The Palatine Rest Stop

Published on Aug 8, 2021


The Palatine Rest Stop 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Jonah came over to me with his friends. When I met Terry and Rabbit, I suspected Terry was a minister. I was wrong. He was a seminarian in a born-again theological school. Rabbit was muscular man who was five feet-two inches. He was a janitor in the building Jonah worked in. Thomas had met them months earlier as they were sneaking off to Rabbit's apartment for some stress relief.

Thomas joined them and they had a great time. Both Terry and Rabbit had shitty dads who hated fags. The young men were terrified of being effeminate. Thomas was perfect daddy for them. Thomas was as macho as a cock sucking man can be. One of his oldest friends told me he made professional wrestlers look like girly boys.

I could almost smell the sexual attraction between Thomas and the two men. Thomas liked helping guys to find sexual fulfillment. He thought longing and lusting were okay but sucking and fucking were better. He invited me to meet then to. He said I could help things along.

I didn't know what that meant. I found out I was to supply the ass for the two men's introduction to fucking. Thomas thought I might be insulted by his plan. I was fine with it. I had no problem helping men find themselves, even if it is in my ass.

Terry had a teaspoon type cock, thin with a big knob. I had him lie on the bed and I sat on it. When I sat on his cock, he shot off as his cock head passed through my sphincter. That was disappointing in one way, but he continued ejaculating as it slipped deeper into me. I could feel him twitching as he lubricated the inside of my ass. When he pulled out there was only a single blob of sperm on my ass. I was shocked when Thomas licked it up and caressed my tight pucker with his tongue.

I asked Rabbit to assume the same position. I then sat on Rabbit's cock. This was perfect position to see that Rabbit was big man who happened have short legs. His cock looked average. I discovered that Rabbit's cock needed to be in a tight ass filled with his buddy's cock cream to reach his full potential. Rabbit and I discovered that together. We were both surprised.

Rabbit was also handsome and exceptionally muscular. I suspected most men saw him as being short, not a hot stud. As I bounced on his cock, my prostate fell in love with his cock head. After ten minutes or so he shot off. I don't think Rabbit expected the intense pleasure. If he had been fucking me doggy style, he would have been thrusting frantically. Since I was sitting on him, we had an enjoyable battle between his knob and my sphincter. Of course, his cock eventually won. He enjoyed my ass and added to Terry's cum.

This time a lot of sperm drooled from my ass. I wondered if Uncle Thomas would lick it up again. He didn't. I suddenly felt a cock at my ass. A second or two later it as deep in me. It was huge.

"I'm sorry Tommy, I couldn't resist," Thomas said as every inch of his cock filled my over stretched ass. "Are you okay?" I nodded. A few minutes later he added. "I need to shoot in you!"

I would have told him to take his time, but I couldn't talk. He pulled out, flipped me over and worked his cock in me again. It was beautiful. He bellowed as he shot off. Rabbit and Skeeter were there to take my load. They alternated slurping up my ejaculations. They had never taken cum before and mine was good. They later shared my sperm with Thomas and me.

Thomas gave my ass good reviews. He suggested that party guests leave a deposit in my ass. He said he would eat the gifts later. That turned out to be a gang bang of Sunday School teachers. It was pleasant and enjoyable. The guys were relaxed and gentle. Some guys were relaxed until a minute before the ejaculation. Others had what you might call stealth ejaculations. I could feel individual spurts, but they were cool as a cucumber.

When everyone went home, I was tired. I took a dip in the pond and went to bed. When I almost dozed off, Thomas came in my room.

"I was wondering if you have enough energy to be fucked to sleep?" he asked. I nodded. I was soon asleep. I think I felt him ejaculate, providing the perfect end to a good day.

I was thinking all was well when my mother called the next morning. Dad had died in his sleep that night. She had no idea what to do and was calling from the kitchen. Dad was still in the bed, dead. I called the neighbors, Mr., and Mrs. Randall, and they went over immediately. Mr. Randall was a lawyer, and he knew what to do.

I put some clothes in a suitcase, jumped in my car, and drove home. I was a bit worried out my problem there, but my mother needed me. Home was two hours away, and they were removing the body as I got there. Mom was in shock. Both she and the Randall's looked relieved when I arrived.

I was worried about the problem that sent me to live with Uncle Thomas. It turned out the Police Chief had been fired as was most of the police force. They had been taking bribes rather than issuing tickets. The police chief took a 20% cut. There was a new police force in town now. They were awash in OxyContin and meth problems. A cock in another guy's mouth wasn't a problem anymore.

