The Pathetic Life

By Alex Andrews

Published on Jul 23, 2019


First, I will state that everyone and everything in this story is a work of FICTION and that this story is ONLY intended for those 18 years of age and older. This story contains several dangerous and unusual, potentially hazardous acts, should they be attempted in real life. However, this story IS heavily based on experiences that I have had in my young gay life, even though they are exaggerated and sensationalized for erotic pleasure and story-telling.

If you are a dominant & superior alpha man who would like to chat with a pathetic faggot to learn more about this subset of BDSM, I will happily respond to emails at Faggots, feel free to send me your comments, reactions, suggestions, and disapproval as well. I am interested in including themes that my readers would like to see added. This is my first story on Nifty, and I may not be the fastest to update it, so bear with me.

There are many more things coming up for our poor protagonist. He will subject to much more extreme humiliation, bullying, straight feet worship, urination, and rough gay sex. Don't you worry about that.

Chapter 2: House Rules

Last night, my straight, best friend, alpha male, lacrosse player jock roommate found my secret Tumblr blog containing all my foot faggot porn and extremely embarrassing messages I had sent to other alpha men. Of course, our relationship changed drastically and will never be the same. I could barely sleep after he roughly kicked and forced me to the floor, stomped on my face, and pissed all over me before calming walking out of my room and going to bed... I was left stunned, confused, defeated, and most of all, extremely humiliated. I took off my piss soaked clothes, put on some clean underwear, and tried to get some sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened, though, and didn't fall asleep until the sun was already coming up. Chris was really drunk... was there any chance that he would forget about what happened? Maybe he will remember, but apologize for the way he treated me? I guess I would find out in the morning...

And with that, I woke up to a slap to the face.

"Hey Asswipe, it's time for you to get the fuck out of bed, NOW, it's 2 pm" screamed Chris as he towered above me.

I began to stand up as I got up from under my sheets, but Chris punched me in the side, forcing me to my knees as I let out of a gasp from pain.

"What the fuck do you not remember about the whole `no walking in an alpha's presence' thing, loser? If you thought I would forget all about last night, or go easier on you, well, then you really are just a fucking dumb ass faggot!" Chris began to laugh at me.

Everything was confirmed. Chris had remembered it all, and I would forever just be a pathetic, foot sniffing, ass-kissing loser for him to laugh at, abuse, and control. While this realization was shocking... I noticed that my cock was straining obscenely against my white briefs. Fuck, I had never been this horny before in my life. This was everything I had ever fantasized about, and it was all coming true. I got on all fours, bowed my head, and just looked at my stud of a roommate's beautiful, masculine, straight feet as he stood above me, arms crossed. He was wearing only his UMD lacrosse shorts and white Nike socks. His perfectly sculpted muscles were all very visible, shining with sweat, and he smelled as if he had just come back from the gym.

"Good faggot. You will learn to greet me like this from now on- on all fours, head bowed, kissing my feet like the fucking pigshit foot faggot you are," said Chris.

I felt a rush of shame take over and my face got as red as it could possibly turn. His words went right to my head, and I had never felt so humiliated by another guy in my entire life. He was right though, I am a truly pathetic foot faggot, and there was nothing I could say to deny that. I just nodded my head and said: "yes SIR."

"So listen up Asswipe, while your faggot ass was sleeping all morning, I got a lot of shit done. Went and met up with that hot girl from my biology class to study for our exam, and it's obvious that she wants this cock. More on that later and how you will be assisting me with that. Then I went to the pool over at the Sig Pi House and chilled with some of the bros before we left to hit up the gym. Got a nice workout in this morning, can you smell that, foot boy?" barked Chris at me.

"Yes SIR, I love the smell of your stinky straight GOD feet, SIR!" I was extremely quick with my words and probably sounded like such a bitch. But I had accepted that my life and role in this home had changed forever, and a lot of humiliation and feet would be in my future, so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to just embrace my new status of desperate foot faggot.

"Ha! You are so fucking pathetic; I don't know how I was friends with you for so long! I don't know if I should pity you, or just laugh at you!"

As Chris continued to laugh at me, I crawled forward and planted a kiss on his left foot while taking a big whiff of his masculine scent. In response, he slapped the side of my face with his other foot, causing me to jerk back in pain and shock.

