The Peach Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

By Marco May

Published on Mar 18, 2021



The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall

Chapter 11: A Big Eggplant for Three Virgin Peaches (Part 1)


The deflowering ritual. What a silly event, but at the same time, it made my dick harder than a rock. It was Saturday night in early October, and Buff had had me save my load for a couple of agonizing days, sometimes teasing me by rubbing his big butt against my dick like a sadistic prick. Normally, it wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but after all the hot sex I'd been having, waiting even a day suddenly felt like an eternity. I was ready for action. While it was chilly outside, it was bound to be the opposite inside the Peters' suite, the only dorm in Peterson Hall that had the most gay fucking going on.

After all six of us who lived here showered, we stood naked near the center of the space while Jerrick was in the bathroom taking his turn. We stroked our dicks as a warmup, but Hush's big dick was still flaccid. Lucky for him, all he had to do was watch and maybe do minor stuff. Where was Lincoln, though? Because he was still a Peter, he was supposed to be here, but he wasn't. Not yet anyway.

Buff sighed, clearly not in a great mood. "I have a feeling Joker's not going to show up since he's not answering my calls or texts."

"He's been through enough," I said in a respectable tone. I knew not to snap at Buff, because despite his willingness to worship me, he was still the leader. I always thought gods should be the leaders, but whatever.

"He's still a Peter, so he should be here."

"I know, but give him some time, okay?"

"You're not getting it, Chosen One. This is an important ritual. He's supposed to be here. All Peters are required to be here." Buff wasn't letting this go. His anal rules were getting to his head like a pedantic asshole.

I walked up to him and kissed his lips, and I jacked him off in hopes of lightening the mood. "It'll be okay. He doesn't have to join every time."

"Except he does. It's not my rules. I'm just following them because I'm the leader and I'm supposed to."

I kissed him some more and leaned toward his ear. "What's really bothering you, Buff?"

He didn't respond, but his face told me there was something going on.

"Come on, tell me."

"I'm just in a bad mood, that's all." His tone was curt. "I'll get over it."


The bathroom door opened, and I froze at the sight of Jerrick and his naked body. For being a thin twink, he sure had a sexy body that I'd totally lick and devour. It was toned, well-defined, faint abs, and...


A humongous dick? What the fuck? He was bigger than me! Well, maybe as thick as mine, but definitely longer. It hung like an elephant trunk. How was that possible when he was the newly-named sub Peters for a reason? He was the club's cumdump.

With a red face, Buff stormed away and into our room, slamming the door shut.

I lowered my eyebrows at the closed door and then at the others. Why the melodramatic exit? "What...just happened?"

"I think I know," Twunky said, looking unfazed.

Fabio nodded, also with a cool expression. "I think I know too."

Himbo looked dumbfounded, and Hush simply stayed quiet with a distant look that was difficult to identify.

Jerrick also looked confused. "Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not your fault," Twunky said. "No worries."

"What's going on?" I asked.

My and Buff's room door opened, and Buff poked his head through the crack. Was he pissed? He looked it. "Chosen One, I need you right now. It's urgent and it can't wait."

I nodded, and I gave the others a shrug.

"The rest of you just wait because it'll be a while," Buff added. "Play with yourselves, make yourselves busy, whatever, I don't care. Just save your cum for the ritual." He went back inside but left the door cracked open.

"We can just make out and touch each other," Twunky said to the other Peters.

They nodded in response, and I rushed into the room and closed the door.

Still naked, Buff sat on the edge of the bed, his head lowered. He inhaled and exhaled. "I'm fucking pissed," he muttered. Since he spoke in a low tone, I assumed it was something the others couldn't know about.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at me and paused for a moment. "Rules state that whoever has the biggest cock must be the Chosen One. Jerrick fucking lied to me when he told me he wasn't that big!"

My eyebrows shot up. "Oh..."

"That's not all. In the event that a Peter has already been selected as the Chosen One..." Buff paused, swallowing. "He must switch places with the new Chosen One."

