The Park

By Dace McGraw

Published on Jul 8, 2017


This is a work of fiction, and none of its characters represent real persons. This work depicts explicit sexual acts between characters that are portrayed as adults over the age of eighteen, including the act of under-21 consumption of alcohol. This work does not constitute an endorsement of under-21 drinking or sex under the influence of alcohol. Do not read this work if you are offended by such material, or if it is illegal to do so where you live.

The explicit acts depicted do not practice the highest standards of safe sex, as they are based firmly in fantasy. Always practice safe sex with your partner(s) and get tested regularly if you are sexually active. Actively seek sober consent from your sexual partners before every sexual contact, and be clear and unambiguous when indicating that you want to have sex. Do not be shy about asking a medical professional for advice on safe sex and sexual health; you bear all the risks of any sexual contact you engage in.

Cover art and design are by Gregory Robert Welter, whose other work can be found at

If you enjoy this work, I would welcome comments, feedback, or simply a statement of appreciation at or on my author page. Writing a review – even a short one – encourages me to write more!

Copyright © 2015 by Dace McGraw

A Few Beers

"Seriously Jake, it's not funny. Gimme a beer."

"C'mon, don't be a pussy Dean!" Dean gave him the finger.

"I'm not gonna cut off the dude's sewer line. Nobody wants to see shit everywhere."

"Awww. Woulda been fun." Jake tossed a beer and flopped in to the bed of the truck. "I'm bored as fuck. There's got to be something to do around here."

Dean hopped up on the truck. "Too hot to do much of anything. Not many people around, anyway. Half the people took their trailers somewhere else for the summer when they could."

"Sucks to be them! It's just so great to have this entire park to ourselves, full of shit-all to do. Gimme a beer?"

"Aren't even any girls around. 'Cept Betty, I guess."

"She's your cousin. Not that hot, either." Jake sat up and scratched himself. "Beer."

"Here." Dean gulped down the rest of his can and crushed it. "At least the parents are all out. They won't catch us drinking their beer. Stupid to be able to die for your country, but not drink for it."

Jake downed his beer in a single go. "Still can, just as long as nobody looks!" He slapped his friend on the back.

"Like you said, shit-all else to do." Dean grabbed another beer, fumbling about at the cardboard. "Heh. At least I'm halfway there!"

"Yeah, me too. Shit-all else to do, huh?" Jake snagged another beer. He looked at Dean, barefoot in gym shorts and a wifebeater. He'd hoped to get his friend alone for most of the summer now, after he'd peeked through the window of Dean's double-wide and caught him watching porn. That hadn't been really shocking - you could hear people fucking all over the trailer park if you were a light sleeper, most nights. But it wasn't every day you caught your friend watching dudes fucking. "C'mon, bring the beer inside. We can at least turn on the AC."

"Sure, as long as it we don't turn it up. My uncle threw a fit when the power bill came in last month." Dean slipped off the truck bed and almost fell. Neither of them was very hefty, and between the heat and a couple beers, Dean was slipping.

"If it's too hot we'll just strip down to our boxers." Jake shoved Dean towards the trailer door. "Maybe watch a movie or something? Your old laptop still works, right?"

Jake hefted the case of beer and slung it inside, watching his friend's ass as he stumbled up the step to the trailer. Jake didn't give a shit that Dean was gay. It was the 21st century; dudes could fuck dudes. Dean being gay was sheer luck for him. Jake had always been curious what it might be like to mess around with his friend. Dean probably had too, but Jake figured the whole feelings and friendship thing would always hold him back. Dean caught trouble, Jake made it. So getting them liquored up and horny was up to Jake.

Dean managed to stumble over to the double-wide's couch, suddenly sweating in the dead air of the trailer. "Fuck, man. Hot as hell in here."

"Is the AC busted?!" Jake asked, reaching back and yanking the plug from the wall.

"Shit. I'm fucked if it is. Jack'll kill me."

"Better not to mess with it when we've been drinking. We'll just strip off." Jake yanked his shirt up, deliberately tangling it over his head. "Fuck. Gimme a hand?"

