The Orb of Winter

By Michael Offutt

Published on Nov 14, 2016


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Chapter Forty-Four

"Your date had better show up," Headmaster Boritsi whispered to Alexi. The headmaster carried a bag at his side that he had "gentleman callers" put money in for a discrete "donation to the school." So far, only a couple of men had paid up, but the night was early still.

The Ball of Moon's Blood officially started a half hour ago, and there were about twenty couples dancing to the orchestral tune "My heart is only for you" with lyrics sung by a local bard named Cinnamon Spice and a man slapping steady at a pair of bongos.

In his mind, Alexi braced for the worst. What if something happened to Kian? What if he changed his mind? These thoughts and doubts plagued him the later the hour grew. So he resolved himself to enjoying the event even if there was this spectre of a rape in his near future.

For example, the ballroom that hosted the annual dance did have a gorgeous ceiling. Support arches tiled in black and white extended from columns along both sides. They came together to form a star in three places above the dancers. The in-between space was painted black; here and there artisans had placed reflective crystals that shone like stars. A cold iron chandelier supporting thick tallow candles hung from each of these three points; all had been dusted and freed of cobwebs. Thus, a warm yellow light filled the hall and gleamed from the polished wood underneath the ladies dancing with their men, many of whom (on average) were twice the age of their dates. Alexi thought all of the girls, including himself, looked just stunning. The men? Not so much.

Ninety percent of them wore wigs because of problems with lice or fleas. The white makeup had been applied with a trowel, partly to cover over unseemly skin marred by the pox and partly to cover over wrinkles. Some even had beauty spots placed on their cheeks. The fact that all were brown-skinned (and the makeup white) didn't seem to matter, but it did make for an odd appearance when the ears, the hands, and the neck wasn't finished.

Still...the headmaster and the staff of the school weren't misers. They'd hired caterers from the local soup kitchen to come and provide a spread of bite-sized treats, and a brewery to supply ale for the men.

Because there's nothing better for one's memories than dancing with drunks, Alexi thought.

As if on cue, Calvin and his brother (who stood against the columns on the west side of the room) eyed Alexi. Calvin wore a blond wig with many curls. They made his face seem even rounder than it actually was, and it was so long that the bottom curls fell over a doublet stained dark under both pits from heavy sweating. When their eyes met, Calvin blew Alexi a kiss. Then he held two fingers of his left hand up to his face and licked between them, all the while gazing over at Alexi with a lascivious oily grin.

It was enough to make Alexi sick.

"Where's your friend, Paulina?" the headmaster asked, gripping Alexi on the elbow. "She's late."

He squirmed free of Headmaster Boritsi's hand and said, "She can't come. Paulina's sick."

"Well...she's not getting her diploma unless I get my money," the headmaster said under his breath, "and your shared boyfriend had better pay up or else. That's a promise not a threat, Alexi. I'll give him another fifteen minutes, and then I'm selling you to Calvin."

Truth be told, Paul not being there was all Alexi's fault.

Alexi finished the spell that Ziggy taught him: the one that would change Paul's biology forever. With it completed, all that remained was to have Kian fertilize the egg now implanted in Paul's uterus. Hopefully that would happen late tonight if Paul could just stop being sick. Once that was done, the magic would run its course. By this time tomorrow, Alexi thought he'd be able to harvest the precious milk that Kahket wanted and bring it to the headmaster for payment. Sure, a part of him wondered why Kahket was willing to pay a half million gold crowns in the first place, but Alexi didn't dwell too much on that. He suspected it was just one small cog in her plan to dominate the world and add to her already considerable power. However, since she was already practically invincible, Alexi didn't care one whit how a small vial of milk could tilt the scale. As far as he was concerned, the scale had been ruined long ago.

No, this plan had to work. Alexi had dreams of gold, of running his fingers through it, and counting it and living large maybe on the coast somewhere and being attended to by servants. Paul could live with him if he wanted.

And what of the price Kian might pay?

Ziggy warned Alexi that Kian might be affected physically in unpredictable ways. He might get sick, or he might feel tired. There could be unexplained bruising and nosebleeds and a feeling of melancholy. Alexi needed to be ready with a raft of explanations and lies to keep Kian from catching on (at least until the doll was made). But Alexi hoped there wouldn't be complications. And Ziggy promised if any did arise, they'd be only temporary.

