The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 17, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part III - Chapter 9 - Curitiba - Paulo and his protector.

Paulo and Prudente got off the bed and wore their clothes.

The boy, who was nineteen, was the illegitimate son of baron Bas"lio, the owner of the fazenda "Casa dos Cravos", that is House of the Carnations, with its tobacco plantations in Almirante TamandarŽ not far from Curitiba, in the Paran‡, and of a mulatto slave who died giving him birth. The little Paulo was born with the features of a white boy, besides his black curly hair and dark eyes. In spite of that, the baron kept his illegitimate son at the fazenda as a slave, as he was born from a slave, and his mother's sister had raised the child.

The baroness and the legitimate sons of the baron, as well as the house staff, had knowledge of the fact that the child was the bastard son of baron Bas"lio, and being also annoyed of that fact, always treated the little white slave with coldness and haughtiness, and made living with them difficult.. Also the baron Bas"lio never treated that son any better than his relatives, as he kept him in his house only because the mulatto slave, on her death bed, made him promise he would never sell the boy.

Mister Prudente Coelho Neto was the baron's secretary and was at his service for about ten years. Of all the house staff, he was the only one who always treated Paulo with a liking and humanity and had become, in a way, his protector. He was a man of thirty-one, with a little too big nose and too thin lips, but the scarce beauty of his face was attenuated by his deep and gentle eyes.

When Paulo was fourteen and Mister Prudente twenty-six, the baroness once punished Paulo with a strong lashing, because he let a small cup from her Chinese porcelain coffee set slip out of his hands and break.

When the boy could finally escape the woman's wrath, he went to lie down on his pallet, aching, wounded and in tears. When Mister Prudente noticed the strips of blood that appeared on the back of the boy's coat, he went to see the boy, taking ointment and bandages to help to heal him.

After he dressed and bandaged his wounds, as the kid was painfully shaking with sobs, he took him tenderly in his arms and cuddled him, trying to console the boy. In the beginning the young man didn't have any second intentions when he held the boy, but having him in his arms, up against his body, the closeness of the beautiful ephebe awakened in him desires that he thought had been buried for a long time.

In fact, Prudente was conscious he was one of the rare men who feel attracted to other men. After he enjoyed himself in his school years with many of his schoolmates, the young man thought he would be able to turn over a new leaf and have self-control to succeed in changing, especially since he was working now for baron Bas"lio.

This feeling now flared up inside him as a fire burning his loins. Without even thinking about what he was doing, somewhat out of pity, somewhat out of tenderness and somewhat also out of desire, he gently kissed the boy several times on his lips. Paulo instinctively answered in a positive manner to the kisses. Each time they were becoming more and more intimate, longer, and more passionate. Prudente then embraced the boy more tightly, and the imperious erection that bloomed under his elegant trousers, unavoidably pushed against Paulo's body.

The boy had already had a light taste of sex with other slaves in the plantation around his same age, even though he never had experienced complete sexual intercourse, so he at once clearly understood what was happening to the man. By the way, he was deeply affectionate to the young secretary who always helped and defended him, and had always treated him with affection. So, almost to show his gratitude to Prudente for this new act of compassion and kindness and for the warmth he was giving him, Paulo lowered a hand and caressed through the cloth of the trousers of the young man's erection, almost in a mute message of devotion.

At that point Prudente became fully aware of what was happening and, trying to regain control of his emotion and his desire, tried to part from the boy as he murmured, "Nooo! No, Paulo."

"Why, mister Prudente? You desire me... and I would be glad to make you happy. You can do anything you desire with me. You can also make me yours; take me if you want." Paulo said in a low voice, trying to caress him again between his legs.

"Paulo, my sweet Paulo, you don't know what you are saying..." the young man almost whined, shaken by the intensity of the desire that was ravaging his body, but still trying to resist.

"Yes, I know well. I know well at times men can desire a boy and that they take him for their pleasure. And I also know that some boys like this as well. I want to give you this pleasure Mister Prudente, and I think that I too will like it because it is your desire..."

The young man was torn, on one hand his body was screaming to him to accept that unexpected but appreciated offer, and on the other hand his mind was demanding him to refuse it, his honesty asked him to not take profit of that so young boy... so beautiful... so na•ve and so ready to give himself to him. But it was a rather short struggle, as Paulo was more determined about what he was doing, and he wanted at all cost to please the only person who always gave him his friendship and affection.

So the boy took in his hands the young man's face and kissed him again, putting in his kiss all the fire and passion that the lust of his green years had awakened in him, feeling the excitation of his protector. Paulo also became fully aroused in turn, and pushed himself against the young man's body making him feel the firmness of his young but already rather mature member.

