The Perfect Son

By Richard McQueen

Published on Nov 3, 2021


Story: The Perfect Son

Chapter 5 Taking The Helm

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Brad returns to Thomas Shipping and presents David to them and takes control.

Taking The Helm

Seldom do the people that live in Manhattan or New York City drive to work. You walked, took a bus or the rode the subway. Thomas Building was only two blocks away, so, we walked.

Brad had a briefcase in one hand, and the other took my hand. Again, he didn't care who saw. Most New Yorkers were too focused on what they had to do so no one seemed to notice or care.

The Thomas Building wasn't just an office building. There were restaurants, shops and even another hotel. The bottom four floors were like a giant mall. Move over all you Gallerias. There was a large fountain in the center that spewed water up the vast open area three floors in decorative patterns. Again, the Thomas family loved light and sunlight poured in from windows around the rounded building. People shopped, ate, and moved from one place to another inside and it was bustling. Brad took me to a group of elevators, and we rode one to the top floors. The offices for the Thomas business was on the top three floors. Coming in through the glass doors, there was a receptionist that looked up as we came in. Her stunned expression told me she didn't know we were coming. How could she?

"Mr. Thomas!"

He smiled a nod at her. "Heather."

And Heather looked as Brad and I passed holding hands. As we passed an area where there were dozens of desks in the center along a wide pathway. People looked up as Brad and I walked through toward a section that ended where another big desk was, a woman stood as we came and came around the desk. She was an attractive woman about fifty with white hair. Her look was smiling and glad to see Brad. She walked over to Brad. "Hello, so,." She greeted with a smile hugging him. "Welcome back."

Brad smiled at her. "Thanks, Doris." He stepped back and brought me forward. "This is Doris Burke. She was Dad's Executive Office Assistant for twenty years. And mine when I started working up here." He put his hand on my back. "Doris. This is Eric Davis. My fiancé."

She had a moment of surprise. "Oh?" It was classic, the reaction, I mean. Then she smiled. "Oh. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said shaking my hand.

Then Brad became the CEO. "I would like to schedule a meeting with the presidents and department heads for tomorrow. We can make it a lunch meeting." He began and Doris took out a palm pilot and began tapping on it. "Also, can you call Rolf and Marta to see if they can pencil me in some time before that." He grinned at me. "They do haircuts and manicure. Should we include you?"

I ran my hand over my head. "Sure." I got onto Tyler about the haircuts, I had to set the example.

"Of course, I'll need to catch up with what's been going on while I was gone."

Doris nodded. "I have all the memos and reports on your desk. If you need something, let me know."

Then Brad started to head for a door off to the side.

"Brad," Doris said, stopping us before we got too far. She pointed to the double doors behind her desk. "This is your office now."

Brad looked at what was his office and then at the door that had been his father's. On the door read. "Bradley R. Thomas, President, and CEO." He got a bit pale then. "It's a habit."

Doris nodded and walked over. "I know." She put a hand on his arm. "But your father wanted you to do this. And you know you can. Everyone here will help and support you. Your father was a good man, and he will be missed, but you're in charge now." She smiled again. "I took the liberty of moving the things from your old office to that one. I didn't know what you wanted to keep, so just the basics."

Brad nodded. "Thanks, Doris."

Then one last squeeze to his hand. "Welcome back." And she returned to her desk.

We entered the office and I again say the Thomas's had a thing for white. It was a huge office that had a white floor of marble; or least it looked like marble. The chairs and sofa were white. The desk was glass and silver, probably chrome. The desk sat in front of the back wall which was nothing but glass that looked over Manhattan. There were pictures and art pieces about. The sofa sat before a large fireplace to the left. On the right was a long table with chairs for about twenty. A conference area. Brad looked at the office a moment, taking it all in. Our hands, which were only let go when we shook hands with others were still clasped. I brought his hand up and kissed it making him look at me with a sad smile.

"I still see him here. Not me."

I nodded. "Back at home...sorry." I smiled. "Back in Fontana, I still see my mother at that huge piano. That was her spot. This was your Dad's."

He knew I understood. "We need to call Elisi." He remembered going around to sit at the desk. He looked at the contents. Pictures of family. His mother, the Duchess, his brother, his brother and Amanda with the two children and his father. There were pictures of them together, separate. He took one. "I think this one needs replacing." He grinned giving me the picture.

It was of Diana. "Well, she's not gone."

"As my fiancé, she is." He pulled me to him to sit with him in the big chair. "You are. We'll have to get one of you."

Damn, he was good looking, I thought. "I'd better get up." I chuckled.

He latched onto me. "Why?" He asked, but clearly, he knew as he gave me the leer. "Is there a problem?"

I got up, shoving him lightly. "I hate it when you're smug." I grinned. Then I pointed at the tent popping up in his pants. "That's why."

He stood beside me. Picking up the phone. "Doris. Hold my calls." He said and hung up. Then he hit a button on the desk. "Now, the door's locked. Do you want to take care of the problem?"

Did he need to ask? I slipped his jacket off and put it on the hat and coat rack nearby. "Make love to me, Brad."

He grinned. "I'd love to." Then his kiss was on me again. "I love you, Eric."

We didn't spend a lot of time just making love. We were done in half an hour. Fortunately, the office had its own bathroom, so we cleaned up, got our clothes back in order. Brad hit the button to unlock it. He read over the reports, memos and whatever...he looked very at home. Then he motioned to me to sit in his chair to call Elisi and moved to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

She had taken Tyler to school and was back home when she answered. "Well, this had better one or the other of who I think it is. I don't know anyone else at Thomas Shipping and Industries."

I grinned. "The caller ID," I nodded. "It's me."

"And me," Brad called out.

"Hi, my darlings," Elisi greeted softly. "How are my boys?"