My eyes were ready to pop out. "What?!" Holy fuck, I had to be a sub now? My heart raced, and the dizziness was slowly getting to me. "But he's a twink, not a jock!"

"When it comes to cock size for the Chosen One status, it doesn't matter. There can't ever be a sub whose cock is biggest. It's humiliating to the Chosen One."

I formed fists, my mood making me seethe with resentment. "What a stupid, fucking rule. I hate this fucking club."

Buff got up and rushed toward me, and he took my hands, frowning a little. "Hey, don't talk like that about the Peters club. Look, I get it. You're pissed, and rightfully so. But no one knows. Only the past leaders and the president of the club, that's it. They don't even monitor what goes on in here because leaders are meant to be trusted."

I breathed hard, feeling sick to my stomach by such a table-turning blindside. "So are you really saying I'm about to get fucked with that big-ass elephant dick?"

"No! I mean, you're technically supposed to, but I won't allow it."

Relief came over me in a tidal wave.

"Chosen One, I meant every word when I told you I wanted you to be my god. It's not just my biggest fantasy, it's a life I crave even after I graduate from here and am no longer the leader. But the moment you become a sub, I'll be crushed. Like, forever. I wouldn't be able to look at you the same way anymore because you'd be emasculated. Nothing turns me off more than a butch Dom who gets fucked, let alone be a cumdump for all of us. And that's another thing. All sub Peters are strictly forbidden to top. They can only be bottoms while being members. They can do whatever after they graduate since they'd no longer be active members, but in your case, that's four years from now. So can you see why I'm torn here?"

Fuck. Fuck, fuck. This wasn't happening.

"But what about the videos you upload?" I asked. "Wouldn't the president and past leaders know something's off when they continue to see Jerrick taking it up the ass while his dick would obviously be bigger?"

"Well, that's the thing. Only if they find out he has the biggest cock, which we can cover up with a jockstrap. If you're willing to keep this between us, we can bend the rules a bit."

I knew how serious Buff was when he otherwise would stick to the rules. He had it bad for me. He wanted me in a way he didn't want anyone else. He was willing to put his leadership role at risk by saving my ass from being deflowered. It wasn't so much that I refused to ever be a bottom one day, but I'd never want to lose my ass virginity to a big dick. The thought of it scared the shit out of me.

"Hey, hey," Buff said in a tender tone, kissing my lips. "I'm not going to let this happen to you. I promise." He rested his forehead against mine, his hazel eyes burning into my brown ones. Why was he being like this? Why was he being so affectionate with me? Did he have...

Feelings for me?

I sighed and slowly pulled away from him. "Can I just step out for a while and think? I'm not feeling well right now."

Buff nodded. "I get it. Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Just...anywhere. Maybe the lobby, maybe go out for a short walk."

He grew serious. "It's cold out."

"I have a jacket. I'll live."

"You're not going to miss the ritual, are you?"

"No, no. Not at all." I gave him a kiss and managed a weak smile. "I just need some air, okay? What you just told me is freaking me the fuck out. I need to calm down."

"I know, but I had to tell you. Besides, I already told you I'm going to protect you."

I nodded. "Yeah." I headed toward my suitcase where I stored my clothes and grabbed something to wear.

"Hey, Chosen One?"

"Yeah?" I finished getting dressed and grabbed my jacket.

"I need to cool off myself, but I can't leave here since I'm the leader and I need to warm up with the other Peters while keeping an eye on them. But I don't want you to be alone because I'm worried about you."

Worried? That was a first. Buff never worried about anyone. What had changed?

"So, is it okay if Twunky joins you?" Buff asked.

What? Really? He trusted me with Twunky? At the same time, maybe I really could blow off some steam in the best way I'd learned how after coming to Port Pelle College.

I gave Buff a nod. "I could use a buddy right now, actually. Maybe he can help me get this shit off my mind."

"And that's exactly what I want. I know you talk to Twunky the most out of all the Peters. Well, besides Joker. But that's why I want Twunky to be the one who joins you."

"Thanks, Buff. I appreciate that."

