The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on May 30, 2021



Bending Butts Bending Rules

Chapter 2: Aaron Officially Becomes Rock (Hard)


I remained here in the Peters' suite, rock hard through my jeans. I was ready for all the action I could get. What else did the Peters club have to offer?

Fabio smiled at me, albeit a bit reserved, but still friendly enough to make me feel wanted here. "From this day forward, you're no longer to be called Aaron, just as the rest of us don't refer to each other as our real names. Your Peters name must be something you can connect with and what we can perceive you as, chosen by me as the leader."

Twunky finally attempted a little smile, no longer serious. "He'd hard as a rock, both cock and body."

Himbo chuckled. "He reminds me of The Rock."

Really? I definitely didn't resemble The Rock, at least not in the face. Though, I'd been told multiple times I looked a wrestler, so there was that.

"He reminds me more of the old Chosen One," Fabio added. "Hopefully, you'll be loyal to the club and more enthusiastic and active. We don't need another deadbeat member taking advantage of the perks."

"Perks?" I asked.

"Yes. You should see your college tuition balance discounted for as long as you're a Peter. You don't have to worry about room and board costs, books, food. And while it may seem like you'll get all the sex you could ever want from all of us, we like to think of it as bonding. We do have sex with each other quite often, which is required to be an active member, but it's how we bond."

My blue balls. Shit. I could burst so easily right now. I looked at all these hotties with hunger.

"You look tense," Twunky said.

Hush nodded. "You okay?" Ah, he spoke. He was rather quiet. Though, so was the blond twink.

I sighed. "I was about to get laid with my roommate, and then I was told I'd be taken care of here when I was about to jerk off. I haven't done it today, so it's just getting to me."

Fabio stepped closer and groped my bulge. "You shouldn't suffer like that. Part of being with the Peters is that we help each other out as another way to bond. Anytime you need relief with one of us besides sub, just ask us. We all know the rules. We can't say 'no' to a horny Peter in need as long as he asks for help. Think of it as a wound. Would you let your brother or best friend bleed, or would you help him heal? Same concept."

I nodded. "You're all hot too. I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed." I chuckled.

Fabio glanced at the other Peters, smiling while still groping my bulge. "I think we can give Rock a warm welcome now. There's no need to wait anymore. What do you think, Peters?"

Rock, huh? That was my name now? Rock Peters. I kind of liked it. It did fit me.

They nodded, giving me horny looks. Well, Hush didn't seem horny. What was up with him? He wasn't just reserved and shy. He, somehow. Maybe just not into it?

"Because this is a warm welcome from us," Fabio said, "we all share a part of you at the same time, like an orgy but focused on you. We're bonding, Rock. Enjoy all of us. Simple as that."

I nodded. "Thanks." Damn, what a jackpot.

"You're welcome." Fabio looked at the twink. "Sub? Since you're the virgin sacrifice, you are not to participate in this warm welcome because we haven't started the deflowering ritual for you yet. You may watch, but you can't touch. The only exception is if I offer you a taste of Rock's cum. Understand?" He wasn't ever upset or mean about anything. He was a bit firm at times, but he was the leader; he probably had to be.

Sub nodded, looking so obedient. God, he really was a hottie. Well, all the Peters were, but something about sub really captured my attention more. I wanted to get to know him.

Fabio focused back on me, his determined hand making me want to come already. "Sub's role here is to serve us all. His holes are for us to use whenever we want. If he's studying or watching TV here and we're horny, we immediately pull him away from what he's doing and use him without asking. Unlike the rest of us, him being busy or not in the mood doesn't exist. He is a cumdump with the word 'no' erased from his Peters vocabulary, but that doesn't mean he is to be abused. We're not monsters. He also cooks for us when we're hungry, unless we just go out to eat. You just order him to make you a meal, and he'll do it. Subs aren't always good cooks, but they have to do it if you order them to. He cleans for us too. But he enjoys the college perks, which includes free tuition and a guaranteed career of his choice upon graduation, so long as he remains sub Peters. It's all thanks to the new connections he'll earn after he graduates and becomes a former Peter."

