The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on May 28, 2021


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the second book of "The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall" novel series. It's a continuing story meant to be read in order. Book 1 starts in September (story time) and ends on Halloween. It has a different POV character named Pete who's been replaced by the new one in this book named Aaron, as well as the sub (virgin sacrifice) replaced by a new character. However, the rest of the main characters remain, and the story time continues in early November of the same school year.


Bending Butts Bending Rules

Chapter 1: A New but Familiar Beginning


||| Dear Aaron Hernandez. We've been watching you. Join us on the fourth floor to find out why. Bring just yourself and tell no one about this. Sincerely, the Peters. |||

I furrowed my eyebrows while standing in Peterson Hall's mailroom on the first Monday of a chilly November. I passed a hand over my short, brown hair in confusion. Watching me? How? I hoped I wouldn't regret enrolling at Port Pelle College for my senior year because this already seemed like some stalkerish shit. At the same time, the curiosity wouldn't leave me alone like my ex-boyfriend hadn't left me alone, whom I regretted giving a chance to. Hot twink with a great little ass, but psychotic enough to drive me away to the point of having to transfer to a different school just to escape the area. The one before him had been a jock, and he'd had his own issues I couldn't deal with.

No more drama in my life.

That was why I'd moved to Port Pelle. Aside from the outstanding university here, the remote town in northern Michigan was peaceful. With its French-American charm like a little village, it wasn't like much elsewhere in the state. Given Michigan's history with the French, it wasn't exactly a surprise a town here could look like this. It was fitting, actually.

And unlike most of my Puerto Rican family, I preferred the cold. So, moving up here had been awesome so far, especially being along Lake Michigan where I could watch the boats and maybe do a little fishing (my skills were rusty).

I shut the door to my mailbox and left. The lobby was spacious with a large TV area, a pool table, and board games on tables. I'd play Life with a stranger. Why not? Though, given how deep in the closet I was, I'd never dare to use a blue peg as my spouse at the marriage point. I might've been unapologetically gay, but my family could never know.

I'd lose everything.

I entered the hallway where the dorms were, and I marched up the enclosed stairway to meet my new roommate. We'd only texted each other a few times since we'd put our numbers on our room applications. Lincoln, was it? Yeah, that was it. He'd told me to call him that. I could relate. He was stuck with the Trump last name, while my full name was also infamous, albeit no relation to either.

A little farther down the second floor, I opened the door with my keycard. It was interesting that the guys lived on the second and fourth floors and the girls on the first and third. Would there be any action going on in the communal bathrooms?

Okay, maybe I was just horny after not jerking off in days.

I entered my dorm room and closed the door. My eyebrows flew up at the sight of Lincoln frozen on his bed, his green-eyed gaze connecting with mine. He'd been caught fucking himself with a big dildo, an interesting way to see him for the first time.

This was...awkward, not that I'd complain after taking a good look at his dick-hardening bubble butt. He was a hot jock like me, except I was smooth everywhere, while he had some body hair. I also had a bit of tan, while he was pasty.

I chuckled. "I'm not offended, can't do shit like that when I'm here."

He swallowed, suddenly unable to look at me. "Sorry," he muttered in a very deep voice. Damn, he really was hot and virile.

"Don't be. It's just, you know, I'm single and I get horny. Not really fair to tease me like that."

"Oh." Lincoln stared at my big bulge. "I'm just really horny right now, Aaron."

"Nothing wrong with that. But I think we need some rules here. Either you do that when I'm not around..." The lust hit me hard now, making me so hungry for a taste. "...Or you let me join you."

Lincoln bit his lower lip, his gaze locking with mine again. "Do you...want to join me?"

God, was I thirsty, and leaking too. "Only if you're willing to replace that dildo with the real thing." Shit, there I went again, hard and horny. Even my jeans couldn't hide how I felt, my bulge too big right now. I was never like this in a relationship; I was fiercely loyal and faithful. But whenever I was single, my inner slut hardly had a leash. Rooming with an equally-horny roommate was suddenly a blessing.

"But, I should tell you," Lincoln added. "I'm not really a total bottom. Just so you know."

Oh. That implication instantly killed my boner. Did he want to fuck me too? Because that was so not happening. I loved ass, both fucking and rimming, but no one was touching mine. I'd never even had anyone eat my butt, even though I always washed well back there.

I sighed. "Total top here. Sorry."

"Ah. Just like my first roommate here who was also Latino. He recently left town, though. Not sure where he is, but he anonymously messaged me a goodbye telling me he's living happily ever after with my second roommate who he apparently felt in love with. I miss them a lot, especially my first roommate."

"Sorry to hear that. He must've been special to you."

"He was. I mean, we never dated or anything, but he has a special place in my heart. He was my first sexual experience, so I'll never forget him."