Kian's tough as iron and strong as a fuckin' horse, Alexi thought. I'm sure his body's been through a whole lot worse. You don't develop a physique like he's got by being a fuckin' pussy, so I'm not gonna treat him like one. Poppa always said that a man never shies away from pain from the woman he loves. Kian's gonna need to man up to earn my love, and this is the first step.

As for Paul, the uterus transplant didn't precisely go as intended. The two boys paid for a relatively fresh corpse from a local morgue, and right now that body lay under a sheet on a table in their shared room in the academy ruins, and it had fresh stitches across its belly. However, there was some kind of reaction that took place immediately after Alexi finished casting the spell, and Paul spent the next hour bleeding from his anus and experiencing severe cramps. It also made Paul's testicles shrink (painfully) and his ball sack recede into his body. Upon inspection, Alexi noticed a shallow indentation had been created under Paul's penis, and in some ways it looked like the beginnings of a vagina.

Alexi felt really bad about that but still, it was exciting to see.

The shadow drake said to Alexi (at the time and through mental communication), "I guess I should have said something about the possible side effects. I honestly didn't think they could happen, young master, as your necromancy is so powerful. However, sometimes a creature facing transition undergoes irreversible biological changes that begin to move them toward being a woman, unfortunate for those who have not completely made up their mind. I suggest you don't tell Paul and just let him find out on his own. I think he's pretty set on being a woman anyway, so it should all work out."

A laugh near the door caused Alexi to reign in his thoughts.

Daphne walked up, dressed in a black silk gown with small fine crystals embroidered in the fabric. For a woman with big hips and arms, she looked pretty. Her date was a man in his mid-fifties, with white mutton chops and a long beard, leathery skin, and a black wig so large it made his head look small. He wore a blue doublet faded in spots, and he had on skin-tight knickers that did a bang up job of covering a pair of very knobby knees. On his feet, he wore long pointed velvet shoes common with nobility. His pointed chin had a few unseemly whiskers, and he had thick bushy white eyebrows and a greasy forehead. The chap smelt of mothballs.

Daphne courtseyed to Headmaster Boritsi, who handed her a red envelope. She opened it up and took out the card. "No key," she said with relief on her voice. "I guess my virginity stays in tact tonight."

Her date looked very disappointed. "Would you at least like something to drink, my lady? I think ale sounds good right about now."

"Not at all, Alan," she said. "I'll be right here, talking with Alexi."

"The name's Alejandro," he said. "I told you that."

"Well your granddaughter and her husband both called you Alan," she said with a smile. "I thought it'd make you feel more comfortable."

She stepped over to Alexi while Alan walked over to the table where kegs of beer and ale were stacked. Daphne tied a white ribbon around her wrist that she found inside the envelope to signify that she was a virgin tonight and wouldn't be deflowered. Then she tucked the item away. Alexi noted that she wore a beautiful corsage of black flowers on her left wrist, sprinkled here and there with baby's breath.

"What flowers are those?" he asked.

"Black Dahlias," she replied. "I was so upset once I realized Alejandro was taking me to the dance that I bought it for tonight."

"Black Dahlias. Those release a deadly poison if the proper spell is used."

"Precisely," Daphne said. "Can't blame a girl for wanting more in life, or for that matter, defending herself against the advances of a man so old he's got wrinkles on his wrinkles. Anyway, this corsage looks beautiful with the dress."

"Isn't your date supposed to give you a corsage?" Alexi asked.

"Look around the room. Do you think these men here thought of that? This is the school of necromancy. We've a reputation as an academy of hags who shall one day destroy all of Zanda with our magic. All that Lianon Pard nonsense. It turns out that the majority of the population isn't as cozy with undead as we are. I can't imagine why. The cost of that reputation is this...just look around you and despair."

Alexi looked at the girls dancing, sitting, standing and talking, but less than a quarter of them wore corsages. "Maybe the men are just afraid of strong, educated women."

"That too. Where's your date?" Daphne asked him.

"He's coming," Alexi said. "Kian's a bit late, and I'm sure there's an explanation."

Alejandro returned with a pint of beer, took a sip, and managed to get some foam on his long white beard. He didn't bother mopping up those suds and just said, "That's what beards are for, my dear. They're great at catching the white stuff. But girls like you only have one beard and not two, don't they?" he asked, grabbing Daphne about the waist. "Unless of course you've mowed the lawn, so to speak..."

