The Orphans

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Jan 3, 2022




James and Sean are two 19 year old blond orphans now working in the gym of a health farm trying to earn enough money to get to Brighton College. When Sean gets attacked in the street a health farm guest Samuel who is recovering from a Black-Ops mission steps in to help them.

A story of the friendship between two teenagers and an army killing machine.

The Orphans

Samuel was relaxing in the limo on his way down to Brighton. He had been discharged from the military hospital and had checked himself into "The Waterfall Residence" for a couple of weeks. It was supposed to be a Health Farm for those who needed recuperation, peace and relaxation. It had a large garden, tennis court, pool and training centre. It was right on the SeaFront at Brighton.

Samuel had been in the hospital for several weeks after a military operation in East Nigeria. He had been involved in the recovery of 100 school girls after they had been kidnapped by a terrorist group. The operation had been largely successful with only a few of the girls being killed. Three of his squad had been killed and he himself had sustained 3 gun shots. One in each leg and shoulder. He was lucky.

Samuel was 38 which was old by military standards. The squad called him granddad. He had offered 20 years of his life to the king and country. He realised that he most likely would not be allowed back into active service but he had received an approach from a department which dealt with intelligence matters. Quite what those matters were was not quite clear. He had been sent away on 3 months leave to think about it and recuperate.

Samuel was in deep thought. On the one hand the army was his life. He had no family and he was a free spirit. He would have liked to have a children but he knew that in his heart he was gay or at least bisexual. Only rarely did he let his feelings rise to the surface when in a very anonymous way he would find a young man to have some fun with. He never saw the same boy twice! Samuel was privileged. Some five years previously he had won a very large amount of money in the European lottery. This he had kept a secret to all and had still had only invested in an old farm five miles north of Brighton at the foot of the South downs. He had been getting a local builder to upgrade it to a nice "log cabin" style. He wanted it to be rough and ready and not too feminine in style with a covered terrace to sit under during the long summer evenings with a blazing barbeque.

He was worth over 100 million pounds which would fund him in just about everything he could ever imagine. He smiled and lay his head back on the neck rest for the 2 hour ride. He thought about what shape his life could take right now. Right now he had to get fit again. Lots of walking to start with and then running, swimming and some weights. As an after thought he wondered if he could pick up any willing boys. After all Brighton was a very gay town and full of students. He was into well built trained lads around the age of 19 or 20. He grinned as he thought of having some fun again. His cock was hard for the first time in months.

Two hours later the limo pulled up in the drive of the Waterfall and Samuel got out using his stick to support his shot legs. A porter came running out to take his bags and to show him to reception. The receptionist was efficient. She knew of his arrival and his key and a welcome information package was waiting. Samuel asked if he could reserve a personal trainer every morning at 7am for an hour. Being in the army Samuel was an early riser and he liked to train before breakfast. He envisaged the day being some training followed by breakfast and maybe a walk. As he got stronger maybe he could swim or run. He reminded the receptionist that he had been injured that the 7am training session would be light but otherwise there were no special requests. The receptionist smiled and confirmed the same assistant would be assigned to him for the 14 days of his stay,

The porter led the way to his room on the top floor which gave him a view over the Sea and the town of Brighton.

It was 2pm. Samuel lay down on the sun lounger with a beer and was asleep within 5 minutes. 3 months in hospital had been stressful and now this stress was pouring out of him.

He woke at 4 pm. He had a shower and began to put his clothes on. At that moment there was a knock on the door. He quickly put some shorts on. Opening it he saw a girl in her mid 20 something standing there smiling.

"Good afternoon Mr Aitken. I am the house physio. I wonder if you would like to discuss any special needs you might have during your stay?"

Samuel was a little taken back. He was not used to this kind of attention. However he did welcome the girl in and they sat facing each other. He went through his injuries. She listened without saying too much. She was too clever to ask too many questions about his obvious bullet holes in his legs. After 20 minutes she had made a list of possible exercises and she would give them on to gym staff for the following morning. She said that he had been allocated a young man named "Sean". He was young but well qualified but just a little shy until you got to know him.

She made her way to the door and said goodbye. Samuel closed the door and finished changing. He wanted to go and get some great seaside food such as lobster. The hospital food had been crap!

Samuel ate like no tomorrow. He was served by the head waiter who suggested a good bottle of white wine to go with the fish. He finished off with some coffee and reflected on his future.

At 9pm he left the restaurant and went up to his room. He was tired and wanted to watch the cricket highlights. It was England versus Australia at Lords. He would have loved to have been there but that delight would have to wait for another time. By 10pm he was asleep in bed with the TV still on. He had set it to turn off by itself after 2 hours which it did.

The next morning he awoke at 6am. He could not get the army habits out of his soul. He showered and made some coffee and went on to the terrace to feel the morning sun on his face.

At 6.50 he walked down to the gym in the basement. He was greeted by a young girl and a boy called James. The girl was obviously well trimmed and the boy was as hot as a boy could be.

He gave his name to the girl and she asked him to wait a second whilst she fetched Sean. Obviously the hot boy in front of him was not Sean! She returned a moment later with a boy by her side. The boy was blond haired with bright blue eyes, hairless legs and a well built body without being muscular. He appeared to be about 18 or 19. Sean and the other boy James looked rather alike.

"Good Morning Mr Aitken," said Sean. "I have read your notes and I think we can give a gentle but complete training programme"

Samuels's mouth was still open and drooling over this adonis of a boy. Sean noticed this.

"Please follow me Mr Aitken" said Sean smiling as he realised he was being checked out!

Samuel did as he was asked and off they trotted deeper into the training room.

Samuel put his top and room key on the bench. Sean took his ipad and began to look though the programme.

"What are your expectations?" said Sean.

"I need to build up my strength slowly. I have been in hospital for three months and I have lost my strength. I just need to be careful about going too fast to quickly"

"I suspect you are well accustomed to training Mr Aitken?" said Sean

"Yes" replied Samuel. "But I do need somebody to oversee me and make sure I do it properly"

"Well I think I can help you" said Sean, smiling at Samuel.

Sean began the program. He demonstrated each exercise efficiently and how to do it properly and then Samuel could try and copy him.

They worked for 45 minutes. Sean could see his legs were weak but his arms quite strong.

Sean asked "May I ask what injuries you have sustained Mr Aitken?"

"I was shot three times. Once in each leg and once in the shoulder. Thats why my legs are fucked up"

Sean looked a little embarrassed he had asked.

