The Orb of Winter

By Michael Offutt

Published on Nov 22, 2016


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Chapter Forty-Five

The light in the Scarlet Chamber hovered at a perpetual twilight. The actual door hung within a simple wooden frame, anyone could get past it by just going around it. But there was no honor in that. One had to be invited, chosen as it were by the Furies themselves (the source of the keys), who many believed served the god Chagidiel: the master of sexuality, the bringer of perversions, and the patron saint of cannibalism. Whether there was any truth to this myth had yet to be answered. However, Chagidiel was revered within the school of necromancy, and his practitioners knew anatomy and physiology greater than any other souls on Wynwrayth. In fact, The Book of Chagidiel was a forbidden tome in practically every kingdom in the world. But, this had not stopped Alexi from plumbing its many secrets.

Kian carried Alexi over the threshold, and at first, the entire world seemed to drop away. Then all sounds from the room behind them vanished, even though light from the room filtered through black drapes that (from this side) looked especially translucent. Alexi stared back over Kian's shoulder and through the frame at the source of the last gasp of outside light. He saw girls talking (many cried in fact) as Kian took Alexi of all people into what many believed was a sacred place, and their voices and thoughts considered him undeserving. In particular, Headmaster Boritsi's face bore a peculiar and wicked smile that he'd never seen if that mighty necromancer knew something...a dark secret about this place and had told no one.

And now silence, eerie and stifling, surrounded them. In fact, the only sound that Alexi heard was the jingle of Kian's spurs, their breathing, and the "creak" of the floorboards beneath Kian's glossy booted feet.

That's when he felt the powerful magic inside this room. It flooded in upon him like a crashing wave and stifled his breath. Alexi's eyes stared in awe at the walls as they transformed into gray stone blocks before his eyes. Dozens of candles on the floor burst into flame all of their own accord, illuminating a mattress with no sheet. The thing looked soiled and dirty, stained with dried semen and blood. Beyond the candlelight, gloom swallowed animated shadows, and he heard a clattering as of teeth clicked one on top of another. There were multiple corridors that descended into darkness, all made of stone, and here and there a roach scurried between empty pewter cups.

Kian set Alexi down on his back and climbed atop him, all lean body, and hard metal. He pulled off his helmet to reveal that sculpted sweaty face and set it next to a statue of the god Chagidiel, and then started to kiss Alexi's neck, licking the soft pliable skin, and teasing it with his white teeth.

Alexi enjoyed the warm caress of Kian's tongue. His hand fell off the mattress and touched a chunk of bone still bloody on the ends. Horrified, he held it up in his fingers, which caused Kian to stop and take it from him, holding it to his nose.

"This place is kind of weird, but nice," Kian said slowly, seductively. "I think these rose petals are a little over the top though." With that he tossed the chunk of bone on the floor, and it rolled to a wall streaked with blood. Alexi saw old manacles there, bits of fat and flesh still clung to them. Kian, somehow oblivious to all of this, went down on Alexi's throat again, untying the strings at the front of his gown in an effort to guide it down.

He sees flowers? Alexi thought.

"Kian," Alexi said, interrupting his lover.

The assassin stopped and propped himself up on his gauntlets so that he could meet his gaze. Kian's lovely blond hair hung in sweaty clumps about his incredible face. "Yeah?" Kian grinned and he moved his left hand down Alexi's tummy and around to the curve of his hip. "You look so good, Alexi," Kian whispered, swallowing hard and looking down at him. The bob of Kian's Adam's apple and the vein on the right side of his neck mesmerized Alexi.

"Will you play a game with me? Just a short one," Alexi whispered, grabbing hold of his glove. "Describe to me what you see."

"What do I see?" Kian teased, removing his gauntlets. "I see one of the most beautiful boys I've ever laid eyes upon, black hair that feels like silk thread," Kian said, "warm brown eyes, and soft skin. I love your perf—"

"No," Alexi said, interrupting him. "I-I mean in the room."