He came closer and kissed my lips, showing me affection again. Then, he formed his infamous crooked smirk. "Anything for my god. You'll never have anyone as loyal as I am. And after the deflowering ritual, I finally decided to give you what you've been after for a while now. Tonight before bed. You earned it for being a good god. I feel like I can trust you."

I knew what he meant, but I couldn't think about that right now. It was awesome to get to fuck him. Finally. But I still needed to process everything he'd told me. I smiled as my response, not saying another word. The Peters club wasn't just unpredictable, but it made me want to leave more and more. I didn't want to be a Peter, but I didn't have a choice. It was why I was willing to let loose tonight and just do whatever the fuck I wanted. I'd been blackmailed, threatened, and had my car destroyed. What more could happen?

I left the room and smiled a little at Twunky who was getting his dick sucked by Himbo while making out with Fabio. Hush just stood near them stroking himself, probably trying to get hard but failing. Jerrick wasn't allowed to be touched, so he stood farther away from the other Peters, watching them. He played with himself, though. And from the side of his body I could see, he had a cute, round ass, albeit a small one.

He smiled at me, the kind of tight smile that told me he was probably nervous about tonight. After all, I was taking his virginity later tonight, and I was anything but small down there.

"Hey, Twunky?" Buff said as he got out of our room, still naked like the others. "Go get dressed and join Chosen One for some time alone. He needs some company right now."

Twunky stopped what he was doing and nodded, his hot ass always tempting me whenever his backside faced me. He disappeared into the room he shared with the others and got dressed. Then, we were off.

"You okay?" he asked while we headed down the hallway toward the enclosed staircase.

"Just not feeling well." I couldn't get the news off my mind. What if the present paid a visit one day and wanted to get to know us closer? It wouldn't be that farfetched. He'd know the truth. What then? God, I hated this stupid club. It could seriously die in a fire.

"Is it about Buff?" Twunky's tone was at least low enough for discretion, even though no one was around right now.

Since I couldn't tell a soul about the truth, I nodded to play along. We went through the door and down the stairs to the first floor.

"Look, I know what's going on," Twunky said. A sympathetic expression spanned his face.

Did he? Did he know the truth? Did he know what would happen now that he discovered that Jerrick had the biggest dick? "What is it?"

"Buff's most likely jealous. He knows he has to watch you deflower Jerrick, and I can already see that he likes you."

Oh...that wasn't what I'd thought. Though, it meant Twunky didn't know the truth, so that was good. "How do you know?"

"I've known him for the past year now since I was a new freshman. Fabio was already a member when Buff joined two years ago, so he's known him longer than the rest of us since he's a senior now. Hush is a sophomore like me, so he's known Buff for a year, and Himbo's a junior, so he's known him for two years. So, yeah, we all know him. Though, Himbo probably doesn't get any of this since he's just...there."

I sighed. "So Buff likes me, huh?"

"I believe he does, yeah. I mean, you're the Chosen One, after all."

"Why, what does that have to do with any of this?"

"Well? Fabio told me there was a senior two years ago who Buff really liked a lot, and the guy had the biggest cock back then, so he was the Chosen One. Then, last year, Buff was clearly smitten by the new Chosen One, and since I was there, I noticed it myself. The guy happened to be a senior as well, so Buff was pretty moody and weird after each of them graduated and were no longer active Peters. What's funny is that when the Chosen One from last school year was a junior the year before, Buff paid him no mind. It was only when he remained the one with the biggest cock that Buff suddenly took an interest in him."


Maybe it was just an intense fetish. Big dick, god worship...

"Now that you're the Chosen One this year," Twunky continued, "I've been recognizing the signs from what I noticed last year and from what Fabio told me about the year before. I don't know. It's just a wild guess, but I really do think Buff has a thing for you, and maybe more so that you're not a senior because gets another year with you."

Great. Just what I needed.

More fucking drama.

"He's the jealous type," Twunky continued. "But aside from being an asshole, he's pretty harmless and keeps to himself most of the time. He'll get over it like he always does."

"Well, that's good to hear."


