The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 30, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part III - Chapter 12 - An appreciated gratitude gift

A wonderful but also difficult period started for Afonso and Paulo.

Wonderful, because they had declared each other their love, and this made them feel light like clouds in a summer sky, but difficult because the moments they could steal to meet were rare. Moreover, notwithstanding the mutual desire was burning like a fire in a dry wood when a strong wind is blowing, they didn't yet find the time to make love.

Prudente, seeing how much the boy was happy and in love, and feeling glad for him, didn't ask the boy ever again to have sex with him, and anyway Paulo never even though to propose him - he was way too much taken by his love for Afonso.

Both Afonso and Prudente were raking their brains to find a way to get to crown that love, but besides some short escapade covered by pretexts and lies, couldn't yet find a solution and Afonso was more and more of the idea to run far away with his boy.

But the destiny, who made them meet that first time, and later meet again against any hope, was evidently watching on the two lovers.

It was May, and the cold was already coming, when the elder son of Dom Bas"lio, Greg˜rio, was seized by a strong fever. The baron sent immediately a slave to call their family doctor, but the man came back to the fazenda alone, telling that also the doctor was ill and could not come. The baroness, terribly scared for her son's sort, was walking up and down the saloon, almost prey of a hysteria attack.

"Do something, Bas"lio! There should be a doctor still on his feet in the cursed place called Curitiba, shouldn't there? Send a coach, send all the coaches, send men on horses, until they are able to bring here a doctor! Do something, Bas"lio, do something!"

Prudente then intervened, "If you think it opportune... I know a doctor in Curitiba, which is known to be a very good doctor in spite of his young age... I could go and call him... He is marquis Afonso De Fonseca Fernandes and has his surgery just in face of Saint Francis Church, and who lives close to the Rosary Church..."

"Then go, go, go, what are you waiting for?" the baroness said with a shrill voice.

"Yes, of course, go to bring him at once..." the baron confirmed.

Prudente took the cabriolet, called Paulo, being sure that nobody would notice his absence in all that confusion, and ran to Curitiba. He went to knock at Afonso's surgery. The man came to open. As he saw Paulo, he brightened in a wonderful smile.

"Oh, my Paulo! And you too, Mister Prudente. To what do I owe this unexpected but so welcome visit?"

"Marquis, sir, Greg˜rio, the eldest son of Dom Bas"lio, has a really strong fever and seems to be seriously ill. The baron asked me to urgently look for a doctor, so I thought to come and call you... You will have to come several times to visit, to attend on him... and you could possibly ask to be helped by Paulo and so, at the right moment, you could even convince the baron to let Paulo come away with you, what can I say... as an assistant, as a nurse..."

"My dearest Miser Prudente, it is the heaven sending you, and you are a genius! What a wonderful idea! Of course, of course, we will go at once. Let me just take my handbag with some emergency medicaments. Does Mister Greg˜rio also vomit? Does he feel pain?"

"No, not vomit, but he has strong headaches and his face is flushed, besides having that very strong fever..."

"Does he tend to easily fall asleep?"

"Yes, it seems he does..."

"I have possibly understood..." Afonso said, "Let's go, then, hurry up."

As they got back to the fazenda Casa dos Cravos, the baroness welcomed him and told him that Greg˜rio had also started to rave. Afonso followed her up the great stairway telling Paulo to go with them.

He carefully visited Greg˜rio then sent Paulo to he kitchen to take a basin with water and salt and some pieces of clean cloth.

"So, doctor?" Dom Bas"lio asked him, worriedly.

"It has all the appearance to be typhus, a kind that we call the S‰o Paulo typhus... Unhappily the medicine has not yet found a secure remedy for this kind of illness... I will do my best to heal him... but the patient needs a continuous assistance. I would suggest you put here a pallet for this boy." he said pointing at Paulo, "who would assist your son and to whom I will do accurate instructions about what he has to do. I will anyway come here twice every day to follow the illness course."

