The Paradise Hotel

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Jun 21, 2024



The Paradise Hotel By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Self-help classes are advertised daily on the television. I am Dr. Don, and I developed a training program that was successful without any more than word of mouth. I am not a doctor, and my name isn't Don. I came from a wealthy family and when dad died, I bought a recently remodeled hotel and made it into a training center. The Paradise Hotel was in Miami but was not on the water.

It was to have been the centerpiece of a development that failed. Someone had not done their subsoil conditions homework. The developer went to jail. The hotel had only 30 rooms, but happened to be built on the only part of the property that could support a building. Essentially the hotel was surrounded by quicksand, or quicksand's first cousin.

Miami has a large gay community. Most people know that a portion of the visitors are closeted and inexperienced. The Paradise offered a quick course in gay sex. It was an introductory course and I am the instructor. In three days, a man could learn the necessary sexual skills to be a gay man. The objective was to help the men to express themselves sexually. The purpose of the Paradice was not to find love.

Love is complicated. It might or might not occur. Plain old sex, no strings sex, was enjoyable without the complication of love. I have been known to fall in love while ejaculating. A few minutes after I shoot off, love fades, but the memory and dripping cum of the orgasm remains.

Of course, this Paradise scheme was ridiculous. Fortunately, the customers loved it and would pay for it. Many of our guests came year after year. They would connect with new men and have a good time. There was no real growth, other than the possible exception of stretching their asshole's diameter.

Everyone at the hotel was tested and vaccinated. That included both the staff and guests. Our staff was of legal age and willing. While most of our therapy was public, we took care of overly shy men with special services. My main helper was Dr. Julio. He was a real doctor, a refugee from some South American country. He fled his home with only the clothes on his back, so it was hard to confirm his medical documentation. I know people so I checked his story. It was true.

Wally, my office manager, was popular with our guests. He was a local and seemed to know everyone and could solve traffic tickets as well as take care of emergency trips to the hospital. Wally was a macho, hairy man, in every way except for lacking a penis. He was open-minded sexually.

The training sessions at the Paradise were nude, from the first meeting after arrival until they left. Our guests tended to be either young men or much older men. Wally had a knack identifying the unworthy. As I said, he knew everybody.

During my introductory talk I told the men that this was a nude training session. The training was in sex, man-to-man sex. It was a learning by doing class. "The plan is to spend most of the time sucking and fucking. Our hope is that you will meet new friends and go home and need to rebuild your sperm supply for a week or two!" The men laughed.

"Now, there is one final task for this introduction," I said, "I would like you all to stand. You are to wander around the room. When I blow this whistle, I want half of you to drop to your knees and suck the cock of the man nearest to you. You don't need to take his load, but I want you to get acquainted with his cock. For those of you who are going to be sucked, it is acceptable to feed your new friend a souvenir from your cock! It is best if you give some warning, but that is hard to control sometimes."

"I know this might bother some of you. I was a bit reserved and shy when I was young. I have outgrown that." The men seemed to laugh at that. Soon they were having a good time. All was well. Our staff joined the guests and that was very well received. I remembered going too far was the object of the gathering.

A man who looked like he wasin his seventies came over to me. He was in good shape for a man of his age, tall, bald, and with white hair showing up well against his tanned body. He said he was from Milton, North Carolina. He had a deep, mellow voice.

"I am half excited and half embarrassed to be here," he said.

"If I work on the exciting aspect of your visit, can you work on the embarrassing aspect?" I asked. He smiled. I fondled his genitals and he smiled more. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock. A minute or two he put his hands on my head encouraging me to take more of his cock.

Eventually we traded places. He dropped to his knees and sucked my cock. He was careful at first, but soon I was oozing some precum and he was enthusiastic. After a while he stood and said, "My partner of many years loved sex with me. Your cock's precum reminded me of him. Thank you." He said.

I told him I enjoyed it. He went back to several older men. I assumed we would meet again.

Maurice, a man in his 40ies came over to me. He was with two toy-boys. I soon realized the boys were in their upper twenties and they would not be able to play the boy role much longer. The older boy, Harry, was tanned, muscular, and good looking but signs of age were showing. He was Harry's yardman. The other, Scott, was a "personal assistant". I had a feeling the boys would soon be replaced. I wondered if this was a final swing, or if he was showing off the merchandise to potential buyers. Harry seemed to be interested in me.

The training event was a controlled orgy. The training was minimal. Open, public sex was encouraged. I also noticed that by the end of the night most of the men relaxed. Some men went to their rooms, and many continued their "education."

My relationship with my staff was good. Many worked part time on the weekend, and I paid well. My regular medical testing reduced the opportunity to get in trouble, and my special training created generous sexual opportunities. We did not encourage tipping, but it did happen.

