The Orb of Winter

By Michael Offutt

Published on Dec 7, 2016


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Chapter Forty-Six

Alexi relaxed in Kian's arms as much as he could, but the tall handsome killer was about as comfortable as laying across two iron bars. So he just lay his head on Kian's shoulder and resolved to count coins in his head because soon, Kian was going to make him rich.

The cold wintry air swirled through the broken windows in the ruins of the academy. The hour was late. Snow fell around them as Kian walked in solemn silence, his cheeks and eyes red with guilt. Snow collected on his helmet and on his long eyelashes, lingering a moment before melting.

"It wasn't all bad, was it?" Kian asked in an almost hushed whisper.

"My rape?" Alexi voiced at full volume. Kian winced visibly.

"W-When you say it like that it sounds horrific," Kian insisted.

"Are you afraid of the word? Rape...rape...rape," Alexi said. "You raped me. I'm not going to stop saying it just because you want me to. Unless you're going to rape me again."

Tears fell from Kian's eyes, but he didn't say anything.

"I told you to stop and you didn't. That's rape," Alexi said. As he watched those tears run down Kian's cheeks, Alexi felt like licking them up. But he wasn't done punishing Kian yet. He needed more control over this relationship, and guilt was probably a good way to start.

Guilt and shame could be effective weapons, Alexi thought to himself. Especially since he can block me from reading his mind. I've got him by those big sweaty balls now.

Kian swallowed hard and nodded. "Just know I'm sorry."

"So you've said," Alexi replied. "I still love you, so don't go slashing your wrist or anything. And for what it's worth, you're an incredible lover. I think our problems are a bit...I dunno...size-related? Milbar's long had it been since you were actually with someone?"

Kian paused at the door that led to the hallway of undead under Alexi's control. "Maybe a year, not counting the afternoon you jerked me off."

Alexi recalled that afternoon with fondness. I do love looking at your body, he thought. Then Alexi shook his head to clear it. He stared at Kian's lovely face, and this time noticed the bulging vein right under his jawline. It almost seemed to pulse with blood...

Just a little taste, Alexi thought. He made me bleed after all...wait...what the fuck is wrong with me?

"I had fun tonight," Kian said with a half-smile. "So thank you for being my date."

"I know you had fun," Alexi said. "You were humping the air there for a few looked like a fuckin' dog with a raging boner and no bitch to breed. I'm not your bitch."

Kian swallowed hard, and uncomfortable silence (broken only by the sound of wet snowflakes striking the floor) filled their ears.

"Maybe we could just do oral?" Kian offered. "Some couples get by exclusively on that. A-And after tonight, I'm pretty spent. I probably won't be able to get hard for a while," he said. "So I won't be asking for sex or case you need a break." To Alexi, Kian was starting to behave like an abused dog. He didn't have a tail to tuck between his legs, but Alexi was sure Kian would have done so if he had one. "I-I just don't want to go back to being alone. I'm not a `right hand' kind of guy if you know what I mean. I have...needs...but I can keep them in check."

"Until the wind blows across your skin?" Alexi asked. "Until someone winks at you? I'm not stupid. A meathead like you is good for one thing."

Kian set him down for a moment so that Alexi could stretch his legs. Alexi had trouble standing because it hurt so much to walk, so he leaned on Kian's arm. Then Alexi coughed, and the pain almost doubled him over.

"Can you heal yourself?" Kian asked.

Alexi shook his head. "I'm saving my necromancy," he said clutching Kian's arm. Gods that hurt.

"Saving it for what?" Kian asked.

Alexi panicked, realizing that he shouldn't have said that. Kian can't know what I plan on doing tonight with him and Paul. "Uhm...I need necromancy to fix your killsuit."

Kian looked at him curiously. "You said it was fixed already."

"I-I did, didn't I?" Alexi asked. "Maybe forgetfulness is a side effect of...being raped? Yeah, that's probably it. Maybe I should get a therapist."

A single tear fell from Kian's chin, and he clenched his chiseled jaw.

"No, I'm saving my necromancy so I can bottle it and sell it," Alexi said, realizing he should probably back down a bit on the whole `rape' rhetoric. Kian looked like he was in torment, and really tearing himself up on the inside.

"You can bottle necromancy?" Kian asked softly.

"Sure. Remember that potion I gave you that cured your concussion? That's an example of bottled necromancy. It's something we necromancers do. It's how magic works. You'd know that if you took the time to read," Alexi said.

Kian glanced at his footprints in the fresh snow. "When I try to read, something weird happens. The letters transpose or reverse themselves. I get really confused."