Kian grinned and looked quite puzzled. He glanced around and sucked on his lower lip for a moment. "Okay, it's not even a room really just a place on a wooden stage with walls made from black curtains, right? There's this nice pad on the floor, it's got a white cover, and there's pink rose petals and a bunch of decorative scented candles." He gestured at the obscene statue of Chagidiel: a figurine made of brown stone and carved into a hermaphrodite. The hapless creature bore scars across its chest and back from scourges lying about its mutilated feet. Long cocks, shaped like serpents, plugged every orifice, even distending the skin of the throat. "And there's a little glass vase here with a rose in it. I assume..." Kian said, touching Alexi's face with his hands as gently as a baby might touch a caterpillar, "that the rose is for you." Then he played his thumb along Alexi's lips while his other hand slid off Alexi's gown to reveal a smooth boyish chest. "Suck my thumb," Kian said, and Alexi obliged. It felt rough and bony on his tongue and tasted only slightly of salt. Meanwhile, Kian stared at Alexi's fleshy body, and pinched him here and there with his long bony fingers. The callouses on Kian's palms coaxed Alexi's delicate skin into goose pimples; Kian's big hands contained undeniable strength.

The boyfriend closed his eyes and moved down the mattress, his sniffer guiding him to the place that begged to be touched. He lapped at Alexi's navel and delicately licked the gentle swell of his tummy. Alexi was always self-conscious of the ponch he had around his waist, but Kian didn't seem to mind. He pushed it up gently with his fingers and licked the skin getting ever closer to Alexi's true treasure.

Alexi heard claws on wood, and a pair of skinless hounds entered from one of the corridors. They had huge tongues that lolled between canines, and their eyes glowed scarlet. Slippery with muscle and covered in exposed red veins, the nightmarish creatures approached the edge of the mattress and sniffed at Kian. However, they didn't touch him. Then a pair of waspishly thin demons appeared in the corridor. Each wore black leather gowns that swept the floor. Their eyes were pools of black oil, and their skin a jaundiced yellow. They both stood at least seven feet tall, had long emaciated arms that ended in fingers that looked like penises. One had a nose at least four inches long and very pointed. The other's was broad and flat, spanning the entirety of its face. And they each had mouths so wide, it split their heads almost in half.

Are these two Furies? He thought. Alexi recognized them from The Book of Chagidiel. The one with the long nose was called Redcap, the other was called Talos.

Redcap spoke first, baritone deep and sinister. "What is this? A prize of all prizes? Talos, he has about him the love of a god. Which? I'm not sure yet. No wonder Chagidiel dispatched us. Now that we're here, his god cannot see. These delights are for our master to savor through us."

Then Talos spoke, "Never have I seen a male like this. The sexual energy that we shall harvest from these two is ambrosia upon the air."

Alexi pinched his eyes closed against the horrors that he saw and tried to focus on Kian's caresses.

"You taste so good," Kian said, sliding Alexi's gown down to reveal his small genitals. Kian gently took them into his mouth, lolling Alexi's small balls around, and Alexi felt himself get hard. Sweat broke out across his untoned chest as Kian sucked on his short shaft, careful to cover his teeth properly. The sound of Kian's slurping careened off the walls.

"What does this Atlantean see in this transvestite?" Redcap asked.

"I'm not sure," Talos remarked. He leaned in to sniff at Kian's hair. "Lovely. Atlantean sweat is so rare these days. And today, we get to smell that of a prince. His body is without equal, even in our flesh crafting laboratories. Is he the one?"

"The last prince," Redcap said. "Yes, he's the one."

The dogs started to whine and bark. Alexi pushed himself up on his elbows and stared at them, mouth agape while Kian worked Alexi's dick.

"Can he see us?" Talos asked. "It looks like the chubby necromancer can see us."

"Impossible," Redcap said. "Our magic is too powerful. Only vampires can see us. He's not a vampire."

"It has been known to happen. Lianon Pard was a vampire. Enough necromantic energy gets concentrated in one source, and it turns the living into the dead."