She pushed on Alan's tummy and arched her back as he went in for a kiss, turning her head to the side to avoid the brunt of it. It was all tongue and mouth and he even licked the side of Daphne's face. "You smell like cherries. The kind I like to pop with my tongue."

"You're so...romantic...," Daphne said, trying to fight off the older man. "How about we dance some?" she asked, pulling him toward the dance floor. Beer sloshed in his cup and splattered on the wood planks beneath her shoes.

"You necromancers are all alike," Alejandro said. "You cast a spell over us men and drain us of the will to live."

"Oh come now," Daphne said, "maybe if you're good I'll let you see my ankles. But no touching." They went onto the floor to dance and Daphne winked at Alexi.

After about half a minute, Felicity appeared. She walked down the aisle toward the headmaster, who'd taken a seat behind a desk draped in a silk tablecloth. He handed the blue-haired vixen a red envelope, but there was no key inside. Just behind her walked Harold, the fat ginger boy, who had taken some pains to dress well tonight. He wore blue trousers and had at least cleaned and polished some old leather workboots. Harold didn't seem to mind that Felicity didn't get a key to the Scarlet Chamber. The young girl tied the white ribbon around her wrist, smiled at Harold, and then took to the dance floor without even saying a word to Alexi.

When Alexi tired of people watching, his eyes sought out the door to the Scarlet Chamber. Wide and tall, it stood atop three wooden steps and went into an area walled off by thick black drapes. Whoever went in there would be heard and not seen, and a tantalizing sexual overture would thence emerge. These of course were dedicated to the god Chagidiel, whose holy symbol hung upon the door to the Scarlet Chamber itself. Rumors persisted that the sound of orgasm from within were so appreciated by the god Chagidiel, that he blessed the headmaster each year with the energy of youth.

Thus far unoccupied, Alexi felt that status was about to change.

Dudley (for one) now marched to the Scarlet Chamber door, Rowena's wrist clutched in the fingers of his left hand. It looked like she didn't want to go, but he reluctantly pulled her along. Of course, she'd drawn a key (just as Alexi knew he was destined too as well). Rowena was one of the prettiest girls there tonight. She'd dyed her hair a light auburn color, and interwoven it with jeweled flowers. She'd plucked, scrubbed, and plumped her fair skin and applied makeup in just the right places. Dressed in a satin gown of pure white and adorned with a red sash that matched her red pumps, her coffee-skinned paramour never looked more skeezy than tonight. Dudley looked as if he'd just emerged from a grease fryer and from the expression on his face he knew he was going to get some. Earlier on, Rowena had sneered at Alexi and called him, "Plain drain," yet again. But even these feelings couldn't assuage the fact that he felt somewhat sorry for her.

Alexi walked over to them, stepping carefully in his four inch heels, and he overheard Dudley whisper, "Get in there or I swear I'll cut it off. I paid good money for this and you're my whore. You said you'd get it taken care of by now anyway."

"I-I was afraid," Rowena said.

"Well you can't back out. I'll just ignore that disgusting bit of flesh that you call a prick. Now get in there," Dudley said, just low enough that only Alexi heard it over the music.

"What are you staring at, Plain Drain?" Rowena said, whirling on Alexi. She gripped Dudley with her hands and the five-foot-ten soldier in brown pants, worn leather boots, and a sweat-stained shirt grabbed Rowena's ass through her dress.

"No need to tell me twice, lover," he said, black beard and mustache bristling. He pinched Rowena's nipples through her dress with his fingers and Alexi saw her squirm. "Heh. I love that expression you make." The smell of alcohol wafted over Alexi. "You're not smarter than me when I got you by the nips now are ya?"

"Stop it," Rowena said. "That hurts."

"Oh it does, does it? Don't tell your man to stop it." Dudley slapped Rowena across the face. There were a few looks but no one said anything. Then he took out a short knife. "I'm good with this knife, Roh. I think I could turn a Q' into an R' pretty quick."

"You're awful," Alexi said to Dudley.

This made the soldier thrust Rowena back into a column, then he pulled up his sagging britches. He stood there looking at Alexi in disbelief. When Alexi dropped his eyes to Dudley's crotch, he saw the tent that had formed there and precum had made a small wet spot just to the right.

