The Orb of Winter

By Michael Offutt

Published on Aug 29, 2016


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Chapter Thirty-Three

Kian moved directly to the oak door that hung ajar, on the far side he heard the tapping of drums and the tuning of guitars.

They hired musicians for this? He thought.

As Kian pulled the door open to step beyond, he took one last look at the unconscious Nykoran. Tethyr's teeth did that feel good to just knock his lights out. Things could have gone south quick in there, if I hadn't stepped in. I guess I shouldn't have expected more from a nancy boy like Alexi. I want you to know, Tethyr, that I curse you for this attraction I have to effeminate blokes.

To Kian's surprise, Tethyr responded. Don't blame me for your sexual attractions and fetishes, Tethyr said in Kian's mind. It's not my fault you've got a horse cock between your legs. If anything, blame that monster. A lot of guys would kill for that blessing, especially everyone in this joint. I'd keep it hidden if I were you, lest you end up gelded and it finds its way into a medicine jar for a perverted collector.

This brought Kian to a stop, and he dropped to his knees immediately.

Oh stop it, Tethyr whispered to him. I'm just checking in on you. I wouldn't have even revealed I was watching you except you invoked my name and not to utter a prayer but to blame me for your love of sissy boys nonetheless.

Kian stood up and thought back, I meant no offense, Jackal.

I know, Tethyr said. Alexi's quite the sexy dish, and I'm going to tune-in when you fuck him and that other one...Paul. But be aware Alexi's a schemer, Kian. Kind of like you actually. And have I ever complimented you on how good you look? Specifically, I love watching you fuck. It's been over a year. I can't believe you got that hung up over Talen. He's got a lovely ass, but come on, Kian. There's other fish in the sea.

How's he doing? Kian asked.

You mean, has he cheated on you? You'll not be surprised to find out that he's taken no other lover. He thinks about you a sickeningly twenty times a day. Why the fuck do you have that power over people? You're a true thief, Kian. You steal hearts and souls and they never get them back, no matter how much of a slut you are. People will go to their graves thinking of a single night with you. How does that make you feel?

Powerful, Kian replied. It makes me feel like a god, which is how it should be.

You're an egotistical son of a bitch, Tethyr said.

Is that why you love me? Kian asked with a smug expression creeping across his face.

I suppose it is, Tethyr replied. One of these days I'm going to fuck that tight asshole of yours, Kian, and you're going to be on the bottom and beg for mercy. I'll make you say my name. Remember, sex is always about power and in my case, there's always a bigger fish.

I thought it was rape that was always about power, Kian replied. You misquoted that saying.

Well, you can't rape the willing, Tethyr said with a chuckle. I want to tell you that the condition of your killsuit is appalling. You could do better. If it gets much worse, I'll replace it. But try to make it last. Talen's is still perfect, but then again he was always more considerate. Be careful, Kian. Zanda is dangerous and know that I love you and am proud of you. Do not underestimate the Dreaded Irtemara or her husband Zandine. Events are moving quickly now, and a lot of it is beyond what you can control. The choices you make today eventually affect all within my church. Keep the faith, Black Dragon Assassin of the Silver Rose. Kill to advance the church and the faith, not to satisfy your own blood lust.

With that last message, the presence of Tethyr left his head, but Kian still felt warm and fuzzy all over.

"Thank you, Tethyr," Kian whispered and then went through the door.

Kian stepped carefully through another hanging curtain of beads into a large dressing room. A half dozen men and a half dozen women sat at mirrors lit with smokeless amber sconces. The whole place smelled of cheap perfume and sweaty bodies. Most of them were naked, primping hair and trying on wigs and other colorful clothes. He saw feather boas, cheekless leather chaps, and rubber body suits with nipple clamps. One black man stepped back from the mirror, mid-thirties and with what Kian estimated was a six-inch flaccid dick. He was easily the best-looking man in the place, but not very lean. None of the men were. The guy donned white and pink boots with leather frills hanging down, and then strapped a belt around his waist that looked made of cheap leather. The buckle was tarnished brass and held a fabric cup that cradled the balls and gave them support while allowing the cock to flop free. The aged white-haired man he'd seen earlier addressing the crowd from the entrance of the shop, stopped to compliment this "model." He even stroked his black genitals fondly.

"Flint, is this how you want me to look when I go out? You want my dick hanging out for all to see?" the black man asked.

