The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on Apr 6, 2021



The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

Chapter 16: A Heated Halloween


On Halloween night, I was in my and Buff's room getting ready for both the costume party and the big announcement of my leadership inauguration. Buff must've really held me so high on a pedestal to wait a few weeks to announce my new role as leader, insisting it needed to be grand. Granted, he'd had to prepare what to tell the higher-ups since leaders needed a damn-good reason to step down. Buff had apparently told them the other day, but he hadn't told me what he'd told them, as if being mysterious again. This was exactly why I could never trust him even if he hadn't been my secret enemy.

Even if I could love him.

The downfall of the past few weeks included me avoiding Twunky and Jerrick, and it hurt like hell to be so curt with them. They'd taken a hint after the first few times, but I could tell it hurt Jerrick the most. In fact, I hadn't heard from him since, even though he was supposed to be the sub. I'd told Buff to give him a break, and because Buff knew about my short history with Jerrick, he'd reluctantly accepted.

I looked in the mirror and shook my head at how ridiculous I looked. Buff had begged me to dress like a Greek god of some sort, even though it was just a measly toga and a gold-leaf crown. Meanwhile, Buff wore nothing but a chastity device, leather boots, and a dog collar. His brown fauxhawk was growing out too; he needed a haircut.

"You look so hot, Chosen One," he said in a horny tone. "Then again, you always do because you're my magnificent god." He yawned, but it wasn't the first time tonight. Why was he already getting tired?

I forced a chuckle, always trying to remember I had to be friendly to destroy him (after getting some money out of him). Night after night, I fucked him, albeit gently to avoid another bloody situation. I knew by now he'd fallen harder than ever. He was growing more and more attached, making Lincoln look less clingy.

Lincoln. Where was he these days? Avoiding me again?

"Ready to start?" Buff asked. But his eyes looked drowsy, and he was probably fighting it off.

"Are you sleepy?"

"Eh, I'll be fine. Ready?"

I nodded and led the way. There were times when he slipped into leader mode because of habit until he quickly realized he was now beneath me.

Leader. Wow. I still couldn't believe it.

I left the room and stopped near the center of the living space. Hush was dressed as a wolf, Himbo as a pro wrestler, and Fabio as a sexy cowboy. I'd never gotten to fuck either of them yet, but despite being sexy, I'd always been more into Lincoln, Twunky, and Jerrick since my move to Port Pelle.

And when I saw Twunky dressed as a Spartan warrior, my heart melted from how hot he was, even though I could see only part of his face through the helmet. His right pec and that side of his torso peeked out of the cape. He carried a shield and sword, and the idea of him being my warrior made my dick rise with delight.

It also made me want him so much more.

Beyond just sex.

When he met my gaze, we locked into a longing connection for a few seconds. His brownish-reddish crewcut, blue-gray eyes, sun-kissed tone, and athletically-lean body were all parts of what made him so beautiful, just like Jerrick was beautiful with his own modelesque differences.

Jerrick. God, I missed connecting with him. I missed connecting with the two of them, but more so with Jerrick the more he was on my mind because of our special moment together. I couldn't get over it. I'd felt more for him in a genuine way that moment than any moment with Leah.

Leah. How was she? Was she still hurting? I continued to feel like shit for breaking her heart whenever she crossed my mind because it wasn't how I'd been as a person until moving to Port Pelle and falling into temptation while experimenting with gay sex for the first time. Why had I cheated on her when I'd never cheated in my life? Why couldn't I have broken up with her first? Better yet, why had I even let it get as far as it had if I'd never loved her like she'd loved me?

Ugh, I hated the Peters club. It did nothing but make me discover how weak I really was on the inside. Even though I was now the leader, I'd still escape if I could. Hot sex with hot guys just wasn't worth the crazy drama and miserable experience of being a Peter.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Twunky said. He set his sword and shield on the floor and rushed to answer it. In came Jerrick dressed as a sexy sheep, his cute little ass exposed for my viewing pleasure while he carried his overcoat in one arm, probably to prevent the other residents of Peterson Hall from taking a peek. He didn't look at me, though. He was clearly upset with me, and I couldn't blame him. I hurt him, after all. I hurt everyone.

Wait...and Lincoln too? Lincoln! What a pleasant surprise!

He was dressed as...Jesus? A brown wig, fake beard, and white robe. What a bold choice. It'd had to be planned because it was too coincidental alongside Jerrick's sheep costume, given that they'd shown up together.

Buff inched closer to me and leaned toward my ear, still looking sleepy. "You don't still want Twunky and sub, do you?"