A silence filled the room, even though the orchestra played on while the bard selected a different song.

Dudley licked the end of his knife, and this seemed to prompt dozens of gasps from astonished onlookers. But a good deal weren't even looking in Dudley's direction. That's when Alexi heard the unmistakable jingle of spurs. He didn't immediately register what that meant, because his eyes were so focused on the keen edge of that blade.

"I could cut you too, l'il cunt," Dudley said. He took a step forward to strike but got interrupted. A tall slender knight stepped between them. In a blur of movement, the knight disarmed Dudley, and then punched him in the chest.

This sent the big boy sprawling across the floor. Rowena stared at the face of Alexi's savior, mouth agape, and so stunned that she didn't even help Dudley to his feet.

Alexi moved his eyes to the guy in front of him: a tall Timeron knight in full plate regalia. The gorgeous cloak of midnight blue and black looked singed on the bottom.

Probably from battle, Alexi thought. And then everything became clear. This was Kian!

As if he'd heard Alexi's thoughts, Kian turned and smiled at him. He had his visor raised, so Alexi could see the entirety of his face.

His heart almost stopped, time slowed, and Alexi stared while heat rose into his cheeks. By all the gods in heaven and hell, he's so beautiful, Alexi thought. His heart ached and he wasn't sure why. He knew that he wanted to hold Kian, to touch that face, and to stare into those lovely eyes. But he also suspected that wouldn't be enough. Alexi desired with intensity. He desired intimacy with this incredible boy. He lusted for one hundred percent of Kian's attention, and it's the first time he realized how powerful his yearning was to own a own Kian utterly.

Is that even possible? How can I enslave someone with such power and not have them resent me? But am I selling myself too short? Maybe he's consumed with me too. I just need to have a peek into that testosterone-ravaged brain of his. Maybe all he thinks about is me. After all, I am a genius and a source of power...

That's when Alexi reached out with his necromancy to invade Kian's mind. He stretched out the invisible tendrils, urging them to open a channel into the boy's thoughts. Part of him felt this was wrong and called what he was doing a rape. But a larger part of Alexi's consciousness fought back. This isn't a rape, Alexi reasoned. He'd do the same if he had the power. Anyone would. It's just natural to be curious.

But to Alexi's frustration, he found the way blocked and got nothing. How's meat like you blocking my necromancy? I half expected to be awash in pubescent wet dreams by now.

An enigma, the white blond boy of his dreams gazed upon him and asked with his addictive and gravelly baritone, "Are you all right?"

Alexi just nodded, glancing to the left and right at all the girls who whispered into each other's ears. Eat your hearts out, crones, he thought. It made Alexi smile to see them blushing and fanning their sweaty, flushed skin. Two girls outright fainted. Alexi wanted to laugh at them, but he kept his silence.

Kian removed his helmet and dropped to one knee. "I'm sorry, my lady," Kian stated, lowering his gorgeous head in mock shame. "I'm late and there's no excuse."

"Who the fuck is this?" Dudley asked, getting up off the floor.

Kian stood and whorled on Dudley, and Alexi stared wide-eyed at the gorgeous blue and black cloak, the tabard, and the form-fitted armor. Kian's boots were spit polished and looked new, and his shiny gold spurs caught every flicker of flame in the room.

"Who's that?" some girls exclaimed.

"I'm not's a knight...a Timeron knight. But here? And with her?" the speaker was Rachael Sparkles. She was with Kasey, her date, and she wore a canary yellow dress. Kasey (on the other hand) wore alligator skin pants and a yellow tunic.

Dudley took a swing at Kian. He parried and swept Dudley's feet out from under him, slamming him onto the floor yet again. This time all the music stopped.

"That's enough," Kian warned, placing the sole of his boot on Dudley's neck. "I'm going to let you up, and if you know what's good for you, you'll realize this row is finished."

Rowena stared at Alexi with incredulity and anger. "You little bitch!" she screamed. "How did you get him to come to this?!"

"Thank you, Ser Kian," Alexi said, offering up his elbow.

Kian winked at him and let his foot off Dudley's throat. As gentlemanly as he could, Kian even helped him to his feet. This seemed to assuage Dudley's ego a bit.

"Sorry 'bout that. Can I buy you a drink?" Kian asked Dudley.

