The Perfect Answer

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 3, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I awoke in darkness, a darkness so complete that I could not see my hand even though I lifted it to my face to touch my eyelids, make sure they were up, my eyes open. They were, and it was that dark, and I made a grunt of surprise.

"You're awake?" came a voice in the dark. Male, strong, certain of himself. "I was beginning to wonder."

I stirred, realized that I had a pounding headache. "Uhhhhh!" I said.

"How you feeling?" Not laced with concern, just a query to obtain information.

"I'm okay, I guess." I felt my head. "Am I blind?" A bandage was on the back of my head, not very well applied to the bump there.

"No, just no lights on in here."

I remembered the ship, then what had happened. "There was an explosion."

"Sure as hell was."

"I got hit on the head and...then what happened?"

"Breach in the left power core. About half the ship must have gone to blazes. You and me are in a part that still holds air."

"Oh." I digested that. I moved, realized that I wasn't wearing any clothes. Lying on a bare deck, too. "Where are my clothes?"

"What little wasn't blown off you by the explosion, I made into that bandage you're wearing."

"Oh. Uh, thanks." I moved myself onto my left side, began to feel around with my right hand. Hit a bare leg that wasn't mine just behind me, withdrew my hand hastily. "Sorry. I was just trying to figure things out."

"Not much to figure out. We're in a storage closet, about eight feet by eight feet by eight feet. The heater works and the air scrubber; we're safe and secure until we die of suffocation."

"Oh." I realized that I wasn't hearing anything but him and me, and things were so quiet that I was hearing my own breaths, my own heart, and his as well. "Oh, God!" I gasped out. "How long do you think we have?"

"You don't want to know." I had his voice placed now, it had confused me before. He was right behind me, lying on the floorplate there.

"I want to know!" I said, I didn't shout but my voice filled and more than filled this tiny little room. I could feel the walls closing in, feel the air getting thicker, stuffier already.

"I got the air scrubber in here going, so we won't drown in carbon dioxide, at least. Just oxygen starvation which is slower. It's been over two hours already, we have maybe another two hours before we pass out. Another hour or so and then...nothing."

"Two hours?"

"Yeah." I heard some sounds I couldn't figure out, sounds like a throat clearing and then spitting. I didn't understand that.

"Jesus Christ!" I sighed. "What are we going to do?"

"Well, now that you're awake, I know what I'm going to do." The guy talking to me moved his hand and grabbed my uppermost leg, lifted it up. I felt then that he was as naked as I was, and that he was pushing his spit-greased dong (that explained the spitting noises I'd heard) toward my anus. "The perfect answer to how to spend our final two hours of life." He said as these noises ceased.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Doing? I got another two hours to live. If you were a beautiful woman, I'd be fucking your pussy. Since you don't have a pussy, I'm going to fuck your ass."

"You're going to...fuck my ass?" Jesus, would I spend the last two hours of my life fending off a sex-crazed man?

"You can fuck mine when I'm done. I don't care. Don't you see, it doesn't matter? Nothing matters any more? Two more hours and we're dead, man! Dead! Maybe you want to die without doing it one more time, but I don't! So let me fuck you."

"I...I don't know." I squirmed away a bit more, ran up against a wall. I'd have to get up if I was to move any further. But...should I?

Two hours to live, and that in a cramped, totally dark room. I'd never even met my companion here, didn't know who he was. The ship had held some four hundred men on this trip, now most of them (all of them but us?) were lifeless corpses in space. Only he and I were alive. Our breaths still rising and falling in our chests, along with our hearts beating, our blood rushing, our bodies were alive, alive! Had this been some other sort of death sentence, there were so many other things I would have chosen...but stuck in a dark, featureless closet like this with the air rapidly running out...what else did we have? What did we have that could let us, for one final time, grasp life and relish it to its fullest?

He was right. The best thing we could do was spend our final two hours of life fucking as much as we could!

So when he pushed closer to me again, this time, I didn't pull away. Just curled my legs up and extended my buttocks toward him, and when his glans sidled in between my asscheeks and found the dimple of my sphincter, I just closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and waited for it to push on in.

"Yeah, that's how to do it." the guy grunted as his glans began to force itself at my anus. "Huh, uh! Damn, but you're tight!"

"It hurts." I complained. I'd never even thought about being fucked by another guy before! Shit, it didn't feel like a cock in my butt, it felt like a baseball bat! "Oh, God, it hurts!"

"You got to take it in you, then it'll stop hurting you!" he advised and pushed at me harder!

I yelled! "Oh, oh, God, Christ, take it out, it hurts, take it out!"

"The hell I will. Got to be done, so shut up and get used to it!" He shoved at me again, and I felt myself being split in two like a tree trunk being split by a wood wedge and a sledgehammer. Wham, wham, wham! He thrust at me and every thrust was a hammer-blow!

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, oh!" I grunted as I felt the huge shaft being driven into me. "Oh, God, oh, God, ooooh!" God, I was going to break wide open any second, split along my spine and lie in two equal-sized pieces of broken timber!

"That's got it." I heard through my pain and my violation. "Now I'm all the way in you. You just let that simmer a while and you'll see that it's going to feel good."