Sean had a gym shirt on and some little gym shorts. Samuel could not help notice his tight little bum and the obvious package he possessed. He could have sworn the boy was sporting a hard on at one stage. Samuel made no comment but the boy could see Samuel looking at his groin more than once.

At various times Sean corrected Samuels exercise. There was contact between them. Samuel was doing a bench press and Sean was standing over him ready to catch the bar if it became too heavy. Sean's groin was not more than 10cm from Samuels lips. He resisted the thought of stretching up to lick the obvious bulge.

At 8am. The hour was up. Sean said "I think that's enough for today, but you have done well Mr Aitken".

Samuel smiled and said "Please drop the Mr Aitken bit and called me Samuel"

"OK Samuel" said Sean.

Samuel offered his hand and they shook.

"See you tomorrow?" said Samuel

"Just Fine" replied Sean.

Samuel left the gym and returned to his room.

Five minutes later Sean noticed that Samuel had forgotten his top. He would hand it into reception. The other boy James in the gym said he should take it directly up to Samuel's room. James winked at Sean.

"Don't be silly James" it's nothing like that said Sean.

James looked at Sean and said "of course there was. You had a boner and so did he"

"I couldn't," said Sean.

"Well I will take it to him then" said James.

"Be my guest," said Sean.

James went up to the top floor and knocked on the door. Samuel was in the shower. He heard the knock and quickly put a towel around himself and opened the door. He saw the beautiful James in front of him

"You forgot this top" Mr Aitken. "Sean would have bought it to you but he is a little shy"

"Thanks" stammered Samuel "Thanks very much"

"Is there anything else I can do for you Mr Aitken?" said James.

"I dont think so" said Samuel. "What did you have in mind?"

James took the chance "Well I thought you might like a massage after your workout? No charge, just part of the service"

Samuel looked at the sexy boy in front of him. He knew exactly what this boy meant and at the very least if he was wrong he would just get a massage. He wasn't exactly having to drag the boy to his room. The boy was basically begging to come in.

"Yes, sure thing" said Samuel.

James walked into the room. He fetched some oil from the bathroom and suggested Samuel lay on the bed.

James suggested he lay on his stomach to start with.

James adjusted the towel and spread oil all over Samuels back and began to massage. Actually he was good without being too hard.

"Please avoid the wounds on my legs and my shoulder," said Samuel.

James worked well but working on the bed was difficult since it was not as hard as a proper bench and gave way. Also it was much too low.

James asked if it was alright if he straddled Samuel on the bed to get a better angle.

"Yes please do" said Samuel.

James climbed on and James continued his massage. Samuel could feel something poking into his back and arse cheeks. After a couple of minutes he actually realised the boy was rock hard and it was James's cock pressing into him.

Samuel said nothing.

"Turn over please" said James.

Samuel turned over and immediately saw the boys rock hard cock.

"I hope you don't mind" said James

"Not in the slightest" replied Samuel with a grin

James replaced the towel to be discrete and massage Samuels chest and neck,

He moved down and suggested the towel came off. Samuel did not resist.

Samuel said it wasn't fair he was naked if James still had shorts on. James smiled and in the blink of an eye they were both naked with James straddling Samuel. Their rock hard cocks were touching. They both grinned. James encircled Samuels cock and Samuel took James cock.

"Is this what sir needed?" asked James.

"Perfect," said Samuel.

James was enjoying the hand job but he wanted more

He slid up Samuels body a little until Samuels cock was poking into James butt hole. James took some oil into his hand and made sure his own hole was lubricated. Without any further delay he guided Samuels cock directly into his arse. He gasped as the cock invaded his body. Samuel kept still not wanting to hurt the boy.

After a few seconds James started bobbing up and down. His motions grew faster and deeper. At the same time Samuel was jerking on James rock hard cock. They were both close.

After only a couple of minutes they both felt each other on the verge and they came almost together. James' arse ring grew tighter and Samuels cock grew the last few millimeters to stretch the hole even more. Samuel shot his load deep into James and James shot his cum into the air and it landed all over Samuels chest.

They stayed still for a couple of minutes enjoying the event.

Samuel had not had sex since long before his arrival in hospital over 3 months before. He had a lot of sperm to give.

James collapsed by the side of Samuel. He grinned and said "all part of the service sir"

"Lets have a shower" said Samuel " I guess you should be getting back to the gym or you will be missed"

"Dont worry" said James. "Sean knows what I am up to, don't worry about that. He is a little shy but I know he will be jealous."

Samuel got into the walk in shower again and was followed by James. The cum dripped out of his tight hole.

After 5 minutes of kissing, cleaning and general fun Samuel kissed the boy on the lips. Tapped his little bum and sent him on the way. Samuel gave James a 50 pound note for his massage!

James looked around and said "I will have to tell Sean what he missed!!"

Samuel shut the bedroom door and smiled. Maybe this was going to be a good holiday he thought to himself

He went down to breakfast and just by chance saw Sean in the reception area talking to a guest.

Sean looked over and said "Glad to hear you got your training top back. I gather James gave you a good massage"

Samuel smiled and just said "Maybe you would like to give me a massage tomorrow?"

"That would be nice" said Sean. He had the smile of expectation on his face. "See you tomorrow Mr Aitken"

Samuel had a busy day planned. He had ordered a hire car for the week and he collected the keys from reception. He had thought about getting taxis but he did not want anybody to start tracking him. He was that type of person. His first stop was his lodge at the foot of the downs. It took him 15 minutes to drive there. He stopped at the end of the 200m drive and surveyed the property. Soon after he won the lottery he had bought it as a wreck and engaged a builder. The builder had finished some months back but Samuel had yet to visit. He entered the property and found it just to his liking. It was devoid of all furniture but he loved it.

Samuel did not have the skill set to furnish the house so he had sought help from the local department store who said they would send him their consultant.

At 11am a rather craggy middle aged woman drove up the drive. She announced herself as Linda. She could not have been more ordinary. He explained that he needed the place kitted out for 6 people. There were three double bedrooms and it needed a king size bed in the master bedroom and a double bed in the other two. It needed two sets of linen for everything with towels, bathroom items and everything else a house would need.

They moved to the kitchen. He said he needed it fully kitted including a basic start of non-perishable foodstuffs and of course settings for 6 people with plates cups, knives, glasses etc. The full monty. The freezer should be filled with meat and fish. The lounge was more difficult. He wanted a 70 inch tv with internet, a three piece settee in grey. Pictures should be of country scenes to match the area they were in. He also said he wanted some free weights in the training room. He wanted a coal barbeque for the terrace with some outdoor furniture, table and chairs.