Dean laughed, and Jake heard him stumbling up and walking over. Jake could all but feel his friend's eyes glancing over his tight chest and the wisps of hair below his navel. Stuffy as the room was, the heat of another body was electrifying. Jake felt himself getting hard, his dick rubbing against the fabric of his shorts. Dean gently touched his arm, pulling at the shirt. It was dammed close to a caress, but not close enough. Emerging from the shirt, Jake caught Dean's eyes snapping back up from the happy trail, his face forming a teasing smile too fast to be sincere. "All better, huh? Lightweight."

"Aw, shut up. You could barely walk over." Jake gave him a light shove, and Dean nearly toppled.

"Must be the heat." Dean murmured, sitting down again. Jake tossed him another beer - Dean's fumbled catch meant he wasn't faking it like Jake was. Or he'd pregamed before Jake came over with the beer.

"Take your shirt off. I feel like I can breathe again." Jake gave a tug at the strap, lingering half an instant on Dean's collarbone. They weren't ripped, but they were both lean from biking around, and in this moment Jake could appreciate it. Dean slipped his shirt off, and Jake took the opportunity to adjust himself - nudging his dick forward and giving it a little tug to keep his juices flowing.

"Damn, that's better." Dean quaffed some beer, tugging the laptop towards Jake. "Nothing new on here, just the same old."

Jake opened the computer, mousing over to the folders he'd seen Dean hide his porn in that night. "I'm sure we can find something." A click or two, and a quick tap to disable the speakers.

"So, why didn't you tell me you liked dudes?" Jake spun the laptop around, displaying two guys kissing and thrusting with abandon. Dean's jaw dropped in horror.

"I don't! I didn't! You . . ."

"Look, this is simple. I won't tell anyone, for a simple favor. Maybe a few, down the line. Deal?" Dean looked terrified, Jake standing over him, somehow closer than before, almost uncomfortably so.

"I'll deal." Dean mumbled. "Just tell me what you want."

"Look up, bro." Jake tilted his friend's face upwards, the contact fizzing all over his body. "It's pretty simple. I think you'll like it."

Dean's confusion was obvious. "Like what?"

"I said, simple. Kiss me." Jake leaned forward, inches away and eyes locked.

"I don't . . . Kiss you?" Dean offered confusion, fear, and an elusive, terrified desire.

"Like this." Jake leaned in, pressing against Dean and forcing their lips together. The kiss lasted a moment, Dean struggling and surging against Jake's lips and the abrupt attack. Jake's hand slipped around behind Dean, lifting his arm up and pulling Jake closer in to the circle of his friend's arms. Dean pulled in, accepting the embrace. Jake pushed, rubbing their bodies together and pulling Dean's head further in to the kiss.

After a moment they paused, locked together and sweaty from the contact.

"When did you know?" Dean asked, hushed.

"A few weeks. Wanted it longer." Jake offered, with a soft kiss on Dean's collarbone, producing shivers and a compulsive thrust upwards. Jake could feel the erection pressing against his stomach, ready and raring to go.

"Oh, god. Why didn't you say?"

"Didn't want to. Moment wasn't right. Couldn't jump your bones in the street. Little things." Jake rubbed himself against Dean, his whole body translating in to erotic force. Dean moaned under him. His lips pressed their way up Dean's neck, and he pulled his friend in to a deeper, fuller kiss. Dean whimpered underneath him, animal whines of fear and desire. The arm under him moved, grabbing at his back and pulling them closer together, their chests slick with sweat as they ground themselves against each other. The pressure against his crotch shoved at him, Dean's cock hard as a rock. Jake pushed back, suddenly slick as a pulse of precum shot out of his head. Dean thrust himself into the kiss, reaching and yearning. Jake pushed back, then released them from the kiss.

"Jake, I . . ." Dean stroked down his friend's back, resting on his hip, thumb rubbing across the belly.

"Dean. I want this." A light kiss, no more than a press. "I can tell you do too."

"I do; I'm just surprised. What . . ." Dean's hand cradled Jake's face.

"It's simple. C'mon. Fuck me." Dean took aback, surprised. He stammered, mumbling, "You want me to fuck you? I . . . I mean, do you have . . ."

"I hid lube under the beer." Dean laughed, a smile breaking across his face and erasing the fear and confusion. Jake dismounted him, rummaging for the beer. He felt a hand stroke at his ass, hooking on his gym shorts. Shoving aside the beer, he snagged the tube of gel hidden beneath. Dean yanked as Jake stood back up, and the shorts slipped over his ass, catching and pulling on his erection.