My Dad had ruled the roost, and my mom was a 1950ies housewife 40 years out of date. She was lost. I quickly discovered that most of her friends were modern women and willing to help her. Barbara Randall was sensible and helpful. She was also able to phrase things in a way that wasn't insulting.

Luckily, while Dad ran his insurance agency, Miss Ella Willis, his secretary, knew it all. A younger guy, Willard Haliburton, was second in command. Miss Willis told me he was a good man and took instruction well. That worked out well.

Ella and Barbara took care of the funeral arrangements. Mom was too shocked to do that. There was one lucky aspect of the funeral. Their minister, who was dreary and droned on for hours, was away in Alaska on a two-month long vacation. A young, temporary minister, Harry Jones handled the funeral. The funeral was short, uplifting and comforting for my mother.

I stayed there for five months. While I was there, she made breakfast, lunch, and dinner and was able to resume her routine. She liked that and she realized her life wasn't over. Reverend Jones visited often, and he was sensible. He told her the best tribute to a departed loved one, was to live a happy life.

Two of my mother's friends, Margery, and Helena, were retired teachers. After three months, they invited her to spend a week or two at Helena's cottage on a lake. Mom said she wasn't interested. Margery and Helena had taught first and second grade children. Taking no for an answer was not an option. Mom went off with them.

Rev. Harry came by to see my mother. I told him she was away. He thought a time away from the house where everything reminded her of my father was a good idea.

"How are you doing?" he asked. "You mother was so distraught, I'm afraid I ignored you. You have lost your father."

"I'm okay. Dad was a good man, but he wasn't a hands-on parent. He was the breadwinner; mom took care of the house and me," I said.

"Some of the church members were surprised you came home," he said. "They mentioned you were "that way" and your parents didn't approve."

"They might have been unhappy, but they never mentioned it to me," I said. "They were proper and would never talk about anything vaguely sexual," I explained.

Rev. Harry smiled and said, "My parents are the same way. Mom did mention I didn't date much."

"I didn't date either. Mom had high standards. None of the local girls were good enough for me," I said. "It would never have occurred to her that some of the local boys were just fine."

"I didn't date anyone," Rev. Harry said. "I was interested but too timid to take the first step. Were you timid?"

"I was a little uneasy and a lot excited," I said. "My virginity vanished with a pal camping during a thunderstorm in August. Somehow, I never went looking for my lost virginity afterwards. I've been living a monk's life for the last three months. Any chance you could help me with that?"

"I've never done anything like that," he said.

"I don't want to be pushy, but I noticed you didn't say no," I said. "I have a suspicion that your visit is not an accident. You are just attending to a church member's needs." Of course, I knew what he wanted. There was a chance he wasn't ready for it, but I hoped he was ready and perhaps over ripe.

Ten minutes later we were in my bedroom naked. I had been the dutiful son since my father's death. I caused no problems and or embarrassing episodes at the funeral. I was a safe guy in Harry's estimation. He was semi hard until my tongue touched his knob. His cock knew what to do even if Harry was clueless. I look half of his cock into my mouth and rubbed my tongue on the underside.

He moaned. "What am I supposed to do?" he whispered.

"I know what to do and your cock knows what to do, relax!" I replied. I deep throated him.

"Does it taste okay? What if I shoot off?" he asked.

"It tastes the way an excited man's cock should taste. I think of cum as frosting on the cake. I can either swallow it, or we could kiss and share it," I said.

"I could never do that," he whispered.

"Harry, your mouth said no, but your cock twitched when I mentioned it. You want it, but your brain doesn't know yet," I said. He began shooting and I took his load. I stood up and we kissed. I like to take cum, but it's not a taste treat. Harry loved his man seed.

Following the orgasm, he calmed down and dressed. "I have to visit Meg Goodhue," he said. "Thanks."

"I'm having a quiet night at home. I wouldn't mind some company," I said.

"I'm not sure I could do that," Harry replied.

"I am almost 100% sure you can, and you would enjoy it," I replied. He said thanks again and left. I figured there was a fifty-fifty chance he would come back.

After the sun had set and it was getting dark, the doorbell rang. I wasn't surprised when Harry was on the porch.

"Is this a bad time?" he asked.

"A friend at the door can never come at a bad time," I said as he came in the house.

"You must think I'm a jerk," he said.

"Harry, sex is complicated and personal. We all do it, but I guess no two people do it the same or have the same reaction. We all have quirks, but the quirks are major with it involves sex," I said.