"What made you think that?"

"I'm not stupid, Chosen One. I know you want them as much as they want you. I mean, let's face it. It's a big reason why sub hasn't been fulfilling his role like he's supposed to."

"Did, Buff. I did want them. But I have you now." I reassured him with a wink, hating this fakeness so much.

That at least put a smile on his sun-kissed face, his hazel eyes exuding relief. He used to be so hot until his true colors had come out. He yawned and was most likely fighting the urge to sleep. What was going on with him? He had plenty of rest every night.

I should know.

He looked at everyone and cleared his throat, his eyes looking heavier. He yawned again. "So, Peters," he said in a tired tone. "I have a very important announcement to make. I've stepped down as leader due to personal issues that I won't disclose. I already met with the higher-ups about it. Chosen One is taking the reins for the next four years." Buff gave me a look of pride, the sleep version of it, and he formed a rare smile that only I got to see on a regular basis. No more crooked smirk that annoyed me more than anything.

All the other Peters exchanged stunned expressions. Even Jerrick chose to look at me this time, his expression softening more now. He probably realized he couldn't be visibly upset with me anymore.

Buff yawned some more, and almost tumbled until he caught his balance. "Peters...I...I need to lie down for a moment. Fuck, I'm about to pass out. Chosen One, you're the leader now. Go lead." He was already slurring his words. He managed to walk back into our room in a few stumbles and closed the door.

The other Peters except Twunky looked confused. Twunky instead gave me a tiny little smirk. What was going on? Had he given Buff something to knock him out? I knew Buff well enough to know when he was naturally sleepy, and tonight wasn't normal.

After a moment of awkward silence, I blew a big breath. "So, what do I do now?"

"What do you mean?" Fabio asked. "You're the leader."

"I'm new, though."

"Well?" Twunky said in a casual tone. "I'm not sure if we're supposed to start the inauguration tonight or if we should wait. It never falls on Halloween, so I'm not sure why Buff chose tonight."

"Oh." I hoped I wouldn't suck at this. I'd try my hardest to be the best leader I could be, but without any experience, I could easily make many mistakes. "What goes on in the inauguration?"

"You're supposed to fuck all of us," Fabio said matter-of-factly. "Including Buff."

The others nodded. Lincoln, however, was just there, not interacting at all. He still didn't seem into being here, and I couldn't blame him after everything he'd gone through. Hush was also silent, but then again, he was named Hush for a reason.

"And come inside each of our holes too," Himbo added, grinning.

What...? But how was that possible when there were eight of us? That meant I'd have to nut seven times in one night?

Twunky shook his head. "That's why I'm confused as to why Buff would choose to do it on Halloween night when we're supposed to have a costume party as promised. Peters throw one every Halloween."

"It's tradition," Fabio said.

"And the inauguration could take hours, depending on how fast you can come seven times in one night, hence the reason it needs its own night."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who made all this up?"

"The higher-ups," Fabio said. "You did meet with them like Buff said, right? Because they should've explained all this to you, but you act like you didn't."

I shook my head. "I didn't meet with them."

Twunky wrinkled his forehead. "You didn't?"

"Buff stated you guys did," Fabio said. "Well, that he met with them, but it's assumed you did too."

I gave them a blank look. "Was...I really supposed to? Buff couldn't just tell me how it works?"

Fabio rolled his eyes. "That's how you become confirmed as a leader. I thought you already were and that it was just the announcement and possibly the inauguration to take place."

Twunky shook his head, clearly confused. "What's going on? How are you not prepared?"

"Yeah," Fabio said in a cold tone. "I mean, we technically don't have a leader. You're just a leader by name." What was his problem? He seemed moody now.

Himbo grinned. "You're not a real leader yet, so we don't have to listen to you."

"I'm definitely not," Fabio added, his gaze burning into mine like he was seething. "It's obvious you only got the title because Buff is into you."

I sighed. "Well, I didn't know about any of this."

Fabio gave me a headshake. "I've been a lot more dedicated to the Peters club than you."

"Me too," Himbo said.

"Eh, it's a stupid club," Lincoln muttered.

Fabio narrowed his eyes at him. "That's because you're the black sheep. Honestly? If I were the leader, I'd just kick you out so that we don't have to waste our time anymore with absent members."

Lincoln shot him with a tight smile that looked more sarcastic. "Then I nominate you as the leader so you can finally do me a favor."