"He's not undead. He's not Lianon Pard. Look at how the Atlantean pleases him. That's the response of the living."

"Let us see," Talos said. The demon leaned down to just behind Alexi's ear. Alexi glanced to the right, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face and then corrected his gaze. "Can you see us boy? Nod if you can. If you hide the truth from us we'll know. Your suffering shall be legendary, even in hell." Alexi looked at Talos's hair and saw a writhing mass of leeches dangling from the yellow flesh, opening and closing their ends like lampreys.

But Alexi kept his calm. He didn't answer the Fury. "Milbar's beard...that good," Alexi forced himself to utter. He was only partly lying, but the presence of demons unsettled Alexi so much he was afraid of losing his erection.

Kian let Alexi's penis and balls slip out of his mouth, kissed Alexi's glans once quite tenderly, and then he tugged his gown down. "Slip your legs out," he ordered. Alexi obliged, now wearing only the red and gold open-toed pumps. With a devilish grin, Kian lifted them to his lips and (one at a time) took the point of the stiletto heel into his mouth. Then he sniffed at Alexi's toes, pressing his tongue between them, and over the fine band of the leather. He looked so cute doing so, like a puppy licking at his master's feet.

"Let us play," Talos said. He picked up a cup, and holding one of his phallus-like fingers over it, he filled it with a stream of pee. "The prince will be thirsty and need wine." The demon then left it next to the bed where Alexi lay naked under the armored knight. Alexi tried not to gag at the smell of the pungent urine.

Kian set Alexi's left leg down, ran his rough hands over Alexi's belly and then rolled him over.

He looked over his shoulder and saw Kian fingering the jeweled butt plug and smiling.

"Whose idea was this?" Kian asked Alexi.

"Paul's," Alexi said, tucking his elbows under his chest. "He thinks the color matches your eyes."

Kian arched one blond eyebrow and then positioned Alexi's ass so that it was up off the mattress. "Can you hold it there?" Kian looked around. "Do you see a pillow in this room?" He paused for a moment looking at the goblet. "Is that wine? That's so weird, but I swear that wasn't there a moment before." Kian reached for it, lifted it to his nose, and sniffed. "It smells good...has a nice bouquet. I've never been much of a wine expert so I can't tell you the vintage."

"Don't drink it," Alexi said.

This caused both Talos and Redcap to take notice. They stared at Alexi, with Redcap this time lowering himself to look into Alexi's eyes. One of the dogs joined him, growling and with a mouthful of teeth only inches from Alexi's nose. The smell of bloody meat swarmed over him.

"Why?" Kian asked.

"I don't want you drunk," Alexi lied.

"One glass isn't going to get me drunk," Kian remarked, but still he hesitated.

Alexi turned his head and Kian saw something in his face, raw emotion perhaps, but whatever it was made him stop right as he was about to take a sip. "All right...if you feel that strongly about it." Kian set the goblet down on the ground and then kissed Alexi on the bare shoulder, letting his cloak fall about them like a blanket. "I don't need any wine. All I need is you. You're shivering. Are you cold?"

Alexi just closed his eyes. "Not with you here."

Kian sat up again and carefully tugged on the jeweled butt plug. After a moment, it popped free. "Tethyr's Teeth am I that huge?" Kian asked, staring at the thing. He set it down and then started loosening his codpiece and butt tasset only to have Alexi stop him with a hand.

"That's actually the middle-sized one," Alexi said. "I never worked up to the one that matches your girth."

Kian's expression changed when Alexi said that. "M-Maybe we should stop—" he said only to get cut off by Alexi.

"Let me worship your feet, my lord," he said. "There's a pleasant surprise awaiting you if you allow me to do this."

Kian nodded and emphatically said, "Yes" and "Please." The expression on his face looked like a boy opening presents for the first time: he couldn't believe his fortune. "Gods yes. I love having my toes sucked."

"You do?" Alexi asked.

Kian grinned. "Only by people who've earned it...who've earned me."

