The Palatine Rest Stop

Published on Aug 23, 2021


The Palatine Rest Stop 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Marty had a few local playmates he wanted me to meet. Some were high school guys. I told him to bring them after their 18th Birthday. Uncle Thomas told me that young guys may want sex but wanting and doing are different things. Getting an old guy is one thing when he is sucking your cock. It is different when he is stretching your asshole open. Some guys may want sex, and romance. That may not include providing a home away from home for your playmate's extra sperm up your ass.

Marty had some experiences with guys who weren't ready. Liking men is one thing. Liking sex with men is another. If you want a strong daddy type, you need to know he may be demanding. There are women who want to get married and have children but aren't that much into sex. White wedding dresses and huge bouquets are not the essence of a marriage.

Marty knew all the locals. He was one of those guys who was around all the time. He was a member of the rescue squad and had been a dependable tackle on the foot ball team. If you needed a ride to pick up your car or needed a someone to house sit when your parents were in Florida in the summer, Marty was willing.

I wasn't a native, but the local marveled he wasn't a thief or murderer. His mom was a legend. She had entertained half of the men in town. She never quite got around to marrying Marty's father. He had vanished ten years ago. His mother's folks were good people and they raised Marty.

Marty had another asset. He lived alone in his grandparents' house just outside of town. It was secluded and private. You could slip way and have a little fun and no one would know. Once and a while Marty would call me and asked if I would like to drop in that evening. He had a friend he would like me to meet. I knew what that meant.

I always pondered whether I should go or not. I was that enthusiastic, but somehow, I always went, and I always had a good time.

The first time I went he was with the Hansen twins, Bob and Bert. They were identical twins that ran a towing service. Uncle Thomas used them for towing cars that broke down. Their father was Rufus Hansen and was what used to be called a real piece of work. Rufus was killed when his car went off an icy road into a tree. His sons inherited the towing business, and nothing else for their father.

The boys had a twin's type rivalry. They didn't share. They were nearly forty, and it seemed to me it was about time to work things out. I knew the Hansens, but not well enough to tell them apart. They had some rest stop sex, but nothing else.

After drinking a beer or two, we got naked. Marty sucked Bob and I sucked Bert. They had been known for switching names in school, so you never knew who you were with. I quickly discovered that Bert's earlier experiences had been amateurish. After a minute of sucking Bert was moaning. Marty and I switched, and Bob loved my technique. One you are erect and drooling precum, you tend to lose any attitude.

The twins liked sex with men, but they were still at the second or third grade. An hour later they had reached Junior high and were looking forward to higher education. We progressed from sucking, to the sixty-nine position. Bob wasn't too enthusiastic about that. But, since I was sucking him, it was only fair to suck me. We soon had a good rhythm, and he enjoyed it. Bert seemed to enjoy it more with Marty.

During a break, I took the opportunity to take a seat on Bob's cock. That was a total success. My ass firmly gripped his cock and I massaged it. Bert wanted to know if his cock would fit. They spent the next half hour alternating fucking me. Eventually Bob shot off. Bert loved fucking me after Bob filled me with his sperm. When Bert shot off, Marty filled the void and added his load.

The Twins left after they shot off. I went back to Thomas. I told him about the triple sperm load in my ass. He looked at me and almost said something.

"Are you interested in adding a forth load?" I asked.

"I don't want to take advantage of you," he said.

"With three men's loads in my ass, I don't think I can play the virgin anymore," I said. "There's enough for you. I liked it when you were in me before."

Uncle Thomas eased his cock into me. he worked his knob past my sphincter, and then rubbed my prostate as he pushed deeper.

"Damn! Those boys shot some big loads into you," he said. "Are you sure you want fourth?"

"Uncle Thomas, you know the answer to that question," I replied. His ejaculations were forceful, so I knew each time he shot off. The next thing I knew it was six in the morning, his cock head was nestled next to my sphincter. He pulled away and my ass returned to its normal size.

The next day I was working the pumps. While we installed modern pumps for self-service, we had some customers who were elderly or simply didn't get the concept of self service. Mountain people can be set in their ways.

Bert Hansen came by, got gas and came over to me.

"I wasn't sure you knew how much I liked what we did the other day," he said.

"I thought we all had a good time," I replied.

"I mean I really like it," he continued. "Rabbit told me that guys take it up their ass and eat cum." Rabbit was Marty's nick name as a kid.

"Do you think you would like that sort of stuff?" I asked.

"It really turns me on," he said.

"You want to fuck a guy and cum in his ass? I asked.

"I do," he said and after a brief pause, he added, "I want a cock up my ass too. I want to take a guy's cum too."

"I guess you know I'm pretty open minded about man sex and I know a few guys who are into it big time," I said.

"I want yours if I can get it. Rabbit told me you are really good," Bert said.

"Could you come by the house sometime?" I asked.

"Will Thomas be home?" he asked.

"He is but he minds his own business," I said. "He's a member of the club, so don't worry about him."