I hit the conference button, so Brad didn't have to shout. Not that he needed to anyway. "We're good," I admitted. "He proposed."

Elisi let out a shriek of delight causing me to smile and Brad to chuckle. "And you said?"

I grinned at Brad. "I said no. I got a free trip to New York and a little fun. It's done."

She huffed knowing better. "I don't know where you got that sarcastic streak...oh, yeah I do. Your great-grandmother. So, when's the date?"

"We need to work on that," I said. "And since there's a birthday this weekend, how about you and Tyler fly up here?"

I knew what she was doing, even if I couldn't see her. She was thinking. "Well, that would be great, I need to find a kennel for Barney..."

Brad sat forward to the desk. "No, Elisi. He can come, too. He's part of the family. Eric and I will fly down and get you Friday morning. We'll come here. Take in a Broadway show or something. I'll take you to a great restaurant here. We'll have a great weekend."

I grinned at Brad. "And you can meet the rest of the family Sunday." I saw Brad's eyebrow rise. "Well, they should meet. After all, you knew we were all a package deal. The same with your family."

Brad nodded. "Okay." He said a little reluctantly. "Duchess will be pleased to have you there. Bobby will love to meet you. Mother...not so much, but that's because of me and Eric, not you."

"I understand," Elisi said. "Maybe I can talk sense into her."

Brad frowned. "I doubt it. But see what you can do."

"And no one knows about Eric's or Tyler's gift," Elisi said cautiously.

I was startled. "And be burned at the stake!? Hell, no."

"Good," Elisi said. "So, what time is the flight?"

I was keeping some things under wraps. "I'll let you know." And we caught up on things there and with Tyler.

Doris managed to get us in with whoever Rolf and Marta was. It wasn't a long commute. Just downstairs. Okay, forty-three floors down, but not a hard commute.

A normal manicure for me consisted of fingernail clippers and the occasional nail file to get rid of the pesky hangnail. My hair was cut, washed, and conditioned with this minty smelling stuff that tingled cool on my head. My nails were cut, buffed and Marta was doing something with this sharp tool that hurt a few times. To which she felt fine giving me a quick smack on the arm and ordered to stay still. We took in a nice lunch and then I was getting bored. This was Brad's place, not mine. I read and I surfed on the computer. Then I felt hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry," Brad said. "This is probably not interesting to you." Then he turned me around. "Well, I've planned something to help." He pulled his jacket on and took my hand. "Come on."

I don't need to tell you I'd go with him anywhere. We got in the elevator and rode down to the mall area. He took me across the main floor where there was a jewelry store, only the sign said closed, but there were two men at the entrance that opened the door for us to come in.

"Hello, Mr. Thomas," One man greeted as he led us through some displays. "I think we have what you're looking for." He motioned to a glass covered counter of sparkling jewels. I'd only seen this in a movie, where a whole store shut down for just one couple. My heart started pounding.

We looked at dozens of stones, settings, and styles. We opted for two promissory rings to be the engagement rings. Men just didn't have the choices women had. To find a solitary stone, that could stand alone, or added to a set didn't work well with men's rings. Some queens, gay queens, not the royal kind, just went with the women's settings, but neither Brad or I were that sort of gay. We chose rings, that when we married, would move to our right hands and the wedding rings on the left. Both were masculine rings. The wedding rings would be just a decorative gold. The promissory rings were the ones with the diamonds. About three carats worth! The man promised those two would be ready Thursday. With the understanding that when we married, the promissory rings might need refitting as the right ring finger was larger than the left. Whatever.

That first day at Brad's work was just catch up. We didn't stay late that night. And to be honest. I never did stay late. If I went in at all, but Brad insisted I be there for the lunch conference the next day. When we got home, I was startled. The place was never kept messy, but you can tell when someone's cleaned. The smell of deodorizers, carpets were vacuumed, and the place dusted. Even the bed we made up was professionally redone. Excuse me!?

"The maid comes up three times a week," Brad said with a grin. "Remember? I told you."

I nodded. "Oh, yeah." Then my eyes widened. "What about the laundry?" I asked as I rushed to our bedroom.

"It was done," Brad said simply not understanding why I was bothered by this.

"Even the sheets?" I asked.

"Sure. Why?"

I cringed. I wasn't that squeamish, but this was bothering me. "We fucked on those sheets!"

He nodded. "Frequently."

I shook my head. "I just don't care for someone washing our cum stained sheets."

Brad chuckled coming to me. "We didn't leave a lot of cum on the sheets. We put cum in each other, not the sheets."

I frowned. "I'd prefer to do that myself."

Brad held his hands up in surrender. "Fine. Let the desk know how you want it done." Then he grinned. "Care to stain them again?"

He was certainly not a prude now.

The next day, I didn't go in with Brad that morning. I missed having him around. I did go in about 10:30 that morning. I was greeted by Heather, who was looking at me closer, I guess to see what Brad saw. Not that it would change anything if she saw it or not. Doris came around her desk when I walked up.

"I have to tell you," Doris smiled. "What you have done with Brad, is nothing short of a miracle."

I grinned. "What have I done?"

Doris shook her head. "I've known that boy for twenty years. I've never seen him this happy. He's actually whistling and humming. He never did that before."

I smiled at that. "He is happy." I shrugged. "All I've done is love him."

She hugged me. "Well, thank you." She let me go. "When he introduced you, I was a little surprised, but I see it's best for him. And you. He's an amazing man."

I nodded. "He is."

She smiled again. "I just want to warn you. He's had me type up the announcement of your engagement. It will hit the papers and networks, if not already. It will become a major story. So, be prepared."

I hadn't realized that part, about the announcement being news. I guess it would be. I entered the office where Brad looked over and brightened seeing me.