What an interesting club this was. I'd never heard of such a concept, and it made me so thrilled to be a part of it. But damn, I really needed to jerk off, and Fabio's touch was torturous.

"And one more thing about sub," he added. He could sure ramble about the Peters club all day if given the chance. "He is not allowed to be involved in any romantic relationships. Romance affects the heart and emotions, which could put his role at risk and distract him from his obligations. There are consequences for any Peter trying to romance him because we consider that poisoning a sub's mind. Subs are subs for a reason, and romance is poison for them."

I nodded, fighting the urge to come from Fabio's groping hand. "I understand." I wasn't worried because I wasn't looking for love. After all the drama I'd endured throughout my past relationships, why bother?

Fabio smiled. "Good. Sounds like you have the potential to be a good member, which is what we need. And last but not least, we don't generally have sexual contact with anyone outside of the Peters for health reasons, but if you do, you must report it to us and get tested every time it happens. We're all tested here, hence the reason we don't use condoms because raw is law in the Peters club, and we trust you are clean, right?"

I nodded. "It's been a while since the last time I had sex, but I always get tested."

"Good to know." Fabio took his clothes off, followed by the other Peters except for sub. He kneeled in front of me. "As leader, I am to be the first to swallow your cum, but the other Peters can decide among themselves who to be swallow you next."

I wrinkled my forehead. "I get to come again?"

"Only if the other Peters want to taste your cum. If you don't think you can come more than once right now, then let me know so I can swallow just a bit of your cum and share the rest of it from my mouth to the other Peters' mouths."

Was this some sort of sex cult ritual? Not that I was complaining. The idea of a sex cult turned me on. It wasn't like it was dangerous being a member here.

"Now, Rock, please take your clothes off."

I wasted no time doing so, horny as fuck. All these beautiful, naked jock bodies...damn. I was in Heaven.

Fabio took my dick in his mouth, and his skilled performance almost made me shoot immediately, his blue eyes briefly gazing into my brown ones. He really did look like he could be on the cover of a romance novel. His blond curls just needed to be long, and he needed to ride on a white horse.

Twunky came up to my right side and started making out with me, making me love the sweet taste of his lips. He was so hot too, like a boy band type with a lean jock build. Though, he was still thin enough to be a twunk.

Being the ass man I was, I reached behind Twunky and cupped his round cheek, eventually sliding my finger toward his hairless hole to rub the anus. I slowly thrust into Fabio's mouth while toying with his blond curls.

Himbo came up to me from the left and stole a kiss from me, having to hunch a little to reach my lips. Being the tallest and thickest, he seemed like a gentle giant.

I stroked his above-average dick a few times until I reached for his big and plump bubble butt. I squeeze it, wanting to eat it already. I searched for his semi-hairy hole and rubbed the soft anus while still rubbing Twunky's hole with my right hand. Fabio continued to service me with his mouth while sub remained watching from afar with his clothes still on.

Finally, Hush circled around to stand behind me and rubbed his huge, Black dick against my virgin butt.

I chuckled. "Um...just so you guys know, I'm a total top."

Fabio stopped sucking and gave me his most serious look yet. Was he annoyed now? "The concept of top and bottom doesn't exist here in the Peters club. We are all versatile except for Chosen One. Only he gets to decide whether he wants to be a total top or occasionally versatile. But he can't be a total bottom because his cock is required to fuck our holes, including yours. And because his cock is important to us, he must top more than he bottoms."

My heart raced, and my dick started getting limp. Fuck! "I'm a virgin back there, though."

"That's okay. Chosen One will go easy on you. Even though I'm the leader, this is where Chosen One does get to be the first to do because it's a top sex act. Blowing you is a bottom act, so I'm the first to do that. If you're confused about the rules, I can explain it a different way."

I shook my head, frowning. "No, I get it. there a way out of this? Anything I can do? Money? Extra chores for you?"

