The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on Mar 6, 2021



The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

Chapter 9: Even the Hardest Shell Can Crack


Two Fridays later—almost the fourth week of the semester—I knocked on the door to Lincoln's dorm room in the evening. He'd been released from the psych ward two days ago after a seven-day stay, but according to Jerrick, he hadn't been ready to see anyone since he'd needed time to adjust.

The other Peters besides Buff had expressed the occasional concern, mostly to ask how Lincoln had been doing. Buff, on the hand, had remained silent about it, clearly not wanting to bother with the subject. If only I didn't have to share a bed with him. He sucked my dick every night and made me nut faster than anyone else had, knowing just how to seduce me with his expert mouth. I always told him I wasn't in the mood until the mood struck me enough to want more.

Every fucking night.

The door opened, and Jerrick appeared with a warm smile. We'd seen each other every day for a few minutes, mostly to discuss Lincoln. We'd exchanged numbers and had texted more, but we'd been so busy with school that we hadn't had the chance to get to know each other as well as I would've wanted. "Joker's here now," Jerrick said.

"Thanks." I walked inside, and I attempted an encouraging smile at Lincoln who sat on his bed. He wore a long-sleeve shirt and some jeans, all in black as if in mourning.

"I'll give you guys some privacy," Jerrick said, leaving the room and closing the door.

I sat on my former bed, still feeling weird that Jerrick slept here now. In some ways, I missed living in this room. If only Lincoln and I could've worked things out.

"Hi," Lincoln muttered. He couldn't meet my gaze. Instead, his head was down, and a hint of a frown tugged at my heartstrings. Just looking at him in that state, knowing what he'd done to himself, affected me.

"Hi." I was quiet for a while, the room awkwardly silent. Then, I sighed. "How are you feeling?" Was that a stupid question? I didn't know. I just needed to make conversation.

He shrugged in response, still looking at the floor.

I couldn't take this anymore. I wanted to be there for him, to make him feel better, to let him know that he mattered. I remembered feeling so freaked out when he'd moved too fast with his declaration of love, the blackmail, and the recording. I wanted to move on and focus on what I hoped could be a beautiful friendship.

I got up, stepped closer, and kneeled in front of him. I took his hands and tried to smile for him. "I want to be your friend. You're the first guy I met besides the RA, and definitely the first I got close to. I've never even lived with anyone who wasn't family until you."

Lincoln held in a breath and blew hard. He let go of my hands. "You can't show me this kind of affection right now, Pete, okay?"

I nodded, feeling more stupid than ever. "Sorry." I realized he still had feelings for me, and holding his hands probably triggered some of that when he was trying to move on. I needed to keep my distance, but I still wanted his friendship.

After a moment of silence, he started breaking down, trying hard to fight it until he failed.

I couldn't not give him a hug at the very least. He needed one. He needed to know he wasn't alone. I got up and sat next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry all he wanted. "You'll never have to be alone again. That's a promise."

Lincoln continued sobbing in muffles as his face was buried in my shoulder, hitting me with emotions that I kept in control. I might've not known what it was like to have a mental illness, but I knew enough to know that he needed support. He had no one. That much was clear.

I let go and wiped the tears off his face. "I meant every word in my voicemail."

He sniffled and nodded. "I know. Thanks."

"How's your family handling this?"

"They're not."

I lowered my eyebrows. "Really?"

"They don't care. Buff doesn't care. You and Jerrick are the only ones who do."

"Well, the other Peters asked about you a few times, so I'd say they care a little at least."

Lincoln didn't say anything else.

"Jerrick is a good guy."

Lincoln nodded but remained mute.

After yet another moment of silence, Buff appeared in my mind, and so did the club. There wasn't a contract that stated one had to remain a member for four years. "I think you should quit the Peters club."

"I can't."

"Why? Because Buff says so?"

"Because he doesn't trust that I won't tell anyone about what goes on in there. I even have to watch you take Jerrick's virginity like you did to me."

I sighed, rolling my eyes at Buff while feeling awkward about the deflowering ritual. "I fucking hate Buff."

"Really? Because you have sex with him every night, so I'd say you don't hate him that much."

Fuck. Of course, Buff would gloat about that. What could I say? It wasn't a lie. And was Lincoln upset about it? He'd sounded casual, maybe borderline snarky, so it wasn't easy to tell.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Want me to get that?" I asked.

Lincoln shrugged.