"Hi!" He greeted coming over from what he had been looking at on the wall to the right near the conference table. Naturally, we hugged and kissed. "See what I have." He walked me over to what he'd been looking at. On the wall were all these plaques. They were clear, but black lettering had dozens of names. "Dad had wanted to do this." He explained. "These are all the businesses and companies that we have supported and are now part owners of." His arms around me from behind as he put his chin on my shoulder and pointed to the lower right of each plague. Damn, he was doing it again! He smelled good and he was so affectionate. He radiated warmth from his body, and I was becoming aroused, but I didn't say a word, just enjoyed the feelings. You were supposed to be aroused by the person you were marrying, right? "See the little letter T in the bottom right. That's all we say about partial ownership."

There were dozens of names. "Wow."

"Awe, come on now." A voice griped at the door and turned to see Bobby walk in. "You saw each other just this morning." He teased as he strode in.

Brad grinned and pulled me back tighter. "I just can't get enough of him. What are you doing here?"

Bobby looked offended. "What? I get emails. I may not be on staff now, but I still have voting rights. I got wind of this big meeting and came to show support." He turned as Duchess was chatting with Doris. "So is she."

"Duchess!" Brad greeted happily as he went to hug her.

"Hello, son," She kissed him on the cheek. She then kissed me and hugged me. "And you, too, son."

"Hi, Duchess," I greeted loving this woman more and more.

"As Bobby said," Duchess said. "We're here to show support. Not just about your upcoming marriage, but as CEO and President of Thomas Shipping and Industries."

"Wonderful," Brad smiled.

Bobby shook his head. "Smiling, greeting and generally happy. It's not like you. This is a new day for you, little brother."

Brad hugged me. "It is." Then he let go a bit. "I assume Mom won't be here."

Bobby raised his eyebrows. "Do you want her to be?"

Brad sulked. "I just wish she could support us. Is marrying him so bad?"

Duchess sighed. "Once Cynthia gets over being embarrassed, she'll come around." Then she pointed at Brad. "The company will stand behind you on that. Your father chose these men well. The problem will be your age. Well, I'm here to tell them you have the family's support."

Then Doris came in. "I brought you some Earl Grey." She told Duchess setting a tea service down on the conference table with some crackers or something.

Duchess smiled at Doris. "Oh, thank you, dear." Then Duchess turned back to us. "Your father loved Cynthia and she was fine until she started becoming worried about what others thought. Keeping the image of the family was so important to her. She does love you, Brad. She will see reason. It may just take time."

"Well, it's about showtime," Brad said releasing me and kissing me.

"You guys do that a lot," Bobby said smiling.

Brad cocked his head. "Aw, feeling left out?" He said in mock pity. "Here." He grabbed his brother's head and kissed him on the mouth. "There we go."

Bobby shoved his brother back as he spit and rubbed his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Ah, man! Eeww! Save those for him." He sputtered.

Both were grinning and the light in their eyes told you they were kidding. Then Duchess swatted them both on the ass.

"I've changed both your asses. Don't make me spank you," She threatened with her cane. "You know I will."

"Sorry, Duchess," They said at the same time. I imagined the same as they had when smaller.

The meeting was about to begin. I stood back with Bobby as men and women came in, greeted Brad, saying how sorry about his father's loss. Those who knew Duchess greeted her and said the same thing about her son.

Then Brad stood at the end of the table. "I went away to sort some things out. That was foolish but necessary. Now, I'm here to take the position my father raised me to take. It was brought up by someone who knows the situation...that my age may be a factor in my taking said position." And that brought out a lot of murmurs, most saying I don't know why and that won't happen.

"You say that" Duchess said sipping her tea. "I hope that's true. Can anyone think of someone more qualified? Both my grandsons were raised at their father's feet, my son and my husband both taught them both about the business and how to do it." She put the cup down with a light clink of the china. "Both can do the job, but Brad has the passion for it. In my mind, no one is better qualified."

I grinned as I saw Brad's ears pink. "Thanks, Duchess," then he looked at me. "Now, for the other thing." He held his hand out to me. "Most of you know I was engaged to be married, but I came to realize..." he looked at them. "I'm gay." He took my hand. "I will marry. The person I love more than I ever imaged I could. This is Eric Davis. My fiancé." There were looks of surprise and a few murmurs of surprise, but no one looked very upset about it. "So, if it's the age part or my marrying someone the same gender...if anyone wants to back out. Resign or find new employment. A severance package is offered and a letter or recommendation to anyone that wants it, it will be given. No questions asked." Then he bumped his forehead against mine gently. Then he turned back to the bigwigs and said last. "That goes for anyone in your departments. If they want to leave, fine."

I stepped back and sat by Bobby. He smiled at me. "The hardest parts are done."

I shook my head. "No. There are two other issues we need to weather." I said sadly. "Doris put the engagement announcement out. Now all of Manhattan and the rest of the world will know. And you will meet my grandmother on Sunday. And my nephew."

He frowned. "Your grandmother knows your gay, right?"

I nodded. "That's not the issue, but my grandmother is a little militant about me. I just hope Elisi, and your mother don't come to blows."

Bobby chuckled. "Mom's a big girl. She can handle it." Then he looked at me patiently, "As far as Manhattan is concerned. Screw `em. My brother loves you. Duchess is right. You can see it...and you love him. If Manhattan gets bent out of shape, that's their problem." Then he grinned. "Duchess said, don't let the trends make you do anything. You make the trends." He gave me a light punch in the shoulder. "You'll be fine. Don't let any of these schmucks tell you what's what. You tell them."

This from a man that grew up here? I was in alien territory. I watched Brad take charge of the meeting and I can tell you; it was almost like seeing someone else. The shy, repressed man I met was gone. The man I loved was still there, but he had become someone else! And do I need to say it? He was sexy! I know...I'm hopeless.

We got home that evening and were relaxing on the sofa. We watched the evening news, and I was wondering what the newspaper would say. The news covered local issues and then, Brad's picture appeared.

