The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on Feb 18, 2021



The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

Chapter 3: Meet the Peters


Okay, so maybe I'd been a little nervous this first week of the semester as to why I'd waited until Friday evening to meet the Peters. I'd even left a cryptic note for them the other day, telling them I'd stop by there today. I'd slipped it under their door, so I hoped one of them had gotten it.

Also, what had been going on with Lincoln these days? Ever since I'd left to take care of stuff on the day we'd messed around, he'd been acting different around me. He seemed a bit more reserved, and he'd started wearing a shirt during sex. Granted, all we'd been doing was make out and jerk each other off, but it made no sense why he needed a shirt. It was bad enough that he no longer wanted me to be anywhere near his butt, not even to see it, which was a far cry from our first time together. I didn't buy his "too cold" excuse. Maybe his tattoo got all fucked up from my cum and he was embarrassed? But...tattoos shouldn't have done that.


I took a shower in the communal bathroom on the second floor. There were plenty of shower stalls, toilet stalls, urinals, sink counters with mirrors, and a small changing room. It was a large space, so I rarely had to wait for a turn. I also had shower shoes and a shower caddy, which helped.

While still there, I put on a decent T-shirt and some jeans. I returned to my dorm room to check up on Lincoln, but he was gone. Maybe he had plans or something.

I got a text from Leah telling me she missed me. Oh, Leah. The guilt came and went periodically every day. I'd texted her minutes ago that I'd had an important meeting with a study group, lying to her again. She'd at least made a couple of new friends, and they were having a girls' night out tonight. It worked out perfectly for me.

But the fucking guilt felt like shit.

I left my dorm room and walked across the hallway toward the enclosed space where the flights of steps were. I reached the fourth floor and headed all the way down to the end of the hallway, the last door to my right. Here was where all the suites were. Each floor started from the singles near the enclosed staircase, then to the doubles (mine), the triples, the quads, and ended with the suites. Each suite had two actual bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room, just like a small apartment. Whoever lived in this unit must've been relevant with enough money to afford living here.

I knocked on the door, and my heart raced a little. What exactly would happen? Was it a club or something? A secret society? Everything was just so vague that it was impossible to know.

The door opened. A muscular jock with a beefy build stood there, tallish like me, arms crossed and only one corner of his mouth lifted. He, too, had on a T-shirt and jeans, probably more expensive than mine by the looks of it. But damn, he was fucking hot, and my dick twitched just at the sight of him. He had hazel eyes, a brown fauxhawk, and sun-kissed skin. I bet he had a big bubble butt too. "Who are you?" His voice was intimidatingly deep, the kind of serious tone that made anyone lose their tongue.

I swallowed. "Um, Pete Sanzo."

"What are you here for?" Seriously?

"The, um, invitation." Fuck, now my heart was pumping faster. I couldn't have gotten the wrong room. There was no way.

"What invitation?"

Great. "I...don't know. It was vague."

"Tell me a specific name on that invitation." He wasn't letting this go. Fuck.

Think, think. Oh! Duh. "The Peters."

A smirk spread across his lips, one mouth corner still higher than the other like a crooked version. "Just testing you. Come in." He stepped back to let me inside, and he closed the door.

The door led to a tiny hallway, like an enclosed foyer, and everything was to my left. It looked like a typical big dorm room, sporty and bacheloresque. There were four other jocks here, all sitting on the couches with the sports channel on. Nice. They were all smooth-looking, in top shape, and hot as fuck. Yep, I'd probably sniff them.

"Let me introduce you, Pete," said the one who'd opened the door. "I'm Buff Peters, the leader. Whatever I say, goes, you got that?" He wasn't mean about it, but he definitely loved control.

I gave him a nod.

"That's Twunky Peters closest to you." Twunky was of average height. He did look twunkish but still jock-y enough to fit in. He had a brownish-reddish crewcut, blue-gray eyes, and a sun-kissed tone like Buff. God, he looked so fucking serious. Could he lighten up?

"Hey, how's it going?" Twunky asked in a deepish, reserved voice.

"I'm good," I said.

"That's Fabio Peters beside Twunky," Buff continued. Fabio was a really tall, blue-eyed blond with a medium build, and he looked kind of like a model with his nicer clothes and stylish hair. He looked the most dazed of the group, giving me a whatever look.