Fabio suddenly didn't look pleased, and for the first time, he rolled his eyes. "That's not how it works. You don't have a special status like Chosen One to exempt you from being a bottom, and you don't qualify to become Chosen One simply for not having the biggest cock like Hush does."

Damn it.

"We're very strict about the rules on roles and statuses. Even if you wanted to be just a bottom, you couldn't do that because all our cocks are important except for sub's. He's a twink, and only twinks get to be subs. If no twinks exist, then the leanest jock is the sub. The higher-ups have had all this planned out for years to avoid conflicts. They make the rules, we follow."


Fabio sighed, softening his expression as if no longer annoyed. Sympathetic? "Look, Rock, we're all going to fuck you at some point. If you're not ready due to anxiety, that's understandable, and it's actually okay. We can always make accommodations because your mental health is important. But do know that you will still get fucked whether you like it or not, and sooner than later. There's simply no way out. Versatility ensures that all Peters besides the Chosen One and sub are equal. No Peter hole or Peter cock is better or worse than the others, regardless of size, shape, color, et cetera."

Shit. I had a lot to think about. I couldn't grasp the concept of wanting to get fucked. The desire just wasn't there at all, and it had never been. Now, the thought of it was stuck on my mind, making it hard for me to release.

"I hope this isn't a deal-breaker, Rock. While it's your right to ask to be kicked out of the club, and I'll have to honor that, that doesn't mean life as an ex-Peter will be easy for you. As an ex-Peter, you'll no longer have the protections you currently have should something affect you enough to want to return. This is beyond my control, and I can't do anything about it. Thankfully, ex-Peters can rejoin if they feel their lives are in danger."

What the fuck was Fabio talking about? Was he threatening me?

"Former Peters can't return because Peters have to be enrolled in Port Pelle College to qualify as active members, but they differ from ex-Peters in that they actually make it to the end and graduate. If they graduate without ever leaving the club, they earn high respect, immense praise, a special graduation ceremony in the form of an orgy that involves all of us and the higher-ups too, and post-college perks that include great careers, all as generous rewards for their membership completion and loyalty to the Peters. Ex-Peters are those who are either forced out or leave by choice. They become our enemies unless they return, and even then, their perks get reduced for leaving in the first place because their loyal wouldn't have been true."

Wow, this really was a cult.

"Things can and will happen to change your college experience, Rock. Maybe even your life. Buff is an ex-Peter, but he didn't want to leave, so it's a different case with him, and he can't return because his presence here is toxic. In your case, if you leave, it'd be because you wanted to, so the risks are much, much higher than for someone like Buff who was forced out. Like I said, Rock, you can leave the club at any time, but I strongly recommend you don't. For your own safety."

Safety? What...?

Finally, Fabio resumed sucking my now-flaccid dick.

What exactly would happen if I quit the Peters club? And did that mean Lincoln wasn't safe anymore since he'd chosen to leave? Why did I feel blackmailed now? And all for not wanting to get fucked.

"Please stay?" Twunky whispered in my ear, smiling. "I want you here with us." He kissed my lips, my dick rising just a tad while I felt torn and half horny.

I broke the kiss but still played with Twunky's and Himbo's holes while Himbo kissed and sucked my neck and shoulder from the left. Hush just tapped his thick meat against my butt. He hadn't really seemed into it the whole time. What was up with him? Though, I kind of didn't want him to be into me so that he wouldn't want to fuck me.

I leaned into Twunky's ear and carefully whispered, "Are you sure there's no way for me to avoid getting fucked?"

He pursed his lips, briefly glancing at the others who were too focused on me, sub still watching us from afar with his clothes on. Then, he sighed and leaned back into my ear. "I think Buff might be able to help. If he likes you enough, he won't want you to ever get fucked. I mean, I'm not exactly sure what all he could do now that he's an ex-Peter with no chance of returning, but you never know. Just talk to him about it and see."