In a last attempt of rationality, the young secretary murmured, "Are you really sure you want this Paulo?"

"Yes Mister Prudente... yes please... I want to be your boy! You want me too; don't refuse me, please!"

Then Prudente kissed again the boy and started to slowly undress him, unconscious of the risk to be caught in the act with the consequences that they both would pay at a dear price. But the good luck was watching over them. The young man finally admired the beautiful, slender, firm naked body of the boy, and his face shining with a trustful smile, and his member almost like that of an adult.

"My god, how beautiful you are, Paulo!" he whispered, filled with emotion.

"You too are so beautiful Mister Prudente! Do you want to be my man? Tell me you want it, please, and make me happy..."

"Yes... oh, yes... how can I refuse you what I too am desiring?"

"And you will put this beautiful pestle all inside my little arse?"

"Did you ever take it in your back?" the young man asked him.

Paulo, before answering, bent on the secretary's lap, cupping his hands under the beautiful testicles sack, and lowered to kiss and tease with the tip of his tongue the turgid member.

Then said, "No, not yet, but... but I want it to be you Mister Prudente, the first one to do it. Please take me!"

"But it can hurt you Paulo, if you never took it..."

"The other boys told me that only the first times it can be painful, but that afterwards one gets used to it, and after a few times it even feels good... Moreover I don't fear this kind of pain, because I know it is a fair one... not like that of the lashes that the baroness had me undergo... Please, Mister Prudente, take me!"

"I would not hurt you, my boy."

"But it's me who ask you. It will not hurt me. Please..." the boy insisted, determined to get what he felt the man was desiring and that he too was now desiring.

"But if you feel too much pain Paulo... you promise me you will tell me to stop?" the young man asked in a last attempt to behave correctly with that kid who so powerfully inflamed his desire.

"Yes, I promise..." Paulo answered, giving him a persuasive smile.

Prudente made the boy go on all fours, kneeled behind him and caressed the beautiful small arse whose skin was velvety like precious silk. He spread with both hands the firm small buttocks and bent down to lick the furrow and the hidden tender bud. He worked it for a long time, trying to prepare the untouched hole as best he could for its first penetration. Paulo soon started to moan in a low voice.

"Oh my god, what are you doing me Mister Prudente? It's great, too great... more, please, more..."

The young man certainly didn't need to be spurred, a fire that he thought to be forever soothed was instead devouring him, so he was going on to prepare the boy with increasing desire. His blood was flowing in his veins strong and impetuous like a river of liquid fire. Paulo was tossing, prey of an increasing pleasure. Then Prudente started to rim the palpitating hole alternating a finger with his tongue, and gently opened his way inside the boy.

"Oh, yes, sooo... how good!" Paulo, who never before felt such intense sensations, gurgled.

Prudente finally slipped two fingers into the virgin hole and moved them skilfully to gradually relax the sphincter muscles of the boy, who was cooperating with growing desire and pleasure to the warm attention to his bottom. When the young man saw that the hole was well relaxed and palpitating, made slippery by his abundant saliva, he leaned over the boy, seizing him at his waist.

"Are you ready Paulo?"

"Yes, take me!"

"If you feel pain, you will tell me?"

"Yes, yes..."

Then, placing the tip of his member that was hard like volcanic rock on the inviolate small hole, the young man started to push. As the other slave boys had told him, Paulo tried to relax as much as he could. He liked feeling the hot meat of the young man trying to push and open its way inside him, forcing the opening of his treasure casket, as he desired to finally have the firm meat column inside him.

Prudente pushed with increasing energy until finally the tip of his vigorous member was wedged into the tender flesh of the boy. Paulo felt a pang of pain, but as he just told the young man, he knew that this pain was "fair", therefore he clenched his teeth and shut his eyes trying to stand it, to let not escape even just a moan, because he didn't want the young man to stop.

Finally, almost all of a sudden, all the glans of the hard manly rod entered him. Prudente, forcing himself not to surrender to his burning desire, stopped pushing, because he understood that the boy would need some time to get used to that unusual presence inside him.

"How is it going Paulo?" he asked in a low voice, almost worriedly.

"Fine..." the boy murmured trying not to betray with his voice tone the pain he was in, that was already starting to subside, "I love it..."

Prudente caressed the head and shoulders of the boy, remaining still. Paulo felt that his member, because of the pain pang, had softened and feared that the man could notice it and understand. So he moved a hand under his body until he reached the pole fiercely embedded in him, and felt that just a small part had entered him. Meanwhile he was brushing with his forearm his member in the attempt to make it harden again.

"You are still almost all outside, Mister Prudente... put it all inside me, please!" he then murmured, and pushed back his pelvis to make the young secretary understand that he really wanted it.

