The Park

By Dace McGraw

Published on Sep 18, 2017


This is a work of fiction, and none of its characters represent real persons. This work depicts explicit sexual acts between characters that are portrayed as adults over the age of eighteen, including the act of under-21 consumption of alcohol. This work does not constitute an endorsement of under-21 drinking or sex under the influence of alcohol. Do not read this work if you are offended by such material, or if it is illegal to do so where you live.

The explicit acts depicted do not practice the highest standards of safe sex, as they are based firmly in fantasy. Always practice safe sex with your partner(s) and get tested regularly if you are sexually active. Actively seek sober consent from your sexual partners before every sexual contact, and be clear and unambiguous when indicating that you want to have sex. Do not be shy about asking a medical professional for advice on safe sex and sexual health; you bear all the risks of any sexual contact you engage in.

Cover art and design are by Gregory Robert Welter, whose other work can be found at

If you enjoy this work, I would welcome comments, feedback, or simply a statement of appreciation at or on my author page. Writing a review -- even a short one -- encourages me to write more!

Copyright © 2015 by Dace McGraw

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The Creek

"... you wanna?" Dean gave him The Look.

"Yeah, 'course." Jake looked around casually, popping his head up just enough to see over the cab of the pickup. He held out his hand, looking away. Nope, nobody around. His hand filled with something warm, firm, round. "Got the stuff?"

"Yup. Right here." Dean looked around a little too casually. He needed to work on that poker face if they were going to keep this up.

"For the love of - just look around, don't stare!" Jake gave him a punch and a smile. "C'mon, gimme." Dean frowned and stuck his tongue out, but passed them over. Jake hopped down and casually walked down the street, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. He could hear the crackles of Dean strolling along behind him as they walked down the rows of mobile homes. They were just a few steps . . . there. His hands were quick enough, just barely.

Old Ben was snoozing with his ball cap over his eyes, hands resting on his gut, legs kicked up and rusty chair leaning back precariously. The firecracker slipped right under him, the fuse fizzing quietly. Dude didn't even notice, and Jake and Dean slipped right on by like they had somewhere to be. Not that they did. They were well and done with school these days, hence the time for pranks.

The firecracker lit up and started spinning, flicking sparks everywhere from right underneath Old Ben and shocking him awake, hopping and falling off his chair and screaming. Jake and Dean sped up, ducking behind another camper and suppressing giggles. Jake managed it - until he caught Dean's eye, then burst out in guffaws.

"I'll kill you, you little fuckers! Where are you!?"

"Oh, Shit! Run!" Dean shoved Jake - right out into the road. Old Ben was cursing himself blue and stamping at sparks from the firework and he caught the motion, then looked Jake square in the face. "You! I'll skin you, asshole!"

"Shitshitshitshitshit" He broke in to a full sprint, Dean maybe a pace behind, rock ships and dirt flicking off all over the road. "Creek!" Jake knew exactly what he meant - the creek about a mile behind the back of the trailer park, full of bushes and low trees. Perfect place to hide from the consequences of a well-executed prank and a very angry Old Ben. Dude was a spry fucker for a retiree.

Jake could feel his blood pumping in his ears by they time they got to the beginning of the creek, and Old Ben was still screaming somewhere back there. He stopped, panting, for a second before Dean arrived, slapped him on the back, and dashed into the creek bed like a wild animal was after him. From the grin he flashed back at Jake, maybe he wanted one there.

Jake was after him in a flash, the branches slapping at him in Dean's wake. Grey sweater and black-and-white gym shorts, just barely ahead of him, but a great target all the same. Jake forgot all about Old Ben. He hadn't tapped Dean's ass in far too long, and it felt great to be chasing after him for a reason he couldn't explain.

Dean ducked to the side into a bend in the creek bed, dove under some of the bushes and fell to the ground. Jake sidestepped then dived right in after him, landing right on his friend. He could feel the breath rushing out of Dean in an unmanly squeak. Their heavy, quick breaths seemed to move in a beat, Jake rising slightly whenever Dean inhaled. Jake brought his arms up along Dean's flanks.

"Shhh. We're hiding." Jake could barely suppress the giggle.

"Oh. This is your idea of hiding?" Dean bucked a bit under him. Jake gave him a little growl.

"Spur of the moment thing."

"Right. You just want to do it dirty, don't you?" Jake gave him a little kiss, on the collarbone, then the neck, then a little nibble on the earlobe.