"I see." I felt a little awkward talking about these things because I didn't want to get into my own personal stuff as an expectation to return the favor. I'd never had the chance to fall in love for the first time because of serious issues with my only two relationships. Everyone else was just a hookup.

Just fuck and go like a big slut.

Lincoln smiled. "You kind of remind me of him in some ways, except you're more hulky."

I forced a smile, albeit a tight one. I didn't know what to say to that. I didn't want to be reminded of anyone. I'd come here to start a new, quiet life.

No more drama.

"So, you're twenty-one since you're a senior?" Lincoln asked.

"Yeah, not sure why they roomed us together since I assume freshmen normally room with other freshmen."

"Mix-up, maybe?"

I shrugged. "Maybe." The residence hall was probably full this late into the semester, which also made sense.

Lincoln began humping the bed, the used dildo off to the side. "Getting horny again."

I grinned and came closer. I was never shy or reserved, which helped with my sexual experience. I wasted no time taking my clothes off, naked and erect again. The sight of his round, pasty ass caused my dick to drip, and I used the precum to lube my dick up. I was going to fuck the shit out that hot jock butt.

Really pound him good.

The door flew open and made me jump. "Shit!" I quickly covered my dick as I saw a hazel-eyed guy around my age with a brown fauxhawk and sun-kissed skin. My heart beat a little fast because the last thing I needed was to be outed on campus. This whole area wasn't exactly super liberal, and word could still travel even though I didn't know anyone here. Paranoid maybe, but I'd rather be than reckless since I had a lot to lose.

A crooked smirk formed on his smooth face. He was really hot. "I'm impressed, Joker. Never thought you'd land yourself someone this hot. He reminds me of someone I knew."

Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Why do you still have access to this room?"

"That's none of your business. And it's required. I already told you that." But the guy couldn't seem to break his gaze at me, checking me out. "You're the new roommate?"

I nodded, giving him a sheepish smile. "Aaron. Not exactly how I wanted to introduce myself, though."

Another crooked smile. "Oh, believe me, I'm not complaining. I'm Buff, by the way."

"I am too. And I'm definitely using the gym on campus to stay buff."

"No, Buff's my name."

"Oh." Interesting name. And why had he called Lincoln Joker?

"So. Aaron Hernandez, huh?"

I lowered my eyebrows. "How do you know my last name when you're not even my roommate?"

"Because I have to know it. And I believe you have somewhere on the fourth floor to get to."

Oh. Had he written the note? "It was you?"

"Can't reveal that. And while it didn't specify when to go up there, I suggest you do it now. The earlier the better."

"We were in the middle of something," Lincoln said, always sounding annoyed by Buff. Did they hate each other?

"Yeah, I see that. But Aaron really should stop by on the fourth floor."

I attempted a polite smile, confusion filling my head. "I mean, I can go right after, you know, this."

Buff suddenly didn't seem so pleased. "I'd rather you go now. Believe me, you'll have plenty of opportunities, even better ones than Joker."

While I did like the sound of that in general, Lincoln was pretty hot in my eyes. "Can I at least run out to the bathroom and take care of business? I'm just, I'm really horny right now and it's going to bother me."

"No worries, I got you covered. You won't need the bathroom or even your hand."

Oh. A hookup? Damn, but I really wanted Lincoln. Still, if this was going to lead to drama, then it was probably a good idea for me to go up to the fourth floor. In fact, the curiosity of what was going on up there made me more tempted.

"It's fine," Lincoln said in a disappointed tone. "Go ahead. I don't want drama."

Oh, if that was the case, then I was definitely going. I smiled at him. "Raincheck?"

"Nah," Buff said for Lincoln. "I'm pretty sure Joker's busy with stuff." What was up with Buff? He didn't seem mean or anything, but he was unnecessarily persistent about whatever the mystery was. And a bit controlling?

"Okay, I'll go," I said.

"See you there. You too, Joker. I'm seriously over you moping around in here and not getting involved up there like you're supposed to." One more crooked smile at me, and Buff left the room. What a big ass on him, nice and round. I'd put both my dick and tongue in there. Maybe he and Lincoln could kiss and makeup the only way my perverted mind knew how, have my dick and tongue switch between those two big butts every so often.

"Think we have time for a quick blowjob, or...?" I asked hopefully.

"I think we should go and forget all about this."

I wrinkled my forehead. "You don't want to mess around anymore?"

"I do." He sighed. "I just know we won't be able to without issues. me on this one, okay? Been there, done that. Let's just go."


We got dressed, much to my disappointment, and the way up there was awkwardly silent. Something was obviously bothering Lincoln, but I didn't want to get involved. It wasn't that I didn't care or was a jerk or anything, but been there done that, just like he'd said. I was tired of being dragged into people's problems, including the many friends I'd had in high school because of my popularity status (as a "straight" dude, of course).

Farther down the fourth-floor hallway, we stopped by the last door to my right. These rooms at the end of the hallway of each floor apparently were suites. I remembered seeing one of them on the tour this past summer: two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen/dining area, and a living room. Like a small apartment, basically.

