The Pains of Being Gay

By moc.liamtoh@5_orp

Published on Sep 4, 2011


The Pains of Being Gay: Chapter 2 - Finding Out The Truth

Disclaimer This story is based on a homosexual boy growing up, the main character Chris is somewhat based on me and some of my personal memories. The rest of the characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now! If not enjoy!! :) If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email. Well enough said enjoy chapter 2!

The Pains of Being Gay Chapter 2 - Finding out the Truth

"So how was your first day of high school Chris?" my mother asked.

"It was pretty good, nothing bad happened. Oh and I met a new guy named Andy, who recently moved here from Banff. My gym teacher introduced us in class".

"That's good honey. When are the volleyball tryouts?"

"They start tomorrow after school", I answered.

"What time should I pick you up then?"

"Practice is over at 4:15, so be there for 4:30".

"Ok hun, sounds good", she replied.

After I was done talking to my mom, I went upstairs to my room to play my PS2. I decided to play NBA Live. I picked my favourite team the Detroit Pistons, and chose to play against the Miami Heat. I was in the middle of the second quarter when my cell phone began to ring.

I didn't recognize the number but I picked it up anyways, "hello?"

"Ugh, is this Chris", a very soft voice said.

"Yeah this is, who's this?" I responded.

"It's... its Andy".

"Oh hey man, I'm glad you called. What's up dude?"

"Not much I guess, how about you?"

"I'm good I guess, school was alright, nothing crazy happened. How was your day?"

"It was good except for the paper work in the office".

"Yeah, I bet that was boring. So what are your classes this semester?"

"I got Phys. Ed, English, French, and Math" he answered.

"That's awesome me and you have our first to classes together", I responded smiling.

"That's sweet!"

"You got math to this semester, we'll have to get together sometime and work on our math together".

"I don't want to be a bother Chris. I'm not good in math anyways so it'll just be a pain for you", he responded quietly.

"Well that gives another reason for us to do it then. I can help you with your math, come on dude, it won't be a bother trust me".

"Ok, if you're sure".

"I am man, don't worry about it", I assured him. "So, you wanna eat lunch with me tomorrow?"

"Sure that would be nice", he replied with happiness in his voice.

"How about Tim Hortans?"

"I umm, I can't", he said with a shaky voice.

"Why not?" I asked with curiosity.

"I umm", he paused

"Andy don't be shy you can tell me anything"

"I can't afford to, I don't have any money", he replied very quietly. I heard him sniff, it sounded like he was crying.

"Awww dude, that's not a problem. I'll pay for you".

"Chris, I couldn't accept that".

"It's not an option ok. It's not a problem, Honest".

"Ok, thank you. I'll make it up to you somehow".

"Don't worry about it. It's my pleasure", I assured him again.

"Well ok, thanks again. I should let you go it's getting late".

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning"

"Of course, Cya Chris"

"Goodnight man"

With that I heard a click, and closed my cell phone. I looked at the clock, it was just after 10:30. I decided to brush my teeth and go to bed early tonight. I wanted to get a good night's rest since I was going to have volleyball tryouts after school tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, and ready to start a new day. I looked at the clock and saw I had enough time for a long refreshing shower. I got in under the hot water and closed my eyes. I began to think about my day, volleyball, my classes, but most importantly going out with Andy for lunch.

I poured some shampoo in my hand and began to scrub it in my hair. I then washed under my arms and then began to wash my pubic hair. I then moved lower to wash my cock and balls, my thoughts were still on Andy and I was beginning to become aroused. I closed my eyes, imagining that Shawn was the one who was washing my cock. It began to become hard until it was fully erect. I looked down at my six inch cut cock. I thought I was a very good size for just turning 14. I leaned on the shower wall, and began to stroke my cock using the shampoo as lube. I let out some small grunts and moans, before I began to feel the tingle in my balls. I began to stroke madly until I couldn't take it anymore and exploded shooting my cum onto the shower wall. I had to use my other hand so I wouldn't fall down from exhaustion.

I was breathing heavily when my cock began to burn. "Fuck, what the hell is up with my cock, it must have been the shampoo", I said to myself quietly. It was the first time I ever jerked off with shampoo so I was assuming that's what was causing my cock to burn.

I finished rinsing myself off and got out of the shower. I went into my room and finished getting ready for school.

I got off the bus, and headed to my locker to throw my things in it. As I was walking to my locker I saw Shawn in the distance.

"Hey Andy" I said loudly.

He turned around and walked to me. "Hey Chris, how are you doing this morning?"

"I'm doing good, how about you?"

"Same here I was just on my way to my locker to put my stuff away".