"Had occurred to me." Jake rested on Dean's back, their breath slowing as the forest around them returned to the quiet noises of the almost-wild.

"We don't do this enough." Dean murmured under him. "Just laying like this."

"I know." Jake nuzzled at him. "Wish the 'rents left us be more often. Or that they'd follow their own damned advice and get a steady job. Give me a chance to tap this ass more often." He gave a little thrust, feeling Dean's ass clench a bit under him. Jake took a hand down under Dean's arm, wrapping it up on his collarbone.

"Mmm." Dean's hum thrummed underneath him. "Remember that first night in the trailer? Never had a sleepover quite like that."

"I could have brought lube to a sleepover before. Would have spiced up sixth grade, that's for sure." Jake repressed a chuckle as Dean snorted laughter below him. "Shhh! We're hiding, remember?!"

"He's not chasing us anymore." Dean rolled around under him, arms coming untangled. Had he been working out? His chest was hard, easily pushing him up and down a bit with each breath. "Though I do kinda like us under a bush."

Jake tucked his chin along Dean's chest. Dude was still filling out, even as an adult. It felt good - really good - to have those muscles wrapped around his waist. Felt better to have those hands roaming under his hoodie. He gave Dean's neck a kiss.

"You're seducing me. Again." Dean trailed off into a low sigh.

"Seemed like a good idea the first time, too." Jake nibbled a little. He could feel the warmth of Dean's crotch pressing against his "And the bush was your idea. I was classy. I used porn. And beer. I think I'm the one being seduced. And your technique sucks."

"Good point. Bushes were my idea." Dean kissed him - and slipped a hand under the band of his sweatpants. Jake pushed back at him, clenching and pushing just enough to keep him interested. Dean's cock was pressing right up beneath him, so he slid his knees out to the side, tucking legs under Dean's and tracing hands up under his sweater. "And this time, I came prepared."

"Oh, you did?" Jake went in for the kiss. Open mouths, wandering hands, and Dean's insistent, probing tongue reaching and wrapping. Jake wasn't sure who started the low, humming growl between them.

"Yeah. Ohgod, yeah I did." Dean's hand was pulling, almost clawing at his ass, and the other was scrambling between them. "Fuck it's been too long, I wanted to fuck you every night this week, wanted you so bad."

"You mean. You haven't had. The chance to. Jack it. Since your cousin. Moved in. And kicked you. Off the couch." Jake had to break it into bits between kisses, one hand yanking at the clothes under him while the other wrapped around Dean's neck.

Somehow, there was a tube of lube on the ground next to them, and Dean's hands were back in action. Jake pulled off of Dean for a second. "Oh. Prepared. Like, real prepared." Dean chuckled under him.

Jake cooled the hands down a bit. He could feel Dean's hand on his ass switch from clutching to caressing, and Jake kissed under the neck again. That other hand wound up in the small of his back, tracing up and down and rustling the sticks and leaves above them.

"I'm not pressuring you." Dean whispered under him. "I want you, but I want you to want me."

"And I'm glad I do." Jake sat up, pushing aside the brush a bit. "Let's get sexy."

"Let's get sexy?! Really?" Dean leaned up under him, tugging at Jake's shirt with fingertips slipping under the waistband. "How terribly corny."

"Shut up, and get sexy." Jake yanked Dean's sweater up, exposing a flat, muscular abdomen. "Oh. Holy shit. You got sexy."

"Prepared. And bored. And waiting for this!" Dean all but ripped off Jake's shirt, his chest rippling as he followed the hemline up, kissing and growling. Hot breaths splashed across his chest, stark against the autumn chill. Jake's hands wandered across the dappled muscles of Dean's back. It was nice, almost pornographic to rub against this hunk of a teen, the boy he'd grown up with and seduced. He thrust into the hard flesh of his best friend below him.

"Roll over, fucker. New plan." Jake twisted Dean's shoulders, and his friend playfully resisted for a second, warm, supple ropes of muscle surging between them. He'd really been working out, it was like a whole new man - definitely a man, now, ropes of muscles and darker tufts of hair. They'd been barely into adulthood when they started messing around, and the difference was real even months later.

Jake's hand started wandering across the ripples of muscle before him, letting little kisses peck out along Dean's back and hands stroking along his flank. He rubbed himself against the firm planes of Dean's ass, his prick pressing hard against the fabric of their jeans. Below him Dean moaned, a low reverberation he could feel throughout his chest, and his friend pushed back against his dick, wriggling.