"And guess what!?" The lady news anchor said with a mock of conspiracy. "Brad Thomas is gay!!"

I spit out my Dr. Pepper. "What!?"

Brad looked at me curiously but was grinning. "You didn't know I'm gay?"

I grimaced at him. "Not that, Numbnuts," I waved at the screen. "It's on the news!"

Brad nodded. "Well, yeah. It is news," Then he thought. "I will admit, I hardly made the news when I was straight."

"...the son of the late Robert R. Thomas of Thomas Shipping and Industries not only broke up with longtime girlfriend and fiancé, Diana Fischer after a ten or twelve-year courtship, but also came out as gay and is marrying Eric Davis!" A moving image of Brad and I walking hand in hand down the sidewalk. The closeness easily conveyed and at a level not with men who were just friends. "Eric Davis is the child of the late great Elizabeth Sams Davis, that gifted pianist who has performed Carnage Hall and the great-grandson of the late of Liesl Gertrude Braun, a world famous pianist who not only played at Carnage Hall but many stages throughout Europe." Then they used that damned technology and froze an image of my face and blew it up and got the blurriness out.

Brad turned off the TV. "Don't do this to me, Eric." He said worriedly. "You can't do this to me."

I turned to him. "Don't do what? Freak out a little?" I asked. "I think I'm entitled." I can tell if a person is lying, and no, I couldn't read minds, but his fear was clear on his face. He was terrified this would scare me off. I understood, gathered his head, placing my temple against his. "Oh, no, Baby. No, no. Don't worry about that. I told you I would never leave you. I faced your Mother, and if that doesn't prove to you I'm staying, I don't know what will." I caressed his face. "I couldn't leave you. I won't. Stop that."

He shuddered a moment and wiped a tear that almost formed. "I can't help it. It's just been so hard..."

"I know," I assured bringing us more together. "I will never leave you, Brad. Know that!" I demanded. "I love you so much most times, it hurts! I think about is how much I'd rather be making love to you. I love you, Baby. I can't leave you." Then I waved at the TV. "This is a whole new thing for me here. I never TOLD them who I was. Yet, they know. Even who I'm related to. I just need a moment to freak a little. Okay?" I covered his face with a nonstop kiss. "Don't ever think I'd leave you. Okay?"

Brad sighed and nodded. "Okay. You'll never leave me." Then his smile came up. "I have your word. Now, freak."

I punched him lightly in the arms. "You doubted you were a prince!? Are you crazy!? And now, you're not even a prince, but a king!"

"Ow," Brad moaned with a smile putting his hand over the spot I knew didn't hurt at the nonexistent pain.

"Tell me you're not!"

He held his hands up. "Okay, okay. I'm a king. Geez!" Then he grinned. "Even a king needs love."

"I'll fetch a love wench," I growled.

He chuckled and tackled me on the couch.

Fortunately, the number to the suite was classified and no one could get up the elevator without permission, but they found my phone number and blew that up with calls. I sifted through the calls to see if someone called I might need to call back. I was a little shocked at a number and name I knew. Tony. We had departed friendly. Though not quite friends. I didn't blame him that much for cheating, but he lied. I debated calling him back, but I had thought about calling him when I got here. We were in New York. He had been raised in Little Italy, now living in Queens.

Brad paused as he entered the kitchen area for his coffee. "Is it bad?"

I looked up. Brad was as gorgeous as always. "No...I just...I got a call from Tony." I showed my phone screen to Brad.

"Oh," Brad sat with me at the table. "What are you thinking?"

I shrugged. "I was going to call him since I was in New York. But" I grinned at Brad, "I got a little distracted."

Brad rolled his eyes. "Are you going to call him?"

I grimaced slightly. "I don't know if I want to," I admitted. "He was exciting and I'd never...been with an Italian. From Little Italy! Complete with the accent and all that shit." I grinned again. "I think maybe I imagined I was dating the Godfather's son."

Brad chuckled at that.

"Things have gotten more...complicated." I tried to work it out so Brad would understand. "I sorta understand what happened to your Mom...a little. Worried what others think. If I'm seen out with Tony, some of the world is gonna think I'm cheating on you."

"Well...that's gonna happen."

"I don't want you to think I'd ever do that," I stressed. In spite of Brad's 180-degree transformation, and his leadership at work. Brad was still plagued with self-doubt and insecurities. I had to reassure him over and over that, I would not leave. I finally got him to see that last night. He was still emotionally fragile.

"Can I go with you? Meet somewhere and I'll go too." He grinned. "I can check out the competition."

"You have no competition," I ran fingers over his clean-shaven face. "No one could come close to you." I was pleased as his ears again began to pink. I touched my lips to his gently. "I love you."

He nodded. "I'm getting the idea." He didn't mean it as a joke. For some reason, he didn't seem to think anyone would ever love him, except for his money. Since I really didn't need it, he was more comfortable, but he still had doubts.

"I'm marrying you, aren't I?"

He chuckled. "You said you would."

I took his hand. "Call Doris." I led him back to the bedroom. "Tell her you'll be a little late."

He grinned more. "I own the company. I don't have to."

He smelled so good. Again!

I didn't go to Brad's office again, but I was meeting him for lunch. I was being a bit of a coward, but I called Tony about ten o'clock hoping to leave a message since he should be at work and couldn't answer his phone. Good plan, right? No.

"Eric!" The happy voice shouted after a couple of rings.

"Hi, Tony." And I was happy to hear his voice. He did mean something to me. In the past, he meant a whole lot more. "I was going to call, but we got a little busy. We've only been in New York a few days." Why did I tell him that?

Tony chuckled. "I saw on the news. You're kinda busy." His tone told me he was joking. A little. Jealous? Probably. If I marry Brad, the chances of winning me back were pretty well gone. "How long are you in New York? Or are you moving in with the Prince of Manhattan now and moving here permanently?"