"Yeah?" Alexi asked. He didn't know how to respond to that comment. So he took a pause from his elaborate lie to legitimately think on what Kian was expressing to him. Is he telling me he has a perceived disability? Or a real one? How is that even possible? He's perfect. Alexi had heard of such a thing before, yet he was unfamiliar with how to tackle such a problem.

Kian nodded. "Does that mean I'm stupid?"

"No," Alexi responded. " doesn't. It just means you'll need to work harder at it."

"Hey, so if you're going to be bottling necromancy do you think you could spare some to fix this?" Kian asked, with a little hope in his voice. He dug in one of his pouches and pulled out Ephram's shattered silver dragon egg. There were ten pieces in total.

Alexi took them all in his hand, examining the fine eggshells carefully.

"Where did you get this?"

"A friend," Kian said.

"Silver dragon egg, this is Zanda and you have no friends...accept Paul and me of course," Alexi said, mind whirling at a million miles per hour. "This is from that high-profile prisoner in the Keep of Anghul isn't it? This is a Valion knight cypher. I read about them in the Book of Thomas. You broke him out, didn't you? He needs this egg to communicate with his dragon so that you guys can all leave? That explains why you became a Timeron knight. It's so you could go undercover."

Kian stared at Alexi wide-eyed and a little stunned. "Uhm..."

"It's okay," Alexi said. "If I wanted to turn you in for being a terrorist I would have. In fact, I wouldn't have healed you, but the whole criminal `bad boy' act really works for you. As if you needed anything to make you more attractive. To answer your question, yes I can fix this. I'll work on it after you and I...have some fun with Paul. He's got a surprise for you."

Kian shook his head, "Oh...uh...not feeling like getting any more `surprises' tonight, especially if that means sex. Seriously. I'm not a machine. I couldn't cum again if I wanted to for at least a day." Alexi thought Kian looked adorable as he said that, sucking on his lower lip, and fidgeting in place. Is this what he looks like when he's lying?

Alexi just rolled his eyes. "Riiight...we'll see." He put away the egg shards in his purse.

"S-Seriously," Kian said. "I mean...from here I just can't see it happening."

"You're a walking erection," Alexi told him. "I could show you my high heels right now and you'd want to fuck me."

"I-I am not," Kian said, defensively. "A-And I wouldn't. You're too sore," he stammered.

"Meat," Alexi said, "Just pick me up. My feet are getting cold, and I want to get back to our little home before it gets much later."

Kian obliged and scooped Alexi back into his arms. Then he went through the door.

On the far side, the bitter cold of the night blew back Kian's cloak and carried with it the moans of a large number of undead. To Alexi, they sounded like a homecoming: sweet melodious voices trumpeting his return. However, Kian's eyes displayed anxiety, and they darted back and forth in the gloom. But he didn't falter and strode forward, suppressing his fear. As for the undead, they moved out of the way for them, Alexi gestured to the left and right with a lazy hand to shoo them along. He lay his head sideways on Kian's breastplate, feeling the warmth from Kian's inner furnace wash over his skin.

In fact, Kian felt like summer sunbeams on his flesh.

Kian took the stairs quickly and with sure-footed grace. Once at the top, he crossed over the planks spanning the chasm and went through the door into the warm lab. The scent of putrefaction immediately filled Alexi's nostrils. He looked to the table with the sheet on it, beneath which obviously lay a cadaver of some kind. Kian set Alexi on his feet once more.

"It stinks in here," Kian said, pinching his nostrils. Then he shut the door. "Who's that under the sheet?"

"A project I'm working on," Alexi said, taking him by the hand. "Why don't I brew us some tea before bed?"

Kian stood there, staring at nothing in particular for a moment. Then he nodded, and looked at his hands. "I think I'd like that," he said. Then he took a seat at the old mattress on the floor. "Do you think it'd be okay if I crash here tonight?"

"No," Alexi said, grabbing a copper kettle. It sat atop a shelf mounted above the roaring fireplace. He started to pour the contents into a cup and then added dried leaves from a sealed canister. Over his shoulder, Kian looked downcast.

"I'll go then," Kian said. "After the tea."

"No," Alexi said, "You'll stay with me and Paul in there." He gestured through the door to the place Alexi had `designated' as the bedroom. All there was in there now was an overly large and somewhat threadbare mattress stuffed with goose feathers; blankets lay piled on the floor.

" you think that's a good idea?" Kian asked. "I'm perfectly fine out here. I've got this nice bed and my cloak would make a decent blanket."