"Fuck me, Jake. This feels good." Dean groaned. Jake could feel his underwear getting tight; his erection must be out of control down there. He wanted to rip the jeans off him and fuck that ass until sundown.

"Oh, you're going to get fucked soon, boyo." Jake gave him a little bite on the earlobe, as Dean sucked air, jaw trembling and hips bucking. "I'm going to pound you, long and slow and . . . hard."

Dean wasn't even really able to articulate, moaning, his hands arcing up over his shoulders, lining every muscle on his back in sharp relief. Jake reached under and fumbled at the buttons of his friend's waist, fingers slipping under the hemline and brushing the hot, hairy warmth within. Somehow he got the clasp free; and the looseness suddenly pushing and thrusting at the hand that slipped into his ratty underwear. The damp feeling as Dean's slick dick tip slipped between his fingers, the smell of sweat from the heat between them - goddamn, there was nothing better.

A little gust of air sent the damp smell of loam and a few leaves scattering over them as Dean pressed back against Jake's dick, the chill cutting and making his nipples freeze up, suddenly brushed against a ridge of his friend's back. It felt like a Dean had brushed him with the live wire from when they'd broken the RV's generator, tingles all over his body and fire right on the skin over his heart. He couldn't help the moan, it broke out of him like a dam. He felt a little burst of damp warmth in his underwear, his balls pulling, squirting out precum. Time for pants-off, then.

He yanked at Dean's waistline, the jeans coming off the hairy planes of ass and waist, the little tuft of fur at the top of the ass-cleft like tiny wire-brush at his knuckles. Dean moaned, his back arching and one hand awkwardly reaching over to help. He wriggled out of his jeans and underwear, the patch of fur on his waist like an arrow in thickets of hair on muscled thighs, dick pressed fast to his waist and straining to press harder. They lunged into a kiss, their legs tangling up beneath them as Dean scrambled at Jake's waist and pulled on the buttons of his jeans, bare ass on the ground under them. Jake didn't know who was on top anymore, and didn't much care after a few seconds. His dick was pressing hard against Dean's chest as the more muscular man leaned up over him, groins rubbing together.

He scrabbled after the lube, knocked over by their discarded clothes, and popped the cap, carelessly drizzling some between them as Dean locked on his neck, kissing and licking up the line of his jaw. The sudden loss of friction as the cool liquid gushed between them made Jake gasp, jerking his hips up into Dean and scratching deep into his back.

"Oh, fuck, fucking hell, Dean!" Jake barely had the restraint to keep his voice down. The thick, pulsing heat of Dean's cock against his was sliding up and around his prick, and he felt a slow, gliding stroke down his side as Dean's hand scraped some of the lube into his hand. Jake trembled; he knew where that hand was going, and he wanted it even though it meant their grasping, shuddering convulsions against each other were slowing down.

"Ready, fucker?" Dean whispered against his ear, that hand slipping slowly down in the crevice between them. Delicate, probing touches at his ass, just teasing.

"Fucking hell yes, fuck, get fucking --" Dean shut him up by locking their lips together, tongue thrusting and wrestling noisily as fingers slipped in, pressing, at Jake's ass. His moan died a loud, messy death in Dean's mouth as those fingers slowly pressed, opening him up and sliding, filling him. "More, more, please --"

"You fucking bet, more." Dean's fingers slipped out, his hips jerked away. Jake felt cold, bereft of the crushing, smothering warmth of his friend's muscles in an instant. He resisted the impulse to squirm back onto Dean's legs as that cock slipped past his own, those hands raised his legs just a little, and Dean guided himself to Jake's ass by feel. Jake whimpered, twitched. They'd done this before, but hot damn, it just kept getting better.

Dean's cockhead slipped into him as their mouths resumed playing with each other. Dean froze at just the right moment, reading every tremble across his body. Jake arced his back a little as Dean slid all the way in with a strangled moan, then slid a hand down Dean's chest to his own cock, pulsing with its head half-exposed, gushing precum mixing with lube. Rubbing just along the rim of his hood made his legs and ass twitch, and he could feel the effect on Dean as he trembled violently into his ass.

The muscular teen started to slide in and out, his rock-hard cock pressing and filling Jake and slowly driving him to ecstasy. Each gentle pump was a merciless lesson in sensation, rubbing deep to his core. He didn't give a fuck that he'd wanted to fuck Dean's ass; this was so much fucking better. Every touch on his dick was a risk; he felt like he was riding the edge of cumming with each thrust.

