The Parish Priest

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 12, 2020



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The Parish Priest

Every Sunday evening, Father John Andrews took off his collar, and met his college roommate, and best friend, at some good restaurant in downtown Buffalo, NY. Carl Greene was a confirmed bachelor, and he looked forward to his weekly dinners with John, as much as John did.

It was a good time for both of them. John could forget he was a priest, and act like a typical lay person. Carl could forget his stress filled job as a stock broker, if only for three or four hours.

After dinner they went to their favorite pub. It was never too crowded since the next day was a workday. As a result, they could actually hear each other conversing, and didn't have to yell at one another. Not a Sunday went by that the two handsome, thirty-eight-year-old men weren't hit on by beautiful women, but they both ignored them.

Carl may have been a bachelor, but he had no constraints by vows such as those John had taken, and he admitted that he enjoyed a very active love life. The sex starved priest tried to get his friend to describe his sex life, but Carl was a very private person. As open as they were with each other about everything else, Carl kept mum about his sexcapades, much to John's disappointment.

One Sunday evening after dinner, John told Carl that he didn't want to go to their favorite bar.

"I have something I have to get off my chest," he said. "Can we go somewhere private where I can talk to you? I'm wrestling with a big problem."

"Sure. Of course, we can. Let's go to my apartment. Nobody will disturb us there," Carl said. "I'll try to be of some help."

When they entered Carl's apartment, Carl said, "Get comfortable on the couch. Take your shoes off if you'd like. I'll mix us a drink." He made a scotch and soda for both of them, sat down next to John on the couch, and offered him the drink.

"Talk," he said.

"Carl," John began. "I can't live a celibate life anymore, it's driving me crazy. I have to leave the priesthood, but I'm scared. I don't know what else I can do."

"That's ridiculous," Carl said. "You're good at what you do. You're a fine priest."

"None of that matters. I want to make love with someone. I want to love and be loved. I want to wake up every morning cuddling with my lover, not with my fist."

"In all good conscience, I can't let you do this."

"I've made up my mind," John said.

"Look," Carl said. He was getting agitated. "I agree with you. I think celibacy sucks. What has it got to do with the job you do? What if I fixed you up with a good woman every so often? You can use my apartment, and I'll bet it'll make you a better priest. I refuse to let my best friend think of it as being a sin."

"You're wrong. It would be a terrible sin."

"You disobey the bible all the time, and it doesn't seem to bother you."

"What do you mean?'

"Well, here's a couple of sins for starters," Carl lectured. "You're uncircumcised, and you eat non-kosher food. These are strictly listed as no no's in the bible, so they must be sins. Jesus was devoutly devoted to his religion. He would never do those things."

"Then you can add those sins to the sin of a priest fornicating." John defended himself. "It's all the more reason, I have to leave the priesthood."

"What can I do to talk you out of this nonsense?"

"You can't, but wait, Carl," John said, "let me continue. It gets worse. I know you'll be angrier than you are now, when I tell you."

"Geez, John. You're scaring the hell out of me. What could be worse?"

"It's not women I'm yearning to love. It's men. Lately, I can't look at a good-looking man without getting hard. I've been masturbating more than usual, and when I do, my fantasies are about men."

"That doesn't change my mind. There are plenty of gay priests, as we all know. Worse, most of them seem to be pedophiles. Do you fantasize about boys?" Carl asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"No, not at all."

"Thank goodness."

There was absolute silence for a while as both men collected their thoughts. Finally, John said, "It's always you I fantasize about. I know you're straight and all that, but I can't help myself. I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you in our college dorm room. My love got more intense when I was in the seminary, but I didn't let it concern me. I figured straight priests had to control their sexual appetites, and I could do that too. We were in the same boat so to speak."

John expected Carl to explode in anger, but he was very calm and speechless for a longtime.

"Aren't you going to condemn me to hell or something?" John asked.

At last Carl said something, just one word, "Unbelievable."

"Yes," John said, "it's unbelievable."

"You've known me for so many years," Carl said, "and I never had the guts to confess to you that I was gay. But that's not what's unbelievable. You know how you always want to know about my sex life. I figure that it's your need to experience it vicariously. The reason I chose never to discuss it with you, is simple. My sex life is all with men, and I didn't want you to know. John, I've loved you just as long as you've loved me. That's probably why I could never get serious with anyone else."

John started to sob. "That's wonderful news," he said. "I'd like to stay here tonight. Oh Carl, I don't want to leave here tomorrow and still be a virgin. I love you so much."

"I'll teach you everything you need to know to get started."

John changed from sobbing to laughing. "You don't have to teach me a thing," he said. "Do you know how much gay porn I have watched over the years?"

Now Carl laughed. "Then maybe you can teach me a thing or two," he said.

The two men ran to each other, and wrapped their arms around one another.

"Let's shower," Carl said. "I mean really shower, and not play too much. Then let's make love in bed. We'll both be much more comfortable there."

In the shower, they soaped each other from head to foot. They were both uncircumcised, and about four inches flaccid. However, at the moment, they were both about seven very hard inches. When Carl lathered John's cock, he nearly fainted. Having his cock handled by someone other than himself, was a first for him, and he actually whimpered. Carl's lust got the better of him. He fell to his knees, and he began to rim John. Now, John stopped whimpering and started crying. He was so overcome that Carl had to hold him up to keep him from falling.