Alexi found Kian's cockiness charming. The lad of course leaned back using his hands to support his svelte body. Kian was so tall that he threatened to fall off the mattress. Alexi moved between Kian's thighs, which Kian pulled closer into his chest. The assassin watched (mouth slightly agape) as Alexi worked at the buckles of his shiny boots. Off came one followed by the other, revealing Kian's corobidian metal sabatons. These he undid with a special tool that Kian handed him, and once loosened, Alexi slid them off one after another from his perfect (and very sweaty) feet.

Alexi went to work, allowing the aroma of Kian's fresh sweat to fill his nostrils, and lapped at Kian's pale white skin, between his long bony toes, and lavishing his high arches and many prominent veins. Alexi made it a goal to wash Kian's feet with spit. Kian curled his toes half a dozen times in pleasure, bit his lower lip, and closed his eyes only to open them again and let out a gentle moan. "Don't stop," Kian whispered. "Don't stop, don't stop..."

Next to them, the demons stood transfixed.

"Have you ever observed such a response?" Talos asked.

"No," Redcap said. "He responds like his flesh is on fire with sensation. Enslave the necromancer. I wish to direct him."

"As you wish," Talos said.

The tall demon walked over to a wall and chose one among many rusty and blood-stained manacles attached to heavy iron chains. He walked over to Alexi, chain dragging on the floor, and then knelt before him. The demon brushed Alexi's hair out of the way, and Alexi pretended not to notice this happening as he worshipped Kian's feet. Then the demon bound him about the neck. The weight of it was heavy and the chain fell to the left side.

"He is yours to command," Talos indicated.

"Stop with that licking, turn over, and present yourself to him," Redcap said, taking hold of the chain.

Alexi paused and wasn't sure if he was supposed to do anything.

"Why isn't this working?" Redcap asked. "He should be obeying me without question. Are you sure he isn't a vampire?"

Alexi swallowed hard and then looked up at Kian whose eyes had become narrow slits. "I'm ready now, my lord," he whispered, turning around so that Kian could see the change that had overcome him.

Kian sat up and started to loosen his codpiece and butt tassett. He was briefly interrupted when one of the skinless hounds hopped onto the mattress and licked Kian's face. This caused Kian to squirm, and he burst out laughing. "I just had the weirdest sensation," he said. "I felt like I was being licked by a dog."

The dog stepped off the mattress and joined the demon, licking his chops. Alexi said nothing.

"Okay, focus," Kian said under his breath. He pulled the butt tasset free and set that with the codpiece on the floor. Both dogs started to lick at them feverishly, but Kian didn't seem to notice his gear wobbling on the floor.

In Kian's right hand plopped a frighteningly large erection. It curved upward and oozed gobbets of precum from the foreskin while his low-hanging balls and vein-riddled shaft dripped with sweat. Alexi had seen it before, but somehow this time its freakish appearance looked impossible, unforgiving, even punishing.

"This just got very interesting," Talos said. " must give the collar time. I sense that this necromancer is more powerful than the others. It could be that power which frustrates our magic. "Tell him to take off the knight's chest armor. We wish to see him."

"Remove his cuirass," Redcap said, gripping the chain.

Alexi turned and with fumbling fingers he gestured to Kian to help him get the cuirass of the Timeron knight armor to come loose. After about a minute, they got it removed (fumbling fingers and all) and Kian set it to one side, almost knocking over some candles. Kian's chest (under the broad pauldrons) gleamed in the candlelight. The definition of his muscles, the "V"-line cuts, and his wormy veins made Redcap and Talos nod approvingly.

"Touch his chest here," Redcap indicated, squeezing the chain.

Alexi obliged, sensuously placing his fingers on Kian's chest above the right nipple. As Alexi drew an invisible line across Kian's sweaty flesh, Redcap produced a razor amidst his dick fingers and gave Kian a shallow cut two inches long. Red blood welled immediately from it, and Alexi stared in horror.

"Ow!" Kian exclaimed. He looked down and said, "Your nails are sharp."