We finally reached the lobby and stopped near the exit. There were quite a few dorm residents nearby, mostly where the TV and pool table were. The front desk clerk looked bored, just messing around on the phone and wasting time. There was always someone working there, it seemed.

"Want to go somewhere for a little while?" Twunky asked, flashing his beautiful smile. "I know you don't have a car anymore, but I do. Maybe go for a drive?"

"I could use a distraction." I really could. I needed to get out of here. I needed air.

"Well, if that's the case"—he glanced around his shoulders—"maybe we can do more than just a drive." He grinned.

I chuckled, and that alone made me hopeful that I could have a decent night. Blowing off steam in that sense was an even-better idea. I tried to keep it in mind that Buff would protect me. I just wasn't ready to bottom anytime soon. I was relieved that Lincoln hadn't had the chance to go that far with me because Buff had caught us. It made me realize more than ever how unready I was.

Twunky and I walked out of Peterson Hall and toward his SUV. Despite wearing a jacket, I shivered. While the parking lot was well-lit, Port Pelle was so small of a town that it'd be pitch-dark on the outskirts in just a short drive. We hopped inside, and he revved the engine and took off.

"What made you get a car like this?" I asked.

"I like to travel a lot."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yep. I travel a lot during the summer and at least one weekend a month."

"That's cool. Where do you go?"

"Wherever my mood takes me." He winked at me.

I smiled. "Thanks for joining me, Twunky."

"No problem. I kind of figured something was up for you to need some air when we were just about to start the ritual. I mean, you and Buff talked for a while, and then you needed to step out all of a sudden? You know?"

I blew a big breath. After a pause, just staring out the passenger window, my mood threatened to sink. The countryside outskirts of town caught my view while Twunky drove. "I wish I could leave this place."

It took him a while to say anything. "I know the feeling."

I looked at him and frowned. "You want out too?"

"For a while now, yeah. It was awesome at first, hot sex and all, but toward the ending of last year, I just got over it with all the rules about dieting and whatnot."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, it's an actual rule to diet?" I really wished I could see all these rules. Instead, they were told and not shown.

"Oh, yeah. It's not just me. You probably thought it was because the other Peters don't gain weight as easily I do, so they can get away with eating junk outside of the dorm." Was Twunky sad? I could've sworn there was emotion in his voice. As soon as I heard his stomach growling, that was it. I couldn't take this anymore.

I sighed. "Let's go out to eat."

"It's fine," he said under his breath.

"No, it's not. I may not have a car, but I can still treat you with a good dinner. You like steak and fries?"

"Love it."

"Good. We'll go to a steakhouse, then. And don't worry about the money because I got it covered. I don't even need a job right now because I have a lot of money on my card." It was weird saying that because I never usually admitted such a thing. But it was Twunky, and I felt like I could trust him.

He was silent for a moment. Then, he managed a little smile. "Thanks. You're the most real person I've ever met."

I chuckled. "I'm sure you've met others."

"Nope. Every friend I had eventually showed their true colors. The Peters are nice to me and all, but I could never rely on them for moral support. I've tried, believe me. They know I'm always starving, but they just tell me to drink enough water. You? You're the only one who actually cares. You're even willing to buy me dinner."

"Not even your parents?"

Twunky grew silent and stared at the road whose path was solely lit by the headlights. Oh, shit. His pause gave off a vibe of some kind of triggering emotion. I waited until he spoke, which felt like an eternity despite being only seconds. "It's just me and my grandma. I used to be really fat. She got me on a strict diet, and once I lost all the weight, I finally felt great about myself. But now that I gained a few pounds late last school year and over the summer, I'm reminded of it all over again. Buff kept calling me Chunky Twunky until I lost enough weight for him to stop."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I wasn't sure why, but I placed a hand on Twunky's knee and gave it a supportive squeeze. "Only lose weight if you really want to. The hell with all these shallow fucks. You're beautiful however way you are."

That made him smile a little. "You haven't seen me fat, though."

"I don't have to. Your personality is enough for me." Was it? I'd never been with a fat person before, but I'd found plenty of them attractive. I'd watched a few chub porn clips because the guys on those had happened to be pretty hot in the face, and their asses were just nice and big. I'd always loved big butts, though. I liked any size, really, especially when they jiggled.