"Will he heal?" the baron asked, worried.

"Unhappily it is not possible to foresee it... but in the turn of a couple of weeks... he either will have a sudden improvement, or else..."

"Oh my god! You mean, doctor, that there is the risk that Greg˜rio..." the baroness said turning white.

"Take heart, baroness. I will do all that is in my power..."

"But what can we do?" the woman asked, distressed.

"Pray the good Lord, baroness... not much more. As I said, I will explain to this boy in great detail the best way to assist your son, day and night. Just made the boy go downstairs three times a day to wash himself carefully putting in the water this disinfectant and to have good food to stay healthy. And remember well that the less people will come into this room, the best will be, because typhus can be infectious, even though this kind is less so than other kinds."

"Thank you marquis, thank you... Try to heal my son, I beseech you!"

"Don't doubt, baron, that I will do my best, all that is in my power. Now, if you would please let me alone with the patient and this boy, I will give him all the instructions he needs to assist your son in the best of the ways..."

When they were alone, Afonso took aside Paulo and whispering talked with him.

"Paulo, do you feel like assisting Greg˜rio?"

"Of course I do, Afonso."

"Remember, besides carefully following my instructions about him, you have to be really careful not to get typhus in your turn. Do you promise me you will do exactly all I am going to explain you, my love?"

"Certainly, I promise you."

Afonso explained extensively to the boy all he had to do, what precautions he had to take and how to nurse the patient. He also gave him some medicaments explaining to him how to use them. Then repeated him in a whisper that he was greatly in love with him.

"Will we ever get to be alone?" the boy asked in a low voice, looking at him with eyes filled with desire and with love.

"I hope soon... I have in mind a way..."

"Which way?"

"You will see. For the moment let's do our best to heal Greg˜rio - also his healing could be useful to our plans..."

"But... if he died?" the boy asked, worriedly.

"We have to pray god, we too, to give him back his health. And also do our best to heal him."

Paulo carried on his task with great care. Two times each day Afonso went there to visit Greg˜rio and he could also exchange a few words, full of passion and desire, with the boy he loved. Greg˜rio was often prey to a more or less deep spoor, and if he was stimulated or called, he opened his eyes and answered in a confused way or with unintelligible words. His fever was raising and lowering in a cyclical way. He often raved, and after a few days appeared on his skin hemorrhagic or maculated exanthemas.

After a week, Afonso said to the baron, "I have noticed that the disinfectant supply is almost finished, and I unhappily didn't think to bring more bottles. You should send Paulo on horse wit me to Curitiba, so that I can give him a new good supply of the disinfectant."

"Yes, certainly, but wouldn't it be better if I sent another slave? Who will assist my Greg˜rio if Paulo is not here?" the baron worriedly asked.

"One of his sisters can take care of him for a while... she would only have to change the wet pads if the fever raised again... But Paulo knows how to rightly handle the disinfectant bottles, I will fell more assured if he handles them. The boy seems to have a real predisposition to assist a doctor..."

So finally Afonso on his gig and Paulo trotting near him on a horse, went to Curitiba. Afonso took the boy to his home.

"Here we are, finally alone and safe, my love!" the man said embracing him.

"Can we make love, then?" Paulo asked, his eyes shining.

"Yes, of course. It is for that that I pretended I forgot to take with me the new supplies of disinfectant, just to have you here and finally make love! In reality, inside these two horse-bags are already ready all the bottles, safely packaged. But now, come, my love, come here... If you know for how long I dreamed of this moment!"

"Afonso?" the boy asked, following him.

"Yes, my love?"

"Will you make me yours, now?"

"Do you want to be mine?"

"I don't want but that, since I first met you, you know it!"

They arrived at the side of Afonso's bed and, without needing to say a word, in an enchanted silence filled with promises and with emotion, they slowly started to undress each other, caressing and kissing each other more and more filled with desire.

"My god! How beautiful you are, Paulo!" the young man exclaimed finally admiring the boy in all his glorious nakedness.

