The Perfect Puzzle

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 17, 2001



Title: The Perfect Puzzle Author: Elisheva Rating: It starts off NC17, hot stuff, but then after that, I'd say about PG Pairing: Justin and someone, I believe that it's of better impact to wait to find out who it is when you do. Category: RPS. Status: It's a one-part deal Summary: Fights are always hard to get past, but it's even harder when it's with someone you love. Disclaimer: Much to my dismay, I still don't know them. This is c/o my wonderful imagination. This boy boy real people love so if you're not into that you don't hafta read it. Thanks!

Feedback" It's a wonderful thing. I love it, you love it, share the love y'all! Thanks! OR

Note: it's all dialogue, just in the case that you do get confused Enjoy

The Perfect Puzzle

" I'm sorry."

" No I am."

" No really, I was mad, and depressed and didn't know what I was thinking."

" I shouldn't have said I never wanted to talk to you again."

" You had a right to."

" Justin, you're my everything, I fucking love you, why would I want that?"

" You love me?"

" More than you know."

" Like, you wanna hug me and kiss me and make love to me love me?"

" Justin, please, don't make me answer that."

" Why?"

" Because we've had this discussion already."

" I know. I just wanna hear it again."

" Then yes, I wanna take you right now, rip your clothes off and fuck you senseless. I wanna shove you onto the bed and shove my cock deep inside of you and have you feel my juices run the length of your body. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

" I guess, but did you have to be so visual? Now you got me all worked up with no one to turn to, to calm me down, if you know what I mean."

" Justin! Be serious. We just had a major fight and all you can think about is sex?"

" No, I just don't want to think about it."

" Oh. We said a lot of shit to each other Justy, stuff, that maybe was true, but neither of us wanted to say, and stuff that maybe we were feeling but wanted the other to feel to."

" You're not selfish."

" Then why did you say it."

" I don't know."

" Yes you do."

" Because I wanted to make myself feel better! Okay, for missing you and loving you and wanting you. Its driving me crazy and I didn't know how to deal with it! So I yelled at the first person to say hello."

" And that was me."

" I never meant for it to get so out of hand."

" I know Justy, I know."

" But you, you said you never wanted to talk to me again, and that you couldn't tell me things, because I tell other people, and like, I'm off limits or something."

" No, I just, you mean so much to me, that maybe, I did to you, what you did to me, though what you did, I don't know. I want to be sorry, I want to be able to look at you without crying or feeling bad, but I cant."

" Don't you think I cry too! My god, I can cry anymore I've been crying for the past 4 hours. I'm supposed to be having a nice relaxing vacation, and all I can think about is you, and how I hurt you and how that's hurting me. And I'm so scared."

" Of what."

" Of us falling to pieces like, you know when you finish a puzzle and its perfect but then your little brother comes along and tries to pick it and have it stay together like a painting, and he's just trying to be helpful, but the picture ends up falling to pieces, onto the table and onto the ground, and its just not even worth it to pick up the pieces? That's what I'm afraid of. That we're the pieces and it's just not worth it to pick us up and put them back together again."

" Nice metaphor Justin."

" Listen to me! I am scared shitless that I won't ever get to hug you or even tell you that I've been in love with you for the past five years. We had a fight. Friends do that. But, I want more than that. And I know you do too. But now, I'm so scared that like the pieces that get vacuumed up and or forgotten and lost, our puzzle will never be whole again."

" This is too much for me. I mean, you knew I loved you, but too many revelations in one night. Justin, can't we fight like normal friends? Why must it always end in us telling each other of our undying love that we never act on, and forgotten about like your puzzle pieces?

" I'm sorry."

" No, don't start apologizing again, its gonna make me sick, I think that maybe, we just need time. To think about this, us, to just not be with each other."

" But we're not. We're miles away from each other."

" Don't call me Justin."

" But James, please."

" Don't."

A week later

" I told you I needed time."

" But it's Valentine's Day. I couldn't just sit by the phone and pretend like we just had the most amazing conversation and just leave it at that."

" I can't do this."

" Can't do what?"

" Us, this, please, if you want us to have a chance, you have to let me be."

" Alright. Bye Lance."

A month later

" Hello?"

" Hi."

" Uh, hi. How are you? How's the movie coming along? Joe called yesterday and told me lots of technical shit that I really didn't care about, but he said it was nice to be back to acting, how is it for you?"

" Its fun. I mean, the kissing scenes are agitating, but the movie is fun."

" That's great Lance, I'm really happy for you."

" Yeah. So what have you been up to?"