And now I was hard and horny.

"Hey, do you still want to mess around?" Well, well. Twunky had just read my mind.

"Of course. I'd never reject a hottie like you."

"Then how about we get that dinner afterward? I don't want know...have an accident."

My eyebrows flew up. "Is that an implication of going all the way?"

"Yep. I want you to fuck me, Chosen One. I don't care if Buff wants to be my first. I want you to be my first instead. It's my choice. He doesn't own me. And I'm getting kind of horny after having blue balls from Himbo's blowjob earlier."

Wow. Twunky wanted me to deflower him, after all. "But you're not nervous? I mean, I'm really big."

"Nah, I think I can take the pain. If not, I'll live."

"You know, Buff told me I needed to save my load for Jerrick. But I know myself all too well. I can still get horny again later on."

"Mm, you really want me now, don't you?"

"I do."

"Another good thing about having an SUV is that the back seat can lie flat like a bed."

"That's cool. But what about lube and a condom?"

"I have lube in the back. I don't have condoms, know...I kind of want you to breed me raw."

Oh, Twunky. What a sexy-ass guy who knew just how to make me hunger for him. I drenched my underwear with so much precum because of the fact that my wish was finally coming true. "By the way. What made you wait this long to want to give it up? Because of Buff?"

"For the most part. I lost a ton of weight toward high school graduation, and living back home wasn't exactly easy with being gay for me to date or hook up. The sub Peter who was in the club when I started was a senior, so he graduated. But Buff told me at the time that he wanted to put me on hold as a candidate for this year. And then, he became more possessive than ever with my ass. That's the thing about him. When he's fixated on someone, he just...I don't know. He changes, I guess."


"But we don't have to talk about that anymore. I've wanted you inside me for over a month now."

I smiled. "Since we first met?"

"Oh, yeah. I thought you were so hot. Still do."

It was great connecting with Twunky like this. We'd connected before, but I felt like it was more so this time.

He found a spot somewhere in a field and parked, not far from Port Pelle. It was pitch-dark out, so we'd have to fuck with no light on. It was safer that way, though. We didn't want to get caught.

"We can just crawl between the seats to get to the back."

"Oh, that's convenient."

"Yeah. I have blankets and a portable heater too."

I let out a chuckle. "You're just ready for it all, huh?"

"Pretty much. You never know, right?"


I slowly followed Twunky into the back in a crouching position, feeling blind while trying to feel my way through a space I'd never been before. I bumped my shin against the edge of the laid-out seat and sat down. I got undressed while Twunky turned on the portable heater, and it illuminated the space enough to see his silhouette.

He got naked as well and crawled on the laid-out seat, grabbing a thick blanket that was pretty big. He grabbed a small bottle of lube and went back to the portable heater to hold the bottle in front of it. "It's really cold, so I should warm it up first."

"You don't want to do foreplay?"

"I do, but we don't have much time before we have to get back to the deflowering ritual."

Oh. That. It was funny how I'd totally forgotten about it for a moment. "What about dinner?"

"There's a twenty-four-hour diner in downtown Port Pelle. We can just go there after Buff is asleep."

As much as I preferred a steakhouse, it still meant Twunky got to eat a good meal. I was going to treat him well too. I'd fatten him up for the night so that he could finally sleep comfortably. I really cared about him. He was a friend, and I looked out for my friends. I didn't want him to suffer anymore. He deserved to be happy.

After he finished heating up the bottle of lube, he opened it and squeezed some on my dick, stroking me for a few seconds while his dusky grin made me grin as well. What a beauty. Jerrick was the most beautiful guy I'd ever met, but it was in a surreally-superficial sense. Twunky was beautiful in a natural way.

He lifted himself a little to slather some lube around his virgin hole. He set the bottle aside and lay on his flat belly. "I figure it's easier this way because of the low ceiling."

"That's cool." I climbed over Twunky and positioned myself to get my dick to align with his pucker. I pressed the head against it, and his grunts of pain made me stop. "You okay?"