"You were really prepared, weren't you?"

"I want this, too, remember?" Jake leaned down for another kiss, sliding a finger along Dean's chest and circling around and tugging down his shorts. The shorts slid down, caressing, pressing against Dean's cock. Jake yanked, pulling them to his knees, then off to the floor, his own following as his prick sprang free.

They'd been naked before together - gym showers, skinny dipping at the watering hole. But in the dim light of the porn playing on his laptop, Jake was looking at his friend for the first time, cock erect and looking up at him with lust and apprehension. Jake's cock twitched in the orange flicker of the laptop, his head wet and shining under his foreskin. His eyes followed the lines of Dean's body, heaving and sweaty below him, along the lines of his hips and up to his trembling prick, pulsing with anticipation.

Jake popped the cap on the lube, the cold gel pooling in his hand. His hands trembled, excited, afraid. He did want this; he'd practiced after seeing Dean, slipping his fingers up his crack. He reached down, touching Dean's cock for the first time, stroking and twisting. Dean groaned, thrusting upwards into Jake's hand. "Gah, fuck; wow. Where'd you find that stuff?"

"It's not just something you do on a whim, man." He twirled his finger under Dean's hood, feeling his friend shudder and shake below him. Jake lurched forward, angling Dean's cock under him. Dean rubbed himself under his friend, reaching forward and seizing Jake's cock. Dean looked up at him, eyes wide, and pulled him down onto his chest. "Jake, I want to fuck you so bad. But if you don't . . ."

"Fuck you." Jake breathed in, savoring the reek of sweat and sex that wreathed them. "I want this. I cleaned up, brought lube, got you drunk."

He reached behind, his lubed hand tracing around Dean's cock and sliding up against his own hole. "And now I've got us all slick and ready. For the love of god, fuck me."

Dean surged under him, pressing his cock against Jake's hole. Jake trembled, anxious - practice was one thing, taking a cock was another. "Just, uh . . . go gentle, OK?"

Dean chuckled. "Trust me. I won't ruin a chance at more of this."

"Good." Jake leaned down, pressing his forehead against Dean's and giving him a gentle kiss. "Now get to work, OK?"

"With pleasure." Jake could feel Dean smile beneath him, and he reached back, pressing Dean's cock upward in to his ass. He could feel himself give; Jake pushed back, flexing like he'd practiced. Under him, Dean groaned, eyes rolling up in pleasure. Jake pressed back, shivering in mixed pain and pleasure, the searing heat radiating up and down his core. He let out a moan, filling the trailer with animal grunts and the slick, wet noise of Dean's cock sliding all the way inside him.

"Oh god, Dean. I never imagined . . ."

"Jake, you feel so good. I can't . . ."

"No, no . . . don't cum. Jesus. God, you feel so good inside me." Jake twitched, his cock leaking precum all over Dean's hand. "Don't . . . don't jack me, I'll cum in a second. I want it to last, I want it to be good, I just . . ."

"There's time for more." Dean said, his face suddenly determined as he gripped Jake's cock, his free hand smacking around for the lube. Dean bucked, thrusting in to him and forcing a shocked, involuntary moan of ecstasy out of Jake. "No, wait, I want . . ."

"And I want this. I can't stop me, I can't stop us, I can't . . . " Dean bucked, stroking Jake's cock as he wrapped both hands around Dean's head, the lube making him slip as he leaned in, his legs giving out. Jake slipped further down on Dean's cock, clenching and seizing as Dean grazed the hard nut of his prostate.

"Dean! I'm gonna, I can't hold back, I can't!" Dean abandoned the lube, his free hand pulling Jake in to a kiss as he started stroking Jake faster. "I'm gonna cum, too soon, I want it to last, I just . . ."

"Jake, just cum!" Dean whispered, bucking and thrusting in to Jake. He couldn't resist, the warm feeling spreading all throughout his limbs as his dick spewed all over Dean's chest. Jake gasped, moaning and locking himself against Dean, fumbling and licking, kissing and twitching.

Under him, he felt Dean tremble, thrusting and shaking. A sudden, wet warmth filled him, and Dean rocked back, his dick thrusting deeper and deeper as he threw his head back with an epic groan of pleasure.