Maladom Flint replied, "You'll be my centerpiece, Jhae. You are my most beautiful model, after all. I paid a hundred gold crowns for an hour of your time." Maladom carried a bitch stick with a lit cigarette stuffed in one end. Maladom sucked from it, causing the cherry to glow red. The smoke wafted along the ceiling like incense in a church.

Jhae turned and tucked his thumbs into his belt and an assistant brought by a tray laden with the "special tea" that all the male models sipped from to make themselves hard for the show. Jhae knocked one down so quickly, he spilled half the contents on his hairy chest.

Kian quickly figured out what was going on. The models wear only the one or two things that the shop is trying to sell and walk the runway essentially naked. No wonder the pervs out there leap at the chance to buy these things.

"These boots are cheap," Jhae said, his dick already hardening to a thick and respectable eight inches.

"They won't be looking at your boots. And yes, they're fucking cheap. But we'll make thirty gold crowns from them alone," Maladom replied. "Twice that much if they pay to approach the glass and feel them on your feet. As for the belt, I apologize for the gropings ahead of time, but you should be aware that there will be some."

"This isn't my first rodeo," Jhae said, laughing and stroking his beard. "You get what you paid for. I'm a six on the auditor's scale. Ain't nobody in this city that ranks higher."

"Nobody I can hire, certainly," Maladom Flint replied. That's when he noticed Kian. "Well hello there. I don't remember seeing this ensemble on my roster," Maladom replied, "but it does look dashing on you. Who's in there my broad-shouldered, blade thin devil?"

Kian stepped forward and grabbed Maladom by the crook of his arm and walked him backwards toward an office door ringed in purple feathers. They passed in front of a screen that blocked off the runway, through it Kian saw the room was almost full and people stood along the back walls.

"Ow, you're hurting me," Maladom complained, ash falling from the end of his cigarette. Kian rushed him along a bit faster, and it made Maladom drop his bitch stick on the ground where Kian stepped on it, putting the cigarette out.

"That's it, you're fired," Maladom Flint said. "Let go of me now!"

They walked by a barrel-chested bear greasing up his seven-inch dick with Jade Nuru. A woman lay spread eagled in front of him, giving him instructions on how he should hold himself while they fucked on stage. "I'll be holding the jar of Jade Nuru like this in my hand and the attention will be on you thrusting in and out of my pussy. Got it? We should sell at least sixty of these jars by the end of the hour."

As Kian walked by, the woman winked at him. She had frizzy brown hair and gargantuan boobs that had stretch marks on the side. The guy was balding up top.

"Hey honey," she said.

Kian gave her no response and shoved Maladom into the office, closing the door.

"What's the meaning of this?" he asked as Kian threw him into a chair. The man almost tried to get up, but thought better when he saw Kian's sheathed sword and the way in which Kian flexed his knuckles. "I have all my papers. I assume you're here to check them, right?"

"I am," Kian said. But in his other hand, he wiggled his fingers in the cant. "I need to find the thieves' guild in Zanda. You've got the symbol of Tethyr on your window. Please help me if you can. I'm not here to harm you."

Maladom Flint stared at Kian's fingers and then said out loud. "Let me get them. They're here somewhere." He also started speaking to Kian in the cant, fingers moving rapidly. "You're a thief? Why the armor? I have two men right now working the crowd, and we're going to make so much money off this show. And yes, I can put you in touch with the guild, but first you must tell me who you are."

Kian replied, "These seem to be in order, but I'd like to make sure you have your liquor license." Then in the cant he said, "My name's Hunter. I'm the Black Dragon of the Silver Rose. I have friends who will be contacting me through the thieves' guild, and I'm on a very important mission in the city. Wearing this armor affords me access to every place of interest."

At this response, Maladom Flint's eyes opened wide and he dropped onto his knees. "Please forgive me, Mr. Hunter. I'd no idea it was you."

Kian fell to his haunches and said, "Shhh. Lower your voice. That's why I was using the cant."

"No one can hear us in here," Flint said. "It's soundproofed. I had it made this way so I could conduct illicit business."

Kian took a look around, saw a variety of dildos on a desk, some synthetic pussies, and several wigs. There were all kinds of sexual devices, probably for personal use, on one wall. "I have to say, I never would have thought someone could make a living at this stuff but your business looks very successful."

"Oh it is, Mr. Hunter. We made five-hundred thousand just last year. The sex and fashion trade is very robust here in Zanda. We promise to fulfill, and there are lots of different appetites. If the rumors are true about you...we've heard you rate as a `10' on the auditor modeling even a single thing for us could probably net half that amount."