This changed the soldier's mood considerably, and Kian gave him a silver piece.

"No hard feelings?" Kian asked.

"I think we'll be okay," Dudley said, snatching the coin from Kian's fingers. Then he walked over to the table to grab a pint.

Kian took Alexi's offered elbow and cozied up to him. The aroma of Kian's sweat: somewhere between that of leather and wet grass filled Alexi's nostrils. "Ser Brittain actually," Kian said. His breath smelled of mint and felt warm on Alexi's neck. So tall that he could put his chin on top of Alexi's head, Kian avoided doing so and gently nuzzled Alexi behind the ear instead. "I love your perfume..." Kian whispered, pupils dilating in the aroma.

Alexi recognized that response from biology class and knew Kian was horny as hell.

Upon the utterance of his knightly name, a wild murmur spread through the crowd. "He's the one that got knighted yesterday at the Blood Bowl. No one's seen his face. We're the first ones."

"By Zandine's Accursed Eye is he smoking hot," another girl said.

Several girls checked their dresses and made excuses to their dates. Alexi read their minds, immediately being bombarded with multiple fears as they'd just wet their panties looking at Kian from across the room. Several of them worried they'd leave drops of their pussy juice on the floor.

"I've got to powder my nose," Felicity said to Harold. Her case was the worst, as a tiny wet spot was forming on the front of her dress.

"You look...nice," Alexi said, purposefully understating Kian's appearance.

"Thanks," Kian said. "You're not mad, are you?"

"Of course I'm a little upset," Alexi said. "Dates should show up on time. But I forgive you since you got those spurs. That and the cloak look very authentic."

"They're mine," Kian said. "I'm an actual knight."

"W-What?" Alexi asked. "You're kidding, right?"

Kian swallowed and shook his head. "No. I knew how much it meant to you, and I wanted to be that guy. You deserve nothing less. This is your night, and I want it to be perfect."

He's right, Alexi thought. I do deserve the best. It's about time someone realized it.

"That's so romantic," Alexi heard Gabriella whisper. Standing near them, Gabby had overheard part of the conversation. "He became a Timeron knight just for Alexi." She started to cry. Other girls joined her as the news spread.

Alexi stared into Kian's blue irises and almost lost himself in that reflection. Framed in all that skin-tight black armor, this broad-shouldered and young boy filled Alexi with carnal cravings. Kian's tousled white-blond hair hung almost in his eyes and looked windswept and messy. It was also damp from sweat collected as a result of wearing a helmet.

How can anyone look so delicious? He thought.

Kian smiled, showing a gleaming row of perfect white teeth. "Can I have a kiss? Also, I've a corsage for you." He pulled a dazzling corsage made from blue and white lilies and put it on Alexi's left wrist. It clashed with Alexi's fine red and gold gown. However, it made him somewhat unique as only one in five girls actually had them at the ball. Daphne didn't count.

"Sorry," Kian whispered, eyes dropping to Alexi's bodice, "I didn't know what color to get because I forgot to ask you what you were planning to wear tonight."

"It's okay," Alexi said. "Maybe next time you'll try a little harder. Now, you may kiss me, Ser Brittain."

Behind Kian's shoulder, Dudley pushed Rowena into the Scarlet Chamber. This time, Rowena didn't seem to protest as much as she had a moment before. However, her last look before the door shut was at Kian's back.

She probably just wants this night to end, Alexi thought. If I were her, I'd want it to end too.

"Is something wrong?" Kian asked.

"No, why?" Alexi asked, jerking his eyes back.

Kian shook his head. "Y-You just seem distracted." Kian gently pulled Alexi into him, folded his arms around his back and kissed Alexi on the lips. Kian's tongue and skin were both as soft as smooth cotton. And to say Kian was a good kisser was an injustice. In fact, Kian was a phenomenal kisser, playing breath like a teasing interlude across Alexi's flesh, darting in and out with a flick of wetness, and placing just the right pressure on Alexi's mouth with his own. Kian commanded the heat of his body to combine with the cool air of the room; his tongue became oxygen to Alexi's fire. The teenage boy filled Alexi's mouth in passion thick and tingling; the press of Kian's hard to Alexi's soft dripped moist and urgent. And when Kian broke the symphony they'd created, he stole Alexi's wind from his lungs.

