his hand. "I had time to work on you. And you were so compliant. You did all that I asked. I didn't realize the pressure I put on you. When you came back and told me you were gay and loved this man." She was speaking to Brad. "I thought since you never rebelled, this was a way to do it. I didn't understand." Then she smiled. "I'm seeing it now. Forgive me. For all those years..."

Brad pulled her into a hug. "Oh, Mom....I am so sorry for all that happened to you. Of course, I forgive you."

Okay, the waterworks flowed for all there. Me included.

Then she sat up. "Well, there's still the wedding. I'd be pleased if you had it. At home."

Brad looked at me and nodded. "I'd like that."

Cynthia then hugged me. "Welcome to the family." Then she let me go a little. "The Thomas men love fiercely. With all their hearts and all their soul. Those who marry a Thomas have to be equally fierce in our love of them. And you proved you do. Not to me, but Brad."

"He's easy to love." I shrugged, then stage whispered to her. "Besides, he's so damned gorgeous." I loved it as Brad's ears turned pink. Somethings I hope never would change.

Cynthia laughed heartily at that. "He is that. He takes after his father." Then she ran a hand over her son's face. "You could do with a shave."

Brad rolled his eyes. "I've been sick." He muttered.

It was a year, almost to the day when Brad and I met, we stood on the bluff, overlooking the water near where he had been raised. It seemed everyone was there. Elisi, Tyler, Bobby, Amanda...even Diana! Jason was the ring bearer and Tyler, and Heather were flower children. There were several mayors, a few congressmen, and one governor's wife. Both of us in tuxedos and taking our vows before God and the company. Cynthia sat beside Duchess, both crying with joy as we kissed. Swearing we would love until the end of time.

"You may kiss your husband." The minister instructed.

I grinned at Brad. "That is so gay."

Brad nodded. "Yes. It is." He pressed lips to mine.

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