"Some guys say he's huge," Bert remarked and then asked if it was okay to come around seven that night. I said it was.

That night, we went to the pond, striped and got in the water. I was surprised when Uncle Thomas joined us. He was naked and Bert liked that a lot. Bert was already rock hard, so I began to suck him.

"Tommy knows his stuff, Bert," Thomas said. "Just relax and let him work his magic."

Uncle Thomas stayed and served as a coach and an inspiration to Bert. While I had only been with Bert days earlier, his cock sucking skills were much advanced. I assumed Bob or Marty were happy men. Uncle Thomas fed Bert his soft cock to distract him was as I worked lubricant into Bert muscular ass.

His ass was tight, and he has a sphincter of steel. By then Uncle Thomas balls were draped over Bert's mouth.

"Bert, you need to open wide for Tommy, he just wants to get deep in you and fill you with his man seed," Thomas said. "He's going to find the good spots up your behind and drive you crazy until he shoot's off."

Bert relaxed his ass and I got in. I could feel his sense of relief as I went deep. I did use his prostate as a punching bag. I don't think Bert knew he had a prostate, so it was a surprise to him. I went deep, and then pulled back, this time I used my cock head to massage the tender gland. I took my time so that the shock of having an invader in his ass wore off before I gave his ass a sperm bath.

I realized I must have been more excited than I thought because Bert got the extra-large serving of sperm. Uncle Thomas leaned over, licked Bert's cock head a few times before Bert began to spurt. My interest in sperm hadn't recovered from my orgasm, and Uncle Thomas was nice enough to take Bert's load.

At the time it hadn't been clear that Uncle Thomas and I had entered a new phase of our relationship. After Bert left, Uncle Thomas told me his balls were filled to bursting. A minute or two later my lips wrapped around his knob. A little later, his sperm flooded my mouth.

We were never lovers. We exchanged sperm and precum. We were companions, we shared experiences and friends.

Uncle Thomas had placed me off limits to his friends. He wanted me to fine my own way. He friends were mostly between being mature and elderly. Sex with a young guy was appealing to them, but Thomas wanted that only if it was on my terms.

That made some sense. My uncle knew many men and only the cream of the crop became friends. His judgement about men was usually right. He knew his cock was well known. Big cocks excited many men. Thomas wasn't interested in men who wanted it and not him. He wasn't a fool, and he understood the appeal of a big cock. He understood the men who liked them big but wanted more than that. An ability to have a sensible conversation, to be helpful if needed and to have a life other than sex was good.

Of course, his cock up your is was impossible to ignore. It defined a memorable moment for many men. He knew some men who thought taking his cock up there ass was the highpoint of their sexual life. Thomas said he like men who felt that way after he had fucked them ten, or twenty times.

He rarely fucked me, but it got better each time. He said I was good, but my reaction to feeling him ejaculate in me was wonderful. "You tried to milk me, to get every drop of man seed," he explained. "You're a good top, but a great bottom. I love to top, but it is so much better when the bottom loves it too."

One of his oldest and best friends is Smokey. He was a park ranger, thus the nickname Smokey. He still took tour groups on hikes and was a noted naturalist. He had discovered two new plants and a new variety of Salamander. He was on the television whenever they needed information about the mountain environment. Smoky was a beefy Polar Bear.

He was interesting to talk to. Little known unusual facts and the easy flow of conversation made you forget you were learning things from him. One hot afternoon in mid-summer, I ran into him at the pond. He was naked and I was soon naked.

Smokey was a good swimmer and he helped me with my stroke. Sitting on the bank after the swim, we talked.

"I'm an old guy. Do you young guys see me as a dirty old man?" he asked.

I answered his question by leaning over and sucking his cock. It was soft, uncut and looked thick. Working my tongue into the pucker, my tongue encountered the sweet taste of precum. His cock was growing rapidly. Cocks can't hide anything. When I had my first experiences, I wanted to play it cool. I was just experimenting and trying things out. My cock was gay long before I realized I was gay.

Of course, my erection was a clue, but precum sealed the deal. My partners or playmates were slightly older or much older than me. The older guys were more interested and seemed to enjoy it more. They knew they had reached first base, and most knew there was a mouthful of my sperm in their future. After one or two encounters, I tasted their special sauce.

It wasn't a taste treat, but I sensed it was important. When a guy took my load for the first time, I knew just how important it was. It was an older guy who thought he hit the jackpot when he found a young guy. He wanted to suck me and take my load.

Smokey reminded me of him. We were soon sucking each other off. Smoky was more a cock worshiper than a cock sucker. He was delicate and careful. I was a little afraid I wouldn't shoot. Smokey knew his stuff and when I shot off, I was surprised.

He filled my mouth with his cock cream seconds later. I don't think vintage sperm exists, but if it did Smokey was making it in his balls.

"It's strange, but every time I take a load from a new guy, I feel like I am sixteen again, draining Rev. Johnson's balls. He was my first," Smokey said.