Alexi's legs buckled under.

Kian caught him, arms solid as iron beams.

The magnificent sweat from the tip of Kian's nose dripped on Alexi's tongue. It tasted like dew. Alexi didn't say anything for several seconds.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kian whispered, eyes narrowing in concern. "You felt like you were falling there."

"It's the shoes," Alexi lied. "The edges of the floorboards catch the heels."

Kian looked down at Alexi's incredible open-toed, delicate high-heeled pumps and licked his lips. "They look fantastic. I've a fetish for girl's shoes."

"I promise to let you suck on them later. You can let me go now. I-I won't fall."

Kian nodded and backed away a couple of inches so that Alexi could stand on his own. "Your...kissing is adequate. It couldn't help to ask for some pointers though," Alexi said. "To someone you trust." I can't have the man getting a fat head, Alexi thought. Gotta deflate him just a little.

Kian blushed. "Sorry," he said. "Most people like my kissing."

"I'm not complaining," Alexi said. "Just saying you could use some work. No one's perfect, right? So don't think you're perfect, 'cause you're not." But yeah... Alexi thought, you're fuckin' perfect. I'm just not gonna say it.

"I won't," Kian said.

Alexi looked over at the headmaster, who glared at him and pointed a gnarled finger at the bag of money on his table. "Kian, I don't know how to ask you for this, but I need your help."

"Anything, Alexi," Kian said, eyes softening.

Milbar's beard, they even glisten on cue, Alexi thought. Why's he so fuckin' cute?

Alexi whispered into Kian's ears everything about the Scarlet Chamber, how much boyfriends were expected to pay, and even told Kian that if he didn't pay, the headmaster was going to sell him to Calvin. When he was done, Kian clenched both fists and his eyes looked angry.

"I'll pay him the money. It's all I've got, but I'll pay him. Then tonight, I'll kill him and take it all back plus anything he's got in his office. You can bet on that. He's good as dead," Kian said.

Alexi's eyes flew wide. "No, you can't. Please don't do that."

"Why? Why should I keep him alive?" Kian asked.

"Because Paul and I need him," Alexi said. He didn't want to tell Kian that the headmaster was the one that had the bounty money for the golden galactorrhea. "We've unfinished business. After that, you can kill him."

"He's pimping trannies out for gold," Kian said under his breath. "That's a hate crime in my book. He's despicable. You didn't ask for this...for any of this." Kian glared at the headmaster and whispered, "You're a bloody corpse, pal. What's left of you won't even feed the ravens."

"Kian!" Alexi said loud enough to attract looks from nearby dancers. "Sorry," Alexi apologized.

"What?" Kian asked, putting his arms around Alexi's waist. He put his head on Alexi's shoulder so that it was easier for Alexi to whisper into his left ear.

Alexi wrapped his arms around Kian's neck, and he relished the way Kian's knightly cloak felt. Despite being singed on the bottom, it crinkled like it was new. Kian kind of swayed to the music, and Alexi stepped on Kian's boots a couple of times but Kian didn't say anything.

Am I falling in love with him? Alexi asked himself. Then he shook his head to clear it, but the aroma of Kian's skin tugged on his heartstrings like a magic potion.

"Uhm...," Alexi whispered, "I-I can't let you harm the..."

"Headmaster?" Kian asked.

"Yeah...him," Alexi said. "Seriously. And I don't want you harmed. He's a powerful necromancer. You've no idea what he's capable of, and I do. Kian he's got black flame."

"So?" Kian said. "He has to hit me with it first."

"Oh you sweet boy," Alexi said, touching the side of Kian's face. The feeling of Kian's velvety white skin electrified Alexi. "You actually think you can dodge black fire. That's so naïve, and I love you for it. But necromancers are deadly, Kian. All your muscles and...stuff...doesn't mean shit to us necromancers. It's probably hard to understand, but there are some people in this world that don't solve problems with their fists and with swords. While you were catching pigskins and rolling in the mud, high-fiving your friends—and shirtless I imagine and with girls drooling over you—some of us were actually learning spells. Deadly spells."

Kian stepped back and stared at Alexi. "I've got skills too, Alexi," Kian said. "You've seen them."

"And they're very impressive, Kian. You're...extremely impressive. Anyone would say that," Alexi said. "But I'm talking dark magic, which required me to overcome a great deal of personal fears. All you had to overcome was medomalacuphobia," Alexi said.