Dean's gentle increase in pace was subtle, so much so that it took long, blissed-out minutes for Jake to realize his ass was being piledrived. Dean's face took on a locked, strained look as the ropy muscles of his neck stood out, eyes rolling up as the familiar signature of his orgasm crept up. Jake saw it coming, and clenched -- everything. The feeling of Dean's cock in his ass changed to piston-fucking hard for all of ten seconds as Dean became a twitching throbbing mess inside him; the wet, warm sensation pushed him over the edge, too. The slick solution of cum and lube all over his abdomen swelled with the cum that sloshed over him with a low moan.

Above him, Dean came down from his orgasm, still twitching and bucking a bit inside Jake's ass. As the two slowly stepped away from each other's buttons, the chill started to seep back in to them. Dean scraped their clothes into a little nest, cuddling up on Jake's chest even as the cum pooled into a sticky mess between them. The sat there, naked to the world except for the odd leaf caught in hair and a cocoon of sweaters and discarded clothes. Dean even seemed to be falling asleep for a second, nestled on Jake's smaller chest.

Jake was drifting off himself, despite the chill in the air, when he heard a sudden gasp that near shot his heart through his chest. Dean shifted awake, looking up as Jake popped his head up and swung around.

There! Up the creek bed, a pale face was looking at them in obvious shock. Jake convulsed under Dean, shoving him up and grabbing for his shorts. Who the fuck was that?

Dean was scrambling for his clothes as well, stopping to look from time to time and tripping Jake up as he did. They must have looked like fucking idiots, bare-assed and stumbling all over each other trying to get dressed as their voyeur gained shot off into the woods.

"Son of a bitch, did you see him?" Dean whispered. "Who was it?"

"I don't know. Damnit, quick, get your -- wait, that's my shirt, damnit!" Jake grabbed the shirt and shoved a shoe at Dean. "Oh, fuck. What's the point? He's going to tell everyone, and we're fucking dead for sure."

"Maybe he won't?" Dean said, holding a shoe in one hand, his treasure trail matted with cooling cum, a stray leaf, and smeared lube. Jake gestured up and down at the view, and once Dean realized how he looked he conceded the point with a halfhearted laugh. "OK, so maybe we're dead."

"Well. Fuck."

"I think that was the problem, actually."

------------------------------   The Woods

Jake kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. He and Dean hadn't had sex -- or spent more than an hour or so together -- in almost two weeks. Whoever it was that had caught them in the act had surely told whoever he was going to tell . . . right?

Not that they would have had much chance to sneak off and do the nasty anyway. Dean's asshole cousin was still camped out on the couch over there, leaving Dean on the floor and the two of them with zero opportunities for privacy. On top of that, Dean's uncle Jack wanted to keep him close by -- scared by some stupid AM radio report about druggies in the woods or something.

Things weren't much better at Jake's -- his mother had found a new boyfriend last month, and things had finally progressed to the "lovey-dovey" where they spent every spare minute cuddling and not-so-subtly suggesting that he should go out and "get some fresh air" so they could fuck like bunnies.

Given that he'd much prefer to be fucking like bunnies with Dean but couldn't be, all this added up to Jake being in a pretty foul mood. He took to prowling around the woods or kicking around the trailer park. Whenever Dean could slip away without an explanation -- they didn't want to highlight that they were spending a lot of time together -- they were almost always in public, by default. Jake wanted to rub himself all over Dean until he exploded from sexual frustration every time they "caught up," and from the fact that Dean was now wearing jeans instead of sweatpants it was pretty clear he had the same problem.

He had to find out who had caught them in the woods. If they could convince the guy to keep quiet, they'd at least be able to sneak off without too many risks. Surely. Right? Damnit, who could it have been?

Walking in the woods and wandering around the area where they'd been caught didn't help much. He did it alone -- no reason to risk someone seeing them both sneak into the woods, after all. But it made for long, frustrating days when poking around the same area for the third time in a week turned up the same pile of decaying leaves and discarded sticks.

Coming up on a secluded gully in the forest, he decided to do something about his frustration. Not so much the endless pacing, but the fact that he hadn't had a real chance to get off in days. The gully was secluded enough that he wasn't visible unless someone was right on top of him, and the sound didn't carry too far -- he'd hear someone coming. He had to wade through some leaves himself to get there. A few random dead tree branches make a nook that looks like it won't be too awful to sit in, so he parked himself there and started rubbing himself through his jeans.