Linda wrote down furiously and took measurements. She looked to be quite capable and his mind was put at rest. She asked no questions, which surprised him. However he probably had no real opinion even if he was asked.

He could see Linda was beginning to sweat a little but after 30 minutes she stopped writing. She said "well that's definitely a full house load. It may take some time sir"

Samuel smiled and replied "I want one delivery only in one lorry. I cannot be here time and time again for missing parts."

"Yes Mr Aitken" said Linda. She said it might take 3 to 4 weeks for everything although much of it they had in stock. I will send you an estimate before we ship and we would like you to settle the bill before delivery"

They shook hands in very business-like fashion and off she went.

That made his life a lot simpler, he smiled. For now he had two weeks at the hotel and may have to rent a flat for a couple of weeks until the delivery happened

Next stop was his solicitor and then the estate agents. He wanted to ensure his lottery win was properly invested and he toyed with the idea of purchasing a flat in the town center for when he felt like some company.

By 4pm he had finished with the estate agents and he had the papers on a number of flats at or near the town center. He returned to the hotel to rest and relax and look at the details of the various flats.

He changed and went down to the indoor pool for a few gentle laps. He felt he had overdone it a little and his legs were in pain. The pool water soothed them. He ordered some coffee from the pool boy and settled down to read the flat details.

The coffee was delivered by a lovely young girl. She was stunning and he wondered if he was going straight. He somehow liked the idea of starting a family. This girl was far too young and he did not find the likes of Linda attractive. There had to be a good middle place. He sighed. Probably all the good girls were already married or even divorced. However he did not dismiss the idea of having a wife and children in the future. He thought he might try and pick up a girl in town to see if his brooding instincts became active!

He browsed the flats for half an hour. Eight out of ten he discarded within a few seconds but two made him look longer. One was over the seafront on the top floor. The place had a lift. There were two bedrooms. A master and one acceptable double room. It was about 140 square metres and as such was totally acceptable for weekend visits in town and space for a guest. He had few friends but the possibility was always there. The flat was available for immediate occupation which meant it was probably the result of a death. He made a note to ring the estate agent in the morning to view it.

At 6pm he went up to shower and change. He had booked a place at the restaurant at 7pm. He was hungry. He ate alone and devoured a half bottle of red wine and white fish.

He fell into bed by 10pm alone as usual. That needed to change, he thought.

Samuel woke the next morning at 6am again. He had his usual coffee showered and tidied the room up a little in case he was lucky enough to get another "massage" that day. At 6.55 he took the lift down to the ground floor. Entering the room he saw the girl who had obviously been crying. There was no sign of James or Sean.

"What's wrong?" said Samuel.

She looked up sobbing "Sean has been shot" she said.

"What?" said Samuel.

"He was shot last night. He is in the Brighton hospital in a critical condition. James is over there now"

"What happened?" said Samuel.

The girl replied "I am sorry I don't know any more details, the manager just told me five minutes ago".

Samuel was shocked but his training kicked in and he soon recovered his composure into solution mode.

He turned , left the gym and went back to his room to change. He ordered a taxi without delay to the hospital. On the way in the taxi he wondered why on earth anybody would want to shoot Sean? Had the boy been up to something a little dodgy?

As he arrived he noticed a police presence at the ER dept. This was not unusual as police would attend many road and traffic accidents. He walked confidently into the area and was not challenged. From experience he knew it was best to appear as though he knew where he was going. Sitting on the right in the waiting area he saw James with his head in hip lapping and sobbing.

He called out "James". James looked up and seeing Samuel he stood and wrapped around Samuels open arms. He was sobbing continuously.

Samuel asked "What happened? How is he?"

James composed himself though to speak and said "he is in a critical condition. They operated last night and now we have to wait. He was shot three times. Once in the leg, once in the stomach and once in the chest but he was wearing a lead training belt and the one at his heart got blocked"

Samuel realised the severity of the situation but his training forced him to ask more.

"Who would want to shoot Sean?" said Samuel "Does he owe money or is this a drug problem?"

"We don't do drugs" said James

"Where did this happen?" said Samuel

"Not far from where we live," replied James.

"Excuse me for asking" said Samuel "but are you two a couple?"

"Well I guess so" said James,

"What do you mean guess so?"

"Well we have known each other since we were five and we are both gay and we live together and yes we do have sex but its a little limiting when you are both bottoms. So now and again we find others to have some fun with. It's a bit like an open relationship!"

Samuel nodded without comment.

"Is there anybody you can think of who would want to hurt you or Sean? Maybe a spawned lover?" said Samuel

"No" said James very sternly.

At that moment a suited man come walking towards them,

"Its the police" said James "I talked with them earlier"

"Good morning sir" said the policeman. I am inspector Brakken. May I ask your relationship to the victim?"

"Just a friend," replied Samuel. "I am a guest at the hotel they work at. "

"I see sir so you are not a relative?"

"No" replied Samuel.

"Then may I ask you to leave the hospital please, for security reasons" said Brakken

"No" said Samuel "I think James and Sean need my support"

Brakken took Samuel by the arm as if to ask him to leave. Samuel stood his ground.

Samuel turned round to James and said "I will be back in a minute"

With that he turned and walked towards the entrance closely watched by Brakken.

Samuel reached for his phone and spoke on the phone for a couple of minutes. With that he walked back into the hospital. Brakken saw him and began to raise his voice.

Samuel said "In a few seconds your phone is going to ring. Before you take any action you will regret I suggest we stand here a wait for that call"

Rightly enough within 30 seconds the phone rang. Bracken's face changed from a colour of white to red and purple.

He turned back to Samuel and said "I don't know who you are but apparently I am not to obstruct you and should give you the help you request"

James was gobsmacked at the power he demonstrated.

Samuel turned to Brakken and said "I don't want to obstruct you in any way during your investigation, but I just want to be kept informed. You can find me at the hotel for now. Do you have any initial thoughts about this attack?"

"Yes" said Brakken. "Its most likely a gay hate attack. Both the boys are gay and they probably annoyed some lover"

"Inspector" said Samuel "it would be most unusual for such a crime to be enacted using guns. This is more the modus of career criminals such as drug dealers. More than this it's obviously not a professional hit. The gun shots are far too random and a pro would realise the shot to the heart had not been a killing shot."

Brakken wondered at the knowledge and history of this stranger.

"You have your theory and I have mine," said Brakken.

Brakken turned and left Samuel and James. They sat down to wait for signs from the doctors.