"Hi, Pete, nice to meet you," Fabio said in a deeper voice. But his tone sounded like he was stoned.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too," I said.

"On the other couch, that's Himbo Peters," Buff continued. Himbo was a little thicker than Fabio and even taller, the tallest of them all. He had a dark-brown crewcut, blue eyes that were pretty to gaze into, and the lightest skin of the group, but not as pale as Lincoln.

Himbo formed a cute little smile. "Hi, hi, glad you're here."

"Thanks," I said, trying to be polite.

"And that's Hush right next to Himbo," Buff continued. Hush was the only guy of color besides me, a tall Black guy with a short fade, also with a medium build. He seemed a little reserved and didn't say anything, just gave me a small smile. But he seemed friendly enough, I supposed.

I nodded, forcing a smile on my face because it was so awkward being here for a specific purpose unbeknownst to me.

"We have just one more, not counting the virgin sacrifice."

Virgin sacrifice? Okay?

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Well, well. That might be him. Let's hope so we can get started."

As Buff turned around, my prediction had been right. He really did have a big bubble butt. What did it smell like? What did all these butts around me smell like? As long as they were reasonably clean, I'd be in heaven to get the chance. Then, I'd eat each and every one of them.

As Buff opened the door, I wasn't shocked to Lincoln showing up. I remembered that there'd been a note for him too. I was more surprised he'd chosen the same evening to come here since we hadn't mentioned it to each other. Definitely a pleasant coincidence. He wore a decent T-shirt and some jeans like everyone else here.

It was amusing to watch him be as intimidated as I was when Buff interrogated him, obviously a club code to be safe, which meant everything was top secret. But what exactly went on in here?

Buff let Lincoln inside and closed the door, heading back to the same spot.

I smiled warmly at Lincoln. He was still reserved and different, and I couldn't understand what had gone wrong. Had I done something? Was he upset with me?

Buff introduced him to the others, and then, he sighed. "So, guys. Welcome to the Peters. We're a private brotherhood of jocks who look out for each other. Even our needs when they need to be met." He formed a crooked smirk. "Because, you know, a hole is a hole in this brotherhood. We don't care what your sexuality is because it doesn't exist to us. We unleash our animalistic nature when need be and call it a day."

I nodded, wondering where this was headed. "So...why me? And my roommate over here?"

"Well? I'm really close with the RA. We're good buds, and he fills me in on all the new freshmen. I'm a junior, by the way. I became the leader over the summer after the previous one graduated. Gotta be a student here in this brotherhood since it requires living in Peterson Hall."

"I see." I glanced at Lincoln who just stood there, probably uncomfortable or something. But then again, he was a self-proclaimed slut who might've fantasized about this like a dream come true.

Buff looked at me. "When you gave us the note the other day, we made sure to contact your roommate so that we can start the initiation ritual."

I lowered my eyebrows. "Initiation ritual?"

"Yep. All newcomers are required to participate or else they can't become a Peter. Speaking of which, we need to give you both your new Peter names. We do this as a way to be discreet, which is extremely crucial. No one outside of the Peters can ever know what goes on in here, much less know our real names."

"Like a secret society?"

"Pretty much, but I think it's more than that. Anyway, a Peter name has to be something relatable to you but also something we can perceive you as. Let me explain why the others have their names."

I waited for Buff to continue. What an enthusiast. He was clearly passionate about all this.

"So, Twunky is the true definition of a twunk. He's a fucking hunk and a borderline twink, which is why he's on the leaner side but with muscles. He has a boyish face and he's absolutely hairless everywhere."

I studied Twunky for a moment. He did have a boyish face, but Himbo seemed a bit more youthful despite being taller and thicker than Twunky. Oddly enough, Lincoln was the thinnest of all of us. He had more of a twunk body in my eyes.

Buff looked a bit horny. "He looks like a sexy boy band member, huh?"

I chuckled. "I guess."

Buff wrinkled his forehead. "What do you mean you guess?" Why was he serious all of a sudden? Was he offended?


"Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that," I said quickly. "He's really hot, and I agree with you."

"He's more than hot." Buff eyed him with some kind of spark in his hazel eyes. Did he have a thing for him? "He's fucking beautiful and sexy. Come on, Twunky. Show Pete just how sexy you really are. You know what to do."

