The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 6, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part IV - Chapter 14 - The discovery of a new world

Manoel was feeling more and more attracted towards Girolamo. Especially now that he knew him better, now that the boy was cleaned up, dressed conveniently and had also put on a little more weight, and found back his full good physical shape. He was a gentle and good boy, of a very agreeable company, intelligent... and decidedly beautiful.

Notwithstanding the attraction that Manoel was feeling for him, he never attempted anything with his guest, as he felt it would be improper, he would have felt like if he profited of that boy and of the gratitude Girolamo was feeling towards him.

A beautiful friendship was blossoming between them, and this was for Manoel way more precious than some company in his bed, as agreeable as it could be. He was anyway still meeting at times with Castro as well as with a boy that he met a late evening at the seafront promenade, the handyman of a typographer. This was enough to relieve, from time to time, his sexual needs that was piling up in his young body.

It was three months that they were living together. Girolamo, besides studying Portuguese with Manoel and going on to tour the city looking for work, wanted to take care of the home chores and was keeping the small apartment tidy and clean as a mirror. Manoel insisted with him he had not to accept any work, but only something that allowed him not only to support himself but also to send some money to his family. He also pushed Girolamo to write once every month to his mother to give her his news.

One day Manoel returned back home from the Dominicans' convent where he had given a lesson to about twenty likeable urchins. He opened his apartment door and went in greeting Girolamo aloud as he was used to doing. The boy answered from the living room with a cheerful "welcome home"! Manoel, as usual, took off his jacket hung it in the entrance, then his shoes, put on his cloth slippers and went into the living room.

He stopped on the threshold astounded - Girolamo was lying on his belly on the sofa, totally naked, and was looking at him with a smile. Manoel confusedly thought that the boy was of a dazzling beauty. It was the first time he saw him naked, and the curves of that body, still young but already in the flower of virility, his small perfect arse, his narrow waist, his wide shoulders, his strong hairless back dazzled him with their beauty.

"Wha... what are you doing there all naked, Girolamo?" he asked feeling a knot shut his throat for the intensity of the emotion that that vision arose in him.

"Manoel... I would like making love with you." the boy murmured with a low and hot voice, but clearly.

Girolamo's eyes were shining like two pure diamonds, his smile was fresh and terribly tempting. The boy raised an arm towards him, stretching a hand in an invitation gesture.

"Come here, Manoel. I know that you desire me at least as much as I desire you."

Manoel swallowed air a couple of times then, almost stammering, tried to protest, "But... but what are you saying, Girolamo? I... I didn't offer you to come here to... for that."

"I know. I know it very well. But I've also understood, all these months, that you desire me... and this pleases me, because I too desire more and more... to make love with you."

"But you, Girolamo... you have not... not to show me in that way your gratitude... no... not so..."

"But I'm not showing you my gratitude, my dear friend; I am disclosing to you my desire, a desire not smaller than yours."

"But you... did you... ever do such things with a man before now?"

"Yes, of course I did, and I like it, and I want to do it with you. Don't tell me no... I know that you too desire doing it with me."

Manoel was still standing on the threshold like a marble statue, unable to come out of his astonishment, in spite of the formidable fascination that the boy had always exerted on him and was in that moment exerting more than ever. He was there, still, but under the cloth of his almost close-fitting trousers, something was moving in a more and more visible way.

"Come here, Manoel, please... I... I need you. Don't you want me?"

Manoel moved some steps towards the sofa, like in a trance, until he was near him. With a hand he lightly caressed the small arse offered to his admiration, whose skin was smooth like that of a ripe peach. Girolamo, through Manoel's trousers cloth, now jutting out like a tent, gently caressing his friend's formidable erection, and happily smiled.

"Do you see that he already wants me? It awakened at once, as soon as he saw me..."

"Do you really... do you want to make love with me, Girolamo?"

"I surely do. Don't you see I am already here, ready, waiting for you? Why don't you take off those clothes and come here with me? Can't you feel how I'm burning with desire to join to you? Don't you understand that I desire nothing but that?"

Manoel sat on the sofa edge, near the boy, and started to caress his back with a hand, then his sweet, small and firm arse, his hairless thighs.

"Yes, it is true, I have desired you since the first day I saw you... but I thought I would be able to hide it from you, because I didn't think it fair to put you ill at ease, I would have felt like taking profit of you. How could you read my hidden desire?"