"Does Sean have any relatives who should be informed?" said Samuel

"No, we are both orphans. We grew up in the orphanage together. We only have each other."

They fell silent for a while. The nurse came out to offer them tea to take the edge off the shock. Brakken had left just one young policeman to protect Sean.

At 8pm the doctor came out to them and said that it seemed that the worst was over but they would keep him in a coma for a day or so. They should go home now and get some rest.

Samuel persuaded James to come back to the hotel with him. For one thing he was not sure the boy's flat was safe and James needed mental support.

The night porter saw Samuel and James arrive and made no comment as they got into the lift together. Samuel poured himself a stiff whiskey and said James should have one as well. It would steady the nerves.

As they sipped it James said "Who are you?. You made short work of that inspector. You must have friends in very high places."

Samuel was prepared to tell James a little of the truth.

"Well you saw the scars I have on my body. Well I have been in the service of Her Majesty for 20 years and I have picked up many experiences. I am accustomed to situations like this"

That held James for now. Samuel turned on the TV as a way of distraction and took James into his arms. The shock put him to sleep within 10 minutes. An hour later Samuel turned off the TV. There was no question of any sexual contact between them this nght!

The next morning Samuel awoke at 6am as usual. He made his coffee and let James sleep. Samuel had briefed the hotel manager and James was not expected at work today.

Without having breakfast they left the hotel in a taxi and made for the hospital. Talking to the doctor they found Sean was still in a coma but his vitals were a lot better. There was nothing they could do for now. The doctor promised to phone James if there was any change.

Samuel thought it was better to keep James busy so he said let's go looking at some flats. He rang the estate agent and 60 minutes later they arrived at the building on the seafront. It was a top floor flat. It had two bedrooms and a terrace. It needed some work but otherwise the most important point was its location. Basically overlooking Brighton Pier.

"What do you think James?" said Samuel.

"Very nice. I could never afford something like this"

"But I can," said Samuel.

He turned round to the estate agent and said "I will take it. However I will only give 5 million and not 7"

The estate agent gasped a little. He had been trying to sell this for a long time due to the very high price and the poor condition. It was well over priced.

"I will ask the owner if the price is acceptable"

"Now?" asked Samuel

The agent turned around, faced the sea and phoned the seller. Within 60 seconds to turned back to Samuel and said "That will be acceptable sir"

Samuel took James by the shoulder and said "Your new flat James"

"What?" said James

"Well I thought you and Sean could move in here" said Samuel.

James was flabbergasted. "We could not possibly afford the rent on such a place"

"We will work something out" smiled Samuel.

Samuel told the agent to send the papers to his solicitors. The agent said he knew the solicitor well,

They left the building and walked a few metres to a coffee shop on the Brighton Pier. Here he made a call to Linda and said he had a new property to fit out. He also called the builder to arrange for improvements to be made. The builder assured him he could be finished by two weeks and delivery could take place a week later.

James and Samuel sipped coffee.

"James" said Samuel "Its not safe for you to go back to your flat. There is something not right about this situation. This was a hit. It was intended for Sean or maybe even you and maybe got the wrong person. This was no gay hate attack. This was the work of an amatuer hit man. I want you to stay with me at the hotel for now until this flat is ready."

"Won't the hotel manager complain?" said James

"No I have spoken with him and I have rented the room next to mine for you"

"Why would you help me and Sean?" said James

Samuel thought a minute. It was complex

"Well firstly because I can. I have the funds. I also have the ability to find out what is going on here. I have the contacts which the police don't have. You are a very nice lad who has had some bad luck in your life and you deserve it. Lastly and not least you have a great body and I would love to fuck you again if you want to"

James started sobbing. "Sean and I have always had to fight hard for what we have. We have a job here and are supposed to go to college in September. Nobody has even been this nice to us"

"You will still go to college," said Samuel. "But I need you closeby if I am to protect you and find out who did this"

Samuel rang to a firm of removers and got them to empty the boys flat. There was actually not much and it got sent to a pelican storage unit. From there James could fetch the things he needed.

After breakfast the doctor rang to say that Sean was conscious. They could see him for a very short while. They arrived at the hospital to find the inspector just leaving.

"No news" he said and left. He was pissed at Samuel and overworked.

The doctor showed James and Samuel into the intensive care unit. Sean was awake but very sleepy. He saw James and sobbed. James sobbed and then quite unexpectedly Samuel sobbed. His heart had been melted by these two boys.

Sean explained what he thought had happened. He had seen nothing. He was simply out running when he felt a pain in his leg and collapsed. The rest was a blank. It was obvious that the weight jacket had saved his life. It was hanging on the end of the bed with a big dent in it.

Samuel looked at Sean and said "Sean, is there anybody you know of who would want to do you harm?"

"I have already told the police, there is nobody". Sean looked a little fed up with the same question.

"OK" said Samuel "but i just had to ask"

They chatted a little and then Samuel left the room to let the two boys have a few private minutes.

After five minutes the doctor came back and said it was time to go but they could come back tomorrow for a few minutes at any time.

James and Samuel left the hospital.

"What now?" said James.

"Well I am not satisfied with the police. They dont seem to understand this is not just a gay hate crime. You and Sean seem to be sure there is nobody who wishes you ill so there must be a deeper reason and that I intend to find out."

"How ?" said James

"Well we need to investigate your pasts. There is something there we need to find. Let's go and get some coffee and you can tell me in detail about your past"

James looked a little dubious. "What can you do that the police cannot?"

"There is a whole system of more than secret state operations and databases which the police don't have access to. If this is something in yours of Sean's past then that is the best hope right now. I don't really want to have to wait until they attack again when they find out Sean is not dead! It's bound to get into the media soon. Until then I am going to ring to one of my mates from the Afghanistan campaign to come and look after Sean in the hospital.

James looked scared. "You think it's that serious?"

"Yes, I am afraid so" said Samuel "better safe than sorry"

James and Samuel went back to the hotel. They sat on the terrace with some coffee. Samuel had pen and paper and began to make notes.

James and Sean both arrived at the orphanage about the age of 5. Neither of them could remember their parents and there was simply little information. James was the result of a drug addict mother and father who died during the same overdose. Sean had a mother who died of throat cancer when he was 3.

They had grown close and became more like brothers than friends. They discovered each sexually when they were 14 and when they found out what sex was discovered that they were both bottoms which caused some difficulties. Now and again they made themselves available to suitable men, normally older who showed some promise. It was not difficult to attract older men. In some way they searched for a father figure. When they were 17 they left the orphanage and got a job at the hotel. Now two years later they had earned enough to go to Brighton university where they both wanted to do business studies. Neither of them did drugs and they only went on the scene occasionally to let an older man pick them up.