"Do you really like me?"

"More, wouldn't be possible."

"You too are wonderful..." the boy murmured, moved, and with a pleased smile caressed his lover's fully erect member. "Here too you are wonderful... Take me on your bed, please."

Afonso took the boy in his arms, raised him and gently put him on the wide and soft bed then he too went on it and lay at his side. They embraced, crossing their legs and holding tight each against the other with virile passion.

"Are you happy being here with me, Paulo?"

"Yes, so very much! But I will be even more when I will have you inside me, my beloved Afonso. And even much more when I will be able to live in your home, in the home of my man! Is it true that you will do all you can in order to have me live with you?"

"Certainly, my adored Paulo, I will do al the possible and even more, I swear!"

"But now... now take me. Make me finally yours..." the boy murmured starting to caress the man's member, so hard and yet soft as precious silk and hot as a summer afternoon.

Afonso took an ointment and prepared Paulo for the imminent penetration. Then lying on his side in front of him, slipped his legs between those of the boy, keeping him in his arms and kissing him. He spooned up folding his pelvis and legs, until the tip of his blazing member brushed in the furrow between the small and firm buttocks of his Paulo. The boy then pushed down a hand, seized the coveted pole and guided it to make its tip lean against his hidden hole. Afonso felt the pleasant warmth and felt it throb in wait, with desire and greediness.

"You want it, my love?"

"Yes, please..."

The young doctor then started to push. Paulo emitted a messy sigh and waited, making his anus palpitate and relaxing to finally welcome it inside himself. They both were tense almost shy for the moment when the doors of pleasure would start to open to receive the welcomed love messenger. The soft ring started to slowly and sweetly dilate and the tip of the fierce rod, ready to conquer the castle, slipped inside the warm and soft walls.

Afonso, holding back his breath, increased slightly the force of his pushing and his beautiful pole, smooth like the most refined Oriental silk, majestically and solemnly proceeded along the warm receptacle that was greedily waiting to be conquered. Paulo moaned lowly and Afonso at once became still, worriedly. But the happy expression of his boy's face, the blazing light in his eyes, made him understand that it was a moan of intense pleasure.

He then increased some more the energy of his push and soon he conquered also the last outpost of the sweet love channel that so joyously surrendered to the so long desired invasion. Afonso emitted a long and low sigh, letting finally escape from his lips the breath so long held back. Their eyes were looking at each other, and were sweetly laughing for the joy that was reigning in their hearts, in that magic moment.

Afonso then, applying a gentle vigour on his beloved boy's body, forced him to lie on his back laying on top of him, remaining well embedded into him. Paulo on instinct girdled with his legs his man's waist and, without a word, just with a small nod and with the youthful lust that shone in his eyes, invited him to start.

Afonso gathered his forces, pushed on the soft mattress with his elbows and knees, going on to keep embraced his wonderful Paulo, and finally started to pump inside him.

"Yes..." the boy just murmured and closed his eyes, almost as to better savour that sweet and yet vigorous ride, that strong and yet tender hammering.

Afonso bent down his head until his lips rubbed lightly against the beautiful lips of the young and wonderful white slave. Paulo at once raised his head to meet the lips of his man, for whom he was burning with love. Their greedy mouths met, opened and their tongues started to dance and to joyously play, while their chests were lightly rubbing against each other with each lunge of the man inside the boy.

Afonso was feeling intoxicated, the long waiting that preceded that so sweet and yet so passionate union finally came to an end, their mutual love was finally finding the so long desired completeness so that both of them were feeling they were sealing their mutual belonging. That love that could neither be celebrated in front of the civil authorities nor blessed in a church, was in that moment receiving its celebration and its blessing. That love that the laws punished and the society condemned, that love that was deemed to live in secret, was now gloriously blazing and wrapping the two bodies that were giving themselves to each other.

Finally the two passionate lovers reached together the heaven and in a symphony of light pleasure moans they both shed their virile essence, silent but unmistakeable witness of the enjoyment that each was giving to the other.