"What the fuck are you doing, Cuntface? You do NOT have permission to touch me or put your faggot mouth anywhere near my superior feet unless you have permission. Do you understand that, you fucking loser?" snapped Chris.

"Yes SIR, this dumb foot fag is sorry, SIR," I pleaded, desperately.

"I think it's time that I really explain to you how things are going to be around here from now on. And I know what a desperate fucking cunt you are to sniff and worship these sweaty jock feet. I'm going to the living room to the couch, and you will follow, crawling on all fours, head down, eyes on these feet and ONLY these feet. When I get there, you will turn sideways and offer your back as my footrest, because for now, I don't think you deserve to be anything other than my furniture. Got it, faggot?" barked Master Chris.

"Yes SIR!"

Chris turned around and head out of the door. I stared intently at his amazing and perfect jock feet as I pathetically and frantically followed him on all fours like a dog. I didn't care how humiliating this was, I needed those feet in my face, and there was nothing I wouldn't do for them. Finally, Chris reached the couch and sat down. Without even looking at me, he snapped his fingers and pointed between his legs. I knew that was my cue to get into position as his faggot footstool. So I obeyed and made my back flat for his big straight feet to rest upon. As soon as I was in position, I felt the weight of his feet on my back and looked over to see my stud foot master relaxing like a real man. Seeing me looking at him, Chris snapped at me to "look at the fucking ground and stop perving on him." I kept my head bowed and my eyes down. I heard him take out his phone and open it. He started to laugh a bit before saying anything else to me.

"Alright Asswipe, good job following my orders. I think it's time for me to now cater to your needs, don't you think? Don't answer that. Here, I'll help you stay quiet."

I felt Chris reach down to take off one of his socks. Just a moment later, he slapped my face and screamed "OPEN." I quickly opened my mouth and he shoved his sweaty, stinky, and wet sock into my mouth. At this point, I felt utterly defeated and another wave of shame rushed over me. Here I was, on all fours in just my white briefs, gagged with another man's sweaty sock in my mouth as he laid back on the couch with his feet resting on my back. To make matters worse, I was harder than I had ever been. I just hoped he wouldn't notice my dick so hard.

"So, as I was saying, I think I will now cater to your needs. They are very fucked up, I must say, roomie. I have your pathetic Tumblr blog here on my phone now, and I think I'll go through it again to look over your favorite posts. Let's see... Ah, here is a foot faggot just like you, blindfolded and on all fours at a real man's feet, but I see that this little bitch has a chastity cage covering his little fag boy dick! I didn't even know that guys were into this shit before I found your little blog, but if that turns you on faggot, I think I can help you with that! How does that sound, Asswipe, having no control over your dick anymore?"

I could only moan into my Master's sock. Yes, I reblogged and favorited a lot of pictures of faggots in chastity. But I had never worn one of those cages myself! Oh god, how long would Chris lock me up for? Would he ever let me cum? How horny would I be all the time? Fuck. This was quickly getting out of control.

Chris kept scrolling through my blog, reading out the captions I added to pictures and laughing out loud- sometimes really hard. The louder he laughed, the redder I became. I felt so ashamed and embarrassed to be such a loser faggot. But at the same time, it felt really good to entertain Chris. Was I actually liking this? No, I couldn't like being a slave... Or could I?

"LOL! I love this next caption- `yes SIR, faggots are nothing but dogs and deserve to be treated as such, we are NOT men, we are foot licking, asshole kissing, pit sniffing cockwhores who NEED to be put in our place by real men!' LMAO! And you wrote that for a picture of a faggot bitch like you on all fours, locked in chastity, with a fucking dog tail sticking out of his ass while the loser sticks his nose into an alpha's asshole! Ha! I can't believe what a fucking loser you are. Do you want to be my dog, loser?" said Chris as he ripped his sock out from my mouth.

My dick was so extremely hard now I thought that I would explode any second now. I had been turned on by the idea of being a dominant guy's dog before, but I never really got to try it out. I didn't know how to react or what to say, because I didn't really know if I liked that or not.

"Yes, Sir... I think so, Sir," I responded quietly, unsure of myself.