Samuel had to admit there was nothing obvious. He was still worried though. He suggested they go down to the gym to train a bit and take his mind off things. They trained in almost silence. James helped Samuel and the close bodily contact helped James to calm himself.

On return to the room Samuel made a phone call to an ex-squad friend.

"I am having some things delivered," said Samuel.

They visited Sean each day for the next week. He was a little better each day but was still held in intensive care. He was weak but able to manage a smile. James sat and held his hand as they talked. The bond between the boys was even closer now.

That evening they got food delivered to the room. Their two rooms had a connecting door. Samuel said that he should use it at any time if he was upset or just wanted company. In fact James spent most of the time in Samuels room. At 10pm Samuel said he was getting into bed to watch some football. James simply asked if he could stay. James smiled and said "of course".

They got into bed naked and James snuggled up to Samuel. He wanted and needed bodily contact and a friend. James pulled Samuels hand over to his groin. Samuel got the idea and began to stroke the boys now hard cock as they watched the football. After 30 minutes of being hard the boy wanted more. He turned his back to Samuel and said "fuck me"

"Are you sure" said samuel "you are in a state of shock"

"Yes" said james "I need it or I cannot sleep"

Samuel nodded and placed his own hard cock at the entrance to James bottom. With only his spit and the boys sweat he entered slowly. James gasped with the lack of lubrication but after a few seconds began to thrust his hips back and forward onto Samuels cock. Samuel kept still and let James make the pace.

"I want your cum" shouted James

Samuel got the idea and let himself go. This boy was hot and he wanted it. Samuel felt the cum rising and shot deeply into the boy's arse. James came at the same time without his cock being touched. They stayed still for a couple of minutes. In fact they both fell asleep. The TV turned itself off.

At 7am their breakfast was delivered to the room. They did not want to go to breakfast. Samuel was still worried about James being seen at his place of work. The tray was delivered by a lovely blond waiter. He knew James. They gave each other a hug. James introduced Samuel to the slightly older boy who was called Oliver.

Samuel went over to the boy to greet him

"Oliver I would like to ask a favour"

"Yes" said Oliver

"I would like it if we kept it a little quiet that James is here and if anybody does ask for him then give me a ring immediately"

He slipped a 50 pound note into Oliver's hand.

Oliver managed to stutter a "thankyou" and turned and left.

As the door closed they looked at each other.

James only said was Samuel was thinking "and yes Oliver has a good body and fucks Sean and me from time to time".

"Well don't let me cramp your style" said Samuel. "Invite him in if you like"

At 10am there was a knock on the door again. It was Oliver who came up with a package. Samuel opened the box. In it were 3 kevlar jackets.

Oliver and James disappeared into James' room and closed the door. They needed some private space. Samuel respected their privacy. James was very verbal and Samual heard him moaning as Oliver fucked him. After 30 minutes James came back. Samuel said nothing.

He looked over to James and said "we should wear these kevlar jackets whenever we go out. They saved Sean's life and they may save ours"

James suddenly realised how serious Samuel considered the ongoing threat.

Two weeks went by. They went out only to visit Sean who was now feeling better and talking about getting out of the hospital. The inspector had no news and in a couple of days would take off the police guard. Samuel realised they needed to make further plans.

Samuel had sex both morning and evening. James loved to be put on his back and feel Samuels cock deeply into his arse.

Samuel said one morning "let's go for a drive"

He drove to the lodge. He had not told James of it before. "This is mine" said James. "It's not quite ready but we need to live here whilst Sean is getting stronger". Furniture should be delivered tomorrow.

They walked around the place. James was gobsmacked. He loved it.

"What about the flat?" said James. The builder is there and that's going to take more time. For now let's stay here. There is plenty of room and it's isolated. Nobody will know you or Sean are here.

Two days later Sean was discharged. Samuel had him driven in a taxi to the station. When Samuel was sure they had not been followed he drove up and picked up Sean in his four seater, 4 wheel drive range rover.

Sean looked tired, pale faced and very delicate. He was walking only with a zimmer frame.

They got back to the lodge and Sean plonked down on the settee. James explained the whole situation about the pelican storage, the flat and the risk still involved. He was brought a cup of tea and promptly fell asleep.

After 4 hours he woke and James gave him a simple microwave meal and a beer. He was weak. Later they chatted about the attempt on his life and tried to find a reason for it. He could not think of any reason for anybody to take such drastic action.

After a couple of hours and two cups of coffee. Sean said "are you sure you both want me here? I have heard you have become good friends and I don't want to get in the way?"

"Don't be silly Sean" said James. "Whatever is between me and Samuel does not make our friendship any less. I can promise you that I will not leave you and I know Samuel is waiting for you to get well and then we can all have fun together"

Samuel smiled

"It that right?" said Sean

"Yes" said Samuel. You are a great kid and have been through such a lot. When you are better and you want some fun then I would love to accommodate you. But it has to come from you. I won't try and force you in any way and I won't get in the way of you and James"

"See" said James "he cant wait to fuck your tight little arse"

"Well I would not put it quite like that" said Samuel but I guess that's the gist of it"

The three of them smiled and then laughed.

Samuel fetched three glasses and a good brandy to seal the bond between them and to relax them for the evening.

Sean fell asleep. Samuel and James very carefully put him to bed.

Samuel went into his own room and within 10 minutes James joined him. It had been a difficult day but now James needed a good fucking and Samuel needed to unload his sperm. He had masturbated for so many years that this was a very welcome new experience.

Within a couple of minutes James was on his back with his legs over Samuels shoulders. Samuel was not gentle that night. There was a lot of stress to relieve. James loved it as Samuel came deeply inside him. As he felt the seed in his arse then James shot his load. They collapsed beside each other not even bothering to clean up the sticky sperm.

Within five minutes they were asleep.

The next morning Sameul had his normal morning coffee. James was still asleep. At 7am he thought he would look in on Sean. He knocked on the door and a voice said "come in"

He opened the door and saw James and Sean in bed.

Samuel said "oh I am sorry" and began to close the door again.

James quickly said "come in we have a problem"

Samuel walked in the room. "How can I help?" said Samuel.

James took the lead "Well Sean has a problem and I told him that you could help him but he does not like to ask"

"What's that?" said Samuel

Just as Samuel asked then James whipped back the bedclothes to reveal the two naked bodies and a rock hard Sean.