"Okay." I was painfully hard and leaking profusely from the anticipation of being inside him. I pressed harder against his pucker. The only downfall of this experience was that I couldn't get to see my big dick sliding inside his untouched hole. What little illumination the heater caused was covered by my back, making it way too dusky to see anything.

I pushed harder, not stopping at the tiny sounds of pain coming from him. Shit, he was so tight. He probably hadn't practiced on a dildo. I could barely get it in.

He released a low groan. "Fuck..."

"I'm almost there."

"Yeah...just...keep going." He shook a little, trying hard to control the pain to where he sounded constipated.

"Are you sure you want—?"

"Yeah, yeah, just keep going. It fucking hurts, but I want it. I want you in me."

After a moment of ignoring his pain, my inner thighs rested against his ass cheeks. I was finally in. "I'll go slow."

"However you want to do it." Still with that constipated tone.

I slowly rocked my lower half against him, thrusting into his super-tight hole that I'd just devirginized. While he whimpered in pain, I leaned my chest against his back and held him tightly. "Kiss me."

He did, and we made out while I fucked him. As I moved my lips toward his cheek, a rolling tear wet my lips. I kissed his wet eye. "I wish it didn't have to hurt. I want you to enjoy it."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. Maybe I should pull out."

"No! Please. Just come inside me instead. You think you can make it quick?" That desperate tone said it all. He wasn't enjoying it, and I kind of felt like shit.

"Oh, yeah, I've been holding it already." Thankfully, it was true. I was able to nut fast. I gave him slow thrusts, my dick feeling wonderful inside this hole. I couldn't believe it. I was fucking Twunky. I was actually inside him. It was just that good, enough so, that it threatened me to finish off inside him sooner than I'd wanted. Since he wanted my cum, I let the feeling take over me. I released my grip on the urge to shoot, and after a few movements, I lost it. I grunted while the ecstasy took control of me, and it felt like there was so much cum filling his deflowered hole. I was in heaven for long seconds, and I was breeding his hot butt just like he'd wanted.

Spent, I slowly pulled out of him, ignoring his hisses of pain. I turned over on my back. "Sorry you didn't enjoy it."

"It's okay." He snuggled with me, throwing the blanket over us. "Did you at least enjoy it?"

"Oh, yeah, it was fucking great. I love your hole."

He chuckled. "Despite the pain, it's yours whenever you want it."


"Yeah. My ass feels like it's on fire right now, but I know it'll go away the more you fuck me."

"Want me to get you off?"

"Nah, I just want to snuggle with you for now. Besides, I'll have to come in the ritual, so I might as well save my load for that."

I held Twunky in my arms and kissed his lips. We made out with more passion than ever, our tongues swirling around the other. I stopped and rubbed my nose against his. Something about him made me feel good. Safe, even. "I'm Pete Sanzo. Just thought you should know my real name."

I didn't have to see his face to know he was smiling. I could "hear" it somehow. The low, clipped puff through his nostrils and tiny sound of his lips spreading told me.

"I hate my name, but I'll tell you. It's Norman Dunkin."

"Meh. Could be worse."

"Yeah, but it sounds like an old man's name. But please continue calling my Twunky."

"Will do." I pecked his lips and smiled. It was so nice spending this kind of time with him that I didn't want to return to the dorm. I didn't want to go through with the deflowering ritual. Of course, being drained from fantastic sex with him and feeling like I could sleep with him in my arms did that.

But I had another virgin to deflower soon: Jerrick. And yet another: Buff. Three virgins in one night, and my big dick raw inside them, breeding them. What a long night it'd be. I just hoped Buff wouldn't get too possessive with me. Maybe not, though. Maybe it'd be different with me. Twunky had confirmed Buff was harmless and that he'd get over it. Buff might've been a major ass with barely a heart, but he wasn't a crazy freak with an unhealthy obsession. I had nothing to worry about.

I was safe.


To be continued...



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Copyright © 2021, Marco May. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: All character names/details in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Next: Chapter 12

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