He probably wouldn't have been able to get hard if he'd had even a moment alone with Dean in private in the last two weeks. Or if he hadn't been sharing the trailer with his mother's "light sleeper" boyfriend, his balls wouldn't be halfway to bursting out of his underwear. He wouldn't be wearing underwear, period, because it would just be one more step in between him and Dean's ass. Fuck, he hadn't even had a chance at Dean's ass since that day, and he'd really wanted to fuck him. Getting fucked had been just fine, but sometimes a cock wants some love.

So he was able to get his dick well and truly at attention when he heard someone walking through the leaves at the mouth of the gully. He wanted to scream in frustration, but just shut up and froze instead. Whoever it was would walk past and he could get back to business. Then he could get back to business. Fuck whoever it was prowling around the woods.

The shuffling leaves got a little louder, then started to fade as whoever it was passed the gully. As the interloper stepped into view, Jake froze, half nestled in the leaves. The man was shorter, blond, obviously slender, and dressed casually -- but really nice, like his clothes were new. The hoodie he was wearing was obviously thick, good material, and his jeans weren't mended, torn, or fraying. Jake stared at him as the guy wandered past, oblivious. There had been a few guys in high school with more money than the rest of the shmucks like Jake, but they were so far out of his world that he'd never really known more than their names and that they took math classes whose names he couldn't pronounce.

The guy was almost past the gully when Jake realized it was the same man who had caught them in their post-coital bliss less than a mile away. He resisted the urge to jump up after him even as his heart spiked and blood rushed out of his dick to the rest of his body. This fucker was the reason he and Duke had to watch every minute. And after two weeks stalking the woods he'd finally caught the asshole.

It was an agonizing thirty seconds as Jake waited for the guy's swishing footsteps to recede. The last thing Jake needed was for the dude to know he was being followed. They needed to know where this guy was from, why the fuck he was in the woods, and whether he'd spill and ruin their lives.

Tracking a guy in the woods full of leaves everywhere was not easy. Jake felt like every snapped twig and rustling pile of leaves was screaming right at the blond guy ahead that he was being stalked like some African antelope on the high savannah. It took a good thirty minutes for Jake to realize the dude had headphones in his ears, and that all his care at being silent and stealthy had been completely wasted.

While he was still fuming about that, the voyeur led him to a car park Jake had never visited before. Apparently their trailer park adjoined some sort of state park or something. Or maybe it was just a gravel access road nobody else paid attention to. There was only one car -- new, or at least pretty new, since it had all its hub caps and didn't seem to be rusting. Where was this guy from? And why was he slumming it down at the trailer park?

Jake ducked behind a boulder and watched as the guy got in the car, started her up, and drove off to wherever he'd come from. He chewed over some possibilities. Now that he knew where the guy parked his car, he could tell when he was going to be in the forest . . . yes, definitely some opportunities there. As soon as the taillights disappeared down the service road, he turned tail and made for the trailer park. He would have to sell Dean on the scheme, but given how torturous the last two weeks had been, it wouldn't be too hard at all . . .

Checking on the parking lot out in the woods was starting to become a chore by the time their mysterious voyeur showed up. Jake turned immediately and bolted for the trailer park, grabbing Dean right out of the middle of a brewing shouting match between his deadbeat cousin and his equally deadbeat uncle. High-tailing it into the woods got the blood up -- not just because he was with Dean, but because they were finally going to be able to get back to fucking once all this was done.

They'd decided it was better to lie in wait for the guy rather than try to track him down in the forest. Someone would just get lost and they'd have wasted their shot at sorting this out for good. So instead the he and Dean lurked by some of the boulders on the way back to the car park. For a few minutes they chatted quietly, but the nerves were clearly getting to them both. Jake felt wired, and judging by the fact that Dean couldn't sit still against his boulder the feeling was mutual. He was just about to call the whole thing off and find a convenient gully to fuck in when their interloper appeared.

This time the guy was wearing a slightly different outfit -- a nice coat over the hoodie, different, darker jeans, hiking boots. Jake didn't know or care why he was marking out the guy's clothes, but he was. Who was this kid? He was obviously young, but not too young; he had a car, after all. The dude was walking around in the woods with his headphones in, eyes on the ground and head in the clouds. Jake gestured to Dean, who surreptitiously leaned out of the way to make it a bit harder for the guy to notice him.