James said "Sean needs a blow job. I thought you could help him?"

Samuel laughed and then the boys laughed. It was a setup. Samuel played the game

"Is that right Sean ?" said Samuel.

Sean being still shy just nodded.

James added "but you cant fuck him yet. If you get too horny then you will have to fuck me"

"You got enough last night" said Samuel

"Yes I heard it" said Sean

"What I do for my country" Samuel grinned. He got onto his knees at the side of the bed and very gently took the beautiful large cock in his mouth. He bobbed up and down for only a couple of minutes before he recognised the signs of a faster breath and the rising and sinking of the boy's stomach.

James was kissing Sean and Samuel was sucking him. He had not cum for several weeks and his senses were in overload. His cock swelled the last millilitres and he blasted his cum into the back of Samuels throat. Samuel swallowed it all !

A couple of minutes later Samuel got up from his knees. Sean was going soft.

James, ever the joker said "that ought to keep him for a couple of hours"

"I think you two are nymphomaniacs" said Samuel

"Maybe" said James "but i think you might find it fun to join in"

"Breakfast in 30 mins" said Samuel. James, I suggest you help Sean have a shower. We don't want him to slip on the tiles and break those stitches open"

The boys nodded as to the sensible solution. Samuel left to get the food ready for the three of them.

The boys arrived at breakfast with a smile on their faces. They had obviously had a little fun in the shower.

They ate a good hearty breakfast and Samuel suggested a gentle exercise program startup with gentle walking, some weights and plenty of sleep. Still using a zimmer frame they started with 100m walks and then 200m. It was going to be slow. He had to build his legs muscles back up. Samuel was not much stronger and he walked with Sean. James being the strongest used his time to run round the boundary of the farm.

After they had finished training for the day Samuel slapped three big steaks on the barbeque and they devoured a bottle of expensive red wine.

Samuel thought it was time to get serious. He said

"Boys - the police and I cannot find any good reason why you should have been attacked. Hence the only reason must be something of which you are not aware. I want to take a DNA sample from you both and see if my contacts can give us any lead."

He took a small sample of blood from them both with a small kit he had been sent.

Sean looked up and said "who are these contacts and why should they be better than the police"

Samuel went into as little detail as possible but he did say there were different cases being investigated around the world and a few databases which the police did not have access to. He admitted that he had been in more than a few scrapes round the world

Sean nodded and said that he had noticed the scars on his body.

James laughed "Our Samuel is a right little James Bond"

"How many people have you killed?" asked Sean

Samuel wanted to give the boys confidence but he didn't want to scare them.

"A couple of hundred" he replied

The boys went silent. They suddenly realised the ability of the man in front of them.

Samuel took the opportunity "I want you both to be able to defend yourself. Within a few weeks we will all be fit again and I want to teach you both defensive and offensive personal skills. I am not talking about all that karate crap. I am talking about being able to defend yourself from a killer and if necessary being able to kill him."

The boys looked at each other.

Samuel saw no reason why the first lesson could not be learned right now. He asked them a simple question

"If there was a guy in front of you with a knife what is the best way to react?"

"Kick him in the balls" said James

"Poke his eyes out" said Sean

"Wrong both of you" replied samuel. The best thing to do is turn and run away. That is why for the first couple of weeks now we will concentrate on turning and running. Your strength will build and then I will teach you how to fight and I mean really fight.

"Are you game?" asked Samuel

"Yes," said both boys in unison. They had always felt vulnerable as young gay men.

Sean was on the sofa. James switched on the TV to see the football and sat on the sofa a distance from Sean. He patted the sofa and urged Samuel to sit between them.

Samuel was happy to join them. They cuddled up to him and they watched the football whilst sipping some coffee. The boys needed close bodily contact. They seeked a father figure they never had. This was deeper than just sex.

Both Sean and James took one of his hands and placed it on their own legs. After 10 minutes James pulled Samuels hand to his groin. Sean saw this and did the same.

Samuel was now sitting between two 19 year olds wearing only a small pair of shorts with their dicks in his hand. Nothing short of heaven. Within a couple of minutes cooing and gasping.

"How is this going to work?" asked Samuel

As usual James was the leader and had an answer "Well you cannot fuck Sean yet but he had been so short of sex the last few weeks I suggest we give me the full treatment."

With that James moved between Seans legs and took his cock in his mouth. Samuel leaned over. Taking Seans chin in his fingers and kissing him deeply. Sean responded. Five minutes later he felt Seans breath become more desperate. Samuel kept tongue kissing him whilst he came deeply into James mouth. James got back onto the sofa.

James said "I am not going to suck you off Samuel cos I want that up my arse soon. I may as well get it now since when Sean is ready then I am only going to get half"

James was very direct but it was true. Samuel was going to be pushed to keep both of them fed with cock.

"Dont let me stop you" said Sean

"Ok" said james. And with that he simply took Samuels cock free of his shorts and sat on it.

Sean jerked on James cock as he bobbed up and down. Within five minutes James was once again squirting out over the terrace and Samuel up James arse. All three were satisfied for now.

James got three beers out from the fridge and they cuddled up to each other whilst they watched the last 20 minutes of the football.

At 11pm Samuel said he was going to bed. James helped Sean. Ten minutes later the two boys got into the massive king size bed with Samuel. Samuel smiled and said "you are very welcome but I do have to sleep now"

They cuddled up close to each other and Samuel felt a hand hold his dick. They were so tired they slept

A couple of weeks went by. Sean got much better and could discard the zimmer frame and jog a little, do weights and exist in a reasonably normal fashion. It was August 1 and they had several weeks until the boys started at college. Samuel had begun to teach self defense and although he had to be careful with Sean the physical training of James was going well. He was growing in confidence.

The police had announced their end of the investigation on the attack of Sean. This reached the newspaper. It was not good since whoever was behind this would know they had failed and may try again. Samuel was on his guard. He warned the boys to be on the look out for strangers.

Just a couple of days later Samuel received a phone call. He walked out onto the terrace and listened intently for nearly five minutes. The boys wondered what the problem was.

When he walked back in, the boys waited for him to tell them what it was.

"Listen up boys" said Samuel "Sean it seems that you do have a family who we can trace. There was a record of your DNA tree in the database which links you to a person who died last year. That person was under special surveillance which is why we know what we know."