Lincoln knocked on the door.

When it opened, Buff appeared with his signature crooked smile. "Can I help you?"

Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Fuck off and let us in. I'm not in the mood."

"Clearly. Blue balls will do that to you." Not that Buff seemed to care. Why was he like that with Lincoln anyway?

I followed Lincoln inside, and Buff closed the door and approached me.

Five other guys were here in the living room, standing in a half circle. All of them were hot with short hair and great bodies. First was a really tall, blue-eyed blond who looked like he could be on the cover of a romance novel, standing in the middle and looking reserved. To his right was a thick and beefy jock even taller than him, the tallest of them all. He had a dark-brown crewcut, blue eyes that were pretty to gaze into, and looked enthusiastic with a dazed expression. Next to him was a tall Black guy with a short fade and a medium build, forming a small smile. He was the only guy of color, and he seemed a bit reserved. Or shy? To the blond's left was a twunk with a brownish-reddish crewcut, blue-gray eyes, and a sun-kissed tone like Buff, looking a little serious. Though, he could pass for a lean jock. Finally, a skinny twink with blond hair brushed forward and warm, blue eyes. Something about him gave off a submissive vibe.

"We were supposed to be naked," Buff said. "But apparently, Fabio has something important to tell me."

The romance-cover jock nodded. "Hello. I'm Fabio Peters. Welcome to the Peters club. You've been selected to become a Peter. I see you met Buff Peters and Joker Peters." He pointed to his immediate right. "This is Himbo Peters, and that's Hush Peters, the Chosen One, which we'll get to in a moment." He pointed to his immediate left. "This is Twunky Peters, and that's a new member known simply as sub, the virgin sacrifice. He's a Peter too, just the lowest of the low by rank."

Um...okay...and they all had the same last names?

"You look confused, so, allow me to explain."

Buff cleared his throat. "Okay, that's enough, Fabio. As the leader, I'm the one who does the introduction. What the fuck was up with that? You took over for a moment."

Fabio sighed, looking at the others, and they nodded at each other as if in agreement. He shifted his focus back to Buff. "We went to the higher-ups today, and all the Peters voted me as the new leader." He didn't seem to gloat, though. He seemed sympathetic. And what was he even talking about?

Buff paused like he'd seen a ghost, swallowing. "Bullshit," he said under his breath.

"It's true. You're unfit to lead the Peters club, and I'll make a fair leader because I don't abuse my role, and I follow all rules."

Buff glanced at the others beside him. "All of you?"

They except for the twink nodded.

"Not sub since he just joined," Fabio said. "But yes. The old Chosen One left town with the old sub to go live happily ever after together, according to an anonymous message." He rolled his eyes and shook his head, probably at the sappy thought. "And I'm kicking Lincoln out of the club as he requested upon my leadership. Now, I'm kicking you out because you're toxic and a cancer to us."

Ouch. That had to hurt. And looking at Buff, he definitely looked like he was trying to collect himself. So, I'd just joined a club? Was it a sex club? And why was Buff toxic? He seemed okay so far. But then again, I didn't know their history.

I was lost.

Buff acknowledged them with a nod and a red face, pursing his lips. It was the kind of nod that said, "We'll see about that." But he didn't say anything at all. Instead, he quietly walked away and entered a bedroom directly to my left whose right wall divided that room and the kitchen. He was loudly shuffling around, tossing clothes on the bed. Was he packing his stuff?

Fabio sighed, still looking sympathetic. "We were going to have a warm welcome for you."

"A warm welcome?" I asked.

"Yes. Physically, like a group orgy. But it may have to wait."

I nodded, my dick getting hard at the fact that I was about to have sex with all these hotties. Damn, where did I start? I'd just hit the college jackpot!

"Can I go now that I'm finally kicked out?" Lincoln asked.

"Yes, go ahead. And you know what'll happen if you reveal the Peters club to a non-member, right?"

Lincoln gave him a quick nod. "Believe me, I don't want to test the higher-ups. Take care, guys." He gave me a weak smile. "See you later?"

"Yeah, definitely," I said. A big part of me wanted to follow him to continue where we'd left off. But I knew I had to be here now that I was a Peter. Still, I stepped closer to him and leaned into his ear. "I still want to fuck you."

That suddenly put a stronger smile on his face. He didn't say a word and just left, but I could tell he was content.

Okay, so maybe there'd been a bit of drama for a moment. But all in all, I was in good hands, it seemed. I had Lincoln and a group of hotties to fuck. Maybe even Buff if he wanted to hook up.

So, what could seriously go wrong?


To be continued...


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(c) 2021, Marco May. All Rights Reserved.

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DISCLAIMER: Character names/details in this work are fictitious. Resemblances to real people, living/dead, are coincidental.

Next: Chapter 19: Bending Butts Bending Rules 2

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