"Oh well let me just finish putting my things in my locker then I'll go with you. Is that ok?

"Sure, that sounds great" He said with a smile on my face.

I finished putting books away and grabbed my gym bag. We walked to Shawn's locker it was just around the corner from mine. He threw his stuff in and grabbed his stuff for gym and we were on our way to class.

We got to the gym and sat on the floor until the bell rang.

"Thanks again Chris".

I looked at him puzzled, "for what?"

"You know, you're going to take me out to lunch today. It means a lot to me" he said with his head down quietly.

"Dude it's no big deal"

He looked at me and I smiled back to him. I think he was starting to blush because he began looking at the floor again.

I just realized that I was going to see Andy change today. I got really excited, but remembered that I had to be really careful. I couldn't imagine if anyone found out that I was gay, it would be terrible.

The bell finally rang, and the national anthem came on. Mr. K told us to go get changed after it was done playing. Me and Andy walked into the change room and put our bags down next to each other. I looked at him, he looked really nervous. I looked away and took off my shirt and dropped it on the bench. I then slid my jeans to the ground and grabbed my pair of shorts. I began putting them on when I glanced over and saw Shawn looking at me. He didn't notice I saw him, but I was beginning to wonder if Andy was possibly interested in me in a sexual way, it got me excited.

We finished changing and went back to the gym. Mr. K decided it would be a good idea to play volleyball since tryouts were tonight. Coach picked me and another boy to be the captains. I recognized him from playing against him in volleyball when I was younger. I picked first, and I quickly chose Andy. He walked over to me slowly with his head down.

"Why did you pick me? I suck at volleyball", he asked with a sound of sadness in his voice.

"So I don't care, this is only gym class. Besides you're my friend, and I want you on my team", I said with a smile on my face.

He suddenly gave me a hug in front of the entire class, "thanks man that means a lot to me".


For the rest of the period we played volleyball. We only won one time out of the four games we played. I didn't care though, I had fun playing with Andy. He wasn't good but I could see he was trying hard to impress me. It was really cute.

Class went by really fast and before long we were changing. The bell finally rang and we walked to our English class together.

"So did you have fun in gym?" I asked.

"Yeah, thanks to you", he said with a slight smile on his face.

"That's good man, I'm happy you had fun".

In English we got our book that we were going to be reading first. Of course we had to start off with Shakespeare. We were going to study the Merchant of Venice. Well at least we were getting it over with I thought to myself.

For the rest of the class, we learnt about Shakespeare's history, and what the Merchant of Venice was about. When the bell rang I told Andy to meet me at my locker after he was done putting his books away. Then we would leave for Tim's from there.

"So you ready to go get something to eat?"

"Yeah, I'm starving", he replied back quickly.

"That's good", I said laughing a little.

We walked to Tim's, got our food and sat down. "So what are you doing after school?" I asked.

"Umm, just going home"

"Well, I was thinking maybe you could come watch my volleyball tryouts today after school. I can give you a ride home after school", I looked at him pleading with my eyes.

"Sure, that would be great man. I owe you one anyways", he said smiling at me.

We continued to talk about our day so far as we finished eating our meals. Andy really wasn't shy like I thought he was.

When we got back to Andy's locker I thanked him for coming and reminded him about my tryouts after school. We said goodbye and I left for my locker.

My afternoon classes went by slowly, they were really boring. I just wanted school to end so the tryouts could start. Finally the final bell rang and school was over. I threw my books in my locker, grabbed my change of clothes, my court shoes and made my way to the gym for tryouts.

The tryouts were going great but I noticed Andy still hadn't shown up yet. `He must have forgotten' I thought to myself.

After tryouts I was walking up the stairs to the upper change room when I heard a bunch of guys laughing.

"I heard you are a fucking fag, that's why you moved from Banff. We saw the way you hugged Chris in gym this morning, you must be a fucking idiot if you think you have a chance with him. Hes not a fag like you, hes a star volleyball player"

I ran downstairs to the other change room and opened the door. I saw two guys from my gym class beating Andy up.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"Chris, he's a fucking faggot. He is going to try to rape you" the one kid said.

"Fucking get lost or I'll beat the shit out of you both."

"What the hell man, we were just doing you a favour" the other kid said as they walked out of the change room.

I ran over to Andy, "Oh my god are you ok bud", I asked with a sense of urgency.

"I... I..." before he could finish he passed out.

Well that's all for chapter 2, hope you liked it, more to come of course! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please write me!!! If you do write me make sure the topic of your email is "YOUR STORY" because your emails will go to my junk folder and I would not want to accidently delete your email.

Next: Chapter 3

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