Samuel paused

"The man was called David Clever he was a drug dealer and died of a violent attack six months ago. It seems he had a daughter Annie who died 19 years back of cancer. Annie was your mother Sean. She placed you in an orphanage just a few weeks before she died of cancer. David was never able to locate you. It is likely Annie did not want to see you get involved in the world of drugs. "

"Now it seems that there is a will which David left you which names his grandchild as the inheritor if that child can be found otherwise it revents to his associate. David had no other living family. That associate is carrying on the business. He is called "Paul Grove" and he put a contract out on you. It was one of Groves' thugs that paid you a visit some months back. The police would not get any of this since they don't have access to these databases. Also the police don't work very well across county borders."

"Now I am very much afraid that the article in the media two days ago will bring a new attempt on your life"

Sean turned pink with shock. His jaw opened and sobbing with fear. James reached out to take his hands.

Samuel looked seriously at them both and said "we need to take action"

"Can't we just tell the police?" said James

"No they wont do anything, there is no evidence we can give them" said Samuel

"Can't your people do anything?" said Sean

"They are already involved but it would jeopardise other ongoing operations which have a much wider frame. However if we take action ourselves then they are not going to complain"

"We have three options" said Samuel "Firstly we can ignore it and hope they never find you, Next we can allow him to kill you and lastly we can kill him first"

Samuel let that sink in for a few seconds. The boys were confused.

As usual James took the lead. "Why don't you just shoot him?. One more won't make any difference"

"Well that is definitely a possible option but he is well guarded in London and a shooting on the street would get a lot of heat and attention. It would be better if he simply disappeared. "

"And ..... " said James asking for what Samuel had in mind.

"It would be better if he was snatched and his body was never found, and I mean never. Fortunately for us he has a dirty little habit. "

Samuel smiled at the two boys

"And that gives us the edge"

"Every few weeks he likes to get a hotel room and get a young blond rent boy for the evening. When he does this he dismisses his guards and becomes super discrete. For us this means he is unguarded and vulnerable"

"So what do we do?" said Sean

"Well he is being monitored. He always uses the same hotel at the end of the train line at Epping. He can get the train from the centre of London and be totally anonymous for an evening. Here is my plan"

"Firstly James we need to completely control the situation. You need to get yourself on and register as an escort in the Epping area. We will give you some new hair and make up as well as some glasses so you look a little nerdy and then take a few photos of you. We would just let him use another boy but that boy might get in the way of things. It is better if we control everything. Dont worry you wont actually have to have sex with him but just put him at ease and off guard. When you get there and he opens the door you taser him immediately. I will be 3 steps behind you and I will deal with the rest."

"Why don't we just shoot him?" said James

"To shoot him or knife him might lead to a lot of blood and a police investigation"

"Why can't you just break down the door?" said Sean

"We want as little damage as possible. We simply want him to disappear. It must not look like a kidnapping."

Samuel continued "From there we can use a wheelchair which we get from a nearby hospital and get him into a waiting van and then to Epping forest. We must bury him deep and push back any grass in the same way to look as though there has been no disturbance. There are plenty of places in Epping forest we can dump him in. He will never be found"

The boys looked shocked.

"Is there no other way?" said Sean

Samuel came over to him and said "This man is dangerous. It is likely he killed your grandfather and now he wants to kill you. It's either kill or be killed unless you want to run the rest of your life"

"No" said Sean

James nodded. The three of them hugged each other in agreement. Samuel fetched three glasses of brandy to calm their nerves.

The next day they began to make detailed plans. The photos of James, the hospital location to get a wheelchair, a garden center to get some shovels, some good places to steal a van and train times for themselves to get to london and back again. From London Samuel knew of a place he could get a police taser.

Both boys needed strong mental support and that night they all slept together. Sean and Samuel were in a spoon position. Samuel was hard and Sean pushed back onto his cock. He whispered "I need it Samuel. I am ready"

James heard and handed some lube to Samuel who applied it to is cock and Sean arse. Samuel slowly pushed and Sean pushed back. Samuel gently rocked back and forwards. By this time James was at the front and sucking on Sean's stiff cock. After five minutes Samuel and Sean came at the same time.

"Thanks Samuel," said Sean. "I needed that"

They slept badly thinking of the task to come.

The only thing they had to wait for was the sign that the hotel was booked. In the meanwhile James placed an advert on sleepyboy.cum using the Tor browser to conceal their location.

A week later the message came that Grove had booked a room for Friday night. It was Monday. They got a train to London and stayed in a cheap hotel in Buckhurst hill a few stops from Epping in their disguises. They paid cash only at all times. There was no way to trace them.

A day went by. James received several calls from punters wanting to meet. He also had a lot of time wasters. On Wednesday a call came from Grove. The pictures of James were just too pretty to ignore. He had been caught like a fish and now needed to be reeled in.

Grove wanted a young blond boy who would like to be his bottom. He wanted him to for 2 hours and was prepared to pay 400 pounds. James tried not to appear too interested but after 4 or 5 whatsapp messages he agreed to be available at 7pm on Friday. Grove said he would give James the hotel name at Friday noon. He was careful.

Samuel, James and Sean had two days to get ready. They bought two shovels from the nearby Homebase and hid them in the grounds of the hotel under a bush. They made a visit to the hospital and worked out how best to get hold of a wheelchair. It was best to keep things simple.

Friday came. James got the whatsapp message at 2pm and he acknowledged he would be there at 7pm. At 5pm Samuel stole a suitable van from a residential area and they drove to the hospital to snatch a wheelchair. This proved to be childishly simple. They wore gloves at all times to eliminate DNA tracking of any kind. At 6.55 they drove into the parking area of the hotel. Grove always chose a room away from the others. It was a sort of motel so there was no reception to pass though. This was perfect for a snatch case.

James got the taser ready and held it behind his back and walked up to the door. Samuel was less than 10 metres behind him. Sean stayed in the van ready to drive.

James knocked on the door. He heard footsteps coming to the door and there stood a large man in underwear only.

"Come in little darling" said Grove

Without any further words or actions James shot the taser. He had practiced this many times at the lodge. Grove fell backwards into the room in pain. Samuel, hearing the noise rushed into the room, pushed James aside, stood over Grove and quickly twisted his neck killing him instantly.

James was shocked at how easy and quick it was to kill him. Even a man even of this size.

Samuel closed the door. And said for James to make sure there was nobody looking and then to fetch the wheelchair. They had good time to make sure the room was clean and tidy.

Five minutes later they had wheeled Grove out. If anybody had been looking they were just taking him to the hospital but nobody showed up. They were not in the open for more that 20 seconds anyway. They removed any form of identification from the room and from Groves body and drove off in the direction of Epping Forest. They were careful to use only B roads to avoid all road cameras.