Could Buff offer me a way out? It was worth a try. Hell, I'd beg on my knees if I had to. I seriously didn't want anyone touching my ass. It might've not been a big deal to most guys, especially the Peters, but it was to me.

"For now, just come with us. Get that worry out of your mind and enjoy the bonding. Please?"

I nodded and continued kissing Twunky. Maybe he was right. Maybe Buff could help me, and if so, I could just enjoy the rest of the warm welcome.

Hush leaned toward my left ear, his monster cock still poking against my ass. "If it's any consolation, I'm the only straight member, and I'm not in a rush to fuck you. I usually have to watch lesbian porn while having sex with the Peters, which they're fine with."

Ah. So, that explained Hush's reservation. It wasn't that he wasn't personally into me, but he was straight. How ironic, given the nature of this club. "Why are you even a member, then? Not that I'm judging or anything, just confused."

"Anyone who gets a Peters club invite is a pre-member until he enters this room. The moment he comes in here, his membership acceptance is sealed and solidified. If he ignores the invite and doesn't come in here, it expires, and he's no longer able to join even if he changes his mind later on since it's a one-time invite. Had I known what went on can imagine my decision."

I nodded. Fuck, had I known, I'd have not bothered coming up here myself. It was practically a trick because how the fuck would anyone invited know what he got himself into?

"But I don't complain because I like these guys a lot. They're the best friends I've ever had, like brothers, and I love the college perks too. I just deal with it because I know it's not permanent. Not like any girl I ever date has to know, right?"

"Yeah." I didn't want to think about it anymore. The fact that Buff could help me was enough to ease my mind. After all, he did seem interested in me. If he wouldn't want me to ever get fucked, that could benefit me. I'd do anything he said at that point.

I was finally horny again, relaxing more than before. I fucked Fabio's mouth, my hips slowly moving around, while I now fingered both Twunky and Himbo who kissed my neck and shoulders. Hush continued poking my ass with his dick as if pretending to be involved by having to do at least something to appear motivated.

There was sub, still watching us. He seemed so submissive and shy, standing there obediently with his clothes on. What was on his mind? Did he wish he could join us? I had to admit that I couldn't wait to use his holes. What did he look like naked?

Suddenly, I had an idea while the others were too busy servicing me to notice my face. I puckered at sub for an air kiss, giving him a wink.

That made him blush, and he formed his first grin. God, look at him. He was adorable and fucking cute. Scrumptious and gobble-worthy.

I continued using Fabio's mouth and pushing my fingers deeper inside Twunky's and Himbo's warm holes. I ran my tongue slowly around my lips at sub. I silently mouthed, "Want me?"

Another cute grin, and sub nodded.

I mouthed, "Yeah?"

He nodded again, now looking horny for me. I'd been around the block to know when a guy wanted me badly. This hot little twink was thirsty. He couldn't fool anyone. I studied every part of him: short blond hair, blue eyes that looked soft and emotional, pasty tone, skinny build, and ready to get fucked by all these jock dicks. I anticipated the deflowering ritual more than ever now. I'd go easy on him since he was a virgin. Who got to fuck him first? Probably Hush.

I breathed harder as soon as I was close from as horny as sub had just made me. "I'm close, Fabio. You think you can share my cum with the others so I can take a nap after I'm done?"

"Mmhmm," Fabio mumbled while slurping my dick. His vacuum of a mouth worked me faster as if he wanted to get me off sooner.

I quickened the pace of my thrusts and fucked his mouth good. My fingers were deep inside Twunky and Himbo, wiggling around to feel the warm flesh of such hot holes waiting to meet my big dick.

Hush started panting. What? Really? He was close? But how? Wasn't he straight? Didn't he need to watch lesbian porn? For the first time, he grabbed my butt cheek and whispered, "I'm coming..." His release sounds were quiet. Then, warm cum splattered all over my ass and back in thick globs, but not a whole lot of it. I might've been a top, but I did like cum. I would've gladly swallowed him.