Alexi shook his head, wanting to say that he didn't do it.

Redcap grinned and said, "Lap up the blood." Then he turned to Talos and remarked, "Let's see if he's a vampire."

"It's all right," Kian said, touching it gingerly. "I can be a bit of a bleeder—"

Alexi placed his mouth over the wound, suctioned down his lips, and licked. To his surprise, Kian's blood flowed scalding into his mouth. He expected it to taste a little salty, maybe even have a hint of copper to it, but he didn't expect to feel a surge of energy...of life...into his body. He lapped at it for a few seconds, and then he felt it...he felt Kian's heart beating...and it scared Alexi. Summoning all his willpower, he forced himself back; a dribble of blood fell across Kian's ripped and very white torso.

Stunned silence followed.

Kian just stared at Alexi, eyes narrow, sweat dripping from his nose.

From his expression, Alexi knew that Kian was in unfamiliar territory and perhaps frightened too. Those blue eyes didn't blink for a full ten seconds. As for Alexi, he fought every urge in his body not to claw into Kian's flesh in order to make him bleed some more. That life flowing into his stomach right now felt so good, it made his whole body tingle.

"See," Talos said. "The necromancer's not a vampire. He would have cut this Atlantean boy again and again. There's no better blood than an Atlantean prince. It's the gold standard of food, as are their bodies, especially true of the males. Atlantean steaks were very popular among the cannibals of the Barbarian Lands of Kerr. Those people knew how to properly salt a ham."

"There's so much sexual power in this one. Last of the Atlantean princes...let's see him fuck." Redcap said. He took hold of the chain, rattled it, and said, "Present your butt to him. Let him take you."

Alexi fell forward on the mattress, his elbows tucked under his chest, and arched his butt for Kian to gaze upon. That started to bring the randy assassin back from wherever he'd gone.

Alexi looked over his shoulder and saw Kian blink incomprehensibly at him, and then (as the lust once again took over) Kian kneaded the mounds of Alexi's fleshy ass with his fingers. "This is crazy," he whispered. "You've got a thin layer of skin over your arsehole. It wasn't there before."

"It's a hymen," Alexi told him. "It's what happened because I licked your feet. It can happen only once, because I'm a virgin and you're a golden. It means I'm ready for you, and that I'm giving you something pure. Something only you deserve."

Kian teased Alexi's boy hole with his tongue, which made Alexi squirm with pleasure. It felt so sensitive that even his breath brushing against it raised the hairs on his neck.

Kian spit in his hand, then carefully slid his foreskin back to reveal the whiteness of his dickhead. The huge mushroom-shaped piece of meat dripped clear fluid from a stretched out urethra. Kian pressed it to Alexi's sphincter, and Alexi closed his eyes against the intense pressure. When Kian ripped into him thirty seconds later, Alexi opened his mouth trying desperately to relieve the burn, but he failed. That's when he screamed and tears fell down his cheeks. The pain was felt like he was being sawed apart...and Kian didn't seem to care. The blond boy leaned forward on his arms (as if preparing for push-ups) and thrust his bony and ruthless hips like living punishment.

"Stop!" Alexi yelled, but Kian had no intention to do so. If anything he plunged harder and with more urgency, digging in his toes to get more leverage for his wiry body. He gripped Alexi by the hair, brushed it over one ear, and then bit Alexi on the earlobe.

"Just a little more...I'm almost inside," Kian grunted; the smell of mint, leather, and grass strong in Alexi's nostrils.

"Stop please!" Alexi begged, making claws with his hands. He tore the cover on the mattress; Kian plowed Alexi's head into the bed. "You're hurting me..."

"Push out...pretend like your takin' a bloody shite. That's it..." Kian groaned. "You wanted this. Now bloody take it!" Kian grunted and slammed the weight of his body down.

And then he felt his sphincter tear; Kian's glans slip inside him.

The demons grinned in pleasure, and Alexi felt stuffed to the point of bursting. The only thing he could compare it to was a turd of incredible thickness; it felt, hard, unyielding, and somehow crawled deeper into his guts the more he tried to shove it out with his bowel.