Jake shuddered and collapsed on to his friend. The sticky mess of his cum cooled between them, their heads locked past each other. Jake draped himself over Dean, their chests heaving from the rush of their orgasms, arms wrapped around each other's heads in a cocooned nest of skin, muscle, and hair.

"I didn't want it to be so fast. I wanted it to be special."

"Jake, shut up. That was amazing."

"I just wanted our first time to be really good."

"I could barely stop myself. You were so hot, it felt so good. I'm so happy, I don't know what to say." Dean extracted his hand out from between them, reaching it around to grab at Jake's ass.

"Then . . . then I guess that's all right." Jake sighed, shifting himself. Dean jerked at the new stimulation. Jake smiled as Dean's eyes rolled in to the back of his head. "Oh, liked that, did you?"

"God, so good it hurts."

"For me, too. Maybe next time you can try. I wouldn't mind giving your ass the fucking it deserves." Dean chuckled. "Maybe next time. I haven't exactly . . . practiced."

"I only did a little. Fingers. Cucumbers."

"Cucumbers?! Seriously?"

"No! I just fingered myself, really. Your cock is a lot thicker than my fingers."

"Hmmm. Nice to know I have what it takes to satisfy you." Dean groaned, pulling himself out of Jake.

"You've got everything I need. Dean, you're my friend. But as soon as I knew you liked guys I wanted you. I don't even know if I'm gay or what, but I wanted you."

"You've got me. I want you, so bad. I never even imagined you'd want this, though. I barely understood it while it was happening."

"I know. It was fast. Too fast, I wanted it to last longer." Jake nudged Dean's ear, nuzzling against him.

"I'm pretty sure you last longer if you go again."

Jake jerked back, looking at his friend. "Oh, just me?"

"No, everyone. Makes you go longer, and all that." Dean stroked Jake's neck, tracing the line of his shoulder. Jake gave a low hum. "I guess we should find out, huh?"

"I guess we should." Dean grinned, sliding his slimy, cum-drenched crotch against Jake's ass. "I'm not going anywhere. And you feel a lot better than any guy on that screen."

"What screen?" Jake looked up; the porn was still playing. "Oh, that screen. Wait, you could remember that porn was still playing?"

"Hey, you started it."

Jake leaned in and kissed him. "Turn it off."

Dean rolled Jake over, pulling himself out with a squelch. "Ugh. Gross."

"Heh. Yeah, but totally worth it."

"Easy for you to say. My dick's coated in lube and crap."

"Like I said, totally worth it. Though my ass does squelch a bit." Jake fidgeted, reproducing a wet, slick noise.

"OK, gross. We're taking a shower before we do that again." Dean tapped at the computer, closing the video player and slapping the screen shut.

"Can we both fit in your shower?" Jake asked - he's seen the thing, and it wasn't big.

"We'll have to squeeze a bit." Dean grinned.

"Oh? Well, I'm sure we'll manage, then." Jake's grin was just as wide. He reached over to his friend, yanking him in to a kiss. Dean pulled him up by his head, wrapping them in to a standing embrace. It was completely unlike their animal, passionate kisses only moments ago. No tongue, just a slow, even pressure and slow strokes across each other's bodies. Jake's hands roamed across Dean's back, resting along the lines of his hips as Dean's arms wrapped around him.

"How about that shower?" Dean nuzzled in to Jake's neck, kissing his collarbone. "Let's."

They broke apart, Dean turning and leading the way through the cramped space. Jake admired his slender form, the curve of his hips and the cleft of his ass as he stepped around the kitchen and piles of clothes and debris on the floor. He impulsively reached out and pinched Dean, sparking a yelp and a little jump. Dean's surprised glance was met with a smile that spread across his own face.

"Hmm. Someone's all feisty again, huh?"

"Let's get in that shower." Dean led them in to the cramped space, stepping over the toilet bowl and into the tiny shower cube. The water started with a cold hiss, spraying over him. "Jesus, it's freezing. Get in here."

"Why, it'll warm up."

"Yeah, but if I'm going to be cold, you're going to warm me up!" Dean yanked him in to the freezing cold.