"I'm here."

"Let's get together. See the sights, like old times." Tony suggested.

"Where?" As if I didn't know what he'd say.

"The Fireman's Pole. I still have my membership." Tony said. "Ten o'clock?"

"Let's say nine. I have things to do tomorrow."

"Nine, then," Tony said happily. "I'll see you there!"

Maybe I should have told Tony that I was bringing Brad. I should have told Tony my membership was still active, and I didn't need him to get in. But he'd find that out himself.

At lunch, I told Brad. I also told Brad I didn't tell Tony he was coming. I hoped Tony would see he had no chance with me.

Brad had wanted to take the Aston Martin, but I insisted on the Rover. The Rover was temptation as it was, the Martin would be a target. Frank Mertz's club was secure...more or less. On the Upper Eastside in an area near docks and warehouses. And how secure is anywhere?

The club has a huge sign that lit in front. It flashed Members Only. Then a Fireman with the coat and hat slid down a traditional pole that fireman used. The fireman's grin he turned on when he was at the bottom was a little too satisfied. The pleasure was clear. In here, you could get the pleasure, too. Slide down someone's pole or have them slide down yours. There was the bass thump of the music inside was near a deafening level.

"Remember what I said. There will be guys that take the option of no clothes. Some will probably touch you through your clothes, even want you to touch them, with or without clothes...."

Brad nodded. "...and some will be jerking off and jerking others off. But no sex, right?"

I shook my head. "Not out on the floor. There are rooms for that."

"Really?" Brad asked a little shocked. Then he shrugged. "Sex is sex. Here or at home."

"Or car or in the bushes." I grinned taking his hand. "Not that I ever did. I swear."

"I believe you." Brad chuckled.

I stopped him. "Okay." I turned. "First, I going to use my talent. I mean I will ask some questions and if he lies. We're gone."

Brad nodded. "Sure. Okay."

Looking at some guys out front, I didn't see Tony. "He might be inside." I looked at my watch. "It's just nine." I tightened my grip on Brad's hand. "My spidysense is ringing."

Brad's eyes widened. "Your spidysense? You think it's a plot?"

I hesitated. "It could be." I showed my membership card to a bouncer; and we walked in. My foreboding got stronger. "Now, it's really telling me to be wary."

Brad looked more confused. "Have you been able to do that?"

"Only a few times," I explained. "Like after a hurricane, there were these people that conned a lot of elderly out of money to fix their roofs, but I just knew....knew they were up to no good and conning people. I hadn't even spoken with the thieves."


Walking through the milling crowd I saw a familiar black head of hair, and he was cruising. The guy he was cruising was the one I got the bad feeling from, but it was odd. It wasn't just him. Of course, Tony was naked. Why not? He was young and good looking. Being Italian his black hair was all over his chest and stomach. But as I asked Brad not to, Tony shaved his ass. I said I had a fetish. He loved to top, he loved to bottom, so shaving his butt was for everyone. Now Tony was a little taller, about six feet. The man he was speaking with had clothes on. I gently pushed Brad behind me. Tony's face brightened seeing me.

"Eric!" He greeted. "The man to marry the Prince of Manhattan." He hugged me.

"Hi, Tony." I was looking directly at the man. "Who are you? Who are you with?"

The man turned on the charm. "Blair. I'm just with me. I'm not with anyone."

"That's a lie," I stated. "Are you here for me?"


That was the truth.

"Then you're here for Brad."

"Who?" The man asked.

That was a lie. "A photographer?"

The man looked surprised. "No."

That was a lie.

"Freelance or magazine?"

Tony looked surprised at me interrogation. "What's going on?"

I saw Frank come by. I grabbed him. "Frank."

Frank recognized me quickly and smiled his big smile. "Eric! Great to see you!" He said hugging me.

"It will be. Do you know this man?" I asked getting angry.

"Sure. That's Blair, he's a photographer. He's a guest of Pete's." Frank frowned. "They're paparazzi."

Now, I was very angry. "So, you thought since Tony knew me, I might come with Brad, and we'd get naked, and you could take photos."

Blair frowned. "No."

That was a lie. "Well, Brad and I aren't getting naked, nor are we posing for photos. Do you have a camera that works in low light?"

"No!" Blair was getting worried.

Another lie. "Is it on your person?"

The man was about to walk off when Frank stopped him. Frank felt the man's pockets and pulled out a small digital camera. One of those low lux deals that need little light.

"You can't do that!" The man shouted.

"I'm the owner, asshole," Frank growled. "I can do what I want in here. I told you, no pictures in here!" Frank turned. "Mario!"

A big man walked up. "Yeah, Frank."

"Escort Blair out. And find Pete and remove him as well."

Mario grabbed Blair by the collar. "You heard the man." And Blair was escorted away.

Tony looked mortified. "I didn't know."

A lie! "Tony! Haven't you figured it out by now? That's why I broke up with you. You just lied again!" I shook my head. "Did he promise you money if you delivered me or Brad?"

Tony was now upset, not because he'd done something he didn't consider wrong, but I knew! "Yes."

The truth. "Tony. You have a great personality. I loved you, but I want something permanent. A husband! You wouldn't even consider it. I know when you lied! Every time."

Tony didn't seem to want to test that and backed away.

My spidysense was now calm. "The threat is over," I told Brad.

Brad had just stared at me as I worked. "Okay."

I turned to Frank. If he'd been gay, I could see dating him. He was in his late forties, but in great shape and he was gray at his temples now, but he was a beautiful man. "Now." I grinned. "Hi, Frank!" I hugged him for real that time.

"I saw the news," Frank said looking at Brad. "Yep, it's true I guess." He stuck his hand out. "Frank Mertz."

Brad grinned. "Brad Thomas." They shook hands.