"Let me add something to this tea that'll relax you," Alexi said.

"That sounds great," Kian replied. He looked around the room. "Where's my killsuit?"

"I think I said a lot of harsh words tonight," Alexi remarked, glossing over Kian's question. "I've had a lot on my mind. It's easy for someone like you to find love, but my life's difficult. You don't know what I've been through. I suppose I let my expectations get a little out of touch with reality."

Kian looked like he wanted to say something. Oh just please stay quiet for once, Alexi thought. I don't need you to tell me how hard your life must have been having girls fawn all over you and being loved by your parents and getting everything you wanted by just asking or having sex with anyone you set your eye on...I don't need that shit. I don't need to hear about your silver fucking spoon, Atlantean prince.

Alexi looked over the hundreds of herbs he'd stolen from the academy. He reached right past the chamomile (which was known for its calming properties) and grabbed a jar of dried bull testicle. A component in love potions for men, these in particular were enhanced with necromancy to be especially potent. One portion would give a guy a hardon that lasted two hours. Alexi added five portions...a whole spoonful...and dissolved them in Kian's hot tea.

He stirred until everything disappeared into a brown liquid that smelt of strong spices with a hint of orange. Alexi shot Kian a smile, made a show of opening a glass jar of honey, and added a huge dollop which had the effect of making Kian lick his lips in anticipation.

Alexi walked over to him and handed him the cup and saucer.

"I love honey," Kian whispered. He sniffed at the open cup. "It smells delightful." Alexi softly stroked Kian's cloak while he drank up. When he finished Kian asked, "You're not having any?"

"I will in a minute," Alexi said. He grabbed Kian by the hand and took him into the bedroom. He sat him down on the mattress and said, "Let's get you out of that gear."

"I'll stay in it, thanks," Kian said, shaking his head.

"Is something wrong?" Alexi asked.

"N-No I think I should just sleep in my armor," Kian replied, obviously squirming a little. "Is it hot in here? It feels hot." His eyes had already started to dilate.

"Nope, but you did just drink a big cup of hot tea. I can open the door if you like," Alexi replied. "It's silly for you to sleep in your armor. You've got it under control, right? You said it'd be impossible for you to get prurient again and so soon."

"Prudient? Pru—" Kian struggled to pronounce the word. "Are you saying I'm prudish? What?"

Alexi shook his head and smoothed Kian's bangs from in front of his eyes. "So dumb, but so lovely. I said `prurient.'"

"I-I don't know what that means," Kian said.

"I know," Alexi quipped. "There's a dictionary on that shelf."

The door to the lab opened and Paul called out with a very effeminate accent, "Are you guys home?"

"We're in here," Alexi said.

Alexi glanced at the floor and spied just a corner of the six-pointed star he had created and placed under the mattress. It was part of the spell, and would ease some of the strain of all the necromancy Alexi was going to be expending tonight to keep a fetus alive in Paul's unnatural womb (that was right now inside his body just begging to be seeded).

Alexi parted his soiled gown just a bit to show Kian a long length of hairless leg and just a corner of his high heels. It distracted Kian for a moment, and the blond boy set the empty cup and saucer down on the mattress. With his other toe, Alexi kicked a blanket over the top of the star on the floor hiding it from view. Then he closed the hem of his gown once more.

"Sorry, caught a draft there," Alexi said.

Sweat broke out across Kian's brow, and Alexi leaned forward to help him take his helmet off. Then he removed the chainmail hood and tossed those in a pile next to the door. Next he pulled Kian's gauntlets off and pushed him back on the mattress.

Kian looked a little bewildered and then propped himself up on his elbows. "I-I really think I should stay out there. It's really late, and I don't mind."

Then a shadow filled the doorway and Alexi walked back, revealing Paul in the twilight. "At least say goodbye to Paul. He hasn't seen you in a couple days."

Kian's eyes widened as he took Paul in.