"Possibly because I am like you, don't you think? Possibly because I too desire you. Possibly also because as much as you tried to hide it, you didn't totally succeed... I don't know. I thought about it, and not just a little, and I knew, I could feel more and more I was not wrong. Thus I decided to... I thought that making you find me so ready for you would be better than telling you with words what I'm felling... Was I wrong?"

"No... no... You just caught me by surprise. I didn't expect... for anything like this. My god, I feel like I'm dreaming, do you know? And yet... You are here, real, concrete..."

"... and ready for you. Undress, go on, don't make me wait more..." the boy asked him in a persuasive tone filled with warmth.

Manuel finally started to undress. He opened the buttons at the sides of his trousers, pulled off his beautiful shirt, and one after the other took off all his clothes, standing to do it. As soon as he was naked, his erection gloriously jutting out, Girolamo turned on his side and with a hand caressed it. Manoel shuddered from head to toe.

"Come, Manoel, come here with me..." the boy murmured, his eyes glossy with desire.

The young man lied down on a side near his friend, facing him, and finally their bodies touched each other, adhered on the narrow sofa.

"My god, how beautiful you are, Girolamo!" Manoel sighed.

"Do you like me, then?"

"I told you, I felt fascinated by you since the first moment I met you, as soon as your beautiful golden eyes stared into mine, there in that cold street, on that winter day..."

Girolamo stretched out his head and his lips in a silent request to be kissed. Manoel in his turn moved forward his face and their lips met. They kissed each other for a long while, savouring each other with increasing delight. Their hands ran to caress the throbbing member of the friend. Their chests were gently rubbing against each other.

"Do you want me, Manoel? Do you want to make me yours?"

"Yes, my friend... And do you want me? Do you want to make me yours?"

"Yes, if you desire it, even though I never did it before."

Their limbs intertwined and in a silence charged with passion and with tender lust, they devoted to each other for several sweet minutes.

"Manoel, take me, please... I can't wait any more!" Girolamo murmured, his eyes shining with desire.

He again lay on his belly and helped his friend to lie on top of him. He spread with both hands his small and firm buttocks in a silent but urgent offer. Manoel, knelling between the slightly spread legs of the boy, looked with loving desire the hidden hole that was so revealed. He bent down, placing his hands at the sides of the beautiful Italian boy and started to tickle, lick, and lap the sweet rosebud with his tongue. Girolamo instinctively pushed upwards his pelvis, almost to underline the desire he was feeling.

"Manoel, so you are making me die... take me, please... I really can't resist any more..."

The young teacher finally went down on him and, applying a constant pressure with the weight of his body, he penetrated his friend. Girolamo, while he was feeling the firm and hot meat column sink inside him, emitted a long, low and modulated pleasure moan. When finally Manoel was totally inside him, started to move up and down his pelvis. With both hands he made the boy turn back his head and kissed him on the mouth with virile passion.

As their mouths parted, Girolamo murmured, his voice loaded with passion, "Yes, yes... at long last! It's beautiful, so beautiful... Go on Manoel, go on... Make me feel how much you like me..."

The young man didn't really need to be spurred. He was still feeling like in a dream - he was finally making love with that beautiful and sweet boy that he long desired but that he believed he could never have. He made his hands slip under his body and with his fingers he started to gently rub Girolamo's nipples. The boy let out a strong sigh, so revealing the intensity of the pleasure that those actions so skilfully harmonised were awakening in his young and beautiful body.

"God, you are driving me crazy, Manoel... Yes... yes... more..." the boy murmured feeling prey to an overwhelming enjoyment.

Manoel was savouring the sweet submissiveness with which his friend was receiving him, the hot enthusiasm with which he was giving himself to him, his youthful and yet virile excitation with which he was welcoming him inside himself. He thought that amongst his many adventures and the more or less long relationships, he never felt so much involved, he never felt the sexual act to be so right, so true, so natural... and so necessary!

Manoel felt like wrapped in the warm coils of the pleasure that was permeating all his body that seethed for the passion's fire, that condensed letting finally flow his white male liqueur into the tender vase waiting to be filled. It was a quiet and sweet orgasm, and yet intense. He finally relaxed on his friend's beautiful body, lightly panting, exhausted and at the same time reinvigorated by the enjoyment languor. They parted, turned embracing and kissing each other, feeling grateful for the beauty of those moments that they so tenderly shared.