"Louder faggot, I want you to BEG to be my fucking dog," barked Chris.

"Please SIR, please let this loser foot faggot be your dog, it would be such an honor to be a superior straight man's pet, SIR!" I screamed desperately.

"HAHAHA!" Chris was absolutely dying from laughter. I think I saw him wipe tears off his face.

"Ok, Asswipe, you can be my dog. But what do dogs do, faggot?"

"Dogs bark, SIR."

"Then fucking bark, Cuntface! Show me how eager you are to be my dog," snapped Chris.

All I could do was muster up the energy and throw away any last remaining dignity of mine to bark loudly and eagerly for my new Master. I wanted to cry, but I knew that would get me nowhere. He had won by now, and he knew what a complete loser and weak bitch I am.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Master Chris burst out laughing again.

"LMAO! Holy shit dude, I knew you were a faggot, but damn, I can't even believe what a fucking loser you are, you are seriously one fucked up pathetic faggot. I think we will get you a nice dog tail so you can wag for me from now on, and you'll also be eating out of a dog bowl. If you're lucky, you will be leashed and collared too. How does that sound, Asswipe?"

"Woof! Woof!" was all I could say in response.

"That's what I thought, faggot. But wait, there's more... I never thought I would care for sissy boys, but I see that you have been reblogging a lot of pictures of sissy faggots in lingerie and French Maid outfits. Since you are absolutely, 100% NOT a man in any way, I think it makes sense for you to wear some sissy lingerie to remind you of your fucking place in this house. Don't you agree, Dogfag?"

"Woof! Woof!"

"Good bitch. And with that, I think I will explain to you the details of our new house rules. If I were you, I would listen up, Cuntface," said Chris as he took out a piece of paper and pen from his backpack on the couch. He explained the following house rules.

1- Master Chris is in charge at all times. His word is the final say, and faggot has no option other than to obey. 2- Faggot will be kept in chastity at all times unless given permission by Master for release. 3- Faggot is not allowed to walk inside and must crawl at all times. Faggot can ONLY walk if given permission by Master. 4- Faggot is a dog, and dogs do not talk. Faggot will only bark to get Master's attention or to answer basic questions. One bark means NO, two barks means YES, and three barks means I DON'T KNOW. 5- Faggot will eat all meals from a dog bowl at Master's feet. 6- Faggot is only allowed to speak English when given permission by Master Chris. If faggot would like to speak, faggot must bark over and over while wagging its tail as desperately as possible and frantically sniffing Master's crotch or ass. 7- Faggot will make Master's bed each morning and clean Master's room every other day. While cleaning, Faggot must wear a French Maid outfit, unless otherwise specified by Master. 8- Faggot is allowed to go about its "normal" life when it is away from the home, or in its room with the door closed. However, Faggot has 1 minute to report to Master on all fours if it is summoned from its room. 9- If Master ever decides to show off his bitch to other superior men, Faggot will obey without question and degrade itself for straight men's entertainment. 10- Faggot will NEVER try to touch Master's cock. Master is not a faggot and is NOT into dudes on his cock.

After hearing these rules, I was dumbfounded. I could not believe what my life had become. After Chris asked me if I understand them clearly, I barked twice to signal that I did. He had written them all down in the form of a "Slave Contract" and asked me to sign it. I signed the document, essentially giving away my life and freedom to this stud of a lacrosse player, straight alpha man that I lived with. I was now truly just a foot faggot dog, a straight man's utter bitch and pet to laugh at.

"Alright faggot, good job. I think we are going to have a great rest of the year together. Well, at least I know that this year is going to be fucking awesome for me, loser. Ha! Now get out of my fucking face, I am going to chill here and watch some TV. Take this contract with you and go to the nearest sex store you can find. You will show the cashier and ask him for help locating all the supplies you will need to follow through with your Master's demands. I'll see you later, Asswipe. Now GTFO."

And with that, I crawled back to my room with the contract in hand, my head spinning, and my hard dick dripping precum out of my underwear. I was truly fucked. How could I ever show this contract to someone else? Fuck.

The End

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of my story. Again, this is my first time writing all of this out. Please, share your feedback (positive and negative) with me at

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