"Ack! Fuck, man!" Dean stopped him with a kiss. Jake couldn't tell if he was shivering from the force of Dean's lips on his own, or from the icy water. After a moment, he didn't much care. Dean's body was pressed against him, the cold water making the warmth of his body obvious. "Oh fuck, man."

"Good idea, no? Only place I can really get the privacy to jerk it when my uncle's around." Jake nuzzled against Dean, pressing them together.

"Oh? What, exactly, fuels those little sessions?" Jake whispered over the noise of the shower jets.

"Lots of things. Helps when your best friend is dead sexy." Dean's hands roamed between them, tugging at Jake's cock. "Though I don't remember you shaving your bush the last time I caught a look in gym class."

"I shaved. After all, I knew this was coming." Dean traced the trail of hair down Jake's chest from his pecs. "How does it look?"

"Good!" Dean gave him a kiss. "Though I thought you were plenty hot before, you know."

Jake broke off the kiss. "Seemed appropriate. It's nice, kinda slick."

"I noticed." Dean's hand was gliding up and down, groping at Jake's cock. With the water pouring over them, his flesh was almost rubbery as it hardened. Jake leaned back in to the kiss, pushing them under the shower's stream and pressing them together, Dean's hand cupping their crotches. Dean's hips bucked back, an animal growl rising in his throat. Jake's hands roamed across Dean's back, stroking the cleft of his muscles and cupping his ass as Dean's legs opened wide.

"Jake, I can go again. You're getting hard. Fuck me."

"Here? We'll need lube, right?"

"Fuck. Me. Now." Dean growled, kissing and biting at Jake's neck. Jake bucked in to him, yanking Dean's legs further apart and pressing his dick below Dean's rising cock. The water was suddenly warm between them, but the stink of sweat and precum filled the tiny cubicle all the same. "Get in me, fucker."

Jake grabbed Dean and flipped him around in a shock of cold water. He pressed himself up against Dean's back, his dick sliding naturally in to the cleft of his ass, the head just lightly cresting in to the natural curve of his spine as he wrapped his arms around his friend. Under the now-lukewarm spray, he rested his chin on Dean's shoulder, one hand stroking his slender pecs and the other tracing down the slight valley of the abdomen. Dean's breathing seemed heavier, animal, under the sound of the shower spray.

"You're not in me. I said, get in me." Dean rasped under him. Hands grabbed Jake's arms, forcing them down and behind with a slap over Dean's slender butt. It yanked their chests abruptly together, and Dean's whisper turned in to a low groan as his cock skipped and slid along Jake's chest. Jake grabbed at the ass in his hands, fingers guiding and probing at the junction of his cock and the tight ring of Dean's ass. Jake kissed just under the bend of Dean's chin. "You sure?"

"In me. Now, idiot." Dean's low growl became a yelp as Jake thrust forward, pressing fingers around cockhead in to his friend's ass. The warm pressure of Dean's ass pressed almost uncomfortably on Jake's fingertips, low noises and moans filling the tiny confines of the shower. The water was almost scalding now, pouring over them in coursing, hot waves that loosened muscles and causing Dean's hands to slip as he grasped and scratched across Jake's back. Dean's low throaty moan deepened as Jake's fingers slipped deeper, then broke through.

After an eternity of tongues and fingers, awkward slips, and reverberating moans, Dean broke the silence. "Still not in me. And now the water's getting cold."

"Then we'll go back out there and get messy again." Jake pushed back at him, locking them back in to a kiss.

"Then get moving, asshole! You're warm but the water's freezing again now." Dean broke off the kiss, lowered his legs, catching Jake's cock between them and pushing fingers aside. Jake snapped forward, going back for the kiss - to be forced aside by Dean shutting off the water.

"Moving, now, moving!" The shower was filled with awkward bumps and slips as they escaped the shower. Dean led them out in to the big room of the trailer, suddenly awkward. "Jake, help me make the bed."

They cleared the couch, grabbing the sheets from under the counter and tossing the blanket over it. Dean sighed. "Not much room."