I was surprised that my Doctor, Julio, connected with Milton. Milton was a retired doctor and spoke Spanish. There were many Spanish speaking workers on farms and meat factories in Milton's area, and he served them. Julio and Milton got along well. Julio wore a jockstrap at the event. While he was a good sport, he was a doctor. With Milton, Julio could relax.

The next day's training focused on cock sucking in the morning, and ass fucking in the afternoon. I have a focus on orgasms. That always seemed obvious to me since orgasms are essential in heterosexual sex Some gay men see the orgasm as an extra in gay sex. A spasming cock in my mouth excites me, and the cock shooting cum into my ass does the trick too.

Milton did a beautiful climax in my ass in the afternoon display. He demonstrated that older men could both get it up and get it in. When he pulled out plentiful sperm dribbled from my ass. I rotated so all the audience could see the cum drool. That night Julio fucked Milton. Milton loved it. Later that night both men climaxed in my ass.

That night overt and enthusiastic sex became common for most of the men. Almost every cock was ready and in use. Almost all our guest were used to sex hidden in the dark. My relaxed asshole was dripping cum. I was unashamed of talking a load. The orgasm was no longer hidden. It was celebrated.

The next morning, Maurice came to me and asked if I could use his boys in my demonstrations. I think he wanted them to get exposure. By then it was clear he had already picked their replacements. He was very attentive to two younger men at the training session. Of course, I knew they were over twenty. They looked young and loved older men who could support them in the manner they were not accustomed to.

His older boys, Harry and Scott, turned out to be nice men. Harry was a good gardener, he advised me that I had some poorly placed plants. Scott was easy to get along with and was an actual accountant. They told me that while Maurice appeared to be well hung, he was a still life. His cock was the same size hard or soft. He was not a size queens' dream.

Harry and Scott were lovers, but Maurice only liked one-on-one sexual encounters. My sexual play was more imaginative than Maurice's was. I included both men. Our threesome involved three needy cocks and three needy assholes. All were available for mutual use. My cock in Harry's ass made his cock more attractive to Scott. Scott's ass became more attractive to me when Harry was massaging my hole.

Sex with them was inspirational for the men at the training sessions. Many of the men had only seen men fucking in porn videos. At the Paradice, watching Scott, Harry and me going at it was educational. Watching Scott's ass remining open after I came in him was a thrill for them. They clapped when they saw my cum drool from Scott's ass to be licked up by Harry. Milton joined in when he eased his cock into the Harry's well-used ass. Public, open sex was both new and exciting for most of the men.

With that as an appetizer, we got men to pair off and form a circle. One man would get on his hands and knees. His partner would get on his knees and work his cock into the exposed ass. Some men shot off quickly, other took their time. Naked, sexually involved men respond very differently, but eventually the interaction between an erect cock and ass caused the expected reactions.

In these demonstrations, you got to see varied fucking techniques as well as a variety of assholes. We had invited men to get involved in this and were surprised at the response. We had planned to use some staff members as the bottoms. Unexpectedly many guests were interested. The circle was a success, and we did several variations on it later in the afternoon. By mid-afternoon, everything was on automatic pilot.

Most of the men were used to sex in a bedroom with the lights off or in a dark pick-up place. They adapted well to the openly sexual Special Training session. Here, they weren't alone. They could indulge their secret desires openly with men who had the same desires. Concealment wasn't required. There was no fear that they would be caught or punished. Our medical testing reduced another fear.

Many men came from smaller towns or cities. Many thought they were the only gay men in the town. They were able to indulge, and possibly flaunt, their sexual interest. They weren't alone. They were able to admit to having the male sexual equipment and many could add their ass to that list of equipment.

I felt positively virtuous about my Special Training school. I also realized that my virtue was due to being incredibly aroused, 24-7. I had turned a problem into an asset. In my case, the ass portion of asset was particularly important. I was versatile. The top or bottom, sucker or suckee role were equally important. I didn't like pain, but a twinge or two when a cock entered my ass was acceptable. My cock was thick, but I had developed ways to enter a new ass with little more than a twinge or two.

I also emphasized that no meant no. Claiming that you eventually would like it is not true. A few men who said no, later came to me with an ass that needed attention. Most said they liked it, but not all. Several said that while it wasn't a good experience, but it had been worth giving it a try.

I solved Maurice's problem when Harry and Scott came to work for me. Harry eventually transformed my landscaping. He was gifted and he got along well with the landscape crew. Scott turned out to be a good accountant. He was obsessively meticulous. That was good since I wanted no problems with the IRS or the local tax people.

They were also good to my guests. They loved sex and were willing to share their skills. They were excited by older men, Daddy, or Granddaddy types. These men, of course, loved them.