I got up and rushed to the door, and my heart raced.

Leah stood there, her eyes watering. She pursed her lips as if to suppress the urge to cry. She swallowed. "Why?"

Oh, fuck. Did she know something? "What's wrong?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. I could feel the nausea striking me hard from the growing paranoia.

She grabbed her phone from her jeans pocket, fiddled with it, and showed me a video of me on the bed I shared with Buff. I was getting my dick sucked by a girl I didn't even recognize, along with another unfamiliar girl sucking my nipples, both hot. There was no sound.

What the fuck?

"Now I know why you've been too busy lately." Leah shook her head with a look of disgust.

As much as I knew I'd been set up, since I'd clearly been asleep when that had happened, it was finally time to let her go. There was no point in winning her back if I'd wanted to break up with her for a while. The fact that she never had to know about my sexuality made me not care that my body was used by two hot, young women. Though, I still didn't like that I'd had to hurt her in the process.

I sighed. "It's true. I've been cheating on you with those girls. I'm not even going to come up with an excuse for what I did."

Leah pressed her lips together again, trying her hardest not to break down, tears falling. God, I'd hurt her. Really, really badly. Instead of being an adult about breaking up with her, I'd been a coward. At the same time, I didn't want her to do anything stupid if I'd been the one to break up with her instead, assuming she was on the verge of dumping me.

"They weren't...the only ones either."

Leah's eyebrows arched. "What?"

"I've been with almost ten so far. I'm sorry, Leah."

She controlled herself from crying and wiped her face. "Wow. You're so disgusting. I regret ever meeting you. It's definitely over between us. Don't ever contact me again." She rushed away.

Fuck. I was finally free, but the guilt had stricken me harder than ever. What a piece of shit I was. I sucked at being a good boyfriend. I'd been faithful all along until now. Well, maybe not. Maybe sniffing the straight jock's butt at the party over the summer counted as cheating too.

I went back inside the dorm room and closed the door. I headed back to Lincoln who still sat on his bed, and I sat next to him again.

He frowned. "I heard everything."

I nodded, trying to focus more on Lincoln than Leah since his situation was more life-threatening. But the guilt still lingered. "Yeah. I feel like a fucking dick for what I did."

"But she doesn't know the real truth, right?"

"That I've been with guys? No. Thank God."

"I'm sure Buff was behind this."

"The video was shot in our room, so yeah."

Lincoln raised his eyebrows. "There was a video?"

"Yeah, that was what she showed me. There were two girls sucking me off while I was asleep. It was a setup. So, yeah, Buff was definitely behind it."

Lincoln rolled his eyes. "But not like I can talk. I seduced you. I was the one who got you to start cheating."

I didn't need him to feel guilty. I wanted everything to be fine. I stroked his cheek. "As shitty of a boyfriend as I was, it's not your fault. I gave in. I could've fought it, but I didn't. And honestly? It needed to happen. I discovered just how much how I really enjoy being with guys. I don't want to go back to just girls. I'm bi, Lincoln. I like dick and man butt. I've been accepting it more lately. This is my chance to explore everything I can. It's why I'm not ready to be in a relationship anymore. I thought I was, but after feeling tied down, I realized I just needed to be single and enjoy life. You know?"

Lincoln gave me a nod. He inhaled and exhaled. "Will you come with me to my first appointment at the mental health clinic?"

"Of course. When is it?"

"Next week. It's after our classes, so you won't have to miss anything."

"I'm always here for you, Lincoln. Anytime."

"Thanks. I also want to learn how to have sex without my emotions getting in the way. After falling for you and then doing something stupid when you rejected me, I just...I don't want to go through that again."

"I could always teach you."


"Just because I'm not available for romance doesn't mean you can't have my body."

Lincoln paused for a moment. "I admit I'm getting...kind of horny."

That made my dick twitch, and I wanted to do whatever I could to make him happy, as long as he never had false hopes. I'd make sure to be explicit with him about my feelings each and every time. I needed to so that he could he always know what was up.

"But Jerrick might be back soon."

Now I was horny too. I couldn't wait to have another taste of Lincoln's juicy peach. "Well? Maybe I can fix that." I grabbed my phone from my jeans pocket and sent Jerrick a quick text to let him know that he could come back in an hour. After a fast reply, it was a done deal. "He won't be back for at least an hour."