He had a monster inside him. The albino snake invaded, impaled, skewered, and crushed. It ripped him to pieces.

Alexi's small flabby body stood no chance against Kian's six foot one frame of muscle, sinew, and vein. This beautiful lover unleashed upon the sissy boy a horrific tide of agony that burned white hot in his mind; a flared-knuckled grip hinted at the forces Kian brought to bear on Alexi's ass. This twelve-inch horse cock would not be denied.

"Ahhhh!" Alexi sobbed. "Stop hurts!"

Kian clutched Alexi by the chin, rapture flowing across his face, and slid his hand down to Alexi's neck (now slippery with stress sweat) and squeezed him, choking off Alexi's breath. "It'll get better. Just shut up and let me work. Trust me.'re so tight..."

"Look at the blood. There's so much," Talos said approvingly.

Redcap nodded in agreement. "The Atlantean is an artiste. He paints with his brush and his canvas is flesh."

Kian thrust and pulled out, then thrust inward again; Alexi felt his guts rupture. It hurt so much as Kian pummeled him in the intestine, and he looked over his shoulder only to see that at maximum depth, Kian was probably only four inches in.

"Fuck," Alexi gasped, hallucinating some because of the hypoxia. "Kian...I can't breathe..."

It only made him squeeze harder. At one point Alexi blacked out for a few seconds. "I'm staying pretty shallow," Kian said as Alexi regained consciousness. "Is the pain getting any better?"

Alexi lied and shook his head in delirium, still cautious of their demonic audience. "Yes, I'm fine," he said through clenched teeth. "Use my body; I'm your slave."

"You sure?" Kian asked, now holding his athletic body rigid and in a plank. He had one hand on the mattress and the other spreading Alexi's ass open to try and get the hole just a little wider. Slippery gobs of pre-cum and royal jelly fell from Alexi's ravaged meat, intermixed with blood. Alexi could see clearly how much Kian had torn him. All the skin around the anus had been pulled apart; the stalk of Kian's dick looked slimed with blood.

Alexi nodded again. "Yes, I'm sure."

Kian thrust with his hips and started moving in and out fast enough that it appeared (for a minute) that Kian might lose control; Kian's mind was at complete mercy to his dick. Moaning and grunting and moaning, Kian bit his own lip and ignored the blood. One of the hounds even licked Kian's ass, and he didn't seem to notice. Kian just grunted even as the thing inserted a long smooth tongue into Kian's pale slit to get at the treasure inside.

Kian just closed his eyes with pleasure; he wallowed in oblivion. He pumped his tool back and forth inside Alexi's damaged colon, relishing in sensation after sensation. All of it, all the visceral and emotional euphoria, cascaded across his glorious face. Kian's colossal nuts swung back and forth between his thigh gap, the muscles of his legs tense and firm, his taut stomach clenched in an eight pack that gleamed in body sweat.

Kian did have a nice curve to his dick and after five minutes, the assassin managed to push his way into Alexi's rectum to about the six-inch mark where he hit the wall of the upper colon. The entire experience hurt so much, Alexi wasn't sure if he'd ever consent to anal sex again. But the veins on Kian's chest and on his face showed just how good this felt to him. After twenty minutes of relentless pistoning, Kian's breathing drew ragged, his breath short. Those dilated blue eyes revealed layers of animal need and framed it in white-blond lashes. Kian placed one hand on Alexi's shoulder and in a single, tender moment kissed Alexi gently. But the top half of Kian's gargantuan dick told a different story: it shone red with blood and even glistened ruby in the candlelight.

Kian's meat looked savage, awful, horrifying; it resembled a murder weapon.

"I'm cumming," Kian whispered, indifferent, callous, and almost choking on the words. This was a fact and not a courtesy. The vein on his forehead grew in size as did the intensity of his stare and the sweatiness of his face. Then his balls clenched. "Nnngghh," Kian groaned. "Nnngggghhh...bloody fuck," he swore. Alexi felt jets of warmth fill him from inside. It happened over and over and over. Kian never stopped thrusting the blades of those inexorable hips. "Nnnnggghh..." he panted. "Tethyr's feel so good."