Despite the cold, Paul wore a silver "fish scale" mini-skirt that barely covered his round ass. Bronze thick (and toned) legs tapered toward Paul's tiny feet wrapped in the most expensive stiletto heels that Alexi could steal. These things had a spike that came to almost a needle point, were seven inches long, and made from surgical steel. The rest of the shoe was simply a couple thin bands of silver leather that swept over the top of Paul's feet (albeit studded with clear crystals); his open toes displayed silver nail polish with the words "Ram Me" spelled out on each individual nail. The mini-skirt itself was embroidered in black and red thread. It was cut really low so that Paul's fake tits (that defied gravity itself) almost spilled out. In fact, the fabric barely covered the nipple, leaving him to easily flash an areola and brush it off as a wardrobe malfunction. The dress hugged Paul's body and looked like it was made of satin and silk. Paul wore makeup that gave him nice cheekbones, his lips were red as fresh blood, and he'd even thickened his black eyelashes. The smoky eye makeup looked devastating in this particular light. He had on diamond earrings and so much perfume that it drowned out the smell of the corpse on the table behind him. The sleeveless top did nothing to hide his toned and silky arms; in his hand he gripped a small black handbag. Paul wore his fingernails black and decorated them with tiny silver roses—that had been Alexi's idea. He'd said to Paul at the time, "Meat's so in love with himself, he'll love it. Trust me. His type's easy to read."

Kian's jaw slowly fell open, and he didn't blink for about half a minute.

"What's up, guys?" Paul said taking a step into the room. "I just went for a walk, and to get some food for breakfast tomorrow." Then he yawned, stretching his arms over his head. "I'm so tired, and my gams ache. You mind if I sit down next to you, Kian?"

Alexi stepped forward and closed Kian's jaw. He shook his head, blinked a couple of times, and then scooted over. "N-No. Of course not," he stammered. "Was it a nice walk?"

Paul nodded and then said, "Yes," rather meekly. He took a few steps and then tripped, but Kian caught him before he hit the floor. Paul's auburn hair spilled over Kian's arms, and he looked up at the stunning blond assassin and said, "You saved me. Thank you."

One of Paul's boobs had come free, a large "C" cup and just like Alexi had told him to do, the entirety of the nipple was covered in red lipstick. Paul accidentally brushed it against Kian's hand as Kian helped him stand.

"Oh damn," Paul said, "I'm so sorry 'bout that."

Kian swallowed and closed his eyes. Then he breathed in and out. "I-It's okay," Kian managed to say. Then he cleared his throat. "I-I...really should sleep in the other room." He opened his eyes but both of them were locked on Paul's shiny, sweaty tits.

Paul looked down and said, "Oh...uhm that's lipstick. Do you at least like the color? I couldn't decide between that or blue, which is a thing I guess."

"I-I like red just fine," Kian said, taking short desperate breaths.

"It's supposed to be waterproof. Would you give it a lick please? Just right here...I don't think nipples are sexual at all. I mean, women breastfeed all the time, and it's natural, right? I just want to see if it'll smear."

Kian closed his mouth and nodded. Alexi thought he was probably trying not to drool.

Then Kian bent down and gently licked it with his tongue. The lipstick didn't smear. However, when he did that, Paul moaned and said, "Your tongue is so soft and light. It's like you're a kitten lapping at a bowl of cream. Oh...right there...a little more just to see if it smears."

With fresh sweat dripping from Kian's face and nose, he put his mouth over the whole nipple and started sucking, pulling on it with his tongue and lips. Then his right palm roamed down the curves of Paul's body to his butt, and he grabbed hold of Paul's thigh with strong fingers. Paul lifted his leg into Kian's big hand; Kian pulled him tight into his body with irresistible strength. The blond boy's fingers explored under the hemline, and then Kian paused to breathe, "You're not wearing underwear...did someone steal it?"

"I-I forgot them on my walk," Paul said. "You know us girls...always forgetting things."

"I'm sorry," Kian said, and then he resumed sucking on Paul's huge tits. "That must've been uncomfortable...cold..."

"It was," Paul said, arching his back.

"Let me warm you up," Kian replied. He turned and dropped Paul onto the bed. She kicked at him with her stiletto heels and Kian grabbed one and swabbed over Paul's toes with his tongue. Then he inserted one of the surgical steel supports into his mouth.

Paul's mouth fell open in surprise. "Whatever do you mean?" When he saw Kian unbuckling his belt, stripping off his tabard, and then taking off his butt tasset and codpiece, Paul said, "Oh...OH! You mean that..." and he held a palm to his open mouth in mock surprise.

"That's exactly what I mean," Kian said, lust thick on his voice.

Paul reached up and stroked Kian's neck, and then he kissed him, running fingers through Kian's sweaty blond hair. "Slow down just a little, cowboy," Paul said seductively, and flicking Kian's spurs with his toe. "Let Alexi and I get you out of all that metal."

Kian stopped fumbling at his codpiece and nodded, going back to licking Paul's tits while the two boys worked at taking off his cloak, pauldrons, cuirass, greaves, and vambraces. It took about ten minutes, but they managed to get Kian completely naked. When done, Paul gripped Kian's erection with both hands and moved it aside to lick Kian's low-hanging, sweaty, and very hairy balls.