"The most difficult part is done, once that the glans is inside... Now it should enter more easily..." Prudente explained to him, but still did not move.

"Yes, alright... push it all inside, Mister Prudente, please... then fuck me. Don't be afraid, I like it, you are not hurting me."

The boy was really not yet feeling pleasure, but he was more determined than ever to give pleasure to his protector. Then the young man started to push again and slowly, very slowly, slipped inside the boy's very tight and hot channel, Paulo was now feeling less strong pain, a dull and continuous pain, but the sensation of being invaded, filled, possessed by the young man was giving him a kind of psychological pleasure that in part was repaying him for his physical pain.

"Yes... yes, so... put it all inside... all of it..." the boy beseeched him.

The long penetration came to its end, and the young man's member was finally inserted into the boy to its hilt. Prudente made it throb several times, but still without moving it.

"Oh! I like when you do so!" Paulo sighed. "Are you all inside, now?"

"Yes, Paulo, I'm all inside you."

"Then fuck me, go on!"

"Are you sure it isn't hurting?" the young secretary asked again.

"Of course I am sure. I like it, I told you..." the boy lied, but just in part.

Finally Prudente started to move back and forth into the tight channel with controlled slowness - it was the first time he could take the virginity of a boy, and the sensations were beautiful, exalting.

"Yes, yes..." the boy murmured pushing himself against the man.

Paulo's member was finally hard again too, because in addition to the psychological pleasure he received from finally giving his protector what he desired, he was starting to feel a weird, very light but welcome pleasure too. The pain didn't disappear yet, but it was now seemingly more bearable to the boy.

After some controlled lunges, Prudente felt that his enjoyment was becoming so intense that he would not be able to control himself much longer. His strokes rapidly became shorter and faster. As they slightly changed their position, the long meat hose inside the boy started to rub against his prostate so that the faint pleasure that Paulo was feeling all of a sudden increased. The boy unexpectedly reached his orgasm and spurted his young seed on his pallet in a set of short but strong jets.

While he was coming, the boy unconsciously contracted his muscles and his sphincter, waved his pelvis and this set off also the young secretary's orgasm. He pushed as deep as he could inside the boy and filled him with his vigorous jets of warm seed.

They both became still, lightly panting.

Paulo asked, "Did you like taking me Mister Prudente?"

"So very much, my boy."

"So then, you will take me again, won't you?"

"Each time you want it Paulo."

"Oh, for me... every day, if you also desire doing it..."

But with the calm of the after-orgasm, reason also returned to the secretary's thoughts. He cautiously slipped out from the hot flesh of the young white slave, made him stand up on his knees and turn towards him and tenderly kissed him on the mouth.

"It has been wonderful, my dear Paulo, really wonderful! But, we have been foolishly careless and impulsive. Next times we have to be a lot more careful. You know that if we were caught we would get into serious trouble, both you and I!"

"Yes, I well know it. We will be very careful, but I would really like it if you took me like this everyday Mister Prudente."

"I don't know if we can really do it every day, but we will certainly do it as often as we can."

They tidied themselves. Then Paulo asked, "You, mister Prudente... do you do it with many other boys?"

"No, you are the only one. When I was a student at the Jesuits College in Curitiba, I did it with some of my school-mates."

"Were you ever caught?"

"Thanks heaven, never. We found a rather safe place where, if the fathers or someone of the staff came, we could hear them in time and so we could safely tidy ourselves and slip away to other places without them seeing us."

"We should find a similar place, then... Where did you goto do it, there at the College?"

"In the building's attic, just under the roof, that was very large. It was used as a storage area or depot for old things - furniture, big crates... We could access that place from five different stairways, and the doors were never locked. So we moved some crates and furniture to make a kind of hiding place, and carefully oiled all the door hinges so that they didn't squeak..."

"But then they wouldn't squeak even if one of the fathers came there..." Paulo observed.

"Yes, it is true, but all the five stairways leading up there were old wooden stairs, old as the building... Therefore if somebody came up there we could hear them approaching in enough time, sneak away using one of the other stairways. Moreover we always went up there only as couples so each of us always used a different stairway so no one would know we went up there with another boy..."

"You were really smart, isn't it so, Mister Prudente?" Paulo said looking at him with a smile and an amused expression.

"Smart... most likely just lucky." the young man corrected him caressing his short, curled hair.

After that first time, they managed to meet and make love quite often, even though not every day as Paulo hoped. In a short time the pain that the boy was feeling during penetrations disappeared totally, and to the contrary, the pleasure became stronger, more intense, so that the boy was no longer doing it to only please the young secretary, but because he too liked doing it very much.