"Everyone in Manhattan knows your name now. A man that had been New York's most eligible bachelor is gay!" Frank laughed. Then he looked at me. "And marrying a great guy."

Brad nodded. "I know."

"Where's your wife?" I asked, looking for what was usually the only woman here.

Frank waved me off. "She's at home now."

"For the night?" I asked.

"No, pretty much all the time now." He grinned. "She's jealous because I'm getting pinched and fondled instead of her." He chuckled. "I go...hello! Gay club. Who is gonna pinch her?" He looked at Brad, "We don't get that many gay women here," he shrugged. "So, I get my ass felt up. I take it as a compliment. If they like this old ass, why should I complain?"

I leaned into him. "I've seen you naked, Frank. That's not an old ass."

Frank laughed. "Thank you."

"So, you're doing it alone now?" I asked.

"No." He looked around. "Eddie is here."

I looked at Brad. "I said Frank was a Daddy, you thought I meant father. I forgot; he IS a father. Eddie is his son."

Frank nodded. "Yep, he's twenty-two now. He helps me here a lot." Then he brightened. "There he is." Frank pointed.

The night club had cages where men danced inside. Mostly for protection of the men dancing from the guys watching. I said many of his dancers had been firefighters. Well, that theme carried over to the dancing. Men in firemen's yellow that they slowly slid off bare shoulders. The firemen's hats on, the boots and with a quick yank, the pants were gone. The men were naked. Shaking their ass and dicks to music and the men were cheering. Eddie was doing it with flair showing that toned body proudly.

"Eddie's making a lot of money here," Frank said. "He told me, he wasn't gay, but if a man turned him on..." he shrugged.

"You should be proud of him," I said honestly.

Frank nodded, "I am, he's a smart kid."

Brad and I stayed only an hour, got a couple of drinks, and headed back home.

"I had a good time," Brad said. "And you know I'm telling the truth."

I chuckled. He was. He had a few offers to jerk off for him. Jerk Brad off. Even one offering to take Brad to a back room where Brad could do whatever Brad wanted. "It was the naked men."

Brad shrugged and nodded. "Well, I admit that was...fascinating. And I was aroused." He said a little guilty.

I chuckled. "That's what they are there to do. I was, too."

Brad let out a sigh of relief. "You let me look at you and that's great, believe me." He assured. "But these guys also wanted us to look." He shrugged. "It was very..." he thought. "Liberating."

I grinned. "I'm glad. The human body is beautiful and meant to attract other humans. It's perfectly natural." I chuckled, "Even for us. Two humans join in a special way. That's a gift." He didn't have my gift. So, I was going to tell him. "When we first got together. Right before you proposed. I was worried that if you saw other us. That, maybe you'd want to try it with someone else."

Brad slammed on brakes making the car behind us honk his horn at us. "You are not on that again! I love you."

I held my hand up. "Stop," I said patiently. "I was worried about it. Because you can't tell if I'm telling the truth or not, I'm saying it. I was worried. You said you love me. I believe you. I just didn't want you to go for the first man, because I was the first man."

"You're not." Then he pulled over. "I mean, you are the first man I've kissed, except for Bobby now, and you are the first man I had sex with, but you're the right man. You'll be the only man."

I pulled him in for a smoldering kiss. "I know, Baby."

Another car horn. "Faggots!!"

Brad smiled. "Is that what we are?" He chuckled.

"Yep." I smiled. "We need the homophobes to point that out to us."

"Oh," Brad said and sat back up, put the Rover in drive. "Let's continue this at home."

I kept my hand on Brad. "It is my home. With you."

Thursday we got the rings. Then Friday we flew to Asheville. To make things easier we had left before dawn to arrive early enough. I rented a car, and we went and got them.

I knew I was home in Manhattan now because it was great to see the place, but it just didn't feel like it had. It wasn't home for me now. We were not surprised when the front door was thrown open and Tyler ran out followed by Barney.

"Uncle Eric, Uncle Brad!" He shouted running up to the car even as I put it in park. I got out quickly and picked up my nephew hugging him. I had missed his bright disposition. I kissed him several times.

Elisi came out and hugged Brad while I hugged Tyler. "I missed you." She said to us.

Tyler smiled. "But we're together again." He said sensibly. "I missed you, too." He didn't have to tell us as he squirmed down and charged Brad. "Hi, Uncle Brad! I missed you, too."

Elisi hugged me. Then she looked at me deeply, in my eyes. "You're happy." It wasn't a question.

I nodded. "As I've never been."

Taking my hands, she felt the ring and held up my left hand. "You didn't..."

"It's an engagement ring. We still have to plan the wedding. We have time." I chuckled.

She held my hand up closer to see it clearly. "That's beautiful."

"He has one just like it." I pointed to Brad who held up his left hand.

Elisi hugged me again. "I may not have either yours or Tyler's gifts. But I knew as soon as Brad walked in the door from the trail he was the one."

I nodded. "And I'm not questioning anyone in this family about knowing things ahead of time." Then looked at Tyler. "Tyler."

Tyler looked exasperated hearing it again. "I know. Elisi told me to keep personal stuff like my telling you, you were getting married to myself. Unless asked." Then he smiled brightly. "But I was right."

We got them packed and into the car. Including Barney. Let's just say, Barney travels light. A leash, his water bowl and dinner bowl and we were good. I had much of the same reaction as Elisi did when we pulled up to the private jet.

"You've got Barney's vet records, right?" I asked Elisi.

She nodded. "In my carry on."

Brad smiled as he carried Tyler on his back toward the plane. "We probably won't need it. Animal control concentrates on imports. I think we're good, but you have it, just in case."

Elisi stopped. "How rich are you, Brad?"

Brad's ears were turning pink.

"Very," I said to Elisi. "Sunday you get to see where he was raised. It's nothing short of a palace."