When the guy finally did spot Jake, he jumped like a rabbit and landed flat on his ass. If Jake hadn't been prepared to go all steely-eyed and intimidating on the guy he would have burst out laughing. It was all he could to do keep a straight face and avoid looking at Dean, whose face was probably split in half with a smile. Instead, he paced over to the guy staring up at him, scrabbling at headphones and stammering something that sounded like four apologies crashing in to each other and apologizing for being apologies.

"See anything interesting in the woods today?" He asked. This was the script. Well, to the extent they had a script, mostly Dean had thought that breaking the ice and getting to the point would go further than simply scaring the guy off.

"I -- uh -- no, I mean, yes, but just some leaves and -- uh" Jake felt for the guy, really. He looked more nervous than Dean had that first night when Jake had come on to him like a bitch in heat. It would have been endearing if it hadn't been in the way of Dean's ass for almost three weeks now.

"So. Not so much with the trailer trash fucking in the bushes, eh? Sorry to disappoint." They'd fought a bit about the trailer trash term. He'd tried to impress on Dean how obviously the guy wasn't from the park, but Dean hadn't seen him so he didn't quite get it the same way Jake did. Judging by the blush creeping up the guy's face -- that was not just from the chill in the air -- they'd hit the nail on the head.

"I -- look, man, it wasn't intentional, I wasn't ... um. I wasn't cruising or spying on you or anything, I was just out for a walk and -- " OK. Some things established there. But the biggest thing established was exactly what Jake suspected, and it had nothing to do with what the guy was saying. It had everything to do with the obvious woody the guy was throwing as he desperately tried to stammer his way out of the situation.

"Out for a walk and you liked what you saw, you mean?" What sort of guy stumbles on two guys fucking in the woods then goes back the next week? The sort of guy who can't resist the temptation to maybe, just maybe stumble upon it again. He couldn't resist a smirk -- Dean would have to pay up, rump up.

"I . . . uh. I mean, it was really -- I wouldn't say anything, I was just -- what did you say?" The guy looked like a fish accidentally shipped to the desert, gaping up at Jake. He could see Dean moving around behind him now, but obviously the guy had some tunnel vision because he didn't notice or didn't care.

"He said, you liked what you saw. Judging by how you're harder than that rock over there just from staring at my guy, we turned you on the other day." Dean wasn't really hulked out, but he'd deliberately shed his coat when they'd arrived and worn his smallest shirt. The thing was on the verge of tearing, and Jake kind of wished it would. He could see the nipples perking up from the cold right through the shirt. Damn, it had been too long since they'd fucked around.

"Shit! Where did you -- uh..." the guy was pinballing between them, eyes wide. Jake wondered if maybe they hadn't laid it on a little thick. Then again, the guy's cock was obscenely visible against his jeans. This was coming up aces.

"Thing is, we haven't had a moment's privacy since you caught us the other time. Not much privacy in these parts, and we couldn't really be sure we were alone in the forest anymore." Jake added airily.

"Which means you're responsible for us not getting off for almost three weeks." Dean finished with a glare. The guy was just stammering now. It was almost adorable, this little twig of a guy reduced to a boner and gibberish by confrontation.

"Seems like you might owe us something. Nothing much, and judging by that --" Jake pointed, " -- it's nothing you'd be too broken up about giving."

The guy stared at them for a second, clearly not getting the picture. Jake could only imagine how hard Dean was resisting the impulse to laugh at the guy's confusion, because it was hard enough for him.

"We think, that is, that there might be a way for everyone to get what they want." Dean managed an even tone, but Jake could tell he was right on the edge of guffaws.

"Oh! Wait, you mean -- I could ... uh, watch?" he stammered.

"Watch? I don't know, Dean, what do you think?" Jake offered.

"Nah. I think there's been enough watching. I think I want some fucking." For Jake, seeing his childhood friend try to act like a crude thug was hilarious. This was the dude who'd actually enjoyed Shakespeare back in school and had secretly lusted after every guy in the changing rooms after gym class. But for the guy on the forest floor covered in leaves and a throbbing boner -- damn, he was kinda hung for a little guy -- it must have been pretty intimidating. Or maybe he was just excited, but his eyes were wide as fucking teacups. Well, Jake assumed -- he'd never seen a teacup.

"So, what do you say, fucker? Know anyplace private?"

"Uh . . . my place isn't too far, I could . . . drive us there?" the guy stammered, but it seemed more like nervousness now, not fear.