"That's not how it works. We'd have to go to the higher-ups and have you and anyone else who wants me as leader confirm your votes. And we'd have to prove why Buff fails as a leader to prevent him from reclaiming the title." Fabio returned his gaze to me, no longer as friendly as he'd been this whole time. Or maybe this was the real him. Maybe me not technically being a leader made him feel bolder. "God, Pete. First, you become Chosen One."

Pete? Why was he calling me that?

"And you still have the title even though sub is bigger than you," Himbo added.

I lifted my eyebrows.

"Yep," Fabio said. "We know all about that. But we bit our tongues the whole time."

Oh, shit. Was I fucked now? Literally?

"So, you should be the sub."

Twunky sighed. "Look at us now, guys. We're fighting. Can we stop?"

"Pete needs to learn his real place."

"So...what's going to happen now?" Finally, Hush spoke.

Fabio shrugged. "We have no leader. Buff stepped down, and now he's asleep."

I could suddenly hear the snores coming from my and Buff's room now that I paid more attention. I gave Fabio a pleading look. "I don't want to be a sub."

"And I don't want to be Chosen One," Jerrick quickly said with a serious expression.

"It's not your guys' decision to make. It's a hard-coded rule that's to be respected. Buff clearly doesn't take this club seriously like he led on." Fabio shook his head. "I'm really disappointed in him because he's a liar who's just playing favorites."

Himbo nodded and smiled at Fabio. "You should be the leader. And we should tell the higher-ups the truth so Pete can finally take it up the ass anytime we want to give it to him." He lowered his gaze to my lower half with a hungry look. "I'll be more than happy to fuck you."

I inhaled and exhaled. "You're not touching my ass." And if Fabio was going to be cold with me, I'd do the same. Fuck this drama.

"I respect that," Twunk said with a smile.

Jerrick nodded, also smiling. "Me too."

Fabio rolled his eyes. "That's because you both like Pete for reasons I'll never understand. Of all people."

"Why are you calling me by my name?" I asked, my nerves getting worked up.

Fabio gave me a dark look. "Because I refuse to call you Chosen One now that you no longer have the biggest cock. You think you're so fucking special, don't you? Breaking all the rules, changing the way the club works, getting special treatment from Buff, all because you couldn't handle being a true member like the weakling you are. You're a phony."

I scoffed. "Why are you being a dick now?" Suddenly, I regretted calling Fabio that. I didn't want to fight.

He shook his head. "I can't stand you, Pete. I haven't liked you since your outbursts over wanting to leave the club, and now, I can finally vent about it."

Himbo nodded. "I don't hate you, but I don't really like you that much either. But I'd still fuck you." He'd never been angry the whole time, just in constant agreement like a sheep. A horny sheep.

I didn't know what to say. This didn't seem like Fabio at all, but then again, I'd never really gotten to know him as well as I should've.

"You know, Pete," Fabio said. "I'd kick you out too if I were the leader."

Oh? Was that really an option?

I swallowed, and I decided to play along. "I'm stuck here for four years."

"Not if you get kicked out."

"I can get kicked out?"

"Let me guess. Buff didn't disclose that either?"

What the fuck? Had Buff been trying to keep me here for his own selfish reasons?

I sighed. "If I add my voice to nominate you as leader, will you promise to kick me out?"

Fabio let out a dark chuckle. "I'm not surprised you still want out. You've just proven how unworthy of a Peter you really are, especially as a leader."

"Let's talk to the higher-ups, Fabio," Himbo said. "You deserve the leadership. You got my vote and Hush's vote too, and both Pete and Lincoln said they'd vote for you if you kick them out."

Hush gave me a sympathetic expression. "I don't mean any offense by this, Pete, but I do think Fabio would make a better leader."

Pete. Him too. I didn't want to argue with Hush because we'd gotten along for the most part, or so I'd thought. "But don't you want out?"

"Not anymore."

"We treat him well here," Fabio said. "We always make his experience easier by letting him watch lesbian porn while still participating with us, as you've noticed. And if I were the leader, I'd make special accommodations for him because of his sexuality since leaders can make up their own house rules as long as it aligns with the Peters club. He'll still have to have sex, but we can make it more tolerable for him."

I really hated this. Why was it that every time I had a great plan, something got in my way? I was ready to be the leader just so that I wouldn't have to obey anyone here. But it was clear that Fabio would make a better leader since he really did take the club seriously. Plus, he already had four votes as long as he was serious about kicking me and Lincoln out, since I sure as fuck wasn't going to become sub Peters.

Buff would never allow it, though. He'd probably fight.

But at least I'd be free.

"I'll give you my vote only if you promise to kick me out," I said.

"Same," Lincoln added.