"It's all in?" I couldn't believe it. Lying there on the cold steel floor in the darkness, knowing that my life was ticking inexorably away the final seconds of my existence, so soon the darkness would be even deeper than the total blackness that it now held. I was wrapped in pain that screamed into the darkness from my very core, a thick, hard male column was pulsating in the center of that core, and now it was still, waiting like a panther about to spring upon its prey.

I don't know how all that would have boiled out, because the guy shifted and his arms came around me and his body pressed against mine, spoon-like, I found my nostrils filling with the simple male muskiness of his body's aroma. I felt his strength, his virility, his dominance, his power. He had found me somehow in the destruction that had been our ship, he had brought me through the darkness to this place of safety, he had bandaged my scalp which had been bleeding, he had given us these final hours.

To such a man...I could give myself. And in that decision, in that bath of maleness that was washing over me, my bowels released their stranglehold upon his tumescence, and he felt it and gave a small, male chuckle. "Yeah, you're ready for me now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah!" I moaned, and I meant it. I was ready for him to start fucking me, to share in that masculine sexual energy that beamed from him and wafted over me, and I would belong to him completely. Belonging to such a man, one can die in peace!

And his hips moved with a liquid motion, the way waves wash up onto the beach, and the sinuous slithering of his thighs turned his prong into a softly moving piston that bobbed in and out of my ass, and I was unsurprised that all the pain that had been involved in pushing that monstrous dong into me was now only pleasure at having so much virile male joy pulsing inside of me.

I groaned and sighed and snuggled back into him as he moved, and again I was treated to that rich deep chuckle that spoke to me of ancient jungles where our ancestors once dwelled, and in those rich tropical climates, we'd made love and populated all the trees, then branched out to the veldt, the desert, the mountains and the islands beyond the seas.

I'd never dreamed of pleasure like this, that I could lie in a dark room and have a man fucking my ass, a man I'd never met before, never seen even, who was only a voice in the dark, and a cock in my ass, and a body that held me in loving tender embrace. And it was here, it was now, and I was being made love to by this man, our last moments of life, and I'd spend it like this, and I knew now that I wasn't going to stop, one way or another, for as long as I could draw breath. Let me die like this, locked in sexual delight with this man, and one day in the distant future, someone could find us like this, dried out mummies in vacuum, but still locked in love!

"Ah, ah, ah!" I sighed as my delight built within me. "I never thought it could be like this!"

"Feels good to get fucked, doesn't it?" the guy said as his hips continued to ply their liquid grace to my nether regions.

"Oh, oh, yeah!" I panted. "Fuck me harder now, please, fuck me harder!"

"You got it!" and the guy rolled me so that I was on my face, my hips up in the air, resting on my face and my knees, and he was able to hump me lustily, his hands holding me in place while he rammed my butt.

I'd only thought I'd felt pleasure at being fucked before, now I knew the true height of joy at having a hard dong thrusting in and out of my butt! I lifted up onto my elbows and I howled like a wolf in heat while he rammed my ass so hard, I was shaken by every blow.

I moaned, writhed and hit my climax, my spunk splattered audibly onto the steel floor and rang out the joy I felt coursing through my veins as my cock blasted out jizz in bucket loads. Well, it felt that way, anyhow.

I slumped down, exhausted, as my orgasm ended, and my unknown lover groaned, began to hunch with a frantic urgency he hadn't shown before and then he shoved it into me hard, and his cock exploded into me, he ejaculated a heavy flood into my bowels and held onto me as he jetted his spunk-load, then he slumped onto my back, panting hard and moaning and his sweat poured onto me and I felt myself getting faint. More than faint, my God! Had it been two hours? So soon? No, oh, no, not so soon....

And the darkness closed in and I thought I was dying.

So when I awakened some time later, lying on a bed aboard a ship, my first mood was surprise. I'd been rescued? Space rescues just didn't happen!

"There you are!" came a very familiar voice. I knew it immediately, as I'd listened to it exclusively those final hours.

I turned my head and looked up at the man standing in the doorway. "You!" I could finally look upon the man who'd saved my life, the man who'd been loving me in those final moments.

Over six foot tall, blond-haired, square jawed, handsome as hell, strong as an ox with broad shoulders, slender waist, massive arms and a smile that could melt the coldest heart on Earth. I realized that he'd been the one fucking my ass a short time ago and I nearly fainted again at the knowledge. This man, this lover.

"Thought you weren't going to pull out of that coma for a while." the man went on.

"What happened?"

"They found us. They cut into the compartment and pulled us out of there. Of course, losing all our air pressure like that caused us both to pass out. They were ready for it, though and quick-popped us into a big plastic bubble full of air before our lungs could rupture, and hauled us back into their ship. I came to as they were taking us out of the bubble. You were still out so they brought you here to recuperate."

"Oh." I felt disappointed. Why would I be disappointed at surviving certain death?

"So, we get a free ride back to Earth and nothing to do for the rest of the trip but rest up and enjoy ourselves."

"Really?" I felt better already.

"You have any ideas what we can do to entertain ourselves for the next six weeks?" He leaned against the doorjamb and smiled like he already knew what I was going to say.

"I have the perfect answer." I said and smiled right back at him.

He came the rest of the way into the room, closing and locking the door behind him.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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