"I think we'd better dry ourselves and get into bed. You can show me what you've learned from watching porn, and I'll decide if I can teach you more."

"I'm sure you can. You're an old pro from what you tell me, and I can't wait to learn more."

They cuddled in bed for quite a while, and then Carl said," Okay buddy, show me what you learned about giving head. I'll be the judge of your expertise, and advise you if necessary."

Carl was pleasantly surprised. He didn't have to teach John a thing. His tongue did all the work, as his lips gently pumped Carl's cock rhythmically. In fact, he was so good, that Carl felt an orgasm coming on, and he was too far gone to stop John's labors. Carl got an even bigger surprise when John swallowed his entire load.

As he came, Carl yelled out, "Thank you God for this blessed day. I was finally able to tell John how much I loved him."

After they came down from the stratosphere, Carl dared ask, "How was it?"

"It was wonderful. It was everything I dreamed it would be. I'm more convinced than ever that I'm going to leave the priesthood."

Carl kissed John passionately. "Would you like to fuck me?" Carl asked.

"How can you even ask? Of course, I do."

"Great, and next time, we'll switch. I'll go down on you, and I'll fuck you."

They made love far into the night. When they were totally exhausted, they wrapped themselves together, pushed their cocks against one another, and fell asleep.

In the morning, Carl showered. He dressed, and made breakfast for both of them. "I'll see you after work," he said, and he kissed John goodbye.

"Yes," John said. "I'm not going to the church this morning. I want to stay here and figure out what I can do to make a living. I'll be here when you get home."

"Good," Carl said. "Think hard. I don't ever want to be separated from you again."

John did think long and hard about his future. By mid-morning he got a possible idea. He needed to get a telephone number, but he didn't know Carl's user password, so he couldn't use Carl's computer. He didn't have a smart phone either, and he had to get the number the old-fashioned way, through the telephone company's information service.

He was successful in obtaining the number he wanted. He showered, borrowed an outfit from Carl's closet (they were the same size), and dialed the number he was given. He asked to be put through to the personnel director or whoever did the hiring.

When Carl came home that evening about 5:30 PM, he found John fully dressed in one of his suits. He was grinning broadly. After a very long and passionate kiss, John said, "Stay dressed, Carl. I've made reservations, and I'm taking you out to a five-star restaurant to celebrate."

"What are we celebrating?"

"I've got a job. I start a week from today, next Monday. Don't ask any questions. I'll tell you everything at dinner."

"Are you saying that from next week on we'll be together forever?"

"We don't have to wait until then. We can be together from today until forever. I've already called the diocese and resigned. They employ a number of priests who are not assigned to a parish, and they act as fill-ins. One of them will cover for me until they replace me. All we have to do is get my meager belongings from the parish house. Will you drive me there? We can do that as soon as you can take a few hours off?"

"Of course, Babe. For you, I'll do anything."

Nobody had ever called John by an endearing name, not even his mother. It was all he could do not to cry when Carl called him "Babe."

The restaurant was dimly lit, and very quiet. Conversation between them would be easy. John asked for, and got, a corner table, which added to their privacy.

"Talk before I go crazy," Carl said.

"Let's order first."

Finally, John began. "After you went to work, I did what you advised me to do. I thought long and hard about my future, our future, and I got a great idea. I was sure that my training as a priest, qualified me to be a social worker. I called Family and Children's Services, and they were interested. I was thrilled. They are always short of social workers, and they wanted to interview me as soon as possible, so I set it up for early this afternoon. I just beat you home by fifteen minutes. As I already told you, I got the job.

"Do you really expect me to eat dinner now when all I want to do is go home and make love to you?"

"Yes, I do. We have a lifetime to make love, so enjoy this time together, and celebrate with me. By the way, I'm not a priest anymore. It's OK to say that you want to fuck me."

"You bet I want to fuck you, but you're right. Let's have a five-star dinner first."

Between the entrée and the dessert, John said, "Carl, Babe (he loved the sound of that now), I have very little civilian clothing and very few personal items. After dinner, let's go to the parish house, and get my things. I want to put the old days behind me as soon as possible."

"Definitely! I want the same thing," Carl said.

"After I get my personal belongings, I'll put the key in an envelope with a note, and drop the envelope in the collection box. In the morning I'll call the church office and tell them where they can find the key."

It took no more than forty-five minutes to load John's stuff into the car, and no more than thirty minutes to bring it all into Carl's apartment.

"Let's make room for your things tomorrow," Carl said. "Right now, all I want to do is make sensuous love to you. I'll fuck you lustfully another time."

John laughed at the distinction Carl had just made. He grabbed Carl and they indulged in a long and passionate kiss.

They showered together, but this shower was different from the one of the night before. They got as intimate as they wanted to, and they weren't afraid to let themselves go and cum, if it were to happen. They knew that they had all the time in the world.

Later that night, in bed, it looked like they were sucking and fucking, but it isn't fair to say that. All obstacles had been removed. The sucking and fucking were too passionate. Truly, they were making love.

They made love that night, and every night, far into the future. The former parish priest got his wish. He woke up every morning cuddling, and wrapped up in his lover's arms. It took them almost twenty years to admit how much they loved each other, but it was worth the wait.

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