Lincoln got up and wasted no time taking his clothes off. He climbed on the bed and got on all fours. He grabbed a bottle of lube from under his pillow. "I want to get used to you being inside me. And please don't ask me about the initiation gangbang because I'd rather forget that night ever happened."

"Of course." I smiled and got naked as well. "Keeping your lube handy under there, huh?"

Lincoln chuckled, the first sign of a positive mood. "Now that Jerrick lives here, it's just easier for me since I jerk off every night while he's asleep, and I don't have to get up to find it. I don't feel comfortable doing it in front of him."

"Have you ever been tempted to mess around with him?"

"Not really. I mean, if I have to as part of the Peters club, I'll do it, but you and maybe Himbo and Hush are way more my type."

"Not even Twunky or Fabio?"

"Eh. Like with Jerrick, if I have to, I'll do it. But I prefer bigger guys."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm not really that big."

"But you're not thin either. You have some meat on you. And a nice ass too."

I grinned. "You like my ass?"

"I do. Wish I didn't have to be just a bottom. I mean, I have a cock too, you know? But Buff will take your virginity anyway, so, whatever." Lincoln frowned a little but then regained his decent mood.

Ugh, Buff. He was the virginity taker, and I really didn't want to have to give mine up to him. Ideally, since he had the smallest dick out of all of us (assuming Jerrick wasn't smaller), I would've preferred him. But I hated him, and he could fuck off with his mean and cocky nature.

I sighed, playing with my leaking dick. "He thinks he can take any virginity he wants."

"Why let him, Pete?"

"I have no choice, though, right?"

"Well, I mean, you have no choice but to let him fuck you, but you do have a choice when it comes to who gets to take your virginity. He doesn't have to know."

That was a good point. How would Buff know if I'd probably still be tight back there? Plus, it didn't seem like he was planning to fuck me anytime soon. I didn't want him to be my first. Suddenly, after everything Lincoln had gone through—the humiliation and punishment and suicide attempt—and after my friendship with him had finally started picking back up with so much promise, I wanted to give him what was probably special to him. He'd given me his virginity, only for me to crush his hopes of winning my love. I didn't care if he'd blackmailed me with the recording. I'd forgiven him, and he'd forgiven me. We were starting fresh, and that meant a lot to me.

I took in a deep breath and released it. Then, I climbed on the bed and got on all fours right next to Lincoln. "Take my virginity. It doesn't really mean much to me anyway." Was I ready, though? Would it hurt?

His eyebrows flew up. "Really?"

"Yep. Just go easy on me, okay?"

"Wow." Lincoln got up the bed, lubed his dick, and got back on the bed. He was on his knees behind me, and he remained there, just stroking himself. "Thanks, Pete. This means so much to me." And it showed. In fact, his mood had just skyrocketed, and it was great to see him happy for once. Genuinely happy.

"Hey, I'd rather you take it than Buff—"

The door flew open, startling me and Lincoln. Sure as shit, it was Buff.

Oh, fuck.

I flipped around and sat on my butt, and looking him in the eye was suddenly a challenge. How did he get in here? Had I forgotten to lock the door after Jerrick had left?

Lincoln got up, his dick wobbling from the motion, and he couldn't look at Buff either.

"How did you get in here?"

Buff shut the door. "I have a keycard for this room because I'm the leader. So, what the fuck's going on in here?" He was pissed. Really pissed. And when he was pissed, he didn't think rationally. He was capable of anything.

I swallowed. "We didn't do anything just yet."

"Just yet? Were you actually going to let Joker fuck you? I saw you on all fours like you were about to get fucked."

I rolled my eyes. "And? You don't own my ass."

"Except I do, Chosen One."

"Fuck you, Buff," I muttered.

That definitely didn't sit well with him since he quickly walked toward me and pulled out his phone from his jeans pocket. He fiddled with it and then showed me the video of the initiation ritual. But something was different from the uploaded version. Only my face wasn't blurred out while everyone else's were. "It would suck if this leaked, wouldn't it? Our subscribers would finally get to know what one of us looks like."


"Thank God the rest of us are safe." A crooked smirk spanned Buff's lips. "You, though? Not too sure anymore. You'd lose everything, wouldn't you?"

I would, and Buff knew just how tight his hold on me was. I might as well have been chained to him. I got up and got dressed. Then, I looked at him, my mood sinking faster than ever. "I hate you so much. I regret the day I knocked on your day."