Alexi just sat on the edge of the mattress in the role of voyeur. He donned his x-ray glasses that had black-tinted lenses. They not only allowed him to see inside Paul's tummy area (because that's where they'd applied the cream), but intensified the appearance of everything else. With them on, Alexi could actually see that Kian's balls had been bruised under the scrotum skin from being milked of a pint of cum only a couple of hours ago, but the purple color hadn't shown itself yet on his ivory skin. It would by morning though. He also could see the effects of the "tea induced" vascular dilation on Kian's horse cock, and it looked fucking painful as the meat beneath the smooth outer skin appeared swollen and shredded from forced increased blood flow, the pounding from earlier, and the river of ejaculate that had flowed through it. In Kian's own words, before the other day he hadn't used this thing for a year. And now he was running a marathon with it. Like any muscle, it was (of course) ripping under the strain.

Right now he's loving it. But, he'll feel that tomorrow, Alexi thought, even wincing at how much it would hurt. Mark my words.

Alexi almost felt bad about doping Kian's tea, given the damage this second round of sex was going to cause. But he also suspected he'd think differently once Kian's soul split. Additionally, Alexi had scientific curiosity with regard to Kian's biology as Atlantean royalty (and a golden to boot). His intrigue extended to theories. For one, Alexi felt that (if aroused enough) he could witness the boy's brain being fried by testosterone. Ever since he'd read about this in The Book of Chagidiel, he'd wanted to see it first-hand.

That's why (Alexi believed) Kian seemed to slip into a trance and hump even the air when the moist hole he was rutting got removed. The medical condition for it was called sex-induced aneurysmic catatonia...a mouthful for sure. Symptoms leading up to it were listed as: ragged breathing, pink ejaculate (meaning that blood was starting to mix with the white), bloodshot eyes, tense muscles, bulging veins, and tremendous sweat production. When those conditions had been met, aneurysmic catatonia was nigh at hand. The actual event occurred when vessels in the eyes ruptured and gums turned red or perhaps even bled (causing blood to fall from the mouth and nose). The victim would fall prone, muscles spasming, and they would be in danger of asphyxiating on their own blood or vomit. Their erection wouldn't subside for hours, would bruise heavily, and they'd bleed from the penis head. And (of course) they'd be helpless while seizing.

But of even more interest would be what happened mentally, i.e., The Book of Chagidiel said that mental defense was impossible in this state. So, the frying of Kian's brain offered a distinct possibility that Alexi would finally get to probe Kian's mind. He'd know within seconds after it first occurred. Whatever defenses Kian used might be down by then; a risk definitely worth taking, because this blond boy had secrets for sure that he wasn't sharing with anyone. And Alexi wanted to make sure that Kian only had love for him. Necrophile or not, Alexi felt it tortuous to live with so much uncertainty.

Alexi watched Paul roll back Kian's foreskin to expose the white glans that was so wide and thick he'd have difficulty getting it into his mouth. Kian just stared down at Paul, lips slightly parted and abs glistening in the light. Sweat rolled down his incredible chest and along the dimple of his navel to finally settle inside the thick, musty smelling thatch of white-blond pubes at the end of a v-cut torso. Paul ran the fingers of his right hand through it several times, and they emerged wet. He also took his left thumb and parted the urethra and teased Kian over and over with his tongue. Paul licked it until wet and gleaming and then laughing, pulled out a tube of lipstick from his purse and applied it to Kian's dickhead until he'd made it red. The entire time, Kian held himself straight and taut, arms and hands at his side, glutes flexed and hips forward. His trapezius, infraspinatus, and latissimus dorsi shredded the skin of his back in perfect relief.

"There," Paul said making a pursed expression with his lips. "Now it looks cute."

"Suck on it," Kian commanded, voice low and guttural.

Paul grinned, tongue lolling out, and eyes locked on Kian's. That's when Kian grabbed the back of Paul's head and thrust the end of his dick past Paul's lips. The skin of Paul's cheeks pushed outward and he made choking noises as Kian gently rocked his bladed hips back and forth.

"Suck it, no teeth," he whispered, closing his eyes and tilting his head upward. The veins on his neck bulged, his Adam's apple bounced up and down as he swallowed. Then he groaned like an animal in heat. "Ahh...that's got it. Mmm," Kian chewed on his lower lip, "don't stop...that feels so good."

He rocked in and out like that for a good ten minutes.