They gradually relaxed, still embraced, still united, their eyes now again open staring in the lover's eyes to tell him without the need of a single word all the joy, all the intense pleasure, all the extraordinary happiness in which they were immersed.

"Afonso... when will you take me to live with you? After this... each moment spent far from you will be like living exiled in a foreign land. I want to belong to you, Afonso, I want to belong to you only. I pray to you, I beseech you, find a way to take me away from there, to allow me to live forever at your side..."

"You know, my beloved one, that I desire nothing but this! We should just have some more patience and if God will assist us, we will finally be able to live together."

"Do you think that God would really bless two men who have sex together? The priests say that we will burn in hell..."

"A god that doesn't protect love, a god that punishes it, is not my god, or even more simply, is not at all a god. I firmly believe that god exists, but I don't believe in the god that the priests recount us, that the churches paint for us..."

"But if by chance they were right?" Paulo asked with a light smile.

"In that case you and I will go to hell... But hell at your side will anyway be way better than the best of heavens without you!" Afonso answered him and tenderly kissed him.

They had to dress. Paulo went back on the horse to the fazenda with the bottles of disinfectant. Nobody seemed to have noticed or given too much importance to the length of his absence.

In the following days Afonso went again two times per day to visit Greg˜rio. The illness was going on as usual, with the same symptoms, with his cycles of very high fever, the moment of rave, those of almost unconscious doziness. Paulo was going on to assist the young patient with care and attention.

About two weeks had already elapsed from the insurgence of the first symptoms, and Afonso was feeling tense because he knew that they were reaching the critic moment, when the fever almost suddenly dropped and Greg˜rio started to profusely perspire all over his body, so that soon his sheets were soaked with his sweat and it was necessary to change them often. Moreover the young man was also urinating very often and much, so that Afonso made him have two terracotta urinals, giving instruction to Paulo to empty it often and to carefully wash and disinfect it each time.

The baroness and her husband were scared for this sudden and total change, but Afonso reassured them, "No, on the contrary! At this point could only have happened a collapse and a coma foreshadowing a fast end of his life, or else these symptoms that are the prelude to a total healing. For some days, baron Greg˜rio will go on abundantly sweating and profusely urinating, and will have periods of a deep restoring sleep. Then, when these three symptoms will cease, we will be absolutely certain about his healing, and the young man will only need a couple of months, or possibly three of convalescence to recover all his energies and strength that the illness have consummated."

"Are you certain about it, marquis?" the baroness asked, anxiously.

"Yes, madam baroness, more than certain. You will see that the fever will not come back and that in about three days, at most five, Mister Greg˜rio will also be able to get off the bed. He will need only a well-balanced alimentation and much rest. He will also have to start and to increase, day after day but with much gradualism, his physical activities to recover his forces."

"You will anyway come to visit him, won't you?" baron Bas"lio asked.

"I certainly will, until he is totally out of danger and well recovered, but now it will be enough if I come just once per day."

"Will you tell us, doctor, when we will finally consider ourselves safe?" the baroness asked.

"I will certainly, anyway even now there is a reasonable certitude that baron Greg˜rio will not have a relapse."

As Afonso said, finally GrŽgorio could leave his bed and start his long convalescence. So the baron and his wife thanked the marquis and the baron paid his note of fees.

"Marquis Afonso, I really don't know how to express you my thankfulness. I would like to express you all my gratitude and express you all my great joy for having brought back to us my adored first born son..."

"I just did my duty..." Afonso kindly answered.

"No, no, you did much more than your duty, besides having carried it out with real competence... Please tell me if I can fulfil any of your desires... I would like to give you a present, as a token of friendship and reconnaissance..."

"I thank you very much for your kindness, baron. There is in fact something you can do for me..."

"Tel me, please, tell me." the baron said, glad to be able to repay the kindness he received.