"I didn't expect to like what we did," he said. "I liked it a lot."

"I think most guys try to hold their cards close to the chest when they have sex. When you are with another guy, it is all up front and personal. When a guy is sucking your cock and you shoot off, he knows what you are feeling. He is tasting your reaction," I said.

"We you disgusted?" he asked.

"I was excited and pleased," I replied. "If I get to know you better, I will get more excited and more than pleased."

"Do I have to take yours?" Harry asked.

"You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything," I said. Harry was wearing sweatpants and was obviously erect. He was uneasy as before, but his cock was ready to party. We went to my bedroom showered. He wasn't a kisser, but he liked being sucked. That was good for me.

We played and then he asked me if I ever screwed. I told him I topped and bottomed. He was quiet. I don't think he knew what to say next.

"If I guessed you wanted to fuck me, would I be right?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so obvious," he said.

"Harry, you don't need to apologize to me. I liked the bottom, and I like your cock. I like it all, and most of the men I meet are into it too. I don't want to shock you, but a lot of guys like it all," I explained. I had a tube of lube on the bedside table.

I lubed his cock, and he gingerly lubricated my hole. He asked what to do, I told his to push it in and take his time. He asked what to do if he shot off. I told him if it was a single ejaculation to slow up. "One ejaculation is added lube. If you drain your balls in me, it's the grand prize!" I explained. He laughed.

Harry was careful, slow, and deliberate. He became more excited as he pushed deeper into me. Once he was past my sphincter, I could grab his cock. He liked that a lot.

"It's so warm and tight," he moaned. I told him he could pulse his cock to massage my ass.

"Can you tell when I am shooting?" he asked.

"I don't know yet," I said. "Some men pump their seed into me. I can tell when they tense up and then relax after their load is in me. I suspect you shoot a fireworks type orgasm. Your cock acts as a single-minded fire hose." He laughed.

Less than a minute later he began to ejaculate, fire hose style. Harry wanted to pull out, but I held in in until the orgasm was over. He relaxed. I told him to pump a little to encourage any lazy sperm to get out of his cock. When he was almost soft, he pulled out. I tightened my sphincter to squeeze the last drops out.

He almost fell asleep, but he got up and dressed. "It was beautiful. Do you get to fuck me next time?" he asked.

"That is a question you have to answer," I replied.

Several days later my mom came after a month away. She was a new woman, ready to move on. Mom was good-looking. She had met several widowers on her vacation who were "quite attentive," in her words. It wasn't a romantic relationship, but they were all lonely. Margery, and Helena had given them their seal of approval.

Our regular minister had returned from Alaska, so Harry was gone. Harry was popular and well liked. That was the kiss of death for Harry. He went to serve a church in Dry Fork, VA. Dry Fork was fifteen miles from Palatine. He came to say good-bye. He remarked that God works in mysterious ways. I gave him my address and phone in Palatine.

I soon realized I was a fifth wheel in the house. More correctly I was a happy fifth wheel. I had been a good son who came to his widowed mother in her hour of need. I had proved myself to be a good boy. The rumors that once circulated had been proven wrong. I was now leaving so my mother could rebuild her life. I was needed back at the Rest Stop to help the older man who owned the gas stations.

Uncle Thomas was glad to see me. If I were a foolish, romantic man I might have hoped Thomas had counted every day a waiting my return. All his old friends and playmates were nearby, and he had added some new pals.

Unexpectedly Rabbit came to see me when I returned. I was surprised I was so pleased to see him. We went to the pond, swam for a while, and talked. He told me that when he fucked me it was a new experience. He wanted to know if it was good for me.

"Some guys get mad when I shoot off in them. I make a mess," he said in a near whisper.

"I think it's more of a reward than a mess," I said. "Your cock seemed to grow when you were in me. It hit some good spots."

"I used to be fucked a lot. I was so short," he said in a whisper. I didn't want a long conversation, so I leaned over and sucked his cock. That was exactly what Rabbit wanted. I few minutes I was skewered on his cock. "What is you real name? Rabbit doesn't suit you?"

"Martin, mom calls me Marty. It's my granddad's name," he said.

"Was your granddad a good man?"

"He was great. He was a carpenter who built houses. He could do almost anything and showed me how to do them," he replied.

"I'd like to call you Marty. Is that okay?" I asked.

He said yes and confirmed with a spectacular orgasm. When it was over. I asked if could stay sitting on his cock and enjoy it as he went soft. He said that was fine.

Next: Chapter 4

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