"I don't have any more at mine. Besides, the company's good." Jake reached out and cupped Dean's ass. Dean turned to his arms, suddenly tender. They slipped arms around each other, hands caressing and stroking. Dean pulled them to the couch, slipping down and wrapping a hand around Jake's cock. Looking down, it was obvious Dean's weak smile was trying to cover something else. Before either could say anything, Dean lunged forward, licking and kissing all across Jake's cock and crotch. Jake could barely restrain a gasp as his friend took the entire length of his dick into his mouth at once; warmth slid in to wet slurps and the tongue teasing across the edge of his foreskin.

"Aaack, fuck, Dean!" Jake's hand came up to grasp Dean's hair, rocking and bucking as Dean licked and sucked his dick, until his dick slipped out and Dean flicked his wrist around, muscling and twisting across the corona of his cock head. Jake pulled away, pushing Dean down onto the couch. "Hell - couldn't keep going long if you kept that up."

"Then pick up where you left off in the shower." Dean wiggled underneath him. Jake chuckled, entangling one arm under Dean, grasping for the lube they'd left on the floor. Pressed between them, the cool, slick sensation of the lube slipping between them dribbling down the canal of Dean's spine caused him to shiver, trembling against Jake's legs. His fingers rubbed them around Dean's asshole, prodding and sliding. Dean moaned under him as Jake's cock took the place of his fingers.

"I said it before - get in me." Dean pushed back into the pressure of Jake's cock, his breath turning in to a low, aching moan as it slipped through the ring of his ass in a slow, aching push. Dean trembled under him, their breath slow and uneven as they wrapped themselves together.

"Are you all right?" Jake whispered, a light bite on Dean's earlobe.

"Yeah, of course - just, you know, gimme a second." Dean breathed, nuzzling back at Jake.

"Of course." Jake kissed at his neck, rubbing his nose along the line of Dean's jaw. After a moment, Dean nudged back at him. He shifted, yawned. "Hmm. Fell asleep. You getting frisky down there?"

"Very funny, fucker." Jake pumped once, slamming his hips down.

"Definitely feeling frisky. Have to pump that out of ya." Dean groaned as Jake ground himself down as Dean clenched his ass in to a bundle of steely muscles. "Oh fuck; yes. Goddamn."

Jake could feel Dean's ass throbbing and clamping around his dick, the feeling sliding along the sleeve of shaft in a warm, forceful push. Dean squirmed and bucked, whining. Jake remembered the feeling of Dean's cock in his ass, and the memory pushed him to press his hips down. He shoved forward in sharp, repeated thrusts, as Dean yelped and groaned under him.

"Jake, I'm coming, stop! God! Yes! Yes! YES!" The contractions and pressure spiked through his entire body as Dean let out a full-body groan, pressing and seizing and heaving. Jake could feel himself twitching as Dean slumped down, suddenly aware as his orgasm surged through him. He could feel the hot jets of his cum spurting through this cock into Dean as they came down from their orgasms.

After a moment, Dean murmured. "I made a mess all over my sheets."

"Your fault. I didn't do it."

"Your fault - your dick took me right over the edge. I'm pretty sure I told you to stop at some point, though." Dean nuzzled a bit at Jake. "Hmmm. I think we'll do this again anyway."

"I'd like that, you know." Dean's tone was somber. "I didn't expect any of this."

"I'm just glad you didn't freak out too much." Jake nuzzled back. "I've been thinking of this for weeks. Cucumbers, you know."

"Shut it, you. Get up and help me clean." Jake shifted off, lifting himself up in a sort of pushup. Dean shuddered as Jake's deflating prick rubbed right along the channel of his ass. "Whoa. Ok. Slowly then."

After a slow extraction, they untangled, cleaned themselves, and took up the sheets. With the couch cleaned - and the lube safely hidden under a pillow - Dean and Jake stood in the cramped confines of the trailer.

"Dean, I . . . want to make sure we'll be OK."

"We are, Jake. Better than good." Dean reached forward, pulling him forward so they were hip-to-hip.

"Stay the night?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

As a reminder, the acts depicted in this work do not practice the highest standards of safe sex, as they are based firmly in fantasy. You should always practice safe sex, and get tested regularly if you are sexually active. Do not be shy when asking medical professionals for advice about safe sex or your sexual health.

If you enjoyed this work, let me know at dace [dot] mcgraw [at] gmail [dot] com. Even a short comment encourages me to write more, including more stories starring Jake, Dean, and Will!

Next: Chapter 2

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