Jake looked at Dean, who returned the question with a shrug. They hadn't really planned for this possibility -- they sort of assumed they'd do the nasty out in the woods -- but the idea of having sex on actual furniture was sort of tempting. Their first three-way, to boot. Red-fucking-letter day.

"What's your name, anyway?"

"I'm Will. William. Will. Call me Will." Jake held out a hand and helped the little guy up. He wasn't really that short -- five-something -- but he was so slender he seemed smaller than he was.

"I'm Jake." He nodded over, " and that's Dean."

"Sup." Dean was enjoying this thug role way too much for Jake's benefit. After all, Dean owed him one bent-over ass-fucking, with interest.

"Not far, you said?" Will nodded at him, biting his lip. He was actually really cute when he did that. The helpless-and-confused thing was more his groove than he'd realized. "Lead on, Will."

He let their new friend get a little ahead of them before he whispered to Dean: "Sup? Really?"

Dean shrugged sheepishly then broke out into a grin.

Will's car wasn't especially roomy with three young guys tucked in to it, but he hadn't lied about how far they were going. It was ten minutes at a sedate thirty miles an hour or so. Jake wondered if Will was playing it cool or if he was just a cautious driver by nature; they didn't see a single soul on the route. The access road led to a country highway that led to a longish driveway up to a little traffic circle with just the one house on it. Will got out and they followed him in through the front door -- exchanging glances to the effect of "What the fuck? Is he loaded? Who the hell is he, anyway?"

Will untied his boots and put them on a rack by the front door, which made Dean nudge Jake to do the same. It was normally stupid to take your shoes off in the trailers; you'd get whatever dirt the last three people had trailed in all over your feet. Judging by the spotless wooden floor, that wasn't going to be a problem here.

The place wasn't especially big, but it certainly felt like it. The house had a sort of peaked roof the meant high ceilings, and there weren't many walls in the place. You could walk right from the bedroom -- a nice, big bed, there -- to the kitchen without having to dodge much. The table set for four looked small, even though it would barely fit in Jake's trailer. Will was sort of nervously undressing and hanging his coat and sweater up on a rack as they took in the sights, oblivious to their slightly confused wonder.

Dean was the one who took control of the situation. Stepping up behind Will, he put his hand on the smaller man's waist just as he was stretching up to put something away. "I think we can keep going here, can't we?"

"I . . . but the bedroom is --" OK, this stammering thing was cute, but not that cute. They could see the bed. It wasn't rocket science.

"Hm. I think he just doesn't want to take his pants off. Not too gentlemanly when he's seen us in our skivvies." Jake said, nodding to Dean. The muscular moved his hands around Will's waist, fidgeting with the clasp of his pants and strategically ducking under Will's neck for a little sniff and a peck. Jake knew exactly how good that felt, and decided now was his turn to get in on the action.

He grabbed Will's hair gently, just getting his attention. The smaller man, wrapped up in Dean's muscles with his pants being slowly undone and his neck getting nuzzled, was already checked out. So Jake decided to get a taste for himself and went in for the kiss.

Will was a pretty good kisser for someone who apparently went through life permanently surprised. After the initial whimper of delight, their tongues got down to business. Neither of them really noticed Dean releasing that clasp and sliding the quality jeans down Will's slender legs, but when he shoved Will into Jake's arms and joined them in the kiss it got their attention pretty damned fast.

Will was clearly overcome by the situation, and Jake couldn't blame him. Even mostly clothed, this was shaping up to be hot as hell. Dean's insistent, aggressive kisses and low growls -- where were those coming from? -- were driving him wild, and the little moans and whimpers from Will were more than icing on the cake. Playing with the smaller guy's shirt led to Dean whipping it off him and Will stumbling in very clingy boxer-briefs right into Jake. Dean slipped his own jeans off while they regained their balance.

"So where was that bed again?" Jake asked. Will nodded, pointed, and led the way, half holding Jake's hand like a little kid and half dragging him by his waistband. Dean stalked after them like a predator, catching Jake's eye with a smile. Will sat on the bed and immediately grabbed at Jake's belt as Dean sidled up behind him, hands playing with the hem of his shirt and slowly pulling hip his hoodie. Jake couldn't resist putting a hand on Will's head possessively, playing with his hair as the smaller man finally unsnapped the jeans and shoved them down to the floor. Dean finished taking off his shirt -- actually, both their shirts, somehow, when had he taken care of his own?