"You're just mad right now. If it's any consolation, you'll always have a home in the Peters' suite, outed or not. You're a Peter, and Peters don't abandon each other."

"Pfft. But you certainly go out of your way to blackmail the fuck out of me. And I bet it was you who broke me and Leah up, huh?"

"Yep, and it was my pleasure too. Besides, who are you kidding? I did you a favor because you were stuck with her."

Admitting that Buff was right only made me feel worse.

"Look, Chosen One, you're used to doing whatever you want, so these consequences will help tame your rebellion."

What the fuck was he on about? What sense did that make? "Whatever happened to me being a god? Or was that just to fuck with my head for kicks?"

"Oh, you still are a god, Chosen One. I'd never lie about that. But even gods need to be trained to grow strong and powerful."

"That doesn't make sense. If I'm a god, I'm a god, period. And that automatically makes me above you."

That crooked smirk again. "No one's above me. In the Peters club, the leader is still the top."

I rolled my eyes. "What a pointless title I have, then."

As soon as Lincoln's breathing hardened, I remembered just how triggering this could be for him. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him into my arms, and I gave him a squeeze. "I'm sorry if this getting to you. I don't want you to be upset."

"He'll get over it," Buff said in an apathetic tone. "Now, as for his punishment for trying to steal what's mine—"

I let go of Lincoln and faced Buff again. "Leave him alone. He's been through enough."

"Not my problem."

"Well, it's my problem. Do whatever the fuck you want to me, but leave him out of this. Besides. It wasn't even his fault. I...begged him to." Anything to protect Lincoln.

Buff snorted. "Bullshit."

"It's true." I turned around and groped my own ass as if to seduce Buff, feeling weird already. "Maybe I want to know what it's like to be a used slut since you own me anyway. Even you want it, right?" God, what an odd thing to say. I'd never pictured myself being a bottom to anyone, and I hadn't been ready to give it up to Lincoln. But I'd been willing to do it under special circumstances.

Buff shook his head. "No, this is wrong. I don't like this at all."

I turned around to face him again.

"I don't want you to be a used cumdump. That's not your role. We already have someone for that come October." Buff looked at Lincoln with a look of disgust. "I'm so glad I never fucked you in the initiation ritual like I said I would. The thought of touching you like that grosses me out, so I'm glad the other Peters did it instead. But you won't be punished now since Chosen One was the one who wanted to experiment."

My heart lifted with relief.

Buff looked back at me. "I don't want you to feel like your godly title is useless. I'm starting to realize you do. Maybe that's why you feel the need to emasculate yourself by taking it up the ass, like you're worthless or something when you're not. I'm not letting that happen, especially not by Joker."

For some reason, and I couldn't explain why, I felt relieved to hear that. Maybe I really wasn't ready to get fucked just yet. I wasn't entirely against being a bottom, but it also didn't feel natural to me. "But you said you'd take my virginity."

"I know. If you took mine, that would've happened." Buff approached me and gave me a deep kiss. Then, he moved his lips to my ear and whispered, "I love how manly you are. You were practically a straight guy until you came up here. You know how fucking hot that is to me?"

"I was with Lincoln first—"

Buff gently shushed me. "You were still straight until you met me. That's the real story."

It wasn't the real story at all. But now that it was clear how attached to me Buff really seemed to be, I wondered if I could use it to my advantage.


"Chosen One, don't ever get fucked," Buff whispered in my ear. "I've changed my mind about that. You can't ever get fucked from now on. I realize that a true god never gets fucked, and you deserve to be worshiped like one once you stop rebelling against me. And I might even let you take my virginity to show you just how much of a true god you are."

Fuck, my dick was getting hard now. I hated Buff, but sometimes, I just wanted to pin him down and fuck the shit out of him for being an asshole. Plus, he was super horny now. I could see it in his face and hear it in his voice. Was he really into man worship? Maybe this god thing was more for his own sexual gratification.

Buff groped my bulge and formed a crooked smirk. Then, he looked at Lincoln. "You see, Joker? He talks all this shit out of anger, but in reality, he's just sexually frustrated. He knows he can't reject me because I let him blow off some steam with me. He knows I'll treat him good tonight. On our bed."

I glanced at Lincoln who sported a frown, my heart sinking just by me watching him be taunted like that. I turned back to Buff. "Why are you such a nasty prick? What the fuck happened to you in your life to make you be this evil?"

Buff let go of my bulge and pursed his lips for a moment, his face reddening a bit. "That's none of your business."