A full forty-five minutes into his rape, Alexi finally felt pleasure.

By then, Alexi's outer and inner sphincter had torn open, and the damaged nerves had gone numb. This allowed him to enjoy Kian's girth, which bared down on his prostate like justice. Wave after wave overwhelmed him and Alexi too started curling his toes. He forgot how much it hurt, forgot how much he bled, and just stopped fighting. He'd let Kian fuck him until the boy's milk ran out his nostrils.

There really was no way to stop Kian.

After another five minutes, Kian (still humping away and now literally raining sweat) kept slipping off Alexi's back. Alexi glanced over his shoulder at Kian's dick, saw cum and blood falling in streamers from his ravaged asshole, and cried. Despite Kian's few physical pounds, his powerful body shook Alexi as he ground away at his abused pussy. All that fluid turned pink in the light. And he felt the surge of his own orgasm from the sensations of Kian's meat rubbing skin on skin with his aching prostate. "Slap, slap, slap, slap," filled the air. It was the sound of Kian's armored thighs striking Alexi's bare (and very soaked) skin. Finally, Alexi shot out his own ribbons of cum from his small erection. It pummeled his chin, dripped from his neck, and left him breathless.

"Kian...stop," Alexi begged. "You're going to hurt yourself...stop."

This time, perhaps thanks to blessed Milbar himself, Kian listened. The boy slowed, shaking his head, breath ragged and desperate.

Kian suffered through his own torment trying to conquer the horse cock that ruled him.

Alexi managed to unimpale himself in that brief hesitation. As six inches of Kian's dick fell out of his hole, Alexi finally felt relief. No longer did he have a blockage in his colon, no longer did he have an urgent need to evacuate his bowels.

Kian (as in in a trance) continued to thrust at the open air for about ten seconds, much like a dog in heat, spurting out three more ribbons of white cum before the tide of lust subsided enough for him to realize his cock was no longer inside a warm wet glove. With an almost delirious look, Kian shook his head, spraying sweat everywhere like a dog after a bath.

"Is it over?" Kian asked, eyes turning downward like a puppy dog's. Disappointment and realization lay heavy in his voice.

Alexi rolled over underneath Kian, and felt his whole back (from upper thigh to neck) covered in cold, sticky wetness. Alexi literally lay in a lake of Kian's cum intermixed with about two tablespoons of his own blood. And now that the tide of sexual sensation retreated, Alexi realized just how much Kian had damaged him. He had bruises on his thighs, butt, his stomach, and lower back. His whole body ached so much he could barely move without sobbing. And Alexi's asshole gaped open the size of a clenched fist, bloody ravaged meat hung out in a rosebud on the mattress. Kian had lightly disemboweled him with his prick.

Alexi looked at his poor gown, covered in blood and semen stains. The amount of cum Kian could produce astonished him; it looked like at least a pint but his eyes could be playing tricks on him.

Kian trembled and looked down at his still rock hard erection. "I'm so sorry," Kian mumbled, wiping sweat from his brow. Then he helped Alexi push his intestines back into his body, being as gentle as he could. He said, "I'm sorry," over and over again.

The dogs circled Kian and lapped at his cum and blood, but avoided his flesh. Then the demons dismissed them. Talos then unshackled Alexi and tossed the manacle on the floor. The two demons glanced at each other and then returned whence they came, descending slowly into the corridor that led to an unknown evil.

Kian fell forward on top of Alexi and kissed him tenderly, licking Alexi's neck, and then running his teeth across Alexi's skin. "I love you," Kian whispered. "Please don't be mad."

"I know," Alexi said. "I love you too." And Alexi tried with all his might to believe those words, when all he wanted to do was tear into Kian's throat and drink his blood.

The complete novel is now available for download at

Next: Chapter 46

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