"But now you are going to take me, right, Girolamo?" Manoel asked his friend.

"You really desire it? You like it?"

"I desire it... from you. In these days I so often dreamed feeling your beautiful peg all inside me..."

Manoel sat on the sofa, leaning against its back and pulled up his legs folding them against his chest. He then made Girolamo kneel on the carpet in front of him and smiled him with an inviting expression. The boy prepared his friend, then leaned against him, penetrating him with a slow but vigorous push. As he was sinking inside him, he was letting out a sort of low and long moan and his eyes shone for the strong pleasure he was feeling for the first time in his life.

When he was strongly pressed inside him, with a joyous smile shining in his eyes he bent on Manoel and kissed him. He then started to move back and forth with a growing pleasure.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful!" he exclaimed with a chocked voice, "Are you too enjoying it?"

"Yes, very much. Go on, Girolamo, go on, make me feel all your strength..."

The boy embraced him to keep him still and started to ride him with carefree and joyous passion. Manoel was looking at him and saw him almost transfigure for the pleasure; the joy gleaming through Girolamo's face was increasing his pleasure. His young friend's pushes became more determined so that the sofa was lightly jolting with each of his strokes. Manoel was meanwhile caressing the boy's neck, shoulders, nape and chest and encouraged him with smiling eyes.

From time to time their mouths united in intimate and deep, burning and passionate kisses. The eyes of both the young men were shining for the fire of their passion that was wildly flowing in their veins. Suddenly, with a low chocked yell, Girolamo pushed deep inside almost fiercely and threw in his friend's depths jets on jets of boiling and foaming white lava.

The young Italian became still, deeply panting. They smiled to each other with warm happiness. Slowly they parted, Manoel lowered his legs, and Girolamo went to sit at his side and leaned his head on Manoel's shoulder, caressing his chest.

"So, then, did you enjoy it?" Manoel asked in a low voice, almost not to break the enchantment of those sweet moments of the after-orgasm languor.

"Good lord, yes, so very much! And you? Have I been skilled enough?"

"Sure, you have been magnificent, a wonderful stallion full of energy and of joy of living. I am so happy that you decided to... to seduce me so, today."

"So, you want to do it again with me?"


"So then... so then from tonight on, I can come and sleep there, on your bed, can't I?"

"I will really be glad."

"And will we make love again?"

"You can bet on it. But tell me, I didn't think, I didn't know that you too liked doing it with a man... I would like to know how and when you discovered it. And I would also know why as you said, this is your first time you penetrated somebody..."

Girolamo, lightly embraced to his friend, started to narrate.

Since he was a kid he perceived that, differently from the boys of his same age, he was feeling excited just looking at, and fantasizing about boys and not girls. He therefore understood he was different from the other boys. When he was sixteen, a day when he was bathing at the hill torrent with a cousin slightly older than him, naked as were used to always do all the village boys in that secluded stretch, Girolamo asked his cousin if he had already made love. His cousin, with a classical manly pride, answered him he did.

Then Girolamo told him that on the contrary he had not yet done it and that he would have liked trying it with him. His cousin laughed thinking it was just a joke, and told him not to say bullshit. Girolamo, as he saw that his cousin's member was hard, took it in his hand, went on him and asked him again to make love to him. His cousin wriggled away, violently pushed him away and told him he was disgusting. As Girolamo was not ceasing to insist in his request and to try to touch him, at the end his cousin threw him a strong punch, so that Girolamo went back home with a black eye.

Fortunately, he became aware later, his cousin didn't say anything about what happened to anybody, even though after that day he carefully avoided to be alone with him. The scornful and violent reaction of his cousin made him anyway understand that he had to be really prudent, so for a long period Girolamo didn't try any more with anybody else.

Until he had an interesting encounter, when he was eighteen, in occasion of his village Saint patron's feast at the great annual fair. He was touring amongst the stalls filled with beautiful handicrafts, tools, delicacies, length of clothes, vases, poultry and rabbits, beautiful fruits and jam pots, with wide eyes. He unhappily didn't have in his pocket even a cent, therefore to him the feast consisted only in filling his eyes with all those beautiful and unusual visions and shows.