Had I struck a nerve? Maybe I should find a way to make it my business. He knew more about me than I'd ever told him, all through the power of his dirty investigation.

He crookedly smirked, unzipped my jeans, and kneeled in front of me. He pulled my dick out and started sucking with vigor, knowing just good he made me feel. He stopped and glanced at Lincoln. "This hard cock doesn't lie. Delicious too." He resumed the blowjob.

Lincoln got dressed in a hurry.

"Lincoln, wait..." I said, fighting Buff's fantastic mouth. "Buff, no, he's—"

"Just forget it," Lincoln muttered. "It's fine. He wins every time."

Buff stopped to say, "I do." Then, he continued.

Lincoln rushed out of the dorm room, making me feel so conflicted now.

I pulled out of Buff's mouth and started putting my dick back inside.

He grabbed my wrist while remaining on his knees. "Don't." He pulled my dick back out. "Let me worship you, God. Let me grow close to you. Take our brotherhood to a new level."

The more he acted like that, the more hopeful I was that I could get somewhere with him to take the leverage away from him.

"But what about Twunky? I thought you loved him?"

Buff wrinkled his forehead. "Loved? What the fuck? When did I ever say that?"

"Oh. I just...I thought."

He laughed. "You thought wrong. He's just mine to own for fun."

I rolled my eyes. "Just like you own everything."

"Not necessarily."

"Well, you own me. Not that I had a choice."

"Oh, Chosen One. See? This is why you have so much to learn and why you need me to train you. I just told you I'd be willing to give up my virginity to you. No man has ever made me feel like that. What do you think that tells you? Think, Chosen One. Think real hard. I'd like to believe it's a little obvious."

Oh, fuck. Was this an opportunity in the making? Was I able to own him and have him do whatever I wanted? I tried hard not to get ahead of myself, acting cool instead. "I guess I just don't like being owned, Buff. It makes me feel emasculated." I was willing to feed him whatever passive-aggressive bullshit I could to make him open up to me.

Buff shook his head, looking a little serious. "I don't want you to feel like that. Oh, Chosen One, you're such a real man. I could just...fuck."

"What? Worship me? Because I'd be honored and pleased if you did that."

"Yeah?" That hopeful face just opened up a little crack for me to crawl right through.

"Buff, you've always been special to me. But when you make threats and blackmail me, how can I ever trust you, you know?"

"It's for your own good, though. I still take care of your needs every night." Was he trying to show emotion but holding back?


Instead of talking some more, I shoved my dick back inside his mouth to show him the dominance he'd shown me. I roughened my voice without sounding dramatic. "Take this big fucking dick. This is how a god uses what's his."

Buff unzipped his jeans in a hurry and started beating off furiously. This was turning him on so much.

"Your mouth is mine to use, and my sacred cum is yours to swallow."

Faster and faster, hungry moans coming out of him in mumbles while he slurped away.

"You have the best mouth I've ever had on my dick. I've been with girls before, and you put them to shame."

He stopped and looked like he wanted to smile but held back. "Yeah?"

I nodded. "And you're right, Buff. I really was straight. The thought of being with another guy used to gross me out like you just don't believe. Until you changed me. I don't know how you did it, but you did."

God, look at that proud expression on his face. I'd just made his day. He continued sucking me while jerking himself off. It was true about his skilled mouth, though. The more he blew me, the more I realized just how amazing he was at it. So amazing that it wasn't long before I grunted and started nutting inside his mouth.

He swallowed every drop, pulled me out of his mouth, and licked his slobbery lips at me.

I smiled as I caught my breath. "That was my offering. It's sacred and all for you."

Still on his knees, Buff looked like he'd just melted from what was probably an intense fetish. Those softening eyes told me something. He'd never gazed at me like that before. This was a new shared experience. What did it mean?

Well, what I did know was that I'd finally found a weakness. Buff loved bossing people around, but what he didn't want anyone to know was that he loved being bossed around too. He wanted to worship me? He wanted to make me a god with the kind of virility and dominance that captivated him? Perfect. I'd slip through the crack I'd just made until I burrowed my way deep inside, causing even bigger cracks. It was time I finally knew what was really going on, what had really happened in his life to make him how he was. I didn't know how I'd do it just yet, but I knew I had to do something. And when I did, I'd use it against him.

And finally destroy him.


To be continued...



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DISCLAIMER: All character names/details in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 10

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