I usually had one session on the weekends. Doctor Julio and Wally suggested a weekday session for younger men. Many younger men came to Miami to escape what Wally called the born-again curse. I admit that I was puzzled by ultra conservative people who lack any trace of the "love your neighbor" aspect of religion.

We made these new sessions in the between six in the afternoon until 11:00 for three days midweek. We usually had ten to fifteen guests in the rooms, so some rooms were available for men who wanted to stay.

"This class is to be educational and recreational," I said. "I want you to explore new ways to enjoy sex and to include other men in your exploration. While some of this exploration will be physical, mental exploration is important. One view of sex is that sex involves one man using another person for his pleasure. This is a traditional view of sex."

I continued. "I want to think of sex joint activity. You and your playmate are cooperating to jointly enjoy each other. You will share orgasms and sperm. You will share each other's sexual fluids, enjoy, and penetrate your playmate's body. You will open your body for his use.

"You all know the joy of an orgasm," I said. "I hope you will discover the joy of another man losing his control and then injecting his semen to you. For some of you that will be easy, for some that will be difficult. There is one good feature for men: when you feast on a man's semen, you need not worry about pregnancy!" The men laughed.

"An old friend of mine, a farmer with six children told me he learned to enjoy sperm knowing there were no additional kids in his future," I said. There was more laughter. "He said the slightly bitter taste of cum after an orgasm seemed almost sweet."

"I take it you didn't impregnate him?" A man asked. There was more laughter.

"Actually, he came to like fucking me and unloading in my ass. He shot huge loads. It was messy, but he always felt lucky that way," I added.

Of course, I was popular. At one time I was a little afraid I was too popular, but I misjudged my tolerance of meaningless sex. Some of the men were better fuckers than the others, but it was always a thrill when they added to the sperm stew in my ass.

I also had a skill at opening little used or reluctant asses. I had special personal sessions to help a man to develop the skills and desire to explore gay sex. Once and a while I worked with couples or small groups. Sometimes a couple had a limited repertoire of sexual skills. Usually, sex was limited to oral sex. Once and a while only fondling of genitals was indulged in.

Sometimes I provided a neutral cock. Some men avoided climaxing. They had been brought up believing sperm was dirty. I had several friends to help with this. Dr. Billy, a retired veterinarian, was good with older men. Rev. Billy Donner was a born-again preacher who discovered gay sex through prayer. Father Julio had a knack with Catholic men.

The first men to use this service was Denny and Leo. Denny was a florist who lived with his mother until she died. He was fifty by then. His friend, Otis, was the Choir director for a large, televised church. The church went belly up when the preacher fled to an island with no extradition treaty along with every penny in the church treasury.

Otis had lived with his parents until they died and were well off. Denny and Otis lived as husband and wife in a sexless marriage. Otis was a love child and his mother never let him forget the wages of sin. A young, gay florist working in Denny's shop somehow convinced they there was more to life. They found out about the Paradise Hotel, and they decided to try it out.

We began our session with a shower in my apartment. I knew that Denny was a Baptist, so I asked Billy to join us. I made it clear that we were going to explore sex, so they knew I wasn't going to trick them. Billy was outgoing and friendly,

He suggested that we all take a shower, so all was spick and span. Many men in their situation thought sex was dirty, and a shower would help to allay those fears. My shower was oversized, so four men fit well, but it was not so large that you could ignored exposed genitals. Both Denny and Otis were well hung, as were Billy and me.

"It's okay to look," I said. It's okay to touch and feel. In public showers, such as a gym or pool shower, it is a problem to show hard. That isn't a problem here."

"Believe it or not, but all men have a cock, and all cocks can get hard when excited," Billy said, "In the Bible, Jonathan and David did it, and I bet they weren't the only ones!" He paused, "By the way, when a cock gets hard it cuts off the supply of urine, and switches to the balls. You will suck either sweet precum or eventually semen. To tell you the truth, I like the taste of a man's sex juices."

"Do you like them too?" Otis asked.

"I do. Precum is good. It tells you a guy is into it," I said. "Cum doesn't taste as good, but when your sucking a pal that doesn't matter. It great when you can savor a man's seed." Otis was fully erect by then. Billy bent over and deep throated the erect organ. Denny was semi-erect, so I dropped to my knees and sucked him.

A minute later Denny said that he didn't expect it to feel so good. I swirled my tongue around his cock head. He moaned in pleasure.

"It feels really good to me," Otis said.

"It tastes good to me," Billy said. "You've just begun to ooze precum. Your sex juices are sweet are plentiful."

"Is semen that good?" he asked.

"It's good for me," I said. "I will give you a little hint. Taking a guy's load in your ass is a beautiful thing. Some guys love an ass as a sperm depository. It stays in your ass until it merges with you. Feeling a man shooting off in you is good especially if you are pals. You can't get any closer than that."

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