"Your slave Paulo showed in this predicament a non common skill in assisting me and in applying my prescriptions to a patient. If you sell me Paulo, you will do me a great favour. It is not easy to find a person so predisposed and able to side a doctor, believe me." Afonso ventured, as for days he was cherishing this idea.

The baron seemed to become gloomy, "I would do it more than willingly, believe me, more than willingly. But please ask me something else - I cannot sell you that boy."

"Why? I am rich, baron, it is not a problem of money for me..." Afonso insisted.

"It is not a question of money, as you rightly say. The fact is that, possibly unwisely, I swore to the slave who gave birth to that boy, that I would never sell him!" the man said with a sad expression.

At that point intervened the baroness, who was eager to get rid of the poor Paul, and that saw in that request the mean to finally reach her goal.

"Come on, Bas"lio, an oath made to a slave! It would not be such a big sin to infringe it..." the woman said trying to be persuasive.

"An oath is an oath. It binds the one who made it, not who received it. Really, with much regret, I cannot sell that boy..."

"Well, then," the woman insinuated trying to blandish her husband, "as you want anyway repay our debt to our dear doctor, just give him the slave he desires to have as present! In this way you will not infringe your oath, you will repay our debt, and you will make happy the marquis Afonso."

Dom Bas"lio seemed to take in consideration the subject and brightened up, "Well, after all you are not wrong, my dear... Yes, this really can be the good solution... Well, marquis, allow me to give you the slave in question as our present, as you judge he can be of use for the carrying on of your noble profession."

"This is really very generous on your side, baron. How can I refuse such a kind offer? At this point it is me to be in debt towards, you, yes, really!" Afonso said with a kind smile.

"Well, it is settled, then. You can take with you that slave even now, if you so please. In the turn of a few days I will send you to Curitiba, through my secretary, all the papers for the change of ownership of that slave."

Afonso was rejoicing - he finally got what he wanted and hoped, and much more easily than he previewed. The baroness, happy to have finally been able to get rid of the bastard son of her husband, was the most radiant of all. She rang the small table bell and to the slave who promptly answered to the call, she gave order to tell Paulo to prepare so that he could at once leave their house, on the doctor's gig.

When Afonso went out on the large square in front of the mansion, Paulo was ready, standing at the side of the gig. The boy was making big efforts to keep an impassive expression and not to betray the incredible joy he was feeling. Afonso, after greeting again the baron and the baroness who were standing on the threshold of the main door, told Paulo to mount on the back of the gig, as a slave was presumed to do, and leaved.

As soon as they were out of view from the house, he stopped the horse and turned towards the boy.

"Come, Paulo, my love. I want you to sit here at my side, now."

The boy got off the back of the gig and ran to sit at the side of his man - his face was now bursting with happiness.

"Afonso! Do I belong to you, finally? Am I totally and only yours?"

"Yes, my love!"



Tears of joy fell from the bright eyes of the boy.

"What's that, now? Are you crying?" the young doctor asked, tenderly caressing him.

"I'm too happy!" the boy sobbed.

Afonso looked back and forth and saw that the road was totally deserted. He then took in his hands the beautiful face of Paulo, pulled him to himself and kissed him with tender passion. Paulo returned that kiss with all the fire of his green years.

"Let's go, now. Let's go home. To our home."

"Yes... nobody will take me away from you, isn't it so?"

"Yes, nobody. In a few days I will receive the act of propriety... so we will go together to meet Curitiba's alcalde and I will give you the freedom act. I will make of you a free man."

"It's not necessary. I will anyway and forever belong to you."

"Because you love me..."

"Yes, sure, because I love you."

"So I will forever and anyway belong to you, my Paulo, because I love you. But I want you to be free because if a day, by some unfortunate chance, I were covered with debts, nobody can come and take you and sell you to repay himself, do you understand? Your freedom is rightly the presupposition for us to be forever together."

"Well then, alright, we will do as you say."

Afonso nodded and spurred the horse - he was longing to get home to make again love with his wonderful and tender lover.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 13

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