Thirty minutes later they had reached the location selected by Samuel. It was deserted and unlikely to be used by dog walkers or hitchhikers since it was full of midges and was swampy.

They carefully selected a spot and removed the top grass. After this they dug a hole 4 feet deep and had him in the hole within an hour. It was now 9pm. They drove carefully back in silence using only B roads again. They threw the shovels into a large public waste bin and drove on. It would be good if the van could just be put back in the same place. They had to be a little careful if the owner had seen it missing!

They should not have worried. The owner was down the pub and would not be back until 11pm. Samuel doubted that he would notice much except that the ignition would not start since he had hacked the starter.

Samuel dropped the two boys off at Leytonstone before doubling back to drop off the van. He was to meet them at Kings Cross in 2 hours time. They caught the train at midnight which would take them to Brighton within the hour.

James removed the escort add from They destroyed the phone used by James with its sim card and the taser. It was thrown into the Thames as the train left Kings Cross. Only at this time did they remove their disguises.

The beauty of all this was that his guards did not know where Grove was and his body would never be found. They could only know he was missing but not why!! Many people disappeared. The police did not have resources to chase something which may not be a crime. Only in cases such as missing children did the police react.

Samuel, James and Sean arrived back at the lodge at 1.30. They downed a glass of whisky and fell into a sexy three way 69. They came into each other's mouth at the same time and fell asleep in that state.

The boys slept until 11am the next morning. It was stressful but Samuel was used to the killing.

The next few days Samuel monitored the news. Nothing ever came into the media. There was nothing to report. No missing body and the guards did not know how to take action. They were certainly not going to walk into a police station to report him missing.

Samuel had a good security system installed at the lodge. Should anybody come by then he would know it. Nobody ever did.

Samuel considered it now safe for Sean to lodge his DNA officially so that the solicitor working for his grandfather could find him. Sean and James registered their addresses at the flat on the beach front. In reality they spent most of their time at the lodge . Sean was to inherit several million. It was mostly drug money but Sean convinced himself he would use it wisely to help others in need.

Samuel relaxed when he heard that the contract was no longer active since the payment was cancelled.

In time Sean recovered fully. Samuel recovered his full strength. The boys went to college. They lived a dual life between the lodge and the flat. It was more convenient during the week to be at the flat since it was near to the college.

As time went on Sean became more confident. The two boys became expert in self defense and offensive tactics. They learned how to kill if the need came for it.

They continued to enjoy each other. Samuel bought them a book called "the gay karma sutra" and they agreed to work though the positions from A to Z.

Whilst Samuel was enjoying his morning coffee the boys often satisfied each other in the bedroom. They mostly had sex as a threesome but now and again Samuel took James or Sean to bed individually for some special care and attention. There were never any secrets nor jealousy. A one to one session gave another quality of love and closeness.

After a couple of weeks Samuel just had to sit them down and say "look boys. We have been together for a few weeks now. Most days I had fucked you both and I know you muck around a couple of times each day beside that. I know boys your own age can cum 6 times a day but I can't. During the last few weeks I have had more sex that I have had in 20 years and my cock is sore. "

The boys smiled at first. Then James said "So what shall we do about it?"

"Well there are possible ideas. We can just have less sex. But you two are nymphs. Next is that you can go out into town and find some guy to give you a good fucking"

Both James and Sean said "no thanks, we want your cock"

"Alternatively I can buy you a fucking machine" said Samuel.

"Lastly you two can learn to fuck each other!!" said Samuel

The two boys looked at each.

"You are both healthy boys who can get hard all the time. Why is it you dont fuck each other?"

James replied "Well it's just nothing we have tried. Its a bit like fucking your brother."

"Do you love each other?" said Samuel

Both boys nodded.

"Well if there is no physical impediment and you love each other there is no reason why you should not give each other the ultimate physical expression of love"

The two boys looked at each other and could find no reason to not give it a try.

Samuel said "And I want to be there for the first time."

All three had a big grin on their mouths.

The next morning whilst Sameul was having his coffee he heard James calling from the bedroom. He got up and entered the bedroom to find Sean on his back being fucked by James.

Samuel could see this was a mental release for them both and kissed them both on the lips before leaving the room and giving them some privacy to carry on their love making.

This put a lot less pressure on Samuel and the relationship between them was greatly strengthened.

Samuel loved to see them walking around the lodge and flat in only a small pair of gym shorts. Sex was a totally open subject and although it was always loving it could be sexy. The boys were nymphomaniacs and needed alot of sex. Samuel could often come home to find both boys butt naked and leaning over the settee. They would simply say "welcome home". He would lovingly fuck them both. Who wouldn't?

Samuel was engaged by the "government" to clean up the drug dealers in the south of England and in general the government found it easier to "remove" them rather than go through the expense of going to court. The boys knew everything.

In general they agreed Monday night should be "date night" which meant "fuck night".

Samuel would come home on Mondays with fresh food such as lobsters. They ate well.

They would shower together and put on some provocative shorts or underwear. They made food together and ate together sipping expensive wines.

After this they moved to the lounge to watch some football. Inevitably they began to be aroused by each other. The boys had learned to ask for what they wanted. One evening Samuel had bought a couple of inflatable butt plugs. The boys sat next to Sameul whilst he was edging them. He inflated the butt plugs from time to time to watch their expressions as they got close to an explosion time and time again. After more than an hour of edging they were begging to cum and eventually shot all over the lounge floor.

He loved to fuck them on their back with their legs over his shoulders. He could get really deep and look into their eyes and see their pleasure. Sean and James both loved this. Whilst one was getting fucked the other would stick their cock in the other boys mouth, there was stimulation on all ends. They very often came at the same time. They used the karma sutra to keep things interesting.

They were satisfied and happy. The boys were indeed nymphs.

In the space of two years they had grown into a family. Samuel knew he would never get married so he suggested he adopted them properly in the eyes of the law. This was readily agreed and liked the thought of having a Dad, and three months later they celebrated in town in the best restaurant. Only then did the boys find out how many millions he was good for. They would never have to work just to earn money any more. They agreed to use their time to help those hurt by drug dealers.

Sean inherited several million pounds from his Grandfather. This made no difference to him.

As they finished the meal Sean raised his glass as if to make a toast

He looked at them both at said "To our Dad, takes us home and fuck us now please!!"

They all three laughed.

And yes that night they got well and truly fucked!!

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