Twunky gently pulled my finger out of his hole and rushed to kneel behind me, surprising me by licking up all of Hush's cum off my butt and back. "I love your cum, Chosen One," he whispered to Hush. "But how were you able to shoot without the porn? This is a first!"

"I don't know. I'm...confused myself, honestly."

And that just sent me over the edge, knowing I'd just made a straight guy come. Granted, I wasn't super crazy about his jizz all over my backside, since I'd have preferred it in my mouth, but it was oddly hot, nonetheless. I finally reached the climax and blasted so much of my own inside Fabio's mouth, grunting. "Take my cum..."

Fabio groaned as if enjoying the ejaculation happening inside his mouth, sucking every drop. He didn't seem to be swallowing, but none of it dripped out. Then, leaving me spent, he stood back up, swallowed a little, and signaled the others to come to him since he wasn't able to speak with a mouthful.

Himbo was first to come up to Fabio, a casual kiss. He swallowed and licked his lips, grinning at me. "Tastes good."

Twunky rushed for his turn, and the kiss he and Fabio shared seemed a bit more passionate like they were lovers. Were they? Twunky swallowed and smiled at me. "Himbo's right. Really good, Rock."

When Hush circled around and stepped closer to Fabio, he looked very hesitant, clearly not wanting his share of my jizz. He kissed Fabio in a distant way and was the only one who made a face at the taste. Swallowing, he said, "Sorry, Rock. I'm not used to tasting cum or even kissing guys, for obvious reasons."

I shrugged. "I get it."

Finally, Fabio walked toward sub and gave him some of my cum. Wasn't he just supposed to watch? Oh, wait, he was able to at least taste me. Nice.

Sub swallowed and smiled at me, but he didn't say a word. He didn't have to for me to know he still wanted me. It was too bad I couldn't take him with me to my dorm room and have my way with him, maybe Lincoln too for a hot three-way.

Fabio swallowed the rest of my cum. Then, he started jerking off, and he glanced at the others except for sub. "Come on, Peters. Let's properly finish off the warm welcome."

They were all jerking off now, coming closer to me.

Fabio pressed my shoulder to push me down to my knees. "Stay put."

I nodded, realizing what was about to happen. Damn, was I going to get rained on by all their cum?

Fabio panted his warning, stepping closer to me until his good-size dick aimed at me. He moaned and shot all over my face like a hot geyser, white glop after white glop against my skin in audible thuds.

I opened my mouth to get a taste. A bit rich, but I actually liked it. I remembered when I'd once thought I wouldn't like swallowing until I'd proven myself wrong.

Twunk breathed hard as his warning and rushed closer to me for his turn to squirt all over my face and in my mouth, grunting but not as quietly as Hush. Watery and runny like a water hose, but his taste was even better than Fabio's. Damn, he'd shot so much more than Fabio had. Had he been that turned on?

Finally, Himbo's turn was up, and he let out an exaggerated growl/groan combo, like a bear or something. It was a bit weird. His dick blasted quite a few ropes all over my face and mouth, leaving thick clumps as his sexual markings. His cum wasn't quite as tasty as Fabio's and Twunky's, but it would do. I'd still eat it all up.

Sighing, Fabio patted my shoulder, he and the others towering over me with proud smiles, even Hush who'd already come earlier. "Welcome, Rock," Fabio said. "I hope you don't disappoint us and that you choose to stay."

I remained on my knees and scooped all the cum off my face and ate it. What an experience!

"Rock? As leader, I hereby officially announce you as a Peter. I promise it'll be worth it."

Except it wouldn't be worth it as long as I still had to get fucked. I'd look in the resident directory and get Buff's number. I needed to contact him as soon as possible. I needed his help. Forced out or not, he still seemed to like me and had never treated me unfriendly or unfairly. His issues with Lincoln weren't my business. What mattered was that Buff helped me.

And I'd do anything at this point.


To be continued...


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(c) 2021, Marco May. All Rights Reserved.

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Next: Chapter 20: Bending Butts Bending Rules 3

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