Twunky let out a deep breath. "Well, if that's the case, I'll vote for Fabio since I already know he'd be a fair leader. I mean, I know him really well. He doesn't treat anyone like shit for no reason, and he's very strict about following all rules. No cherry-picking or favoritism with him."

Yet Fabio was a dick when he wanted to be.

"I'd probably vote for Fabio too," Jerrick said. "But I'd want out if it means I'm automatically the Chosen One."

Fabio rolled his eyes. "I can't believe this is happening. We're just falling apart here due to poor leadership and a lack of devoted Peters. We'd have to get a few new guys to replace the ones leaving and hope they'd respect the club."

Himbo's face beamed. "At least Hush would be Chosen One, which means he doesn't ever have to get fucked again."

"Not going to lie," Hush said in a tone of relief. "I'd really like that."

Himbo patted Hush's shoulder. "We want you to be comfortable so you'll never want to leave." It was clear some of these Peters had a tight bond that I'd never realized until now.

Fabio pursed his lips and nodded. "That means all of you besides Buff would give me your votes, and even though he'll most likely moan like a child, he can't do a thing about it. The higher-ups are going to question why he allowed Pete to remain Chosen One this whole time. That's already a strike against him. I'll tell them everything else too. So, then, it's settled. We'll take care of this as soon as possible."

I couldn't believe it. There was a strong chance that I was a free man and that the Peters would at least have a fair leader, albeit an anal-retentive jerk. At the same time, I'd be out in the streets now that Mom and Dad disowned me. Fuck. What would I do? Fabio was such a rule-follower that I'd fail if I bargained with him to avoid becoming a sub.

Ugh, I needed some air. I needed to get away from all this drama and think about my future. Everything was crumbling before my eyes, and I was desperate. I didn't want to be with Buff anymore, no more fake relationship, but he was worth billions.

"I think I'm going to go out for some air," I said.

Fabio shrugged. "We're still having a Halloween party tonight as promised."

What the fuck ever.

"Want some company?" Jerrick asked me, a hopeful expression spanning his face.

I managed a tiny smile. How could I say 'no' when I really needed the company? I'd love to finally spend time with him.

"You're not going to leave too, are you?" Fabio asked Twunky, frowning a little.

Twunky sighed and gave me an apologetic look. "I should probably stay for the party. I mean, at the end of the day, I'm not leaving the Peters club if Fabio becomes leader. It'll be a whole new experience for me. I've enjoyed being a Peter until Buff made it a miserable experience."

Fabio took Twunky's hand and pulled him into his arms for a little kiss. "That won't happen with me. And you can eat all you want. I promise, baby." He briefly kissed his lips.

Baby? Huh? And why was the kiss a bit more passionate and sensual?

Twunky gave me a guilty look.

"No worries, Pete, we're not exclusive," Fabio said. "I don't want any drama, so feel free to fuck him anytime you want."

"I...didn't know you guys were a thing now."

"It just happened recently," Twunky said, still looking guilty.

"You like him?"

Twunky twisted his lips into a little smile. "I do, yeah. But I still like you. Everyone knows it, so there's no point in hiding it."

"I'm poly, anyway." Fabio gave me a shrug. "Doesn't bother me." He glanced at Himbo, a tiny smile forming. "Besides, you know I'm never going to stop enjoying your hot, big ass."

Himbo grinned. "I love it when you fuck me."

"And I love fucking you."

"Fabio doesn't get jealous," Twunky said.

I nodded. "I see." I had no other words to say, but I also had no right to be upset. I'd pushed Twunky away for weeks, and he'd somehow taken a liking toward Fabio. Okay, fine, but why Fabio? It seemed so random. Unless they'd bonded over time?

But Jerrick. I'd pushed him away for weeks too, and he was still available and seemingly interested. I could tell just by looking at him now, the way his beautiful smile grew a bit in that molten kind of way, his face softening like he was emotional. His bright bedroom eyes looking like crystals in a grayish-blue shade always got to me in the best way. I could use some normalcy with a guy like him. I could probably fall in love.

If I was ready.

But I had to figure out how my life was going to be outside of the Peters club. I had no other way to cover my Port Pelle College tuition, and I'd probably have to marry Buff to have access to his money.

Money. Damn, I'd never been this hungry for it in my life. I'd never been the humblest of people, but I wasn't used to chasing after a huge sum in such a desperate way. I'd lived comfortably my whole life because both my parents made good money.

Now, I was dirt poor.

And homeless.


To be continued...



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DISCLAIMER: All character names/details in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 17

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