Twunky sighed. He didn't seem to be in the mood. Boy band members were supposed to be perkier than that, which was why I didn't agree with Buff. Twunky got up, and he shocked me when he undid his jeans and pulled them down. He turned around, bent over, and spread his cheeks to reveal his pink punker."

Fuck, my dick responded with full delight at that hairless hole, not that I preferred them that way. I didn't really have a preference since Lincoln's hairy hole was just as hot. I almost licked my lips at that cute, round butt that was on the smaller end.

Buff gave me a crooked smirk. "I bet you want a taste of that, huh?"

I chuckled and didn't say a word. How would I answer to that in front of everyone? The fact that I'd never been with a guy until Lincoln and was still exploring gay stuff was overwhelming enough. Though, it was nice to know that I didn't have to hide my sexual interests here.

"He's actually been losing some weight after he gained a few extra pounds. He's on a strict diet now. No more sugary shit or chips. I'm probably starving the fuck out of him, but he'll thank me later. Don't want him becoming an ugly fat ass, you know?"

Twunky rolled his eyes, still looking moody. He sat back down. Did he even want to be here? I turned my head toward Lincoln, and he didn't seem all that thrilled himself. Was I more interested in the group than he was?

"Anyway," Buff continued. "Fabio is kind of self-explanatory. I mean, he could totally be on the cover of a romance novel, not that we read that girly shit."

Ugh. This was exactly why I never told anyone I read that shit myself, including gay romance. I couldn't help it.

"He does some modeling on the side too. Actually, the virgin sacrifice himself is an actual full-time model. You'll meet him soon."

"What's that all about that?" I asked.

"The virgin sacrifice?"


"I'll get to that in a moment So, anyway, Himbo's just a dumbass with pretty eyes and no brain."

Himbo laughed softly as if not realizing he'd just been insulted. No ounce of pain visible in his mood.

"Hush is quiet for the most part," Buff continued.

And he was right. Hush just gave me a small smile like the last time.

"And me, I'm Buff because I am. And...well...I'm kind of a huge Buffy fan, so it fits."

I nodded. I was surprised. He didn't strike me as the type, not that guys couldn't like watching Buffy.

"So! Let's start with this dorky dude here." Buff gave him Lincoln a crooked smirk and pulled him toward his arm. "Don't be shy now. You're on the verge of becoming a Peter, so lighten up, bro."

Poor Lincoln. He was clearly not enjoying this. If only he could talk to me more, tell me what was really going on.

Buff smirked crookedly at Lincoln. "I'd name you dorky, but...nah. I think Joker has a better ring to it. You're the least attractive out of us, the palest, the thinnest, and you like to lie a lot."

I couldn't stand here and watch Lincoln being bullied like that. "Hey, Buff, don't you think you're being a little harsh?" I tried to be polite since he was the leader.

"Oh, no, Pete. You see. There's a special reason I invited him to join. Out there in the hall was just an act because I have to treat all of you equally. He's actually my stepbrother, and he wants to show you something."

Stepbrother? I would've never guessed.

Buff gave Lincoln a serious expression. "Take off your clothes."

Lincoln inhaled and exhaled. "I trusted you," he said under his breath. The deep sadness on his face was hard to watch, and this club started to seem a little Mean Girl-esque.

"I'm doing you a favor, Lincoln."


"By being more honest. It's why I'm calling you Joker Peters because you look like the character, and your lies are like jokes."

All this time, I'd never imagined that my perception had been completely different. Lincoln was so hot in my eyes. I didn't understand why he was treated like the ugly duckling. It didn't make any sense. And lies like jokes? What was going on?

"Now do it. Take your clothes off. Now." Buff wasn't playing around.

Lincoln panted as he removed his T-shirt, his eyes glistening with emotion. He kicked off his shoes and unzipped his jeans. He peeled them off, remaining in just a jockstrap.

"Actually, you can leave those on. Easy access. Now turn around and show Pete why I named you Joker Peters."

Lincoln started trembling, swallowing and not saying a word.

"Turn. The fuck. Around. Quit testing my patience and obey the leader."

"I'm sorry, Pete," Lincoln muttered while gazing into my eyes. He turned around, and his S.L.U.T. tattoo had vanished. What the fuck? He'd lied the whole time?