At a certain point he stopped to look at a stall with two men who sell brown and thin slivers of brittles with almonds, hazelnuts, or nuts, and white, inviting nougat rods. The smell was enticing, the brittles slivers seemed to say "eat me, eat me"... Girolamo felt his mouth water and was not able to part from that vision of sweets, forbidden to him.

The younger of the two men said him with a tempting smile, "So, handsome young man, wouldn't you like to taste a nice brittle or a piece of nougat? They are tasty, do you know? And they cost a few coins."

"I can trust you, but I have not even a small coin in my pockets..." the boy answered, his voice filled with regret.

Girolamo resumed wandering through the fair stalls. A little later he saw, sitting at a table of the tavern on the square, the brittles' young man who had invited him to buy some. Also the young man recognised him and made him sign to draw near. He invited him to sit at his table and buttonholed him. He asked his name, how old he was, and told him he was from a nearby village. He was a handsome young man, sturdy and likeable, whose name was Girolamo like him, but who was nicknamed Farinel that in the local dialect means "cunning fellow".

"So, you boy don't have either a small coin to buy my brittles?"

"Eh, it's so, unhappily."

"But you would like eating some, wouldn't you?"

"And how!"

"Well... I like you. If you come to keep me some company, I will then give you some brittles and also a good piece of nougat..."

Farinel took him into the tavern, said two words to the innkeeper then guided the boy through a door in the courtyard. They crossed it and using a ladder, they went up to a hayloft. When they were up there the young man pushed Girolamo to the wall on the back and, without uttering a word, leaned on him and greedily kissed him on the mouth, pushing against him his erection with strong pushes.

At first Girolamo was taken aback and alarmed for that unexpected and weird assault, but soon the erotic charge of the young man overwhelmed him and he clearly understood what he wanted from him.

In fact Farinel, his voice already hoarse for the yen, said, "Isn't it true, Girolamo, that you will let me fuck you in the arse?"

The boy had just the force to nod. Farinel, with strong pulls, lowered Girolamo's trousers and while he seized his member that was already rising, he again kissed him vigorously on the mouth. Then he made Girolamo turn and again hit against his arse with his hard member still close in his trousers, and asked him again if he wanted it in his arse.

Finally the young man lowered in his turn his trousers and with just a little preparation, mounted Girolamo and vigorously fucked him while with a hand masturbated him in a fast rhythm, until first the boy then also the man, came. Notwithstanding he had been deflowered in that so not poetical way, and in spite he also felt some pain, Girolamo had liked it, because at long last he got the occasion to give vent to his secret desire to do it with a man.

After that first time, Farinel and Girolamo met several other times - the boy willingly was going to the man's village to be fucked by him. Once they even managed to do it on a bed and Girolamo liked it more than ever. The man always had sex with him in a rude and almost violent way, but then he treated the boy with a warm and accomplice liking, and each time he gave him some of the sweets that he made with his elder brother.

They went on so, until Girolamo decided to leave to search for his father from whom no more news were coming. In Genoa, he gave to the ship captain the little money he managed to scrape up, accepting to work on board as a ship boy, so he got a passage to Brazil. Like the majority of the poor emigrants, he slept on the deck, as the cabins were reserved to the most moneyed passengers.

After about five days of sailing, a day one of the sailors invited Girolamo to go down the hold with the pretext he needed a hand. But as soon as they were there under, four more sailors who immobilised him and started to undress him, determined to relieve their needs on him, surrounded Girolamo. The boy screamed, scared, but was at once silenced by a strong hand that shut his mouth. He was about succumbing to that assault and about being raped by those five horny men, when a sharp voice made them stop at once.

It was the captain who, be it by sheer chance, or because he got wind of something, went down to the hold. He immediately ordered to let free the boy and to go back to the deck. He then had Girolamo, who was shocked and scared, put on his clothes then he took him with himself to his own cabin.

"I had to guess that such a young and beautiful boy as you are would become a prey to those vultures! But if I don't care when they do it with who likes doing it, I don't tolerate that on my ship is done such a violence to a boy." the man said.

So the captain decided that the boy had to sleep in his cabin, keeping it clean and tidy, and serving him. Girolamo accepted with gratitude, also because the captain was sharing with him his food, so he was eating better than before.

But already on the first night, while he was sleeping on the temporary pallet that the captain had prepared for the boy, Girolamo was waken up feeling a weird weight on his chest. The captain was kneeling astride his chest, his underpants open and the half hard member out of them, pointing to his face.