Elisi looked at Brad. "Dear, how did someone like you turn into such a sweet, well rounded young man?"

Now his ears were beet red.

"When you meet Duchess, you'll understand," I said chuckling.

"And humble!" Elisi marveled, making Brad's ears nearly glow red.

And of course, Tyler broke the spell. "We're going in that!?" He pointed to the private jet. "Wow."'

I just took Brad's arm and bent him to nuzzle his neck. "It's a miracle," I answered Elisi's question quietly. "And I got him."

We got Tyler playing a video game onboard as we visited with Elisi. By now, Brad and I were so accustomed to each other. He would lounge back on me, or I would lounge back on him. We were doing it without thinking about it. I noticed Elisi was almost crying as Brad was comfortably leaning back on me.

"Is something wrong, Elisi?" I asked worriedly.

She shook her head quickly. "No. Absolutely not." She sniffed and smiled at us. "You two....are just so perfect together. The love from you is almost...palpable!"

Brad snorted from his position me. "I wish everyone saw that."

Elisi smiled. "Give it time."

My eyes narrowed. "What are you planning?"

"Elisi!" Tyler wailed from his video game.

"I didn't say anything," Elisi defended.

I looked at Tyler, then at Elisi. "He saw something, didn't he?"

Elisi frowned. "You know you can't ask me that. You'd know if I do plan anything."

Brad was also looking at Elisi and up at me. He also knew better than to ask her. I'd know if she answered. "All I need is a manual. When to ask and what to ask, or not to ask." He groused.

Elisi grinned. "Why? You've got it."

He grunted. "If I develop a talent. I'm not telling either of you." He nearly pouted.

"But he does," I said. "And it's hardly a secret. I sat in on the conference where he took the helm of the family business and I swear, he transformed. Gone was the shy soft-spoken man. He was a take charge and listen to me, a butchy leader. He was boss!"

Brad shifted uncomfortably and because he was lounging on me, I saw his ears pink and kissed each as they got brighter. "I just am comfortable in that environment," Brad explained.

"If the presidents and department heads hadn't been there, I would have taken him then! He was so sexy!" I said.

Elisi was laughing now. Delighted.

"Take who where?" Tyler asked.

"We're talking about sex," I said, causing Brad to look surprised. "What?" I asked. "Sex is a normal part of life for adults. He knows that. We don't hide that."

"Oh," Tyler replied dismissively. "We studied it in school. It sounds icky."

I laughed. "You won't think so in ten years."

Brad chuckled. "Well, there are things that are kind of icky."

Now Elisi was laughing harder.

"Not for me!" I stated kissing him on the ear.

We had it all planned and of course, when we landed, Elisi didn't say a word when we got in the Rolls Royce from Thomas Shipping. She just stared as we walked through the lobby of the hotel. By now, I had keys that I used, and we went up. When the doors opened she still didn't say anything. Brad had gotten a man to come and place a palette of grass for Barney, so if he had to go in the middle of the night, and he wouldn't make us have to take the elevator all those floors down for him to be able to do it. Elisi took in all of the penthouse, I showed her the room she was in, and Tyler's. Barney showed he knew what the grass was for and peed. Brad and I high fived each other on that evening we left Barney on Brad's and my bed (Barney could smell us there) with the TV going and went to the Thomas Building where there was a nice restaurant for dinner. Now she was crying again.

I grimaced a little. "Okay. Are these happy tears?"

She nodded. "They are ecstatic tears." She sniffed wiping her eyes on the cloth napkin. "You are so happy. Both of you. But, and I'm sorry Brad, but I watched him grow and I just prayed you'd be happy, Eric. Now I see those prayers are answered."

My spidysense was beginning to let me know the potential trouble approached. I held my hand up to Elisi and put my hand on Brad's hand. "I'm getting the same feeling I got with those paparazzi."

Brad looked to see who, and a woman approached. I'd seen her before. She was a gossip columnist, giving people the scoop on who was doing what to whom. She was attractive, in her mid-forties and decked out. But she was a reporter. She stopped by Brad.

"I don't know if you remember me, Mr. Thomas. Sheila Miller, Entertainment New York." She extended her hand, only Brad didn't bother to take hers.

"I do, Ms. Miller," Brad said a little irritated. "I'm having a private dinner, therefore personal."

She stiffened. "Well, I just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming marriage to Mr. Davis." She looked at Elisi. "You're Carla Sams, am I right? They covered your daughter and mother's accomplishments, but never reported Eric's grandmother was a famous artist."

I smiled. "You know she is. You're not asking. Can we get back to our private dinner? Or do we need someone to show you out?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you. Can I get a hint as to the wedding date?"

Brad and I didn't have to coordinate our answers. We both said. "No."

The manager came over. "Please, Ms. Miller. Allow our guests some time to themselves."

She placed a card on our table. "I'd love to interview you two. Call me." And she walked off.

I sighed. "Sorry, Elisi. This has been going on all week. Our engagement went in..." I looked at Brad. "Have you seen it?"

"Sunday." He said quietly. "That's when the weddings and engagements go out on the Society Page." He looked at Elisi. "I was so scared when we saw the TV report that Monday night. Eric looked horrified. I was sure he would leave me."

I held up my left hand. "I promised you I wouldn't. As I said, I faced the firing squad assembled by your Mother. I just wasn't ready. I can't leave you now."

Brad smiled. "I know." Then he saw Elisi look a little preoccupied. "Have they been calling you? They know who Eric's mother and great-grandmother were. They had to have connected the dots to you."

She waved it off. "Nothing I couldn't handle. I told them nothing."

"Maybe we should do an interview. It will take the pests away." I suggested.

"Okay, but who should do the interview?" Brad asked.

"Well, CBS Local wants us for their morning show. They also do the Logo channel." I said. "Perhaps we should do that."