Buff formed a crooked smirk. "You see, Pete? No tattoo. He told me everything like a fool. He's not a fucking slut. He's just a great actor. He's a virgin incel who can't get laid, and he has a big fucking crush on you. I know, I know, it's creepy because too fast, but that's him. He also wants to lose his virginity to you, but I have other plans instead."

Oh, fuck. This club was toxic. I didn't care if I needed to know more about it. I didn't want to know more. "You know what? I think I'm starting to change my mind about this."

Buff wrinkled his forehead. "...What do you mean? About the Peters?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but I promise I won't say a word. Nice meeting you guys, though."

Buff let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Nice try, Pete, but that's not how it works. You've been invited to the initiation ritual. I can't take the chance by letting you leave and possibly ratting us out."

"I won't do that, I promise."

"Nah, I can't take that risk." Buff sighed and stepped closer to me. "You know, Pete? I kind of like you. I have so many plans for you. After Lincoln trusted me and told me everything, since I have my ways to make him talk, I now know it was fate to have chosen you. You're the Chosen One, Pete. The one with the biggest cock holds that title."

What the fuck? I glared at Lincoln with rising anger, but he barely looked back like the coward he was. What else had he told Buff? I could no longer trust him like I'd thought.

Buff glanced at Hush. "Sorry, bro. I know you were on the verge of earning the title because of your big-ass cock, but Pete here got you beat. He's bigger than you, and you're now the second-biggest, which means you can't be the Chosen One."

The Chosen One? What the fuck was that? Hush looked sad, and I suddenly wanted to give him the title that I'd never asked for. He could have it for all I cared. I was out. Fucking out.

I blew a big breath. "Yeah, no, I think I'm out. Sorry."

Buff gripped my arm with force and gave me an intimidating stare. "What would Leah say if she found out you like cock?"

Oh, shit.

"And your parents? I hear you have a nice trust fund waiting for you to get your hands on when you turn twenty-five. Be a shame if you lost over your love for cock and sniffing ass and all that gay stuff."

How did he know that! Who the fuck was this creep? God, Lincoln! I couldn't believe it. I narrowed my eyes at Buff. "Are you blackmailing me into staying?"

"No. I'm making sure that fate remains fate. You were meant to be here, Pete. Even your name fits our brotherhood. Unless it's Pedro, but it still means Peter. That's not a coincidence."

I was fucked. Royally fucked. There was no way out now. This had all been a setup, and I couldn't put my finger on how it had even happened besides the fact that Lincoln was a weasel and had unloaded so much about me.

I gave him a mean look. "You're a fucking traitor."

Lincoln didn't say anything. He just stood there with a deep frown, and his first tear shed.

"He is. But there's a reason for that."

"What?" I was no longer in the mood for anything.

"He wanted to date you and you rejected him, treated him like a piece of ass and nothing more."

So, that was what it was. The fuck. I hadn't even known he was serious, and he'd barely mentioned anything.

"This is why he's not allowed to have you be his first. We're all going to fuck him, and you, our Chosen One, are going to watch."

Why was my dick twitching now? This wasn't right, yet I was starting to get hard at the thought of watching a gay orgy that I'd only seen in porn. But as mad at Lincoln as I was, it suddenly meant something to me that he'd wanted to lose his virginity to me. Besides, I was a hypocrite. I'd been lying to Leah, and I'd cheated on her. I was no better.

"You don't need a Peter name. You're the Chosen One now. You get special treatment."

Twunky got up and managed a stronger smile, the first time he seemed like in a decent mood. But why was he getting undressed? "He's right. You are the Chosen One. And all of us will give you our holes to use whenever you please."

Himbo nodded and got up, expressing a cheerful face while also taking his clothes off. "You're God now." He laughed like a dork.

"Our God," Fabio added as he got up, getting naked as well.

Hush got up and still looked sad, but he joined the others and got naked too. Damn, he was fucking big, but it was true that I was a tad bigger, which suddenly sucked. "You're God." His first word, albeit with reluctance, and he'd barely said it in a really deep voice. He'd wanted this title, and I'd fucking taken it from him without even asking for it. I'd walked in here and gotten it simply for having a bigger dick, just like that.

Like the fucking Miss Universe 2015 mix-up.

And I hated it.

Buff finally joined in, and I was now the only one with clothes on besides Lincoln who was still in his jockstrap. Buff sighed, forming a rare smile that wasn't as crooked as normal, more like being a little emotional. "This is beautiful. We're brothers now. I can feel and smell the carnal energy already."