"Hey, boy, isn't true that you are now going to give me a nice little service? After all, it would be better doing it just with me that to become the little whore of all the crew, wouldn't it?" the man asked him with a smile full of lust.

Girolamo nodded. The captain then, first taught him how to suck in a skilful way a man's member, then, making the boy sit on his lap facing him, his legs well spread apart, impaled him and enjoyed him for a long time, while Girolamo was bouncing up and down and was masturbating himself. When both came, the captain gave him a deep and hot kiss, and told him he could sleep again.

The man was not at all bad, he treated well Girolamo and he didn't fuck him every night. At times he just liked to keep him in his arms and kiss him, lying on his narrow berth, until he fell asleep. When the man was sleeping, Girolamo was quietly going back to his pallet. When they finally reached Santos, the captain gave the boy some money and whished him good luck. From Santos Girolamo went on foot to S‰o Paulo to search for his father.

Therefore Girolamo, before that first time with Manoel, had had intercourses only with those two men, both somewhat rude, in a way devoid of gentleness, always and only as a bottom. It was because of these past and only experiences that he got the idea to wait for Manoel and to offer himself to him in such a direct and not really romantic way.

Therefore, making love with Manoel had been for him a real discovery. The young man tenderness, and also the fact that he wanted also to be taken by the boy, made a deep impression on Girolamo who, all of a sudden, felt totally conquered by Manoel.

He at first offered himself to Manoel because of his increasing desire to have again sex, he also offered himself to him out of friendship, he decided to give himself to his host also for his gratitude, but now all this had been abundantly surpassed by the joy of the discovery a much more beautiful, much more satisfying and much more agreeable way to make love. If the two men with whom he had had his previous experiences saw in him almost only a beautiful "object", something useful and available to give went to their instincts and to their yens, it was on the contrary clear that Manoel showed him affection, and made him discover the dimensions of the tenderness and of the mutual respect.

After that first day, Girolamo gradually "learned" to make love, to express without false reserve and also without fear his more intimate feelings, his natural gentleness and this conquered Manoel more and more. Also their relation at home, in the small everyday things, was enriched and deepened and soon none of them had any more hesitation in expressing to the other his tenderness also with small gestures, with a smile or simply with a glance.

Manoel one day came back home with good news for Girolamo, who unhappily couldn't yet manage to find a good job. In the Institute where he was teaching, one of the attendants having married moved to live far away, therefore the director said they had to find as soon as possible a new attendant to hire. Manoel then proposed him to hire Girolamo. The director at first didn't seem so favourable to hire an immigrant, but at the end decided, for Manoel's insistence, to hire him for a trial period.

Girolamo was very happy for this news - besides being a properly paid work, he liked very much the thought to work where also Manoel was working. He assured his friend he would apply himself at his utmost to cut a good figure with the director and so being hired permanently. In fact, after two months of his work, the director confirmed him his work.

Meanwhile Manoel was going on teaching his friend Portuguese, going father that the simple spoken language, but also carefully teaching him the grammar, the syntax and the composition. Moreover, even though not teaching it regularly, he was giving to Girolamo a liking for literature and more generally for culture, be it the Portuguese and Brazilian one, than for his native Italian culture.

Girolamo was showing he had a lively and ready intelligence with also a good memory, so he quite quickly acquired all what Manoel was teaching him, and he even developed a personal passion and a real curiosity for knowledge. He more and more, as well as more often, asked him the reason for things, he liked to discuss and to reason with Manoel, he liked to get new documentation and to learn new things.

Castro turned up again with Manoel, who told him that he now had a lover and therefore he couldn't go on having a sexual relationship with him. Anyway, he told him, he would be happy to retain their friendship. Castro willingly accepted, so he got to know Girolamo and they at once socialized. Castro went on to visit them about once each month, and one day he went to their place with a boy that he introduced them as his new, secret boyfriend.

He was a nice twenty-five year old boy, whose name was Silvio Vieira Sylva, and was a Creole with a rather olive skin and beautiful green eyes. He was in the army and was assigned as an orderly at the entrance of the government palace. Castro had rented a small apartment for him in the same building where he had his private offices, and the young man moved to live there. In this way they could even make love almost every day, quietly and safely, sheltered from indiscrete eyes and from scandalmonger tongues.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 15

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