Now Kian's dick frothed with pre-cum and was slippery all the way down to the root. Paul had difficulty holding onto it, and the lower half of Paul's face and up one side of his nose was slimed in Kian's milky excretion of royal jelly mixed with pre-cum.

Paul stopped sucking, forced Kian's hand away from his hair and rolled the blond athlete onto his back. Kian lay with chest heaving on the mattress, and then propped himself on his elbows, chest lustrous in the light. Like a randy slut, Paul worked Kian's legs and feet with his tongue, taking first one big toe inside his mouth and then the other. He popped each individual digit into his mouth, all the while Kian groaned in pleasure, eyes rolling back, yet keeping his hands to his side.

Kian does not like to jerk his own dick off, Alexi thought. His restraint is remarkable.

The entire time Kian had his perfect long, bony feet worshipped, his urethra still excreted pre-cum. It flowed milky, then clear, then milky again. It drizzled and drooled over Kian's balls, thighs, and slimed the bed. It spurted a couple of times onto his chest and pooled in his navel.

Kian grabbed Paul about the shoulders, threw him down on his back and straddled him. Squeezing Paul's round tits together, he made a hole that he inserted his dick into and started to fuck Paul's chest.

Paul squeeled in pleasure as Kian plowed in and out of his fleshy cleavage, sometimes pinching Paul's lipstick-covered nipples and then sliming them with his horse cock, spurting the royal jelly infused pre-cum over the skin and areola. After ten minutes, Paul's boobs were sopping wet and so slippery that Kian's dick sometimes fell out and went to the left or right under one of Paul's tits (on an errant thrust). Kian's balls left stray pubic hairs on Paul's tummy, and swung back and forth between Kian's thighs, sometimes slapping the underside of Paul's boobs.

"Uhh uhh uhh," Paul kept saying as Kian pounded his tits. "Uhh uhh uhh...oh my god...uhh uhh uhh...that feels so good," Paul moaned, raking the sides of his breasts with his finger nails.

Kian reached down and fingered Paul's erection, a two and a half-inch thing that he stroked with his wet finger and thumb, sometimes pinching Paul's small dickhead, sometimes worrying it with his hand (like a worry stone).

"Nnggh," Paul cried, turning his head to the left. Then he gasped. "Don't stop...Kian...please don't stop..."

"I'll do what I want," Kian said with a devilish, sweaty grin. He pulled his twelve-inch dick free of Paul's tits, slid down Paul's body, and lapped at Paul's cock.

Then he paused a moment.

"Where's your balls?" he asked with curiosity. Kian licked at a gash underneath Paul's penis and it made Paul shudder. "You've got a little pussy forming here," he whispered, inserting a wet finger. "How fun."

This drove Paul wild and he arched his back. "Right there...fuuuckk...right there...Kian...GOD!"

Kian laughed and stabbed at Paul with his small pinky, moving it in and out. He spit at Paul's gash a couple of times and then went down on him with his tongue, licking, prodding and taking Paul's small dick repeatedly into his mouth. Then he stroked the newly formed labial lips.

"I'm cumming," Paul said, "oh my god...I'm cumming." Kian (being a considerate lover) didn't stop and took it all in his mouth about ten seconds later as Paul shot out two thick streams of hot ejaculate.

After he was done, Kian put a pillow under Paul's butt to elevate it, but kept lips tightly closed (as if holding something in his mouth). Paul put his stiletto heeled shoes on Kian's broad shoulder and dug into Kian's flesh with the points.

"You're such a bad boy," he said to Kian.

Kian winked at him, and then went down on Paul's anus, now covered over in a thin hymen-like skin just like Alexi had possessed earlier. Kian opened his mouth and drooled all of Paul's jizz that he'd held right over that new skin, and rubbed it into the surrounding flesh with the head of his gargantuan prick. Then he leaned forward and ripped Paul's dress, tearing it off him, and Paul squeeled.

"Fuck me! Fuck me and make me cum again! I want you inside me. I want your baby," Paul begged.

Kian paused and said, "Baby?" A drop of white cum fell from his chin.

"He means he wants you to fill him up," Alexi clarified. Watching all of this sex had gotten Alexi horned up too, and he currently played with his own dick.

That's when Paul kissed him and as their lips parted, Paul said, "Exactly...what Alexi just said. That's what I meant."

"Did you wear the butt plug I suggested?" Kian asked, obviously a little concerned.

Paul nodded. "I did. I got the biggest one to fit, unlike Alexi. I'm obviously not wearing it now though. I took it out right as I got back from my...uhh...walk."