Brad grinned. "Let's be gay."

I kissed him briefly. "We are, Baby." Then I looked at Elisi. "It's okay. We'll be fine."

Elisi nodded and smiled. "I know. You belong together."

Then Brad clapped his hands quickly. "I've got tickets to The Lion King." He told Tyler.

"But I've seen that movie." Tyler objected.

"This...I guaranteed you haven't." I assured, then shrugged. "Then again, neither have I."

Then a couple of waiters came out with flaming candles. Unlike some places, they didn't sing Happy Birthday. We had a quiet time, as it was Elisi's and my birthdays, separated by three days. Elisi and I had long passed the point of exchanging presents. Though Tyler gave me a great picture he had worked hard on of myself and Brad. I swear, the pictures of us even looked a bit like us. The boy was a talent with art. Then he gave Elisi a bowl he had sculpted which looked just fine!

"I guess we know he takes after." I chuckled at Elisi who was hugging Tyler.

It was a good day for Tyler, but he began to get sleepy. So, we went back to the penthouse and he was out for the night. Barney next to him. And Elisi was gone a little after that. I was gazing at the peaceful sleeping Tyler when Brad came in the room. Only we were both wearing pajama pants this night.

"He's a beautiful boy," Brad said softly putting arms around me.

I still had anger for my sister. She was a fool. As I said, she was missing all of this. "He is." I turned to face him. "Baby, this may be more than you need to hear right now."

He looked at me, but he knew. "You're worried about Tyler."

I nodded. "About Tyler and Elisi. She turned seventy!! And with luck and she's very healthy, she'll reach ninety or more, but keeping up with a child. Even if he's growing up and won't be a child for long..."

"You know he can stay."

"But not let Elisi stay? She'd be all alone in Fontana. She won't even have Barney." I grinned. "If Tyler stays, Barney will insist."

Brad laughed. "They've known each other all their lives. Of course, he'll insist." Then he gave a shrugging nod. "Not that we ever had pets."

I shoved him back. "No!" I said in disbelief.

Brad shook his head. "Not so much as a goldfish."

"You poor man!" I said sincerely. "Of course, things were messed up. I've never not had a dog."


"No. First was Nut and he lived up to his name. That dog was crazy but loved me to death. Then Belle, Scarlet and now Barney. All beagles. Well...Nut was a basset beagle mix." Then I looked at Brad. "My point is, she may do great, but she'd be alone."

Brad looked uncertain. "If you want, she can move in here, but I know she's an artist. You have that great house. That's her home. It is your home."

I shook my head. "Imagine my surprise when going back today, I didn't feel like I had gone home. I was happy to see my family, but my home is with you. As long as you're there, I am home."

Brad just smiled more. "I know you're okay with that."

"You bet," I waved at the penthouse. "Don't get me wrong, this...all this is great, but I belong to you."

We kissed and he took my hand. "Let's go to bed."

I grinned knowing the answer before I asked. "Tired?"


When we got to the bedroom, there was a large envelope on the bed.

"What's this?" I asked picking it up.

Brad was smiling like the Cheshire Cat. "Open it." He lay across the bed.

Opening it, I took the contents out. There was a card, a black card with my name embossed on it. A bank book.

"You now have access to the family funds." Then he gave a shrugging nod. "Well, my funds, but that's part of the family funds." He pointed at the papers with it. "That gives you a peek at the holdings, stocks, and bonds."

I smiled at the thought. Then humor came to mind. "Well, this will do for now."

"For now?" Brad was confused.

"Well, the name will have to be changed after the wedding."

Now Brad was smiling more. "Why?" He knew.

I shrugged. "It's traditional for two people who marry to have the same last name. I was going to ask if you mind if I take yours."

Now he was smiling like his face would split. "You want the family name?"

I shook my head. "No. I want your name. I would like to be as much a part of you as I can be."

That seemed to delight him. "Then, we'll do that."

"I had a wonderful birthday," I said sliding next to him.

"You didn't get a present from me. Sorry."

I kissed him gently. "I got a present from you, Baby. I got you. What more could I ask for?"

As I've said before. We have made love in many ways. And yes, we've had a great sex life and we've just had sex for the sheer joy of it because it was fun. But there were moments when just having sex wasn't enough. Tonight, we made love slow and loving. That's what I'd always wanted. To love a man that truly loved me. And Brad did.

As it was a habit, Tyler was up and in our room shortly after the sun rose, diving on the bed between us. Not that I cared if Tyler saw me naked, he has before, and we made no big deal out of it, but I was glad we put our pajamas bottoms on. I was awakened by a series of heartfelt licks from Barney.

I moaned. "Ew, beagle slobber first thing in the morning." I patted Barney who went over to Brad and licked him awake, too.

"I'm hungry!" Tyler declared.

I chuckled. "Of course, you are." I pushed the covers back. "I suppose we need to do something about that." I pulled the precious face of my nephew to me and kissed his cheek. "How about a good morning?"

"Good morning," Tyler said simply. "What are you fixing?"

"I won't be fixing it. That's the great thing about living here. You can have anything you like."

That pleased him. "I want pancakes."

Brad pulled Tyler over to him. "Then that's what you'll get." He gently started tickling Tyler who cackled with delight.

"Has Barney been out?"

"No," Tyler replied as Brad let Tyler back up.

"Let's do that," I suggested to Tyler. "He may have known what to do yesterday. Let's see that he does it again."

"And I'll call to get breakfast started," Brad said walking into the hall. "How about we go to the zoo this morning?"

"Zoo?" Tyler asked happily.

"Sure." Brad nodded. "There's one right there." He pointed to Central Park. "There's also a carousel."

Tyler's face looked puzzled. "A what?"

"A Merry Go Round." I clarified.

"Oh," Tyler nodded, less excited about that than the zoo. "Cool."

Next: Chapter 6

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