Kian chuckled and shook his head. "No thanks. I like money as much as the next man, but my body's sacred to me and to the lovers I bless with it."

Maladom Flint sighed in disappointment. "May I at least see your face?"

Kian shook his head no. "Let's just focus on answering my questions, all right? And Maladom, I'll owe you a favor for this. Nothing sexual...I'm taking that off the table. But if you need someone reminded of why they don't want to cross you, get word to me through the guild network and I'll take care of it. I've gotten very efficient at killing."

This statement made sweat break out on Maladom Flint's brow. He said, "What do you want to know?"

"First, where's the guild located, and are there any passwords I might need to get inside? I need to talk to the Daymaster and the Nightmaster...perhaps both. A cleric of Tethyr might not hurt as well, as I have sins to confess."

"The guild is located in Sooty Shingle. There's a pub called the Spendthrift Mistress, and it has a sign with a buxom broad filling two pints of ale with her tits. It's grimy and smells of pig shit, but the cellars of the place go into the guild. It's a sprawling complex that takes up several buildings connected by catwalks and sewers alike, but on the bottom any storefront that faces the street is a fence for the guild. They won't say they're agents of the guild either, cause the only way in is through the Mistress. That way the Daymaster and Nightmaster both can keep an eye on comers and goers. The password to get you in changes every day. Down in Fish Town, there's a boy named Renfro that sits with his mangy dog selling fresh clams. If you identify yourself to him he'll give you the password. Everyone's heard of you Mr. Hunter, and most are in awe. But Renfro worships the ground you walk on and then some."

"That's nice to know," Kian said, voice soft. He had no idea people in his church had heard of him or much less thought of him as a hero. Now all the events of the last year seemed worth it. "Do you know where they took a Valion knight prisoner? He would have been caught a little more than a day ago."

"Actually, I do," Maladom Flint said. "That's a dangerous prisoner, Mr. Hunter. Skellhaundar Romax has him holed up in the Keep of Anghul in the dungeons, and no one but knights are allowed to walk there. Anyone that tries is instantly reported to Ser Romax through a magical alarm spell. I doubt even you could get in to see him, but you'll need spurs. Not stolen ones either. The spell can tell the difference. Kahket, who's in the audience right now out there, brought Master Horigum next door a box. You won't believe it, but in that box is a face Mr. Hunter. One carved from a political prisoner—a Valion priest. Horigum plans to sew it to the face of a slave with flesh crafting magic. All this to fool Skellhaundar's prisoner into believing that his master still lives so that they can get whatever they want out of him."

"She killed White Wolf Beryl Loftcrag," Kian stated, voice aghast at the news.

"Not killed him, milord. He lives still, but what kind of life exists one can only imagine. Kahket has a new toy. He's a powerful demon—an Anatomica of Chagidiel. He's shown up here once or twice and commissioned dildos to be molded from the largest penises we can find in Zanda. That's where Jhae comes in. He's been our model for the `punisher.' It's black and eight inches just like him. It's been very popular with the elite, but this demon who calls himself Dr. Vampyr desires one bigger. He says they're useful for his experiments, but it's just as important to him that they come from a real person."

"I know what you're thinking so don't even ask," Kian warned. "Yes, what you heard is true but I'm not allowing a cast to be made of my dick."

"You're too clever for me, ser," Maladom said. "Oh the lucky ones that have actually seen it. I wonder if they know they stare upon one of the seven wonders of the natural world."

"I assure you they do," Kian said smugly. "Next question: have you seen a group of travelers in town. I'm looking for an elven druid, a hare-foot rabbit, a dwarf, a samurai with a big club called a kanabo, and a redhead all hanging out together with some humans."

"A hare-foot would stick out. I haven't seen anything like what you've described except there was talk that the Rose of Tethyr was in bloom. That thing in the thieves' guild hasn't bloomed in years, and they say its petals are silver like the metal. That you're in town at the same time tells me that this isn't a coincidence."

That has to be Henna, Kian thought. "Thank you Maladom Flint." Kian clasped Maladom by the arm and helped him to his feet. Then he checked the door, opened it some, and took note that the show had just started with the "Jade Nuru" demonstration in full swing. The sounds of flesh slapping flesh and "oohs" and "ahhs" from the crowd bounced from every corner of the tailor's shop. Kian decided to use his sidestep skill and teleported into a dark corner of the street outside. Then he left the shadows and went straight for the carriage where Alexi and Paul waited for him up the road about half a block. On his way there, he passed by a couple talking over the Bowl of Blood held tomorrow in the Arena of the Flayed Man. The contest started at sunrise.