" Me? Not much. Working. Me and Brit are gonna record together. It's a tight song man, you should hear it. Um, me and Josh have been spending loads of time together. I start to feel like we're livin' together again. Which is kinda funny, cuz we were thinking about buying a place together, good investment or not?"

" Uh, whatever, I'm not a realtor."

" Yah. I know. Well, I've been talking to Momma and Bit Bit about it, they think it's a good idea. Momma cuz then she can use my room as a guestroom, and Bits so I can stop complaining to her about not havin' my own place. She's funny you know. All cute and stuff, for a girl. Like the sister, I never had. I told her that that she is the sister, the best friend sister thing that I never had. She cried, but she's sappy like that.

Josh almost expects us to make one of the rooms all girlie for her for when she gets all huffy about still living with Lynn and the Fam. I don't blame her! If I had to stay with Lynn for more than a month, I'd go crazy. You know I love her, but I only need one Lynn as a mom thank you!

Anyway. Chris came by and we did fanmail this week. They all think we be going back on tour. Lordie! The album's not even close to being done, and we each are in our own world that I don't think we could deal with touring again.

Guess who I saw the other day? Yup, Howie. He and the boys are doing well, though he swears if we ever let on that he has lunch with us every week, he'll kill us! He's crazy sometimes!

What else? Josh and Bobbie are thinking about marriage, heavy shit huh? But they belong together, so it's cool. But she's so caught us with the magazine in Cali, that it wouldn't be for a awhile, and they don't even live together yet, and they don't want that step, but someday. But I think you should live with a person before taking that leap into commitment, don't you think?

Lance, you listening? Hey Lance, you there? Shit, did I press the off button again?"

" No, I'm here."

" You didn't say anything got all worried you went and fell asleep on me."

" Although your voice does soothe and calm me, no, I wasn't sleeping'."

" Good, so man, I just filled you in on my life. What's with yours?"

" I, uh, I'm being called back to shoot, it was nice hearing from you. Bye Justin."

The next day

" Haylo!"

" Hello Justin."

" Joe, why the sadness in the voice?"

" Its Lance, he's in the hospital."

" What, why?"

" Car accident, please, just hurry."

" You cant up and die on me James! Not after everything, we've been through. I know, we said some shit, and well, it sounded like I moved on, but it was a mask. I'm moving in with Josh and Brit so I don't get all depressed. We can't fall apart like this. We can't be those puzzle pieces. I have too much faith in destiny, and in you and in me and in us."

" I'm sorry."

" Lancey? James? Oh God!"

" I'm sorry."

" No, you have nothing to be sorry over."

" Can you send Joey in?"

" Joey?"

" Yeah."

" Oh, okay."

" He wants you Joe."

" Sure."

" Joe, are and he, are you his, Joe, do I still have a chance?"

" That's not up to me Jus, it never has been and it never will be."

" But you two, are you, like, together."

" I guess you could say that. Why aren't you and Josh?"

" What? No, Jesus no!"

" Oh, that's why he came to me. Wires crossed I guess. Oh well. What can be done now. Sorry Jus. Its time to move on I guess."

" Move on? I don't know how to go anywhere without him by my side."

" Learn."

" You didn't have to say that shit to him Joe."

" Did you want me to?"

" I want to see if he still loved me, and not just cuz I'm in a bed. But for real. Damn it Joe, I could have lost him forever."

" Sometimes, you gotta lose something to realize how much you need it. He needs this time. Trust me."

" Trust you? My world is crumbling and you want me to trust you?"

" Lance, it'll work out in the long run."

" I'm glad you have faith. Because as of this moment it's lost on me."

" Don't say that."

" Joe, leave me alone now, I need to be alone."

"It was a set up? You honestly though I had stopped loving you? Maybe you didn't know me at all."

" No, I just, I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't."

" Yeah."

" Are we, is there a chance for us?"

" I don't know, I don't know anything anymore."

" Justin? I cant pretend to understand where we went wrong. But I'd like to pick up the pieces and make that pretty picture again."

" Really?"

" Really."

" I'll look under the rug, you take the vacuum."

" It's a deal."

" What if pieces are lost?"

" We'll find them, or we'll buy new ones, or make new ones."

" Okay, sounds like a plan."

" Yeah, a plan, and yet, the perfect puzzle, wouldn't you say so Justin?"

" Yeah I would James."

" Okay, get to it, there's dust under that rug, and I don't want you to miss a spot, so get to it."

" Okay, I get the hint. Rest up."

" I will."

" I love you James."

" I love you too Justin."

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