One day, it was July 20 of 1840, in the large mansion of baron Bas"lio da Cunha Vargas none of the family were home, because the man, together with his wife and the four children had gone to Rio in two coaches to take part in the solemn ceremonies for the proclamation of the coming of age of the emperor Dom Pedro II. All the family would stay in Rio for two weeks. The baron, before leaving, entrusted the house management to his secretary, Mister Prudente.

The first afternoon the young man together with Paulo went to the secretary's bedroom and made love in total safety and quiet, with the usual reciprocal pleasure; afterwards they started to dress again, but Paulo soon stopped.

He looked at the young man and said, "Mister Prudente, today nobody is at home... also the house slaves went to their huts with their families... only you and I are at home, at present..."

"Yes, that's why we could come here in my bedroom and make love without any problem." Prudente answered.

"Yes... but I was thinking... I would like now to do something... is it true that you will let me do it?" the boy asked him with a persuading smile.

"More than willingly, Paulo, if I can."

"Well, you see, I... my step brothers... they are always finely dressed, elegant, with refined clothes... I would like, at least once, to be able to be dressed like them. Just once, pretending I too was a baron, an important person and not just a slave..."

Prudente smiled - he could understand well the boy's desire and thought that after all he could give him this small satisfaction.

"Alright, Paulo, come. Let's go to young master Raimundo's bedroom, as he is more or less about your size. I will help you to wear one of his outfits."

"Really? Thank you Mister Prudente! Let's go then, I'm dying to look at myself in a mirror... and to play for a while that I am a baron too!"

Prudente was happy for that almost childish joy of his protŽgŽe and told himself that, after all, the boy was contenting himself with a really little thing. Of course, he thought, he would not only make the boy wear the most elegant outfit of Raimundo's, but he would then take him downstairs in the saloon, make a coffee for him and serve it to him with some sweets, bowing to him and calling him baron...

They went to Raimundo's bedroom and Prudente opened the wide wardrobe, "Look, Paulo. Choose the suit you like best!"

"Can I really choose?"

"Of course. So, then?"

The boy looked at the clothes, felt them, then choose trousers of a very light pearl grey wool and a tailcoat of a beautiful very light blue.

"These?" he asked with shining eyes.

"A very good choice. So now we have to find the right shirt, socks and shoes."

"Also the underpants and the undershirt vest?" the boy asked more and more excited for that beautiful game.

"Everything from head to toe, like a real nobleman. And even a light sprinkling of eau de cologne, alright?Ó

With the help of the secretary, Paulo quickly undressed and started to wear first the undergarments of fine cambric, the socks of white silk, then the elegant shirt with lace hems, the wide tie of thin blue velvet, then wore the soft trousers and finally the tailcoat. Prudente had also chosen the black patent-leather shoes with a golden buckle and made the boy wear them.

ÒYou look like a real fashion-plate. You seem like the model for a fashion magazine printed in France, oh you know? So, now a sprinkle of eau de cologneÉ Perfect, baron Raimundo! You are the handsomest boy of all the Paran‡ state, I can assure you!Ó

ÒWhere is a mirror, Mister Prudente? I want to look at myselfÉÓ

ÒFirst of all, if you are a real baron, I am your employee, therefore no mister with me, call me just Prudente.Ó

ÒCan I? Really?Ó

ÒOf course you can, as long as you are the baron Raimundo Cabral Vargas, the son of Dom Bas"lio Da Cunha Vargas. If you please will follow me, baronÉÓ

Paulo giggled, amused, then, with his chest thrown out, he left his stepbrother's room following the secretary. They stopped in front of the large mirror that was at the end of the corridor.

ÒWell, I've the honour to introduce you to baron Raimundo Cabral Vargas, son of Dom Bas"lio Da Cunha Vargas.Ó the secretary ceremoniously said.

ÒPleased to meet you!Ó Paulo exclaimed with a wide smile.

ÒAnd now, baron, if you would please come down to the salon, I would have the pleasure to serve you delicious coffeeÉÓ

Paulo widened his eyes and asked, ÒReally?Ó

ÒYou have not to ask me really, a baron would never do it. You have to only say - thank you, Prudente.Ó

ÒOh, yesÉ Thank you, Prudente.Ó the young white slave then said, serious and haughty while his eyes were laughing filled with merriment.

They went downstairs, Paulo sat on Dom Bas"lio's preferred armchair, and Prudente bowed to him and quickly went to the kitchen to prepare his coffee. The man was really happy to be able to give to the poor boy this short parenthesis somewhat fairy-tale like.

He thought that if Dom Bas"lio were just a little more human and fair like this, even without the title of baron, would have really provided a loving relationship in the life of the sweet and gentle Paulo.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 10

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