Kian shook his head, "Meda...what? I don't know what that is. I can't even bloody pronounce it."

Alexi sighed. "It's okay. You probably don't know what a lot of words mean, but I can't take the time to define everything. Which is why you've got to trust me."

Kian opened his mouth as if to object but Alexi put a finger to Kian's lips.

"Look, I can admit you're stronger than me. That's fair, right?" Alexi asked.

Kian didn't immediately reply but he nodded. "Yes. I'm taller too."

Alexi rolled his eyes. "Yes. And taller. But I'm smarter than you. I fixed your killsuit, right? It's what you wanted."

"You did?" Kian asked, eyes wide. "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

I knew that'd get his attention, Alexi thought.

"Yes. So I'm smarter. Admit it," Alexi said.

"You're smarter," Kian said, without hesitation. "I-I didn't even know where to begin with that thing and I—"

"Good," Alexi cut him off. "Now for once just shut up and listen. It's not the time to act impulsively. Just pay the headmaster the gold. I promise you, I'll pay you back. It may even happen tomorrow," Alexi said.

"How?" Kian asked.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it," Alexi said, smoothing Kian's hair out with his fingers. "Do you have the quid?"

"Alexi, it's all the money I've got," Kian said, desperately. "I'm supposed to make it last for six months. I only get paid bi-yearly."

"Understood, but this is important. Kian, I'm giving you my virginity tonight. Paul's giving you his virginity tonight. This is gonna be the time of your life. You're going to experience something you've never felt before. And it's all up to you," Alexi said. "The pigskin's on your end of the field and you need to make the right play. What are you going to do, Kian?"

Kian's nostrils flared and those dilated pupils took in Alexi...all of him. "You're so pretty."

This made Alexi's chest swell with pride. "Thank you. So go over there and pay the man. Do it humbly, respectfully," Alexi said. "We'll talk about how to get your money back later."

"Fine," Kian said. Then he gave Alexi a kiss on the neck, parted from him, and then walked over to the table where the headmaster waited, tapping one finger on his desk. A moment later, Kian knelt before Headmaster Boritsi and then shortly afterward, Kian gave the headmaster a sum of two-thousand gold crowns as a "donation" to the fine school. In turn, the headmaster passed Kian a red envelope to give to Alexi as well as two diplomas.

"He gave this to me to give to you," Kian said, scooping up his helmet and handing Alexi the items. He put it on his head and raised the visor.

"I know, Kian, I saw him hand it to you. I was right here," Alexi said, taking the envelope. Several girls gathered around, curious to see what Alexi would remove. He took his time opening the envelope, but he could already tell from the weight that it bore a key to the Scarlet Chamber. When he dropped it into his palm, several gasps came from the crowd.

"She's so lucky," one girl said.

A few others started crying. "It's not fair. She's so plain and fat."

Even his friend Daphne took a drink from her date's ale mug.

Alexi raised his hand holding the key for everyone to see, and almost immediately the accusations started coming his way.

"You don't deserve him!" yelled one girl.

"She's cast a spell on him. Headmaster, this isn't fair. Alexi's cheating!"

And then there were the gossips who asked, "Who's this new knight? Where does he come from? How old is he? Fifteen? Sixteen?"

"What race is he? He's so pretty and he has white-blond hair and blue eyes...that's the rarest combination of all."

In fact, Alexi's head swam with all the comments and even the thoughts that seemed to intrude upon him from jealous faces on every side.

Kian closed his hand gently around Alexi's and squeezed softly. Alexi, dropped his arm with the key and then deposited it into Kian's hand. Then he stepped into Kian's chest and lovingly embraced the tall, slender, perfect man interlacing his fingers behind Kian's back.

"Take me," Alexi whispered. "Take me away from this and into there. Through that door. Ser Brittain, make love to me please. I'm ready."

Kian enthusiastically nodded and wasted no time scooping Alexi up into his arms. He carried the delicate boy up the stairs toward the door. As they went through, Alexi's ears picked up the sound of Rowena's moaning and the smell of sex assaulted his nostrils. But he didn't care, because soon he'd feel the most handsome lad alive moving around inside him. And that's all that mattered now.

The complete novel is now available for download at

Next: Chapter 45

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