The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on Apr 14, 2021



The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

Chapter 17: From One Opportunity to Another


Just as the Halloween party at the Peters' suite had begun tonight, Jerrick, Lincoln, and I had gone back to their lamp-lit dorm room. We'd taken off our Halloween costumes, and we were in our underwear.

I had to admit I was still bummed about Twunky being unavailable. Well, okay, I could still fuck him, but I couldn't date him. And why was I even thinking about dating nowadays? I wasn't ready for that.

Was I?

I still couldn't get over the possibility of homelessness. Yeah, there was Buff, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how challenging it'd be to feign a truly-happy marriage to him. He wasn't stupid; he'd eventually figure out I'd be miserable by his side. He was a shitty person and not worth being with, but billions' worth of money kept calling my name.

"Are you okay?" Jerrick asked, sitting beside me on his bed.

I snapped back into focus and gave him a rushed nod and a weak expression. "Just thinking about stuff."

Lincoln sat across from us on his bed, and he managed a tight smile. "I now have the power to ruin Buff and he doesn't know it."

My eyebrows shot up. "What?"

Lincoln nodded. "I told Twunky to give me his phone one day so I can hack into it."

It'd been Lincoln all along?! Wow...

"What did you find?"

Lincoln sighed. "Well, first of all, I want you to stick with Buff. Marry him if you need to. But I want some of that money. I really need it."

I was confused because I'd never known Lincoln to be money-hungry. Then again, I'd never known I was until I'd recently become desperate. I sighed. "It's not going to be easy."

"Of course it will. He's obsessed with you, Pete. He'll do whatever you say at this point."

Jerrick gave me a nod. "I heard all about it."

"And Buff told us your parents disowned you, so you have nowhere to live, huh?"

Fuck. Of course the two of them knew my business.

I shook my head and then lowered it. The humiliation of my personal business being aired out struck me hard, especially my financial situation.

"Look, Pete," Lincoln said. "Buff's never going to let you go. You making him think you love him is practically a gift to him. You got it made with him. You just have to fake it for a while."

I scoffed. "It could be years."

"I know. But just do it, okay? I'm not letting you back out on this."

Jerrick blew a big breath. "I'm not suggesting anything, and I won't judge you, so whatever you decide, I just hope you'll eventually be happy."

I'd never be happy. Not really. Definitely not being married to Buff. I had to think whether it really was worth the money or if starting from scratch on my own would eventually lead to some kind of happiness if I succeeded. That was the thing, though; being homeless and working a full-time job didn't seem to guarantee any of that. But if so, it required an insane amount of patience. I could be forty someday and barely be comfortable in life.

I gave Lincoln a set of pleading eyes. "Let's destroy Buff instead. If what you discovered is that damaging, why not?"

Jerrick didn't say anything about that. Was he uncomfortable?

Lincoln paused for a moment, and his eyes got misty. "Because I won't get anything out of it." His voice began to crack. "I know it makes me sound selfish, but you're not the only one who wants out of here. Except I can't leave right now because I don't have money or a home without his family involved. Me and my mom were practically poor before she met Buff's dad. We had nothing but a small trailer home and a few things, limited clothes just to make laundry cheaper. We almost never ate out anywhere because we couldn't afford it. Granted, she had government assistance, but it wasn't much, so we got cheap groceries because they last longer."

My heart sank. I'd never known any of this. I'd never known just how rough Lincoln had had it, all while I'd lived a much-wealthier life in an upscale suburb north of Detroit. I'd never known what it was like to be in his situation. Now, I was similar because I officially had no home outside of the Peters' suite, and without Buff, I was both homeless and broke.

This fucking sucked for both me and Lincoln.

"So, you're going to do it, okay?" he said. "I'm not taking 'no' for an answer because I need that money. So, do it."

I sighed, wanting to at least have a decent night without thinking and feeling miserable. I lay back and stared at the ceiling. "I don't want to think anymore for tonight, okay? I just want to escape, feel good, relax..." I could easily fall asleep too. I realized now just how tired I was.

"I'll help you relax, Pete," Lincoln said, approaching me and getting on his knees in front of me. He pulled my dick out and stuffed it inside his mouth for a good blowjob, slurping away.

Jerrick lay back beside me and kissed my lips, our tongues twirling around the other for a tasty make-out session.

Lincoln let go of my dick and pulled Jerrick's out to suck him off, which surprised me.

"Have you guys fooled around before?" I asked.

"A few times recently," Jerrick said. "Just blowjobs."

"Ah." I continued kissing him, and I occasionally stopped to give him a smile, showing him just how much I wanted him and appreciated him being here with me. Or rather, me here with him since it was his and Lincoln's dorm room.

When Lincoln got back to sucking me, I thrust into his mouth. For some reason, I just wanted to get off quickly. I kept fucking his mouth while making out with Jerrick, and it wasn't much longer before I flooded Lincoln's mouth, grunting while feeling dazed by the euphoria.

The room spun a little as soon as the afterglow kicked in. I smiled with amusement while I watched Jerrick's horny face from taking his turn to nut inside Lincoln's mouth for a second swallow. Then, I watched Jerrick sit upright to suck Lincoln off.

I stroked Jerrick's longish hair. Damn, how I wanted this beautiful guy sitting right next to me. What was it like to date a guy? I'd only dated girls, so I'd never know until I tried it. Was it the same? Was it different? I imagined there weren't any flowers to give or other cutesy things like I'd done with girls.

Lincoln warned him with heavier breaths, and he held onto the sides of Jerrick's head while gnashing his teeth and letting out a groan.