My dick. If only it would stop growing. Buff was right, though. It smelled like total man in here, no cologne, and I fucking loved it.

"See, Chosen One? Your bulge is getting bigger. I know you like this. You're just fighting it because you're scared. And I get that. It's not every day we have a unique experience like this."

My heart sank so deep, a frown itching to form. I was horny, but I still wanted to leave. "Let me out, please?"

Buff shook his head, but he wasn't upset. "No. We can't do that. Chosen Ones can't leave. And if you try to, I swear on my fucking life you'll regret it. You don't know what I'm capable of, so just stay and enjoy this brotherly journey together for the next four years."


I tried to fight being a little depressed while also getting turned on. Had it been some normal orgy, I'd have gone out of my way to join. But it was more than that.

It was a fucking cult.

Buff glanced at all of us. "Let's start the initiation ritual, shall we?"

The others besides me and Lincoln nodded.

Buff grabbed Lincoln's arm, his eyes boring into his. "It's part of the rules that we share each other in all rituals, and believe me, I really don't want to have to fuck your ugly ass, not to mention that you're practically family now that our parents are married. But I have no choice. I'll just go last so I can at least get turned on a bit by watching." He pushed him toward the center of the room, but not hard enough to make him fall.

What a liar and a traitor, but Lincoln had done what he'd done because I'd rejected him. Even though I wasn't interested in dating him, I knew how much it meant to him for me to be his first. It was the least I could do so that he could remember his first time forever with no regrets.

I swallowed, giving Buff my full attention. "Let me participate so that I can take his virginity. Please?"

"Sorry, but that's not the plan. He needs to be punished so that he can learn never to do that to any of us. We need to make sure he can be trusted, so he needs to learn a hard lesson that he'll never forget."

I stepped closer to Buff and played with his cock, trying not to get too turned on because I'd totally have sex with him. "Then, let me have a serious conversation with him first, at the very least, and then, I'll watch you guys fuck the shit out of him."

Buff sighed, probably annoyed. "You're the Chosen One, so if this is what you really want, then I guess I'll grant you your wish." He grew more serious, maybe suspicious. "But don't ever think that means you get to boss us around and abuse your godly title. Remember, I'm still the leader. You might be the head, but I'm the neck to guide you to the right direction. I'm here to make sure you make all the right decisions."

I nodded. "Of course. Just give us an hour and we'll be back here for the initiation ritual, okay?"

Buff's eyebrows shot up. "An hour? Why?"

"He betrayed me. He told you something deeply personal. That requires more than just a few minutes of talking it out."

"What, the butt sniffing? So? We'll let you do that anytime you want. We'll be clean, no worries."

I couldn't look at anyone after he'd said that. It was such a humiliating fetish. "It's more than just that. You're trapping me here for four years. The least you can do is give me an hour to talk to him. Don't you want us to get along as brothers with no issues?"

Buff nodded with reluctance. "Fine. We'll wait. But it'd better not be longer than that."

"It won't. We'll be back." I glanced at Lincoln. "Get dressed. We don't have a lot of time."

He nodded and did as told, and I led the way out and into the hallway. Now that the door was shut, I stopped and gazed into Lincoln's green eyes. I made sure to lower my voice just to be safe. "Do you really want me to be your first?"

"Yeah." His eyes watered. "Pete, I'm sorry, I know I fucked up. He has his ways of getting me to spill stuff." For such a virile man, he sure was emotional.

"But you did it out of revenge because you didn't get to date me."

Lincoln didn't say a word, but he knew how guilty he was.

"We'll talk about that some other time. But now, we're going back to our room, and I'm going to fuck you, take your virginity just like you wanted, and you're going to be quiet about it. Because I'm doing this for you, even though you don't fucking deserve it."

"What if the others can tell that you fucked me?"

"They might not be able to. But just in case, I'll make sure Himbo goes first. He probably won't even know a thing."

Lincoln nodded. He couldn't fool me. Despite looking guilty, I could see a hint of anticipation. He'd wanted my dick all along, and he was finally going to get it. I might've been angry with him, but now, I was fucking horny.

And that hot ass was mine now.


To be continued...



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DISCLAIMER: All character names/details in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 4

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