Dean playfully shoved Jake onto Will with a yelp before he could investigate the mysterious disappearing shirt, but nobody seemed to mind. Will couldn't stop kissing at Jake's chest and pecs, Jake was suddenly confronted with the obscene tent in Dean's briefs, and Dean seemed pretty damned happy with himself as he dragged them all about like puppets. In minutes they were a writhing, moaning mess on the bed, fingers slipping under waistbands and tongues going exploring.

Will was the first to lose his underwear, a perfectly round ass exposed to the air for only half a second before Dean lunged at it, kissing around and then quickly in to the lightly furry crevice. Jake watched in awe as Will's body, slung over own like a horny, mewling blanket, wiggled and moaned in his ear, licking and nibbling as Dean went to town on his ass. The throbbing cock between them, now released from the spandex, smacked against Jake's belly sliding up and down and leaving a wet trail of precum as the foreskin rolled between them.

"Holy -- whoa, what --" Will was making incoherent noises around his moans, and this is when Jake decided he wanted in on the naked thing. Grabbing the smaller guy's loose hands, which were wandering idly over his body instead of doing something useful, he shoved them down towards his waist and hooked them under his waistband. Will looked up at him in a daze, and Jake gave him a playful glare until he got the gist and yanked them down. He wasn't sure if Dean even noticed; he was pretty busy down there.

Jake got his answer a second later when Dean's underwear flew up and hit him in the face. Jake spat it out -- not that it was unpleasant, per se -- and flipped Dean the bird. The muscle freak just laughed and flipped it back, then grabbed Will by the waist and rolled him onto his back. The bed really was huge -- they could have all laid down side-by-side, but this was far, far better. Dean launched himself over the Will, burying the hairy blond in a mountain of lightly-tanned muscle. Will's outsize dick pressed up in to Dean's crotch, but Jake got unfettered access to their dangling balls and everything else. Dean's ass was practically served up on a plate, and he knew just what to do with it.

Rustling through his jeans for the lube didn't take long, but in the meantime Will's moans grew louder and louder, interspersed with please for more of whatever Dean was doing with his hands and mouth up there. As Jake lubed himself up and ran slick fingers across Dean's twitching ass, he decided he'd enjoy finding out soon enough. Dean's low groan into some part of Will's anatomy made his cock pulse with anticipation, and he didn't mind giving in. Three weeks of abstinence had left Dean tight as hell, but careful probing with fingers yielded him up like a chicken dinner. Jake's cockhead rolled forward as he gasped and slowly pushed himself in to Dean's warm, tight ass. Underneath them, Will twitched a little, his cock released by some trick or twist, slapping into Jake's crotch just as he was sliding in to Dean. The rock-hard heat pressing against the base of his cock as he slid into his friend's ass was incredible, and Jake couldn't hold back the moan that seemed to roll out of him from the depths of his too-swollen balls. The slow, steady fountain of precum dribbling down Will's cock mixed with the lube splashed all over Dean's ass, and each low grunt of pleasure from Dean was followed by a spastic thrust from Will, shoving his cock into the space between the two of them with a kind of frenzied desperation.

Dean suddenly shoved himself upright, his ass tensing around Jake's cock and pushing backwards. Jake could see over the shoulder at Will's blissed-out face, slack with incomprehension and locked on the hunk of meat getting fucked around his cock. It's clearly too much for him, because as he's reaching up to grasp at Dean, his dick throbs and explodes between us in a fountain of cum, spattering up under Jake's chin and all over Dean's ass. The sudden warm fluid sliding in and around his cock sent Jake right over the edge, great lunging thrusts into Dean's ass spraying cum as it fucked Will's load in along its length. Will was seizing out on the bed, moaning deeper than any guy that small should be able to register, as Dean slowly tensed himself around Jake's dick. With a slow, shuddering jerk, his cock slipped out of the mess of Dean's ass, slapping down to join Will's meat as Jake slumped forward, knocking them all over onto the bed.

For a few seconds, they just breathed on top of each other, deep pants of excitement and exhilaration. After a moment, Dean popped his head up. "Again?" "Oh, fucking fuck yes." Will murmured. Jake gave a vague affirmative. They didn't have anywhere else to be, after all. He could get used to fucking on an actual bed. Maybe this thing with Will could become a regular thing, just like Dean and mused. He wouldn't even mind paying up on that bet -- even if Will was far more hung than he'd expected. Nope, he wouldn't mind at all, come to think of it.

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