I'm going to enter that competition, Kian thought, and I'm going to become a Timeron knight. Please forgive me Tethyr, but I need access to all the places knights can go in this city. Know that I hate the Queen of Demons with all my heart, but this is something I must do. And may your blessing follow me in this endeavor.

Kian got into the carriage and immediately sat next to Alexi. He lifted his visor, grabbed Alexi by the scruff of his neck and moved in to kiss him with savage ferocity. Startled, Alexi's body melted into Kian's arms as Kian lavished Alexi's mouth with the smoothness of his wet tongue, and in turn he let Alexi lick the sweat from his face, in awkward almost puppy caresses. He felt the delicate boy's body harden in his dress, and Alexi gasped and turned his head to the side so that Kian could leave him a love bite below the ear. The smell of Alexi's perfume wafted to Kian's nostrils; it made his armor very uncomfortable.

"I do have strong feelings for you," Kian whispered. "I'm doing this now to prove it."

"Oh thank god," Alexi gasped.

"But...I'm going to leave you for a while, and it's strictly for business. When's your ball?" Kian asked.

"Two days from now. It starts at six o'clock in the evening," Alexi said.

"I'll be there. I want you to stretch out your arsehole by then." Kian dug through Paul's bag and selected the right plugs. "This one for six hours, then the next, and the next for twelve hours after that. Only take it out to use the bathroom. Then it goes right back in. Use lots of Jade Nuru inserting it. Get Paul to help you if it's difficult. Alexi, I'm going to fuck you in that Scarlet Chamber. If you're not ready, I'll rip your arsehole. Do you understand what that means?"

Alexi nodded. "You'll fuck me bloody and my guts may fall out of my shredded anus."

"That's right," Kian said. "And I will. I'm not taking no for an answer, not that you two pussy boys could say `no' to me about anything."

Alexi and Paul grinned and so did Kian. He even ruffled Alexi's long hair before gripping it tight in his gauntlet. With a tug Kian pulled on it hard enough that Alexi's head tilted back and he opened his mouth in pain. Kian savagely kissed Alexi's mouth with their heads at cross angles. When done, Kian's lips were red with lipstick.

"I'm also going to tit-fuck your friend, but I won't fuck his arsehole unless you say it's okay to do that. We're boyfriends now, so my dick's yours until I say it isn't. That means your cunt's mine until I say it ain't too. You got that?"

Alexi nodded. " hair."

"My hair what?" Kian asked.

"Please let my hair go, sir," Alexi begged. Kian obliged and then hugged Alexi tenderly. "What shall I do while you're gone, sir?" Alexi asked, voice submissive.

Kian paused and then looked at Alexi with a devilish smile. "Call me either sir or master whenever you address me, but only in private company like this. That goes for you too, Paul. Alexi, you're my dick slave. Paul, my balls belong to you which means you clean them whenever I say with your tongue. Do you accept these new roles?"

Alexi breathed and nodded. "I do, master."

Paul just said, "Absolutely."

"Good. While I'm gone, fix my killsuit as best you can. And clean my boots. Lick them clean as a matter of fact and don't tell me you won't whack off just thinking about that, but there'd better not be a drop of jizz anywhere. You don't get to spill any seed while I'm not around."

"Yes, sir," Alexi said.

Kian grinned because he was loving this. He kissed Alexi one more time, and he did so gently to hint in his body language that if Alexi really didn't want to lick his boots clean he didn't have to. But Kian was secretly hoping that Alexi wanted to, because the act would validate for Kian that he was "the shite." Then Kian gave Paul a kiss too that lasted about a minute.

"I'll see both of you in two days." He left both boys exactly as he intended: panting and sweaty.

Kian closed the carriage door, and started jogging down the street in search of the boy named Renfro in Fish Town.

The complete novel is now available to read at under the label "The Orb of Winter" if you care to read ahead.

Are there any artists out there willing to draw some pics for my story? If so, please email me. There is an "Orb of Winter" map now in both the NEWS section of my website and in the FORUMS of my website.

If you go to my website directly from this posting, you will want to begin with "CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR."

Next: Chapter 34

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