"That's convenient," Kian said, positioning his cock at the entrance to Paul's anus. "This shouldn't hurt very much then."

"I kno—" Paul's voice caught in his throat as Kian burst his hymen with one powerful thrust.

Kian got past Paul's stretched out sphincter with a lot more ease than he had done with Alexi, and now the x-ray vision glasses really paid off. He could see Kian's dick sliding into Paul's gut, which looked as tight as a second skin. Pre-cum continued to ooze out of Kian's urethra into that warm moist glove and Kian kept driving forward with his hips, glute muscles dimpling in with effort, until six inches inside he struck the opening of Paul's transplanted cervix. Above it was the uterus having been magically transported from the corpse in the other room and "freshened" using powerful necromancy.

"I can't go any deeper," Kian grunted, pulling back and then thrusting again. "That's the wall I always hit. But Tethyr's teeth do you ever feel good."

Paul just nodded, face a reflection of pure ecstasy.

Alexi could see that Kian's immense girth and natural curve was perfect for punishing Paul's prostate. As a result, Paul was literally having the time of his life.

I shoulda went to the larger plug, Alexi thought. What happened earlier was my fucking fault. This looks fantastic.

Kian leaned forward and really started fucking Paul, his back rolling in a sweaty sheen. Paul moaned in pleasure, heels resting on Kian's muscular shoulders and hands forming small claws.

"Fuuck," Paul uttered in a lust-filled falsetto, "I'm cumming again." His rock hard erection tensed and spurted and Paul gripped Kian on the sweaty back and dug his nails in, leaving eight red gashes in his skin. These soon started to weep blood.

Alexi licked his lips at the sight of that red, but restrained himself. I'm not a vampire, he projected to his inner self.

Kian gritted through the pain and kept pummeling Paul's cervix, fully half of his dick still hanging out of Paul's ravaged asshole. Alexi stopped whacking off his own dick, and reached in-between Kian's sweaty belly and Paul's trembling tummy to push down on a spot to try and force the cervix down on Kian's dickhead just a little better.

"Slow down," Alexi told Kian. "I can help you get deeper."

Kian turned his sweaty head, drops of water falling from his nose and dripping from his white-blond locks. "Huh?" he grunted. "Nnngh...bloody fuck...ngggh." He thrust in and out, in and out.

"Slow down," Alexi repeated. "Stop...there...hold your dick against that wall."

Kian nodded, hips perfectly still. Through the x-ray glasses, he could see that Kian's urethra was right at the hole that led into the cervix.

"Now go forward, hard, don't stop. He'll scream but it won't do any actual damage. Trust me," Alexi said.

Kian shook his head, and then flexed his butt muscles and thighs, he dug into the mattress with his feet and toes, and draped the entirety of his six-foot-one frame atop Paul's helpless five-foot four body.

"It hurts!" Paul said. "Stop!" He started sobbing, and then started screaming. "Stop! Kian! Alexi! It hurts so much!"

In the x-ray glasses, Alexi saw Kian pushing through the cervix hole, forcing it open about five times what it was accustomed too. Fluid from inside washed over Kian's dick and fell from Alexi's hole to wet half the bed.

"It feels like I'm trying to push through a vice," Kian said, voice strained. All the veins on his body bulged, the muscles looked shredded.

"Just a little farther," Alexi said, very excited now. He stretched out his necromancy to paralyze the muscles of Paul's body to quiet him down. The screaming stopped and Paul just stared in horror at the ceiling. Alexi hoped Kian wouldn't notice.

It's about time he shut up anyway, Alexi thought.

Kian grunted and finally punched through, more womb water leaked out, but Kian was now balls deep into Paul, and could quite literally fuck him in the uterus with about five inches of dick.

"This kinda hurts," Kian gasped, but then started to rock in and out.

Alexi could see why it hurt, the muscular cervix, now ripped apart, was clamping down on Kian's prick like a bottleneck. But wave after wave of all that muscle and the fact that Kian could be balls deep into someone's colon now, drove him wild with lust. In and out he plunged, repeatedly tearing into Paul's temporary uterus until his eyes dilated and he started making guttural noises.

Meanwhile Paul remained paralyzed with Alexi's necromancy, which Alexi was beginning to pour more and more into Paul's body to prepare for the seeding.

"Nnnghhh," Kian groaned in that familiar, animal, rutting noise. Sweat poured from his skin, veins looked so tense they might explode, and most importantly, blue eyes dilated fully so that it looked like his whole iris might be black. "Nnnghhh...I'm cumming," he barely said. "Please...Paul...Alexi...let me know when I need to stop. I'll need a signal." Kian begged, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. He sprayed sweat all around the room. Alexi could tell that the sexually-induced catatonia was approaching. The tragedy of it all was that no signal would ever be given.