"Was it good?" I asked.

"Well, it certainly wasn't my last," Smokey said. "Rev Johnson's wife was the inspiration for the Wicked Witch of the West. They had to make here a bit more likable for the movie to make her more acceptable."

"Did Johnson become a regular?" I asked.

"He wasn't regular, but we connected when he could escape. Years later Your Uncle Thomas introduced Rev. Johnson and me to fucking," Smokey added. "He loved it. He died a few years later in a car accident. His wife took over the church when he died, and it was out of business a year later."

My connection with Smokey was good and a week later he asked if I would join him at a birthday party for a friend. He said some of his pals would like to meet me. I told him that was fine for me.

"To be strictly truthful, I was hoping you would be my birthday present for Billy. He used to like younger guys," Smokey explained.

"Let's play it by ear," I said. "I don't want to sound like a romantic, but I like to meet a guy before I make any commitments."

Smokey laughed and said, "You're a smarter man than I was at your age!"

The party was in a hunting lodge a few miles away. Smokey's friend was Dr. Howard Hodges, a retired surgeon. He was a handsome, dapper, 75-year-old man. He was cordial and laid back.

"I hoped Smokey told you my parties are mostly naked. I have to confess I and my friends tend to be sexually generous," Howard said. "I was a urologist. Since my retirement my interests have been strictly recreational."

"Mine have always been recreational," I said.

Howard laughed. "I many ways it funny that our society is embarrassed to admit the recreational use of a cock. I suspect that roughly 100% of men are intimately knowledgeable of a cock's recreational potential. Everyone jerks off."

"Sucking is not entirely unknown," I mentioned.

"I suspect that cock sucking has increased since the advent of modern plumbing," Howard observed. "I think fucking was more prevalent before baths became common. The cock is so responsive when you are sucking. It drools and dribbles as you approach the climax. We all know it going to shoot, but we rarely know when. That adds greatly to the excitement. I'm not sure its sex. I should be classified as a massage."

"You mean a blow job, is mouth massage by a penis, or fucking is a rectal massage?" I asked.

Howard laughed. "That is exactly what I mean," he replied. "It also gives you an opportunity to do a fluid exchange, or rectal lubrication! Best of all, it's all natural, free and organic."

The doorbell rang and Howard went to welcome the other guests. He returned with four men and introduce me to them. Carlo, owned Carlo's Pizzas, the only good pizza place in the area; Hank, a retired nurse; Phil, a retired State Trooper, and Milton, the high school art teacher. Carlo, Hank, and Phil were beefy bear types. Milton was short and thin. I went with Howard to get drinks. When we returned, Smokey and the four other men were naked.

"I hope you aren't offended. There is a lot of cock here," Phil said.

"I'm not a slut, but I have never encountered too much cock," I said as I stripped.

"For your information, we're all versatile," Phil added.

"I'm versatile too," I said. "One guy I met said I was a bit slutty. That is untrue. It's just that I have never reached my limit." The men looked okay dressed. Naked they looked better. Phil and Hank must have gone to a gym. Carlo and Howard were hairy. Phil was hairy too, but he had white hair and you couldn't see it. Milton was scrawny, but half his weight was in his cock. Of course, cock size plays no role in my judgement of men, but I was willing to make an exception for Milton.

What followed was a mellow and calm, low intensity orgy. Nothing seemed rushed or crazed but men sucked cocks and fucked and had impressive orgasms with no drama. I think the men were over sexed, but they weren't rushed. There was a brief outbreak of intensity as they approached the orgasm, but it was relaxed and natural as soon as the orgasm subsided.

They were older men, and they knew everyone was into it. Somehow two hours later I had sampled everyone's cum and had a sampler of their man seed in my ass. It had been sexually exciting, but I was relaxed and happy. It was more of a cock and asshole massage session than a gang bang. I was surprised that relaxing as it was, I felt most of the vigorous ejaculations in my ass. I had expected some cock drool not a forceful spurt. They saw me as a sexual athlete, not as a desperate cock hound. I was a new companion, a new friend.

When I got home Uncle Thomas was waiting. "How was the party?" he asked.

"It was better than I expected. A lot better than I expected," I said.

"Smokey called me, he said you impressed the guys," Thomas said.

"They didn't seem like old fogies" I said.

"Is you ass tender?" he asked. I realize Smokey had given him more detail about the party.

"Not tender," I said. "It's kind of limber."

"Is there any chance I could sample some of your limber ass?" I asked.

"There is a good chance of that, but I might be messy," I said.

"I'm kind of interested in the mess," he said.

Uncle Thomas understated his interest in my ass and the sperm deposited there. I was wide open, and sperm lubricated, and his cock fit perfectly. I fell asleep while he was fucking me. I woke up at three in the morning. Somehow, he was erect seconds later and eased his cock into my ass again it felt wonderful. When I felt him shooting off, I fell asleep again.

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