Jerrick managed to swallow every drop, proving more and more just how much he'd learned after having been a total virgin who'd never even been kissed. He licked his lips and smiled at us, clearly used to the taste of cum.

Lincoln sighed in relief. "Tired. Think I'm gonna go to bed. Night." He threw himself on his bed and lay on his flat belly. Within short moments, he was out.

I wasn't sure why, but I took Jerrick's hand and held it, forming a weak smile. I was confused about my feelings for him, and I was also plagued with thoughts about my future.

He leaned closer and kissed my cheek. "When you ignored me these hurt so much."

I nodded. "I know. And I'm sorry. I swear I didn't want it to get to that point."

"I get it now. Buff."


After a while of silence, Jerrick rested his head against my shoulder. "Pete, how badly do you want to leave here?"

"Very much so. I'd do anything. I'm sick of being miserable. I just want to be happy. I'll never be happy with Buff, but he has so much money. I'm broke and homeless without him."

"Well...what if I told you that you don't have to be broke and homeless without it involving Buff?"

I let out a dark chuckle. "Sure, okay."

"I'm serious."

"What, you have a plan?"

Jerrick sat upright and held my hand again, giving me a warm smile. "I do. I can help you. I just...I didn't know if it was appropriate to bring it up. But I can tell how desperate you are, and I thought I'd help."

He could help me? My heart raced with hope. But this wasn't Buff. This was someone so much more special than him. I'd be willing to work my ass off to pay Jerrick back if he helped me somehow. "I'll do anything, Jerrick." Fuck, even my voice was cracking with emotion. I felt all these bricks continually falling on my shoulders, but the hope started knocking away some of the bricks.

"I'm wealthy too. Not exactly a billionaire, but enough to be comfortable for the rest of my life. And I'm willing to give you a good life. No obligation. Just genuine help from a friend because I care about you."

Jerrick. Fuck. What a beautiful person. My heart lifted with so much gratitude, and the bricks began falling off my shoulders. "You mean that?"

"Of course."

"At this point, I don't even care if I'm not rich. I just need help."

He nodded. "I know. My parents can't know, so there's just a tiny catch. It might not even be that big of a deal for you, who knows?"

A catch. Of course. "What is it?"

"My parents control my finances until I'm of age to get my inheritance, so I can't take money out without them knowing about it and questioning it. It's stupid, I know, but it's part of the agreement of getting my inheritance. But I have a little cottage in a remote village in France."

"Ah." I realized it now. "I'd have to move to France, huh?"

"I'm sorry, I know it's not exactly the help you probably—"

"I'll take your offer." Wow. The desperation had spoken ahead of me. At this point, what could go wrong? I had no one left here, not even family. As much as I'd miss Twunky, he was happy with Fabio now. I had to move on from the little hope I'd had and focus more on my own life. I'd also miss Lincoln, but I couldn't trust him with how pushy he was to get me to agree to marry Buff. He was so desperate that he could probably rat me out if he knew about my move to France.

Jerrick's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"Yeah. I don't know what I'd do since I don't even speak French, but...hey. I'll at least work in the yard if I have to. I won't be lazy."

"Well, actually, you wouldn't have to be alone. There's a university not too far from there that I thought about enrolling. My parents would actually be thrilled about me going there because it's in France. They just can't know you exist. Not yet, anyway."

I chuckled. "I'm used to being in the closet. Trust me, I'll live."

"There's another catch."

Uh-oh. Another one? "What is it?"

"Since the Peters are having a new leader, most likely Fabio, that means I'll have to be the new Chosen One. I don't want that role. I'm dreading it. And it could happen really soon, so I don't want to wait any longer. That's why I'm leaving tomorrow."

Tomorrow, huh? This was all so sudden, but at the same time, it was a new opportunity, from one to another. Either I could stay here with Buff and become a billionaire by marrying him, or I could start a new comfortable life with Jerrick in another country, as friends with no obligation to date him. Honestly? The choice wasn't that difficult to make. In fact, the sooner, the better.

"Okay," I said. "Let's do this." I kissed him with so much gratitude because he'd just saved me from hell. "I owe you so much for this."

"Nope. I'm not accepting that. That's not why I offered. Like I said, no obligation."

"Jerrick? I like you, and I liked you before this offer. If you think I'm not going to be tempted to want to date you—" I stopped. Whoa. What the fuck was going on with me?

A hopeful smile spanned his face. "You'd date me?"

It wasn't a lie. Who was I fooling at this rate? I did like him. I liked him a lot. I thought about him every day, and I got excited whenever I saw him. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. But no rush. Not like I'm going anywhere."

"I'll wait however long I have to. I have a little farm too."


"Yeah. Want to help me milk cows?"

I smirked. "Would you be milking something else too?"

Jerrick grinned. "I think you know the answer to that."

I kissed him some more, and it was as if my life had picked back up in an instant. I assumed this was supposed to be a secret from the rest of the Peters, so I had no plans to tell anyone. Not even Lincoln or Twunky. Lincoln had shown me how desperate he was to have access to Buff's money, and I wasn't sure just how far he'd go after he already refused to give me the dirt on Buff unless I shared the wealth I had yet to have. And Twunky was loyal to the Peters club. He was meant to be a member, and he was with Fabio now. He was happy.

But that was all okay. I had Jerrick now, whose peach I'd happily pound with my own peter. But most importantly? Life would finally be okay again.

I would be okay.





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(c) 2021, Marco May. ARR.

DISCLAIMER: All my characters are fictitious; resemblances to real people are entirely coincidental.

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Next: Chapter 18: Bending Butts Bending Rules 1

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