Just maybe thirty minutes more and we'll see it, Alexi thought. You're going to get your brain fried, Kian. See if that keeps you from letting me in.

In the x-ray glasses the first string of white semen flooded into Paul's womb. And it continued with every thrust, strong and coating Paul's insides. Kian's urethra spurted the white stuff with every roll of his back, with every plunge of that horse cock into Paul's ravaged colon, with every piston of his bony hips. "Slap slap slap" came the sound of Kian's balls bouncing off the wet skin of a mutilated asshole. Resting on Paul's thighs, the rut, the fucking, the animal primalness of sex took over. Kian's consciousness retreated into white knuckled fingers, desperate gasps of air, and ruthless thrusting, pistoning, grinding.

Kian's balls started to finally bruise, Paul's womb was so full of Kian's cum that it looked like a balloon ready to burst. It poured out of Paul's bloody asshole, yet no plea that it was enough ever came from a paralyzed Paul or from a riveted Alexi.

Kian gasped for breath. Ragged, uneven, loud and terrible, it bounced from the walls. Inside Paul's body, it turned pink from inside. This was blood now, and Alexi salivated.

Ten more minutes, Alexi thought.

"Nnnngggghhh," Kian groaned in pain. "Nnnggghhh," over and over. His face was expressionless, eyes bloodshot and distant, muscles so tense they looked like they might rip his skin, and veins pounding with his heartbeat. Kian was releasing dangerous amounts of sweat, heat ripped off him like a furnace. Alexi knew that Kian's blood pressure had to be dangerously high.

But he didn't care. This jock can handle it, Alexi thought. Just a few more minutes. If he didn't look like he did, I might be concerned he'd have a heart attack or something.

Kian's huge dick was now covered in blood, it plunged in and out of Paul's butthole without mercy. In the meantime, he kept the necromancy up, feeling life within the egg implanted in Paul's fake uterus for the first time.

At that moment, Kian's soul split.

Half of it flowed into the piece of meat growing inside Paul. At the same time, one of the vessels in Kian's eyes burst sending blood across the white. Then Kian's gums turned red and blood fell from Kian's mouth and nose in streamers.

This was sexually-induced aneurysmic catatonia. At last.

Alexi forced Paul and Kian apart. It took all of his strength, and where Kian had gripped Paul now emerged awful hand-shaped bruises. That and blood, semen, and womb juice gushed out onto the ruined mattress and dripped onto the floor.

Kian continued to thrust wildly in the air, bent over like a dog, his dick now slapping his torso still thinking it was inside something warm, soft, wet. Semen more red than white spurted from the end, slapping Alexi's face and chest, covering Kian's skin up to his chin, and even spraying beyond the mattress to the window where it left streaks on the frozen panes.

"Nnnggghh...nnnnggghhh...nnngggghhhh," Kian grunted.

Then Alexi assaulted Kian with his necromancy, trying to tear open his mind.

"Let me in!" he screamed.

But whatever was there remained. It blocked him with titanic levels of magic, and Alexi was forced to attend to Paul who was coming free of Alexi's spell only to discover he'd been disemboweled and had red meat hanging out of his asshole.

Paul started to wail in pain even as his stomach swelled with the growing fetus.

Alexi went over to him, and pushed the guts inside; all the while Paul sobbed. "It hurts, it hurts, Alexi."

"Shut up!" Alexi yelled. "Come on. It's taking all of my power to keep that thing alive inside of you. Now follow me into the bathroom. Ziggy and I need to help you give birth to that thing."

As they left, Kian finally collapsed onto the swampy, bloody, semen-stained mattress. Almost immediately he started to choke on his own blood that pooled in his mouth. Alexi paused to roll him onto his side, so that fluid would drain and not cause him to asphyxiate. He propped a pillow behind Kian's back to keep him in that position, and then snapped his fingers in front of Kian's vacant eyes. The beautiful blond boy looked hollowed out, gray circles formed around his eyes, and he trembled uncontrollably.

Kian didn't respond to any stimulus, and his hips continued to thrust the open air, albeit more gently, while his bloody cock remained erect. However, now it was no longer spurting fluid.

"Fuckin' hell," Alexi said, listening to Paul scream in the next room.

He took off his glasses and left Kian alone in the room, shivering and without a blanket in the dark.

The complete novel is now available for download at

Next: Chapter 47

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